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UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English >

2012 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 2
1. Identify the work below that does not belong to the literature of the
eighteenth century:
(A) Advancement of Learning
(B) Gulliver’s Travels
(C) The Spectator
(D) An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot
Answer: (A)
2. Which, among the following, is a place through which John
Bunyan’s Christian does NOT pass?
(A) The Slough of Despond
(B) Mount Helicon
(C) The Valley of Humiliation
(D) Vanity Fair
Answer: (B)
3. The period of Queen Victoria’s reign is
(A) 1830–1900
(B) 1837–1901
(C) 1830–1901www.netugc.com
(D) 1837–1900
Answer: (B)
4. Which of the following statements about The Lyrical Ballads is
NOT true?
(A) It carried only one ballad proper, which was Coleridge’s The Rime
of the Ancient Mariner.
(B) It also carried pastoral and other poems.
(C) It carried a “Preface” which Wordsworth added in 1800.
(D) It also printed from Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country
Answer: (D)
5. One of the following texts was published earlier than 1955. Identify
the text:
(A) William Golding, the Inheritors
(B) Philip Larkin, the Less Deceived
(C) William Empson, Collected Poems
(D) Samuel Becket, Waiting for Godot
Answer: (C)
6. Who among the poets in England during the 1930s had left–leaning
(A) T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Richard Aldington
(B) Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Rupert Brooke
(C) W. H. Auden, Louis MacNeice, Cecil Day Lewis
(D) J. Fleckner, W. H. Davies, Edward Marsh
Answer: (C)
7. Match the following:
1. The Sage of Concord          5. Emily Dickinson
2. The Nun of Amherst           6. R.W. Emerson
3. Mark Twain                         7. T.S. Eliot
4. Old Possum                         8. Samuel L. Clemens
(A) 1–6; 2–5; 3–8; 4–7
(B) 1–5; 2–6; 3–7; 4–8
(C) 1–8; 2–7; 3–6; 4–5
(D) 1–7; 2–8; 3–5; 4–6
Answer: (A)
8. Name the theorist who divided poets into “strong” and “weak” and
popularized the practice of misreading:
(A) Alan Bloom
(B) Harold Bloom
(C) Geoffrey Hartman
(D) Stanley Fish
Answer: (B)
9. In the Rape of the Lock Pope repeatedly compares Belinda to
(A) The sun
(B) The moon
(C) The North Star
(D) The rose
Answer: (A)
10. Which of the following awards is not given to Indian–English
(A) The Booker Prize
(B) The Sahitya Akademi Award
(C) The Gyanpeeth
(D) Whitbread Prize
Answer: (C)
11. Identify the correct statement below:
(A) Gorboduc is a comedy, while Ralph Roister Doister and Gammer
Gurton’s Needle are tragedies.
(B) Gorboduc is a tragedy, while Ralph Roister Doister and Gammer
Gurton’s Needle are comedies.
(C) All of them are problem plays.
(D) All of them are farces.
Answer: (B)
12. W.M. Thackeray’s Vanity Fair owes its title to
(A) Browning’s Fifine at the Fair
(B) Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice
(C) Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield
(D) Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
Answer: (D)
13. The Puritans shut down all theatersin England in
(A) 1642
(B) 1640
(C) 1659
(D) 1660
Answer: (A)
14. Who of the following was not a contemporary of Wordsworth and
(A) Robert Southey
(B) Sir Walter Scott
(C) William Hazlitt
(D) A. C. Swinburne
Answer: (D)
15. Which of the following statements about Waiting for Godot is
NOT true?
1. It carries a subtitle: “a tragicomedy in two acts”.
2. It carries a subtitle: “a tragicomedy in two scenes”.
3. It carries a subtitle: “a tragicomedy in two parts”.
4. It does not carry a subtitle.
(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 1
Answer: (D)
16. The Bloomsbury Group included British intellectuals, critics,
writers and artists. Who among the following belonged to the
Bloomsbury Group?
I. John Maynard Keynes, Lytton Strachey
II. E.M. Forster, Roger Fry, Clive Bell
III. Patrick Brunty, Paul Haworth
IV. Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Walter Pater
(A) I and II
(B) I
(C) II and III
(D) IV
Answer: (A)
17. Who, among the following is credited with the making of the first
authoritative Dictionary of the English Language?
(A) Bishop Berkeley
(B) Samuel Johnson
(C) Edmund Burke
(D) Horace Walpole
Answer: (B)
18. In Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668), who opens the
discussion on behalf of the ancients?
(A) Lisideius
(B) Crites
(C) Eugenius
(D) Neander
Answer: (B)
19. The term invective refers to
(A) The abusive writing or speech in which there is harsh denunciation
of some person or thing.
(B) An insulting writing attack upon a real person, in verse or prose,
usually involving caricature and ridicule.
(C) A written or spoken text in which an apparently straightforward
statement or event is undermined in its context so as to give it a very
different significance.
(D) The chanting or reciting of words deemed to have magical power.
Answer: (A)
20. Which of the following novels depicts the plight of the
Bangladeshi immigrants in East London?
(A) How far can you go
(B) The White Teeth
(C) An Equal Music
(D) Brick Lane
Answer: (D)
21. The year 1939 proved to be a crucial year for two important writers
in England. Identify the correct phrase below:
(A) For Yeats who died, for Auden who left England for the U. S.
(B) For Eliot who started publishing verse–drama, for Hardy whose
Wessex Poems were published.
(C) For Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene, each for publishing his
first novels.
(D) For Eliot who won the Nobel Prize and Orwell who published his
Animal Farm.
Answer: (A)
22. The Enlightenment was characterized by
(A) Accelerated industrial production and general well–being of the
(B) A belief in the universal authority of reason and emphasis on
scientific experimentation.
(C) The Protestant work ethic and compliance with Christian values of
(D) An undue faith in predestination and neglect of free will.
Answer: (B)
23. Which Shakespearean play contains the line: “...there is a special
providence in the fall of a sparrow”?
(A) King Lear
(B) Hamlet
(C) Coriolanus
(D) Macbeth
Answer: (B)www.netugc.com
24. Match the following pairs of books and authors:
Books                                                                          Authors
I. Condition of the Working Class in England           i. John Ruskin
II. London Labour and the London Poor                   ii. Henry Mayhew
III. Past and Present                                                   iii. Thomas
IV. Theunto This Last                                                 iv. Friedrich
       I II III IV
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) iv ii iii i
(C) ii iv i ii
(D) iii ii iv iv
Answer: (B)
25. In which of the following texts do Aston, Davies and Mick appear
as characters?
(A) Wyndham Lewis’s Enemy
(B) Harold Pinter’s Caretaker
(C) Katherine Mansfield’s “Life of Ma Parker”
(D) Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock
Answer: (B)
26. What is common to the following writers? Identify the correct
description below:
William Congreve
George Etherege
William Wycherley
Thomas Otway
(A) All of these were Restoration playwrights
(B) All of them were critics of Orwell’s regime
(C) All of them edited Shakespeare’s plays
(D) All of them wrote tragedies in the same age
Answer: (A)
27. In which Jane Austen novel do you find the characters Anne
Elliott, Lady Russell, Louisa Musgrove and Captain Wentworth?
(A) Emma
(B) Mansfield Park
(C) Persuasion
(D) Northanger Abbey
Answer: (C)
28. In which of his essays does Homi Bhabha discuss the ‘discovery’
of English in colonial India?
(A) “Signs taken for Wonders”
(B) “Mimicry”
(C) Nation and Narration
(D) “The Commitment to Theory”
Answer: (A)
29. ______was the first Sonnet Sequence in English.
(A) Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti
(B) Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella
(C) Samuel Daniel’s Delia
(D) Michael Drayton’s Idea’s Mirror
Answer: (A)
30. Which is the correct sequence of the novels of V.S. Naipaul?
(A) The Mystic Masseur–Miguel Street–The Suffrage of Elvira – A
House for Mr. Biswas.
(B) Miguel Street – The Mystic Masseur – A House for Mr.Biswas –
The Suffrage of Elvira.
(C) The Suffrage of Elvira – Miguel Street – The Mystic Masseur – A
House for Mr. Biswas.
(D) The Mystic Masseur – The Suffrage of Elvira, Miguel Street – A
House for Mr. Biswas.
Answer: (D)
31. “Kubla Khan” takes an epigraph from
(A) Samuel Purchas’ Purchas His Pilgrimage
(B) Hakluyt’s Voyages
(C) The Book Named the Governour
(D) Sir Thomas More’s Utopia
Answer: (A)
32. Which of the following author– theme is correctly matched?
(A) The Battle of the Books- Tribute to “The rude forefathers of the
(B) The Rape of the Lock- Quarrel between ancient and modern
(C) Gray’s “Elegy”-Accumulation of wealth and the consequent loss
of human lives and values.
(D) The Deserted Village- Quarrel between two families caused by
Lord Petre.
Answer: (A)
33. Which among the following titles set a course for academic literary
(A) Nostromo
(B) From Ritual to Romance
(C) A Room of One’s Own
(D) A Dance to the Music of Time
Answer: (C)
34. In which play do we see a reworking of E.M.Forster’s A Passage
to India as a camaeo?
(A) The Birthday Party
(B) A Resounding Tinkle
(C) Indian Ink
(D) Amadeus
Answer: (C)
35. Shakespeare’s sonnets
(A) Do not carry a dedication.
(B) Are dedicated to James I of England.
(C) Are dedicated to Mary Arden.
(D) Are dedicated to an unknown “Mr. W.H.”
Answer: (D)
36. Which of the following poems uses terzarima?
(A) John Keats’s “Ode to a Nightingale”
(B) P.B. Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”
(C) William Wordsworth’s “The Solitary Reaper”
(D) Alfred Tennyson’s “Ulysses”
Answer: (B)
37. When one says that “someone is no more” or that “someone has
breathed his/ her last”, the speaker is resorting to
(A) Euphism
(B) Euphony
(C) Understatement
(D) Euphemism
Answer: (D)
38. Which of the following are “companion poems”?
(A) “Gypsy songs” and “Songs and Sonnets”
(B) “L’Allegro” and “II Penseroso”
(C) “The Good Morrow” and “The Sun Rising”
(D) “Full Fathom Five” and “Hark, Hark! The Lark”
Answer: (B)
39. What does the term episteme signify?
(A) Knowledge
(B) Archive
(C) Theology
(D) Scholarship
Answer: (A)
40. Which of the following is a better definition of an image in literary
(A) A reflection
(B) A speaking picture
(C) A refraction
(D) A reflected picture
Answer: (B)
41. Whom did Keats regard as the prime example of ‘negative
(A) John Milton
(B) William Wordsworth
(C) William Shakespeare
(D) P.B. Shelley
Answer: (C)
42. Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities begins with the sentence
(A) It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
(B) It was the brightest of times; it was the darkest of times.
(C) It was the richest of times; it was the poorest of times.
(D) It was the happiest of times; it was the saddest of times.
Answer: (A)
43. The works of Gerard Manley Hopkins were published
posthumously by
(A) Edwin Muir
(B) Edward Thomas
(C) Robert Bridges
(D) Coventry Patmore
Answer: (C)
44. Which of the following is the correct chronological sequence?
(A) A Poison Tree – The Deserted Village – The Blessed Damozel–
(B) The Deserted Village – A Poison Tree – Ozymandias – The
Blessed Damozel
(C) The Blessed Damozel – A Poison Tree – The Deserted Village –
(D) The Deserted Village – The Blessed Damozel – Ozymandias – A
Poison Tree
Answer: (B)
45. The term homology means a correspondence between two or more
structures. Who of the following developed a theory of relations
between literary works and social classes in terms of homologies
(A) Raymond Williams
(B) Christopher Caudwell
(C) Lucien Goldmann
(D) Antonio Gramsciwww.netugc.com
Answer: (A)
46. F. Turner’s famous hypothesis is that
(A) The Frontier has outlived its ideological utility in American
(B) The Frontier has posed a challenge to the American creative
(C) The Frontier has been the one great determinant of American
(D) The Frontier has been the one great deterrent to American
Answer: (C)
47. Which statement(s) below on the Spenserian stanza is/are
I. A quatrain, unrhymed, but alliterative
II. A stanza of four lines in iambic pentameter
III. An eight–line stanza in iambic pentameter followed by a ninth in
six iambic feet
IV. An eight–line stanza with six use of figurative language. Iambic
feet followed by a ninth in iambic pentameter
(A) I and II
(B) II
(D) IV
Answer: (D)
48. Match the following texts with their respective themes:
I. Areopagitica (Milton)                                  i. Fashion, courtship,
II. Leviathan (Hobbes)                                   ii. The liberty For
Unlicensed Printing
III. Alexander’s Feast (Dryden)                     iii. Absolute Sovereignty
IV. The Way of The World (Congreve)         iv. The power of music
       I II III IV
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iv iii i ii
Answer: (B)
49. The preliminary version of James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a
Young Man was called
(A) Stephen Hero
(B) Bloom’s Blunder
(C) A Day in the life of Stephen Dedalus
(D) The Dead
Answer: (A)
50. (i) A pastiche is a mixture of themes, stylistic elements or subjects
borrowed from other works.
(ii) It is distinguished from parody because not all parody is pastiche
(iii) A pastiche is also known as a ‘purple passage’.
(iv) A pastiche is given to an elevated style, especially in its
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct.
(B) Only (i) is correct.
(C) (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(D) Only (iv) is correct.
Answer: (A)
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UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English >

