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Equilibrium of Bodies II

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Equilibrium of bodies II

In the previous lecture we have defined a couple moment. With this definition, we can now
represent a force applied on a body pivoted at a point as the sum of the same force on it at the
pivot and a couple acting on it. This is shown in figure 1. Thus if the bar shown in figure 1 is in
equilibrium, the pivot must be applying a force and a counter couple moment on it.

To see the equivalence, let us take the example above and add a zero force to the system at the
pivot point. This does not really change the force applied on the system. However, the trick is to
take this zero force to be made up of forces and as shown in figure 2. Now the original
force and at the pivot are separated by distance d and therefore form a couple moment of
magnitude Fd . In addition there is a force on the body at the pivot point. The combination is
therefore a force at the pivot point P and a couple moment . Notice that I am not
saying about the pivot. This is because a couple is a free vector and its effect is the same no
matter at which point it is specified.


Example: You must have seen the gear shift handle in old buses. It is of Zigzag shape. Let it be
of the shape shown in figure 3: 60cm at an angle of 45° from the x-axis, 30cm parallel to x-axis
and then 30cm again at 45° from the x-axis, all in the x-y plane shown in figure 3. To change
gear a driver applies a force of on the head of the handle. We want to
know what is the equivalent force and moment at the bottom i.e., at the origin of the handle.


For this again we can apply a zero force i.e., ( and ) at the bottom so that original force
and give a couple moment

Thus equivalent force system is a force at the bottom and a couple equal
to Nm.

Having obtained equivalent force systems, next we wish to discuss what kind of forces and
moments do different elements used in engineering mechanics apply on other elements.

Forces and couples generated by various elements: As we solve engineering problems, we

come across many different elements that are used in engineering structures. We discuss some of
them below focusing our attention on what kind of forces and torques do they give rise to.

The simplest element is a string that can apply a tension. However a string can only pull by the
tension generated in it but not push. For example, a string holding a weight W will develop a
tension T = W in it so that the net force on the weight is a tension T pulling the weight up and
weight W pulling it down. Thus if the weight is in equilibrium, T = W . This is shown in figure 4.


The second kind of force that is applied when two elements come in contact is that applied by a
surface. A smooth surface always applies a force normal to itself. The forces on a rod and on a
box applied by the surface are shown in figure 5. Thus as far as the equilibrium is concerned, for
an object on a smooth surface, the surface is equivalent to a force normal to it.


Imagine what would have happened had the force by the surface not been normal. Then an object
put on a surface would start moving along the surface because of the component of the force
along the surface. By the same argument if there is a smooth surface near an edge, the force on
the surface due to the edge (and by Newton's IIIrd law the force on the edge due to the surface)
will be normal to the surface. See figure 6.

On the other hand if the surface is not smooth, it is then capable of applying a force along the
surface also. This force is due to friction.

Let us now solve the well known example of a roller of radius r being pulled over a step as
shown in figure 7. The height of the step is h. What is minimum force F required if the roller is
pulled in the direction shown and is about to roll over the step. What are the normal and
frictional forces at that instant?


When the roller is about to roll over the step, there will be no normal reaction from the lower
surface and therefore the roller will be under equilibrium under the influence of its weight W, the
applied force F and the normal reaction N and the frictional force f applied by the edge of the
step. To calculate the force F, we apply the torque equation about the edge to get

To find N and f we apply the force equation

That can be written in the component form a

Let us look at these equations.

Solving these equations gives

So in this situation, we do not require friction to keep the roller in equilibrium. On the other hand
recall the problem in the previous lecture when we were trying to lift a 1000Nt weights by
putting a rod on a brick edge. In that case we did require friction.

Next we consider a hinge about when an object can rotate freely. A hinge can apply a force in
any direction. Thus it can apply (figure 8a) any force in X-direction and any amount of force in
Y-direction but no couple.


To see an example, imagine lifting a train berth by pulling it horizontally. We wish to know at
what angle θ from the horizontal will the berth come to equilibrium if we pull it out by a
horizontal force F and what are the forces apply by the hinges (figure 8b).

Let the weight of the berth be W and its width l. Let the forces applied by the hinges be FH in the
horizontal direction and FV in the vertical direction. By equilibrium conditions


where the negative sign for FH implies that it is in the direction opposite to that assumed.


To find the angle we apply the moment or torque balance equation about the hinges. Weight W

gives a counter clockwise torque of and the force F gives a clockwise torque of Fl

I should point put that if the hinge is not freely moving (for example due to friction) then it can
produce a moment (couple) that will oppose any tendency to rotate and will have to be taken into
account while considering the torque balance equation.

