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Trane Classic®

Absorption Series
Single-Stage Hot Water or
Steam-Fired Absorption Water Chillers
112-465 Tons
Built for Industrial and Commercial Applications

August 2005 ABS-PRC005-EN


History of Trane Absorption Chillers

Trane has been the leader in absorption chiller design and manufacturing for 40
years. Dedicated to the advancement of absorption chiller technology, Trane is the
only North American chiller manufacturer to commercialize double effect absorption
over 25 years ago. Since then, Trane has manufactured and shipped over 10,000
absorbers to commercial, industrial and process applications worldwide. Innovations
such as microelectronic controls, adaptive frequency drives and smart purge systems
have modernized the technology, making it more capable, more reliable and in many
applications, more economical.

© 2005 American Standard All rights reserved ABS-PRC005-EN


Introduction 2
Features and Benefits 4
Component Identification, Typical Single-Stage
Steam Illustration, Refrigerant Cycle Overview
Application Considerations 7
Operating Limits, Sound, Water Flow/Treatment,
Combination Systems, Multiple Machines

Selection Procedure 8
Computer Selection Procedure, Tube Fouling

Performance Data 9
Capacity/COP/Steam Rate/Flow Rate, Pressure Drop
Tables, Capacity vs. Chilled Water Supply Temperature,
Energy Input vs. Capacity, Pressure Drop vs. Flow Rate
Electrical Data 11
Controls Data 12
Dimensions and Weights 16
Physical Dimensions, Weights, Connection Sizes,
Refrigerant Charging, Separated Machine Sections,
Foundation Support, Rigging/Service Clearances,
Chiller Isolation, Insulation Lengths

Jobsite Connections 20
Typical Piping

Mechanical Specifications 25
Standard Conversion Table 27

Features and
Benefits General

Why Trane Absorption

Makes Sense
Engineers and owners who are planning
new chiller plants, expanding systems or
processes, or replacing older
refrigeration equipment, are more often
considering the absorption option. The
use of absorption chillers is on the rise
due to their increased reliability and the
benefits of hybrid chiller plant design.
The absorption chiller has earned the
reputation as a viable alternative to the
electric chiller or in the example of a
hybrid installation, a viable counterpart
to the electric chiller.
Operates With Either Water or
Steam Source
Absorption is particularly appropriate in
cooling applications where there is a low-
pressure steam or hot liquid source, a
waste heat recovery option, or in areas
where electric rates or demand charges
are high. The Trane Classic single-stage
absorption chiller is designed to use
steam at pressures up to 14 psig and at
temperatures to 340°F, or hot water
temperatures up to 270°F. These chillers load on the machine. This reduces the can be expected in low temperature
are ideal for situations requiring chilled amount of heat input required and can applications.
water in the range of 40-50°F. They are a result in significant operating economies.
Concentration Limit Control
popular choice when an economic Ships Completely Assembled A positive concentration limit (PCL)
comparison of electrical rates versus fuel All Trane single-stage absorption units control is standard on all unit sizes. This
costs indicates an operating cost are fully assembled in the factory and system is designed to detect conditions
advantage for absorption. ship in one piece. When they arrive at the where crystallization might occur and
The Classic single-stage absorption jobsite, they are ready to be set in place. automatically pump dilute refrigerant
chiller features a time-tested design In addition to simplified installation, full into the system, and if crystallization
along with continuing advancements in factory assembly makes it possible for continues, shut down the machine. This
component metallurgy and systems the customer to benefit from a stringent is valuable if the machine operates
controls and control logic. This single- factory mass spectrometer leak test. unattended and electrical power
stage design is ideally suited for The units are shipped under a vacuum to interruptions are common. It protects the
applications with low pressure steam or assure that hermetic integrity is machine from possible damage in the
pressurized hot water. They are available maintained through installation. By event the machine does not have the
in sizes from 112 to 465 tons and can be comparing machine vacuum at the opportunity to go through the normal
used in a wide range of process and jobsite with the factory record, the dilution cycle at shutdown.
comfort cooling applications, using either contractor and owner can be confident UCP2™ Control Panel
hot water or steam as an energy input. that there has been no damage to The Classic absorption chiller is equipped
The chiller is a hermetic design and the machine and it is airtight, dry with Trane’s exclusive UCP2 control
comes with a factory-mounted and clean. panel which includes microprocessor
microprocessor-based control system.
Low Temperature Input Designs control capability and extensive unit
Units are available in voltages of 200,
Making chilled water from comparatively diagnostics. It allows the chiller to
380, 415, 460 or 575 VAC for either 60 or
low temperature inputs is particularly continue to operate through a broad
50 Hz operation.
important for energy conserving range of non-standard conditions,
A full range economizer is standard for keeping chilled water supplied as long as
applications such as waste heat recovery
these units to precisely match the possible. The unit diagnostics available
and co-generation equipment and solar
solution flow in proportion to the cooling as part of this control simplify
energy powered cooling. The same
reliability and performance proven in troubleshooting and allow more efficient
thousands of conventional applications scheduled preventive maintenance.

Features and
Benefits General

The Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Trane Absorption Leadership Optional Specification

The absorption cycle uses water as the Trane has been the market leader in • Special corrosion-resistant tubing
refrigerant and heat as the energy input absorption water chillers for over • Stainless steel evaporator pans
to create chilled water for comfort or 40 years. The company is committed to • Lithium bromide filter and valves
process applications. In the absorption research, development and application • Welded raised face flanges at all water
cycle, steam or hot water is used to boil a of absorption technology at its research connections
dilute solution of lithium bromide and facilities in La Crosse, Wisconsin. • NEMA 4 controls
water in a hermetic vessel. The water Since 1959, Trane has shipped over • Chemically resistant epoxy paint
vapor produced is drawn through the 10,000 absorption units for use around • Wooden pallets can be provided under
condenser, where it gives up heat to the the world. Trane’s commitment to each leg for handling at installation site
cooling tower water and through the absorption technology includes or to facilitate international shipment
absorption process, cools the system laboratory testing and factory training of
UCP2 Controls
circulating water. This process is technicians for start-up and warranty
• Improved reliability and performance
illustrated in the flow diagram on the service and emergency service support.
• Factory installed and commissioned
reverse side.
Standard Specification • Proportional integral derivative (PID)
Aftermarket Support • Single shell design control. Adaptive Control™ strategies
All Trane chillers include extensive • Long-life cupronickel tubes in the for stable, efficient, reliable and optimal
aftermarket support. Training for unit generator, evaporator and absorber; chilled water temperature control
operators is provided to assure that copper tubes in the condenser • Easy-to-use operator interface that
designated unit operators thoroughly • Factory leak tested to help assure includes
understand absorption system operation product integrity — English or SI units
and unit capabilities and limitations. • Tubes are individually replaceable from — Standard and custom reports
Factory-trained absorption service either end of machine — Two-line, 40 character backlit LCD
personnel are located throughout the • Solution pump motor can be serviced display in clear language
country to support Trane chillers and without breaking vacuum or removing — Over 200 diagnostics including time
perform periodic routine maintenance solution from machine and date stamping.
programs, as well as troubleshoot • Victaulic™ water connections
equipment if necessary. Records on the • Automatic decrystallization controls
exact construction of each chiller are • Start-up steam demand limit control
maintained by Trane. This assures that all
appropriate parts are provided if service
is necessary, and that the unit can be
maintained exactly as it was intended.