2012 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 3
1. Which of the following book by V. S. Naipaul is subtitled The
Caribbean Revisited?
(A) In a Free State
(B) A Bend in the River
(C) The Middle Passage
(D) An Area of Darkness
Answer: (C)
2. ‘Fluency’ in language is the same as
(A) The ability to put oneself across comfortably in speech and/or
(B) The ability to command language rather than language
commanding the user.
(C) Glibness
(D) Accuracy
Answer: (A)
3. Which of the following statements on Pathetic Fallacy is NOT
(A) This term applies to descriptions that are not true but imaginary
and fanciful.
(B) Pathetic Fallacy is generally understood as human traits being
applied or attributed to non-human things in nature.
(C) In its first use, the term was used with disapproval because nature
cannot be equated with the human in respect of emotions and
(D) The term was originally used by Alexander Pope in his Pastorals
Answer: (D)
4. Identify the correctly matched group:
List – I                                                List – II
i. ‘L’ Allegro and ‘IlPensoro so’         1. Pastoral elegy
ii. ‘Lycidas’                                         2. Masque
iii. Comus                                            3. Sonnet
iv. ‘On His Blindness’                        4. Prose tractwww.netugc.com
v. Areopagitica                                    5. Companion poems in octo-
syllabic couplets
      i ii iii iv v
(A) 1 2 3 4 5
(B) 5 1 2 3 4
(C) 1 3 2 4 5
(D) 5 1 2 4 3
Answer: (B)
5. The Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood – The University Wits – The
Rhymers’ Club – The Transitional Poets – The Scottish Chaucerians.
The right chronological sequence would be
(A) The Scottish Chaucerians – The University Wits – The
Transitional Poets – The Pre- Raphaelite brotherhood – The Rhymers’
(B) The Rhymers’ Club, The University Wits – The Scottish
Chaucerians – The Transitional Poets, The Pre-Raphaelite
(C) The Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood – The Rhymers’ Club – The
Transitional Poets, The Scottish Chaucerians –The University Wits.
(D) The University Wits, The Scottish Chaucerians – The Pre-
Raphaelite brotherhood, The Transitional Poets – The Rhymers’ Club.
Answer: (A)
6. ‘Aucitya’ refers to:
I. Decorum
II. Propriety
III. Proportion
IV. Accuracy
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II is correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answer: (C)
7. In the closing paragraph of The Trial two men accompany Joseph K
to a part of the city to eventually execute him. The place is
(A) A Public Park
(B) A Church
(C) A Quarry
(D) An Abandoned Factory
Answer: (C)
8. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I                                    List – II
(Character)                              (Work)
i. Telemachus                          1. Notes from underground
ii. Anya                                   2. Old Goriot
iii. Zverkov                              3. The Cherry Orchard
iv. Rastignac                           4. The Odyssey
       i ii iii iv
(A) 4 1 2 3
(B) 3 1 4 2
(C) 2 4 1 3
(D) 4 3 1 2
Answer: (D)
9. This renowned German poet was born in Prague and died of
Leukemia. When young he met Tolstoy and was influenced by him.
The titles of his last two works contain the words “sonnets” and
“elegies”. He is
(A) Herman Hesse
(B) Heinrich Heine
(C) Joseph Freiherr Von Eichendorff
(D) Raine Marie Rilke
Answer: (D)
10. Which of the following plays gained notoriety for its caricature of
the philosopher Socrates?
(A) The Birds
(B) The Wasps
(C) The Clouds
(D) The Frogs
Answer: (C)
11. Raskolnikov murders the old lady:
I. To get her money and achieve his ambition in life.
II. To achieve his political goal as an extremist and a nihilist
III. To prove his superiority over other young men of the time.
IV. All of the above
Find the correct combination according to the code:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I, II and III are correct.
Answer: (B)
12. In his preface to The Order of Things, Foucault mentions being
influenced by a Latin American writer and his work.
Choose the correct answer:
(A) Marquez – “The Solitude of Latin America”
(B) Borges – “Chinese Encyclopaedia”
(C) Juan Rulfo – Pedro Paramo
(D) Alejo Carpentier – “On the Marvelous in America”
Answer: (B)
13. Here is a list of Partition novels which have ‘violence on the
woman’s body’ as a significant theme. Pick the odd one out:
(A) The Pakistani Bride
(B) What the Body Remembers
(C) Train to Pakistan
(D) The Ice-Candy Man
Answer: (C)
14. Match the translators in List – I with the English translations of
Indian Literature texts in List – II according to the code given below:
List – I                        List – II
i. K.B. Vaid                1. Says Tuka
ii. O.V. Vijayan           2. The Diary of a Maid Servant
iii. Dilip Chitre            3. Samskara
iv. A.K. Ramanujan    4. Saga of Dharmapuri
       i ii iii iv
(A) 4 1 2 3
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 2 4 1 3
(D) 1 2 3 4
Answer: (C)
15. In his poem “A Morning Walk” Nissim Ezekiel talks about a
‘Barbaric City sick with slums / Deprived of seasons, blessed with
rains / its hawkers, beggars, ironlunged/ Processions led by frantic
drums.’ Identify the city:
(A) Calcutta
(B) Banares
(C) Bombay
(D) Agra
Answer: (C)
16. In Practical Criticism I.A. Richards links four kinds of meanings in
most human utterances to four aspects. These are
(A) Sense, Feeling, Tone, Intention
(B) Sound, Feeling, Nuance, Intentionwww.netugc.com
(C) Sense, Voice, Emotion, Intention
(D) Sense, Image, Tone, Intention
Answer: (A)
17. In ‘Christabel’ after Geraldine enters SirLeoline’s castle on her
way to Christabel’s chamber there are several ill omens which warn
the reader about Geraldine. Pick out the phrase which does not serve
as an omen:
(A)The ‘angry moan’ of the ailing mastiff bitch
(B) ‘The Owlet’s Scritch’
(C) ‘The Moaning Wind’
(D) ‘A tongue of light, a fit of flame’
Answer: (C)
18. The word resurrect is
(A) An abbreviation
(B) A spurious verb
(C) A back-formation
(D) A disguised compound
Answer: (C)
19. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I                                                List – II
i. Annie John                                       1. Picaresque
ii. Tom Jones                                       2. Bildungsroman
iii. The Sorrows of Young Werther    3. Gothic
iv. Vathek                                           4. Epistolary
       i ii iii iv
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 4 1 2
Answer: (B)
20. Ted Hughes’s poem ‘The Thought- Fox’ is
I. About Thought as Fox
II. about the Fox as Thought
III. About the process of writing poetry.
IV. About Thought entering the poet’s brain like the Fox emerging
from darkness.
Find the most appropriate combination according to the code:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) I, III and IV are correct.
Answer: (D)
21. In Aristotle’s Poetics we read that it is the imitation of an action
that is complete and whole, and of a certain magnitude….having a
beginning, a middle, and an end’. What is ‘it’?
(A) Tragedy
(B) Epic
(C) Poetry
(D) Farce
Answer: (A)
22. According to Matthew Arnold, ‘touchstones’ help us test truth and
seriousness that constitute the best poetry. What are the ‘touchstones’?
(A) The purple passages of lyric poetry
(B) Passages from ancient poets
(C) The lines and expressions of the great masters
(D) Passages of epic strength and vigour
Answer: (C)
23. ‘An extremely simplified form of language used for oral, verbal
contact among a community whose members speak different
languages but do not share a common language in order to fulfill the
essential needs of communication.’
Which of the following is best described by this definition?
(A) Creole
(B) Pidgin
(C) Dialect
(D) Lingua franca
Answer: (B)
24. What do the prosodic features of a language tell us?
(A) The speaker’s native language and its cognate languages.
(B) The speaker’s age, emotional state, social class, educational
background, geographical provenance etc.
(C) The speaker’s self-confidence or lack of it.
(D) The speaker’s command of the resources of the language spoken
by him/her and their deployment.
Answer: (B)
25. What novel answers to the following descriptions?
This was a 1990 best-seller by a British writer. The work incorporates
many genres such as letters, diaries and poetry as also third-person
narratives. The plot here involves two time-periods – contemporary
and Victorian. The work is subtitled A Romance.
(A) The Virgin in the Garden
(B) Possession
(C) The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress
(D) The Sea Lady
Answer: (B)
26. The following words and phrases, ‘peace makers’, ‘help-meet’,
‘the fat of the land’, ‘a labour of love’, ‘the eleventh hour’ and ‘the
shadow of death’ were made current by
(A) The British Greek scholars like Roger Ascham
(B) The fifteenth century British prelates
(C) The Puritan tractarians
(D) The sixteen-century translators of the Bible
Answer: (D)
27. Who among the following writers asserted ‘Commonwealth
Literature’ does not exist?
(A) Amitav Ghosh
(B) Sulman Rushdie
(C) V.S. Naipaul
(D) Nirad Chaudhari
Answer: (B)
28. Identify the one in correct chronological sequence:
(A) The Norman Conquest – The Death of Geoffrey Chaucer –
William Tyndall’s New
Testament – The Birth of William Shakespeare
(B) The Death of Geoffrey Chaucer – William Tyndall’s New
Testament – The Birth of William Shakespeare – The Norman
(C) The Norman Conquest –William Tyndall’s New Testament – The
Death of Geoffrey Chaucer – The Birth of William Shakespeare
(D) William Tyndall’s New Testament – The Norman Conquest – The
Death of Geoffrey Chaucer – The Birth of William Shakespeare
Answer: (A)
29. Which of the following arrangements is in the correct
chronological sequence?
(A) Mary Wellstone Craft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman –
Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge – Lyrical Ballads with
‘Preface’, second edition by Wordsworth and Coleridge – Edmund
Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France.
(B) Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France – Mary
Wollstone Craft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman – Lyrical
Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge – Lyrical Ballads with
‘Preface’, second edition by Wordsworth and Coleridge.
(C) Lyrical Ballads with ‘Preface’, second edition by Wordsworth and
Coleridge – Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge – Edmund
Burke’s Reflections on, the Revolution in France – Mary Wollstone
Craft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
(D) Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge – Lyrical Ballads
with ‘Preface’, second edition by Wordsworth and Coleridge –
Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France – Mary
Wollstone Craft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
Answer: (B)
30. Who is John Keats’s ‘Sylvan Historian’?
(A) Fanny Brawne
(B) Nightingale
(C) The Grecian Urn
(D) The Bridge of Quietness
Answer: (C)
31. This periodical was started in 1709 with a motive ‘to expose the
false arts of life, to pull the disguise of cunning, vanity and affectation,
and to recommend a general simplicity in our dress, our discourse and
our behaviour.’ The founder of the periodical wrote under the
pseudonym of Isaac Bickerstaff. The periodical described above is
(A) The Tatler
(B) The Spectator
(C) The Critical Review
(D) The Rambler
Answer: (A)
32. Arrange the following in the order in which the details of a
research article / essay appear in your bibliography.
(A) Page numbers, the title of the essay, the title of the journal, volume
& issue numbers, year of publication
(B) The title of the essay, page numbers, the title of the journal,
volume and issue numbers, year of publication
(C) The title of the journal, the title of the essay, page numbers,
volume and issue numbers, year of publication
(D) The title of the essay, the title of the journal, volume & issue
numbers, the year of publication, page numbers
Answer: (D)
33. From the following indicate the work which is not a Dystopia:
(A) Aldous Huxley – A Brave New World
(B) George Orwell – 1984
(C) Yevgeny Zamyatin– We
(D) Evelyn Waugh – Brideshed Revisited
Answer: (D)
34. ‘Unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good
Who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image, but he who
destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God as it
were in the eye. Many a man lives a burden to the earth; but a good
book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit….’
Where is the passage from?
(A) Milton’s Areopagitica
(B) Sidney’s Apologie for Poetry
(C) Dryden’s ‘Preface to the Fables’
(D) Marvell’s The Rehearsal Transposed
Answer: (A)
35. Virginia Woolf rubbished the idea of character and the
understanding of realism of writers like Arnold Bennett, John
Galsworthy and H.G. Wells. Her famous essay is called ‘Mr. Bennet
and Mrs. Brown’. Who is Mrs. Brown?
(A) The name Woolf gives a woman whom she happens to meet in a
(B) A servant in Mr. Bennett’s household.
(C) A character in a Bennett story.
(D) Mr. Bennett’s neighbour who happens to be a writer.
Answer: (A)
36. E.M. Forster uses some recurrent images in A Passage to India.
Pick the odd one out:
(A) Wasp
(B) Stone
(C) Thunder
(D) Echo
Answer: (C)
37. ‘Now stop your noses, readers, all and some, For here’s a tun of
midnight-work to come, Og, from a treason-tavern rolling home.
Round as a globe, and liquor’dev’ry chink Goodly and great he rails
behind his link’.
In the above extract from Absalom and AchitophelOg is
(A) Elkanah Settle
(B) Lord Harvey
(C) Thomas Shadwell
(D) Joseph Addison
Answer: (C)
38. D.H. Lawrence uses the expression ‘a bright book of life’ to
(A) The novel
(B) The dramatic monologue
(C) The Bible
(D) The short lyric
Answer: (A)
39. Identify the correctly matched group:
List – I                                                            List – II
i. Where Angles Fear to Tread                        1. Malay
ii. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man    2. Russia
iii. The Plumed Serpent                                   3. Italy
iv. An Outcast of the Islands                          4. Mexico
v. Under Western Eyes                                   5. Dublin
      i ii iii iv v
(A) 3 5 4 1 2
(B) 4 3 5 2 1
(C) 5 4 3 2 1
(D) 2 1 3 4 5
Answer: (A)
40. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and
the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Chaucer describes ‘Madame Eglentyne’ thus: ‘She was
so charitable and so pitous, She wolde wepe, if that she sawe a mous
caught in atrappe’
Reason (R): On her ‘broche of gold full shene’ was written Amor
Vincit Omnia.
In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but(R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Answer: (B)
41. Identify the correct statements on Langue and Parole below:
1. Langue is the abstract language system, the grammar of a language.
2. Parole is the language actually produced by its user following
3. Langue is the language actually produced by its users following
4. Parole is the abstract language system, the grammar of a system.
(A) 1 and 3 are correct.
(B) 1 and 2 are correct.
(C) 2 and 3 are correct.
(D) 2 and 4 are correct.
Answer: (B)
42. In Monica Ali’s Brick Lane which among the following characters
has ‘a face like a frog’?
(A) Nazneen
(B) Chanu
(C) Hasina
(D) Karim
Answer: (B)
43. ‘The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Check’ring the
eastern clouds with streaks of light; and flecked darkness like a
From forth day’s path and Titan’sburning wheels.’
(Romeo and Juliet II 3, 1 – 4)The speaker describes
(A) The Setting Sun
(B) The Return Home of a Drunkard
(C) The Drawing of a New Day
(D) The Rising Sun
Answer: (C)
44. ‘How noble in reason ! How infinitein faculty! In form and moving
how express and admirable! In action how like anangel! In
apprehension how like a God!’
What does Hamlet marvel at in this passage?
(A) His own self
(B) His father
(C) Man
(D) Woman
Answer: (C)
45. Said identifies Orientalism as:
I. What an Orientalist does.
II. A style of thought based on anontological and epistemological
distinction made between the Orient and the Occident.
III. a discourse dealing with the Orient
IV. a fact of nature rather than oneof human production
In the light of the statement above:
(A) II and III are correct, I and IVare wrong.
(B) I and III are correct, II and IV are wrong.
(C) I, II and III are correct and IV is wrong.
(D) IV is correct and I, II and III are wrong.
Answer: (C)
46. Identify the period during which the
Puritans under the rule of Oliver Cromwell and his Commonwealth
shut down all English theatres on religious and moral grounds:
(A) 1640-1660
(B) 1649-1660
(C) 1649-1659
(D) 1640-1659
Answer: (B)
47. “To tell the truth Shug act more manly than rest, men. I means she
upright, honest, speak her mind…”What light does the quotation
throwon ShugAvery?
(A) She is a manly woman.
(B) She is upright and honest in asserting her lesbian identity.
(C) She is bent on self-assertion
(D) Both (B) and (C)
Answer: (D)
48. 1. A content word is not a function word.
2. A content word has lesser meaning than a function word.
3. A content word has no function.
4. A content word bears lexical meaning whereas a function word just
about means functionally.
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 4 are correct.
(B) 1 and 2 are correct.
(C) 3 and 4 are correct.
(D) 2 and 4 are correct.
Answer: (A)
49. The year 1828 is a landmark in the history of American language
and literature. Identify the reason from the following:
(A) Mark twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published
in that year.
(B) The Southern Literary Messenger gained wide circulation since
that year.
(C) Washington Irving was adjudged the nation’s greatest writer in
that year.
(D) Noah Webster published An American Dictionary of the English
Language in that year.
Answer: (D)
50. What alternative title to her Frankenstein did Marry Shelley give?
(A) A Gothic Tale
(B) A Gothic Romance
(C) The Modern Prometheus
(D) A Modern Parable
Answer: (C)
51. Which of the following statements on George Lamming’s In the
Castle ofMy Skin [1953] is not true?
(A) On one level this is a coming of-age story.
(B) It is an elegiac account of avillage’s growth into awareness in the
late colonial period.
(C) Its themes parody The Tempest.
(D) This was George Lamming’s first novel.
Answer: (C)
52. We are likely to misunderstand an Emily Dickinson poem if we
take her famous dashes to be …
(A) Quite specific and unambiguous
(B) Ambiguous and indeterminate
(C) Suggestive of both forward and backward movements in terms of
(D) Suggestive of links but equivocally
Answer: (A)
53. Readers of Tayeb Salih’s Seasons of Migration to the North will
undoubtedly notice its parallels with the story/stories of:
I. Death in Venice
II. Othello
III. Bartleby the Scrivener
IV. Heart of Darkness
Of the above:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) Only IV is correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answer: (D)
54. Which statement is not true of Benedict Anderson’s Imagined
(A) It is a prosaic response to the myth of El Dorado.
(B) It is subtitled Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism.
(C) In this book, Anderson advances the view that nations are not
natural entities but narrative constructs.
(D) In Anderson’s view, modern nationalism was basically a
consequence of the convergence of capitalism, the new print
technology and the fixity that resulted from print extending to
‘Vernacular’ languages.
Answer: (A)
55. ‘By swaggering could I never thrive, for the rain it raineth
everyday. ’These lines from Twelfth Night occur in the novel:
(A) Middlemarch
(B) Vanity Fair
(C) Our Mutual Friend
(D) Far From the Madding Crowd
Answer: (A)
56. What is a mock-heroic poem?
A mock-heroic poem
(A) Mocks at heroic pretensions in poets and critics
(B) Mocks heroism, an exaggerated virtue in all epics
(C) Uses a heroic style to deride airs and affectations
(D) Uses a mocking style to deride heroes and hero-worship
Answer: (C)
57. Which of the following statements is not true of Laurence Sterne’s
Tristram Shandy?
(A) It has a linear plot.
(B) It opens and ends with the theme of birth.
(C) It contains a trip to France.
(D) It contains a marbled page.
Answer: (A)
58. In drama, an aside is addressed…
(A) To an audience by an actor; the words so spoken are not meant to
be heard by other actors on the stage.
(B) To other actors on the stage; the words so spoken are not meant to
be heard by the audience.
(C) By the playwright to the audience.
(D) By the protagonist to his/her antagonist
Answer: (A)
59. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(Novels)                                              (Last Lines)
i. The Mayor of Casterbridge              1. ‘He walked towards the
faintly humming, glowing town, quickly.’
ii. Sons and Lovers                             2. ‘In their death, they were not
iii. The Great Gatsby                           3. ‘Happiness was but the
occasional episode in a general drama of pain.’
iv. The Mill on the Floss                     4. ‘So we beat on, boats against
the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.’
      i ii iii iv
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 1 4 2
Answer: (D)
60. “There is nothing outside the text,” is a statement by
(A) Victor Shklovsky
(B) Jacques Derrida
(C) Roland Barthes
(D) Ferdinand de Saussure
Answer: (B)
61. Here is a list of women abandoned by their lovers in Hardy’s
Pick the odd one out:
(A) Fanny Robin
(B) Tess D’Urberville
(C) Marty South
(D) Bathsheba Everdene
Answer: (D)
62. What is the following a description of? ‘A loose sally of the mind;
an irregular indigested piece’
(A) Essay
(B) Autobiography
(C) Epistolary Fiction
(D) Diary
Answer: (A)
63. From the following indicate the critic who is not a New Critic:
(A) Allen Tate
(B) Robert Penn Warren
(C) Cleanth Brooks
(D) Claude Levi-Strauss
Answer: (D)
64. From the following list, pick out a woman character who does not
belong to Amitav Ghosh’s novels:
(A) Ila
(B) Urvashi
(C) Sonali
(D) Piyali
Answer: (B)
65. Pick the odd man out of the following members of the subaltern
(A) Ranajit Guha
(B) Partha Chatterjee
(C) DipeshChakrabarty
(D) Sumit Sarkar
Answer: (D)
66. Statement (S): “Our birth is but a sleep and forgetting.”
Interpretation (I): The human soul never tires in the course of life, it
never dies. Therefore, the human life is a long sleep and ephemeral
events are better forgotten.
(A) (S) is a view and (I) is not correct.
(B) (S) is a view and (I) is correct.
(C) (S) is a poetic view; the (I) does not suit it.
(D) (S) is a poetic view and bears no relationship to (I).
Answer: (B)
67. ‘The parish of rich women, physical decay, / yourself…’
What do these make of W.B. Yeats in W.H. Auden’s view?
(A) Proud
(B) Vainglorious
(C) Avaricious
(D) Silly
Answer: (D)
68. Who among Charles Dickens’s characters is ‘umble’ and who
(A) Mr. Pickwick, Mrs. Gamp
(B) Master Humphrey, Nicolas Nickleby
(C) Martin, Little Nell
(D) Uriah Heep, Barkis
Answer: (D)
69. “Fourth World Literature” refers to
I. The works of native people living in a land that has been taken over
by non-natives.
II. The works of black people in the United States.
III. The literature of the marginalized.
IV. Refers to the works of non heterosexuals
Of the above:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) I, III and IV are correct.
Answer: (C)
70. Assertion (A): In The Duchess of Malfi Ferdinand sets a whole
group of mad men on the
Duchess and they dance and sing in a crazy manner.
Reason (R): His desire was to provide a strange entertainment to drive
the Duchess mad.
In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
Answer: (B)
71. Why is The Signifying Monkey of Henry Louis Gates JR. a
notable contribution to the study of African- American literature?
(A) It focuses on largely neglected African-American novelists and
(B) It offers a theory of African- American criticism that draws upon
rhetorical and signifying practices.
(C) It offers a theory of African- American films and dramatic arts that
signify Black ethos.
(D) It departs from critical theory of autobiographical narratives
involving Black lives and cultural traditions.
Answer: (B)
72. This influential critic
I. wrote influential commentaries on such poets as Shelley, Blake and
II. Published such titles as The Anxiety of Influence, A Map of
Misreading, Poetry and Repression and The Western Canon.
III. Asserted that most literary criticism is but slightly disguised
religion and
IV. Is, arguably, the most widely known and contrarian among his
American peers in the English Academy.
Identify the critic
(A) Edward Said
(B) Geoffrey Chaucer
(C) Harold Bloom
(D) Sven Birkrets
Answer: (C)www.netugc.com
73. According to the Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci:
(A) Hegemony is synonymous with domination
(B) Hegemony involves a degree of consent on the part of subject
(C) Hegemony involves a degree of coercion on the part of a dominant
political entity.
(D) Hegemony is synonymous with subjugation
Answer: (B)
74. Match the following:
i. George Peele, Robert Greene, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Kyd  1. The
Rhymers’ Club / The Decadents of the 1890’s
ii. William Congreve, William Wycherley George Eltherege, George
Farquhar 2. The Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood
iii. John Everett Millais, James Collinson, Ford Madox Brown, Dante
Gabriel Rossetti 3. The
University Wits
iv. Ernest Dowson, Lionel Johnson, W.B. Yeats 4. The Restoration
      i ii iii iv
(A) 3 2 1 4
(B) 1 4 3 2
(C) 2 1 4 3
(D) 3 4 2 1
Answer: (D)
75. Combine the statements correctly: According to Homi
1. Mimicry is not mere copying or emulating the colonizer’s culture,
behaviour and manners.
2. But it is further aimed at perfection and excess.
3. Mimicry is mere copying the colonizer’s culture, behaviour and
4. But is informed by both mockery and a certain menace.
(A) 1 and 4
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 3 and 4
(D) 3 and 2
Answer: (A)

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2012 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 2
1. To refer to the unresolvable difficulties a text may open up, Derrida
makes use of the term:
(A) aporia
(B) difference
(C) erasure
(D) supplement
Answer: (A)
2. Who, among the following English playwrights, scripted the film
Shakespeare in Love?
(A) Harold Pinter
(B) Alan Bennett
(C) Caryl Churchill
(D) Tom Stoppard
Answer: (D)
3. Arrange the following in the chronological order:
1. Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women
2. Lyrical Ballads
3. French Revolution
4. Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry
(A) 4, 3, 1, 2
(B) 3, 2, 1, 2
(C) 1, 2, 4, 3
(D) 2, 1, 3, 4
Answer: (A)
4. Which of the following employs a narrative structure in which the
main action is relayed at second hand through an enclosing frame
(A) Sons and Lovers
(B) Ulysses
(C) The Power and the Glory
(D) Heart of Darkness
Answer: (D)
5. The Irish Dramatic Movement was heralded by such figures as
(A) W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn
(B) Jonathan Swift and his contemporaries
(C) H. Drummond, Edward Irving and John Ervine
(D) Oscar Wilde and his contemporaries
Answer: (A)
6. Which poem by Chaucer was written on the death of Blanche, Wife
of John of Gaunt?
(A) Troilus and Criseyde
(B) The House of Fame
(C) The Book of Duchess
(D) The Legend of Good Women
Answer: (C)
7. The Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex is the other title
(A) Gorboduc
(B) Ralph Roister Doister
(C) Damon and Pythias
(D) Lamentable Tragedy
Answer: (A)
8. Who of the following poets is Australian?
(A) Austin Clarke
(B) Judith Wright
(C) Edwin Muir
(D) Derek Walcott
Answer: (B)
9. “He found it [English] brick and left it marble”, remarked one great
writer on another. Who were they?
(A) Milton on Shakespeare
(B) Dryden on Milton
(C) Johnson on Dryden
(D) Jonson on Shakespeare
Answer: (C)
10. Who, among the following, is a Nobel Laureate?
(A) Tony Morrison
(B) Seamus Heaney
(C) Ted Hughes
(D) Geoffrey Hill
Answer: (B)
11.       List – I                                                            List – II
I. “Because I could not stop for death…”                  a. Robert Frost
II. “O Captain ! My Captain!”                                    b. William Carlos
III. “Two roads diverged in a wood….”                    c. Emily
IV. “So much depends /upon”                                    d. Walt Whitman
The correctly matched series would be :
(A) I-d; II-c; III-b; IV-a
(B) I-a; II-b; III-c; IV-d
(C) I-b; II-a; III-d; IV-c
(D) I-c; II-d; III-a; IV-b
Answer: (D)
12. The predominant tone and thrust of Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest
Proposal” are
(A) comic
(B) solemn
(C) hortatory
(D) irony
Answer: (D)
13. I sit in one of the dives On Fifty Second Street, Uncertain and
afraid As the clever hopes expire Of a low dishonest decade. So begins
Auden’s “September 1, 1939”. What is the meaning of the word in
(A) bench
(B) night club
(C) house
(D) park
Answer: (B)
14. C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards were reputed in the 1930s for
(A) Practical Criticism
(B) New Criticism
(C) Standard English Project
(D) Basic English Project
Answer: (C)
15. In which of the following works does Mrs. Malaprop appear ?
(A) The Rivals
(B) She Stoops to Conquer
(C) The Mysteries of Udolpho
(D) The Way of the World
Answer: (A)
16. Which of the following statements about Christopher Marlowe are
I. Edward II was written in the last year of Marlowe’s life.
II. Many critics consider Doctor Faustus to be Marlowe’s best play.
III. His Spanish Tragedy comes a close second.
IV. Marlowe was less educated than Shakespeare.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) II and III are true.
(C) II and IV are true.
(D) III and IV are true.
Answer: (A)
17. “Art for Art’s Sake” became a rallying cry for
(A) the Aestheteswww.netugc.com
(B) the Symbolists
(C) the Imagists
(D) the Art Noveau School
Answer: (A)
18. Confessions of an English Opium Eater is a literary work by
(A) S. T. Coleridge
(B) P. B. Shelley
(C) Thomas De Quincey
(D) Lord Byron
Answer: (C)
19. Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is
(A) “The General Prologue’ is appended to The Canterbury Tales.
(B) In all, Chaucer tells thirty tales in this work.
(C) The Canterbury Tales remained unfinished at the time of its
author’s death.
(D) The Wife of Bath, The Clerk, Sir Gawain and The Franklin are
characters and tale-tellers in this work.
Answer: (A)
20. Who, among the following, was a Catholic novelist, an Intelligence
Officer, a film critic and set his fictions in far-away places wrecked by
political conflicts?
(A) Anthony Powell
(B) Evelyn Waugh
(C) William Golding
(D) Graham Greene
Answer: (D)
21.       List – I                                                                                    List
– II
1. Good
sense is
the body
of poetic
I. Brooks,
2. Poetry
is the
and a
spirit of
for Poetry
is a
n and
n of its
Preface to
4. Nature never set forth the earth in as rich a tapestry as diverse poets
have done  IV. Coleridge, Biographia Literaria
          1 2 3 4
Answer: (A)
22. In which of the following travel books does Mark Twain give an
account of his visit to India?
(A) A Tramp Abroad
(B) Roughing It
(C) The Innocents Abroad
(D) Following the Equator
Answer: (D)
23. William Blake’s famous poems such as “London”, “The Sick
Rose”, and “The Tyger” appear in
(A) Songs of Innocence
(B) Songs of Experience
(C) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
(D) Vision of the Daughters of Albion
Answer: (B)
24. Who among the following English artists illustrated the novels of
Dickens and Scott?
(A) Richard Hogarth
(B) Joshua Reynolds
(C) George Cruishank
(D) John Tennial
Answer: (C)
25. The last of Gulliver’s Travels is to
(A) The Land of the Houyhnhnms
(B) The Land of Homosapiens
(C) The Land of the Hurricanes
(D) The Newfound Land
Answer: (A)
26. Madam Merle is a character in
(A) The Great Gatsby
(B) The Portrait of a Lady
(C) The Jungle
(D) The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Answer: (B)
27. In which of the following scenes of The Waste Land do we have a
departure from Standard English?
(A) The typist scene
(B) The pub scene
(C) The hyacinth garden scene
(D) The Chapel Perilous scene
Answer: (B)
28. The words “If it were done when tis done, then twere well / It were
done quickly…” are uttered by
(A) Hamlet
(B) Lear
(C) Othello
(D) Macbeth
Answer: (D)
29. John Dryden’s Absalom and Achotophel a
(A) religious tract
(B) political allegory
(C) comic verse epic
(D) comedy
Answer: (B)
30. The term ‘the comedy of menace’ is associated with the early plays
(A) Arnold Wesker
(B) John Arden
(C) Harold Pinter
(D) David Hare
Answer: (C)
31. Examine the following statements and identify one of them which
is not true.
(A) Rudyard Kipling died in the year 1936.
(B) He was born in India but schooled in England.
(C) He returned to India as a police constable in Burma.
(D) He is the author of Jungle Book and Barrack Room Ballads.
Answer: (C)
32. What is the correct combination of the following?
I. Balachandra Rajan                          a. The Tamarind Tree
II. R. K. Narayan                                b. The Coffer Dams
III. Kamala Markandaya                    c. The Dark Dancer
IV. Romen Basu                                 d. The Dark Room
(A) I – c; II – d; III – b; IV – b
(B) I – d; II – a; III – b; IV – c
(C) I – c; II – a; III – d; IV – b
(D) I – d; II – c; III – a; IV – b
Answer: (A)
33. Name the poet who chooses his successor and the successor-poet
whom Dryden satirises in his famous poem.
(A) James Shirley and Chris Shirley
(B) Henry Treece and Charles Triesten
(C) Richard Flecknoe and Thomas Shadwell
(D) Thomas Percy and Samuel Pepys
Answer: (C)
34. “If______ comes, can_______ be far behind ?” (Shelley, “Ode to
the West Wind”)
(A) winter, spring
(B) autumn, summer
(C) wind, rains
(D) spring, winter
Answer: (A)
35. The following passages are the very first lines of well-known
works. Match the lines and the works:
I. Let us go then, you and I…..                                  a. Moby Dick
II. Call me Ishmael…..                                               b. Macbeth
III. When shall we three meet again?                                     c. “The
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
IV. He disappeared in the dead of winter                  d. Tristram Shandy
V. I wish either….begot me …..                                e. “In Memory of
W. B. Yeats”
 (A) I-c; II-a; III-b; IV-e; V-d
(B) I-e; II-b; III-a; IV-c; V-d
(C) I-b; II-a; III-d; IV-e; V-c
(D) I-b; II-e; III-d; IV-c; V-a
Answer: (A)
36. Which of the following is not a revenge tragedy?
(A) Hamlet
(B) The Duchess of Malfi
(C) Volpone
(D) Gorboduc
Answer: (C)
37. What is a neologism?
(A) A word with roots in a native language
(B) A word whose meaning changes with every renewed use
(C) A word newly coined or used in a new sense
(D) An obsession with new words and phrases
Answer: (C)
38. Which of the following is not true of Edward Said’s Orientalism?
(A) Makes use of Foucault’s concept of discursive formulation
(B) Is one of the founding texts of Postcolonial theory
(C) Makes use of Barthes’s concept of writerly text
(D) Utilises the Gramscian notion of hegemony
Answer: (C)
39. Thomas Love Peacock classified poetry into 4 periods. They are:
(A) carbon, gold, silver and brass
(B) brass, silver, gold and diamond
(C) iron, gold, silver and brass
(D) gold, platinum, silver and diamond
Answer: (C)
40. Which among the following novels has more than one ending?
(A) Lucky Jim
(B) The Prime of Jean Brodie
(C) The French Lieutenant’s Woman
(D) The Clockwork Orange
Answer: (C)
41. “You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a
slave was made a man” is an example of
(A) Bathos
(B) Epistrophe
(C) Chiasmus
(D) Anti-climax
Answer: (C)
42. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) Chaucer used the rhyme royal, a stanzaic form in some of his
major poems.
(B) Chaucer was the author of The Legend of Good Women.
(C) Chaucer wrote in English when the court poetry of his day was
written in Anglo-Norman and Latin.
(D) Chaucer wrote The Book Named the Governor
Answer: (D)
43. Material feminism studies inequality in terms of
(A) only gender
(B) only class
(C) both class and gender
(D) only patriarchy
Answer: (C)
44. Who among the following is not an Irish writer?
(A) Oscar Wilde
(B) Oliver Goldsmith
(C) Edmund Burke
(D) Thomas Gray
Answer: (D)
45. Entries in The Diary of Samuel Pepys begins after
(A) The Restoration
(B) The Glorious Revolution
(C) The Reformation
(D) The French Revolution
Answer: (A)
46. In a poem, a line may either be end-stopped or
(A) rhymed
(B) broken
(C) accented
(D) run-on
Answer: (D)
47. Which of the following poets wrote the essay “Naipaul’s India and
(A) Kamala Das
(B) R. Parthasarthy
(C) A. K. Ramanujam
(D) Nissim Ezekiel
Answer: (D)
48. Match the following :
I. James Joyce                         1. Peter Ackroyd
II. T. S. Eliot                           2. James Boswell
III. Life of                              3. Samuel Johnson Johnson
IV. Lives of                            4. Richard Poets Ellman
(A) I-3, II-4, III-1, IV-2
(B) I-4, II-1, III-2, IV-3
(C) I-1, II-2, III-3, IV-4
(D) I-2, II-3, III-1, IV-4
Answer: (B)
49. “The pen is mightier than the sword” is an example of
(A) simile
(B) image
(C) conceit
(D) metonymy
Answer: (D)
50. An epilogue is
(A) prefixed to a text which it introduces.
(B) suffixed to a text which it sums up or extends.
(C) a piece of writing or speech that formally begins a book.
(D) a piece of writing or speech that bears no relation to the text at
Answer: (B)
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UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English >

