Caietul Elevului - Ed. Art
Caietul Elevului - Ed. Art
Caietul Elevului - Ed. Art
English and Romanian teachers have created, through Limba modernă 1 – studiu intensiv.
Engleză. Clasa a VII-a. Workbook, a book that follows the Romanian Curriculum step by step.
With Limba modernă 1 – studiu intensiv. Engleză. Clasa a VII-a. Workbook, learning English
becomes much more interesting as you discover and explore the cultures and people of the
world around you.
The Workbook offers additional practice of all the language and skills presented in the
Student’s Book (Limba modernă 1 – studiu intensiv. Engleză. Clasa a VII-a). This version of the
Workbook offers:
3 Adventure page 35
Starter Unit 5
General and specific competences from the curriculum Competenţe generale și specifice din programa școlară
explored in this unit exploatate în această unitate
1. Receive oral messages in different communication 1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în diverse situaţii de comunicare
situations 1.2. Desprinderea semnificaţiei dintr-o conversaţie obișnuită
1.2. Identify details from a regular everyday conversation, when de zi cu zi atunci când interlocutorii reformulează sau repetă la
the interlocutors rephrase or repeat certain words/phrases on cerere anumite cuvinte/expresii
demand 1.3. Identificarea principalelor idei dintr-o discuție rostită clar
1.3. Identify the main ideas from a clearly spoken discussion in în limba standard
the standard language 1.4. Identificarea unor elemente comune culturii proprii și
culturii studiate
2. Speak in different communication situations
2.1. Report a happening/personal experiences 2. Exprimarea orală în diverse situaţii de comunicare
2.3. Provide responses to a suggestion using common 2.1. Relatarea unei întâmplări/a unor experienţe personale
formulas 2.3. Oferirea de reacții răspuns la o sugestie, folosind formule
2.4. Participate in short conversations in common contexts, on uzuale
general topics 2.4. Participarea la scurte conversaţii în contexte obișnuite,
2.5. Show a positive attitude with respect to participating in a asupra unor subiecte generale
verbal exchange 2.5. Manifestarea unei atitudini pozitive faţă de participarea la
dialog și exprimarea în public
6 Starter Unit
Starter Unit
Meeting people Free-time activities
1 Put the sentences in the correct order to 3 Write the activities under the pictures.
make a conversation. Use do, go, play, read, sing, or watch.
1 2
play basketball
3 4
2 Complete the daily activities. Use the words
in the box. Then number the activities in the
order you do them every day. 7 8
to bed
1 wake up
to school
Starter Unit 7
Wh- questions Across
4 makes you angry
4 Complete the questions with the words in 6 strange
the box. 7 fantastic
8 makes you laugh
What Where When How
How old Who Whose
1 makes you want to run away
1 How old were you when you started 2 someone that will help you
playing tennis? 3 someone that doesn’t like you
2 did you go after school yesterday? 5 opposite of interesting
3 is that girl over there?
4 are you doing? Comparative and superlative
5 phone number is this? adjectives
6 did you go to Colombia?
7 Circle the correct options.
7 do you switch on this tablet?
1 This film is much more / most frightening than
I can’t find the power button.
that one.
2 What’s the easiest / easier subject at school?
Prepositions 3 Many people think Real Madrid are better / best
5 Complete the sentences with the than all other football teams.
prepositions in the box. 4 Playing a sport is much more / most exciting than
watching one!
between of near in front of until over 5 You can move more fast / faster in a city by
motorbike than by car.
1 I was up until 3 am trying to finish 6 Dubai has got the taller / tallest building in the
my project. world.
2 There’s someone waiting _________ the door.
3 __________ five people were injured in the Adverbs
4 She lives __________ her son’s college. 8 Complete the sentences with the adverb
5 The distance __________ the two cities is short.
form of the adjectives in brackets.
6 This is a picture __________ my grandparents
1 I learned the song easily (easy) because
I had a good teacher.
when they were young.
2 Jack draws very (good). He’s a
very good artist.
3 That app is difficult to use. Read the instructions
6 Use the clues to complete the crossword. (careful).
4 They walked (slow) on the beach
s in the evening sun.
c 5 My dad plays basketball (bad).
He can’t get the ball into the basket!
a 2
6 I chatted (happy) for an hour
r with my friend Lola last night.
y 7 We should talk (quiet) because
my little brother’s asleep.
8 Grace did her homework (quick)
because she wanted to watch TV.
8 Starter Unit
Comparative and superlative 12 Write questions for a local politician.
adverbs Use the prompts and the past simple.
Past simple
Complete the politician’s answers.
Circle the correct words in the table. Use the verbs in the box in the past simple.
Then match the answers (a−f) with the
1 In the past simple we add -ed or -d to the questions in Exercise 11.
infinitive in regular / irregular verbs.
2 To form negatives, we put didn’t + infinitive / reach decide give have move
past form. not think be not pay
3 To form questions, we put Did + subject +
infinitive / past form. a The total 1 reached more than $6 million.
Question: 4
4 We form negatives and questions of irregular
b Because we 2 to put solar panels on
verbs in the same / a different way.
all the new buildings. We 3 the first
green town in the USA!
