Chapter 2 - Culture
Chapter 2 - Culture
Chapter 2 - Culture
Culture is universal; all human groups create a design for living that includes both material and
nonmaterial culture. Material culture consists of such things as jewelry, art, buildings and weapons.
Nonmaterial culture consists of a groups’ way of thinking and doing and patterns of behavior, including
language, gestures, and other forms of interaction.
Ideal culture, a group’s ideal norms and values, exists alongside its real culture, the actual behavior that
often falls short of the cultural ideals.
All people perceive and evaluate the world through the lens of their own culture. People are naturally
ethnocentric; that is, they use their own culture as a standard against which to judge other cultures. In
comparison, cultural relativism tries to understand other peoples within the framework of their own
The central component of nonmaterial culture is symbols—anything to which people attaches meaning
and use to communicate with one another. Included in nonmaterial culture are gestures, language,
values, norms, sanctions, folkways, and mores. Language allows culture to exist. Language allows humans
experiences to be cumulative, provides a social or shared past and future, allows shared perspectives, and
allows complex, shared, goal-directed behavior.
According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, language determines our consciousness and therefore our
perception of objects and events.
All groups have values and norms and use positive and negative sanctions to show approval or
disapproval of those who do or don’t follow the norms.
Norms that aren’t strictly enforced are known as folkways while those norms that are strongly ingrained
are known as taboos.
A subculture is a group whose values and behaviors set it apart from the general culture; a counterculture
holds values that stand in opposition to the dominant culture.
Although the United States is a pluralistic society made up of many groups, each with its own set of
values, certain core values dominate. Sociologist Robin Williams has identified twelve core values. Some
values cluster together to form a larger whole. Core values that contradict one another indicate areas of
social tension and are likely points of social change.
A value cluster of four interrelated core values is emerging along with a fifth value, concern for the
Cultural universals are values, norms or other cultural traits that are found in all cultures.
Cultural lag refers to a condition in which a group’s nonmaterial culture lags behind its changing
technology. Today the technology in travel and communication makes cultural diffusion occur more
rapidly around the globe than in the past, resulting in some degree of cultural leveling, a process by which
cultures become similar to one another.
With increased globalization, cultural diffusion is occurring rapidly. Groups from different cultures are
learning from one another and adopting aspects of material and nonmaterial culture that they are finding
desirable in the other group or culture.
I. What Is Culture?
A. Culture is defined as the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects passed from one
generation to the next.
Material culture is things such as jewelry, art, buildings, weapons, machines, clothing, hairstyles, etc.
Nonmaterial culture is a group’s ways of thinking and behaving such as beliefs, values, assumptions,
language, gestures, and other forms of interaction.
C. Cultural relativism consists of trying to appreciate other groups’ ways of life in the context in which they exist,
without judging them as superior or inferior to our own.
Because we tend to use our own culture as the standard, cultural relativism presents a challenge to
ordinary thinking.
At the same time, this view helps us appreciate other ways of life.
Robert Edgerton suggests developing a scale for evaluating cultures on their “quality of life.” He argues
that those cultural practices that result in exploitation should be judged as morally inferior to those that
enhance people’s lives.
B. Gestures, or using one’s body to communicate with others, are shorthand means of communication.
People in every culture use gestures, although the gestures and the meanings differ; confusion or offense
can result because of misunderstandings over the meaning of a gesture or misuse of a gesture.
There is disagreement over whether there are any universal gestures. They tend to vary considerably
around the world.
C. Language consists of a system of symbols that can be put together in an infinite number of ways to
communicate abstract thought. Each word is a symbol to which a culture attaches a particular meaning. It is
important because it is the primary means of communication between people.
It allows human experiences to be cumulative; each generation builds on the body of significant
experiences that is passed on to it by the previous generation, thus freeing people to move beyond
immediate experiences.
It allows for a social or shared past. We are able to discuss past events with others, or understandings
It allows for a social or shared future. Language allows us to plan future activities with one another.
It allows the exchange of perspectives (i.e., ideas about events and experiences).
It allows people to engage in complex, shared, goal-directed behavior.
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that our thinking and perception not only are expressed by language
but actually are shaped by language because we are taught not only words but also a particular way of
thinking and perceiving.
Rather than objects and events forcing themselves onto our consciousness, our very language determines
our consciousness.
A. Subcultures are groups whose values and related behaviors are so distinct that they set their members off from
the dominant culture.
Each subculture is a world within the larger world of the dominant culture, and has a distinctive way of
looking at life, but remains compatible with the dominant culture.
U.S. society contains tens of thousands of subcultures. Some are quite broad (teenagers), while others are
narrow (body builders). Some ethnic groups form subcultures, as do certain occupational groups.
B. Countercultures are groups whose values set their members in opposition to the dominant culture.
While usually associated with negative behavior, some countercultures are not.