2012 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 3
1. In Ben Jonson’s Volpone, the animal imagery includes
(a) the fox and the vulture
(b) the fly and the cockroach
(c) the fly, the crow and the raven
(d) the fox, the vulture and the goat
(A) (a) and (b) are correct.
(B) only (d) is correct.
(C) (b) and (d) are correct.
(D) (a) and (c) are correct.
Answer: (D)
2. Salman Rushdie’s “Imaginary Homelands” is _______.
(A) a discussion of imperialist assumptions.
(B) an essay that propounds an antiessentialist view of place.
(C) an existential lament on triumphant colonialism.
(D) an orientalist description of his favourite homelands.
Answer: (B)
3. Identify the incorrect statement below:
(a) BASIC was an experiment initiated by C. K. Ogden and I. A.
Richards from 1926 to about 1940.
(b) Expanded, BASIC read: Broadly Ascertained Scientific
International Course.
(c) BASIC English was an attempt to reduce the number of essential
words to 850.
(d) While keeping to normal constructions, BASIC failed as an
experiment because its documents were far too complicated and
technical to understand.
(A) (a) & (b) (B) (b) & (d)
(C) (a) & (c) (D) (c) & (d)
Answer: (B)
4. Items in a published book appear in the following order:
(A) Index, Copyright Page, Bibliography, Footnotes
(B) Copyright Page, Bibliography, Index, Footnotes
(C) Copyright Page, Footnotes, Bibliography, Index
(D) Bibliography, Copyright Page, Index, Footnotes
Answer: (C)
5. Match the following:
(I) James Thomson, Oliver Goldsmith, William Cowper, George
(a) Metaphysical poetswww.netugc.com
(II) George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell, Abraham
Cowley, John Donne
(b) Transitional Poets
(III) Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Edmund
Blunden, Robert Graves.
(c) War Poets
(IV) W. H. Davies, Walter de la Mare, John Drinkwater, Rupert
(d) Georgians
      (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (d) (a) (c) (b)
(B) (d) (b) (d) (a)
(C) (b) (a) (c) (d)
(D) (a) (c) (d) (b)
Answer: (C)
6. The following phrases from Shakespeare have become the titles of
famous works. Identify the correctly matched group.
(I) Pale Fire                                                                 (a) Thomas Hardy
(II) The Sound and the Fury                                       (b) Somerset
(III) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead                        (c) William
(IV) Under the Greenwood Tree                                (d) Tom Stoppard
(V) Of Cakes and Ale                                                 (e) Vladimir
      (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
(A) (e) (d) (c) (a) (b)
(B) (d) (e) (b) (c) (a)
(C) (e) (c) (d) (a) (b)
(D) (c) (d) (b) (e) (a)
Answer: (C)
7. Identify the statement that is NOT TRUE among those that explain
“stage directions” in drama.
(A) Stage directions inform readers how to stage, perform or imagine
the play.
(B) The place, time of action, design of the set and at times characters’
actions or tone of voice are indicated by stage directions.
(C) Stage directions are often italicized in the text of a play in order to
be spoken aloud.
(D) Stage directions may appear at the beginning of a play, before a
scene or attached to a line of dialogue.
Answer: (C)
8. The emergence of the concept of “World literature” is associated
(a) Friedrich Schiller
(b) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(c) Johann Goltfried Herder
(d) Immanuel Kant
(A) (a) & (b)
(B) (c) & (d)
(C) (b) & (c)
(D) (a) & (d)
Answer: (C)
9. Günter Grass’s Tin Drum is part of a trilogy known as the Danzig
The other two novels are:
(A) The Flounder and Dog Years
(B) The Rat and Cat and Mouse
(C) Cat and Mouse and Dog Years
(D) Crabwalk and The Rat
Answer: (C)
10. The hostess proudly announces that the family can afford a servant
and her daughters have nothing to do with the kitchen. Who is the
proud mother in this Jane Austen novel?
(A) Mrs. Morland
(B) Lady Catherine de Burgh
(C) Mrs. Bennet
(D) Mrs. Dashwood
Answer: (C)
11. When Keats writes about the “beaker full” of “The blushful
Hippocrene”, Hippocrene is:
(A) the fountain of the horse
(B) a spring sacred to the Muses
(C) Mount Helicon produced from a blow of Pegasus
(D) Both (A) & (B)
Answer: (D)
12. Which of the following statements on The Prelude by William
Wordsworth is/are not true?
(a) The Prelude was published posthumously.
(b) In this poem, Wordsworth records his development as a poet.
(c) The poem runs to 14 books; at crucial stages the poet celebrates the
sublime natural scenery in developing his spiritual, moral and
imaginative nature.
(d) Poems like “Michael”, “The Old Cumberland Beggar”, “She dwelt
among the untrodden ways”, “Nutting” etc. are the highlights of this
(A) (a) to (d) are true.
(B) (a) is not true.
(C) (d) is not true.
(D) Only (c) is true.
Answer: (C)
13. Assertion (A): At the end of Heart of Darkness, Marlow tells a lie
to the Intended about Kurtz when he tells her “The last word he
pronounced was – your name”.
Reason (R): Marlow tells this lie because he is secretly in love with the
Intended and tells her what she wants to hear.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true ; (R) is the correct explanation.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (B)
14. Ear-training in ELT is easily achieved by:
(a) composition
(b) dictation
(c) cloze tests
(d) listening exercises
(e) précis writing
(A) (c) and (e)
(B) (a), (c) and (e)
(C) (b), (c) and (d)
(D) (b) and (d)
Answer: (D)
15. William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra and
Coriolanus are based on _______.
(A) Holinshed’s Chronicles
(B) Folk-tales and legends
(C) Older Roman Plays
(D) Plutarch’s Lives
Answer: (D)
16. The basic concept that creation was ordered, that every species
exists in a hierarchy of status, from God to the lowest creature, was
prevalent in the Renaissance. In this hierarchical continuum, man
occupies the middle position between the animal kinds and the angels.
This world view is known as:
(A) Humanism
(B) The Enlightenment
(C) The Great Chain of Being
(D) Calvinism
Answer: (C)
17. In Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse the lighthouse does not
(A) permanence at the heart of change.
(B) change in the unchanging world.
(C) celebration of life in the heart of death.
(D) celebration of order in the heart of chaos.
Answer: (B)
18. “Can one imagine any private soldier, in the nineties or now,
reading Barrack-Room Ballads and feeling that here was a writer who
spoke for him? It is very hard to do so. [….] When he is writing not of
British but of “loyal” Indians he carries the ‘Salaam, Sahib’ motif to
sometimes disgusting lengths. Yet it remains true that he has far more
interest in the common soldier, far more anxiety that he shall get a fair
deal, than most of the “liberals” of his day and our own. He sees that
the soldier is neglected, meanly underpaid and  hypocritically despised
by the people whose incomes he safeguards”.
(A) This is E. M. Forster’s “India, Again”.
(B) This is Malcolm Muggeridge on E. M. Forster’s India.
(C) This is T. S. Eliot on Rudyard Kipling.
(D) This is George Orwell on Rudyard Kipling.
Answer: (D)
19. In the well-known poem “ To his coy mistress”, the word coy
(A) shy
(B) timid
(C) voluptuous
(D) sensuous
Answer: (A)
20. From the following list, identify “backformation”: Sulk, bulk,
stoke, poke, swindle, bundle.
(A) Sulk, bulk, stoke, poke
(B) Stoke, poke, swindle, bundle
(C) Sulk, stoke, bundlewww.netugc.com
(D) Bulk, poke, bundle
Answer: (D)
21. “It blurs distinctions among literary, non-literary and cultural texts,
showing how all three intercirculate, share in, and mutually constitute
each other.” What does it in this statement stand for?
(A) Marxism
(B) Structuralism
(C) Formalism
(D) New Historicism
Answer: (D)
22. For, though, I’ve no idea. What this accoutred frowsty ____ is
worth, It pleases me to stand in silence here. (Fill in the blank)
(A) bar
(B) barn
(C) attic
(D) alcove
Answer: (B)
23. Which of the following novels is NOT a Partition novel?
(A) Azadi
(B) Tamas
(C) Clear Light of the Day
(D) That Long Silence
Answer: (D)
24. Of the following characters, which one does not belong to A House
for Mr. Biswas?
(A) Raghu
(B) Ralph Singh
(C) Dehuti
(D) Tara
Answer: (B)
25. In English literature, the trope of the vampire was used for the first
time by : uj
(A) Matthew Gregory Lewis
(B) John Polidori
(C) John Stagg
(D) Bram Stoker
Answer: (C)
26. Why is “Universal grammar” so called?
(A) It is a set of basic grammatical principles universally followed and
easily recognized by people.
(B) It is a set of basic grammatical principles assumed to be
fundamental to all natural languages.
(C) It is a set of advanced grammatical principles assumed to be
fundamental to all natural languages.
(D) It is a set of universally respected practices that have come, in
time, to be known as “grammar”.
Answer: (B)
27. Identify the novel with the wrong subtitle listed below:
(A) Middlemarch, a Study of Provincial Life
(B) Tess of the D’Urbervilles, A Pure Woman
(C) The Mayor of Casterbridge, A Man of Character
(D) Felix Holt, the Socialist
Answer: (D)
28. Match List – I with List – II.
List – I                                                                        List – II
(I) David Malouf                                                        (a) The Solid
(II) Patrick White                                                        (b) Wild Cat
(III) Peter Carey                                                         (c) Remembering
(IV) Colin Johnson                                                     (d) True History
of the Kelly Gang
      (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (a) (c) (b) (d)
(B) (c) (a) (d) (b)
(C) (b) (c) (a) (d)
(D) (c) (d) (b) (a)
Answer: (C)
29. The opening sentence of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, “Happy
families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own
way.” The specific cause of the unhappiness in Oblonsky’s house was
the husband’s affair with:
(A) a kitchen – maid
(B) an English governess
(C) a French governess
(D) a socialite
Answer: (C)
30. This periodical had the avowed intention “to enliven morality with
wit and to temper wit with morality… to bring philosophy out of the
closets and libraries, schools and colleges, to dwell in clubs and
assemblies, at tea-tables and coffee houses”. It also promoted family,
marriage and courtesy.
The periodical under reference is:
(A) The Tatler
(B) The Spectator
(C) The Gentleman’s Magazine
(D) The London Magazine
Answer: (B)
31. Assertion (A) : “Tam O’ Shanter” by John Clare is about the
experience of an ordinary human being and became quite popular
during that time.
Reason (R) : John Clare, having suffered bouts of madness, could
really feel for the misery of common man. In the context of the two
statements, which of the following is correct?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) does not explain (A).
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Answer: (B)
32. Alexander Pope’s An Essay in Criticism:
(a) Purports to define “wit” and “nature” as they apply to the literature
of his age.
(b) Claims no originality in the thought that governs this work.
(c) is a prose essay that gives us such quotes as “A little learning is a
dangerous thing !”
(d) Appeared in 1701.
(A) (c) and (d) are incorrect.
(B) (a) and (b) are incorrect.
(C) (a) to (d) are correct.
(D) only (a) and (d) are correct.
Answer: (D)
33. What is register?
(A) The way in which a language registers in the minds of its users.
(B) The way users of a language register the nuances of that language.
(C) A variety of language used in social situations or one specially
designed for the subject it deals with.
(D) A variety of language used in non-professional or informal
situations by professionals.
Answer: (C)
34. Jeremy Collier’s Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of
the English Stage (1698) attacked ______.
(A) the practice of mixing tragic and comic themes in Shakespeare’s
(B) the bawdiness of “low” characters in Shakespeare’s plays.
(C) the coarseness and ugliness of Restoration Theatre.
(D) irreligious themes and irreverent attitudes in the plays of the
seventeenth century.
Answer: (C)
35. One of the most important themes the speakers debate in Dryden’s
An Essay on Dramatic Poesy is______.
(A) European and non-European perceptions of reality.
(B) English and non-English perceptions of reality.
(C) the relative merits of French and English theatre.
(D) the relative merits of French and English poetry.
Answer: (C)
36. Identify the correctly matched pair:
(A) Amitav Ghosh – All About H. Halterr
(B) Anita Desai – Inheritance of Loss
(C) Shashi Deshpande – A Bend in the Ganges
(D) Salman Rushdie – The Enchantress of Florence
Answer: (D)
37. Match the following correctly:
(I) Langue / Parole                              (a) Noam Chomsky
(II) Competence / Performance          (b) C. S. Pierce
(III) Ieonic / Indexical                                    (c) Ferdinand de Saussure
(IV) Readerly / Writerly                     (d) Roland Barthes
      (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (c) (b) (a) (d)
(B) (c) (a) (b) (d)
(C) (a) (c) (d) (b)
(D) (b) (c) (a) (d)
Answer: (B)
1. Joy Kogawa                                    (a) Bloody Rites
2. M. G.                                               (b) Obasan Vasanjee
3. Sky Lee                                           (c) The Gunny Sack
4. Arnold                                             (d) Disappearing Itwaru Moon
       1    2   3   4
(A) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(B) (a) (d) (c) (b)
(C) (b) (c) (d) (a)
(D) (a) (b) (c) (d)
Answer: (C)
39. Why does Jean Baudrillard adopt Disneyland as his own sign?
(A) Disneyland is by far the most eminently noticeable cultural sign in
the post modern world.
(B) Disneyland captures ‘essences’ and ‘non-essences’ of Reality more
convincingly than other cultural venues.
(C) Disneyland is an artefact that so obviously announces its own
fictiveness that it would seem to imply some counter balancing reality.
(D) Disneyland is both ‘appearance’ and ‘reality’ in the post modern
visual game of handy-dandy.
Answer: (C)
40. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of Dante Gabriel
(A) D. G. Rossetti was a Londoner, the son of an Italian refugee who
taught Italian at King’s college.
(B) Rossetti formed the Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood with Holman
Hunt, Ford Madox Brown and Painter Millais.
(C) He married Christina Georgina who was a poet in her right.
(D) Rossetti’s “Blessed Damozel” displays his remarkable gifts as a
poet and painter.
Answer: (C)
41. Goethe’s Faust (Part I , Scene 1) opens in :
(A) heaven
(B) hell
(C) forest
(D) Faust’s study
Answer: (D)
42. “Is it their single-mind-sized skulls or a trained Body, or genius, or
a nestful of brats Gives their days this bullet and automatic
purpose….” (Thrushes) In the above lines what does ‘their’ refer to
and what quality of ‘their’ does the poet speak of?
I. Human beings and their intelligence
II. The thrushes and their concentration in achieving what they set out
III. The efficiency of the thrushes in getting at their prey
IV. All the above
(A) Only III is correct.
(B) Only IV is correct.
(C) I and II are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (D)
43. Find the odd (wo)man out :
Belladonna – Engenides – The Typist – Marie – Madame Sosostris –
the ruinbibber – Tiresias – the Youngman Carbuncular
(A) Belladonna
(B) Madame Sosostris
(C) Tiresias
(D) The ruin – bibber
Answer: (D)
44. Wilkie Collins’s novel, The Moonstone (1868) tells the story of
(A) a detective’s exploits in Victorian England.
(B) a doctor’s adventures in a Middle-Eastern Suburb.
(C) a fabulous yellow diamond stolen from an Indian shrine.
(D) illegal mining of diamonds in eastern U.P. during British rule.
Answer: (C)
45. Identify the correctly matched group:
(I) “Because I could not stop for death…      (a) Walt Whitman
(II) “O Captain ! My Captain!”                      (b) William Carlos
(III) “Two roads diverged in a wood…”       (c) Emily Dickinson
(IV) “So much depends upon…”                   (d) Robert Frost
      (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(B) (c) (a) (d) (b)
(C) (a) (c) (b) (d)
(D) (c) (a) (b) (d)
Answer: (B)
46. “Now stop your noses, readers, all and some, For here’s a tun of
midnight – work to come, Og, from a treason-tavern rolling home.
Round as a globe and liquor’d e’vry chink, Goodly and great he rails
behind his link”. In the above passage from Absalom and Achitophel,
link means :
(A) a connection in the court
(B) a hired servant who carries a lighted torch
(C) a social tie
(D) a rich patron
Answer: (B)
47. Which among the following is NOT a typical “Indian English
Poem” by Nissim Ezekiel?
(A) “How the English Lessons Ended”
(B) “The Railway Clerk”
(C) “Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S.”
(D) “The Patriot”
Answer: (A)
48. Match the correct pair :
(I) George Eliot                       1. Ellis Bell
(II) Saki                                   2. Mary Anne Evans
(III) Emily Bronte                   3. Samuel Langhorne Clemens
(IV) Mark Twain                     4. H. H. Munro
    (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) 2  3   1   4
(B) 2  4   1   3
(C) 1  3   4   2
(D) 3  2   1   4
Answer: (B)
49. In Canto 17 of the Inferno, the monster Geryon represents ______.
(A) fraud
(B) usury
(C) sloth
(D) gluttony
Answer: (A)
50. I-A. Richards’s famous experiment with poems and his Cambridge
students is detailed in Practical
Criticism : A Study of Literary Judgement (1929). Richards was
astonished by
(A) the poor quality of his students’ “stock responses”
(B) the very astute remarks made by his students
(C) the non-availability of poems, worthy of class-room attention
(D) the success of his experiment
Answer: (A)
51. Based on the following description, identify the text in reference:
This is a play in which no one comes, no one goes, nothing happens.
In its opening scene a man struggles hard to remove his boot. The play
was originally written in French, later translated into English. It was
first performed in 1953.
(A) Look Back in Anger
(B) Waiting for Godot
(C) The Zoo Story
(D) The Birthday Party
Answer: (B)
52. One of the following Canterbury Tales is in prose, identify.
(A) The Pardoner’s Tale
(B) The Parson’s Tale
(C) The Monk’s Tale
(D) The Knight’s Tale
Answer: (B)
53. In his distinction between imagination and fancy, Coleridge
identifies the following:
(a) it dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate.
(b) it has aggregative and associative power.
(c) it plays with fixities and definites.
(d) it has shaping and modifying power.
The correct combination reads :
(A) (a) and (b) for fancy; (c) and (d) for imagination.
(B) (a) and (c) for fancy; (b) and (d) for imagination.
(C) (b) and (c) for fancy; (a) and (d) for imagination.
(D) (c) and (d) for fancy; (a) and (b) for imagination.
Answer: (C)
54. Julia Kristeva’s ‘Intertextuality’ derives from:
(a) Saussure’s signs
(b) Chomsky’s deep structure
(c) Bakhtin’s dialogism
(d) Derrida’s difference
(A) (a) and (d)
 (B) (a) and (c)
(C) (c) and (d)
 (D) (a) and (b)
Answer: (B)
55. Ralph Ellison enjoys subverting myths about white purity through
characters like:
(a) Norton
(b) Bledsoe
(c) Rhinehart
(d) all of the above
(A) (a) and (b)
(B) (a), (b) and (c)
(C) (b) and (c)
(D) (a) and (c)
Answer: (A)
56. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Ralph Waldo Emerson?
(A) He wrote essays on New England scenery, woodcraft and
(B) He was an eloquent pulpit orator, a member of the Unitarian
Church under William Chawming.www.netugc.com
(C) In essays like “Nature”, he elaborates on the importance of seeing
familiar things in new ways.
(D) His famous “American Scholar” was delivered as an address
before the Phi Beta Kappa
Society at Cambridge in 1837.
Answer: (A)
57. “Exorcism” is the title of Act III of who’s Afraid of Virginia
Woolf? What is the significance of ‘exorcism’ in the context of the
(A) The casting out of evil spirits
(B) Deconstructing of myths involving marriage, fertility and sons
(C) Facing life without illusions
(D) Exposing all attempts at illusionmaking
Answer: (D)
58. “Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender”. This is an
important statement defining the womanist perspective advanced by
(A) Toni Morrison
(B) Zora Neale Hurston
(C) Alice Walker
(D) Bell Hooks
Answer: (C)
59. Identify the mismatched pair in the following where characters in
Golding’s Lord of the Flies fit the allegorized pattern of virtues and
(A) Ralph - rationality
(B) Piggy - pragmatism
(C) Jack - pity
(D) Simon – innocence
Answer: (C)
60. A Subaltern perspective is one where
(A) Power-structures define and determine your command of language
and language of command in an uneven world.
(B) The politically dispossessed could be voiceless, written out of the
historical record and ignored because their activities do not count for
“Cultural” or “Structured”.
(C) You don’t know what your ‘story’ is, how to deal with a ‘story’
and therefore you are forced to put stereotyped situations in it to please
your listeners.
(D) You begin to see how we live, how we have been living, how we
have been led to imagine ourselves, how our language has trapped as
well as liberated us.
Answer: (B)
61. (a) “Interlanguage” is a term we owe to M.A.K. Halliday.
(b) Interlanguage develops an autonomous and self-contained
grammatical system
(c) It is a distinct stage in a learner’s progress in the study of a second
(d) It owes nothing at all either to the learner’s native or target / second
(A) (d) is correct.
(B) (b) is correct.
(C) (a) and (c) are correct.
(D) (c) and (d) are correct.
Answer: (C)
62. In a classic statement that inaugurated Feminist thought in English,
we read:
“A woman writing thinks back through her mothers”. Where does this
(A) Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own
(B) Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics
(C) Gertrude Stein’s Three Lives
(D) Mary Hiatt’s The Way Women Write.
Answer: (A)
63. Identify the correctly matched pair of translators and translations.
(I) A. K. Ramanujan                           (a) The Ramayana
(II) Manmathanath Dutt                     (b) The Bhagavad Gita
(III) Mohini Chatterjee                        (c) Speaking of Shiva
(IV) Romesh Chandra Dutt                (d) The Mahabharata
      (I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (c) (d) (b) (a)
(B) (d) (c) (a) (b)
(C) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(D) (b) (a) (d) (c)
Answer: (A)
64. Assertion (A): In The Power and the Glory, Greene shows how the
Whisky Priest transcends his weakness for drink and his human fears,
moving towards martyrdom.
Reason (R): Transcendence in Greene’s novels is generally an
outcome of love for humanity, but pride is also an essential ingredient
in the Priest’s character.
(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(B) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true, but
(R) is not the correct explanation for (A).
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation for
Answer: (C)
65. Which of the following statements on John Dryden is incorrect?
(a) John Milton and John Dryden were contemporaries.
(b) Dryden was a Royalist, while Milton fiercely opposed monarchy.
(c) Dryden wrote a play on the Mughal Emperor Humayun.
(d) Dryden was appointed the Poet Laureate of England in 1668.
(A) (a) is incorrect.
(B) (d) is incorrect.
(C) (c) is incorrect.
(D) (b) and (c) are incorrect.
Answer: (C)
66. “Like walking, criticism is a pretty nearly universal art; both
require a constant intricate shifting and catching of balance; neither
can be questioned much in process; and few perform either really well.
For either a new terrain is fatiguing and awkward, and in our day most
men prefer paved walks and some form of rapid transportsome easy
theory or overmastering dogma.” (R.P.Blackmur, “A Critic’s Job of
(a) Blackmur compares walking with criticism because he considers
both to be “arts” of a similar kind that call for attention to detail and
utmost care.
(b) Blackmur admits that some people do however manage to be good
critics and good walkers.
(c) Critics prefer tried and tested approaches for much the same reason
as Walkers would look for paved walks and rapid transport.
(d) Blackmur does not quite give us the equivalents of “Some paved
walks and some form of rapid transport” in order to press his
(A) (a) and (d) are correct.
(B) (a) and (c) are correct.
(C) only (d) is correct.
(D) only (b) is correct.
Answer: (B)
67. The world dominated by cold and hypocritical materialists is
represented by William Blake in the mythological figure of
__________ .
(A) Urizen
(B) Albion
(C) Geryon
(D) Satan
Answer: (A)
68. Identify the correctly matched group:
(A) Third Space – Wolfgang Iser Hybridity – Edward Soja Reception
aesthetics – Ferdinand de
Saussure Langue – Homi Bhabha
(B) Third Space – Ernst Bloch Hybridity – Edward Said Reception
aesthetics – Eve K. Sedgwick
Langue – G. S. Frazer
(C) Third Space – Edward Soja Hybridity – Homi Bhabha Reception
aesthetics – Wolfgang Iser
Langue – Ferdinand de Saussure
(D) Third Space – G. S. Frazer Hybridity – Eve K. Sedgwick
Reception aesthetics – Edward Soja Langue – Edward Said
Answer: (C)
69. Which of the following can be best described as:
(i) the first statement of Bernard Shaw’s idea of Life Force;
(ii) a play dealing with a woman’s pursuit of her mate; and
(iii) a play whose third act called “Don Juan in Hell” is both
unconventional and hilarious ?
(A) The Devil’s Disciple
(B) Man and Superman
(C) Candida
(D) Arms and the Man
Answer: (B)
70. Identify the untrue statement on the CONTACT ZONE below:
(A) “The contact zone” is a space where disparate cultures meet, clash
and grapple with each other.
(B) In Postcolonial societies “contact” suggests the historical moment
when settler and indigenous cultures first met.
(C) The idea of the Contact Zone was first proposed and defined by
Mary Louise Pratt’s Imperial Eyes : Travel Writing and
Transculturation (1992)
(D) It is believed that the Contact Zone was largely instrumental in
spearheading nationalist movements across the world.
Answer: (D)
71. Name the novel in which
I. the protagonist is a war veteran called Tayo.
II. Tayo returns from World War II, thoroughly disillusioned and
haunted by his violent actions of war time.
III. Tayo seeks consolation and counsel from old Betonie.
IV. The protagonist realizes the importance of harmonizing humanity
and the universe.
(A) Beloved
(B) Ceremony
(C) Daisy Miller
(D) Enter, Conversing
Answer: (B)
72. One of the following poems in Men and Women is addressed to
Elizabeth Barrett Browning by the poet. Identify it.
(A) “In Three Days”
(B) “By the Fireside”
(C) “One Way of Love”
(D) “One Word More”
Answer: (D)
73. Match List-I with List-II according to the codes given below:
List – I                                                                        List – II
I. Tennessee Williams                                                 1. Emperor Jones
II. Eugene O’Neill                                                      2. A Streetcar
Named Desire
III. Lorraine Hansberry                                               3. After the Fall
IV. Arthur Miller                                                        4. A Raisin in the
      I II III IV
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 1 3 2 4
(C) 4 2 3 1
(D) 2 1 4 3
Answer: (D)
74. Match the correct pair:
I. Theatre of Cruelty                                       1. Safdar Hashmi
II. Theatre of the Oppressed                           2. Georg Kaiser
III. Expressionist Theatre                               3. Jerzy Grotowsky
IV. Agitprop                                                   4. Augusto Bal
      I II III IV
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 3 4 2 3
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 4 1 3 2
Answer: (B)
75. Bertolt Brecht’s Epic Theatre
(a) turns the spectator into an observer
(b) wears down the spectator’s capacity for action
(c) relies on argument
(d) presents man as a process
(A) (a) and (d) are correct; (b) and (c) are incorrect.
(B) (a), (c) and (d) are correct; (b) is wrong.
(C) (b) and (d) are correct; (a) and (c) are incorrect.
(D) (a), (b) and (c) are correct; (d) is incorrect.
Answer: (B)
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UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English >

