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Final DP-I ST0301 - IU175121009

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Guided By
Prof. Tejas N. Rathi
Assistant Professor,
Civil Engineering Department, Indus

A Thesis Submitted to
Indus University in Partial Fulfillment of
Requirements for the Master of Technology
Degree in Structural Engineering

Indus Campus, Rancharda, Via. Thaltej,
Gujarat (INDIA)
First of all I am greatful to god for giving blessings. My deepest regards and greatest
admiration remain to my parents & family.

I take this golden opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all who have helped me
in completion of thesis.

I like to show my greatest appreciation to my guide Prof. Tejas Rathi. I cannot say
thank you enough for his great support and help. I feel inspired and encouraged every
time I attend his meeting. Without his guidance this thesis would not have

I express my sincere thanks to INDUS UNIVERSITY, Ahmedabad for giving me a

chance to be a part of this prestigious institute and for constant support.

I am thankful to Prof. Tejendra Tank, Head of Civil Engineering Department for his
motivation and constant monitoring. Also thankful of all the faculty members of civil
engineering department of Indus University, Ahmedabad.


Structural Engineering



1.1. General

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of cable stayed bridge

1.3. Cable Stayed Behaviour

1.4. Components of cable stayed bridge

1.4.1. Tower or pylon

1.4.2. deck system

1.4.3. cable stayed

1.5. Arrangement of cables

1.6. Need of Study

1.7. Objective of study

1.8. Scope of study


2.1. Static and dynamic analysis of cable stayed suspension hybrid bridge
& validation
2.2. Effect of Pylon Shape on seismic response of Cable stayed bridge with soil
structure interaction

2.3 Seismic response of cable stayed bridge with different types of pylons of
various heights
2.4. Construction Techniques of The 3rd Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey

2.5. Seismic Isolation of the 3rd Bosphorus Hybrid Suspension Cable-Stayed


2.6. Construction and Geometry Control of incheon Cable-Stayed


3.1. Preliminary Information cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridges

3.2 Main Components of Cable Stayed Suspension hybrid Bridge
3.3. Geometry and material description of the reference bridge
3.4. Sap2000 software
3.5. Structural modeling and analysis

List of figures
Figure 1:NORMANDIE BRIDGE, FRANCE...............................................................7
Figure 2: hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridge.............................................................8
Figure 3 :3rd Bosphorus Bridge, Turkey.........................................................................9
Figure 4:CABLE STAY BRIDGE AND SUSPENSION BRIDGE..............................11
Figure 5:.Components of bridge....................................................................................12
Figure 6: Typical H-type pylon......................................................................................13
Figure 7: Y-type pylon...................................................................................................13
Figure 8: Inverted V-type pylon.....................................................................................13
Figure 9: Delta type towers............................................................................................13
Figure 10:Composite deck.............................................................................................14
Figure 11:Typical cross section of parallel wire standsLocked coil strand...................15
Figure 12:Typical cross section of locked coil strands Helically-wound strand...........15
Figure 13:Fan type arrangement....................................................................................16
Figure 14:Albert Bridge, London fan type arrangement................................................16
Figure 15:Typical Harp type arrangement.....................................................................17
Figure 16:Abdoun Bridge, Amman, Jordan...................................................................17
Figure 17:: Typical arrangement of Semi Harp type arrangement................................17
Figure 18:The Okutama Cable-stayed Bridge,Tokoyo,Japan........................................17
Figure 19:Typical arrangement of star type...................................................................18
Figure 20:Ormiston Road Bridge by Moller Architects in New Zealand:.....................18
Figure 21:: cable stayed suspension hybrid bridge........................................................31
Figure 22:3rd bosphorus bridge.....................................................................................34
Figure 23:: A shape pylon..............................................................................................34
Figure 24:: steel deck section.........................................................................................35
Figure 25:User interface of SAP2000 v 20....................................................................35
Figure 26:3-D finite element model of A -shaped pylon C.S.S.H bridge.....................36
Figure 27:. A-shape pylon,.............................................................................................36
1.1. General

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of cable stayed bridge

1.3. Cable Stayed Behaviour

1.4. Components of cable stayed bridge

1.4.1. Tower or pylon

1.4.2. deck system

1.4.3. cable stayed

1.5. Arrangement of cables

1.6. Need of Study

1.7. Objective of study

1.8. Scope of study

1.1. General:

The achievement of man has been attributed to how large, long and tall he can create
the structures around him. From the very beginning of the human race he has been
trying to prove that he can create some very astonishing and amazing structures around
him, like Pyramids of Egypt. The construction of cable stayed hybrid bridge of about
1400m span ( Bosphorus, turkey, Istanbul) itself is an achievement in structural

According to Leonhardt, cable stayed bridges are technically, economically,

aesthetically and aerodynamically superior to the classical suspension bridges for
spans in the rage of 700 to 1500 m.