Features and Refrigeration
Benefits Cycle

Classic Single-Stage Figure FB-1. Single-stage absorption refrigeration cycle

Absorption Refrigerant Cycle Steam or Hot Water

Refrigeration Cycle
The Trane Absorption Cold Generator®
uses the proven lithium bromide and Cooling Water
water absorption refrigeration cycle. It Concentrator Condenser
takes place in a sealed, hermetic vessel
from which essentially all air has been
evacuated. Consequently, the pressures
within the shell are the vapor pressures
of the liquids at their respective
temperatures. In operation, the pressure Evaporator

Heat Exchanger
in the concentrator and condenser
sections is about 1/10 of an atmosphere.
Pressure in the evaporator and absorber Water
sections is about 1/100 of an
atmosphere. Concentrated Solution Absorber
Generator Dilute Solution
Heat energy from steam or hot water is Intermediate Solution Cooling Water
used to boil a dilute solution of lithium Refrigerant
bromide and water. This boiling results
in release of water vapor, and in
concentration of the remaining lithium
bromide solution.
The water, or refrigerant, vapor released
in the concentrator is drawn into the
condenser section. Cooling tower water
flowing through the condenser tubes
cools and condenses the refrigerant.
Liquid refrigerant flows through an
orifice into the evaporator. As the
refrigerant passes into the lower Absorber Solution Heat Exchanger
pressure evaporator, flashing takes The refrigerant vapor is drawn to the The heat exchanger exchanges heat
place. The flashing cools the remaining absorber section by the low pressure between the relatively cool, dilute
liquid refrigerant to the saturation resulting from absorption of the solution being transferred from the
temperature of the refrigerant at the refrigerant into the absorbent. In order to absorber to the concentrator section and
pressure present within the evaporator, expose a large amount of lithium the hot, concentrated, solution being
approximately 40°F. bromide solution surface to the water returned from the concentrator to the
vapor, the solution is sprayed over the absorber. Transferring heat from the
The chilled refrigerant falls into the absorber tube bundle. Cooling tower concentrated solution to the dilute
evaporator pan and is circulated water is used in this tube bundle to solution reduces the amount of heat that
continuously to the evaporator spray remove the heat of absorption that is must be added to bring the dilute
trees by the evaporator pump. The released when the refrigerant vapor solution to a boil. Simultaneously,
sprayed refrigerant wets the evaporator returns to the liquid state. reducing the temperature of the
tube bundle, chilling the system water concentrated solution decreases the
within the bundle. The transfer of heat As the absorbent absorbs refrigerant
vapor, the solution becomes increasingly amount of heat that must be removed
from the system water to the refrigerant from the absorber section. Efficient
causes the refrigerant to vaporize. The dilute. It is necessary to continuously
circulate this dilute solution back to the operation of the heat exchanger is
refrigerant vapor generated in this extremely important to the economical
evaporative cooling process migrates concentrator to keep the cycle
continuous. operation of the lithium bromide-water
downwatd to the absorber. cycle.

Considerations General

General Chiller Installation Multiple Machine Installations

The Classic single-stage steam-fired or The following should be taken into The Trane absorption machine can be
hot water absorption chiller is designed consideration when installing an applied to series or parallel chilled water
to provide 40°F to 60°F (4.4°C - 15.6°C) absorption chiller: flow depending upon the design
chilled water for comfort or process • Rigging and service clearances requirement. Which arrangement is best
cooling applications within all three • Foundation support for an individual system should be based
market segments – commercial, • Chiller isolation for sound/vibration on an analysis of system water and
industrial and institutional. They are reduction temperature rise requirements, system
most often used where an economic • Condensate handling and machine pressure drop
analysis of fuel costs versus electrical • Steam supply control characteristics, and installation cost.
rates indicates an operating cost • Condenser water temperature control Parallel flow allows minimum chilled
advantage. • Chilled water flow control water pressure drop through the
In many process applications, they can • Chilled and condenser water flow limit machines. However, with one machine
be utilized to convert excess heat energy • Generator hot water application “off,” it is not usually possible to
to provide chilled water for process or Water Treatment maintain the design chilled water
comfort applications. The use of untreated or improperly temperature unless one machine is
Operating Limits treated water may result in scaling, valved-off and the chilled water flow
Classic single-stage absorption chillers erosion, and corrosion, algae or slime. It decreased.
operate with nominal 13 psig (0.83 bar) is recommended that the services of a Series flow permits design chilled water
steam or nominal 270°F (132°C) hot qualified water treatment specialist be temperature at light loads with one
water. In all applications, superheat used to determine what treatment, if any machine “off.” However, at all operating
should be limited so steam temperature is advisable. The Trane Company conditions, the chilled water pressure
does not exceed 340°F (171°C). assumes no responsibility for the results drop through the machine is high.
of untreated, or improperly treated
Water flows within the limits indicated water. Accurate chilled water temperatures can
on the appropriate selection table will be maintained on individual machines
ensure tube water velocities not Combination Systems between 100 percent and 10 percent of
exceeding 10 feet per second Peak energy savings can be achieved nominal chiller load which allows for a
(3.05 m/sec) in copper tubes and 11 feet when using a combination of electric wide range of control options. Each
per second (3.35 m/sec) in cupronickel chillers and absorption chillers for air chiller has a stand-alone control system
tubes. Changes in condenser water conditioning loads. The absorption to manage the desired water
temperature should not exceed chiller is used to shave seasonal billable temperature and also the ability to
1-degree F per minute between the peak power demands during summer receive remote commands to support
range of 75-95°F (23.9°C - 35°C). operation, and the electric chiller is run various system demands from a control
below the allowed demand limit, center. This versatility of control makes
Sound and Vibration reducing costly demand charges. Trane
Absorption units are well-suited for the management of more than one
offers both electric chillers and machine relatively easy.
areas where low sound levels are absorption chillers with the unit control
required. The Trane Classic single-stage panel (UCP2) as standard. Although the
steam absorption chiller will operate chillers have different features and
under normal load conditions at less modes of operation, the chiller control
than 85 dBA sound pressure level. panel looks and acts the same across all
During operation there is no vibration of chiller lines. Each control panel is
any components that could be programmed to monitor the particular
damaging to the chiller or could transmit chiller for which it was designed but
objectionable sound or vibration to the maintenance and service personnel
building. need only become familiar with one
control panel. Combined with a Trane
Tracer® system a chiller plant has almost
unlimited operational flexibility and all
equipment is supplied from a single