2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 2

1. ____ the very word is like a bell

To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Which word?
(A) Bird
(B) Immortal
(C) Forlorn
(D) Fancy
Answer: (C)
2. In poems like “The Altar” and “Easter Wings” ________ exploits
(A) John Donne, alliteration
(B) Robert Herrick, trimetre
(C) G.M. Hopkins, sprung rhythm
(D) George Herbert, typographic space
Answer: (D)
3. No, no thou hast not felt the lapse of hours!
For what wears out the life of mortal men?
 ‘Tis that repeated shocks, again, again,
Exhaust the energy of strongest souls
And numb the elastic powers …
Who does the poet address here?
(A) The Scholar Gipsy
(B) Telemachus
(C) The Nightingalewww.netugc.com
(D) The Poet’s Sister, Dorothy
Answer: (A)
4. The roman a clef (French for “novel with a key”) uses contemporary
historical figures as its chief characters. They are of course given
fictional names. One example is Aldous Huxley’s Point Counter Point.
Its Mark Rampion is modelled onM_______.
(A) D.H. Lawrence
(B) E.M. Forster
(C) Wyndham Lewis
(D) Arnold Bennett
Answer: (A)
5. She was a worthy woman al hir lyve,
Housbondes at chirche-dore she hadde fyve,
In the ‘Prologue’ Chaucer represents the Wife of Bath as:
I. crude and vulgar
II. outspoken and boastfully licentious
III. a witness to masculine oppression
IV. bubbling with vitality
Find the correct combination according to the code:
(A) I, II and III are correct.
(B) I, II and IV are correct.
(C) I, III and IV are correct.
(D) II, III and IV are correct.
Answer: (B)
6. The novel tells the story of twin brothers, Waldo, the man of reason
and intellect, and Arthur, the innocent half-wit, the way their lives are
inextricably intertwined. Which is the novel?
(A) The Tree of Man
(B) Voss
(C) The Solid Mandala
(D) The Vivisector
Answer: (C)
7. Who among the following was NOT a member of the Scriblerus
(A) Thomas Parnell
(B) Alexander Pope
(C) Joseph Addison
(D) John Gay
Answer: (C)
8. _______ is a theological term brought into literary criticism by
(A) Entelechy, St. Augustine
(B) Ambiguity, William Empson
(C) Adequation, Fr Walter Ong
(D) Epiphany, James Joyce
Answer: (D)
9. ________ the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from th’
Ethereal Sky,
With hideous ruin and combustion down
To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
In Adamantine Chains and penal Fire Who durst defy th’ Omnipotent
to Arms.
(Paradise Lost, I.44-49.)
Choose the appropriate word:
(A) Him
(B) He
(C) Satan
(D) The Fiend
Answer: (A)
10. Which of the following works does not have a mad woman as a
character in it?
(A) The Yellow Wallpaper
(B) The Mad Woman in the Attic
(C) Jane Eyre
(D) Wide Sargasso Sea
Answer: (B)
11. Which of the following is NOT a quest narrative?
(A) Shelley’s Alastor
(B) Byron’s Manfred
(C) Coleridge’s Christabel
(D) Keats’s Endymion
Answer: (C)
12. The novel has a scene where African American students are made
to compete and fight with each other as they rush for the gold coins
tossed on an electric blanket. Identify the novel.
(A) Richard Wright: Native Son
(B) James Baldwin: Another Country
(C) Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man
(D) Toni Morrison: Bluest Eye
Answer: (C)
13. G.M. Hopkins’s “Windhover” is dedicated:
(A) To Christ, our Lord
(B) To Christ our lord
(C) To no one
(D) To Christ, the Lord
Answer: (B)
14. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I (Authors)                                List – II (Poems)
i. Ted Hughes                                      1. “The Otter”
ii. Seamus Heaney                               2. “Snake”
iii. W.H. Auden                                  3. “Ghost Crabs”
iv. D.H. Lawrence                              4. “Prevent the Dog from
Barking with a Juicy Bone.”
       i ii iii iv
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 3 2 1 4
Answer: (C)
15. His cooks with long disuse their trade forgot;
Cool was his kitchen, though his brains were hot.
Who is this character whose stinginess passed into a proverb?
(A) Corah
(B) Shimei
(C) Zimri
(D) Achitophel
Answer: (B)
16. “The story and the novel, the idea and the form, are the needle and
thread, and I never heard of a guild of tailors who recommended the
use of the thread without the needle, or the needle without the thread.”
This famous passage describing the relation of idea to form is found in
(A) Sir Philip Sidney, An Apology for Poetry
(B) Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria
(C) Henry James, “The Art of Fiction”
(D) I.A. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism
Answer: (C)
17. Identify the correctly matched set below:
(A) The Norman Conquest – 1066
William Caxton and the introduction of printing – 1575
The King James Bible – 1611
Dr. Johnson’s English Dictionary – 1755
The Commonwealth Period/ the Protectorate – 1649-1660
(B) The Norman Conquest – 1066
William Caxton and the introduction of printing – 1475
The King James Bible – 1611
Dr. Johnson’s English Dictionary - 1755
The Commonwealth Period/ the Protectorate – 1649-
(C) The Norman Conquest – 1016
William Caxton and the introduction of printing- 1475
The King James Bible – 1564
Dr. Johnson’s English Dictionary -1780
The Commonwealth Period/ the Protectorate – 1649-1660
(D) The Norman Conquest – 1013
William Caxton and the introduction of printing – 1575
The King James Bible – 1627
Dr. Johnson’s English Dictionary – 1746
The Commonwealth Period/ the Protectorate – 1624-1660
Answer: (B)
18. Leopold Bloom in Ulysses is
(A) a Great War veteran
(B) a Dublin bar owner
(C) a Jewish advertising agent
(D) an Irish nationalist
Answer: (C)
19. “Late capitalism”, by which is meant accelerated technological
development and the massive extension of intellectually qualified
labour, was first popularised by ______.
(A) Terry Eagleton
(B) Ernst Mandel
(C) Raymond Williams
(D) Stanley Fish
Answer: (B)
20. Which of the following arrangements is in the correct
chronological sequence?
(A) Native Son by Richard Wright – Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison –
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neil Hurston – Another
Country by James Baldwin
(B) Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neil Hurston – Native
Son by Richard Wright – Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison – Another
Country by James Baldwin
(C) Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison – Native Son by Richard Wright –
Another Country by James Baldwin – Their Eyes Were Watching God
by Zora Neil Hurston
(D) Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neil Hurston – Another
Country by James Baldwin – Native Son by Richard Wright –
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Answer: (B)
21. Metaphor is so widespread that it is often used as an umbrella term
to include other figures of speech such as metonyms which can be
technically distinguished from it in its narrower usage.
Identify the metaphorical phrase in this sentence:
(A) narrower usage
(B) technically distinguished
(C) figures of speech
(D) umbrella term
Answer: (D)
22. Along the shore of silver streaming Thames;
Whose rutty bank, the which his river hems,
Was painted all with variable flowers,…
Fit to deck maidens’ bowers
And crown their paramours
Against their bridal day, which is not long;
Sweet Thames! run softly till I end my song.
(Spenser’s Prothalamion)
Another poet fondly recalls these lines but cannot conceal their heavily
ironic tone in:
(A) Marianne Moore’s “Spenser’s Ireland”
(B) Sylvia Plath’s “Morning Song”
(C) W.H. Auden’s “In Praise of Limestone”
(D) T.S. Eliot’s Waste Land
Answer: (D)
23. The tramp in Pinter’s first big hit,
The Caretaker, often travels under an assumed name. It is
(A) Bernard Jenkins
(B) Roly Jenkins
(C) Jack Jenkins
(D) Peter Jenkins
Answer: (A)
24. Here is a list of early English plays imitating Greek and Latin
plays. Pick the odd one out:
(A) Gorboduc
(B) Tamburlaine
(C) Ralph Roister Doister
(D) Gammer Gurton’s Needle
Answer: (B)
25. Where does Act I Scene 1 of William Congreve’s Way of the
World open?
(A) A Chocolate-House
(B) A Pub
(C) A Carrefour
(D) The drawing room of Sir Willfull’s mansion
Answer: (A)
26. While “a well-boiled icicle” for “a well-oiled bicycle” is an
example of Spoonerism, someone saying “Congenital food” for
‘Continental food’ is an example of ______.
(A) Malaproprism
(B) Pleonasm
(C) Neologism
(D) Archaism
Answer: (A)
27. It is unimaginable that all the following events happened in one
1. Arthur Evans discovered the first European civilization; his
excavations in Crete revealed a culture that was far older than either
Attic Greece or Ancient Rome.
2. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch published the Oxford Book of English
3. Pablo Picasso stepped off the Barcelona train at Gare d’ Orsay,
4. Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory.
5. Hugo de Vries identified what would later come to be called genes.
6. Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams.
7. Coca-cola arrived in Britain.
Identify the year:
(A) 1899
(B) 1900
(C) 1901
(D) 1903
Answer: (B)
28. Brother to a Prince and fellow to a beggar if he be found worthy.
This is the epigraph to
(A) T.S. Eliot’s “The Hollow Men”
(B) Rudyard Kipling’s “The Man Who Would be the King”
(C) George Eliot’s Silas Marner
(D) E.M. Forster’s Howard’s End
Answer: (B)
29. Robert Graves’s “In Broken Images” ends thus:
He in a new confusion of his understanding;
I in a new understanding of my confusion.
The figure of speech here is _______.
(A) Chiasmus
(B) Catachresis
(C) Inversion
(D) Zeugma
Answer: (A)
30. The phrase “leaves dancing” is an example of ________.
(A) pathetic fallacy
(B) hyperbole
(C) pun
(D) conceit
Answer: (A)
31. At the end of The Great Gatsby, the narrator Nick Carraway
“They were careless people”. Who were they?
(A) Tom and Daisy
(B) The Wilsons
(C) Gatsby and his friends
(D) The people of East Egg
Answer: (A)
32. William Wordsworth’s statement of purpose in publishing the
Lyrical Ballads carries the following phrase. (Complete the phrase
“to choose incidents from common life and to relate or describe them,
throughout, as far as possible, ______.”
(A) in a selection of language really used by men.
(B) in a relation to language really used by men.
(C) in a selection of language really used by common man.
(D) in deference to language actually used by men.
Answer: (A)
33. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I (Novels)                                                                      List – II
(Last lines)
i. Lord Jim                                                                               1. ‘It was
done; it was finished. Yes, she thought laying down her brush in
extreme fatigue, I have had my vision.’
ii. To the Lighthouse                                                               2. ‘April
27. Old father, old artificer, stand me now and ever in good stead…’
iii. A Passage to India                                                             3. ‘He
feels it himself and says often that he is “preparing to leave all this;
preparing to leave,...”, while he waves his hands sadly at his
iv. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man                           4. ‘ “No
not yet,” and the sky said, “No, not there”.’
       i ii iii iv
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 3 2 4 1
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 2 3 1 4
Answer: (C)
34. Identify the incorrect description/s of “Sprung Rhythm” from the
1. This rhythm causes ideas to spring in our minds – hence Sprung
2. In Sprung Rhythm the feet are of equal length.
3. A foot may have one to four syllables in Sprung
4. Its metre is derived from the metre of Anglo-Saxon poetry which
was based on accent and linked by alliteration.
(A) 4 is incorrect.
(B) 1 & 4 are incorrect.
(C) 3 is incorrect.
(D) 1 is incorrect.
Answer: (D)
35. Who among the following proposes that the unconscious comes
into being only in language?
(A) Sigmund Freud
(B) Jacques Lacan
(C) Stuart Hall
(D) Paul de Man
Answer: (B)
36. The Elizabethan Settlement established during the reign of
Elizabeth I
I. ensured the supremacy of the Church of England.
II. allowed Christians to acknowledge the authority of the Pope.
III. allowed the extremer Protestants to be part of the Anglican church.
IV. created a group known as the Roundheads.
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) III and IV are correct.
Answer: (A)
37. Which of the following poems by Tennyson does NOT speak of
old age and death?
(A) “The Beggar Maid”
(B) “The Lotus-Eaters”
(C) “Ulysses”
(D) “Tithonus”
Answer: (A)
38. One English poet addressing another:
Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart;
Thou hast a voice whose sound was like the sea:
Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,
So didst thou travel on life’s common way,
In cheerful godliness….
Whose lines are these? To whom are they addressed?
(A) W.H. Auden – W.B. Yeats
(B) P.B. Shelley – William Blake
(C) William Wordsworth – John Milton
(D) Ben Jonson – William Shakespeare
Answer: (C)
39. Samuel Johnson’s Lives of Poets (1781) was originally a series of
introductions to the poets he wrote for a group of London publishers.
They were collected as:
(A) Lives of English Poets: Critical and Biographical Essays.
(B) Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of English Poets.
(C) Notes, Biographical and Critical, on the Works of English Poets.
(D) Lives of English Poets: Biographical and Critical Notes.
Answer: (B)
40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Northrop Frye’s four
‘generic plots’?
(A) The comic
(B) The tragic
(C) The lyric
(D) The ironic
Answer: (C)
41. Arrange the sections of The Waste Land in the order in which they
appear in the poem:
1. The Fire Sermon
2. Death by Water
3. A Game of Chess
4. What the Thunder Said
5. The Burial of the Dead
(A) 3, 2, 1, 5, 4
(B) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4
(C) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
(D) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
Answer: (D)
42. Sir Plume is a character in ____ .sa
(A) Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel
(B) Congreve’s The Way of the World
(C) Pope’s The Rape of the Lock
(D) Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Strategem
Answer: (C)
43. Steeling herself to the murder, Lady Macbeth calls on ______ to
“unsex me here”. (Macbeth I.5.39)
Choose the right option to fill in the blank:
(A) God
(B) the spirits of hell
(C) the angels in heaven
(D) no one in particular
Answer: (B)
44. You will find the following lines in an English poem:
Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the side
Of Humber would complain.
Which poem? Who is the poet?
(A) “Lonely Hearts.” Wendy Cope
(B) “Holy Thursday.” William Blake
(C) “Tiger Mask Ritual.” Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
(D) “To His Coy Mistress.” Andrew Marvell
Answer: (D)
45. Teach me half the gladness
That thy brain must know,
Such harmonious madness
From my lips would flow
The world should listen then, as I am listening now.
Whose lines are these? To whom are they addressed?
(A) John Keats. The Nightingale
(B) P.B. Shelley. The Skylark
(C) William Wordsworth. The Wye Valley
(D) Robert Browning. The Grammarian
Answer: (B)
46. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I (Novel)                                               List – II (Major symbol)
i. Dombey and Son                                         1. fog
ii. The Return of the Native                            2. train
iii. Bleak House                                               3. heath
iv. Tess                                                            4. mist
      i ii iii iv
(A) 2 3 1 4
(B) 4 2 3 1
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 1 3 4 1
Answer: (A)
47. The following postmodernist novel has an unusual protagonist
whose gender is not revealed. So much so, that we keep wondering
whether that person’s relationships are homo /hetero-sexual:
(A) The French Lieutenant’s Woman
(B) English Music
(C) Written on the Body
(D) Enduring Love
Answer: (C)
48. Which novel of Graham Greene in the following list does NOT
end in some form of suicide by the protagonist?
(A) The Heart of the Matter
(B) England Made Me
(C) Brighton Rock
(D) The Power and the Glory
Answer: (B)
49. Who among the following gave a happy ending to King Lear?
(A) James Quin
(B) Nahum Tate
(C) Peg Woffington
(D) Charles Macklin
Answer: (B)
50. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice starts with the famous
statement: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in
possession of a good fortune must be in want of a life.”
As we get to read the novel this statement seems to be made from the
point of view of:
I. the surrounding families
II. Mrs Bennet
III. Mr Bennet
IV. The women of Jane Austen’s age and society
Find out the correct combination according to the code:
(A) I, II and III are correct.
(B) I, II and IV are correct.
(C) II, III and IV are correct.
(D) I, III and IV are correct.
Answer: (B)
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UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English >