The successful application of cable stayed systems was realized only recently, with the
introduction of high strength steels, orthotropic type decks, development of welding
techniques and progress in structural analysis New systems and technologies were
evolved to meet these requirements. Cable stayed bridges are constructed along a
structural system which comprises of a deck and continuous girders which are
supported by stays in the form of cables attached to tower located at the main piers.


Cable-stayed bridges have become increasingly popular in the past decade in the
United States, Japan and Europe as well as in third-world countries. This can be
attributed to several advantages over suspension bridges, predominantly being
associated with the relaxed foundation requirements, with the introduction of high-
strength steel, development of welding technology and progress in structural analysis
and new construction technique which is very mSuch in vogue. The development and
application of computers opened up new and practically unlimited possibilities for the
exact solution of these highly statically indeterminate systems and for precise statically
analysis of their three-dimensional performance. This leads to economical benefits.
which can favour cable-stayed bridges in free spans of up to 1500m.


The cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge is presented as an alternative to long span

cable-stayed and suspension bridges. Hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridge is
combination of cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge as shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2: hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridge

The idea of using cables and stay cables to support bridge span was introduced by
Roebling, Dischinger, Steinmann and Gimsing etc. After 1920’s combined suspension
cables with cable-stays were used in rehabilitations of some existing suspension
bridges like brooklyne bridge in America, Tancarville bridge in France and Salzar
bridge in Portugle etc. Advantages of combining both systems were discussed by
Gimsing 1988, Schlaich 1988, Lin and Chaw 1991.The cable-stayed suspension
bridge is innovative form of cable supported bridge. The work done in area of
analytical theory and computational technique was inadequate, the bridge system was
not realized until 1997. In the world first cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge was
built in china with main span 288m, in 1997

Figure 3 :3rd Bosphorus Bridge, Turkey

1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of cable stayed bridge


 As compared to the suspension bridge with the same span length the partly
suspension portion is replaced by cable-stayed portion and suspension portion
can be shortened, so the tensional forces in the main cables are greatly
 Reduction of suspension portion in main span decrease in the construction costs
of the main cables, massive anchors, difficulty to construct them in water, and
therefore makes it possible to build in the soft soil foundation also.
 They are more economical since they require fewer materials and less
construction hours than a concrete structure.
 In addition to these, cantilevers during erection are also shorted and wind
stability of the bridge under construction may therefore improve
 wind stability of the bridge under construction may therefore improve.


 They are not ideal for distances that are too far by rule the maximum span for
cable stayed bridge is 1500 meters.
 Inspection and maintenance may be more difficult
 Cable are prone to corrosion and fatigue. which can result to more repairs and

1.3. Cable Stayed Behaviour
The basic concept is the utilization of high strength cables to provide
intermediate supports for the girder so that it may span a much longer distance.
The cable-stays are directly connected to the bridge deck resulting in much
stiffer structure. A large number of closely spaced cable stays support the
bridge deck through its length thus reducing the required and bending stiffness
of the longitudinal to the minimum and thus allowing easy construction of
longer spans. The structural system is a triangulated force system in which
cables are in tension while there is compression in pylons and deck. The
secondary effect like bending, shear, deformation of structure plays pivotal role
in stress determination of members and change the stresses considerably.


1.4. Components of cable stayed bridges

Figure 5:.Components of bridge


The function of the towers is to support the cable system and to transfer
its forces to the foundation.
The tower shape is mainly selected for aesthetic reasons, and is refined
based on proportions, materials, and restrictions associated with the
tower design. A considerable variety of tower shapes exist. In general,
the shape of the tower is governed by the required height and the
environmental loading conditions, such as seismic zones and wind

The towers are classified according to the basic forms shown in figure
a. H-Type or Twin Tower
b. Y-type tower
c. Inverted Y- Type tower
d. Delta Tower
e. Diamond Tower

Figure 6: Typical H-type pylon

Figure 7: Y-type pylon

Figure 8: Inverted V-type pylon

Figure 9: Delta type towers

1.4.2. deck system

The deck or road bed is the roadway surface of a cable-stayed bridge. The deck
can be made of different materials such as steel, concrete or composite steel-
concrete. The choice of material for the bridge deck determines the overall cost
of the construction of bridges. The weight of the deck has significant impact
on the required stay cables, pylons, and foundations

The composite steel-concrete deck is composed of two structural edge girders.