Countercultures are often perceived as a threat by the dominant culture because they challenge the
culture’s values. For example, the Mormons in the 1800’s challenged the dominant culture’s core value of
A. Identifying core values in U.S. society is difficult because it is a pluralistic society with many different religious,
racial, ethnic, and special interest groups.
Sociologist Robin Williams identified twelve core values: achievement and success (especially, doing
better than others); individualism (success due to individual effort); activity and work; efficiency and
practicality; science and technology (using science to control nature); progress; material comfort;
humanitarianism (helpfulness, personal kindness, philanthropy); freedom; democracy; equality (especially
of opportunity); and racism and group superiority.
Henslin updated Williams’s list by adding education; religiosity (belief in a Supreme Being and following
some set of matching precepts); and romantic love.
B. Value clusters are made up of related core values that come together to form a larger whole. In the value cluster
surrounding success, for example, we find hard work, education, efficiency, material comfort, and individualism all
bound together.
C. Some values conflict with each other. There cannot be full expressions of democracy, equality, racism, and
sexism at the same time. These are value contradictions, and as society changes some values are challenged and
undergo modification.
D. A cluster that is emerging in response to fundamental changes in U.S. society is made up of the values of leisure,
self-fulfillment, physical fitness, and youthfulness. Another emerging value is concern for the environment.
Valuing leisure is reflected in the huge recreation industry that exists today.
Self-fulfillment is expressed through the human potential movement and on the popularity of self-help
books and talk shows.
Although physical fitness is not a new value, it is emphasized more today, as evidenced by the interest in
health foods, weight and diet, and the growth in the number of health club/physical fitness centers.
Our history suggests a lack of concern for the environment; it was generally viewed as a challenge to be
overcome. However, there is today a genuine concern for protecting the environment.
F. Ideal culture refers to the ideal values and norms of a people. What people actually do usually falls short of this
ideal, and sociologists refer to the norms and values that people actually follow as real culture.
V. Cultural Universals
A. Although there are universal human activities, there is no universally accepted way of doing any of them.
1. Anthropologist George Murdock concluded that all human groups have certain cultural universals: customs
about courtship, cooking, marriage, funerals, games, laws, music, myths, incest taboos, and toilet training are
present in all cultures. However, the way in which these customs are expressed differ from one group to another.
B. Sociobiologists argue that, as a result of natural selection, the basic cause of human behavior is biology.
1. Just as physical characteristics and instinctual behavior of animals is the result of natural selection (i.e., those
genetic traits that aid in survival tends to become common to a species while those that do not tend to disappear),
so is human behavior.
2. Edward Wilson has argued that religion, competition and cooperation, slavery and genocide, war and peace,
envy and altruism can all be explained in terms of genetic programming. 3. Most sociologists reject this claim.
Unlike other species, humans are capable of reasoning and abstract thought; they can consider alternatives, reflect
on outcomes, and make choices.
A. Central to a group’s material culture is its technology. In its simplest sense, technology can be equated with
tools. In its broadest sense, technology also includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those
1. The emerging technologies of an era that make a major impact on human life are referred to as new
technologies. The printing press and the computer are both examples of new technologies.
2. The sociological significance of technology is that it sets the framework for the nonmaterial culture, influencing
the way people think and how they relate to one another.
B. Not all parts of culture change at the same pace; cultural lag was William Ogburn’s term for situations where the
material culture changes first and the nonmaterial culture lags behind.
C. Although for most of human history cultures had little contact with one another, there has always been some
contact with other groups, resulting in groups learning from one another.
1. This transmission of cultural characteristics is cultural diffusion; it is more likely to produce changes in material
culture than the nonmaterial culture.
2. Cultural diffusion occurs more rapidly today, given the technology.
3. Travel and communication unite the world to such an extent that there almost is no “other side of the world.”
For example, Japan, no longer a purely Eastern culture, has adapted Western economic production, forms of dress,
music, and so on. This leads to cultural leveling where cultures become similar to one another.
2) Understanding a culture in its own terms, and from the perspective of those who practice that culture, is
referred to as ________.
Answer: cultural relativism
6) What is language?
Answer: a set of symbols that can be combined in an infinite number of ways to communicate abstract thought
10) Based on the research of JoEllen Shively, why do Native Americans identify with the cowboys in Western
movies and not their own people?
Answer: Movie cowboys represent the fantasy of being free and independent, a quality embraced by Native
11) A set of values that are usually linked together to describe a larger whole, such as hard work, education,
and efficiency, are classified as being a ________.
Answer: value cluster
12) What are the five interrelated core values now emerging in the United States?
Answer: a) leisure; b) self-fulfillment; c) physical fitness; d) youthfulness; e) concern for the environment
15) Values, norms, and other cultural traits found in all societies are called ________.
Answer: cultural universals
19) The main difference between traditional technology and what is classified as new technology is ________.
