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At Least 30% Are Women Involved in The M & E

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TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate

Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
CENRO San Isidro IEC on the Production of Bamboo
- - - 1
2 planting materials
Conduct of seedling No. of seedlings
production produced by both men
and women

CENRO San Isidro 90,508 - 90,508 - 90,508 - 100
No. of Men and Women At least
involved in the 30% are
monitoring and women
evaluation (M &E) involved in
the M & E

CENRO San Isidro - - - - - -

Hiring of extension officer No. of Extention Officer 111 E.O
for the implementation of hired hired -

CENRO San Isidro 2 2 2 2 2 100 100

2 Males

Area maintained by
stakeholders (women
entered into LOA/MOA
2018 Plantation (in ha)

CENRO San Isidro

3. Lack of women Lack of livelihood To provide livelihood Management of Conduct Livelihood no. of learning event on
capacitation on opportunities for the opportunities for Coastal and Marine training/Capacity building livelihood opportunities
livelihood option women stakeholders women along the Services for newly identified and for women stakeholders
along the coastal coastal areas exisitng livelihood along the coastal areas
areas opportunities for women
and stakeholders along
the coastal areas

Participation of PO representative
together with LGU representative
and personnel of this office in the
Buisness Development Services at
Pamapnga and Rechoing of the
said training to the 2 other Pos.
CENRO Palanan 3 - 3 - 3 - 100 With a total member of 24 Women
and 1 Men for Bilay-Ikan and 24
Women and 1 Men for Handicraft

CENRO Naguilian - - - - - -
4. Lack of Lack of financial To increase level of Land Survey, Conduct orientations no.of orientations
awareness among resources to attend awareness of women Disposition and Land among women on policy conducted among
women stakeholders public orientations stakeholders on how Record Management requirements to make it women on policy
on the activity in to avail of the affordable and easier for requirements to make it
public land survey . technical assistance them to access technical affordable and easier for
and disposition and land government assistance on property, them to access technical
services land rights and land assistance on property,
disposition. land rights and land

CENRO San Isidro - - - -
Patents Processing and No. of men and women
issueance issued with patents
(RFPA and Agricultural)

CENRO San Isidro - - - - -
5. Conduct Information no. of IEC activities
Dissemination Campaign conducted on Rights of
(IEC) activities on Rights Women on public land
of Women on public land dispositions

CENRO San Isidro - - - 2
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
6. Lack of Lack of public To increase Production and Production of GAD IEC no. of GAD IEC materials
integration of awareness of gender awareness of the Dissemination of materials on the issues produced
gender responsive responsive programs public Technical and Popular concerning the threats on
programs of DENR of the DENR Materials in the the environment
in the IEC materials preservation and
development of
Natural Resources
Environmental Threat
Awareness (IEC)

PENRO 450 - 500 - 500 - 111.00%
7. Women Lack of awareness in To increase level of Protection and Conduct orientation for no. of women
stakeholders have the implementation awareness of women Conservation of women stakeholders to stakeholders groups
limited information of NIPAS Act 7568, stakeholders on the Wildlife) increase their level of organized in the
on the implementing and Cave Act 9072 implementing awareness in the implementation of
guidelines of the guidelines of the implementation of Protected Areas Wildlife
Protected Areas Protected Areas Protected Areas Laws and Regulations.
Wildlife Laws and Wildlife Laws and
Regulations Regulations

CENRO San Isidro - - - - - - -

no. of orientation
conducted for women
stakeholders to increase
their level of awareness in
the implementation of
Protected Areas Wildlife
Laws and Regulations

CENRO San Isidro - - - - - - -

B. Organization Focused
11. Full support of To increase Conduct of Special Conduct of orientations/ no. of activities
men and women participation of men Studies, Design and lectures/learning conducted and
employees during and women Development In special/events and participated in during
GAD Month employees in GAD support of forestry participation as the GAD Month celebration
celebration month celebration Citywide initiated parade
with other agencies during
GAD Month

CENRO San Isidro - - - - - -
Gender aggregated To integrate gender Formulation and Roll-out/full no. of learning
data gathered were data bases Monitoring of ENR implementation of the event/familiarization of
not integrated, Sectors, Policies, Gender Database the Gender Database
processed and Plans Management System Management System
analyzed developed