2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 3

1. In which of the following novels Harikatha is strategically used as a

medium of ‘consciousness raising’?
(A) Waiting for the Mahatma
(B) The Serpent and the Rope
(C) A Bend in the Ganges
(D) Kanthapura
Answer: (D)
2. Identify the text in the following list which offers a fictionalized
survey of English Literature from Elizabethan times to 1928:
(A) E.M. Forster, the Eternal Moment
(B) Virginia Woolf, Orlando
(C) Robert Graves, Goodbye to All That
(D) David Jones, In Parenthesis
Answer: (B)
3. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:
List – I                                    List – II
i. John Ruskin                         1. London Labour and the London Poor
ii. Henry Mayhew                   2. The Golden Bough
iii. Sir Charles Lyell                3. Unto The Last
iv. Sir James George Frazer    4. The Principles of Geology
i           ii          iii         iv
(A)       3          2          1          4
(B)       2          1          3          4
(C)       2          3          4          1
(D)       3          1          4          2
Answer: (D)
4. Which of the following poems DOES NOT begin in the first person
(A) Shelley’s “Adonais”
(B) Byron’s “Don Juan”
(C) Keats’s “Lamia”
(D) Coleridge’s ‘The Aeolian Harp’
Answer: (C)
5. In his Anatomy of Melancholy Robert Burton proposes the
following two principal kinds:
I. Love
II. Death
III. Spiritual
IV. Religious
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answer: (C)
6. Listed below are some English journals widely read by
professionals: Screen, Critical Quarterly, Review of English, Wasafiri.
One of the above founded by C.B. Cox, and now being edited by Colin
MacCabe, carries not only critical and scholarly essays in English
Studies but reviews film, culture, language and contemporary political
issues. Identify the journal:
(A) Wasafiri
(B) Screen
(C) Critical Quarterly
(D) Review of English Studies
Answer: (C)
7. In Marvell’s “A Dialogue between Soul and Body”, who/which of
the following has the last word?
(A) Body
(B) God
(C) Soul
(D) Satan
Answer: (A)
8. In Blake’s poem “A Poison Tree” the speaker’s anger grows and
becomes ________.
(A) A cherry
(B) An apple
(C) An orange
(D) A rose
Answer: (B)
9. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and
the other as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): For deconstructive critics how human beings read and
interpret signs they receive will determine their modes of knowing and
being, whether those signs come in the form of literary texts or bank
Reason (R): The fact of the matter is that human beings use signs to
function in the world and are always likely to do so.
In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (A)
10. Ian McEwan’s Saturday spans one day in the life of
(A) A divorce lawyer
(B) An ageing pianist
(C) A London neurosurgeon
(D) A famous poetwww.netugc.com
Answer: (C)
11. “Open Forum” as applied to poetry, is the same as ________. It is
poetry that is not written according to traditional fixed patterns. (Fill
(A) Blank verse
(B) Concrete poetry
(C) L = A = N = G = U = A = G = E poetry
(D) Free verse
Answer: (D)
12. The author of the book observes “I have attempted, through the
medium of biography, to present some Victorian visions to the modern
eye”. The four main characters in this book are Cardinal Manning,
Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold and General Gordon. Who is this
(A) Mathew Arnold
(B) Robert Browning
(C) Lytton Strachey
(D) Oscar Wilde
Answer: (C)
13. In his attack delivered on the theatre in A Short View of the
Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, Jeremy Collier
specially arraigned ______ and _______.
(A) Congreve and Vanbrugh
(B) Farquhar and Vanbrugh
(C) Wycherley and Farquhar
(D) Congreve and Etherege
Answer: (A)
14. I.A. Richards’ Practical Criticism (1929) inaugurated a new phase
in the history of English critical thought. What was this book’s
(A) Studies in Poetry
(B) A Study in Literary Judgement
(C) Essays and Studies
(D) A Theoretical Guide
Answer: (B)
15. Which of the following arrangements is in the correct
chronological sequence?
(A) The Castle of Otranto – Melmoth the Wanderer – The Monk – The
Mysteries of Udolpho
(B) The Castle of Otranto – The Mysteries of Udolpho – The Monk –
Melmoth the Wanderer
(C) The Mysteries of Udolpho – The Castle of Otranto – The Monk –
Melmoth the Wanderer
(D) Melmoth the Wanderer – The Castle of Otranto – The Mysteries of
Udolpho – The Monk
Answer: (B)
16. Select from among the following plays, the one that best suits the
description below:
I. Alyque Padamsee invited its author to write it.
II. The play had communalism as its theme.
III. This play was banned from the Deccan Herald Theatre Festival for
dealing with a sensitive issue.
IV. The play, however, was produced by Playpen in Bangalore on July
1993. The play is _______.
(A) Dance like a Man
(B) Where there’s a Will
(C) Final Solutions
(D) The Wisest Fool on Earth
Answer: (C)
17. I have known three generations of John Smiths. The type breeds
true. John Smith II and III went to the same school, university and
learned profession as John Smith I. Yet John Smith I wrote pseudo-
Swinburne; John Smith II wrote pseudo-Brooke; and John Smith III is
now writing pseudo-Eliot. But unless John Smith can write John
Smith, however unfashionable the result, why does he bother to write
at all? Surely one Swinburne; one Brooke, and one Eliot are enough in
any age?
(Robert Graves, “The Poet and his Public”)
1. Graves is critical of blind adulation and imitation of successful
2. Graves is critical of blind conformity to standards set by Swinburne,
Brooke, and Eliot.
3. Swinburne, Brooke, and Eliot represent the movements: Decadence,
the Georgian, and Modernist respectively.
4. The poets in question are Algernon Charles Swinburne, Stopford
Brooke, and Thomas Stearns Eliot.
(A) Only 1 and 2 are correct.
(B) Only 4 is incorrect.
(C) Only 3 and 4 are correct.
(D) Only 3 is incorrect.
Answer: (B)
18. During the colonial era, the British used to call the Indian
Languages vernaculars. We do not use this word for our bhashas
I. we consider English to be equally vernacular.
II. verna is, literally a home-born slave.
III. Not all Indian languages are languages of the Indo-European
family, and therefore not all vernacular.
IV. the natives of India were never slaves.
(A) IV
(B) II and IV
(D) I and III
Answer: (B)
19. More’s Utopia displays strong influence of
I. The Arthurian legends
II. Plato’s Republic
III. Amerigo Vespucci’s account of the travels
IV. The teachings of John Wycliffe
The correct combination according to the code is
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) II and III are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct.
Answer: (B)
20. By ‘language transfer’ is meant
(A) Knowledge generated in the development of a learner on account
of other domains of knowledge.
(B) The carryover of rules of the mother tongue syntax, phonology, or
semantic system to the Second language in question.
(C) The carryover of rules of the Second language syntax, phonology,
or semantic system to the mother tongue in question.
(D) The vocabulary and sentence structure transferred haphazardly
during Second language acquisition from any other language accessed
by the learner.
Answer: (B)
21. Which of the following descriptions is NOT true of Peter Carey’s
The True History of the Kelly Gang?
(A) It is an epistolary novel.
(B) It has such characters as Edward Kelly, his mother, and his wife.
(C) It is also about the Bush and the frontier.
(D) The novel is dedicated to Edward Kelly’s father.
Answer: (D)
22. Identify the poem that opens with the lines:
I walk through the long schoolroom questioning;
A kind old nun in a white hood replies; thechildren learn to cipher and
to sing …
(A) “Among the Schoolchildren”
(B) “Among School Children”
(C) “A Man Young and Old”
(D) “The Man Young and Old”
Answer: (B)
23. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Foucault’s
position in History of Sexuality?
(A) Modern sexuality is produced through and as discourse.
(B) The proliferation of modern discourses of sexuality is more
striking than their suppression.
(C) To write historically about sexuality involves increasingly direct,
immediate knowledge or understanding of an unchanging sexual
(D) Modern sexuality is intimately entangled with the historically
distinctive contexts and structures now called ‘knowledge’.
Answer: (C)
24. The following is an exchange between two characters, husband and
wife, in a famous play. The lines appear at the very end of an
emotionally-charged sequence of the last scene:
“… I’ve stopped believing in miracles.”
“But I’ll believe. Tell me!
Transform ourselves to the point that ….?”
“That our living together could be a true marriage.”
 (She goes out down the hall.)
Which play? Name the characters.
(A) Othello. Othello, Desdemona
(B) Sure Thing. Bill, Betty
(C) A Doll’s House. Helmer, Nora
(D) Death of a Salesman. Willy, Linda
Answer: (C)
25. The following statements relate to the early history of the English
language. Identify the set that gives INCORRECT statements:
1. English has borrowed words such as sky, give, law, and leg from
2. English has also borrowed some pronouns like they, their, them
from Norse.
3. In grammar, Modern English is much more highly inflected than
Old English.
4. After the Norman Conquest, French became the language of the
court, the language of nobility and polite society, and literature.
5. Following the Norman Conquest, French virtually replaced English
as the language of the people.
6. Among the French words that came into English are: study, logic,
grammar, noun, etc.
(A) 1, 2, 3
(B) 3, 5
(C) 4, 5, 6
(D) 2, 4
Answer: (B)
26. Choices of linguistic forms in using a language, or how a language
is actually spoken/written, especially one that differs from its
prescribed grammar, is called
(A) Utterance
(B) Use
(C) Usage
(D) Deviation
Answer: (C)
27. Jamaica Kincaid’s narrative A Small Place
(A) Is all about learning Farsi and meeting young people in modern
(B) Is an essay that discusses the politics of tourism and other neo-
colonial modes of foreign intervention?
(C) Isa collection of tiny narratives about gender relations and includes
stories concerning the Sumerian goddess Inanna.
(D) A novella that looksunblinkingly at maritalceremonies and
maternity inAntigua.
Answer: (B)
28. Identify the correctly-matched poets and their works from the
(A) Nissim Ezekiel-Hymns in Darkness, Kamala Das – The Sirens, R.
Parthasarthy – Rough Passage, A.K. Ramanujan – The Striders
(B)Nissim Ezekiel – The Striders, Kamala Das – Rough Passage, R.
Parthasarthy – Hymns in Darkness, A.K. Ramanujan – The Sirens
(C) Nissim Ezekiel – The Sirens, Kamala Das – Hymns in Darkness,
R. Parthasarthy – The Striders, A.K. Ramanujan– Rough Passage
(D) Nissim Ezekiel – Rough Passage, Kamala Das – The Striders, R.
Parthasarthy – The Striders, A.K. Ramanujan – Hymns in Darkness
Answer: (A)
29. William Wordsworth had a deep influence on Thomas Hardy.
According to Hardy a particular poem by Wordsworth was his ‘best
cure for despair’. Which is that poem?
(A) “Michael”
(B) “Tintern Abbey Revisited”
(C) “The Idiot Boy”
(D) “The Leechgatherer”
Answer: (D)
30. In Henry James’s Ambassadors, there is a character who never
appears in the novel. We get to know about this significant person,
however, from the other characters. Who is this character?
(A) Maria Gostrey
(B) Madame de Vionette
(C) Mrs. Newsome
(D) Mrs. Sarah Pocock
Answer: (C)
31. Why are Scott’s novels called “Waverley Novels”?
(A) His novels are all set in Waverley.
(B) The Waverley Castle has a significant role in his novels.
(C) Waverley (in his first novel of that name) is a model hero for the
protagonists of Scott’s novels.
(D) Scott started his novel-writing career in his 43rd year with the
novel, Waverley.
Answer: (D)
32. Which of these descriptions/ statements best suits the idea of the
‘Renaissance Man’?
I. A fop, a scoundrel, who enjoys enormous power in Renaissance
courts and aristocratic families.
II. A near-mythical figure: a knight, courtier, musician, poet, scholar
and statesman.www.netugc.com
III. One who ploughs a lonely furrow and keeps away from politicking
and scandals.
IV. Someone like Sir Philip Sydney best suits the ideal of the
Renaissance Man.
(A) I
(B) IV
(C) I & III
(D) II & IV
Answer: (D)
33. Maxim Gorky, the Great Russian writer of fiction and drama, was
in real life a man called ______.
(A) Goliardic Kreshkov
(B) Ronsardo Felixikov
(C) Malthias Serpieri
(D) Aleksei Peshkov
Answer: (D)
34. After the prediction of the oracle that he was destined to kill his
father, Oedipus could have avoided patricide
I. Had he not determined in horror never to return to the only parents
he knew.
II. Had he been a man of unusual self-control.
III. Had he remembered the prediction and had he been more cautious
having recognized that possibly after all Polybos was not his father.
IV. Had he never struck any man who was older than himself saying at
the moment of provocation ‘This insolent man is grey-haired; let him
have the road’?
Find the correct combination according to the code:
(A) I, II and III are correct.
(B) I, II and IV are correct.
(C) I, III and IV are correct.
(D) II, III and IV are correct.
Answer: (D)
35. Identify the Post-Apartheid novel by Nadine Gordimer.
(A) The Conservationist
(B) The House of Gun
(C) The Lying Days
(D) Burger’s Daughter
Answer: (B)
36. The Duchess of Malfi married her steward, Antonio. For the
Elizabethan audience her marriage was a triple offence. Which of the
following is NOT one?
(A) She was a widow marrying a second time.
(B) She married on her own outside the Church.
(C) She married beneath her status in disregard of ‘degree’.
(D) She married against the wishes of her brothers who almost acted
like her guardians.
Answer: (D)
37. Who among the following has written the essay, “The Indian
(A) Charles Lamb
(B) William Hazlitt
(C) Thomas de Quincey
(D) Thomas Love Peacock
Answer: (B)
38. How would you best describe George Meredith’s Modern Love
(A) A ballad
(B) A lyric travelogue
(C) A verse romance
(D) A sonnet sequence
Answer: (D)
39. The play was written in 1881 when its author was in Italy. This is
considered to be his most remarkable intellectual effort. The softening
of the brain as a result of a disease inherited from his father is the
subject. Which is the play?
(A) An Enemy of the People
(B) Ghosts
(C) Rhinoceros
(D) Six Characters in Search of an Author
Answer: (B)
40. In many ways, grammatical categories remain mysterious.
Whatdoes it mean to speak a language that in every sentence requires
you to locate yourself in time, or specify your source of knowledge, or
the shape of what you are talking about? We still don’t know. But
putting the question like this suggests a clear andlimited way of
interpreting the idea that different languages represent different
worlds. Which of the following statements on this passage interprets it
most accurately?
(A) The passage reflects the unreliability of grammatical categories of
a language generally.
(B) The passage concedes that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis cannot be
discounted entirely.
(C) The passage upholds the reliability of grammatical categories of a
language generally.
(D) The passage suggests that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is largely
discredited today.
Answer: (B)
41. Tolstoy’s War and Peace carries a lengthy discussion of
determinism and free will in ________.
(A) Its prologue
(B) An exchange between Pierre and Natasha
(C) An exchange between Nikolai Rostof and Princess Bezukhoi
(D) Its epilogue
Answer: (D)
42. Which from among the following is NOT true of Nagmandala?
(A) It does not have multiple narratives.
(B) It is open-ended.
(C) It combines conventional and subversive modes.
(D) Story is personified in the play.
Answer: (A)
43. Arrange the following literary journals chronologically:
(A) The London Magazine
the Quarterly Review
Blackwood’s Magazine
the Saturday Review
(B) The Tatler
the Saturday Review
Blackwood’s Magazine
the Quarterly Review
the London Magazine
(C) The Quarterly Review
Blackwood’s Magazine
the Tatler
the Saturday Review
the London Magazine
(D) The Tatler
the London Magazine
the Quarterly Review
Blackwood’s Magazine
the Saturday Review
Answer: (D)
44. Pick out the two relevant and correct descriptions of Caryl
Churchill’s Serious Money (1987):
1. This play proposes the foundation of a monastery for the education
of British gentlewomen.
2. This narrative deals with children who are sick of their “enforced
3. This play is subtitled “City Comedy.”
4. In this play, the state of the British economy is symbolized by a
takeover bid by an international cartel.
5. This narrative details the adventures of an Anglo-Indian orphan.
6. Money is the only criterion for success for the players in this play’s
(A) 1 and 6 are correct.
(B) 2 and 5 are correct.
(C) 4 and 6 are correct.
(D) 5 and 6 are correct.
Answer: (C)
45. Identify from among the following FALSE statements:
1. Eric Arthur Blair became the famous British novelist, George
2. Orwell was conversant in Hindustani and fond of Indian food.
3. Young Eric Blair lived in Myanmar’s trading town, Katha.
4. This town gave him the model for the fictional district of Kyauktada
in Burmese Days.
5. Orwell was born on June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bihar.
6. The Orwell Commemorative Committee in Motihari has been
demanding a restoration of Orwell’s birthplace as a heritage site.
7. Orwell never returned to his birth place.
8. The British journalist Ian Jack was mainly responsible for our
knowledge of Orwell’s antecedents relating to Katha and Motihari.
(A) 2, 4, 8 are false.
(B) 7 and 8 are false.
(C) 3, 6 and 8 are false.
(D) All statements above are true.
Answer: (D)
46. Virginia Woolf borrowed the idea of the common reader from Dr.
Johnson. To which particular work of Johnson’s does she remain
(A) The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Milton
(B) The Lives of the Most EminentEnglish Poets; the essay onGray
(C) Preface to Shakespeare
(D) The Patriot
Answer: (B)
47. J.M. Coetzee was the first writer to be awarded the Booker Prize
twice. He won the prize for
(A) Life and Times of Michael K. and Disgrace
(B) Dusklands and Disgrace
(C) Foe and Elizabeth Costello
(D) Age of Iron and Disgrace
Answer: (A)
48. After the Norman Conquest England became a three-language
nation for at least two centuries. The three languages were
(A) English, French and German
(B) English, Latin and German
(C) English, French and Latin
(D) English, French and Greek
Answer: (C)
49. Here are sentences labelled Assertion (A) and Reason (R):
Assertion (A): In who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? George and
Martha’s blue and green-eyed son is a myth.
Reason (R): He is a creation of the couple’s imagination originating
from their sense of sterility and vacuum in life.
In the light of (A) and (R), which of the following is correct?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (A)
50. In the word rapidly, ‘ly’ is an adverbial suffix indicating manner
while rapid is a ______, ly is a ____.
(A) Word, wordling
(B) Morpheme, morpheme-bit
(C) Free morpheme, bound-morpheme
(D) Full morpheme, half-morpheme
Answer: (C)
Question Nos. 51 to 55 is based on a poem. Read the poem
carefully and pick out the most appropriate answers.
It’s Your Own Fault Of course you can play with them.
There’s no harm in them. They are only words. Words alone are
certain good, said someone. And someone also said unlike sticks and
stones Words will never break your bones. (That is called rhyme. A
rhyme is nice to play with too from time to time.) What? They’ve
turned nasty? They’ve clawed you and bitten you? Dear me, there’s
blood all over the place.And broken bones.They were perfectly tame
when I left them. Something they ate might have disagreed with them.
You mean you fed them on meaning?
No wonder then.
– D.J. Enright
51. The poet’s remark on ‘rhyme’ is _____.
(A) Put in parenthesis
(B) Put in parentheses
(C) Framed rhetorically
(D) Put in apposition
Answer: (A)
52. The poem is cast in the form of a ______.
(A) Romantic lyric
(B) Verse epistle
(C) Dramatic monologue
(D) Dialogue
Answer: (C)
53. What is the “fault” to which the speaker refers here?
(A) Playing with words
(B) Using only words
(C) Taking words too seriously
(D) Reading meanings into words
Answer: (D)
54. What tone is most appropriate for reading this poem?
(A) Evasive
(B) Plaintive
(C) Ironic
(D) Sarcastic
Answer: (C)
55. “No wonder then.” Explain.
(A) No wonder that the words here begin to mean.
(B) No wonder that you now find the words menacing.
(C) No wonder that the words find you menacing.
(D) No wonder the words still mean and are tame.
Answer: (B)
56. “Nothing odd will do long. ______ did not last long.” Dr. Johnson
had this to say about one of the eighteenth century novels. Identify it
from the following list:
(A) Tom Jones
(B) The Female Quixote
(C) Tristram Shandy
(D) Clarissa
Answer: (C)
57. Identify the sonnet upon sonnet by William Wordsworth:
(A) “London, 1802”
(B) “The world is too much with us…”
(C) “Friend! I know not which way…”
(D) “Nuns fret not at their convent’s narrow room…”
Answer: (D)
58. Who among the following women writers has written Novel on
Yellow Paper?
(A) Elizabeth Smither
(B) Stevie Smith
(C) Zulu Sofola
(D) Gita Mehta
Answer: (B)
59. In most people, the first language / dialect acquired is ‘mother
tongue’. Among the commonly used terms for mother tongue, one of
the following is avoided. Identify the one term NOT applied to mother
(A) First language
(B) Prime language
(C) Native language
(D) Primary language
Answer: (B)
60. Identify the group of critical concepts that parenthetically aligns
them with their respective theorists:
(A) The Carnivalesque (Jean Baudrillard), Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu),
Flaneur (Walter Benjamin), Chora (Gayatri C. Spivak), Simulacrum /
Simulacra (Antonio Gramsci), The Subaltern (Mikhael Bakhtin),
Metahistory (Walter Benjamin), Aura (Julia Kristeva), Polyphony
(Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci)
(B) Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu), Flaneur (Walter Benjamin), Chora
(Julia Kristeva), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Jean Baudrillard), the
Subaltern (Gayatri C. Spivak) Metahistory (Hayden White),
Polyphony (Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci)
(C) Habitus (Julia Kristeva), Flaneur (Walter Benjamin), Chora (Pierre
Bourdieu), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Hayden White), The Subaltern
(Gayatri C. Spivak), Metahistory (Jean Baudrillard), Polyphony
(Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci)
(D) Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu), Flaneur (Antonio Gramsci), Chora
(Julia Kristeva), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Jean Baudrillard), The
Subaltern (Gayatri C. Spivak), Metahistory (Hayden White),
Polyphony (Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Walter Benjamin)
Answer: (B)
61. What was the mandate of the Stationer’s Company incorporated in
London in 1557?
(A) To oversee the affairs of the Royal Registry.
(B) To oversee authors’ and printers’, or printer-publishers’ rights.
(C) To oversee authors’ and printers’ or printer-publishers’ use of
(D) To oversee the quality ofstationery harnessed by theRoyal
Answer: (B)
62. One of the following was described by its author as “a poem
including history.” Identify the poem.
(A) Robert Lowell, Life Studies
(B) William Carlos Williams, Paterson
(C) Elizabeth Bishop, Questions of Travel
(D) Ezra Pound, the Cantos
Answer: (D)
63. Arrange the following groups of English writers in chronological
(A) The Metaphysical poets
The High Modernists
Transitional poets www.netugc.com
The Georgians
the Aesthetes
the University Wits
(B) The University Wits
the Metaphysical poets
Transitional poets
The Aesthetes
The Georgians
the High Modernists
(C) The High Modernists
the Georgians
the Aesthetes
Transitional poets
The Metaphysical poets
The University Wits
(D) The University Wits
the Metaphysical poets
The Aesthetes
Transitional poets
The Georgians
the High Modernists
Answer: (B)
64. Which Bible is the earliest English version printed with verse
(A) Tyndale’s Translation
(B) The Geneva Bible
(C) The Douay-Rheims Version
(D) King James Version
Answer: (B)
65. E.M. Forster’s Passage to India begins with a description of the
city of Chandrapore. It has an old Indian part and a new part consisting
of the British civil station. Which of the following descriptions of the
city is not found in the text?
(A) The streets are mean, the temples ineffective.
(B) It is a city of gardens.
(C) It is a tropical pleasaunce washed by a noble river.
(D) The new civil station is not sensibly planned and not modern.
Answer: (D)
66. In which of the following books would you find the following
arguments / observations? Escapist fiction lacks serious fiction’s
apocalyptic experience of finality. The two versions of literary
experience are qualitatively different; every novel fits one category or
the other, not both. Serious fiction, however, compels our attention by
representing improvements (the “world of potency”) as being achieved
(a “world of act”) and by showing narrative movement “through time
to an end, an end, we must sense even if we cannot know it.”
(A) Sincerity and Authenticity
(B) The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction
(C) Beyond the Apocalypse
(D) The Rhetoric of Fiction
Answer: (B)
67. Philip Larkin’s “The Whitsun Weddings”
I. describes a long train journey
II. Establishes a ‘we’ voice of collective outlook
III. Traces the disfigurement of a sunny landscape on an advertising
IV. Gives an account of a drug pusher
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (B)
68. Match the last lines of the poems with their correct titles:
List – I                                                                                    List – II
(Last lines of poems)                                                   (Titles of poems)
I. And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms
of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.
1. “Death, be not proud…”
II. Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make
him run.                                                     
2. “The Great Lover”
III. One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no
more; death, thou shalt die.                             
3. “Dover Beach”
IV. This one last gift I give: that after men shall know, and later lovers,
far-removed, Praise you, “All these were lovely;” say, “He loved.”
4. “To His Coy Mistress”
I           II         III        IV
(A)       3         4          1          2
(B)       4          3          2          1
(C)       2          1          4          1
(D)       1          2          3          4
Answer: (A)
69. The Oxford Companions are handy reference volumes for teachers
and students of English. Identify the one volume that has NOT yet
appeared in this series:
(A) The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature in
(B) The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature
(C) The Oxford Companion to American Literature
(D) The Oxford Companion to Indian Literature in English
Answer: (D)
70. While writing or printing, scholarly use prefers titles in italics.
Which of the following is the correct way of writing/printing?
(A) Charles Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities
(B) Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities
(C) Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities
(D) Charles Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities
Answer: (B)
Questions from 71 to 75 are based on the following passage.
Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option:
Somewhere, on the edge of consciousness, there is what I call
a mythical norm, which each one of us within our hearts knows “that is
not me”. In America, this norm is usually defined as white, thin, male,
young, heterosexual, Christian, and financially secure. It is with this
mythical norm that the trappings of power reside within the society.
Those of us who stand outside that power often identify one way in
which we are different, and we assume that to be the primary cause of
all oppression, forgetting other distortions around difference, some of
which we ourselves may be practicing. By and large within the
women’s movement today, white women focus upon their oppression
as women and ignore differences of race, sexual preference, class, and
age. There is a pretense to homogeneity of experience covered by the
word sisterhood that does not in fact exist. (Audre Lorde)
71. A mythical norm is endemic to societies:
1. Where racial myths are prevalent and widely respected and
perpetuated through utterances that establish ‘we’ and ‘they’ groups.
2. Where the superiority of one’s own culture and nation no longer
emphasized openly or straightforwardly.
3. Where ‘difference’ has been a preoccupation in the representation of
people who are racially, ethnically, and in terms of gender and sexual
preference different from an assumed majority.
4. That believes that the norm is part of their right to defend the ways
of life enjoyed by a dominant group, their traditions and customs
against outsiders – not because these outsiders are inferior, but because
they belong to other cultures.
(A) 1 and 4 are correct.
(B) 2 and 3 are correct.
(C) Only 4 is correct.
(D) Only 3 is correct.
Answer: (B)
72. How does the author mark her difference from other writers on
similar issues and underscore her radical style typographically?
1. By her use of parataxis
2. By italicizing ‘mythical norm’ and ‘sisterhood’
3. By using lowercase for proper and common nouns
4. By using phrases like ‘Those of us who stand outside…’
(A) 1 & 4 are correct.
(B) 2 is correct.
(C) 3 is correct.
(D) 2 & 3 are correct.
Answer: (X)
73. That there are levels and grades of powerlessness in societies
entertaining ‘a mythical norm’ is indicated
1. By the overall tone and tenor of the passage.
2. By the suggestion that ‘a mythical norm’ is responsible for the
unequal distribution of power among people.
3. By referring to ‘other distortions around difference’.
4. By referring to white women who narrow down oppression directed
only at white women.
(A) 4 is correct.
(B) 1 & 2 are correct.
(C) 3 is correct.
(D) 2 is correct.
Answer: (C)
74. Why is the author dismissive about ‘sisterhood’?
1. Because it is italicised.
2. Because it does not exist in principle.
3. Because it assumes that all ‘sisters’ are alike.
4. Because it assumes that all ‘sisters’ are unique.
(A) 3 is correct
(B) 1 is correct
(C) 4 is correct
(D) 2 is correct
Answer: (A)
75. Does the author absolve all women from the ‘distortions around
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Not sure.
4. Yes, in a qualified manner though.
(A) 1 is correct
(B) 2 is correct
(C) 3 is correct
(D) 4 is correct
Answer: (B)
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2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 2
1. In Pinter’s Birthday Party, Stanley is given a birthday present. What
is it?
(A) A toy
(B) A piano
(C) A drum
(D) A violin
Answer: (C)
2. How does Lord Jim end?
(A) Jim is shot through the chest by Doramin.
(B) Jim kills himself with a last unflinching glance.
(C) Jim answers “the call of exalted egoism” and betrays Jewel.
(D) Jim surrenders himself to Doramin.
Answer: (A)
3. “Where I lacked a political purpose, I wrote lifeless books.” To
which of the following authors can we attribute the above admission?
(A) Graham Greene
(B) George Orwell
(C) Charles Morgan
(D) Evelyn Waugh
Answer: (B)
4. Modernism has been described as being concerned with
“disenchantment of our culture with culture itself”. Who is the critic?
(A) Stephen Spender
(B) Malcolm Bradburywww.netugc.com
(C) Lionel Trilling
(D) Joseph Frank
Answer: (C)
5. “Only that film, which fluttered on the grate, still flutters there, the
sole unquiet thing.”
The above lines are quoted from
(A) “Tintern Abbey Revisited”
(B) “Michael”
(C) “Frost at Midnight”
(D) “This Lime-Tree Bower, My Prison”
Answer: (C)
6. Which one of the following modern poems employs ottava rima?
(A) “Among School Children”
(B) “In Praise of Limestone”
(C) “The Wild Swans at Coole”
(D) “The Shield of Achilles”
Answer: (A)
7. John Dryden in his heroic tragedy All for Love takes the story of
(A) Troilus and Cressida
(B) The Merchant of Venice
(C) Antony and Cleopatra
(D) Measure for Measure
Answer: (C)
8. Arrange the following works in the order in which they appear.
Identify the correct code:
I. No Longer at Ease
II. Things Fall apart
III. A Man of the People
IV. Arrow of God
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) III, IV, II, I
(B) IV, III, I, II
(C) II, I, IV, III
(D) I, II, III, IV
Answer: (C)www.netugc.com
9. Samuel Pepys kept his diary from
(A) 1660 to 1669
(B) 1649 to 1660
(C) 1662 to 1689
(D) 1660 to 1689
Answer: (A)
10. In the Defence of Poetry, what did Sydney attribute to poetry?
(A) A magical power whereby poetry plays tricks on the reader.
(B) A divine power whereby poetry transmits a message from God to
the reader.
(C) A moral power whereby poetry encourages the reader to evaluate
virtuous models.
(D) A realistic power that cannot be made to seem like mere illusion
and trickery.
Answer: (C)
11. An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot presents portraits of the following
contemporary individuals:
(A) Addison and Lord Hervey
(B) Dryden and Rochester
(C) Swift and Steele
(D) Smollett and Defoe
Answer: (A)
12. Match the following authors with their works:
List – A                                   List – B
(Authors)                                 (Works)
I. Alice Walker                        1. Invisible Man
II. Ralph Ellison                      2. The Colour Purple
III. Richard Wright                 3. Their Eyes Were Watching God
IV  Zora Neale Hurston          4. Native Son
Which is the correct combination according to the code?
       I II III IV
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 1 2 4 3
Answer: (Wrong question)
13. Which of these plays by Shakespeare does not use ‘cross-dressing’