Figure 10:Composite deck

These girders are attached by transverse steel floor beams. The precast
reinforced concrete deck is supported by these two main girders. This type of
composite steel-concrete deck has more advantages as follow

 The own weight of a composite deck is less than a concrete deck

 The light steel girders can be erected before applying the heavy
concrete slab
 The redistribution of compression forces due to shrinkage and creep
onto the steel girders is minimized by using the precast slab.
 The stay cables have more resistance against rotation anchoring to the
outside steel main girders

In the search for a more efficient bridge deck, a major advance has been made
with the development of the orthotropic steel deck. Most cable stayed bridges
have orthotropic decks which differ from one another only as far as the cross-
sections of the longitudinal ribs and the spacing of the cross-girders is

1.4.3. cable stayed

The success of cable-stayed bridges in recent years can mainly be attributed to

the development of high strength steel wires. These are used to form ropes or
strands, the latter usually being applied in cable-stayed bridge There are four
types of strand configuration
Parallel wire strand.

Parallel wire strands consist of galvanized round wires laid up in a hexagonal

form, with a long helix as in Fig 11 .Parallel wire bundles are ideal for cable
stayed bridges, offering high axial stiffness and an especially high modulus
Spiral strands consist of large diameter galvanised round wires helically spun
together. The wires are stranded in one or more layers, mainly in opposite
directions, to achieve the required diameter. This is the most versatile structural
cable, with high breaking strength and a good strength to weight ratio

Figure 11:Typical cross section of parallel wire stands Locked coil


Locked coil strands consist of a centre of one or more layers of large diameter
galvanized round wires helically spun together as shown in fig 12 . Stranded on
top of this centre are one or more layers of large diameter galvanized shaped
wires, mainly in opposite directions, to achieve the required diameter. The closed
construction and smooth outer layers offer high resistance to deformation and
specific pressures.
Figure 12:Typical cross section of locked coil strands Helically-wound

1.5. Arrangement of cables

Cable patterns

The cable system connects the stiffening girder with the towers.

There are essentially four patterns which are used.

• Fan type.
• Harp type.
• Mixed type.
• Star type.

Fan type:

The fan type is more aesthetic and is most economical for a pylon of
slenderness ratio (h/l) < 0.29. For an equal tower height the average
inclination of the cable stays is lower. However the cable stays are
longer and converge towards a single point at the top of the tower, they
pose problems of anchoring arrangements and any subsequent stay
replacement is difficult. The fan type increases the buckling problem
due to greater effective strut length in the towers as in Fig. 13 and 14

Figure 13:Fan type arrangement

Figure 14:

Figure 15:Albert Bridge, London fan type arrangement

Harp type

The harp type of system is preferred in a double plane system as it

reduces the intersection of cable when viewed from a oblique angle as
in Fig15 and 16. In the harp type of system cable connections are
distributed throughout the height of the tower and hence results in an
efficient tower design in comparison with fan type. The structural
behavior of the tower varies depending upon the type of cable system.

Figure 16:Typical Harp type arrangement

Figure 17:Abdoun Bridge, Amman, Jordan

Mixed type or Semi Harp

The mixed type is used when it is difficult to accommodate all cables at

the top of the tower as in Fig. 17 and 18

Figure 18:: Typical arrangement of Semi Harp type arrangement

Figure 19:The Okutama Cable-stayed Bridge,Tokoyo,Japan

Star type arrangement

Star types system is preferred for its unique aesthetic appearance. It

becomes the landmark of that place as in Fig. 19 and 20

Figure 20:Typical arrangement of star type

Figure 21:Ormiston Road Bridge by Moller Architects in New Zealand:

1.6. Need of Study
i. Hybrid bridge systems has very specific application. However, the
behaviour of such system is to be addressed in order to conclude the
flexibility under different conditions.
ii. Span length in hybrid bridge system is relatively higher compared to cable
stayed bridge system and suspended cable bridge system. This forms the
ground to analyse the hybrid system for serviceability criteria.
iii. An optimised choice of the cable stayed system with type of pylon is also
to be looked for so that the design based application can be specific.