PENRO 100 100
1 1 1 1 1
13. Strengthen To intensify General Management Conduct of regular no. of quarterly
supervision , monitoring and and Support monitoring and validation monitoring and validation
monitoring and validation of the of the different GAD conducted
validation of GAD different GAD programs implemented in
activities of the programs the Region
different Services, implemented in the
PENROs and Region

3 quarterly reports and 4 Monthly
CENRO San Isidro 75 reports (July to October)
4 1 3 1 3 100
14. GAD Orientation Lack of information To increase level of Conduct of GAD no. of learning events
on Gender Equality awareness of Orientation for DENR Ro2 conducted on Gender
in the workplace employees on Gender Employees on Gender Equality
Equality in the Equality
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
CENRO San Isidro - - - - -
16. Insufficient Lack of awareness of To increase Legal Services Conduct of learning event no. of learning events
knowledge of women employees awareness and including operations on Anti-VAWC and related conducted on Anti-VAWC
women employees on women's rights knowledge on against unlawful titling laws) and related laws to at
on laws relating to women's rights of public lands least 50% of the
violence against participants per learning
women and their event are women
children employees

ISABELA The scheduled lecture to be

delivered by the RO2 to some
offices was cancelled due the
unavoidable existence of the
pandemic COVID-19.
CENRO San Isidro - - - - - - -
17. Improvement/ To provide General Management Improve/maintain lactation No. of Lactation
Maintenance of the convinience for and Support station/corner in the Station/Corner
Lactation Station in lactating mothers workplace improved/maintained
the workplace

Maintained cleanliness inside and

ourside the lactation corner and to
ISABELA 7 7 7 7 100 100.00% the installed water dispenser,
table, chair & electric fan. Glasses,
CENRO San Isidro 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 rubberize mat and stuff toys were
installed inside the LC of some
18. Maintenance of To increase General Management Maintain Material No. of Material Recovery Offices.
Material Recovery awareness on the and Support Recovery Facility Facility Maintained
Facility in the proper management of
workplace wastes

ISABELA 7 7 7 7 7 100 100

CENRO San Isidro 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 Maintained and clean every Friday


Purchase of Blood
pressure monitors
ISABELA 7 - 7 - 7 - 100
CENRO San Isidro 1 - 1 - 1 - 100

Installed GAD Bulletin

maintained per office

= bulletin maintained
ISABELA 7 7 7 7 7 100 100
GAD bulletin regularly maintained
CENRO San Isidro 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 and placed in conspicuous area

Attendance to GAD
CENRO San Isidro 1 - 1 - 1 - 100

Other GAD Accomplishments:

Prepared : Reviewed: Approved:

TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
PENR Sub-office
Meeting with the LOA holders
re:plantation establishment for CY
2020 on July 12, 2020 & July 16,
- 1 4 1 4 2020, and pre-inspection of
plantation establishment on August
25, 2020. Meeting with URPGA
group re:inspection of plantation
establishment, October 23, 2020.
CENRO Cauayan Conducted one on one IEC to
- - - 30 74 stakeholders with a total No. of 30
pax (19 Male and 11 Female)
CENRO San Isidro IEC on the Production of Bamboo
- - - 1
2 planting materials
Conduct of seedling No. of seedlings
production produced by both men
and women

CENRO Cabagan 90,148 - 90,148 - -
103,290 115
CENRO Palanan 92,480 - 92,480 - 93,500 - 101.103 With 35 Families involved.

CENRO Naguilian - - - -
16,650 16,650
PENR Sub-office Produced by men and women(6
156,610 - 156,610 - 156,610 - 100 male - 82,470 seedlings, & 5
female- 54,815 seedlings)

CENRO Cauayan 9,800 - - -

9,800 9,800 100
CENRO San Isidro 90,508 - 90,508 - 90,508 - 100
PENRO - - - 20,198 RMC 2014-1
No. of Men and Women At least
involved in the 30% are
monitoring and women
evaluation (M &E) involved in
the M & E

CENRO Cabagan 19 19 19 19 100 100

CENRO Palanan - - - - - -
CENRO Naguilian - - - - -
PENR Sub-office 3 3 3 100 100
CENRO Cauayan - - - - - -
CENRO San Isidro - - - - - -
Hiring of extension officer No. of Extention Officer 111 E.O
for the implementation of hired hired -

