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Branding Glossary PDF

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advertising any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified
A sources of brand equity, and suggest ways to improve and
leverage its equity.
activity-based cost (ABC) accounting procedures that can
brand awareness consumers’ ability to identify the brand under
quantify the true profitability of different activities by identifying
different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or
their actual costs.
recall performance.
advertising any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and pro-
brand contact any information-bearing experience a customer
motion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
or prospect has with the brand, the product category, or the
advertorials print ads that offer editorial content that reflects market that relates to the marketer’s product or service.
favorably on the brand and are resemble newspaper or maga-
brand development index (BDI) the index of brand sales to
zine content.
category sales.
anchoring and adjustment heuristic when consumers arrive at
brand dilution consumers no longer associate a brand with a
an initial judgment and then make adjustments of their first
specific product or highly similar products or start thinking less
impressions based on additional information.
favorably about the brand.
arm’s-length price the price charged by other competitors for
brand elements those trademarkable devices that serve to
the same or a similar product.
identify and differentiate the brand such as a brand name, logo,
aspirational groups groups a person hopes or would like to join. or character.

associative network memory model a conceptual representa- brand equity the added value endowed to products and services.
tion that views memory as consisting of a set of nodes and inter-
brand extension a company’s use of an established brand to
connecting links where nodes represent stored information or
introduce a new product.
concepts and links represent the strength of association
between this information or concepts. brand image the perceptions and beliefs held by consumers, as
reflected in the associations held in consumer memory.
attitude a person’s enduring favorable or unfavorable evalua-
tion, emotional feeling, and action tendencies toward some brand knowledge all the thoughts, feelings, images, experi-
object or idea. ences, beliefs, and so on that become associated with the brand.
augmented product a product that includes features that go brand line all products, original as well as line and category
beyond consumer expectations and differentiate the product extensions, sold under a particular brand name.
from competitors.
brand mix the set of all brand lines that a particular seller makes
available market the set of consumers who have interest, available to buyers.
income, and access to a particular offer.
brand personality the specific mix of human traits that may be
availability heuristic when consumers base their predictions on attributed to a particular brand.
the quickness and ease with which a particular example of an
outcome comes to mind. brand portfolio the set of all brands and brand lines a particu-
lar firm offers for sale to buyers in a particular category.
average cost the cost per unit at a given level of production; it
is equal to total costs divided by production. brand promise the marketer’s vision of what the brand must be
and do for consumers.

B brand valuation an estimate of the total financial value of the

backward invention reintroducing earlier product forms that
brand value chain a structured approach to assessing the
can be well adapted to a foreign country’s needs.
sources and outcomes of brand equity and the manner in which
banner ads (Internet) small, rectangular boxes containing text marketing activities create brand value.
and perhaps a picture to support a brand.
branded entertainment using sports, music, arts, or other
basic product what specifically the actual product is. entertainment activities to build brand equity.

belief a descriptive thought that a person holds about something. branded variants specific brand lines uniquely supplied to dif-
ferent retailers or distribution channels.
brand a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination
of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one sell- branding endowing products and services with the power of
er or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of a brand.
branding strategy the number and nature of common and dis-
brand associations all brand-related thoughts, feelings, per- tinctive brand elements applied to the different products sold
ceptions, images, experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and so on that by the firm.
become linked to the brand node.
breakeven analysis a means by which management estimates
brand audit a consumer-focused exercise that involves a series how many units of the product the company would have to sell
of procedures to assess the health of the brand, uncover its to break even with the given price and cost structure.

brick-and-click existing companies that have added an online site consumerist movement an organized movement of citizens and
for information and/or e-commerce. government to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers in
relation to sellers.
business database complete information about business cus-
tomers’ past purchases; past volumes, prices, and profits. consumption system the way the user performs the tasks of get-
ting and using products and related services.
business market all the organizations that acquire goods and ser-
vices used in the production of other products or services that are containerization putting the goods in boxes or trailers that are
sold, rented, or supplied to others. easy to transfer between two transportation modes.
content-target advertising links ads not to keywords but to the
C contents of Web pages.

