To The Living, We Owe Respect, But To The Dead, We Owe Only The Truth
To The Living, We Owe Respect, But To The Dead, We Owe Only The Truth
To The Living, We Owe Respect, But To The Dead, We Owe Only The Truth
➢ Complete evaluation of the medical FOUR SIGNS OF DEATH
history and events leading to death ➢ RIGOR MORTIS
➢ Collection and documentation of trace ✓ temporary stiffening of
evidence on and around the body muscles after death
➢ Photographing and cataloging of injuries ✓ muscle proteins (actin and
➢ Detailed external examination from head to toe myosin) lock together
➢ An internal examination, including the dissection of organs and making the muscle stiff
tissues ✓ starts within 30 minutes to 1 hour full rigor mortis 10
➢ Microscopic examination of organs and tissues to 12 hours continues 24 to 36 hours until decomposition
➢ Laboratory and toxicologic examinations of body tissues and starts to loosen the muscles
➢ A written report detailing the pertinent findings, negative findings ✓ cooling of body temperature after death
and conclusions, including the cause and manner of death ➢ LIVOR MORTIS
✓ Gravity-dependent settling in the blood into the blood
GENERAL PRECAUTIONS vessels and soft tissues after death
➢ An internal examination, including the dissection of organs and ✓ When blood is no longer pumped by the heart, it follows
tissues the force of the gravity and pools in the dependent areas
➢ Microscopic examination of organs and tissues of the body
➢ Laboratory and toxicologic examinations of body tissues and
➢ A written report detailing the pertinent findings, negative findings
and conclusions, including the cause and manner of death
Adhesions Hemopericardium
Palpation and Examination of the Heart in Situ
Measurement of
abdominal panniculus
Paragraph 1. Brief clinical history up to the time of the patient's last
admission (includes the reason that the patient was admitted).