1.7. Objective of study

i. Optimise the cable system and shape of pylon for varying span length
under dead load and moving load.
ii. To check the influence on cable forces with variation in cable system and
pylon shape.
1.8. Scope
i. Literature review
ii. Geometry of bridge adopted: Reference (1)
iii. Cable stayed systems considered: 1) Fan System and 2) Modified Fan
iv. Shape of Pylon: 1) A shape and 2) Inverted Y shape
v. Span:
vi. Span length is varied from 1000 m to 1400 m at an interval of 200 m.
vii. Loads Considered:
 Dead  Moving Load (as per IRC – 6, 2016)

2.1. Static and dynamic analysis of cable stayed suspension hybrid bridge
& validation
2.2. Effect of Pylon Shape on seismic response of Cable stayed bridge with soil
structure interaction

2.3 Seismic response of cable stayed bridge with different types of pylons of
various heights
2.4. Construction Techniques of The 3rd Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey

2.5. Seismic Isolation of the 3rd Bosphorus Hybrid Suspension Cable-Stayed


2.6. Construction and Geometry Control of Cable-Stayed bridge

2.1. Static and dynamic analysis of cable stayed suspension hybrid bridge and

Author: Dr A.K.desai, Dr S.V.Vasanwala, Prof. G. M. Savaliya

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and
The requirement of long span bridge is increase with development of
infrastructure facility in every nation. Long span bridge could be achieved with
use of high strength materials and innovative techniques for analysis of bridge.
Generally, cable supported bridges comprise both suspension and cable-stayed
bridge. Cable supported bridges are very flexible in behaviour These flexible
systems are susceptible to the dynamic effects of wind and earthquake loads.
The cable-stayed bridge could provide more rigidity due to presence of tensed
cable stays as a force resistance element. The suspension bridge could assigned
more span in the field of bridge. So, combination of above two structural
system the innovative form of cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge could be
the better option to provide more span. Here, attempt is made to analyse long
span cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge. The literature survey on the topic
of analysis of cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge is presented in the current
paper. Modeling of cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge in SAP2000
software and its validation is carried out. The nonlinear static analysis are carry
out. The time period of bridge for different mode shape is presented to compare
the result of research paper with Sap 2000 software.


It is found from the available literature that, Hybrid cable-stayed suspension

bridge is combining the advantages of cable-stayed bridge and suspension
bridge As compared to the suspension bridge with the same span length the
partly suspension portion is replaced by cable-stayed portion and suspension
portion can be shortened, so the tensional forces in the main catenary cables are
greatly decreased.

Reduction of suspension portion in main span decrease in the construction costs

of the main cables, massive anchors, difficulty to construct them in water, and
therefore makes it possible to build in the soft soil foundation also.

As compared to cable-stayed bridges with the same span length, the cable-
stayed portion is also greatly shortened. These results, the reduced height of
tower, length of stays and the axial forces in the deck. stems.

It is found from the review carried out related to development and analytical
techniques that there is wide scope for the seismic analysis of hybrid cable-
stayed suspension bridge.

2.2. Effect of Pylon Shape on seismic response of Cable stayed bridge with soil
structure interaction
Author: Siddharth shah, J.A. Desai, Solanki
Journal : International journal of civil and structural engineering


Cable stayed bridge are the most flexible bridge and getting popularity because
of its economy for longer spans and aesthetics. Here focus is given on the effect
of shape of pylon on the seismic response of cable stayed bridge, for this, the
bridge span dimension and other parameters are kept constant, and only the
pylon shape is varied viz. A type, H type, portal frame, spread pylon and
pyramid shapes. The height of the pylon is kept constant for all the shapes for
comparison purpose. The 3D bridge model is prepared on SAP 2000 software
and bridge is analyzed seismically by Bhuj 2001, Earthquake India. The bridge
response in terms of pylon displacement, acceleration and base moment is
obtained. The study reveals that the shape of the pylon has great influence in
the seismic response of cable stayed bridge. spread pylon shape are better for
resisting earthquake in longitudinal direction but weak in lateral direction, but

pyramid shape pylon is better because of its geometry in resisting earthquake
force from any direction and also SSI effects are minimum in this case. SSI
effects are predominant for soft soil conditions for all pylon shapes.


In this study, the cable stayed bridge Quincy bay view bridge, is analyzed for
four different shapes of pylons on SAP 2000 software by time history method.
The analysis was carried out for three different soil conditions namely, soft,
medium and hard soil to study the Soil structure interaction effects and against
the fixed base of structure-i.e. without SSI case. The response in terms of
displacement max acceleration, and moment was plotted.

It also clear that effect of pylon shape is also governing the a seismic design of

bridge because the pyramid shape pylon gives lowest values of moment
whereas the H shape of pylon give it a maximum

It is clear that as earthquake direction is changing from longitudinal to

transverse the maximum displacement is changing from y shape to A shape,
thus displacement and acceleration is inversely proportion is proved here.