11 Complete the text. Question:
Use the past simple c We 4 terrible floods every two or
form of the verbs in three years because the town was by the river.
brackets. Question:
Last year I 1 had d No, the experts 5 that normal
(have) a terrible experience protection could stop the floods.
when a shark 2 Question:
(attack) me. That day I e The town 6 all the money.
(not see) The government 7 us $4 million.
the red danger flag at the Question:
beach, so I 4 f The people of the town 8 all the
(decide) to go surfing. houses and shops up the hill!
Suddenly I 5 Question:
(hear) someone shouting, and the next minute I
(see) the shark a few metres away
from me. I 7 (jump) off my surfboard,
the shark 8 (open) its mouth, and I
(hit) it hard on the nose. The surfboard
(break) in half. I don’t know why,
but the shark 11 (not attack) me again.
It 12 (swim) away very fast. How lucky!
Starter Unit 9
It is 8 o’clock in the evening. Look at the table and write sentences
in the past simple about Dylan with ago.
Answer the questions. Use ago.
1 When did you start school today?
Three hours ago.
2 When did you last go on holiday?
3 When did you start to learn English?
4 When did you have breakfast today?
5 When did you last go to the park with your friends?
Explaining a problem
Match the sentences with the correct place in the conversation.
A: William, what’s the matter? a Let me think. In the classroom?
B: 1 b It’s probably in there.
A: Oh no! Your Maths homework? b I lost my homework.
B: 2
A: OK, don’t panic! Where did you put it when you finished it? c I’m not sure. I think I put it in my bag.
B: 3
A: But it’s not in your bag. Is it in your Maths book? d No way!
B: 4
A: Why not? e Yes. It took me over an
B: 5 hour. I don’t know
A: Well, where could it be, what to do.
then? f Well, for one thing.
B: 6 Why would I put it in
A: I hope so! my Maths book?
10 Starter Unit
1 Strange stories
Strange stories 11
General and specific competences from the curriculum Competenţe generale și specifice din programa școlară
explored in this unit exploatate în această unitate
1. Receive oral messages in different communication situations 1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în diverse situaţii de comunicare
1.1. Select the main ideas from TV programmes/audio-video 1.1. Selectarea principalelor idei din programe TV/ înregistrări
recorded materials related to familiar topics, when the speakers audio-video pe teme familiare, dacă se vorbește relativ rar și cu
talk relatively slowly and clearly claritate
1.2. Identify details from a regular everyday conversation, when 1.2. Desprinderea semnificaţiei dintr-o conversaţie obișnuită
the interlocutors rephrase or repeat certain words/phrases on de zi cu zi atunci când interlocutorii reformulează sau repetă la
demand cerere anumite cuvinte/expresii
1.3. Identify the main ideas from a clearly spoken discussion in 1.3. Identificarea principalelor idei dintr-o discuție rostită clar în
the standard language limba standard
1.4. Identify common aspects between your own culture and the 1.4. Identificarea unor elemente comune culturii proprii și
culture of the language studied culturii studiate
4. Write messages in different communication situations 4. Redactarea de mesaje în diverse situații de comunicare
4.3. Present a real or imaginary event 4.3. Prezentarea în scris a unui eveniment real sau imaginar
4.5. Show a positive attitude towards participating in the 4.5. Manifestarea unei atitudini pozitive faţă de participarea la
exchange of written messages schimbul de mesaje scrise
12 Unit 1
1 Strange stories
Action verbs 2 Complete the sentences with the past
simple form of the verbs from Exercise 1.
1 Find nine more action verbs in the word 1 He threw the empty bottle in the bin.
search. Write them under the correct picture. 2 I didn’t see the bag on the floor so I
t h r o w o s f h e
3 They their friend across the park.
f a l l o v e r i g 4 The police the thieves at the airport
c h a u c o r c d k with all the money.
5 My sister Mont Blanc last summer.
a k t j e s g h e s
It’s 4,810m high!
t p r u n a w a y t
6 When I saw the big dog, I . It was
c l i m b m t s e e enormous!
h e i p o n e e i a 7 He ________ one million dollars from the bank.
8 The thief out of the window.
b r e a k i n t o l
9 My little brother my mobile phone
under the sofa for a joke. It wasn’t funny.
10 Two thieves _________________ his home.
9 10 Unit 1 13
Language focus 1
Past continuous Past continuous questions
1 Complete the table. 3 Complete the detective’s questions with
the words in the box and the past continuous.
I / he / she / it you / we / they Then complete the short answers.
I1 was running We 6
the men / carry you and your friends / play
away. hiding.
the woman / wear you / watch the man / drive
He 2 They 7
running away. hiding. 1 Was the woman wearing glasses?
she 8
they No, she wasn’t .
running away? hiding? 2 TV at nine o’clock?
Yes, she 4 . Yes, they 9 . Yes, .
No, she 5 . No, they 10 . 3 a big box?
No, .
2 Look at the picture and write sentences. 4 the car?
No, . It was the woman.
5 football?
Yes, . In the park.