as a device?
(A) As You Like It
(B) Julius Caesar
(C) Cymbeline
(D) Two Gentlemen of Verona
Answer: (B)
14. Which of the following works cannot be categorised under
postcolonial theory?
(A) Nation and Narration
(B) Orientalism
(C) Discipline and Punish
(D) White Mythologies
Answer: (C)
15. Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding is a classic
statement of _________ Philosophy.
(A) Aesthetic
(B) Empiricist
(C) Nationalist
(D) Realist
Answer: (B)
16. “Power circulates in all directions, to and from all social levels, at
all times.” Who said this?
(A) Edward Said
(B) Michel Foucault
(C) Jacques Derrida
(D) Roland Barthes
Answer: (B)
17. Which one of the following is not written by an Australian
Aboriginal writer?
(A) Kath Walker
(B) Peter Carey
(C) Robert Bropho
(D) Jack Davis
Answer: (B)
18. Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey jointly brought out
Tottel’s Miscellany during the Renaissance.
Identify the name of the Earl of Surrey from the following:
(A) Thomas Lodge
(B) Thomas Nashe
(C) Thomas Sackville
(D) Henry Howard
Answer: (D)
19. Match the following lists:
List – I                                    List – I
(Novelists)                               (Novels)
I. Margaret Laurence              1. Surfacing
II. Margaret Atwood              2. The Stone Angel
III. Sinclair Ross                     3. Medicine River
IV. Thomas King                    4. As for Me and My House
Which is the correct combination according to the code?
      I II III IV
(A) 1 4 3 2
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 2 1 4 3
Answer: (D)
20. The dramatic structure of Restoration comedies combines in it the
features of
I. The Elizabethan Theatre
II. The Neoclassical Theatre of Italy and France
III. The Irish Theatre
IV. The Greek Theatre
The correct combination according to the code is
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.
Answer: (D)
21. Which American poet wrote: “I sound my barbaric yawp over the
roofs of the world”?
(A) Robert Lowell
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) Wallace Stevens
(D) Langston Hughes
Answer: (B)
22. The etymological meaning of the word “trope” is
(A) Gesture
(B) Turning
(C) Mirror
(D) Desire
Answer: (B)
23. Who among the following English poets defined poetic
imagination as “a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of
creation in the infinite ‘I AM’ ”?
(A) Blake
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Coleridge
(D) Shelley
Answer: (C)
24. Little Nell is a character in Dickens’
(A) David Copperfield
(B) The Old Curiosity Shop
(C) Bleak House
(D) Great Expectations
Answer: (B)
25. Match the following:
List – A                                                                                   List – B
(Schools/Concept of Criticism)                                               (Critics)
I. Formalism                                                                            1. John
Crow Ransom
II. New Critics                                                                        2. The
III. Psychological Theory of the Value of Literature                         3.
Victor Shklovsky
IV. Literary art as archetypal image                                       4. I.A.
The correct combination according to the code is:
      I II III IV
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 2 4 1 3
(C) 4 1 2 3
(D) 3 2 1 4
Answer: (A)
26. In the late seventeenth century a “Battle of Books” erupted
between which two groups?
(A) Cavaliers and Roundheads
(B) Abolitionists and Enthusiasts for slaves
(C) Champions of Ancient and Modern Learning
(D) The Welsh and the Scots
Answer: (C)
27. “Everything that man esteems Endures a moment or a day Love’s
pleasure drives his love away…” In the above quote the last line is an
example of
(A) Allusion
(B) Pleonasm
(C) Paradox
(D) Zeugma
Answer: (C)
28. Match the author with the work:
List – I                                    List – II
(Authors)                                 (Works)
I. Kingsely Amis                     1. Saturday and Sunday Morning
II. Allan Silletoe                     2. The Golden Note Book
III. Doris Lessing                    3. The Left Bank
IV. Jean Rhys                                     4. Lucky Jim
Which is the correct combination according to the code?
      I II III IV
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 1 2 3 4
Answer: (B)
29. In which of Hardy’s novels does the character Abel Whittle
(A) Far from the Madding Crowd
(B) The Return of the Native
(C) A Pair of Blue Eyes
(D) The Mayor of Caster bridge
Answer: (D)
30. The phrase “dark satanic mills” has become the most famous
description of the force at the centre of the industrial revolution. The
phrase was used by
(A) William Wordsworth
(B) William Blake
(C) Thomas Carlyle
(D) John Ruskin
Answer: (B)
31. “Five miles meandering with a mazy motion through wood and
dale the scared river ran.” Where does this ‘sacred river’ directly run
(A) A lifeless ocean
(B) The caverns measureless
(C) A fountain
(D) The waves
Answer: (AB)
32. Who is the twentieth century poet, a winner of the Nobel Prize for
literature who rejected the label “British” though he has always written
in English rather than his regional language?
(A) Douglas Dunn
(B) Seamus Heaney
(C) Geoffrey Hill
(D) Philip Larkin
Answer: (B)
33. Which of the following statements best describes Sir Thomas
Browne’s Religion Medici?
(A) It is a story of conversion or providential experiences.
(B) It emphasizes Browne’s love of mystery and wonder.
(C) It is full of angst, melancholy and dread of death.
(D) It reports the facts of Browne’s life.
Answer: (AB)
34. Which of the following characters from Eliot’s Waste Land is not
correctly mentioned?
(A) The typist
(B) Madam Sosostris
(C) The Merchant from Eugenides
(D) The Young Man Carbuncular
Answer: (C)
35. Which one of the following best describes the general feeling
expressed in literature during the last decade of the Victorian era?
(A) Studied melancholy and aestheticism
(B) The triumph of science and morbidity
(C) Sincere earnestness and Protestant zeal
(D) Raucous celebration combined with paranoid interpretation
Answer: (A)
36. Which poem by Shelley bears the alternative title, “The Spirit of
(A) Mont Blanc
(B) “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty”
(C) “Adonais”
(D) Alastor
Answer: (D)
37. Which tale in The Canterbury Tales uses the tradition of the Beast
(A) The Knight’s Tale
(B) The Monk’s Tale
(C) The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
(D) The Miller’s Tale
Answer: (C)
38. At the end of Sons and Lovers Paul Morel
(A) Sets off in quest of life away from his mother.
(B) Considers the option of committing suicide.
(C) Joins his elder brother William in London.
(D) Embraces a Schopenhauer – like nihilism.
Answer: (A)
39. When you say “I love her eyes, her hair, her nose, her cheeks, her
lips” you are using a rhetorical device of
(A) Enumeration
(B) Ant anagoge
(C) Parataxis
(D) Hypo taxis
Answer: (A)
40. The following are two lists of plays and characters. Match them.
List – I                                                List – II
(Plays)                                                 (Characters)
I. Women Beware Women                 1. Malevole
II. The Malcontent                              2. Beatrice
III. The City Madam                          3. Bianca
IV. The Changeling                            4. Doll Tear sheet
Which is the correct combination according to the code?
      I II III IV
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 2 1 2 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 4 3 2 1
Answer: (A)
41. With Bacon the essay form is
(A) An intimate, personal confession
(B) Witty and boldly imagistic
(C) The aphoristic expression of accumulated public wisdom
(D) Homely and vulgar
Answer: (C)
42. Evelyn Waugh’s Trilogy published together as Sword of Honour is
(A) The English at War
(B) The English Aristocracy
(C) The Irish question
(D) Scottish nationalism
Answer: (A)
43. Who coined the phrase “The Two Nations” to describe the
disparity in Britain between the rich and the poor?
(A) Charles Dickens
(B) Thomas Carlyle
(C) Benjamin Disraeli
(D) Frederick Engels
Answer: (C)
44. Milton introduces Satan and the fallen angels in the Book I of
Paradise Lost. Two of the chief devils reappear in Book II. They are
I. Moloch
II. Clemos
III. Belial
IV. Thamuz
The correct combination according to the code is
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) I and II are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (B)
45. When Chaucer describes the Friar as a “noble pillar of order”, he is
(A) Irony
(B) Simile
(C) Understatement
(D) Personification
Answer: (A)
46. John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger is an example of
(A) Drawing room comedy
(B) kitchen-sink drama
(C) Absurd drama
(D) Melodrama
Answer: (B)
47. Which character in Jane Eyre uses religion to justify cruelty?
(A) Blanche Ingram
(B) Mr. Brocklehurst
(C) Sir John Rivers
(D) Eliza Reed
Answer: (B)
48. Which Romantic poet defined a slave as ‘a person perverted into a
(A) Blake
(B) Coleridge
(C) Keats
(D) Shelley
Answer: (B)
49. John Suckling belongs to the group of
(A) Metaphysical poets
(B) Cavalier poets
(C) Neo-classical poets
(D) Religious poets
Answer: (B)
50. Sir Thomas More creates the character of a traveller into whose
mouth the account of Utopia is put. His name is
(A) Michael
(B) Raphael
(C) Henry
(D) Thomas
Answer: (B)
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2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 3
1. Match the following:
List – I                                                                        List – II
(Browning’s poems)                                                    (Type of
I. Abt Vogler                                                              1. A Medieval
II. Andrea Del Sarto                                                   2. A Musician
III. Childe Ronald to the Dark Tower Came                         3. A Poet
IV. Cleon                                                                    4. An Artist
The right combination according to the code is:
      I II III IV
(A) 4 2 3 1
(B) 2 4 1 3
(C) 3 1 2 4
(D) 1 3 4 2
Answers: (B)
2. All forms of feminism posit that:
I. The relationship between the sexes is one of inequality and
II. There should be an end to all wars.
III. Women need financial independence.
IV. All men are prone to violence.
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) I and III are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answers: (C)
3. Which one of Brecht’s works was intended to lampoon the
conventional sentimental musical but the public lapped up the work’s
sentiment and missed the humour?
(A) Man is Man
(B) Three Penny Opera
(C) The Mother
(D) Life of Galileo
Answers: (B)
4. Ostensibly a musical treatise, The Anatomy of Melancholy is a
reflection on human learning and endeavour published under the
(A) Vox Populi
(B) Epicurus Senior
(C) Democritus Junior
(D) Jesting Pilate
Answers: (C)
5. Horace Walpole’s novel The Castle of Otranto tells the story of
(A) A defiant and heartless tyrant who kills his own son mercilessly.
(B) An usurper and a tyrant who kills his own daughter by mistake.
(C) A castle that collapses andcrushes the young and sicklyprince to
(D) A tyrant who retires to a monastery at the end and lives happily
ever after with his queen.
Answers: (B)
6. In the Literature of Romanticism there was a widespread frustration
with visions experienced in dreams, in nightmares and other altered
states. The following list contains poems which illustrate this theme,
with one exception. Identify the exception
(A) “Kubla Khan”
(B) “Confessions of an English Opium Eater”
(C) “The Ruined Cottage”
(D) “The Fall of Hyperion”
Answers: (Wrong question)
7. The book was for many years banned for obscenity in Britain and
the United States. The central character is a Catholic Jew in Ireland.
The author claimed that the book is meant to make you laugh. Which
is this book?
(A) The Picture of Dorian Grey
(B) Herzog
(C) Portnoy’s Complaint
(D) Ulysses
Answers: (D)
8. A.S. Byatt in her famous award winning novel of 1990 contrasts
past and present involving a search for a Victorian poet’s past
illuminating a contemporary university researcher’s life and times.
Which is the novel?
(A) The Virgin in the Garden
(B) Possession
(C) Babel Tower
(D) Still Life
Answers: (B)
9. Which of the following statements best describes JM Coetzee’s
(A) It is a murder mystery set in post-apartheid South Africa.
(B) It is a complex narrative of sin and redemption which involves
both White and Black South Africans.
(C) The protagonist David Lurie is a priest who brings disgrace to his
(D) Coetzee has a schematic and reductive view on the relations
between Whites and the Blacks in South Africa.
Answers: (B)
10. Which of the following statements is not true of Mahesh Dattani’s
Final Solutions?
(A) The play centres on a middle class Hindu family during a
communal riot.
(B) It challenges communalism.
(C) It is concerned with homosexual relationship.
(D) It promotes religious pluralism in South Asia.
Answers: (C)
11. According to Bakhtin the idea of the Carnivalesque represents the
following characteristics except:
(A) A liberation from the prevailing truth and established order
(B) A harking back to the past
(C) Emphasis on play, parody, pleasure and the body
(D) The suspension of all hierarchical rank, principles, norms and
Answers: (B)
12. Which of the following statements is not true of Patrick White?
(A) He is remembered today for his epic and psychological narrative
(B) He is the only Australian to receive the Nobel Prize in literature.
(C) He pioneered a new fictional landscape and introduced a new
continent in literature.
(D) His style is noted for lucidity and simplicity.
Answers: (D)
13. Conventional scholarship dates ‘Early Modern English’ as
beginning around
(A) 450
(B) 1066
(C) 1500
(D) 1800
Answers: (C)
14. “Every demon carries within him unknown to himself, a tiny seed
of self-destruction and goes up in thin air at the most unexpected
moment.” To which of R.K. Narayan’s characters the above statement
(A) Raju – The Guide
(B) Jagan – The Sweet Vendor
(C) Vasu – Man Eater of Malgudi
(D) Margayya – The Financial Expert
Answers: (C)
15. Which of the following is not true of post-structuralism?
(A) It seeks to undermine the idea that meaning pre-exists its linguistic
(B) There can be no meaning which is not formulated and no language
formulation reaches anywhere beyond language.
(C) There is no a-textual ‘origin’ of a text.
(D) Every sign refers to every other sign adequately.
Answers: (D)
16. Which of the following statements is not true of Wole Soyinka’s
The Swamp Dwellers?
(A) It talks about the family, the extended family in the African
(B) It is a confrontation between the traditional and modern society.
(C) It talks about the migration of people, crossing of borders and
diasporic anguish.
(D) It is a comment about the city, urban, modern and the country
rural, the swamp, the ancient.
Answers: (C)
17. Arrange the following English literary periods in the order in
which they appeared. Use the codes given below:
I. Elizabethan
II. Caroline
III. Anglo Norman
IV. Early Tudor
The correct combination according to the code is
(A) III, II, IV, I
(B) III, IV, II, I
(C) II, III, IV, I
(D) III, IV, I, II
Answers: (D)
18. Which of the following plays is not written by Rabindranath
(A) Sacrifice
(B) Chandalika
(C) Muktadhara
(D) Eknath
Answers: (D)
19. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A)
and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): A quarto refers to a text in which each leaf was a
quarter the size of the original sheet.
Reason (R): Because eight pages of text were printed on large sheets
of paper, which were then folded four times to produce four leaves.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
Answers: (A)
20. The purpose of the Pre-Raphaelites was primarily to promote
(A) Complexity and ambivalence in art and literature.
(B) Simplicity and naturalness in art and literature.
(C) Symbolic and classical modes in art and literature.
(D) Psychological and mythic modes in art and literature.
Answers: (B)
21. Which one of the following plays does not use the device of “the
play within the play”?
(A) Hamlet
(B) Women Beware Women
(C) The Spanish Tragedy
(D) A Midsummer Nights’ Dream
Answers: (Wrong question)
22. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A)
and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): In the Absurd plays of Pinter and Beckett, lack of
communication seems to be a predominant theme.
Reason (R): Existentialist philosophy had a tremendous influence on
the dramatists of the period, nihilism and meaninglessness of life
taking a front seat.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Answers: (A)
23. Which of the following observations are true about Beatrice
Culleton’s April Rain tree?
I. It is a fictional account of the lives of two metis sisters growing up
in Winnipeg.
II. April has a darker complexion and identifies herself with Metis
III. The two sisters have been removed from their parents home and
placed with a series of foster families.
IV. Cheryl has a lighter complexion and identifies herself with white
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) III and IV are correct.
Answers: (A)
24. “She dwells with beauty – Beauty that must die”, – wrote Keats in
one of his odes, referring to
(A) Indolence
(B) Autumnwww.netugc.com
(C) Melancholy
(D) Psyche
Answers: (C)
25. Kafka’s Trial has all the following characteristics except:
(A) Vivid yet surreal
(B) Dystopian
(C) The use of historical details of setting
(D) The depiction of totalitarian society
Answers: (C)
26. Match the following lists:
List – I                                                                                    List – II
(Phrases from poems)                                      (Titles of poems)
I. “Sound of stick upon the floor”                              1. “Byzantium”
II. “Hade’s bobbin bound in mummy cloth”              2. “Sailing to
III. “With beauty like a tightened bow”                     3. “Coole and
Ballylee, 1931”
IV. “A tattered coat upon a stick”                              4. “No Second
The right combination according to the code is:
      I II III IV
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 1 4 2
Answers: (D)
27. Given below are the two statements, one is labelled as Assertion
(A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): The literature of the Jacobean Age is dominated by
works revealing symptoms of melodrama and sensationalism.
Reason (R): The Jacobean Age is generally ruled by the spirit of
In the context of the two statements which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Answers: (B)
28. Which of the following statements best describes the term
(A) It seeks to expose the problematic nature of ‘centered’ discourses.
(B) It advocates ‘subjective’ or ‘free’ interpretation.
(C) It emphasizes the importance of historical context.
(D) It is a method of critical analysis.
Answers: (A)
29. Which of these authors is not a writer of African American slave
(A) Solomon Northrop
(B) Frederick Douglass
(C) Phillis Wheatley
(D) Sojourner Truth
Answers: (C)
30. “For nature then
The courser pleasures of my boyish days,
And their glad animal movements all gone by
to me was all in all”.
In these lines from “Tintern Abbey Revisited”, Wordsworth is talking
(A) The second stage in his relationship with Nature.
(B) The first stage in his relationship with Nature.
(C) Both the first and second stages in his relationship with Nature.
(D) The third stage in his relationship with Nature.
Answers: (BC)
31. Assertion (A): One of Flaubert’s main motivations in writing the
novel Madam Bovary was his antipathy for the bourgeoisie.
Reason (R): Flaubert strongly believed that bourgeoisie are those who
think, feel and act in terms of utilitarianism and who reject the
humanity and uniqueness of the individual person.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Answers: (A)
32. “A Tun of Man in thy large Bulk is writ, but sure thou’rt but a
Kilderkin of wit” In the above lines what does Dryden mean by
(A) A trivial instance
(B) A small barrel of wine
(C) kith and kin
(D) A small amount, as contrasted with ‘tun’
Answers: (B)
33. Which of the following statements is not true of Kazuo Ishiguro’s
Remains of the Day? The novel
(A) Usesa butler as a pivotal character.
(B) Uses the classic English detective story form.
(C) Refers to England in the 1930s.
(D) Became a very successful film.
Answers: (B)
34. “From a Second Space perspective city space becomes more of a
mental and ideational field, conceptualised in imagery, reflexive
thought and symbolic representation, a conceived space of the
imagination or what I will henceforth describe as the urban imagery.”
(Edward Soja, Post metropolis) Which of the following statements
cannot be applied to Soja’s proposition on the Second Space?
(A) Second Space perspective tends to be more subjective.
(B) Second Space perspective is concerned with symbolic
representation of reality.
(C) Second Space perspective is concerned with the fundamentally
materialist approach.
(D) Second Space perspective deals with ‘thoughts about space’.
Answers: (C)
35. “Lightly, O lightly, we bear her along; she sways like a flower in
the wind of our song;
She skims like a bird on the foam of a stream; she floats like a laugh
from the lips of a dream.....” These lines occur in the poem
(A) “Palanquin bearers”
(B) “The Illusion of Love”
(C) “Indian Love Song”
(D) “Cradle Song”
Answers: (A)
36. Which among the following novels of Anita Desai is a children’s
(A) Fire and the Mountain
(B) Fasting, Feasting
(C) The Zig zag Way
(D) The Village by the Sea
Answers: (D)
37. Who among the following writers describes novels as “not form
which you see but emotion which you feel”?
(A) D.H. Lawrence
(B) Jean Rhys
(C) Virginia Woolf
(D) Joseph Conrad
Answers: (C)
38. In Paradise Lost, Milton invokes his ‘Heavenly Muse’, ‘Urania’ at
the beginning of:
I. Book one
II. Book four
III. Book nine
IV. Book seven
The right combination according to the code is
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I, III and IV correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct.
Answers: (D)
39. Which one of the following best describes the basic principle of
New Criticism?
(A)An emphasis on the distinctive style and personality of the authors.
(B) Stressing the virtues of discipline, order and the ethical mean.
(C) Locating the meaning of a literary work in the internal relations of
the language that constitute a text.
(D) Evaluating a literary text against a backdrop of historical events.
Answers: (C)
40. Who among the following figures give a preview of Achenbach’s
fatal end in Death in Venice?
I. The Graveyard Stranger
II. The Governess
III. The barber
IV. The Gondolier
The right combination according to the code is:
(A) III and IV are correct.
(B) I and IV are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.
Answers: (B)
41. Jacques Lacan posits three ‘orders’ which structure human
existence. In the list that follows: Identify the one that is not included
by Lacan:
(A) Imaginary
(B) Unconscious
(C) Real
(D) Symbolic
Answers: (B)
42. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and
the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Deconstructive reading is apolitical.
Reason (R): Because it focuses exclusively on language. It primarily
holds that all texts or linguistic structures contain within them a
principle of destabilisation and hence it is difficult to pin down
meaning. Such a reading, therefore, is unable to assign historical
In this context above statements, identify which one of the following is
(A) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
Answers: (B)
43. Match the following lists:
List – I                                                            List – II
(Title of poem)                                    (Poet)
I. “I hear a fly Buzz”                          1. Wallace Stevens
II. “Birches”                                        2. Emily Dickinson
III. “Sunday Morning”                       3. Allen Ginsberg
IV. “A Supermarket in California”     4. Robert Frost
The correct combination is:
      I II III IV
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 2 4 1 3
(D) 3 2 1 4
Answers: (C)
44. ‘Lexis’ refers to
(A) All word forms having meaning or grammatical functions
(B) The history of words
(C) Study of select word forms
(D) The selection of words
Answers: (A)
45. The following writers are involved in social activism in addition to
their practice of creative writing:
I. Mahasweta Devi
II. Shashi Deshpande
III. Arundhati Roy
IV. Shobha De
The correct combination according to the code is
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) I and III are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answers: (C)
46. In relation to Spenser’s Faerie Queene which of the following
character virtue link is rightly matched?
(A) Justice-Artegall; Courtsey- Guyan; Temperance-Calidore
(B) Chasity-Britomart; Justice- Guyan; Temperance-Talus
(C) Courtsey-Calidore; Temperance- Guyon; Justice-Artegall
(D) Courtsey-Calidore; Temperance- Artegall; Justice-Britomart
Answers: (C)
47. The Divine Comedy is divided into three canticas, each consisting
(A) 30 cantos
(B) 33 cantos
(C) 24 cantos
(D) 28 cantos
Answers: (B)
48. The Modern Promethean is the alternative title of
(A) Dracula
(B) Frankenstein
(C) Caleb Williams
(D) The Italian
Answers: (B)
49. In Words upon Words, Saussure says, “The actual birth of a new
language has never reported in the world” because “we have never
known of a language which was not spoken the day before or which
was not spoken in the same way the day before”. What does he mean?
(A) Old languages die making way for new ones.
(B) The birth and death of a language are not subject to human laws.
(C) Languages do not get borne, they evolve out of previously existing
linguistic situations.
(D) Old speech patterns trigger the birth of a new language.
Answers: (C)
50. What did Henry James describe as “Loose Baggy Monsters”?
(A) Novels
(B) The Spaniards
(C) Epic Poems
(D) His trousers
Answers: (A)
51. “High above the north pole, on the first day of 1969, two
professors of English literature approached each other at a combined
velocity of 1200 miles per hour.” This is the opening of David Lodge’s
(A) Nice Work
(B) Changing Places
(C) Small World
(D) The British Museum is Falling Down
Answers: (B)
52. At the end of The Portrait of a Lady Isabel Archer
I. Goes back to the house from the Garden.
II. Accepts the proposal of Casper Good wood.
III. Straight away refuses the offer of Good wood.
IV. Probably goes back to Rome and Osmond.
Which are the correct combinations according to the code?
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.
Answers: (C)
53. “I will put myself in poor and mean attire and with a kind of umber
smirch my face”. The word umber means:
(A) A dusty yellow or brown pigment
(B) A dark brown pigment
(C) Light brown powder
(D) Yellow paste
Answers: (A)
54. Which of the following psychoanalysts rewrote Descartes’s
dictum: “I think therefore I am’ as ‘I am not where I think, and I think
where I am not’?
(A) Lacan
(B) Freud
(C) Jung
(D) Cixous
Answers: (A)
55. By the end of In Memorium the speaker
(A) Re-embraces a Christian vision of after life
(B) Re-asserts religious doubts and scientific scepticism.
(C) Reiterates the Darwinian view of social life.
(D) Reaffirms his faith in universal brotherhood.
Answers: (A)
56. The system of social rules that a speaker knows about language
and uses it is called
(A) Grammar
(B) Morphology
(C) Orthography
(D) Pragmatics
Answers: (D)
57. The term ‘ecological imperialism’ was coined by
(A) Vandana Shiva
(B) Laurence Buell
(C) Paulo Freire
(D) Alfred Crosby
Answers: (D)
58. Emotional ties and personal relationships play a minor part in
Defoe’s works. The following protagonists of Defoe have no family
except one who leaves family at an early age. Which is that character?
(A) Moll Flanders
(B) Colonel Jacque
(C) Robinson Crusoe
(D) Captain Singleton
Answers: (C)
59. Match the following lists:
List – I                                                            List – II
(Novels)                                              (Settings)
I. The Power and the Glory                1. Vietnam
II. The Quiet American                       2. Haiti
III. The Honorary Consul                   3. Paraguay
IV. The Comedians                             4. Mexico
The right combination according to the code is:
      I II III IV
(A) 4 1 3 2
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 4 1 2
Answers: (A)
60. “...... Every other stone is god or cousin there is no crop other than
god and god is harvested here around the year.” This extract is from:
(A) Jayanta Mahapatra’s “Konarak”
(B) Arun Kolatkar’s Jejuri
(C) P. Lal’s “Being Very Simple, God”
(D) R. Parthasarathy’s “Under another Sky”
Answers: (B)
61. In EM Foster’s A Passage to India some of the major symbols are
associated with:
I. Mountains
II. Tigers
III. Echoes
IV. Clouds
The right combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I, II and IV are correct.
(C) I and III are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answers: (C)
62. Which of the following features are present in Dostoevsky’s Crime
and Punishment?
I. Nihilism
II. Utilitarianism
III. Rationalism
IV. Christian Symbolism
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct
(B) I and IV are correct
(C) III and IV are correct
(D) I and III are correct
Answers: (B)
63. “Count no man happy until he dies, free of pain at last”, is the last
line of
(A) Oedipus at Colonus
(B) Agamemnon
(C) Oedipus the King
(D) Orestes
Answers: (C)
64. What characteristics of 17th century metaphysical poetry sparked
the enthusiasm of modernist poets and critics?
I. its intellectual complexitywww.netugc.com
II. Its uncompromising engagement with politics
III. Its religious fervour
IV. Its union of thought and passion
The right combination according to the code is
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and IV are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.
Answers: (B)
65. Th’ inferior Priestess, at her Altar’s side, trembling, begins the
sacred Rites of Pride. In this description of Belinda at the dressing
table, what does the word Pride refer to?
(A) Vanity
(B) Pride as the first of man’s sins
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Complacency
Answers: (C)
66. “Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle; she died young..... She and I
were twins: And should I die this instant, I had liv’d her time to a
minute” In the light of the above quotation which of the following
interpretations is not correct?
(A) The beauty and youth of the Duchess become obvious to
Ferdinand when he sees her dead body.
(B) Only when he identifies himself with her, does he realize the
enormity of his crime.
(C) When he compares the age of the Duchess with his own and puts
himself in her position does he realize his guilt?
(D) He wants her face to be covered because it reminds him of her
Answers: (Wrong question)
67. All except one of the following scholars have come up with
models which aim to characterise world English’s within one
conceptual set. Identify the lone exception.
(A) Tom McArthur
(B) Noam Chomsky
(C) Braj Kachru
(D) Manfred Gorlach
Answers: (B)
68. In the very opening scene of Volpone, the protagonist says, “Open
the shrine, that I may see my Saint,” By the word ‘Saint’, Volpone is
referring to
(A) The Sun
(B) Saint Arthur
(C) Gold
(D) Apollo
Answers: (C)
69. A close friend of Dickens objected to the original ending of Great
Expectations in which Estella remarries and Pip remains single.
Dickens accordingly revised to a more conventional ending which
suggests that Pip and Estella will marry. Who was the friend?
(A) Willkie Collins
(B) Thomas Beard
(C) Thomas Carlyle
(D) Richard Bentley
Answers: (A)
70. Which of the following statements best describes an example of
the influence of an affective factor on second language acquisition?
(A) A second language learner makes educated guesses about word
meanings in a text by recognizing cognates.
(B) A second language learner uses familiar vocabulary to mentally
form sentences before speaking.
(C) An adult second language learner finds it impossible to form
second language sounds that do not occur in his first language.
(D) A second language learner employs several words from the first
language when peaking the second language but not when writing it.
Answers: (B)
71. Marvell’s “The Coronet” seeks to explore the human condition in
terms of the conflict between
(A) Body and soul
(B) War and peace
(C) Nature and grace
(D) Flesh and spirit
Answers: (C)
72. Which of the following is not true of post-structuralism?
(A) It seeks to undermine the idea that meaning pre-exists its linguistic
(B) There can be no meaning which is not formulated and no language
formulation reaches anywhere beyond language.
(C) There is no a-textual ‘origin’ of a text.
(D) Every sign refers to every other sign adequately.
Answers: (D)
73. Which of the following second language learners would most
likely acquire the second language more easily?
(A) A high school student who has been enrolled in mandatory classes
in the second language since elementary school.
(B) A visitor to a country where the second language is spoken; he
interacts with hotel and restaurant personnel using the second
(C) A business person for whom fluency in the second language may
lead to career advancement.
(D) An immigrant living in a country where the second language is
spoken; he feels accepted by speakers of the second language.
Answers: (D)
74. In Wuthering Heights, Cathy appears in a dream beating at a
window, wailing “Let me in”, and blood running down her wrist. Who
dreams her?
(A) Lockwood
(B) Nelly
(C) Heathcliff
(D) Edgar Linton
Answers: (A)
75. Who among the following characters in Thomas More’s Utopia did
not correspond in biographical background to an actual historical
(A) Morton
(B) Hythloday
(C) Giles
(D) More
Answers: (B)
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2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 2