2.3. Construction Techniques of The 3rd Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul,Turkey

Author: M. Orçun TOKUC and Tamer Tunca
Journal: International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys and Cooling Towers


This paper presents the construction of the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge to be built in
Istanbul, Turkey. The 3rd Bosphorus Bridge has a unique construction that is
regarded as the bridge of the firsts. It is going to be the widest suspension
bridge in the world with a width of 60 meters and the longest spanning one that
has 8 lanes of motorway and 2 lanes of railway on it, with a main span of 1408
meters. Another first of the bridge is that it is the suspension bridge with the
highest bridge pylons of the world, with a height of 322 meters. A hybrid
system that consists of two different construction techniques which are cable-
stayed and suspension bridge is used for the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge

The construction of the bridge includes three main parts. Side spans including
anchorage and approach block, main span and pylons. Anchorage and approach
blocks are built up by conventional methods. Pylons triangular in cross section
and with 1.50 m wall thickness, are raised up by slip forming up to elevation
+208.00 and then continue with climbing form up to elevation +322.00. A
special formwork was produced by Bygging International, the Swiss company,
and used in the construction of pylons.


The 3rd bridge has some significant skills that can be seen at first glance. It will
be the widest suspension bridge in the world when it is completed. Another
skill of the bridge is that it is the suspension bridge with the highest bridge
pylons of the world, with a height of 322 meters. A hybrid system that consists
of two different construction techniques is an advantage for the bridge. Large
scale suspension and cable stayed bridge has many complex details Even
though more studies Needs to be done more for these types of construction,
they still find a wide application.

2.4. Seismic Isolation of the 3rd Bosphorus Hybrid Suspension Cable-Stayed

Author: C. Mendez-Galindo, G. Moor, M. Brüninghold
Journal: Researchgate


The Third Bosphorus Bridge (3BB) is a hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridge

for road and rail traffic, currently under construction in Turkey. To carry freight
railway traffic over its main span of 1408 meters – a record for a railway bridge
– the design envisaged the use of pendulum isolator bearings with a sufficiently
small radius of curvature to adequately stiffen the superstructure for railway
traffic. For the given combination of very small curvature radius, load and
displacement, standard (i.e. “spherical”) pendulum bearings did not present a
feasible solution. Therefore, a special “cylindrical” version was developed


The use of pendulum isolator bearings is an effective way of reducing the
longitudinal deck displacements of suspension bridges under live loading,
particularly in the case of heavy rail traffic loading. However, if the radius of
curvature of the main sliding surface of a designed bearing is low relative to the
vertical load to be supported, the design can become very inefficient and even
unfeasible. In such cases, the “spherical” shape of the sliding surfaces of the
bearing’s calotte can be made “cylindrical”, designing out unnecessary
transverse pendulum movement capacity. The resulting rectangular plan shape
is less prone to tilt and eccentric contact pressure problems, and the size and
weight of each bearing can be significantly reduced – simplifying production,
transportation, installation and future replacement

2.6. Construction and Geometry Control of incheon Cable-Stayed


Author: Jong-Ho Yang, Duk-Ki Im,, Chang-Hyun Kim

Journal: Structural Engineering International

The Incheon Bridge is a continuous span steel deck cable-stayed bridge with
six traffic lanes in dual direction. Its total length is 1480 m including an 800 m
centre span. The pylon was designed as an inverted Y-shaped concrete structure
of 238 m in height The pylon consists of four parts, namely the lower part,
cross beam, middle part and upper cable anchorage part The pylon was
constructed by being divided into 57 lots of 4 m height and auto-climbing form
was applied In order to control the geometry and secure the stability during
construction, temporary tie and struts were installed and tensioned. A total of
208 cables were installed in a semi-fan shaped arrangement and four cables
were stressed simultaneously. An integrated geometry control system was
developed and applied for geometry control and cable adjustment during the
erection. This paper presents the construction and geometry control system
applied in the Incheon cable stayed bridge.

o Automated rebar cage system was applied to the concrete bored piles of 3,0
m diameter in order to accelerate the construction period

o Several treatments to control the hydration heat due to large volume of

concrete were applied in the concrete mix design, curing method and
pouring procedures

o Auto-climbing form was applied to the pylon leg construction in order to

improve cycle time and safety.

o Pylon cross beams were prefabricated at the factory to reduce the

construction period.

o A large block erection by using floating crane for the side span and small
block erection by using a derrick crane for the main span were employed
during girder erection