capital items long-lasting goods that facilitate developing or contractual sales force manufacturers’ reps, sales agents, and
managing the finished product. brokers, who are paid a commission based on sales.

captive products products that are necessary to the use of other convenience goods goods the consumer purchases frequently,
products, such as razor blades or film. immediately, and with a minimum of effort.

category extension Using the parent brand to brand a new conventional marketing channel an independent producer,
product outside the product category currently served by the wholesaler(s), and retailer(s).
parent brand.
core benefit the service or benefit the customer is really buying.
category membership the products or sets of products with
core competency attribute that (1) is a source of competitive
which a brand competes and which function as close substitutes.
advantage in that it makes a significant contribution to perceived
cause-related marketing marketing that links a firm’s contribu- customer benefits, (2) has applications in a wide variety of mar-
tions to a designated cause to customers’ engaging directly or kets, (3) is difficult for competitors to imitate.
indirectly in revenue-producing transactions with the firm. core values the belief systems that underlie consumer attitudes
channel advantage a company successfully switches its cus- and behavior, and that determine people’s choices and desires
tomers to lower-cost channels, while assuming no loss of sales or over the long term.
deterioration in service quality. corporate culture the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and
channel conflict one channel member’s actions prevent the chan- norms that characterize an organization.
nel from achieving its goal. corporate retailing corporately owned retailing outlets that
channel coordination channel members are brought together to achieve economies of scale, greater purchasing power, wider
advance the goals of the channel, as opposed to their own poten- brand recognition, and better-trained employees.
tially incompatible goals. cues stimuli that determine when, where, and how a person
channel power the ability to alter channel members’ behavior so responds.
that they take actions they would not have taken otherwise. culture the fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and
communication adaptation changing marketing communications behavior.
programs for each local market. customer-based brand equity the differential effect that brand
communication-effect research determining whether an ad is knowledge has on a consumer response to the marketing of
communicating effectively. that brand.

company demand the company’s estimated share of market customer churn high customer defection.
demand at alternative levels of company marketing effort in a customer consulting data, information systems, and advice ser-
given time period. vices that the seller offers to buyers.
company sales forecast the expected level of company sales customer database an organized collection of comprehensive
based on a chosen marketing plan and an assumed marketing information about individual customers or prospects that is cur-
environment. rent, accessible, and actionable for marketing purposes.
competitive advantage a company’s ability to perform in one or customer lifetime value (CLV) the net present value of the stream
more ways that competitors cannot or will not match. of future profits expected over the customer’s lifetime purchases.
conformance quality the degree to which all the produced units customer mailing list a set of names, addresses, and telephone
are identical and meet the promised specifications. numbers.
conjoint analysis a method for deriving the utility values that con- customer perceived value(CPV) the difference between the
sumers attach to varying levels of a product’s attributes. prospective customer’s evaluation of all the benefits and all the
costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives.
conjunctive heuristic the consumer sets a minimum acceptable
cutoff level for each attribute and chooses the first alternative customer-performance scorecard how well the company is
that meets the minimum standard for all attributes. doing year after year on particular customer-based measures.
consumer involvement the level of engagement and active pro- customer profitability analysis (CPA) a means of assessing and
cessing undertaken by the consumer in responding to a market- ranking customer profitability through accounting techniques
ing stimulus. such as Activity-Based Costing (ABC).

customer training training the customer’s employees to use the e-commerce a company or site offers to transact or facilitate the
vendor’s equipment properly and efficiently. selling of products and services online.

customer value analysis report of the company’s strengths and e-marketing company efforts to inform buyers, communicate,
weaknesses relative to various competitors. promote, and sell its products and services over the Internet.
customer value hierarchy five product levels that must be e-purchasing purchase of goods, services, and information from
addressed by marketers in planning a market offering. various online suppliers.
customerization combination of operationally driven mass cus- elimination-by-aspects heuristic situation in which the consumer
tomization with customized marketing in a way that empowers con- compares brands on an attribute selected probabilistically, and
sumers to design the product and service offering of their choice. brands are eliminated if they do not meet minimum acceptable
cutoff levels.