1. In the following cluster of poems by Shelley, which one has the

voyage motif?
(A) “Adonais”
(B) The Revolt of Islam
(C) “Ode to the West Wind”
(D) Alastor
Answer: (D)
2. In Sydney’s sonnet sequence, Astrophil and Stella, the final sonnet
(A) Brings no resolution
(B) Ends in joy
(C) Brings a definite resolution
(D) Promises another sonnet sequence
Answer: (A)
3. Who among the following English writers opposed the Licensing
Act of 1643?
(A) John Milton
(B) Thomas Browne
(C) Andrew Marvell
(D) Abraham Cowley
Answer: (A)
4. Who claimed: “I have not published a single paper that is not
written in a spirit of benevolence and with a love of mankind”?
(A) Pope
(B) Dryden
(C) Swift
(D) Addisonwww.netugc.com
Answer: (D)
5. A protagonist writes a letter of confession, but it gets lost under the
carpet only to be found on the wedding day. Who is the protagonist?
(A) Bathsheba
(B) Lucetta
(C) Sue
(D) Tess
Answer: (D)
6. In an age of pressurized happiness, we sometimes grow insensitive
to subtle joys. The italicised words are an example of
(A) A transferred epithet
(B) A simile
(C) A metaphor
(D) A hyperbaton
Answer: (A)
7. In Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock, Hale is murdered with the help
of ‘brighton rock’ which is
(A) A kind of sugar-candy
(B) A form of grenade
(C) A baton
(D) A kind of rock
Answer: (A)
8. Which poet among this group does not belong to the ‘Auden
Generation’ group of poets?
(A) Stephen Spender
(B) Alun Lewis
(C) Cecil Day Lewis
(D) Louis Macneice
Answer: (B)
9. In Lord of the Flies which character comes to realize that the ‘beast’
is actually the evil inside the boys themselves and it is that which is
breaking things up?
(A) Jack
(B) Simon
(C) Roger
(D) Ralph
Answer: (B)
10. Which text exemplifies the anti- Victorian feeling prevalent in the
early twentieth century?
I. Eminent Victorians
II. Jungle Book
III. Philistine Victorians
IV. The Way of All Flesh
The correct combination according to the code is
(A) II and IV are correct.
(B) I and IV are correct.
(C) III and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (B)
11. What event allowed mainstream British theatre companies to
commission and performs work that was politically, socially and
sexually controversial without fear of censorship?
(A) The abolition of the Lord Chamberlain’s office in 1968.
(B) The illegal performance of works by Howard Brenton and Edward
(C) The collapse of liberal humanist consensus in the late 1960s.
(D) A combined appeal to the Queen by a group of London dramatists.
Answer: (A)
12. The Wife of Bath’s philosophy ofmarriage shows that she
(A) Is a strong person with keen awareness of her own rights?
(B) Tends to say one thing and do the opposite.
(C) Cares only for pleasure, not for right and wrong.
(D) Trusts thought too much instead of feeling.
Answer: (A)
13. Which of the following characters is killed in Achebe’s Things Fall
Apart in conformity with an African tribal custom?
(A) Okonkwo
(B) Obierika
(C) Ikemefuna
(D) Nwoye
Answer: (B)
14. “We will do it, I tell you; we will do it.” The repetition of a phrase
(A) Antiphrasis
(B) Diacope
(C) Aposiopesis
(D) Enumeratio
Answer: (A)
15. Find the poet who is the odd one in the group:
(A) Wallace Stevens
(B) Robert Lowell
(C) Sylvia Plath
(D) Anne Sextonwww.netugc.com
Answer: (A)
16. Which one of the following characters in Shakespeare’s Tempest is
associated with the Earth?
(A) Ferdinand
(B) Ariel
(C) Caliban
(D) Prospero
Answer: (C)
17. In the Advancement of Learning Bacon attempted a preliminary
survey of the entire field of learning, by analyzing the principal
obstacles to its advancement. Identify from among the following
choices the one that he did not mention as an obstacle:
(A) Rhetoric
(B) Medieval scholasticism
(C) Inductive method
(D) Pseudo sciences
Answer: (C)
18. Who among this group of youngmale characters in Jane
Austen’snovels is not sent to the University for Education?
(A) Tom Bertram
(B) John Thorpe
(C) James Morland
(D) Henry Tilney
Answer: (D)
19. Charles Dickens caricatured utilitarian thinking with telling
directness in his portrayal of
(A) Paul Dombey
(B) Thomas Gradgrind
(C) Philip Pirrip
(D) Harold Skimpole
Answer: (B)
20. Which one of the following playwrights will not be covered under
the category / term ‘Theatre of the Absurd’?
(A) Jean Genet
(B) Jean Giraudoux
(C) Samuel Beckett
(D) Eugene Ionesco
Answer: (B)
21. The following are two lists of lines from poems and their titles.
Match them:
List – I                                                            List – II
(Lines from poems)                                         (Titles of poems)
I. “The squat pen rests as snug as a gun.”       1. “Church Going”
II. “A serious house on serious earth it is.”     2. “Hawk- Roosting”
III. “Time held me green and dying.”            3. “Digging”
IV. “I hold creation in my foot.”                    4. “Fern Hill”
Which is the correct combination according to the above code?
I           II         III        IV
(A)       4          1          2          3
(B)       2          3          4          1
(C)       1          2          3          4
(D)       3          1          4          2
Answer: (D)
22. _________ is the use of words whose pronunciation imitates the
sound the word describes.
(A) Alliteration
(B) Onomatopoeia
(C) Oxymoron
(D) Enthymeme
Answer: (B)
23. Arrange the following books in the order in which they appeared.
Use the code given below:
I. The Dictionary of the English Language
II. The History of Rasselas
III. The Vanity of Human Wishes
IV. Lives of the English Poets
Which is the correct combination according to the above code?
(A) III, I, II, IV
(B) I, II, III, IV
(C) IV, III, II, I
(D) II, III, I, IV
Answer: (A)
24. Arrange the following forms in the order in which they appeared.
Use the code given below:
I. commedia dell’arte
II. Confessional poetry
III. Agitprop
IV. Picaresque novel
The correct combination is:
(A) IV, I, II, III
(B) I, IV, III, II
(C) II, IV, I, III
(D) I, III, IV, II
Answer: (B)
25. Which of the following poems deals with neighbourly relations?
(A) “Birches”
(B) “Home Burial”
(C) “Mending Wall”
(D) “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
Answer: (C)
26. The following are two lists of writers and their works. Match them:
List – I                                                List – II
(Writers)                                              (Works)
I. Katherine Susannah Prichard          1. Barungin
II. Colin Johnson                                2. My Place
III. Sally Morgan                                3. Wild Cat Falling
IV. Jack Davis                                    4. Coonardoo
Which is the correct combination according to the above code?
I           II         III        IV
(A)       3          2          1          4
(B)       4          3          2          1
(C)       2          1          4          3
(D)       1          4          3          2
Answer: (B)
27. How does John Stuart Mill define ‘happiness’?
(A) Doing what one wants to do
(B) Leading a fulfilling life
(C) Pleasure and the absence of pain
(D) Virtuous activity
Answer: (C)
28. “Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady, were no
crime … But at my back I always hear Time’s winged chariot hurrying
near.” Andrew Marvell in these lines emphasizes the theme of
(A) Love
(B) Love and transience
(C) Love and political passion
(D) Love and flattery
Answer: (B)
29. The following are two lists of dramatists and their plays. Match
List – I                                    List – II
(Dramatists)                            (Plays)
I. George Etheredge               1. The Country Wife
II. William Wycherley            2. The Man of Mode
III. John Vanbrugh                 3. The Double Dealer
IV. William Congreve             4. The Provok’d Wife
The correct combination is:
I           II         III        IV
(A)       2          3          4          1
(B)       3          2          1          4
(C)       4          3          2          1
(D)       2          1          4          3
Answer: (D)
30. The following are two lists of writers and their works. Match them:
List – I                                    List – II
(Writers)                                  (Works)
I. Uma Parameswaran 1. Drums of My Flesh
II. Bharati Mukherjee                         2. Trishanku
III. Michael Ondaatje                         3. Jasmine
IV. Cyril Dabydeen                4. Anil’s Ghost
Which is the correct combination according to the above code?
I           II         III        IV
(A)       1          3          2          4
(B)       3          4          1          2
(C)       2          3          4          1
(D)       4          1          3          2
Answer: (C)
31. Dryden’s dramatization of Paradise Lost is entitled
(A) All for Love
(B) The State of Innocence
(C) Annus Mirabilis
(D) Religio Medici
Answer: (B)
32. Two pioneering feminist tracts, Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics and
Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch were published in
(A) 1969
(B) 1968
(C) 1970
(D) 1967
Answer: (C)
33. Who defined poetry as ‘the best words in the best order’?
(A) Wordsworth
(B) Coleridge
(C) Keats
(D) Shelley
Answer: (B)
34. What did Thomas Carlyle mean by “Close thy Byron; open thy
(A) Britain’s pre-eminence as a global power will depend on mastery
of foreign languages.
(B) Abandon the introspection of the Romantics and turn to the higher
moral purpose found in Goethe.
(C) Even a foreign author is better than a home-grown scoundrel.
(D) Leave England and immigrate to Germany.
Answer: (B)
35. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness presents two conflicting discourses
present in his own culture. Identify the two discourses from the
(A) Modernism and anticolonialism
(B) Modernism and structuralism
(C) Anti-colonialism and Eurocentricism
(D) Material culturalism and tribalism
Answer: (C)
36. Who among the following poets defined free verse as playing
tennis without a net?
(A) Robert Frost
(B) Ezra Pound
(C) Philip Larkin
(D) William Carlos Williams
Answer: (A)
37. Christopher Marlowe wrote all the following plays except
(A) Tamburlaine the Great
(B) The Jew of Malta
(C) Richard III
(D) Edward II
Answer: (C)
38. According to Barthes, a text which draws attention to its artifice, to
the ways in which it is structured, is called
(A) Writerly text
(B) Aesthetic text
(C) Readerly text
(D) Formal text
Answer: (A)
39. Which of the following descriptions is not applicable to Pope’s
The Rape of the Lock?
(A) A mock heroic poem
(B) Written in heroic couplets
(C) Pope’s tribute to Queen Anne
(D) Produced in two versions, consisting of 2 and 5 cantos
Answer: (C)
40. From the following list, choose the work which is not written by
E.M. Forster:
(A) Where Angels Fear to Tread
(B) Mauricewww.netugc.com
(C) A Room of One’s Own
(D) The Longest Journey
Answer: (C)
41. The ‘Vulgate Bible’ was prepared to make the Bible available to
(A) The ecclesiastics
(B) The elite class
(C) The courtiers
(D) The common men
Answer: (D)
42. Literary works such as Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield,
Samuel Butler’s The Way of All Flesh and James Joyce’s A Portrait of
the Artist as a Young Man provide examples of which following
novelistic form?
(A) Nouveau roman or new novel
(B) Epistolary novel
(C) Bildugsroman
(D) Historical novel
Answer: (C)
43. “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” expresses a pathetic cry of
a wounded heart from “Ode to the West Wind” by Shelley. The poem
consists of
(A) Fourteen line terzarima stanzas
(B) four-lined stanza characterized by swift action
(C) A particular rhyme scheme in a villanelle
(D) An unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one
Answer: (A)
44. In the Fall of Hyperion Keats’s Muse figure is
(A) Thea
(B) Moneta
(C) Lamia
(D) Calliope
Answer: (B)
45. What literary work best captures a sense of the political turmoil
particularly regarding the issue of religion just after the Restoration?
(A) Gay’s Beggar’s Opera
(B) Butler’s Hudibras
(C) Pope’s Dunciad
(D) Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel
Answer: (D)
46. Who among the Victorian authors has described himself/herself as
an agnostic?
(A) Matthew Arnold
(B) Charles Dickens
(C) George Eliot
(D) Thomas Hardy
Answer: (C)
47. Preface to Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth was written
(A) AimeCesaire
(B) AniaLoomba
(C) Jean Paul Sartre
(D) Edward Said
Answer: (C)
48. Who among the following theorists formulated the concept of the
utile dulci, profit combined with delight?
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Horace
(D) Longinus
Answer: (C)
49. Out of the four humours of the body, the Jacobeans thought of
themselves as especially prone to
(A) Choler
(B) Blood
(C) Phlegm
(D) Melancholy
Answer: (D)
50. Who among the following Romantic poets ended his life, lauded
and respected as ‘The Sage of High gate’?
(A) William Blake
(B) S.T. Coleridge
(C) P.B. Shelley
(D) William Wordsworth
Answer: (B)
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UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English >