Next we look at a built in or fixed support as shown in the figure.


Let us analyze what happens in these cases when a load is applied. Let us look at the built-in

As the load is put on, the beam will tend to move down on the right side pushing the inner side
up. This will generate reaction forces as shown schematically in figure 10. The generated forces
can be replaced by a couple and a net force either about point A or B as follows (see figure 11).
Add zero force N1 -N1 at point A then the original N1 and -N1 give a couple and no force and
there is a net force ( N1 -N2) at A.

We could instead have added a zero force N2 - N2 at B and then would have obtained an
equivalent system with a different couple moment than the previous case and a net force (N1 -
N2) at B. I leave this for you to see. You may be wondering by now at which exactly does the
force really act and what is the value of the couple. Actually in the present case the two unequal
forces act on the beam so the torque provided by them is not independent of the point about
which it is take. In such cases, as we will learn in the later lectures, the force effectively acts at
the centroid of the force and the couple moment is equal to the torque evaluated about the


centroid. In any case we can say that a built-in support provides a couple and a force. We give
the schematic picture above only to motivate how the forces and the couple are generated. In
reality the forces are going to be distributed over the entire portion of the support that is inside
the wall and it is this distribution of force that provides a net force at the centroid and a couple
equal to the torque calculated about the centroid, as we will see in later lectures. Note that deeper
the support is fixed into a wall, larger would be the couple provided by it. Hence whereas to hang
a light photo-frame or a painting on a wall a small nail would suffice, a longer nail would be
better if the frame is heavy. In addition to providing a force perpendicular to the support and a
couple, a fixed support also provides a force in the direction parallel to itself. Thus if you try to
pull out the support or try to push it in, it does not move easily. The forces and couple provided
by a fixed support are therefore as shown in figure 12.

Let us now look at the support welded/ glued to the well. In that case suppose we put a load W at
the end of the beam, you will see that the forces generated will be as shown below in figure 13.

where in this particular case the horizontal forces must be equal so as to satisfy


Thus the horizontal forces provide a couple and the beam can be said to provide a couple a force
in the direction perpendicular to the support. Further a glued support also cannot be pulled out or
pushed in. Therefore it too is capable of providing a horizontal nonzero reaction force. Thus a
welded or glued support can also be represented as shown in figure 12. Note that wider the
support, larger moment it is capable of providing. Let us now solve an example of this.

Example: You must have seen gates being supported on two supports (see figure 14). Suppose
the weight of the gate is W and its width b. The supports are protruding out of the wall by a and
the distance between them is h. If the weight of the gate is supported fully by the lower support,
find the horizontal forces, vertical forces and the moment load on both the supports.

To solve this problem, let us first find out what are the forces required to keep the gate in
balance. The forces applied by the supports on the gate are shown in figure 14. Since the weight
of the gate is fully supported on the lower support all the vertical force is going to be provided by
the lower support only. Thus


To find, , let us take moment about point A or B


Let us make . This gives (following the convention that counterclockwise torque is
positive and clockwise torque is negative)

The negative sign for FX2 means that the force's direction is opposite to what it was taken to be in
figure 14. We also wish to find the forces and couple on the support. By Newton 's IIIrd Law,
forces on the support are opposite to those on the gate. Thus the forces on the two supports are:

You see that support A is being pulled out whereas support B is being pushed in (we observe an
effect of this at our houses all the time: the upper hinges holding a door tend to come out of the

doorjamb). Now the force by the wall on support A will be to the right to keep it fixed in
its place. On the other hand the situation for the lower support is more involved. The lower
support will be kept in its place by the wall providing it horizontal and vertical forces and a

torque. The net horizontal force is to the left and the net vertical force is W pointing up.
The lower support also balances a torque. Taking the torques about the point where it enters the
wall, its value comes out to be


If we assume that the net vertical force and the torque is provided by only two reaction forces at
two points as in figure 10, these two reaction forces can be calculated easily if we know the
length of the portion inside the wall. I leave it as an exercise. In solving this, you will notice that
the reaction forces are smaller if the support is deeper inside the wall. As pointed out earlier, in
reality the force is going to be distributed over the entire portion of the support inside the wall.
So a more realistic calculation is a little more involved.

To summarize this lecture, we have looked at some simple engineering elements and have
outlined what kind of forces and torques are they capable of applying. In the next lecture we are
going discuss forces in three dimensions. We are also going to look at conditions that forces with
certain geometric relations should satisfy for providing equilibrium.


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