CENRO Cabagan 5 5 5 5 5 100 100 2 Females and 3 males

CENRO Palanan 4 4 4 4 4 100 100

4 Males
CENRO Naguilian 100 100
7 7 7 7 7 Male - 4; Female - 3

PENR Sub-office 100 100

3 3 3 3 3 2 Males & 1 Female

CENRO Cauayan 3 3 3 3 3 100 100

3 Males
CENRO San Isidro 2 2 2 2 2 100 100
2 Males

Area maintained by
stakeholders (women
entered into LOA/MOA
2018 Plantation (in ha)

CENRO Cabagan 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

CENRO Palanan
CENRO Naguilian
PENR Sub-office 120 hectares are maintained by 12
120 120 120 120 120 100 100
female LOA holders of NGP 2018.
CENRO Cauayan
714 714 714 714 714 100 100 454 ha - Mayor Marilou Sanchez,
200 ha - Aurelia Tomas,
60 ha - Delila Samiling
CENRO San Isidro
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
3. Lack of women Lack of livelihood To provide livelihood Management of Conduct Livelihood no. of learning event on
capacitation on opportunities for the opportunities for Coastal and Marine training/Capacity building livelihood opportunities
livelihood option women stakeholders women along the Services for newly identified and for women stakeholders
along the coastal coastal areas exisitng livelihood along the coastal areas
areas opportunities for women
and stakeholders along
the coastal areas

Participation of PO representative
together with LGU representative
and personnel of this office in the
Buisness Development Services at
Pamapnga and Rechoing of the
said training to the 2 other Pos.
CENRO Palanan 3 - 3 - 3 - 100 With a total member of 24 Women
and 1 Men for Bilay-Ikan and 24
Women and 1 Men for Handicraft

CENRO Naguilian - - - - - -
4. Lack of Lack of financial To increase level of Land Survey, Conduct orientations no.of orientations
awareness among resources to attend awareness of women Disposition and Land among women on policy conducted among
women stakeholders public orientations stakeholders on how Record Management requirements to make it women on policy
on the activity in to avail of the affordable and easier for requirements to make it
public land survey . technical assistance them to access technical affordable and easier for
and disposition and land government assistance on property, them to access technical
services land rights and land assistance on property,
disposition. land rights and land

CENRO Cabagan - - - 1
CENRO Palanan - - - -
CENRO Naguilian
1 - face to face group discussion with
clients re Land Matters conducted at
- - - 2 CENRO Naguilian ; 1 - Webinar
re:RLTA Cascading with LGU San

PENR Sub-office - - - -
CENRO Cauayan conducted face to face orientation
- - 47 49 among stakeholders re: land

CENRO San Isidro - - - -

Patents Processing and No. of men and women
issueance issued with patents
(RFPA and Agricultural)

CENRO Cabagan 135 12 120 26 167 216 139.00%
CENRO Palanan - - - - -
CENRO Naguilian 135 4 146 4 146
PENR Sub-office
RFPA - 165 (Male 58, Female 7)
135 20 187 20 FPA- 22 (Male 174, Female 5)
CENRO Cauayan
135 - 13 - 198 -
CENRO San Isidro - - - - -
5. Conduct Information no. of IEC activities
Dissemination Campaign conducted on Rights of
(IEC) activities on Rights Women on public land
of Women on public land dispositions

CENRO Cabagan - - - -
CENRO Palanan IEC was conducted to every women
- 1 - 1 - 100.00% clients who applied for Public Land
1 Application

1 face to face group discussion with

clients re Land Matters conducted at
CENRO Naguilian - - - 2 CENRO Naguilian ; 1 Webinar
re:RLTA Cascading with LGU San
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
PENR Sub-office
- - - -

CENRO Cauayan 1 1 1 4
CENRO San Isidro - - - 2
6. Lack of Lack of public To increase Production and Production of GAD IEC no. of GAD IEC materials
integration of awareness of gender awareness of the Dissemination of materials on the issues produced
gender responsive responsive programs public Technical and Popular concerning the threats on
programs of DENR of the DENR Materials in the the environment
in the IEC materials preservation and
development of
Natural Resources
Environmental Threat
Awareness (IEC)