Answer: the degree of impact that each has on social life
2) What is ethnocentrism? Discuss how ethnocentrism can have both positive and negative consequences for
group life. Provide examples to illustrate your discussion of the positive and negative consequences of
Answer: Ethnocentrism is the tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging
others. Positive effects include the tendency to build group loyalty, social solidarity, and patriotism, and to
deal with threatening situations effectively. Negative consequences are based primarily on the tendency
to allow ethnocentrism to overshadow our relationships with others who are different, creating prejudice
and discrimination. A positive impact of ethnocentrism was America's ability to improve in math and
science during the Cold War. A negative example would be the mass murder of Muslims by the Serbs in
3) What is cultural relativism? Why do some people find it difficult to practice cultural relativism?
Answer: Cultural relativism is the attempt to understand an unfamiliar culture on its own terms. Cultural relativism
is difficult to practice because one's own culture appears to be both natural and right, since it was
acquired as a child and practiced throughout life. When one encounters a new and different culture, the
practices, tools, values, and behavior may be radically different, resulting in confusion and disorientation.
This further adds to the inability to accept or objectively evaluate a different culture.
6) Folkways, mores, and taboos are types of norms. Describe the differences between them and give an
example of each.
Answer: Folkways are norms that are shared and encouraged, but not strictly enforced. Mores are norms that are
taken seriously because they are seen as essential to our core values, so we insist that people conform to
them. Taboos are norms that are so strongly ingrained that even the thought of not conforming produces
a negative emotional reaction, and infractions can lead to serious sanction, imprisonment, or death.
7) Explain how value contradiction can be a major force for social change. Provide an example of how a value
contradiction resulted in social change.
Answer: As societies change, some values become challenged and are subject to modifications. These changes
might be gradual or they might occur very rapidly. In any case, as the contradiction between values
becomes evident, either one or both sets of values need to be adjusted to reconcile the contradiction. For
example, the contradiction between the value of equality and the value of group superiority eventually led
to the civil rights movement and federal legislation to reverse Jim Crow laws. The value contradiction that
gays and lesbians are pointing out regarding the definition of marriage is causing legislatures across the
United States and around the world to reconsider what constitutes a "marriage" as well as a "family."
Answer: A culture war is a situation in which two groups in the same society have very different views on
interpreting the world based on their beliefs, values, and mores. The views are so radically different that
they may result in violence, even homicide. The difference between cultural conflict and a culture war is
the degree of resistance. Examples of culture wars include the pro-choice/pro-life debate, the traditional
man-woman/same-sex marriage debate, and the multiple wife/monogamy standards of Mormons and
Christians in the early 19th century. Although the violence and damage created by culture wars are
detrimental to society, they also provide a vehicle for social change.
9) Define the concepts "culture lag," and "new technology." Provide an example to illustrate how the
introduction of a new technology in society produced a condition of culture lag.
Answer: Cultural lag occurs when the nonmaterial elements of culture (the norms, values, beliefs and attitudes) do
not change at the same time that new technologies are introduced into the society. For example, the U.S.
school year was originally designed to match the technology of an agrarian society when farming was
labor intensive and children were needed at home during planting and harvesting seasons. Although the
U.S. is no longer an agricultural society, the school calendar has not changed.
10) Why is it most common for the nonmaterial culture to lag behind material culture?
Answer: The invention, discovery, or adoption of a new material culture is often the work of one person or a small
group. It requires persuasion and time for the new tool and its technology to develop a following.
Although it may be an asset to society, people often reject adoption of something new because it is novel,
non-traditional, or counter to what was previously believed to be true. It may also require the learning of
new skills that are viewed as being difficult, expensive, and time consuming. Examples include the
reluctance of many people to receive the polio vaccine, the refusal of many individuals to learn computer
skills, and the reliance on the traditional "home telephone" rather than a cell phone.
11) Describe the process of cultural diffusion and explain how it contributes to cultural leveling. Give an
Answer: Cultural diffusion refers to the process in which a social group adopts some part of another group's
culture when they come into contact. This includes material culture such as tools, food, and clothing, as
well as nonmaterial culture such as values and beliefs. The group that adopts the material or nonmaterial
culture will often change it in some way so the new tool or practice fits the needs of the people using it.
For example, when the Japanese adopted baseball, they modified the rules slightly and made some
changes to the game. When Americans eat Chinese food, they often use a fork rather than chopsticks.
Essay Questions:
1) Define Culture. Why it is said that culture is “learned”? Differentiate between “material” and “non-
material” culture. Give five examples of each.
2) Define and describe what is meant by values in a culture. Develop a list of values that you hold for you
and a list of values that you feel are most agreed upon by other members of your class. How are your two
lists similar and different?
3) Discuss the importance of gestures for communicating with others. What are some of the popular gestures
used by college students and what do they mean? Include gestures that convey both positive and
negative meanings.
4) Define the following terms with appropriate examples: Norms; Folkways; Mores; Taboo; Positive
sanctions; Negative sanctions.