D environmental threat a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend

or development that would lead to lower sales or profit.
data warehouse a collection of current data captured, organized,
and stored in a company’s contact center. everyday low pricing (EDLP) in retailing, a constant low price
with few or no price promotions and special sales.
database marketing the process of building, maintaining, and
using customer databases and other databases for the purpose of exchange the process of obtaining a desired product from some-
contacting, transacting, and building customer relationships. one by offering something in return.

datamining the extracting of useful information about individu- exclusive distribution severely limiting the number of intermedi-
als, trends, and segments from the mass of data. aries, in order to maintain control over the service level and out-
puts offered by resellers.
delivery how well the product or service is delivered to the cus-
tomer. expectancy-value model consumers evaluate products and ser-
vices by combining their brand beliefs—positive and negative—
demand chain planning the process of designing the supply according to their weighted importance.
chain based on adopting a target market perspective and work-
ing backward. expected product a set of attributes and conditions buyers nor-
mally expect when they purchase this product.
direct marketing the use of consumer-direct (CD) channels to
reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using experience curve (learning curve) a decline in the average cost
marketing middlemen. with accumulated production experience.
direct-order marketing marketing in which direct marketers seek
a measurable response, typically a customer order. F
direct product profitability (DDP) a way of measuring a prod- fad a craze that is unpredictable, short-lived, and without social,
uct’s handling costs from the time it reaches the warehouse until economic and political significance.
a customer buys it in the retail store.
family brand situation in which the parent brand is already asso-
direct (company) sales force full-or part-time paid employees ciated with multiple products through brand extensions.
who work exclusively for the company.
family of orientation parents and siblings.
discrimination the process of recognizing differences in sets of
similar stimuli and adjusting responses accordingly. family of procreation spouse and children.
dissociative groups those groups whose values or behavior an features things that enhance the basic function of a product.
individual rejects.
fixed costs (overhead) costs that do not vary with production or
distribution programming building a planned, professionally sales revenue.
managed, vertical marketing system that meets the needs of both
manufacturer and distributors. flexible market offering (1) a naked solution containing the prod-
uct and service elements that all segment members value, and (2)
drive a strong internal stimulus impelling action. discretionary options that some segment members value.
dual adaptation adapting both the product and the communica- focus group a gathering of six to ten people who are carefully
tions to the local market. selected based on certain demographic, psychographic, or other
considerations and brought together to discuss various topics of
dumping situation in which a company charges either less than its
costs or less than it charges in its home market, in order to enter
or win a market. forecasting the art of anticipating what buyers are likely to do
under a given set of conditions.
durability a measure of a product’s expected operating life under
natural or stressful conditions. form the size, shape, or physical structure of a product.

forward invention creating a new product to meet a need in

E another country.

e-business the use of electronic means and platforms to conduct frequency programs (FPs) designed to provide rewards to cus-
a company’s business. tomers who buy frequently and in substantial amounts.

G integrated marketing communications (IMC) a concept of mar-

keting communications planning that recognizes the added value
global firm a firm that operates in more than one country and of a comprehensive plan.
captures R&D, production, logistical, marketing, and financial
intensive distribution the manufacturer placing the goods or ser-
advantages in its costs and reputation that are not available to
vices in as many outlets as possible.
purely domestic competitors.
internal branding activities and processes that help to inform and
global industry an industry in which the strategic positions of
inspire employees.
competitors in major geographic or national markets are funda-
mentally affected by their overall global positions. interstitials advertisements, often with video or animation, that
pop up between changes on a Web site.
goal formulation the process of developing specific goals for the
planning period.

going-rate pricing price based largely on competitors’ prices.