PENRO 450 - 500 - 500 - 111.00%
7. Women Lack of awareness in To increase level of Protection and Conduct orientation for no. of women
stakeholders have the implementation awareness of women Conservation of women stakeholders to stakeholders groups
limited information of NIPAS Act 7568, stakeholders on the Wildlife) increase their level of organized in the
on the implementing and Cave Act 9072 implementing awareness in the implementation of
guidelines of the guidelines of the implementation of Protected Areas Wildlife
Protected Areas Protected Areas Protected Areas Laws and Regulations.
Wildlife Laws and Wildlife Laws and
Regulations Regulations

CENRO Cabagan - - - - - -
CENRO Palanan - - - - - - -
CENRO Naguilian 1 1 -
4 4
PENR Sub-office - - - - - - -
CENRO Cauayan - - - - -
1 female (awarded certificate of
1 1 Wildlife)
CENRO San Isidro - - - - - - -
no. of orientation
conducted for women
stakeholders to increase
their level of awareness in
the implementation of
Protected Areas Wildlife
Laws and Regulations

CENRO Cabagan - - - - - - LAWIN patrollers within TWNP
CENRO Palanan - - - - - - -
CENRO Naguilian - - - - - - -
PENR Sub-office - - - - - - -
CENRO Cauayan - - - - - - -
CENRO San Isidro - - - - - - -

B. Organization Focused

11. Full support of To increase Conduct of Special Conduct of orientations/ no. of activities
men and women participation of men Studies, Design and lectures/learning conducted and
employees during and women Development In special/events and participated in during
GAD Month employees in GAD support of forestry participation as the GAD Month celebration
celebration month celebration Citywide initiated parade
with other agencies during
GAD Month

CENRO Cabagan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100 March 11, 2020
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
CENRO Palanan Some women and men attended
the conduct of VAWC and other
related women's rights at CENRO
1 - 1 - 1 - 100 Cauayan City on March12,
2020.Leture was delivered by the
Legal Div. Regional Office 02

CENRO Naguilian
1 - 1 - 1 - 100 Lecture on VAWC and other related
laws on September 14, 2020
PENR Sub-office 1 - 1 - 1 - 100 March12, 2020

CENRO Cauayan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100 March12, 2020

CENRO San Isidro - - - - - -

PENRO - - - - - -
Gender aggregated To integrate gender Formulation and Roll-out/full no. of learning
data gathered were data bases Monitoring of ENR implementation of the event/familiarization of
not integrated, Sectors, Policies, Gender Database the Gender Database
processed and Plans Management System Management System
analyzed developed

PENRO 100 100
1 1 1 1 1
13. Strengthen To intensify General Management Conduct of regular no. of quarterly
supervision , monitoring and and Support monitoring and validation monitoring and validation
monitoring and validation of the of the different GAD conducted
validation of GAD different GAD programs implemented in
activities of the programs the Region
different Services, implemented in the
PENROs and Region


CENRO Cabagan 1 1 100 75

4 3 3
CENRO Palanan 1 1 100 75
4 3 3
CENRO Naguilian 1 1 100 75
4 3 3 3 quarterly reports and 4 Monthly
reports (July to October)
PENR Sub-office 1 1 100 75
4 3 3
CENRO Cauayan 1 1 100 75
4 3 3
CENRO San Isidro 1 1 100 75
4 3 3
PENRO 1 1 100 75
4 3 3
14. GAD Orientation Lack of information To increase level of Conduct of GAD no. of learning events
on Gender Equality awareness of Orientation for DENR Ro2 conducted on Gender
in the workplace employees on Gender Employees on Gender Equality
Equality in the Equality

CENRO Cabagan
CENRO Palanan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO Naguilian - - - - - -
PENR Sub-office - - - - - -
CENRO Cauayan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO San Isidro - - - - -
PENRO Webinar on the Fundamentals of GAD
Mainstreaming: Review of Policy
1 - 1 - 1 - 100 Imperatives on GAD and GM
Concepts Confirmation on Sept. 10,

16. Insufficient Lack of awareness of To increase Legal Services Conduct of learning event no. of learning events
knowledge of women employees awareness and including operations on Anti-VAWC and related conducted on Anti-VAWC
women employees on women's rights knowledge on against unlawful titling laws) and related laws to at
on laws relating to women's rights of public lands least 50% of the
violence against participants per learning
women and their event are women
children employees