Selection Procedure Additional Fouling Final Selection

Absorption refrigeration machines are Any selection that uses a fouling factor A final selection must be done by the
usually selected to provide required above 0.00025 is a more conservative local Trane sales engineer using the
refrigeration capacity with the smallest estimate that should only be used if Classic (ABSC) Single-Stage Absorption
practical machine of sufficient size. there is an abnormal amount of fouling Selection Program. For application over
Machine size is based on chilled water contaminants in the water systems. ARI 1600 feet (500 meters) above sea level,
flow rates and temperatures specified for 560 Standard defines “additional final selection requires review by
the air side of the system. fouling” as “Conditions such as water Absorption Product Marketing. Prior to
Total air conditioning system first cost hardness, organic material, suspended accessing the computer selection
can be minimized by a careful analysis of solids and/or water velocity may program, the following data inputs
system operating parameters. The effect necessitate the use of a greater field should be tabulated:
of flow rates and temperatures, on both fouling allowance than that provided in • Temperature or pressure of the hot
the building air side and the refrigeration the Standard Rating of equipment.” The water or steam
machine selections, should be Trane single-stage Classic (ABSC) • Two of the following three values must
investigated to establish the system that Selection program should be used to be given1:
represents the best investment for the determine the effect of nonstandard – Evaporator Delta T
owner. fouling factors. The following guidelines – Evaporator Flow
can be used for estimation prior to the – Cooling Capacity
The information on the following pages selection: • Leaving Evaporator Water
provides performance data at ARI Temperature
standard conditions for: capacity in tons, Additional Fouling Guidelines • Entering Absorber Water Temperature
efficiency, flow rates, and water pressure Evaporator/Condenser/Absorber • Cooling Water Flow
drops. All capacities are in accordance English Units – hr-ft2-F/Btu
0.00026 – 0.00075
• Fouling factors, evaporator and tower
with ARI 560 Standard and based on SI Units – m2-K/kW water
fouling factors of .00025 for the 0.046
evaporator waterside tubing and .00025 Other options that may also be selected
for the absorber and condenser tubing. Part Load Performance are:
The Classic (ABSC) single-stage • Type and thickness of tube material
Standard Fouling absorption chiller exhibits excellent part • Type of solution flowing through the
Unit performance at non-standard evaporator and tower loop2.
load performance characteristics. Air
fouling factors may vary from standard
conditioning system loads are usually 1
Any limitations or restrictions should
performance. Fouling factors estimate
significantly less than full load design also be given (i.e., pressure drop, gpm,
the heat transfer penalty that anticipates conditions. Therefore, the absorption
the effect of typical fouling in evaporator etc.).
chiller operates at full load a small 2
Absorption chillers can be selected with
and absorber/condenser (cooling) water
percentage of the time. Part load a wide variety of media other than
circuits. All selections should use the
absorption chiller operation is normally water (evaporator and absorber/
standard fouling factor to better estimate associated with reduced tower water
the chiller performance in an equipment condenser, or both). For media other
temperatures. At part load operation, the than water, contact the local Trane sales
room and to comply with ARI 560.
heat rejected to the cooling tower is less office for chiller selections and
ARI Standard Fouling Factors than at full load operation. Also, part information.
Evaporator/Condenser/Absorber load operation is typically associated
English Units – hr-ft2-F/Btu with reduced outside wet bulb
0.00025 temperatures, resulting in improved
SI Units – m2-K/kW cooling tower performance. The net
result of less heat rejection and lower
wet bulb temperature is cooler tower
water entering the chiller and improved
unit performance.


Table PD-1. Performance data at ARI conditions

English Units*
Coefficient Steam Chilled Water Cond/Abs Water
Capacity of Rate Flow Rate Press. Drop Flow Rate Press. Drop
Model (Tons) Performance (lbm/ton/hr) (gpm)*** (ft Wtr) (gpm)*** (ft Wtr)
112 107.9 0.63 20.15 258 28.7 403 25.5
129 126.3 0.63 20.16 302 26.3 464 34.3
148 146.4 0.63 20.18 350 38 533 28.1
174 162.7 0.64 19.77 389 27.1 626 32.3
200 188.6 0.64 19.73 451 33 720 26
228 219 0.64 19.77 524 28.2 821 36
256 246.8 0.64 19.77 590 37.7 922 24.9
294 287.3 0.64 19.8 687 31.5 1058 35.1
354 338.2 0.61 20.74 809 21.1 1274 29.7
385 368 0.64 19.6 880 28.1 1386 29.5
420 398.7 0.64 19.6 954 18.6 1512 23.4
465 444.1 0.64 19.8 1063 19 1674 24.1

SI Units**
Coefficient Steam Chilled Water Cond/Abs Water
Capacity of Rate Flow Rate Press. Drop Flow Rate Press. Drop
Model (kW) Performance (kg/kW-hr) (m3/hr) (m wg) (m3/hr) (m wg)
112 380 0.63 2.60 58.6 8.75 91.5 7.78
129 444 0.63 2.60 68.6 8.02 105.3 10.46
148 515 0.63 2.60 79.5 11.59 121.0 8.57
174 572 0.64 2.55 88.3 8.27 142.1 9.85
200 663 0.64 2.55 102.4 10.07 163.4 7.93
228 770 0.64 2.55 118.9 8.60 186.4 10.98
256 868 0.64 2.55 133.9 11.50 209.3 7.59
294 1011 0.64 2.55 155.9 9.61 240.2 10.71
354 1190 0.61 2.68 183.6 6.44 289.2 9.06
385 1294 0.64 2.53 199.8 8.57 314.6 9.00
420 1402 0.64 2.53 216.6 5.67 343.2 7.14
465 1562 0.64 2.55 241.3 5.80 380.0 7.35
*3.6 gpm/nominal ton, Pstm = 12 psig, TctwS = 85°F, TcwS = 44°F, TcwR = 54°F, 0.00025 evap. fouling, 0.00025 cond/abs fouling
**.23 m3/nominal kWh, Pstm = 0.83 bar, TctwS = 29.4°C, TcwS = 6.67°C, TcwR = 12.2°C, 0.044 evap fouling, 0.044 cond/abs