joint venture a company in which multiple investors share owner-
gray market branded products diverted from normal or autho-
ship and control.
rized distributions channels in the country of product origin or
across international borders.
H learning changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experi-
heuristics rules of thumb or mental shortcuts in the decision
process. lexicographic heuristic consumer choosing the best brand on the
basis of its perceived most important attribute.
high-low pricing charging higher prices on an everyday basis but
then running frequent promotions and special sales. licensed product one whose brand name has been licensed to
other manufacturers who actually make the product.
holistic marketing a concept based on the development, design,
and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activ- life-cycle cost the product’s purchase cost plus the discounted
ities that recognizes their breadth and interdependencies. cost of maintenance and repair less the discounted salvage value.
horizontal marketing system two or more unrelated companies lifestyle a person’s pattern of living in the world as expressed in
put together resources or programs to exploit an emerging mar- activities, interests, and opinions.
ket opportunity.
line extension the parent brand is used to brand a new product
hybrid channels use of multiple channels of distribution to reach that targets a new market segment within a product category cur-
customers in a defined market. rently served by the parent brand.

line stretching a company lengthens its product line beyond its

I current range.

image the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person holds long-term memory (LTM) a permanent repository of information.
regarding an object.
loyalty a commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred prod-
industry a group of firms that offer a product or class of products uct or service.
that are close substitutes for one another.

ingredient branding a special case of co-branding that involves M

creating brand equity for materials, components, or parts that are
maintenance and repair the service program for helping cus-
necessarily contained within other branded products.
tomers keep purchased products in good working order.
innovation any good, service, or idea that is perceived by some-
market-buildup method identifying all the potential buyers in
one as new.
each market and estimating their potential purchases.
innovation diffusion process the spread of a new idea from its
market demand the total volume of a product that would be
source of invention or creation to its ultimate users or adopters.
bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical
installation the work done to make a product operational in its area in a defined time period in a defined marketing environment
planned location. under a defined marketing program.

institutional market schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, market forecast the market demand corresponding to the level
and other institutions that must provide goods and services to of industry marketing expenditure.
people in their care.
market logistics planning the infrastructure to meet demand,
integrated logistics systems (ILS) materials management, mate- then implementing and controlling the physical flows or materials
rial flow systems, and physical distribution, abetted by informa- and final goods from points of origin to points of use, to meet
tion technology (IT). customer requirements at a profit.

integrated marketing mixing and matching marketing activities market opportunity analysis (MOA) system used to determine
to maximize their individual and collective efforts. the attractiveness and probability of success.

market partitioning the process of investigating the hierarchy of marketing network the company and its supporting stakeholders,
attributes consumers examine in choosing a brand if they use with whom it has built mutually profitable business relationships.
phased decision strategies.
marketing opportunity an area of buyer need and interest in
market penetration index a comparison of the current level of which there is a high probability that a company can profitably
market demand to the potential demand level. satisfy that need.

market-penetration pricing pricing strategy where prices start marketing plan written document that summarizes what the mar-
low to drive higher sales volume from price-sensitive customers keter has learned about the marketplace, indicates how the firm
and produce productivity gains. plans to reach its marketing objectives, and helps direct and
coordinate the marketing effort.
market potential the upper limit to market demand whereby
increased marketing expenditures would not be expected to marketing public relations (MPR) publicity and other activities
stimulate further demand. that build corporate or product image to facilitate marketing goals.

market-skimming pricing pricing strategy where prices start high marketing research the systematic design, collection, analysis,
and are slowly lowered over time to maximize profits from less and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific market-
price-sensitive customers. ing situation facing the company.

marketer someone who seeks a response (attention, a purchase, markup pricing an item by adding a standard increase to the
a vote, a donation) from another party, called the prospect. product’s cost.

