Prev Med 1 Modified
Prev Med 1 Modified
Prev Med 1 Modified
Course Outline:
First Sem
1. Orientation /Introduction to Family Medicine & Community Health; The Five Star Physician
2. Theory of Disease Causation
3. Natural history of disease & Level of Prevention
4. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a.) Water Supply & treatment
5. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH b.) Ecological Solid Waste Management
6. Air Pollution & Global Warming
7. Ionizing Radiation
8. Occupational Health
9. Food Hygiene & Food-borne illness
10. Red Tide (Food poisoning) & Milk-borne illness
11. Excreta Disposal
12. Communication
13. Vital Health Statistics & Adjusted Rates
14. Demography part 1
15. Demography part 2
Second sem
1. List the names and roles of the different public health disciplines under the community medicine umbrella .
2. Name nutrient categories according to their physiologic roles, and outline the ecology of malnutrition with differentiation & characterization of the various types and classes of nutritional
3. Identify nutrition-risk groups by application of proper criteria and suggest ideas for the prevention and control of nutrition-related diseases.
4. List the scientific reasons that justify the launching of public campaigns that target at the promotion of breast feeding practice for infants
5. Define primary health care strategy and its contents.
6. List steps of planning health education talk to individual persons and to groups.
7. Describe the special features of environmental and occupational epidemiology.
8. Describe diseases that are related to water , food and air pollution and their control.
9. Specify the uses of epidemiology .
10. Differentiate between various epidemiological methods.
11. Define epidemic and endemic occurrence of diseases.
12. Enumerate steps in the investigation and control of disease .
13.List levels of prevention and differentiate between population strategy and high risk strategy used in disease prevention
14.Describe criteria used in disease screening
15.Describe experimental study design focusing on randomized trials.
By the end of this course, students are expected to:
1. Arrive at community diagnosis of pattern of health and morbidity & utilization of available health care services.
2. Carry out tasks expected of a physician in crass-root community and family settings.
3. Document 10-15 case histories of community and clinical cases or problems of interest.
4. Implement health education plans to improve health of people based on community diagnosis.
5. Select relevant research method in addressing a particular research aim or objective. 6. Analyse data using relevant statistical test and utilizing computer software programs like SPSS, Epiinfo,
7. Assess environmental hazards and problems in family settings.
8. Prescribe appropriate line of management in a antenatal health care setting.
14 Communication Preparation of
Mrs. Hipolito Teaching & IEC
15 Exercise Dr. Borja
Vital Health Statistics & Med 1-A, B & C(Fil.
Adjusted Rates Dr. Borja Students & Med 1
17 Demography Exercise
Wee Topic Learning Competencies Activities and Strategies Assessment Tools and Resources/References
k Requirement
Wee Orientation Incorporation of Open discussion on Group discussion Reference book
k1 /Introduction to Family prevention and expectation of the on the
Medicine & Community Hard copy of
health promotion class importance of
Health the syllabus,
into all areas of the subject
The Five Star Physician Focus group ouline,
patient care.
discussion Role play objectives of
Incorporation of the subject
Suggestions on how to Reflection
proceed the lesson
opportunities to Written and verbal
prepare residents for (Recitation)
their future lives as assessment
family physicians.
Provision of inpatient
care that meets or
exceeds the
standards of our
healthcare system
Provide better
service to our
community by being
a model safety net
provider. This
includes showing
respect for people of
all cultures and
Wee Theory of Disease Causation Development of Class Discussion and Creative Powerpoint
k2 understanding in participation questions presentation
Recitation (Case Analysis) Reference
Demonic theory
Distinguish between Textbooks
Videos/Documentarie Multiple choice
Punitive theory deterministic and
s questions with Related
probabilistic causes
Humoral theory Rationale Magazines ,
and between
articles ad
Miasmatic theory ontological published
definitions of works
Contagion theory
causation and causal
MODERN VIEWS models used in
scientific inference
Germ Theory
Epidemiological Tetrad
BEINGS theory
Wheel theory
Wee Natural history of Track the course of Class Discussion and Pre-test Powerpoint
k3 disease & Level of the disease from participation presentation
Prevention Group
inception to the
Recitation Competition Reference
point that the patient
is chronically Videos/Documentarie Post test
disabled to beyond s Related
Magazines ,
Studies the hallmarks Reaction
articles ad
of the disease and Paper/Reflection
how they progress
over time, while
unfolding patterns Google
that might otherwise videos/youtube
go unnoticed videos
Describe all aspects
of the disease and
impact, and other
variables that
correlate with the
disease and
Wee Air Pollution & Global Warming Identify Earth’s Video Identify/Label Powerpoint
k6 natural resources Drawing/picture presentation
and their importance s
to human Class
Narrative essay Textbooks
knowledge of waste Recitation Magazines ,
articles ad
disposal and
Relating the geology
of trace elements to
human health:
controls correlations
between soil
chemistry, soil
distribution, and
cancers. further
complicating factors:
cause and effect or
coincidence. trace
element interactions.
impacts of human
Understand radiation
protection and safety
is the maintenance
of an adequate
number of
competent personnel
(health professionals,
Explain wastewater
and excreta
management as a
problem in
developing countries
especially in the East
African Community.