Pstm – Steam Pressure

TctwS – Cooling Tower Water Supply Temperature
TcwS – Chilled Water Supply Temperature
TcwR – Chilled Water Return Temperature


Figure PD-1. ABSC part load performance – energy input vs. capacity at various cooling
water supply temperatures; chilled water supply temperature = 44°F (7°C)
(fixed chilled water flow) with economizer

Curve Applies for Design

Tower Temp. of 85°F
Percent of Design Energy Input

Percent of Design Load

10 ABS-PRC005-EN

Electrical Data
Factory wired and mounted power control includes main power connections. Total kW includes solution and refrigerant pump,
motors, purge pump motor and control panel. Units may be supplied for operation on 230,460 or 575 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz power
or 190, 220, 380, 415, 3 phase, 50 hertz power.
Table ED-1. Electrical data
60 Cycle, 3-Phase
Model Supply Total Motor Total Motor Control Circuit Max Fuse Size
ABSC Voltage FLA HP kW Amps MCA Amps
112 200 27.8 7.5 6.4 4.0 40 45
thru 230 27.0 7.5 6.4 3.0 33 40
465 Tons 460 13.5 7.5 6.4 2.0 20 25
575 8.6 7.5 6.4 1.0 15 25

Model Supply Total Motor Total Motor Control Circuit Max Fuse Size
ABSC Voltage FLA HP kW Amps MCA Amps
112 190 24.4 7.5 6.4 4.0 36 40
thru 220 29.0 7.5 6.4 3.0 39 40
174 Tons 380 12.2 7.5 6.4 2.0 18 20
415 13.3 7.5 6.4 2.0 20 25
200 190 58.6 15.0 12.0 4.0 79 80
thru 220 65.6 15.0 12.0 3.0 85 90
465 Tons 380 29.3 15.0 12.0 2.0 40 45
415 30.8 15.0 12.0 2.0 41 45
*Consult Factory
FLA = Full Load Amps
MCA = Minimum Capacity Amps

ABS-PRC005-EN 11
Controls Data

Setting The Standards Flexibility

Trane sets the standard for unit • Modular structure of the UCP2 makes it
microprocessor controls. possible for the designer to select the
• Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) system controls and associated
control strategies which provide stable interfaces to Tracer® (or other building
operation and high accuracy for better automation systems) that are required
performance along with feed forward for the chiller plant design. With this
plus. modular concept, capability can be
• Adaptive Control™ to keep the chiller added or upgraded at any time — with
“on line” and at the same time keep only temporary interruption of chilled
the chiller away from a major failure; water production.
• Software based safeties that do not • The operator can quickly program a
depend on electromechanical Custom Report — so that only what is
hardware – hardware that means considered to be the most frequently
questionable reliability and added cost; accessed/important reports are
• Operator interface that accesses chiller available — at any time, right at the
information and control adjustments at front of the panel.
the front of the panel. • With easy front panel programmability
Trane UCP2™ Unit Control Panel of Daily, Service Start-up and Machine
UCP2 adds more flexibility, more Configuration settings and setpoints,
reliability and better system performance the operator, serviceman, and system
than even our most demanding designer can customize the use of the
customers expect. micro controller to unique conditions of
the chiller plant — whether the purpose
Flexibility of chilled water is for comfort cooling
Trane offers the ability to adapt to or for process cooling.
changes easily and effectively without • All data that is necessary for the safe
adding prohibitive cost. To provide operation and easy serviceability of the
flexibility, the controller responds to a chiller is provided as standard on all
wide variety of needs for: Classic absorption chillers. Options are
• System Designs including equipment, available that provide additional
operating conditions, and controls controls/data that are required for: an
variations that are either existing or industrial/process system design,
being considered for new installations. applications outside of the typical
chilled water system design, the need
Key to designing non-traditional for redundant machine protection, or
systems is the ability to evaluate the the desire for more system
cost and reliability issues of these information.
systems in comparison to the more
traditional systems. Trane recommends
the use of C.D.S. Network Equipment
Economics, the Trane Applications
Manuals, and consultation with a Trane
sales engineer for help in this analysis.
• System Upgrades including the ability
to accommodate changes in the chilled
water system design or equipment
room requirements or to
accommodate new technologies that
become available.

12 ABS-PRC005-EN
Controls Data

Reliability System Performance

To most people, reliability means “Chilled Water System” encompasses
“dependable — giving the same result many levels of control: Standalone
on successive trials.” However, to our Chiller, Chiller Plant, Applied System,
customers it has come to mean “keep Central Building Automation System.
chilled water flowing.” In other words, However, regardless of the system level
“when I turn the switch on — cold water being design, the unit controls become
comes out.” In order to do this, the critical not just in making every level
micro controller must be aware of what operate reliably but in facilitating optimal
is happening in the system. But more performance. UCP2 provides more
importantly, it must be able to make capability and more intelligence to make
decisions and adjustments to keep the this operation/optimization possible.
chiller running as long as possible even Panel Features:
when non-standard conditions exist. The absorption chiller Unit Control Panel
Conditions such as bad power or bad (UCP2) incorporates the following
water (flow, temperature, fouling) or features and components:
system component failure. Also the
Trane UCP2 panel continuously monitors Control Functions
for noncondensables and purges • Smart dilution cycle duration based on
automatically. system requirements
• With Enhanced Adaptive Control™ the • Adaptive evaporator leaving fluid
controller does everything it can to temperature control
avoid taking the chiller off line. • Low evaporator temperature limit
— Senses evaporator temperature • High solution temperature limit
limit and high temperature limit • Softloading
— Displays a warning message about • Nuisance trip prevention via Adaptive
the potential condition/safety trip Control
— Take the following corrective action • Chilled water reset
sequentially as the condition • Optimum concentration control
worsens: • Crystallization recovery via PCL
- limits loading
- prevents further loading
- unloads until condition improves
- takes chiller off line
• With more diagnostics and diagnostic
history that are time/date stamped and
with help messages, the operator or
serviceman can take faster and more
effective corrective action.