When the object appeared in the sky … Explore Phrasal verbs with look
1 … we / play / football in the garden 5 Match the sentence beginnings (1–5)
We were playing football in the garden. with the sentence endings (a–e).
2 … my friend / catch / a ball 1 Tom was looking after his little brother c
2 I was looking in the kitchen window
3 … my sister / climb / a tree 3 Lydia was looking for her mobile phone
4 We were looking at some photos
4 … my mum / talk / to a friend on the phone 5 Some people say I look like my mum
a when we saw something really funny.
5 … a car / drive / down the street b when I saw my mum drop the cake.
c because his parents were at work.
6 … our dog / chase / the car d but other people say I look like my dad.
e when she found some money.
7 … my neighbour / cut / the grass
8 … the police officers / help / an old lady
14 Unit 1
Unit11 15
Language focus 2
Past simple vs. continuous 4 Complete the conversation with could or
1 Match the parts of the sentences to A: What’s the Loch Ness monster?
make rules. B: Well, in Scotland there’s a lake called Loch Ness.
1 We use the past simple They say a monster lives in the lake but nobody
2 We use the past continuous 1 could find it.
a to talk about an action that was in progress in the A: Why do they think there’s a monster in the lake?
past. B: Well, someone took a photo in 1937. In the
b to talk about a short, finished action in the past. photo you 2 see a long neck and
a head above the water. And there’s a video
2 Circle the correct options in the story. from 2007 as well. A man said he 3
see something long and black in the water but
he 4 see what it was. Scientists
spent many years looking in the lake but they
find anything.
A: Are there any other photos of it?
B: Well, a man was looking at maps on his computer
in 2014 and said he 6 see something
in a photo of the lake.
A: I’d like to go there.
B: You 7 go there because it’s in
Scotland and you hate the cold!
16 Unit 1
Reading 1
1 Read the article. What was in the water?
A plane
2 Match the words in bold with the 3 Read the text again and put the events in
definitions. the correct order.
1 A building at an airport where a They found a tugboat.
they watch planes. control tower b They called the emergency services.
2 To say that something was c A helicopter and a boat went to the plane.
definitely true. d TV channels said a plane was in the sea.
3 The land near the sea. e People saw a plane in the sea. 1
4 When someone thinks f Airport workers said a plane was missing.
something is going to happen
but it doesn’t. 4 Do you know any stories about false
5 Give information about alarms? Can you invent one? Write five
something. sentences.
6 When a car, plane or train hits
something else.
Unit 1 17
A story
1 Read the story. What did Mr James do?
2 Read the story again. Answer the questions. 4 Complete the story with the words and
1 What was Glen James doing when he found phrases from Exercise 3.
the bag? 1 One day last summer a woman was walking
2 What was in the bag? in the park 2 she found a lost dog.
3 Who did Mr James give the bag to?
, she didn’t know what to do because
4 How much did the website raise for Mr James? she had a sick child. She didn’t think she could look
after a dog and a child, so she put a poster up in
her village, but nobody came to collect the dog.
, one afternoon 5 she was
Useful language Sequencing working in her garden, the dog started to make lots
language 1 of noise. She followed it into the kitchen and found
her son on the floor. 6 , the doctors said
3 Look back at the story. Find sequencing her son almost died but the dog saved him before it
words and phrases. was too late. 7 , the woman decided to
1 O ne day keep the dog because it saved her son’s life.
2 w
5 Be careful with the spelling of the past
3 A f simple. Write the past simple forms of
4 w these verbs.
5 t 1 go went 6 try
6 L 2 be 7 drive
7 F 8 give
3 have 9 find
4 get 10 catch
5 buy
18 Unit 1
Writing 1
Make it better! ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 Read the titles for a story below and choose
Describe your (or the other person’s) reaction or one you like. Use the table in Exercise 7 and
feeling when something happens. make notes. You can use your imagination or
I was really surprised when I heard the news write about a true story.
about Grandma.
Unit 1 19
1 Review
20 Unit 1 Review
Total: 8
Total: 5
Total: 55
Unit 1 Review 21
Get it right! Unit 1
Past simple vs. past continuous 2 Are the sentences correct? Correct the
incorrect sentences.
Remember that: 1 I can’t go to the cinema last night because I was
looking after my sister.
• we use was or were + -ing to talk about an action
I couldn’t go to the cinema last night because I
that was in progress in the past.
was looking after my sister.
✓ The dog was chasing the cat.
✗ The dog chasing the cat. 2 I could hear the music but I couldn’t see who was
• we use the past simple to talk about completed playing it.
events and actions in the past. We never use was or
were + past simple. 3 It was great to see you. I’m so happy that you
✓ The dog chased the cat. could to come.
✗ The dog was chased the cat.
• we usually use while with the past continuous and 4 We couldn’t went to the beach because it was
when with the past simple. raining.
✓ T he dog was chasing the cat when the man
5 In the past, you couldn’t to travel from London to
✗ The dog chased the cat while the man was Paris by train.
6 The exam was very difficult. I can’t understand
1 Circle the correct words. the questions.
New mail
22 Get it right! 1