ISABELA The scheduled lecture to be

delivered by the RO2 to some
offices was cancelled due the
unavoidable existence of the
pandemic COVID-19.
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This
To date Allotment
Month date Month Obligation
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
CENRO Cabagan 1 - 1 - 1 -
Orientation on VAWC was
100.00% conducted on March 11, 2020
CENRO Palanan 1 - 1 - 1 -
Orientation on VAWC was
100.00% conducted on March 12, 2020
CENRO Naguilian - - - - - - -
PENR Sub-office 1 - 1 - 1 - 100.00% Orientation on VAWC was
CENRO Cauayan 1 1 1 conducted on March 12, 2020
- - - 100.00%
CENRO San Isidro - - - - - - -
PENRO - - - - - - -
17. Improvement/ To provide General Management Improve/maintain lactation No. of Lactation
Maintenance of the convinience for and Support station/corner in the Station/Corner
Lactation Station in lactating mothers workplace improved/maintained
the workplace

ISABELA 7 7 7 7 100 100.00%

CENRO Cabagan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO Palanan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 Maintained cleanliness inside and
ourside the lactation corner and to
CENRO Naguilian 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 the installed water dispenser,
table, chair & electric fan. Glasses,
PENR Sub-office 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 rubberize mat and stuff toys were
installed inside the LC of some
CENRO Cauayan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 Offices.

CENRO San Isidro 1 1 1 1 1 100 100

PENRO 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
18. Maintenance of To increase General Management Maintain Material No. of Material Recovery
Material Recovery awareness on the and Support Recovery Facility Facility Maintained
Facility in the proper management of
workplace wastes

ISABELA 7 7 7 7 7 100 100

CENRO Cabagan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO Palanan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 Monitoring MRF of the
different Brgys within
jurisdiction of CENRO Palanan
was conducted.
CENRO Naguilian 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
PENR Sub-office 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO Cauayan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO San Isidro 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
Maintained and clean every Friday
PENRO 1 1 1 1 1 100 100

Purchase of Blood
pressure monitors
ISABELA 7 - 7 - 7 - 100
CENRO Cabagan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO Palanan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO Naguilian 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
PENR Sub-office 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO Cauayan 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO San Isidro 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
PENRO 1 - 1 - 1 - 100

Installed GAD Bulletin

maintained per office

= bulletin maintained
ISABELA 7 7 7 7 7 100 100
CENRO Cabagan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO Palanan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO Naguilian 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
GAD bulletin regularly maintained
PENR Sub-office 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 and placed in conspicuous area
TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT % Budget Utilization Rate
Obligation Disbursement
Gender Issue and/or Cause of the Gender GAD Result Satement/ Output Performance % Accom. % (Amt.
Relevant Agency PPA GAD Activity % Accom. Remarks
GAD Mandate Issue GAD Objective Indicators Target This This (This Allotment Released Released/ Disbursem
Annual To Date To Date (To Date) Allotment* 100)
Month Month Month) This To This Allotment
Month date Month
To date Obligation GAD bulletin regularly maintained
and placed in conspicuous area
(18/14*100) (20/18*100)
CENRO Cauayan 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
CENRO San Isidro 1 1 1 1 1 100 100
PENRO 1 1 1 1 1 100 100

Attendance to GAD
CENRO Cabagan 1
- 1 - 1 - 100 Webinar on DENR National
CENRO Palanan 1 Meeting on Updating of the GAD
- 1 - 1 - 100 Strategic Plan for 2021-2025, and
PENR Office 1 - 1 - 1 - 100 Preparation of 2021 GAD Plan and
Budget Agust 6, 2020
CENRO San Isidro 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
PENR Sub-office 1 - 1 - 1 - 100
CENRO Naguilian 1 - - - - - -
CENRO Cauayan 1 - - - - - -
Team building/family day
cum cultural presentation to
-report prepared & sub.

Other GAD Accomplishments:

The OIC, CENR Officer of Cauayan and the Solid Waste Management Focal Person judge the "WOW Cauayan
Recycled Projects Contest" which was participated by 10 Barangays of Cauayan City particularly the RIC.

Some personnel of PENRO Sub-Office participated in the tree planting activity conducted by the Aglipayan Independent
Church last October 1, 2020 in connection with their 118th anniversary celebration.

Prepared : Reviewed: Approved:


Planning Officer I Chief, Management Services Division PENR Officer
Alternate GAD Focal Person GAD Focal Person

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