ABS-PRC005-EN 13
Controls Data

Safeties Cycle Report

• Smart shutdown sequence condenser/ Refrigerant temperatures and pressures:
absorber loss of flow • Solution temperature leaving generator
• Low condenser/absorber water • Solution temperature entering
temperature generator
• Evaporator leaving fluid temperature • Generator leaving concentration
cutout • Generator cutout and monitor
• Motor current overload temperature
• High motor winding temperature • Saturated condenser refrigerant
• Over/under voltage (optional) temperature
• Sensor failure detection • Absorber entering concentration
Monitored Points • Solution temperature entering
Chiller information is available at the absorber
operator interface via a clear language • Absorber spray temperature
display. Access to the information is • Solution temperature leaving absorber
through four dedicated report keys: • Saturated evaporator refrigerant
Customer, Chiller, Cycle and Pump/ temperature
Purge. • Evaporator leaving water temperature
• Evaporator entering water temperature
Custom Report • Absorber entering water temperature
User defined custom report (operator • Absorber leaving water temperature
may choose up to 20 points — from a list • Condenser leaving water temperature
of over 100 choices).
Pump/Purge Report
Chiller Report • Solution pump
Status, fluid temperatures, and setpoints: — Starts and hours counters
• Operating mode (i.e. run status) — Motor phase currents
• Chilled water setpoint — Motor phase voltages (optional)
• Outdoor air temperature (optional) • Purge Pump
• Chilled water reset — Operating status
• Evaporator leaving water temperature — Total pump run time
• Evaporator entering water temperature — Service log
• Absorber entering water temperature
• Absorber leaving water temperature
• Condenser leaving water temperature

14 ABS-PRC005-EN
Controls Data

Diagnostics Ease of Use

The absorption chiller Unit Control Panel • Two line, 40 character display that is
(UCP2) provides over 70 different easy to read from within a 60 degree
diagnostics such as: angle
• Water and refrigerant/solution • LCD backlight so that the display can
temperatures out of range be read in a variety of equipment room
• Loss of system water flows lighting
• Sensor and switch faults • Seven languages available
• Overload trips • Metric (SI) units available
• Over/under voltage (optional) • Complete character human interface
• Crystallization recovery available
• Emergency stop • Keypad programmability — no manual
• Loss of communication to other switches or setpoint potentiometers
modules • Logically arranged report groups with
• Motor abnormal report header and setpoint groups
• Selectable security
Operator Interface
• Variable points updated every two
The Trane Classic (ABSC) steam-fired
absorption chiller control panel, UCP2, is
• Messages that direct user to problem
easy to use, understand, access
source via a menu item
information, read, change setpoints,
• Purge sequence of operation
diagnose problems, maintain, and to
reset after shutdown. Trane ICS Compatibility
The Trane Absorption chiller control
panel, UCP2, is 100 percent compatible
• Enunciation of all information is at the
with the Trane Integrated Comfort™
front panel display (including power,
systems, ICS, UCP2 easily integrates into
voltage, amps, purge pressures, and
the Tracer® family of flexible chiller plant
number of starts data).
system controllers with a single twisted-
• Messages displayed using clear
wire pair communications cable.
For more information on the Trane
absorption chiller unit control panel,
please contact your local Trane sales

ABS-PRC005-EN 15
Dimensions Dimensions/
and Weights Service Clearances

Table DW-1. Unit roughing-in dimensions

Unit A B C D E F G H** J JJ K KK L M** N P Q R S T*** U V W x
ABSC112 11’1” 5’10” 7’3” 7’11” 1’8” 3’4” 2’5” 1’6” 0’8” – 0’6” 0’9” 5’2” 1’1” 3’11” 6’4” 6’2” 9’7” 0’9” 10’10” 3’8” 2’9” 1’7” 5’11”
ABSC129 12’6” 5’10” 7’3” 9’4” 1’8” 3’4” 2’5” 1’6” 0’8” – 0’6” – 5’2” 1’1” 3’11” 6’4” 6’2” 11’0” 0’9” 12’4” 3’8” 2’9” 1’7” 5’11”
ABSC148 14’1” 5’10” 7’3” 10’11” 8” 3’4” 2’5” 1’6” 0’8” – 0’11” – 5’2” 1’1” 3’11” 6’4” 6’2” 12’7” 0’9” 13’10” 3’8” 2’9” 1’7” 5’11”
ABSC174 12’6” 6’1” 7’8” 8’9” 1’9” 3’5” 2’9” 1’7” 0’9” – 0’7” – 5’5” 1’2” 4’0” 6’9” 6’6” 11’0” 0’9” 12’3” 3’8” 3’2” 1’9” 6’3”
ABSC200 14’1” 6’1” 7’8” 10’4” 1’9” 3’5” 2’9” 1’7” 0’9” – 1’0” – 5’5” 1’2” 4’0” 6’9” 6’6” 12’7” 0’9” 14’0” 3’8” 3’2” 1’9” 6’3”
ABSC228 16’0” 6’1” 7’8” 12’3” 1’9” 3’5” 2’9” 1’7” 0’9” – 1’0” – 5’5” 1’2” 4’0” 6’9” 6’6” 14’6” 0’9” 15’8” 3’8” 3’2” 1’9” 6’3”
ABSC256 14’5” 6’4” 8’2” 10’0” 2’1” 3’10” 3’1” 1’10” 0’10” – 1’2” – 5’7” 1’4” 4’0” 6’11” 6’9” 12’7” 0’11” 13’11” 3’8” 3’6” 1’11” 6’5”
ABSC294 16’4” 6’4” 8’2” 11’10” 2’1” 3’10” 3’1” 1’10” 0’11” – 1’2” – 5’7” 1’4” 4’0” 6’11” 6’9” 14’7” 0’11” 15’9” 3’8” 3’6” 1’11” 6’5”
ABSC354 19’3” 6’4” 8’2” 14’9” 2’1” 3’10” 3’1” 1’10” 0’10” – 1’2” – 5’7” 1’4” 4’0” 6’11” 6’9” 17’5” 0’11” 18’8” 3’8” 3’6” 1’11” 6’5”
ABSC385 16’7” 7’1” 8’10” 11’11” 2’1” 4’2” 3’5” 2’0” 1’0” – 1’4” – 5’11” 1’4” 4’2” 7’4” 7’3” 14’6” 0’11” 15’9” 3’9” 3’10” 2’3” 6’10”
ABSC420 19’6” 7’1” 8’10” 14’10” 2’1” 4’2” 3’5” 2’0” 1’0” – 1’4” – 5’11” 1’4” 4’2” 7’4” 7’3” 17’5” 0’11” 18’8” 3’9” 3’10” 2’3” 6’10”
ABSC465 7’1”

16 ABS-PRC005-EN
Dimensions Service
and Weights Clearances

 WARNING Figure DW-1. Service clearances

1. Use cables as slings only as shown.

Other lifting arrangements may cause
equipment damage or serious
personal injury.
2. Each cable (sling) used to lift unit must
be capable of supporting the entire
weight of the chiller.








