Study of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security
Study of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security
Study of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security
Today man is able to send and receive any form of data may be an e-mail or
an audio or video just by the click of a button but did he ever think how
securely his data id being transmitted or sent to the other person safely without
any leakage of information?? The answer lies in cyber security. Today Internet
is the fastest growing infrastructure in everyday life. In today’s technical
environment many latest technologies are changing the face of the mankind.
But due to these emerging technologies we are unable to safeguard our private
information in a very effective way and hence these days cyber-crimes are
increasing day by day.
Today more than 60 percent of total commercial transactions are done online,
so this field required a high quality of security for transparent and best
transactions. Hence cyber security has become a latest issue. The scope of
cyber security is not just limited to securing the information in IT industry but
also to various other fields like cyber space etc.
Even the latest technologies like cloud computing, mobile computing, E-
commerce, net banking etc also needs high level of security. Since these
technologies hold some important information regarding a person their
security has become a must thing. Enhancing cyber security and protecting
critical information infrastructures are essential to each nation's security and
economic wellbeing.
Making the Internet safer (and protecting Internet users) has become integral
to the development of new services as well as governmental policy. The fight
against cyber-crime needs a comprehensive and a safer approach. Given that
technical measures alone cannot prevent any crime, it is critical that law
enforcement agencies are allowed to investigate and prosecute cyber-crime
effectively. Today many nations and governments are imposing strict laws on
cyber securities in order to prevent the loss of some important information.
Every individual must also be trained on this cyber security and save
themselves from these increasing cyber-crimes.
Cyber Crime:
Cyber-crime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer as its
primary means of commission and theft. The U.S. Department of Justice
expands the definition of cyber-crime to include any illegal activity that uses
a computer for the storage of evidence. The growing list of cyber-crimes
includes crimes that have been made possible by computers, such as network
intrusions and the dissemination of computer viruses, as well as computer-
based variations of existing crimes, such as identity theft, stalking, bullying
and terrorism which have become as major problem to people and nations.
Cybersecurity vendors-
Vendors in cybersecurity fields will typically use endpoint, network and
advanced threat protection security as well as data loss prevention.
Three commonly known cybersecurity vendors include Cisco, McAfee
and Trend Micro.
Cisco tends to focus on networks and allows its customers to utilize
firewalls, VPNs and advanced malware protection along with
supporting email and endpoint security. Cisco also supports real-time
malware blocking.
McAfee makes cybersecurity products for consumers and enterprise
users. McAfee supports mobile, enterprise clouds, network, web and
server-based security. Data protection and encryption is also offered.
Trend Micro is an anti-malware vendor which offers threat protection
for mobile, hybrid clouds, SaaS and the IoT. Trend Micro provides
users with endpoint, email and web security.
Types of Attacks:
An attack can be active or passive-
An "active attack" attempts to alter system resources or affect their
A "passive attack" attempts to learn or make use of information from
the system but does not affect system resources (e.g., wiretapping).
An attack can be perpetrated by an insider or from outside the
An "inside attack" is an attack initiated by an entity inside the security
perimeter (an "insider"), i.e., an entity that is authorized to access system
resources but uses them in a way not approved by those who granted the
An "outside attack" is initiated from outside the perimeter, by an
unauthorized or illegitimate user of the system (an "outsider"). In the
Internet, potential outside attackers range from amateur pranksters to
organized criminals, international terrorists, and hostile governments.
A resource (both physical or logical), called an asset, can have one or more
vulnerabilities that can be exploited by a threat agent in a threat action. As
a result, the confidentiality, integrity or availability of resources may be
compromised. Potentially, the damage may extend to resources in addition
to the one initially identified as vulnerable, including further resources of
the organization, and the resources of other involved parties (customers,
suppliers). The so-called CIA triad is the basis of information security. The
attack can be active when it attempts to alter system resources or affect
their operation: so, it compromises integrity or availability. A "passive
attack" attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but
does not affect system resources: so, it compromises confidentiality.