2.7. A Review on Shapes of Pylon for Cable-Stayed Bridge

Author: Mr. Ajinkya D, R.A. Dubal

Journal: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering


The paper presents finite element approach for the geometric nonlinear
aerostatic analysis of self anchored cable-stayed bridges with different pylon
configurations along with vehicular interaction. In the recent years cable stayed
bridges have received more attention than any other bridge mainly due to Cable
stayed bridge are the most flexible bridge and getting popularity because of its
economy for longer spans and aesthetics. The results showed that these factors
have significant influence on the aerostatic behavior and should be considered
in the aerostatic analysis of long span cable stayed bridges. Analysis results will
be useful for the designers to consider the shape of pylon at the initial stage of
design. Again the results indicate the significant influence of pylon shapes on
aerostatic behavior of such long span. A cable stayed bridge consists of one or
more towers with cables supporting the bridge deck. In terms of cable
arrangements, the most common type of cable stayed bridges are fan, harp, and
semi fan bridges. Because of their large size and nonlinear structural behavior,

the analysis of these types of bridges is more complicated than conventional
bridges An optimum design of a cable-stayed bridge with minimum cost while
achieving strength and serviceability requirements is a challenging task


o The finite element method is discussed to find out the efficient pylon
configuration from comparison of analysis results during aerostatic analysis
of cable stayed bridges. The following conclusions are deduced from the
parametric results
o Nonlinearity effect is predominant in long span bridges and gives
approximately 20 to 60% higher results than linear analysis. In case of bi-
stayed bridges also, the nonlinearity effect is considerably high. • Apart
from few results, for all types of bridges, the load combination
DL+MFOUR+WP is found the governing load combination.
o The concept of anchoring of top cable to the earth proved effective in
reducing the forces in cables
o The displacement due to wind is reduced by approximately 20 to 35% when
live load due to IRC loads is considered.
o The costs of cables are very high in case of cable-stayed bridges which can
be reduced using the concept of partially earth anchored bridges

2.3. Seismic response of cable stayed bridge with different types of pylons of
various heights
Author: Shekhar S Patil, 2 Jayant P Patankar

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research and Development,


Cable stayed bridge are getting more popular these days because of good stability
and elegant for long span bridges compared to other types of bridges. A cable
stayed bridge is a bridge in which the weight of the deck is supported by a number
of cables running directly to one or more towers. Here focus is given on the effect
of various shapes of pylons such as Single pylon, A type pylon and Inverted Y type
pylon on the seismic response of cable stayed bridge. The effect of various heights
of pylons on the seismic response of cable stayed bridge also taken in account for

The bridge span dimensions and other parameters are kept constant and only
variation in shape and height of pylon is done for comparative study of pylon. It
is found that, Single pylon and Inverted Y type pylon are better than A type
pylon for parameters cable forces, pylon and deck deformation. Single pylon is
stronger in longitudinal direction in resisting earthquake force while Inverted Y
type pylon is stronger in lateral direction in resisting earthquake force. To
observe behavior of bridge by changing shape and height of pylon, we have to
fix other parameters of bridge.


In this present study, the linear dynamic analysis is carried out considering the
different types of pylons such as Single pylon, A type pylon and Inverted Y
type pylon with the variation of heights, resulting in forces developed in cables,
pylon and deck deformation and base shear of the structure. Therefore, for this
present study it can be conclude that

The increase in height of pylon decreases the tensile force in the cables. This is
because, as the angle of inclination of cable with deck increases, the component
of cables in vertical direction increases to carry the vertical load.

The Inverted Y and A type pylon have less base shear in longitudinal direction
while A type pylon have less base shear in transverse direction.

Single pylon and Inverted Y type pylons are better than A type pylon from the
parameters considered in this study. Thus, from the all above conclusions, it is
seen that, there is no uniformity in the response of different shapes of pylons
under different conditions. So, it cannot be merely concluded that, which of the
pylons is better. Hence a detailed cost comparison can only decide about the
suitability of pylon

3.1. Preliminary Information cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridges
3.2 Main Components of Cable Stayed Suspension Hybrid Bridge
3.3 Methods of analysis

3.3.1 static analysis
3.3.2 dynamic analysis
3.4. Geometry and material description of the reference bridge
3.5. Sap2000 software
3.6. Structural modelling and analysis

3.1. Preliminary Information of cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridges

Overview of the structural configuration and the load resisting mechanisms of
cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridges is given many times statically
indeterminate structure where the deck acts as a continuous beam with a
number of elastic supports with varying stiffness, because of the large degree of
indeterminateness of these structures, exact calculation by manual procedures is
virtually an impossible task. This is necessary because they are in many ways
distinctly different from beam-type bridges and these differences strongly
affect their behaviour under static as well as dynamic loads. So, computer aided
methods are needed in analyzing this type of bridge. However, some preliminary
calculations to achieve preliminary structure dimensions can be made with basic


Cable stayed suspension hybrid bridge can have a large variety of geometrical
configuration; limited only by the creativity of the designer. The layout of the cable
stays, the style of the pylons and the type of superstructure can be easily adjusted to
suit the engineering requirements and to enhance the architectural beauty.