Table DW-4. Service clearances

Size A B C D E F G H J K
112 23’4 3/4” 13’1 7/8” 9’4” 3’9 7/8” 10’2” 4’1” 3’4” 2’9” 2 3/8” 4 1/4”
129 26’3 3/4” 13’1 7/8” 9’4” 3’9 7/8” 10’2” 4’1” 3’4” 2’9” 2 3/8” 4’1/4”
148 29’4 3/4” 14’7 7/8” 1’ 3’9 7/8” 10’2” 4’1” 3’4” 2’9” 2 3/8” 1 1/4”
174 26’2 3/4” 13”4 3/8” 8 3/4” 4’1 3/8” 10’5” 4’ 3’5” 3’ 2 3/8” 4 1/4”
200 29’6 3/4” 15’1 3/8” 10’4” 4’1 3/8” 10’5” 4’ 3’5” 3’ 2 3/8” 4 1/4”
228 33’1 3/4” 16’9 3/8” 12’ 1/4” 4’1 3/8” 10’5” 4’ 3’5” 3’ 2 3/8” 4 1/4”
256 29’6” 15’2 1/2” 10’ 4’3 1/2” 10’9” 4’ 3’10” 3’ 2 7/8” 5 1/2”
294 33’ 1/4” 17’ 1/2” 11’10” 4’3 1/2” 10’9” 4’ 3’10” 3’ 2 7/8” 5 1/2”
354 39’ 19’ 11 1/2” 14’ 3/4” 4’3 1/2” 10’9” 4’ 3’10” 3’ 2 7/8” 5 1/2”
385 33’2” 17’ 11’11” 4’3” 11’5” 3’10” 4’2” 3’5” 3” 6 3/4”
420 39’ 19’11” 14’10” 4’3” 11’5” 3’10” 4’2” 3’5” 3” 6 3/4”
465 39” 19’11” 14’10” 4’3” 11’5” 3’10” 4’2” 3’5” 3” 6 3/4”

ABS-PRC005-EN 17
and Weights Insulation

Table DW-2. Insulation requirements

Square Feet Square Feet
Unit Insulation Unit Insulation
ABSC-01A, ABSC-01B, ABSC-01C, ABSC-01E 43 ABSC-05J, ABSC-06C, ABSC-070C 63
ABSC-01H, ABSC-02A, ABSC-02C 46 ABSC-08C, ABSC-09D, ABSC-11A 79
ABSC-02F, ABSC-02J, ABSC-03F 53 ABSC-12A, ABSC-14C, ABSC-16C 185
ABSC-03J, ABSC-04B, ABSC-04F, ABSC-05C 58

18 ABS-PRC005-EN
Dimensions Weights and
and Weights Connection Sizes

Table DW-3. Weights and connection sizes

English Units
Weights Connection Sizes
Shipping Operating Cond Abs
Model [lbm] [lbm] [in] [in]
ABSC-112 8,900 11,260 3.5 4
ABSC-129 9,000 12,300 4 4
ABSC-148 10,000 13,440 4 4
ABSC-174 11,000 15,100 5 5
ABSC-200 12,000 16,350 5 5
ABSC-228 13,300 18,150 5 5
ABSC-256 15,000 19,150 6 6
ABSC-294 16,000 22,920 6 6
ABSC-354 17,000 24,700 6 6
ABSC-385 19,600 27,800 8 8
ABSC-420 22,000 30,300 8 8
ABSC-465 22,500 32,250 8 8

ABS-PRC005-EN 19
Jobsite Steam Supply and
Connections Condensate Piping

Steam Supply Figure JC-1. Typical steam supply piping

Figure JC-1 illustrates a typical steam
supply piping illustration that includes
the appropriate hardware.
The steam supply piping should be
designed in accordance with good
design practice, providing strainers,
unions and gate valves for ease of
operation and maintenance. A properly
sized steam modulating valve, based on
design flow and pressure drop
requirements, is provided by The Trane
A hand valve in the steam supply piping
is recommended when the machine will
be out of operation for an extended
period. The modulating steam valve
may experience a small amount of
leakage during shutdown. This leakage
may result in heating of the equipment
room unless the machine is properly
valved off with a hand valve.
Table JC-1. Steam supply and condensate return piping responsibilities
In all applications, it is recommended Material Provided By Installed By
that the steam supply pressure to the Item Trane Other Trane Other
control valve inlet not exceed design to Energy Valve X X
assure proper valve close off. If steam
T-Type Strainer, Flanged connections, gate valve, drip leg
supply pressures exceed design, a w/dirt pocket, float and thermostatic trap, pressure gauge vent X X
pressure reducing station should be and valve, pressure reducing valve, pressure gauge, relief valve
used to control the steam pressure to the check valve, connecting piping.
The unit control has adjustable features
which minimize steam draw on start-up.
The adjustable steam control feature
allows the user to adapt the machine to
the available steam source capability.