marketing process of planning and executing the conception, materials and parts goods that enter the manufacturer’s product
pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and ser- completely.
vices to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organiza- media selection finding the most cost-effective media to deliver
tional goals. the desired number and type of exposures to the target audience.
marketing audit a comprehensive, systematic, independent, and megamarketing the strategic coordination of economic, psy-
periodic examination of a company’s or business unit’s marketing chological, political, and public relations skills, to gain the coop-
environment, objectives, strategies, and activities. eration of a number of parties in order to enter or operate in a
given market.
marketing channel system the particular set of marketing chan-
nels employed by a firm. megatrends large social, economic, political, and technological
changes that are slow to form, and once in place, have an influ-
marketing channels sets of interdependent organizations
ence for seven to ten years or longer.
involved in the process of making a product or service available
for use or consumption. membership groups groups having a direct influence on a person.
marketing communications the means by which firms attempt to memory encoding how and where information gets into memory.
inform, persuade, and remind consumers—directly or indirectly—
memory retrieval how and from where information gets out of
about products and brands that they sell.
marketing communications mix advertising, sales promotion,
mental accounting the manner by which consumers code, cate-
events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct mar-
gorize, and evaluate financial outcomes of choices.
keting, and personal selling.
microsales analysis examination of specific products and territo-
marketing decision support system (MDSS) a coordinated col-
ries that fail to produce expected sales.
lection of data, systems, tools, and techniques with supporting
software and hardware by which an organization gathers and microsite a limited area on the Web managed and paid for by an
interprets relevant information from business and the environ- external advertiser/company.
ment and turns it into a basis for marketing action.
mission statements statements that organizations develop to
marketing implementation the process that turns marketing share with managers, employees, and (in many cases) customers.
plans into action assignments and ensures that such assignments
mixed bundling the seller offers goods both individually and in
are executed in a manner that accomplishes the plan’s stated
multichannel marketing a single firm uses two or more market-
marketing information system (MIS) people, equipment, and
ing channels to reach one or more customer segments.
procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute
information to marketing decision makers. multitasking doing two or more things at the same time.
marketing intelligence system a set of procedures and sources
managers use to obtain everyday information about develop- N
ments in the marketing environment.
net price analysis analysis that encompasses company list price,
marketing management the art and science of choosing target average discount, promotional spending, and co-op advertising
markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through to arrive at net price.
creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.
noncompensatory models in consumer choice, when consumers
marketing metrics the set of measures that helps firms to quan- do not simultaneously consider all positive and negative attribute
tify, compare, and interpret their marketing performance. considerations in making a decision.

O primary groups groups with which a person interacts continuously

and informally, such as family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
Online alliances and affiliate programs when one Internet com-
principle of congruity psychological mechanism that states that
pany works with another one and they advertise each other.
consumers like to see seemingly related objects as being as sim-
opinion leader the person in informal, product-related communi- ilar as possible in their favorability.
cations who offers advice or information about a specific product
private label brand brands that retailers and wholesalers devel-
or product category.
op and market.
ordering ease how easy it is for the customer to place an order
product adaptation altering the product to meet local conditions
with the company.
or preferences.
organization a company’s structures, policies, and corporate
product assortment the set of all products and items a particular
seller offers for sale.
organizational buying the decision-making process by which for-
product invention creating something new via product develop-
mal organizations establish the need for purchased products and
ment or other means.
services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative
brands and suppliers. product mix see product assortment.
overall market share the company’s sales expressed as a per- product penetration percentage the percentage of ownership
centage of total market sales. or use of a product or service in a population.

product system a group of diverse but related items that function

P in a compatible manner.
parent brand an existing brand that gives birth to a brand profitable customer a person, household, or company that over
extension. time yields a revenue stream that exceeds by an acceptable
amount the company’s cost stream of attracting, selling, and ser-
partner relationship management (PRM) activities the firm
vicing that customer.
undertakes to build mutually satisfying long-term relations with
key partners such as suppliers, distributors, ad agencies, and mar- prospect theory consumers frame decision alternatives in terms
keting research suppliers. of gains and losses according to a value function.
penetrated market the set of consumers who are buying a com- public any group that has an actual or potential interest in or
pany’s product. impact on a company’s ability to achieve its objectives.
perceived value the value promised by the company’s value public relations (PR) a variety of programs designed to promote
proposition and perceived by the customer. or protect a company’s image or its individual products.
perception the process by which an individual selects, organizes, publicity the task of securing editorial space—as opposed to paid
and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture space—in print and broadcast media to promote something.
of the world.
pull strategy the manufacturer using advertising and promotion
performance quality the level at which the product’s primary to persuade consumers to ask intermediaries for the product,
characteristics operate. thus inducing the intermediaries to order it.
personal communications channels two or more persons com- purchase probability scale a scale to measure the probability of
municating directly face-to-face, person-to-audience, over the a buyer making a particular purchase.
telephone, or through e-mail.
pure bundling a firm only offers its products as a bundle.
personal influence the effect one person has on another’s atti-
tude or purchase probability. pure-click companies that have launched a Web site without any
previous existence as a firm.
personality a set of distinguishing human psychological traits that
lead to relatively consistent responses to environmental stimuli. push strategy the manufacturer using its sales force and trade
promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and
place advertising (also out-of-home advertising) ads that sell the product to end users.
appear outside of home and where consumers work and play.