The ratio of tower height to the length of the mid span considering a total of seven
panel is obtained. The height of the tower is L/5 to L/2.

3.2 Main Components of Cable Stayed Suspension hybrid Bridge

1. deck systems or stiffening girder

2. pylon or towers

3. cable systems

Figure 22:: cable stayed suspension hybrid bridge

3.3 Methods of analysis

In order to analyze a cable-stayed bridge an appropriate idealization or
modeling of the structure must be made. The restraints, if any, present at each
joint in the structure should be determined in order to mathematically model the
structure. The stiffness or flexibility of each member must be known or be
determined by the analysis. Connections between the cables, girders, and
towers are idealized at their points of intersection.
For a single-plane system the structure may be idealized as a two-dimensional
plane frame, and torsional forces acting on the girder would have to be
superimposed on the girder. A two-plane system may be idealized as a three-
dimensional space frame with torsional forces included in the analysis
Several methods have been employed in the analysis of cable-stayed bridges. A
mixed method of analysis, where the unknowns in the matrix formulation
include displacements and forces, has been developed by Stafford Smith. A
transfer matrix method has been developed in West Germany. Troitsky and
Lazar have used the flexibility approach while Podolny and Fleming used a
stiffness approach. Several general computer programs, such as ANSYS,
STRUDEL, SAP2000, etc. are available which use either the stiffness or
flexibility approach. A stiffness approach incorporating an iterative procedure
was used by Podolny and Fleming to compensate for the nonlinearity of the
cables and Tang applied the transfer matrix to the nonlinearity of cable-stayed

3.3.1. static analysis

The static analysis of a structure involves the solution of the system of linear
equations represented by:

𝐾𝑢=𝑟 …………………… (3)

Where K is the stiffness matrix, r is the vector of applied loads, and u is the
vector of resulting displacements. In long span cable-stayed bridges, dead load
is often dominant feature; the pre-strain on the stay cable controls the internal
force distribution in the deck and tower as well as the bridge alignment. The
initial deformed equilibrium configuration of the bridge is important since it is
the starting position to perform the succeeding modal and time history analysis.
It is realized by manipulating the initial tension force in each stay cable. For the
final analysis the most common approach is to model either a half or the entire
structure as a space frame. The pylon, deck and the stays will usually be
represented within the space frame model by bar elements.
The stays can be represented with a small inertia and a modified modulus of
elasticity that will mimic the sag behavior of the stay. Achieving the deformed
equilibrium configuration due to dead load is indeed one of the most difficult
tasks involving multiple trial and errors.

3.2.2 dynamic analysis

Dynamic analysis is the determination of the frequencies and the modes of
vibration of the structure. Cable-stayed bridges by their inherent structural
characteristics are flexible structures. Moving traffic, wind gust and movement
of foundation during an earthquake cause dynamic forces in such structures.
The dynamic effect becomes even more pronounced when frequencies of
excitation matches with the any one of the natural frequency of the bridge. In
calculation of total response of a system the contribution of generally a few
lower modes of vibration is of significance. As such in the analysis, the
determination of first few lower mode frequency and associated characteristic
shape is attempted. The equation of multi degree system can be written as:

M𝑢̈ +C𝑢̇ +Ku=F(t) …………………… (4)

Where M=mass matrix, C=damping matrix, K=stiffness matrix, u=displacement

vector, u = velocity vector, 𝑢 = acceleration vector, F(t)= dynamic force vector.
The above equation (4) is utilized to evaluate the dynamic response of the bridge
system. The results obtained from calculation of frequencies and modes can be
used for the following aspects of the design:

 Response of the bridge under wind dynamic action

 Response of the bridge under dynamic action of vehicles

3.4. Geometry and material description of the reference bridge

Table 3.1. Material properties of structural elements

Sr. Member Material Unit Poisson Modulus Yield/compressive/
No. weight of ultimate tensile

(kN/m³) ratio elasticity strength (MPa)
1 Pylon RCC 25 0.25 35 35
2 Deck RCC 25 0.25 35 35
3 Girder steel 77 0.3 200 450
4 Cable steel 77 0.3 210 1600