20 ABS-PRC005-EN
Jobsite Steam Supply and
Connections Condensate Piping

Condensate Handling Packaged Condensate Systems

Figure JC-1 illustrates a typical Several manufacturers have available
condensate system consisting of steam packaged condensate pump systems,
traps, condensate receivers and designed for various condensate
condensate pumps. Such systems temperatures. A decision regarding the
provide the most economical method of use of these systems with a Trane
returning condensate to a boiler. Absorption machine should be based on
Properly sized float and thermostatic a thorough economic analysis of the
traps are required for proper operation. particular installation. The following
The use of bucket traps is not factors should be considered:
recommended. 1. Condensate may flash in the receiver
Trane absorption machines use steam- less than 20 percent of the total
throttling control. A maximum of three operating time in a typical installation.
percent of the condensate may flash to a The amount of condensate which may
vented receiver at full load. This flashing flash varies from a maximum of three
decreases as the load decreases and is percent of full load to none at less than
virtually nonexistent below 70 percent 70 percent load. A subcooler can be
load. When the machine is operating at used to eliminate the small amount of
less than 70 percent load, the pressure in flashing which may occur when the
the generator tube bundle may be below machine is operating under heavy
atmospheric pressure. The temperature load
of the condensate leaving the machine 2. The condensate system must prevent
under these conditions is less than 212°F condensate from backing up into the
(100°C), so flashing does not occur. machine at part load when the
A subcooler may be installed ahead of pressure in the generator tube bundle
the receiver to cool the condensate to a is below atmospheric pressure
temperature below the saturation 3. The condensate system must not
temperature at atmospheric pressure, draw supply steam through the
thus eliminating flashing entirely. It is machine. This reduces the machine
recommended that a cooling medium efficiency and may offset any potential
such as boiler feed water be used to energy savings, which might
keep this energy within the system. The otherwise be realized by the use of the
pressure drop through the subcooler condensate return system. Also,
should be minimized. reduced tube life would result due to
Figure JC-1 indicates an equalizer line erosion.
installed to avoid condensate backup in If the decision is made to use a packaged
the machine. The swing check opens if a condensate pump system, follow the
vacuum develops within the tube bundle manufacturer recommendations
under part-load operation. regarding its application.
This prevents development of a lower
pressure in the concentrator than at the
outlet of the trap.

ABS-PRC005-EN 21
Jobsite Hot Water
Connections Piping

Hot Water Piping Figure JC-2. Hot water supply temperature piping – 270°F and below with 3-way energy valve
The hot water system must be designed
so as to avoid fluctuations in the
pressure differences across the control
valve. Trane absorption chillers for use
with hot water may be used at entering
hot water temperature of 270°F (132°C)
or below. Piping for a typical hot water
installation using a temperature of 270°F
(132°C) or less is shown in Figure JC-2.
In this arrangement a three-way energy
valve is used to control capacity by
varying the quantity of hot water flowing
through the chiller while maintaining a
constant supply and return flow rate. As
shown in Figure JC-3, a two-way energy
valve can also be used where the return
and supply flow rates can vary. The
generator design is rated to 150 psig
(10.3 bar) with a 400 psig (27.6 bar)
optional design available. Figure JC-3. Hot water supply temperature piping – 270°F and below with 2-way energy valve
When the supply water temperature
exceeds 270°F (132°C), a separate
circulating pump is recommended in a
run-around loop as shown in Figure
JC-4. The hot water for the absorption
machine should be taken from a header
installed between the hot water supply
and return mains. The flow of hot water
through the machine is held constant,
but the temperature of the circulating
water is varied to meet load
requirements by modulating the amount
of high temperature supply water added
to the loop. This is done by installing a
two-way modulating valve at the loop
outlet. The valve responds to the chilled
water temperatures, but limits the water
temperature entering the machine to a
maximum of 270°F (132°C).
Hot Water Valves
Trane provides hot water temperature
control valves with the machine for
installation by the contractor at the job
site. These valves are selected by The
Trane company based on data provided
by the contractor (*i.e. water flow to be
used and the design pressure drop
across the valve.)
It is desirable to use the smallest valve,
with the highest pressure drop,
appropriate to the design water flow and
allowable pressure drop in the system.
The smaller the valve, the better the

22 ABS-PRC005-EN
Jobsite Hot Water
Connections Piping

Figure JC-4. Hot water supply temperature piping above 270°F

Table JC-2. Hot water supply piping responsibilities

Material Provided By Installed By
Item Trane Other Trane Other
Energy Valve (2-Way/3-Way) X X
Gate valve, balance valve, Y-type strainer w/valve,
bypass circuit, check valve, thermometer, pressure gauge, X X
vent shutoff valve, union or flanged connection circulating pump
Rupture Disk Assembly X X
Rupture Disk Piping X X

ABS-PRC005-EN 23
Jobsite Cooling
Connections Water Piping

Cooling Water Piping Figure JC-5. Cooling water piping with cooling tower
The cooling water piping design for
absorption chillers differs from
conventional reciprocating or centrifugal
systems in that cooling water passes
through the absorber section of the
machine prior to entering the condenser.
The single stage absorption chiller is
designed to start and operate with
cooling water temperatures as low as
55°F (12.8°C). In typical applications, the
machine is selected on the basis of the
cooling water temperature that will be
available at full-load and at the design
outside conditions. In air conditioning
applications utilizing a cooling tower, this
is usually 85°F (29.4°C).
With a cooling tower sized at design
Figure JC-6. Cooling water piping, three-way mixing valve
conditions, the temperature of the
cooling water supply to the unit will
decrease with any decrease in cooling
load or outside wet bulb temperature.
The lower cooling water temperature
would normally tend to increase the
capacity potential of the unit. In the Trane
design, the UCP2 adaptive controls will
limit the energy input of the machine
based on the entering cooling water
temperature, thereby preventing
overfiring of the machine.
In typical air conditioning applications,
precise cooling water temperature
control is not required. In process
applications, however, where extremely
close control of leaving chilled water is
required, it is recommended that a tower Figure JC-7. Cooling water piping with well or river water
valve be used to maintain cooling water
temperature at a specified temperature.
Constant cooling water temperature
allows the unit control valve to more
precisely control leaving chilled water
temperature. Also, in applications where
well water or other cooling water will be
available at a temperature below 65°F
(18.3°C), a control valve is recommended
to maintain the temperature at 65°F
(18.3° C) or above. Changes in
condenser water temperature should not Table JC-3. Condenser/absorber piping responsibility
exceed 1 degree F per minute between Material Provided By Installed By
the range of 75-95°F (23.9-35°C). Item Trane Other Trane Other
Crossover Pipe (factory installed X (factory installed
Figure JC-5 illustrates a typical air option) (option)
conditioning installation without a X or X or
cooling tower control valve. Figure JC-6 Flow Switch (optional) X X
illustrates typical cooling water piping in X or
Balancing valve, gate valve, thermometer
applications where a three-way valve (optional), pressure gauge vent and shutoff X X
may be required. Figure JC-7 illustrates valve, Victaulic or flange connection, pipe stub,
typical cooling water piping utilizing well strainer, pump.
or river water.