point-or-purchase (P-O-P) the location where a purchase is made, R

typically thought of in terms of a retail setting.
reference groups all the groups that have a direct or indirect
potential market the set of consumers who profess a sufficient influence on a person’s attitudes or behavior.
level of interest in a market offer.
reference prices pricing information a consumer retains in mem-
potential product all the possible augmentations and transfor- ory which is used to interpret and evaluate a new price.
mations the product or offering might undergo in the future.
relational equity the cumulative value of the firm’s network of
price discrimination a company sells a product or service at two or relationships with its customers, partners, suppliers, employees,
more prices that do not reflect a proportional difference in costs. and investors.
price escalation an increase in the price of a product due to relationship marketing building mutually satisfying long-term rela-
added costs of selling it in different countries. tionships with key parties, in order to earn and retain their business.

relative market share market share in relation to a company’s service any act or performance that one party can offer to anoth-
largest competitor. er that is essentially intangible and does not result in the owner-
ship of anything.
reliability a measure of the probability that a product will not mal-
function or fail within a specified time period. share penetration index a comparison of a company’s current
market share to its potential market share.
repairability a measure of the ease of fixing a product when it
malfunctions or fails. shopping goods goods that the consumer, in the process of
selection and purchase, characteristically compares on such bases
representativeness heuristic consumers basing their predictions as suitability, quality, price, and style.
on how representative or similar an outcome is to other examples.
short-term memory (STM) a temporary repository of information.
risk analysis a method by which possible rates of returns and their
probabilities are calculated by obtaining estimates for uncertain social classes homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society,
variables affecting profitability. which are hierarchically ordered and whose members share simi-
lar values, interests, and behavior.
role the activities a person is expected to perform.
social marketing marketing done by a nonprofit or government
organization to further a cause, such as “say no to drugs.”
specialty goods goods that have unique characteristics or brand
sales analysis measuring and evaluating actual sales in relation identification for which a sufficient number of buyers are willing to
to goals. make a special purchasing effort.
sales budget a conservative estimate of the expected volume of sponsorship financial support of an event or activity in return for
sales, used for making current purchasing, production, and cash recognition and acknowledgment as the sponsor.
flow decisions.
stakeholder-performance scorecard a measure to track the sat-
sales promotion a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, isfaction of various constituencies who have a critical interest in
designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular and impact on the company’ s performance.
products or services by consumers or the trade.
status one’s position within his or her own hierarchy or culture.
sales quota the sales goal set for a product line, company divi-
sion, or sales representative. straight extension introducing a product in a foreign market
without any change in the product.
sales-variance analysis a measure of the relative contribution of
different factors to a gap in sales performance. strategic brand management the design and implementation of
marketing activities and programs to build, measure, and manage
satisfaction a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment brands to maximize their value.
resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance or
outcome in relation to his or her expectations. strategic business units (SBUs) a single business or collection of
related businesses that can be planned separately from the rest
scenario analysis developing plausible representations of a firm’s of the company, with its own set of competitors and a manager
possible future that make different assumptions about forces dri- who is responsible for strategic planning and profit performance.
ving the market and include different uncertainties.
strategic group firms pursuing the same strategy directed to the
search-related ads ads in which search terms are used as a proxy same target market.
for the consumer’s consumption interests and relevant links to
strategic marketing plan laying out the target markets and the
product or service offerings are listed along side the search
value proposition that will be offered, based on analysis of the
best market opportunities.
secondary groups groups which tend to be more formal and
strategy a company’s game plan for achieving its goals.
require less interaction than primary groups, such as religious,
professional, and trade-union groups. style a product’s look and feel to the buyer.
selective attention the mental process of screening out certain sub-brand a new brand combined with an existing brand.
stimuli while noticing others.
subculture subdivisions of a culture that provide more specific
selective distortion the tendency to interpret product informa- identification and socialization, such as nationalities, religions,
tion in a way that fit consumer perceptions. racial groups, and geographical regions.
selective distribution the use of more than a few but less than subliminal perception receiving and processing subconscious
all of the intermediaries who are willing to carry a particular messages that affect behavior.
supersegment a set of segments sharing some exploitable
selective retention good points about a product that consumers similarity.
like are remembered and good points about competing products
supplies and business services short-term goods and services
are forgotten.
that facilitate developing or managing the finished product.
served market all the buyers who are able and willing to buy a
supply chain management (SCM) procuring the right inputs (raw
company’s product.
materials, components, and capital equipment); converting them
served market share a company’s sales expressed as a percent- efficiently into finished products; and dispatching them to the
age of the total sales to its served market. final destinations.