Table 3.2. Sectional properties of structural elements

Sr. No. Structural Dimension Material Shape
1 Cable 280-315 mm Steel Circular
Main cable 723-753 mm
Hangers 100-175 mm
Stiffening 225-315 mm

2 Deck slab Height=5.3m, steel orthotopic

5 Pylon Bottom 11.5m x 11.5m RCC Rectangular
6 Pylon Height= 65m RCC Rectangular
at deck level
7 Pylon Top Area= 36 M^2 RCC Rectangular
Figure 23:3rd bosphorus bridge

Figure 24:: A shape pylon

Figure 25:: steel deck section

3.5. Sap2000 software

SAP2000 version 20 is utilized in this study for the analysis of the Cable-stayed
suspension hybrid Bridge. The SAP program was originally developed by Dr.
E.L. Wilson et al. at University of California, Berkeley; with a three-dimension
(3D) object-based graphical modeling environment and nonlinear analysis
capability, the SAP2000 program provides a general purpose yet powerful
finite element analysis software program for structural analysis. This computer
program is one of the most popular structural analysis software packages used
by structural engineers in the USA. The program is structured to support a wide
variety of the latest national and international codes for both steel and concrete

Figure 26:User interface of SAP2000 v 20.

3.6. Structural modeling and analysis

The analytical models of the bridge include all components that influence the
mass, strength, stiffness and deformability of structure. The bridge structural
system consists of cables, pylons, deck slab, struts, transverse and longitudinal
beams. The non-structural elements that do not significantly influence the
bridge behavior are not modeled.

Models of the studied cable-stayed suspension hybrid bridge

The following figures contain model views of the studied bridge created using
SAP2000-V19 structural analysis software

Figure 27:3-D finite element model of A -shaped pylon C.S.S.H bridge

Figure 28:. A-shape pylon

Need of Study:
 Hybrid bridge systems has very specific application. However, the behaviour of
such system is to be addressed in order to conclude the flexibility under
different conditions.
 Span length in hybrid bridge system is relatively higher compared to cable
stayed bridge system and suspended cable bridge system. This forms the
ground to analyse the hybrid system for serviceability criteria.
 An optimised choice of the cable stayed system with type of pylon is also to be
looked for so that the design based application can be specific.
 Optimise the cable system and shape of pylon for varying span length under
dead load and moving load.
 To check the influence on cable forces with variation in cable system and pylon
Scope of Study:
 Literature review
 Geometry of bridge adopted: Reference (1)
 Cable stayed systems considered: 1) Fan System and 2) Modified Fan System
 Shape of Pylon: 1) A shape and 2) Inverted Y shape
 Span:
Span length is varied from 1000 m to 1400 m at an interval of 200 m.

 Loads Considered:
1) Dead load 2) Moving Load (as per IRC – 6, 2016)

The requirement of long span bridge has increased with development of infrastructure
facility in every nation. Long span bridge could be achieved with use of high strength
materials and innovative techniques for analysis of bridge. Generally, cable supported
bridges comprising both viz. suspension and cable-stayed bridge, has addressed the
need. The combination of the above mentioned systems, i.e. Cable stayed suspension
hybrid bridge is a recent advancement in the bridge engineering which provides the
flexibility of increasing span length for bridge decks.
The present study is concentrated towards the behavioural analysis of hybrid bridges
under dead loads and moving loads for serviceability criteria. Different cable systems
viz. Fan shaped and Modified fan shape are used for representing cable stayed systems
with the combination of different shapes of pylon. Influence of span length on the
choice of cable system and pylon shape has also been observed.
Results of analysis reflects that for the span length up to 1200 m a combination of
inverted Y-shaped pylon and Fan system of cable stayed bridges have yielded better
performance under dead loads and moving loads, whereas for span above 1400 m A
shaped Pylon with modified fan system is effective.
2. Modeling Procedure on SAP
1.  Draw the geometry of the  frame either by inserting coordinates  or by linking the 
nodes through member length. 
2.  Draw the required fixed support (NoSSI) or spring (SSI) according to the case. 
3.  Select the stiffness of the spring for SSI as the Winkler approach. Which is taken as 
4.  Define the sections and materials for the members. 
5.  Define the loading values and load combinations to be applied on the structures. 
6.  Define  the  time history to be  used for the dynamic  analysis and include  it  in
the  analysis case 
7.  Now assign the defined section to the members 
8.  Assign the loads to the joints or members as per the case 
9.  After assigning everything, set the analysis to be carried out and press run analysis
SAP program will generate  the  various  results like  joint  displacements,  joint 
forces, joint 


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