Demonstrate the
ability to carry out
sampling and
analysis of
wastewater and
Recognize problems
related to excreta
Enhanced patient
participation in their
own self-care
through effective and
communication to
make easier for
patients to feel more
involved in decision
making and self-care
Wee Vital Health Statistics & Describe the process Recitation Creative Powerpoint
k 13 Adjusted Rates Part 1 used to complete a questions presentation
death certificate Video
Describe the Documentaries (Case Analysis) Reference
International Textbooks
Classification of Class Multiple choice
Diseases (ICD) for questions with Related
coding cause of Rationale Magazines ,
death articles ad
Compare underlying published
cause-of-death and works
multiple cause-of-
death classifications Videos
and describe when
appropriate to use
Wee Vital Health Statistics & Describe the process Recitation Identify/Label Powerpoint
k 14 Adjusted Rates Part 2 used to complete a Drawing/picture presentation
death certificate Video
Describe the Reference
International Narrative essay Textbooks
Classification of Class
Creative Related
Diseases (ICD) for
coding cause of Discussion questions Magazines ,
death articles ad
(Case Analysis)
Compare underlying published
cause-of-death and works
multiple cause-of- Videos
death classifications
and describe when
appropriate to use
Second Semester
Wee 1. Public Health: Define Key public Recitation Creative Powerpoint
k1 Early Concept; health terms questions presentation
Understand Video
Historical (Case Analysis) Reference
developments from Textbooks
Multiple choice
four public health Class
questions with Related
Define Determinants Discussion Rationale Magazines ,
articles ad
of health and their Narrative Essay
effects on population
Wee Alma Ata Declaration (Health Understand PHC as a Recitation Creative Reference
k6 for all & PHC) process rather than a Video questions Textbooks
blueprint, to Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
understand the Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
process must Discussion questions with articles ad
consider context, Rationale published
culture, politics, Narrative essay works
economics and social Videos
concerns, and to
recognize the
process is complex.
Broadened the
perception of health
beyond doctors and
hospitals to social
determinants and
social justice
Wee Concept of Health “The Understand the role Recitation Creative Reference
k7 New Public Health” of health educators Video questions Textbooks
and their importance Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
Determine key Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
health behavior Discussion questions with articles ad
change theories and Rationale published
models Narrative essay works
Discuss examples of Videos
health education
Wee Fundamentals of Discuss Recitation Creative Reference
k8 management in health comprehensive Video questions Textbooks
listing of the Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
competencies Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
managers and Discussion questions with articles ad
leaders require in Rationale published
order to meet the Narrative essay works
challenges of Videos
managing healthcare
Developed a
leadership model
that can be used to
adapt and thrive in
uncertain times by
creating direction,
alignment, and
Used competency
models in healthcare
Wee Planning Plan Health Recitation Creative Reference
k9 Education/Promotion Video questions Textbooks
Illustrating the skills Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
necessary to perform Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
the daily tasks as a Discussion questions with articles ad
health education Rationale published
involving planning Narrative essay works
Wee 12. MNCHN & Baby Defines the standard Recitation Creative Reference
k 12 Friendly Hospital package of services Video questions Textbooks
that should be Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
delivered for each Class Discussion Multiple choice Magazines ,
life event as well as questions with articles ad
the standards for Rationale published
each type of facility Narrative essay works
such as appropriate Videos
infrastructure and
adequate and
capable staff,
adequate logistics
and supplies,
available source of
safe blood supply as
well as available
transportation and
Wee Immunization(NIP) Knowledge of the Recitation Creative Reference
k 13 scientific basis of Video questions Textbooks
immunization to Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
essential Class Discussion Multiple choice Magazines ,
immunization questions with articles ad
practices and Rationale published
contextual issues Narrative essay works
relevant to Videos
Know the essential
topics for effective
immunization that
are universal to a
wide range of health
Describe the key
clinical features,
including acute and
complications, of
each vaccine-
preventable disease.
Describe the key
features of each
Describe the
historical impact of
immunization on the
epidemiology of
disease for each of
the vaccines
administered in the
practice setting,
formulate a response
to the question "Why
should I be
immunized when
diseases are so rare
in Canada?"
Explain why accurate
diagnosis of vaccine-
preventable diseases
is important.
Wee Control of Acute Respiratory Describe the goal to Recitation Creative Reference
k 14 Infection (CARI) help decrease the Video questions Textbooks
risk of transmission Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
of infection in health Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
care. Discussion questions with articles ad
Enhance Rationale published
understanding of CDI Narrative essay works
surveillance and Videos
management and
apply knowledge to
complex CDI
situations in daily
practice. This
includes applying the
case definition,
correctly classifying
cases, identifying
follow up actions and
reporting cases
according to
Wee STD/STI (Syndromic Approach Understand Recitation Creative Reference
k 15 to Management syndromic case Video questions Textbooks
management and its Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
advantages over the Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
classic approaches to Discussion questions with articles ad
the management of Rationale published
sexually transmitted Narrative essay works
infections Videos
abnormalities and
disease processes
and also for provision
of sex education
Wee Public Health Nutrition Understand the basic Recitation Creative Reference
k 16 concepts of the study Video questions Textbooks
of nutrition, Documentaries (Case Analysis) Related
including structure Class Multiple choice Magazines ,
and classification of Discussion questions with articles ad
nutrients, and Rationale published
distribution in food Narrative essay works
Interpret and utilize Videos
the food guide
pyramid, exchange
system and DRI
models for diet
Demonstrate an
understanding of
absorption, and
metabolism of the
along with an
understanding of
over- and under-
Able to apply
knowledge of the
role of environment,
food and lifestyle
choices to develop
interventions to
affect change and
enhance wellness in
diverse individuals
and groups
measures to prevent
and/or treat chronic
diseases like obesity,
disease, diabetes,
cancer and
Apply basic nutrition
knowledge by
evaluating one’s
diet ,including
interpreting and
recommendations to
improve personal
eating habits