A threat is a potential for violation of security, which exists when there is
a circumstance, capability, action or event that could breach security and
cause harm. That is, a threat is a possible danger that might exploit a
vulnerability. A threat can be either "intentional" (i.e., intelligent; e.g., an
individual cracker or a criminal organization) or "accidental" (e.g., the
possibility of a computer malfunctioning, or the possibility of an "act of
God" such as an earthquake, a fire, or a tornado). A set of policies
concerned with information security management, the information security
management systems (ISMS), has been developed to manage, according to
risk management principles, the countermeasures in order to accomplish to
a security strategy set up following rules and regulations applicable in a
An attack should lead to a security incident i.e. a security event that
involves a security violation. In other words, a security-relevant system
event in which the system's security policy is disobeyed or otherwise
breached. The overall picture represents the risk factors of the risk scenario.
An organization should make steps to detect, classify and manage security
incidents. The first logical step is to set up an incident response plan and
eventually a computer emergency response team. In order to detect attacks,
a number of countermeasures can be set up at organizational, procedural
and technical levels. Computer emergency response team, information
technology security audit and intrusion detection system are examples of
these. An attack usually is perpetrated by someone with bad intentions:
black hatted attacks falls in this category, while other perform penetration
testing on an organization information system to find out if all foreseen
controls are in place.
The attacks can be classified according to their origin: i.e. if it is conducted
using one or more computers: in the last case is called a distributed attack.
Botnets are used to conduct distributed attacks. Other classifications are
according to the procedures used or the type of vulnerabilities exploited:
attacks can be concentrated on network mechanisms or host features.
Some attacks are physical: i.e. theft or damage of computers and other
equipment. Others are attempts to force changes in the logic used by
computers or network protocols in order to achieve unforeseen (by the
original designer) result but useful for the attacker. Software used to for
logical attacks on computers is called malware.
a) Computer and network surveillance.
b) Network-
i. Wiretapping.
ii. Fiber tapping.
iii. Port scan.
iv. Idle scan.
c) Host-
i. Keystroke logging.
ii. Data scraping.
iii. Backdoor.
a) Denial-of-service attack-
DDos or Distributed Denial of service attack is an attempt made
by the hacker to block access to a server or a website that is
connected to the Internet. This is achieved using multiple
computerized systems, which overloads the target system with
requests, making it incapable of responding to any query.
b) Spoofing.
c) Mixed threat attack.
d) Network-
i. Man-in-the-middle.
ii. Man-in-the-browser.
iii. ARP poisoning.
iv. Ping flood.
v. Ping of death.
vi. Smurf attack.
e) Host-
i. Buffer overflow.
ii. Heap overflow.
iii. Stack overflow.
iv. Format string attack.
It used to be that programmers created and launched annoying but mild virus
and spam malware to show the world just how brilliant they were and to gain
notoriety. Today, we live in a very different world where cyber threats and
attacks are recognized as significant global, political and commercial
challenges with serious financial and reputational consequences.
The cyber-criminal community has evolved from pranksters, lone wolves, and
organized gangs to nation-states and hacktivist groups whose primary results
have been increased costs and lost productivity. As enterprises and
governments connect literally everything to the Internet, the size of their attack
surface has grown, opening more opportunities for cyber criminals. Many of
their current exploits are going unnoticed.
Viruses (1990s)
Anti-Virus, Firewalls
Worms (2000s)
Intrusion Detection & Prevention
Set up an Access Control List. This will allow your business' system
administrator to control which employee have access to the computer
system or certain parts of the computer system and whether they can log in
remotely or only from the office.
Change the default passwords for the company's point of sale
system. A vulnerability the Verizon report mentions specifically is
businesses failing to change the POS password credentials from the
manufacturer's default setting to a custom password for the company. The
report also recommends making sure that all third-party vendors change
passwords as well.
Establish policies for Internet and social media usage. If your business
wants to limit the use of the Internet and social media to break time, make
sure the employees know the policy.
Advantages Disadvantages
Protection against data from theft. Incorrectly configured firewalls may block
users from performing certain actions on the
Internet, until the firewall configured
Protects the computer from being hacked. Makes the system slower than before.
Minimizes computer freezing and crashes. Need to keep updating the new software in
order to keep security up to date.