Iron Bulk V Remington
Iron Bulk V Remington
Iron Bulk V Remington
1 GR 136960, December 08, 2003
Remington had the cargo insured during the voyage by Marine HELD:
Insurance Policy issued by defendant Pioneer Asia Insurance
Upon discharge of the cargo, the sheets were found to be wet A bill of lading operates as both a receipt and a contract. It is a
and with rust extending to 50 to 80% of each plate. Plaintiff receipt for the goods shipped (dates, place, description, quality
filed for formal claims for loss amounting to P544,875.17 with and value) and a contract to transport and deliver the same as
Pioneer, Iron Bulk, Manila Port Services and ESE Brokerage therein stipulated.
Corporation. ESTOPPEL:
No one honored the claims of loss and as recourse, Remington Since Iron Bulk shipping failed to annotate in the bill of lading
filed an action for collection against Wangs, Pioneer and Iron the alleged damaged condition of the cargo when it was
Bulk. Both lower and appellate courts ruled in favor of loaded, they are bound by the description contained therein
Remington. and they are now estopped from denying the contents of the
The charterer‘s defense (Iron Bulk) was that the sheets were said bill of lading.
already rusty when they were loaded on the ship. However, the
Bill of Lading it issued was found to be a clean bill of lading
(i.e. it does not indicate any defect on the goods covered by it).
The sheets were found to be in a fair, usually accepted
The supplier‘s defense (Wangs) was that Iron Bulk did not
exercise extraordinary diligence in shipping the sheets.
Whether or not Iron Bulk exercised extraordinary diligence. –