tactical marketing plan marketing tactics, including product fea- unsought goods those the consumer does not know about or
tures, promotion, merchandising, pricing, sales channels, and does not normally think of buying, like smoke detectors.

target costing deducting the desired profit margin from the price
at which a product will sell, given its appeal and competitors’ prices. V
target market the part of the qualified available market the com- value-delivery network a company’s supply chain and how it
pany decides to pursue. partners with specific suppliers and distributors to make products
and bring them to markets.
target-return pricing determining the price that would yield the
firm’s target rate of return on investment (ROI). value-delivery system all the expectancies the customer will have
on the way to obtaining and using the offering.
telemarketing the use of telephone and call centers to attract
prospects, sell to existing, customers, and provide service by tak- value network a system of partnerships and alliances that a firm
ing orders and answering questions. creates to source, augment, and deliver its offerings.

total costs the sum of the fixed and variable costs for any given value pricing winning loyal customers by charging a fairly low
level of production. price for a high-quality offering.

total customer cost the bundle of costs customers expect to incur value proposition the whole cluster of benefits the company
in evaluating, obtaining, using, and disposing of the given market promises to deliver.
offering, including monetary, time, energy, and psychic costs.
variable costs costs that vary directly with the level of production.
total customer value the perceived monetary value of the bundle
venture team a cross-functional group charged with developing
of economic, functional, and psychological benefits customers
a specific product or business.
expect from a given market offering.
vertical integration situation in which manufacturers try to con-
total quality management (TQM) an organizationwide approach
trol or own their suppliers, distributors, or other intermediaries
to continuously improving the quality of all the organization’s
processes, products, and services. vertical marketing system (VMS) producer, wholesaler(s), and
retailer(s) acting as a unified system.
tracking studies collecting information from consumers on a rou-
tine basis over time. viral marketing using the Internet to create word of mouth
effects to support marketing efforts and goals.
transaction a trade of values between two or more parties: A
gives X to B and receives Y in return.

transfer in the case of gifts, subsidies, and charitable contributions:

A gives X to B but does not receive anything tangible in return. Y
transfer price the price a company charges another unit in the yield pricing situation in which companies offer (1) discounted
company for goods it ships to foreign subsidiaries. but limited early purchases, (2) higher-priced late purchases,
and (3) the lowest rates on unsold inventory just before it
trend a direction or sequence of events that has some momen- expires.
tum and durability.

two-part pricing a fixed fee plus a variable usage fee.

tying agreements agreement in which producers of strong

brands sell their products to dealers only if dealers purchase relat- zero-level channel (direct-marketing channel) a manufacturer
ed products or services, such as other products in the brand line. selling directly to the final customer.

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