24 ABS-PRC005-EN

General Pumps Optional Lithium Bromide

Unit is a complete single effect steam or Each aborption machine is equipped Filter
hot water fired absorption chiller with a single, hermetic pump motor The filter system consists of the filter
consisting of generator/condenser assembly having three pump impellers assembly and the associated piping and
section, evaporator/absorber section, on a common shaft. The pump bearings filter isolation valves needed for
controls, pumps, heat exchanger, and and the motor are cooled using distilled operation and maintenance. The main
energy control valve. All units are a refrigerant water from the evaporator filter body is stainless steel with a
completely hermetic design, factory sump. There is a mechanical-magnetic removable, cleanable, stainless steel
assembled and leak tested prior to strainer assembly in the pump motor internal 42-micron element. The filter
shipment. All units are of hermetic cooling circuit. The pump motor is isolation valves allow service of the filter
design, factory assembled and leak factory mounted and wired. The pump assembly without disturbing operation
tested prior to shipment. Unit controls motor is removable without breaking the of the rest of the machine.
are factory mounted and wired including machine vacuum or removing solution
micro electronic control panel, sensors from the machine. Also, pump bearing
and purge system, energy valve can be replacement is possible without
Control Panel
The UCP2™ is a microprocessor-based
factory mounted and wired as an option removing solution or allowing air to
chiller control system that provides
on steam fired units. Unit is painted prior enter the machine.
complete stand-alone operation. It is a
to shipping with two coats of a water
factory mounted package including a full
base air dry primer. Standard method of Purge System compliment of controls to safely and
shipment is by truck from the USA. Noncondensable gases are removed efficiently operate the Absorption Liquid
from the machine through a purge Chiller. The UCP2™ provides:
Generator/Condenser- system termination in a cupronickel • Chilled water temperature control
Evaporator/Absorber collection chamber located in the • Concentration control
The shell material is carbon steel. absorber section. This collection
chamber is evacuated through an System Features and Functions
Standard generator, evaporator and • User interface with a 40 character, 2
absorber tube material is cupro-nickel electrical motor driven vacuum pump.
The purge system should be operated line display and a 16 key keypad,
and condenser is copper. Tubes are capable of displaying 7 languages and
mechanically rolled into the tube sheets only as needed to remove any
noncondensible gases that may be SI or English units
and are replaceable from either end. • Passwords for protection of unit setup
Condenser, evaporator and absorber present. The machine is protected from
re-entry of noncondensible gases by the and configuration
tube supports are fixed. Generator • Chilled water pump control
consists of fixed and floating tube discharge reed valve which provides a
positive seal. • Cooling water pump control
supports to allow for even tube • Anti-crystallization through dilution
expansion. control
Generator • Purge system
Generator/Condenser- The shell is carbon steel. Tube sheets are
• Chilled water reset
steel and standard generator tubes are
Evaporator/Absorber constructed of copper nickel. The
• Two-way valve assembly for hot water
Design working pressure for the water flow control or steam flow control
generator has fixed and floating tube
boxes is 150 psig (10.3 bar). All tube • Concentration control
supports to allow for even tube
bundles are tested at 150 percent of expansion. For hot water as the energy
design working pressure. All water source, the generator is ASME designed
boxes have gasketed removable covers and stamped for 150 psi (10.3 bar).
for access. Water connections are Generator/condenser includes rupture
provided with either victaulic or raised- disk, which is sized to meet ANSI/
face flanged connections. ASHRAE B 15.

ABS-PRC005-EN 25

Adaptive Limits Contractor Responsibilities the tower water circuit, which shall
• Evaporator water temperature limit 1. Install the unit on a level surface. be interlocked with the starting
• Low absorber/condenser limit Neoprene isolation pads supplied by control circuit of the unit such that
• Soft-loading control the manufacturer shall be placed proof of flow is required to prevent
System Protection under the unit. machine damage. Absorption chiller
• Evaporator freeze protection 2. Connect unit control panel to all must control flow of cooling water.
• Chilled water flow confirmation operating external safety and 9. Provide necessary distilled or
• Cooling water flow confirmation auxiliary control devices. demineralized water for refrigerant
• Emergency stop/shutdown 3. Insure that piping adjacent to the charge, and trim charge.
• Under/over voltage detection machine does not restrict removal of 10. Provide labor to charge the machine
headers for inspection, cleaning and with lithium bromide solution and
Monitor and Displays refrigerant water, and assist in
removing tubes.
• Chilled water temperature entering machine starting and calibration
4. Provide gauge cocks and optional
and leaving under supervision of the
thermometer wells for temperature
• Absorber/condenser water manufacturer’s representative.
and pressure readings at the inlet
temperature entering and leaving 11. Provide sufficient sized vacuum
and outlet of the evaporator, at the
• Solution concentration pump and personnel to evacuate the
inlet and outlet of the absorber, and
• Solution temperatures unit prior to charging (if required).
at the outlet of the condenser.
• Total pump current 12. Install any control components
5. Provide balancing valves in all
• Unit voltage provided by the manufacturer for
external water circuits to allow
• Chiller run time and starts installation external to the machine.
balance and trim of the system.
• Purge operation and run time 13. Furnish and install, external to the
6. Provide and install strainers ahead of
• Alarm light unit control panel, a separately fused
all pumps and automatic modulating
• Diagnostic messages disconnect switch, if not provided.
valves to insure proper pump and
• Help screens 14. Install required power supply wiring
valve operation.
• Evaporator water flow (option) to the control panel. Use copper wire
7. Insulate the chilled water headers
• Cooling water flow (option) only.
and other portions of the unit, as
Interfaces To UCP2™ pointed out in the manufacturer’s
• External machine manual reset alarm installation literature to prevent Insulation Required
indication output condensation on cold surfaces and Insulation is required on cold areas to
• External machine auto reset warning heat loss from hot surfaces to the prevent sweating. All insulation is
indication output equipment room. External unit pipes installed in the field and provided/
• External limit warning indication with surface temperatures installed by others.
output sufficiently hot to constitute a danger Insulation for cold insulation area should
• Maximum capacity indication output to operating personnel shall also be be ¾-inch (19 mm) Armaflex or equal
• External auto-stop/emergency insulated. should be applied to evaporator
shutdown 8. Provide and install a flow switch in waterboxes, refrigerant storage tank,
• Interface to Tracer Summit™ the chilled water circuit and interlock refrigerant pump and refrigerant piping.
• External chilled water setpoint it with the starting control circuit of
• Tracer™ controlled relay the unit. Proof of flow is required
• Printer interface prior to permitting unit operation.
Provide and install a flow switch in

26 ABS-PRC005-EN

ABS-PRC005-EN 27
Literature Order Number ABS-PRC005-EN
File Number PL-RF-ABS-000-PRC005-EN 0805
Supersedes ABS-PRC005-EN 1004
Trane Stocking Location La Crosse - Copy
A business of American Standard Companies

For more information contact your local sales office Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change
or e-mail us at comfort@trane.com design and specifications without notice.

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