2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper in English Paper 3
1. Which of the following statements isnot true of Tolstoy’s Anna
Karenina? It is concerned with
(A) The jumbled trivia of day-today life.
(B) The belief in social progress and scientific advancement.
(C) Insistent quest for meaning.
(D) The reaction of immediate family members to someone’s terminal
Answer: (D)
2. In The Rape of Lock Belinda’s guardian sylph is unable to prevent
the Baron’s fatal mischief because
(A) He discovers an earthly lover lurking in Belinda’s heart.
(B) He is disturbed by Clarissa’s speech.
(C) The view is blocked by the imposing figure of Sir Plume.
(D) He is yet to return from a visit to the Cave of Spleen.
Answer: (A)
3. ‘Ah! I’ll never, never meet such a man again. You ought to have
heard him recite poetry …
Oh, he enlarged my mind.” In Heart of Darkness these words about
Kurtz are spoken by
(A) The manager
(B) The intended
(C) The first-class agent
(D) The Russian
Answer: (D)
4. Arrange the following ELT methods and approaches in the order in
which they appear. Use the codes given below:
I. Direct Method
II. The Communicative Language Teaching
III. The Grammar Translation Method
IV. The Silent Way
The correct combination according to the code is:
(B) III, I, IV, II
(C) III, II, I, IV
(D) I, III, II, IV
Answer: (B)
5. Which of the following statements is not applicable to Derrida’s
rejection of the notion of the ‘Metaphysics of Presence’?
(A) The desire for immediate access to meaning privileges presence
over absence.
(B) All presences are necessarily metaphysical and, therefore, are to be
(C) A fleeting meaning of the text is created through the play of
‘difference’ and ‘differance’.
(D) Metaphysics involves installinghierarchies and orders
ofsubordination in the variousdualisms that it encounters.
Answer: (B)
6. Read the following and its code: “a prince’s court
Is like a common fountain, whence should flow Pure silver drop in
general: but if’t chance
Some curs’d example poison’t near the head Death and disease
through the whole land spread.”
I. It is the description of the French Court at the beginning of The
Duchess of Malfi.
II. It is about the English court. Such was Webster’s England, but to
avoid censorship Webster gives his play a foreign location.
III. It is about the Italian court.
IV. The court is located in Malfi.
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) II and IV are correct.
Answer: (B)
7. Literary works by post-modern British writers such as Angela
Carter, Salman Rushdie and Jeanette Winterson generally tend to share
which of the following characteristics?
(A) The use of fragmented narrative structures with multiple shifts in
consciousness, chronology and location.
(B) An emphasis on the rich universality of life in cultures and
countries all over the world.
(C) A sense of sentimental nostalgia for nineteenth and early twentieth
century life, typically expressed in rueful, melancholic tones.
(D) The use of brief, economic literary forms and a spare, astringent
literary style.
Answer: (A)
8. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A)
and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Some post-colonial writers maintain that being
‘unhomed’ is not the same as being ‘homeless’.
Reason (R): Because the migrants are not at home in themselves: their
cultural identity crisis has made them psychological refugees.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
Answer: (B)
9. Which of the following statements are not true about Margaret
Laurence’s Novel, The Stone Angel?
I. The novel is set in a fictional small town in Manitoba called
II. The novel was written when she was away from Canada.
III. The novel is narrated retrospectively by Hagar Shipley.
IV. The novel is least known of her works.
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) II and III are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct.
Answer: (C)
10. Which of the following statements is not true of many
contemporary African writers?
(A) They convey a melancholy tone of longing for traditionalreligious
(B) They celebrate unambiguously the benefits of Western education.
(C) They bemoan the loss of values and indict aspirations of wealth.
(D) They assess the social impact of systems and institutions of
colonial rule.
Answer: (B)
11. The ‘Angel in the House’ became a common label for the
Victorian ideal of respectable middle-class femininity. The phrase
originated with a popular long poem by
(A) Arthur Munby
(B) Arthur Hugh Clough
(C) Charlotte Mew
(D) Coventry Patmore
Answer: (D)
12. Which of the following literary types is associated with the poetry
of Charles Baudelaire?
(A) Flaneur
(B) Poete Maudit
(C) Encomium
(D) Honnete Homme
Answer: (A)
13. In A Farewell to Arms the main image clusters are associated with
I. Rain
II. Beasts
III. Insects
IV. River
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I, II and IV are correct.
(C) III and IV are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct.
Answer: (D)
14. Which of the following poets describes his “mistress” as “No, she
is not Anglo-Indian.She is Indian English, the language that I use.”
(A) Nissim Ezekiel
(B) Keki Daruwalla
(C) A.K. Ramanujan
(D) R. Parthasarathy
Answer: (B)
15. All of the following are characteristics of Renaissance humanism
(A) Sanctity of the Latin texts of Scriptures.
(B) Rejection of Christian principles.
(C) Belief that ancient Latin and Greek writers were inferior to later
(D) Primary causative agent of the Reformation.
Answer: (C)
16. ‘Stand up, young woman … and tell me what sort of a barbarous
people your country folk are, where child-murder is become so
commonplace as to require the restraint of laws like yours.’ The queen
in Scott’s The Heart of Midlothian is referring to a strange
Scottish law according to which if a woman
(A) gives birth to a child and the child is missing, she is considered
guilty of infanticide.
(B) Secretly gives birth to a child and the child is missing and she has
not confided to anyone about her pregnancy, she is considered guilty
of infanticide.
(C) gives birth to a child and the child is missing and she has not
confided to anyone about her pregnancy, she is considered guilty of
(D) gives birth to a child and kills the child and she is guilty of
Answer: (B)
17. Which of the following statements is not applicable to the
definition of New Historicism? New historicist critics
(A) Remind us that it is treacherous to reconstruct the past as it really
was – rather than as we have been conditioned by our own place and
time to believe the way it was.
(B) Are less likely to see history as linear and progressive, as
something developing toward the present.
(C) Tend to view history as literature’s background.
(D) Are unlikely to suggest that a literary text has a single or easily
identifiable historical context.
Answer: (C)
18. In Sense and Sensibility, Austen portrays an ‘excess of sensibility’
(A) Marianne
(B) Margaret
(C) Elinor
(D) Lucy
Answer: (A)
19. Ben Jonson disliked
I. fantastic comedy
II. Wide-ranging chronicle-history and stupendous tragedy
III. The comedies of Terence and Plautus
IV. The ability of satire to expose human vices and follies
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.
Answer: (D)
20. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and
the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): In the 1950s and 60s Baldwin and Ellison returned to
universal themes and focused on innovations in literary forms.
Reason (R): In the 1930s and 40s African and American Literature
was mostly preoccupied with protest.www.netugc.com
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (A)
21. In coining the term ‘Ecriture feminine’ Helene Cixous signifies a
mode of textual production, not necessarily written by women. Who
among the following male writers is used by her as an example?
(A) D.H. Lawrence
(B) Joseph Conrad
(C) James Joyce
(D) E.M. Forster
Answer: (C)
22. Of the following characters in Jacobean plays, choose the one who
is not a villainous character:
(A) De Flores (The Changeling)
(B) Luke Frugal (The City Madam)
(C) Sir Giles Overreach (A New Way to Pay Old Debts)
(D) Bosola (The Duchess of Malfi)
Answer: (Wrong question)
23. Resistance to slavery created a literature of the abolitionist
movement in the last quarter of the eighteenth century in Britain.
Suchliterature included books written byformer slaves. Two such
writings are
I. Mary Robinson
II. Olaudah Equiano
III. Mary Prince
IV. Anne Cromarty Yearsley
The right combination according to the code is
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (D)
24. Hippolyte Taine published his four volume History of English
Literature in 1864 based on the following categories except one.
Which one?
(A) Race
(B) Psychology
(C) Historical moment
(D) Milieu
Answer: (B)
25. The two ‘mother-figures’ in Dickens’s Great Expectations are
I. Estella
II. Miss Havisham
III. Mrs Joe
IV. Georgiana
The right combination according to the code is:
(A) II and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) III and IV are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.
Answer: (A)
26. Judith Wright’s works reveal the following features except one.
Which one?
(A) A keen focus on the Australian environment
(B) Concern for the relationship between the settlers, indigenous
Australians and the bush.
(C) A correspondence between inner existence and objective reality.
(D) An obsession with religious and political issues.
Answer: (D)
27. Arrange the following books in the order in which they appeared:
I. Leviathan
II. Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
III. Le MorteD’Arthur
IV. Utopia
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I, IV, III, II
(B) III, IV, I, II
(C) III, IV, II, I
(D) III, I, IV, II
Answer: (C)
28. Which of the two novels of Anita Desai were shortlisted for the
Booker Prize?
(A) The Artist of Disappearance and In Custody
(B) In Custody and Feasting, Fasting
(C) Feasting, Fasting and the Zig Zag Way
(D) In Custody and Fire on the Mountain
Answer: (B)
29. Edward Said points to two forms of orientalism. They are
(A) Real and fake
(B) Voluntary and involuntary
(C) Subjective and objective
(D) Latent and manifest
Answer: (D)
30. Which of the plays in its Preface was described by Eugene O’Neill
as ‘a play of old sorrow, written in tears and blood’?
(A) Desire under the Elms
(B) The Hairy Ape
(C) Long Day’s Journey into Night
(D) Mourning Becomes Electra
Answer: (C)
31. “With all the eagerness to know the truths of life, she retained very
childlike ideas about marriage … the really delightful marriage must
be that when your husband was a sort ofa father, and could even teach
you Hebrew, if you wished it.” She is the protagonist in one of George
Eliot’s novels. Who is she?
(A) Romola
(B) Hetty Sorel
(C) Maggie
(D) Dorothea
Answer: (D)
32. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A)
and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The term “Standard English” is misleading.
Reason (R): There are manylinguistic communities that dohave a
genuine standard variety,a fixed and invariant form of the language
that is used for certain kinds of communication.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (B)
33. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A)
and the other labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The Waste Land ends in a flurry of random allusions.
Reason (R): The ending of the poem reflects the poet’s divided life
between America and England and a life given over to primitivism.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (C)
34. Which of the following novels acted as an influence on Salman
Rushdie in forging a new narrative style in English?
(A) Raja Rao’s Kanthapura
(B) G.V. Desani’s All about H Hatterr
(C) Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable
(D) R.K. Narayan’s The Sweet Vendor
Answer: (B)
35. Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho is a novel about
(A) A father and a daughter setting out on a journey.
(B) The kidnapping of Emily by Montoni and her visit to Venice.
(C) Emily’s adventures in the castle of Udolpho, the outcome of the
adventures, her escape and her final union with Valencourt.
(D) The adventures of Montoni and his men in Udolpho.
Answer: (C)
36. In Marxist criticism the term ‘interpellation’ defines
(A) The ways in which the ideological structure in social formation is
constructed out of material practices.
(B) The ways in which the ideological structure in social formation is
constructed out of discursive practices.
(C) The ways in which the subjects of an ideology are placed in false
positions of knowledge regarding themselves.
(D) The ways in which the subjects ofan ideology resist false
positionsof knowledge regarding others.
Answer: (C)
37. According to Longinus, the sublime has the following features
except :
(A) It is the essence of all great poetry and oratory.
(B) It is interested in the usual rhetorical goal of persuasion.
(C) It valorises a special use of language.
(D) It is a matter of reader-response.www.netugc.com
Answer: (B)
38. In a trickster tale
I. an anthropomorphized animal often serves as the protagonist
II. The ending is ambiguous
III. The hero can be a shape shifter, a cheat or a liar
IV. Humans act as a mouth piece for the gods
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) II and III are correct.
(B) I, II and III are correct.
(C) I and III are correct.
(D) I and IV are correct.
Answer: (C)
39. The best source for historical evidence of individual words in
English is
(A) The American Heritage Dictionary
(B) Fennell
(C) The Oxford English Dictionary
(D) The Online Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary
Answer: (C)
40. Which of the following statements on the ending of Kafka’s
“Metamorphosis” is correct? The death of Gregor Samsa is marked by
(A) Violent convulsions.
(B) A slow ebbing a way of life hardly perceptible.
(C) The miraculous appearance of a priest to administer the last rites.
(D) The intense mourning of the cleaner who discovers the body.
Answer: (B)
41. Archetypal criticism accepts as its informing principle that
archetypes are present in all literature and provide the basis of its
interconnectedness. Practitioners include
I. Northrop Frye
II. Dorothy Van Ghent
III. Derek Traversi
IV. Maud Bodkin
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.
Answer: (A)
42. In the sonnet “Death, Be Not Proud”, Donne says to death: “Those
whom thou think’st thou dost over-throw / Die not, poor death, nor yet
canst thou kill me.” What does he mean?
(A) Death is very strong.
(B) Death is not death, because after death we wake up to live
(C) One must face death courageously and defiantly.
(D) Death is not as strong as he thinks he is.
Answer: (D)
43. In which of the following plays of Luigi Pirandello the stage itself,
the symbol of appearance and reality, becomes the setting of the play?
(A) Right You Are (If You Think, You Are)
(B) To Clothe the Naked
(C) The Life I Gave You
(D) Six Characters in Search of an Author
Answer: (D)
44. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A)
and the other is labelled as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Many modern British writers infused their works with
an extreme sense of uncertainty, disillusionment and despair.
Reason (R): The writers were responding to the devastation of war and
feeling disconnected from the traditions of the past.
In the context of the above statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: (A)
45. Which among the following statements is not correct? Badal
Sircar’s Pagla Ghora is a play about
(A) The condition of women in post- Second World War Bengal.
(B) The political and religious conditions of the time.
(C) Sexual passion.
(D) Lack of communication between men and women.
Answer: (B)
46. The various symbols used in Girish Karnad’s Tughlaq are
associated with
I. Pythons
II. Vultures
III. Wasps
IV. Butterflies
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) III and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (A)
47. “Collocations” refer to
(A) The combination of words in a phrase
(B) The act of positioning words
(C) Grouping of words in a sentence
(D) Combination of natural words
Answer: (C)
48. Of the following statements, which one is not true of Congreve’s
The Way of the World?
(A) The Way of the World was staged in 1700.
(B) It was played at the theatre in Lincoln’s Inn Fields.
(C) It was a failure on the stage.
(D) The dialogue was unintelligible.
Answer: (D)
49. Jimmy Porter in John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger displays
I. Rebelliousness
II. Nostalgia
III. Restlessness
IV. Mendacity
The right combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) III and IV are correct.
Answer: (B)
50. The following are two lists of works and their themes. Match them
List – I                                                                                                List
– II
(Works)                                                                                   (Themes)
I. The Heart of Midlothian, Tess of the D’urbervilles            1. Suicide
II. The End of the Affair, the Golden Bowl                          2. Greed
III. The Heart of theMatter, Lord Jim                                                3.
IV. Heart of Darkness, Nostromo                                          4. Adultery
The correct combination according to the code is:
I           II         III        IV
(A)       3          4          1          2
(B)       4          3          1          2
(C)       1          3          2          1
(D)       4          1          3          2
Answer: (A)
51. In As You Like It when Oliver brings in the bloody napkin dyed in
Orlando’s blood, why does Rosalind faint? Which of the following is
not the correct answer?
(A) Many will swoon when they look at blood.
(B) She faints because of her real concern and anxiety for Orlando.
(C) Frailty, thy name is woman.
(D) She is counterfeiting as she herself later claims.
Answer: (D)
52. Which is the correct statement about Euripides’s Medea? In
Euripides’s Medea the chorus consists of
(A) Fifteen Corinthian women who are Medea’s next door neighbours
(B) Fifteen Athenian elders
(C) Fifteen Spartan women
(D) Fifteen Sicilian Women
Answer: (A)
53. Which of the following is not an award received by Mahasweta
(A) Ramon Magsaysay Award
(B) Jnanpith Award
(C) Padmashri
(D) Commonwealth Writers Prize
Answer: (D)
54. The Statute of Pleadings makes English the official language of the
English Parliament in
(A) 1755
(B) 1362
(C) 1611
(D) 1879
Answer: (B)
55. The following are two lists of statements and the poets / critics
who made them. Match them correctly:
List –
List – II
(Statements on imagination)
(Poets / critics)
I. One power alone makes a poet – The Imagination, The Divine
Vision      1. Shelley
II. … what the imagination seizes on beauty must be the truth
2. Coleridge
III. The greatinstrument ofmoral good isthe
imagination                               3. Blake
IV. Works of imagination should be written in a very plain language
4. Keats
The right combination according to the code is:
I           II         III        IV
(A)       2          1          3          4
(B)       3          4          1          2
(C)       1          3          2          1
(D)       4          1          3          2
Answer: (B)
56. In Lord of Flies Golding inverts the morality of R.M. Ballantyne’s
The Coral Island involving adventures of three boys marooned on
South Pacific Island. Two names are repeated in Golding’s tale. They
I. Ralph
II. Roger
III. Jack
IV. Simon
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.
Answer: (D)
57. The following are two lists of characters and the works in which
we find them. Match them correctly according to the code:
List – I                                    List – II
(Characters)                             (Works)
I. Ratna                                   1. A House for Mr Biswas
II. Raghu                                 2. Midnight’s Children
III. Padma                               3. The Last Labyrinth
IV. Gargi                                 4. Kanthapura
I           II         III        IV
(A)       2          1          3          4
(B)       3          2          1          4
(C)       4          1          2          3
(D)       1          2          3          4
Answer: (C)
58. In spite of being constant in his relationship with Sophia, Tom is
involved in relationships with three other ladies in the three parts of
Tom Jones. Here is a list of these women. Find the odd one:
(A) Molly Seagrim
(B) Mrs Western
(C) Lady Booby
(D) Lady Bellaston
Answer: (C)
59. This novel by Lawrence was greeted with the headlines: ‘A book
the police should ban; loathsome study of sex depravity; misleading
youth to unspeakable disaster.’ Its opening chapter was originally
suppressed. Name the novel:
(A) Lady Chatterley’s Lover
(B) The Rainbow
(C) Women in Love
(D) The White Peacock
Answer: (C)
60. In Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn” the key ideas are best described
as the following except one. Which one?
(A) Movement versus stasis
(B) Disappointing love versus eternal bliss
(C) Scars of history versus consolations of art
(D) Beauty versus truth
Answer: (C)
61. These critics transcend the subjective point of view. They bow to
other forms of objective authority: the authority of the past and the
authority of the social consensus. They adopt the scientific attitude
without the science.
The above formulation best describes
(A) The Neoclassical Critics
(B) The Romantic Critics
(C) The Art for Art Sake Critics
(D) The Symbolist Critics
Answer: (A)
62. In Beckett’s Waiting for Godo, which character has two pages of
unpunctuated speech?
(A) Estragon
(B) Vladimir
(C) Lucky
(D) Pozzo
Answer: (C)
63. Laura Mulvey’s pioneering essay, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative
Cinema” is an instance of the feminist appropriation of
psychoanalysis. It particularly uses
(A) Freud’s concept of sublimation
(B) Jung’s concept of collective unconscious
(C) Lacan’s concept of the gaze
(D) Lacan’s notion of the fragmented body
Answer: (C)
64. Which of the following novelists does not belong to the “Campus
Novelists” Group?
(A) Angus Wilson
(B) David Lodge
(C) Anthony Powell
(D) Malcolm Bradbury
Answer: (C)
65. Which of the following statements is not true of The Stranger by
(A) The title character is Meursault, an Algerian who kills an Arab
(B) The story, divided into two parts, gives Meursault’s first person
narrative before and after the murder respectively.
(C) It is a realistic novel, true to the locale it depicts.
(D) The theme and outlook of the novel are cited as exemplars of
Answer: (C)
66. The Faerie Queene is an epic celebration of
I. Queen Elizabeth
II. The Irish Nation
III. The Roman Catholic Church
IV. The Protestant Faith
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) I and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
Answer: (C)
67. Which of the following statements is not a correct description of
Pope’s The Dunciad?
(A) The Dunciad is an attack on bad writers and bad writing.
(B) It is a pessimistic commentary on the civilization of the time.
(C) It is about the coronation of Theobald.
(D) It wishes to satirize Theobald only.
Answer: (D)
68. Which of the following statements cannot be subsumed under the
“Sapir-Whorf” hypothesis?
(A) Each language presents us with its own categorization of the
(B) Language is a guide to social reality.
(C) One adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language.
(D) A language and the society that uses it interlock.
Answer: (C)
69. Which philosophers do Dante encounter in Limbo, the first circle
of hell?
I. Socrates
II. Aristotle
III. Heraclitus
IV. Plato
The correct combination according to the code is:
(A) I and II are correct.
(B) I and IV are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) I and III are correct.
Answer: (B)
70. Which of the following best describes the role of revision in the
writing process?
(A) Revision is discrete phase of the writing process that should occur
after the initial drafting phase.
(B) Substantive revisions should be finalized during the second draft
phase of the writing process.
(C) Revision is a recursive activity that may occur at any phase of the
writing process.
(D) Substantive revision should occur primarily during the editing
phase of the writing process.
Answer: (C)
71. Who among the following eighteenth century English poets
committed suicide after years of living close to starvation as a
struggling poet?
(A) Robert Burns
(B) Thomas Chatterton
(C) William Collins
(D) Charlotte Smith
Answer: (B)
72. “Why can’t we be friends now’ … it’s what I want. It’s what you
want.’ But the horses didn’t want it – they swerved apart; the earth
didn’t want it.” At the end of A Passage to India Forster suggests that
(A) If Fielding and Aziz want, they can be friends.
(B) Probably if the Indians and the English want, they can still be
(C) Though Fielding and Aziz want, the horses and the earth of India
do not want the English and the Indians to be friends, not yet.
(D) The East is east and the West is west and the twain shall never
Answer: (C)
73. An extremely simplified form of a language used as a contact
language among speakers of different languages is a
(A) Dialect
(B) Creole
(C) Pidgin
(D) Register
Answer: (C)
74. Robert Buchanan, a minor poet, critic and novelist, took sides in
the literary squabbles of the 1860s against Swinburne and the
Rossettis. Hewrote a review which introduced the term:
(A) The Earthly School of Poetry
(B) The Fleshly School of Poetry
(C) The Stealthy School of Poetry
(D) The Esoteric School of Poetry
Answer: (B)
75. The narrator of Piers Plowman falls asleep on
(A) The Mendip hills
(B) The Purbeck hills
(C) The Malvern Hills
(D) The Cheviot Hills
Answer: (C)

(1) “Crossing the Bar”

(2) “Tithonus”
(3) “Enoch Arden”
(4) “Maud”
2. In “Memorial Verses” Matthew Arnold pays tribute to three great poets. Who are they?
(1) Goethe, Shakespeare, Wordsworth
(2) Goethe, Shakespeare, Milton
(3) Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth
(4) Goethe, Wordsworth, Byron
3. Who among the following English playwrights wrote screenplays on novels such as Marcel Proust’s In
Search of Lost Time, John Fowles’s French Lieutenant’s Woman, and Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s
(1) John Arden
(2) Edward Bond
(3) Harold Pinter
(4) David Hare
4. The years in English literary history between 1649 and 1660 are known as __________.
(1) the Neo-classical period
(2) the Commonwealth period
(3) the Stuart period
(4) the Jacobean period
5. In R.K. Narayan’s Swami and Friends, which game offers Swami the best kind of emotional release
from the strains and pressures of disagreeable circumstances?
(1) cricket
(2) football
(3) tennis
(4) hockey
6. William Blake expressed the importance of the particular when he said that “To Generalize is to be
__________. To particularize is the alone Distinction of Merit.” Fill in the blank.
(1) an idiot
(2) a poet
(3) a dreamer
(4) a skunk
7. Which of the following was not a dialect of Old English?
(1) Irish
(2) Northumbrian
(3) Mercian
(4) Kentish
8. Anthony Burgess’s last novel, published in 1993, is called A Dead Man in Deptford. Who is the central
character to whom the title refers?
(1) Sir Walter Raleigh
(2) Sir Philip Sidney
(3) Christopher Marlowe
(4) Earl of Southampton
9. Choose the correct chronological order:
(1) William Caxton prints the first English book - William Shakespeare’s First Folio - John Milton’s
Areopagitica - “Tottel’s Miscellany” (Songs and Sonnets).
(2) “Tottel’s Miscellany” (Songs and Sonnets) - William Shakespeare’s First Folio - William Caxton prints
the first English book - John Milton’s Areopagitica.
(3) William Caxton prints the first English book - “Tottel’s Miscellany” (Songs and Sonnets) - William
Shakespeare’s First Folio - John Milton’s Areopagitica.
(4) William Shakespeare’s First Folio - John Milton’s Areopagitica - William Caxton prints the first English
book - “Tottel’s Miscellany” (Songs and Sonnets).
10. What does the phrase ut pictura poesis from Horace’s Art of Poetry mean?
(1) “as in painting, so in poetry”.
(2) “poetry beggars pictorial description”.
(3) “as in poetry, so in painting”.
(4) “picture above all poetry”.
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11. Who among the following is the author of Account of the Augustan Age in England (1759)?
(1) John Gay
(2) William Hazlitt
(3) Oliver Goldsmith
(4) Samuel Johnson
12. In how many parts did Cervantes publish his novel, Don Quixote?
(1) three
(2) five
(3) two
(4) twelve
13. Lytton Strachey’s Eminent Victorians carries biographical sketches of writers and public figures.
Identify the list below that correctly mentions those Eminent Victorians.
(1) Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Arnold and General Gordon.
(2) A.E.W. Mason, Sir Arthur Quiller Couch, Matthew Arnold, Robert Bridges.
(3) E.F. Benson, Cardinal Manning, Lord Tennyson, Beatrice Webb.
(4) George Harding, General Gordon, Robert Browning, Mrs Humphrey Ward.
14. One of the following statements about the eponymous saint of Dryden’s “Song for St. Cecilia’s Day” is
incorrect. Identify that statement.
(1) St. Cecilia was a Roman lady, an early Christian martyr.
(2) St. Cecilia was an Armenian devotee of the Christian faith.
(3) St. Cecilia’s festival is celebrated on 22 November in England.
(4) St. Cecilia was a patroness of music who was fabled to have invented the organ.
15. Which of the statements on Michael Roberts’s Faber Book of Modern Verse (1936) is not true?
(1) His anthology canonized modern poetry and poets for quite some decades.
(2) The collection begins with the poems of Robert Bridges.
(3) Roberts omitted the Georgian poets in his anthology.
(4) Yeats, Eliot and Pound find a place in the Faber Book of 1936.
16. Who among the following proposed that the First Gulf War had never taken place, it was simply a
hyperreal, media-generated spectacle?
(1) Richard Rorty
(2) Jean-Francois Lyotard
(3) Jean Baudrillard
(4) Umberto Eco
17. Sir Thomas Browne’s Urn Burial was prompted by __________.
(1) the discovery of ancient burial-urns near Norwich.
(2) the contemporary researches on burial rites in Norway.
(3) the death of St. Francis of Assissi and his burial.
(4) the publication of the English Book of Common Prayer.
18. Identify from among the following list those that cannot be called War Fiction.
(a) A Modern Instance
(b) Catch - 22
(c) The Age of Innocence
(d) The Naked and the Dead
(1) (a) and (d)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (a) and (c)
(4) (b) and (d)
19. Who among the following writers was not the one identified with The Movement of the 1950’s
(1) Roy Fuller
(2) Kingsley Amis
(3) Philip Larkin
(4) Donald Davie
20. Which of the following novels does not belong to Nuruddin Farah’s Blood In the Sun Trilogy?
(1) Maps
(2) Knots
(3) Gifts
(4) Secrets
21. In the following series, which one has all the poets correctly matched with their poems?
(1) Ezekiel, “Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher”; Ramanujan, “Small-scale Reflections on a Great House”; Dutt,
“Sunset at Puri”; Mahapatra, “Our Casuarina Tree”.
(2) Ezekiel, “Sunset at Puri”; Ramanujan, “Small-scale Reflections on a Great House”; Dutt, “Our
Casuarina Tree”; Mahapatra, “Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher”.
(3) Ezekiel, “Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher”; Ramanujan, “Sunset at Puri”; Dutt, “Our Casuarina Tree”;
Mahapatra, “Small-scale Reflections on a Great House”.
(4) Ezekiel, “Poet, Lover, Birdwatcher”; Ramanujan, “Small-scale Reflections on a Great House”; Dutt,
“Our Casuarina Tree”; Mahapatra, “Sunset at Puri”.
22. From among the following, identify the incorrect observation regarding Ferdinand de Saussure’s
seminal distinction between langue and parole.
(1) Parole is the particular language system, the elements of which we learn as children, and which is
codified in our grammars and dictionaries, whereas langue is the language-occasion (what A says to B).
(2) A language consists in the interrelationship between langue and parole.
(3) Saussure made this crucial distinction in a study called A Course in General Linguistics (1916).
(4) Langue is the particular language-system, the elements of which we learn as children, and which is
codified in our grammars and dictionaries, whereas parole is the language-occasion (what A says to B).
23. John Heywood wrote a farcical interlude called The Four P’s.
Who were the Four P’s?
(1) a Palmer, a Pedlar, a Pothecary, a Packer
(2) a Printer, a Pedlar, a Pothecary, a Palmer
(3) a Pedlar, a Parson, a Palmer, a Pothecary
(4) a Palmer, a Pardoner, a Pothecary, a Pedlar
24. In the mechanical drill method of second language acquisition:
(a) The learner has the freedom to choose from many responses.
(b) The learner’s response is totally controlled.
(c) Comprehension of the item by the learner is not required.
(d) Comprehension of the item by the learner is obligatory.
The right combination according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (d)
(2) (a) and (c)
(3) (b) and (c)
(4) (b) and (d)
25. Thou wilt not wake
Till I thy fate shall overtake;
Till age, or grief, or sickness must
Marry my body to that dust
It so much loves; and fill the room
My heart keeps empty in thy Tomb.
Stay for me there; I will not fail
To meet thee in that hollow Vale.
And think not much of my delay;
I am already on the way.
Which of the following readings do you find appropriate to the spirit of the lines above?
(1) In that interspace between the lines, the ending of one and the beginning of another, there is a silent
internal language, the poem’s language-within-language, tacitly signalled through the deployment of
rhymed space.
(2) Ageing and dying are of course helplessly passive; but here love makes them as though they were
now also willing things in the husband eager to join his dead wife. Through simple intimate tones of their
shared earthly life - stay for me, wait for me, I will not fail - he not only imagines her but imagines her
thinking of him.
(3) The lyric voice here can feel the poem speaking back to him - in the cold lineal stare of ‘there was
nothing in my belief’ - even as his dead wife did not. It is as though the poem itself then demands his
response, in order to be able to move from one line to another. To attempt that movement in keeping the
poem’s space alive, the lyric voice asserts, “I will not fail/To meet there in that hollow Vale.”
(4) My whole nature was so penetrated with grief and humiliation of such considerations, that, even now,
famous and caressed and happy as I am, I often forget in my dream that I have a dear wife who died,
leaving me alone in this world. Even that I am a man, and now I wander desolately back to that time of
our lives when my wife and I shared moments of bliss.
26. Match the characters with the novels:
(a) Arthur Seaton
(b) Marlene
(c) Anna Wulf
(d) Beckwith
(i) Top Girls
(ii) The Golden Notebook
(iii) The Swimming Pool Library
(iv) Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
      (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
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27. The very last passage of a novel is given below. Identify the novel.
“Welcome, O life, I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the
smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.
April 27. Old father, old artificer, stand me now and ever in good stead.”
(1) To the light house
(2) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
(3) Maurice
(4) Almayer’s Folly
28. Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis is about a utopian state called __________.
(1) Asgard
(2) Avalon
(3) Bensalem
(4) Baltia
29. The 1950’s saw the rise of backlash against modernism and against New Romanticism that became
known as The Movement. Which of the following little magazines came to be associated with The
(a) Departure
(b) New Verse
(c) London Mercury
(d) New Poems
The right combination according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (c) and (d)
(3) (a) and (d)
(4) (b) and (d)
30. The error of interpreting a literary work by referring to evidence outside of itself, such as the design
and purpose of the author is called __________.
(1) Affective fallacy
(2) Intentional fallacy
(3) Authorial fallacy
(4) Synecdochic fallacy
31. A.R. Ammons parodies a famous poem in his “Swoggled”
I’d rather
suckled by
outworn pagan
get my horn
wreathed in
old triton.
Which poet, which poem?
(1) John Keats, “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”
(2) John Milton, “On His Blindness”
(3) William Wordsworth, “The World is Too Much with Us”
(4) Elizabeth B. Browning, “How do I Love Thee...?”
32. Fanny Burney’s Evelina carries the subtitle:
(1) or a Naive Lady’s Entrance into the World
(2) or a Young Lady’s Entrance into the World
(3) or a Young Lady’s Exit from the World
(4) or a Bold Lady’s Entrance into the Hall
33. What does Philip Sidney call poet-haters in his Defence of Poesie?
(1) misogynists
(2) misanthropes
(3) misnomers
(4) mysomousoi
34. Who, among the following, raises the following painful question of longing and belonging?
“Where shall I turn, divided to the vein?
I who have cursed
The drunken officer of British rule, how choose
Between this Africa and the English tongue I love?”
(1) Derek Walcott
(2) Louise Bennett
(3) Kamau Brathwaite
(4) Wole Soyinka
35. In the 1940’s, a critic and a philosopher produced two influential and controversial papers called “The
Intentional Fallacy” and “The Affective Fallacy”.
Identify them.
(a) Cleanth Brooks
(b) Monroe C. Beardsley
(c) William K. Wimsalt Jr.
(d) R.P. Blackmur
The right combination according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (b) and (d)
(3) (b) and (c)
(4) (c) and (d)
36. Philip Larkin’s “Sad Steps” notices “The way the moon dashes through clouds that blow Loosely as
cannon-smoke to stand apart....”
The poem alludes to:
(1) Coleridge’s “Dejection: An Ode”
(2) The moonlit scenes in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
(3) Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella
(4) T.S. Eliot’s “Morning at the Window”
37. Match the following opening lines with their respective titles:
(a) “I leant upon a coppice gate”
(b) “A sudden blow: the great wings beating still....”
(c) “Among twenty snowy mountains”
(d) “I know what the caged bird feels, alas...”
(i) “Thirteen Blackbirds”
(ii) “Sympathy”
(iii) “The Darkling Thrush”
(iv) “Leda and the Swan”
      (a)  (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(4) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
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38. Identify the titles that were published in the 1920’s.
(a) Look, Stranger!
(b) The Tower
(c) The Waste Land
(d) The Road to Wigan Pier
(1) (a) and (c)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (b) and (d)
(4) (c) and (d)
39. This novel is dedicated “To the railroad of bones” and has as its epigraph the line,
“I am the woman they give dead women’s clothes to” from Christine Gelineau’s “Inheritance”.
Identify the novel.
(1) African Psycho by Alain Mabanckou
(2) The Chibok Girls by Helon Habila
(3) The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
(4) The Book of Night Women by Marlon James
40. An English poet couldn’t help the excitement that an historical event caused in his life-time:
Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young was very heaven.
Which poet? What “dawn”?
(1) W.H. Auden ; the Spanish Civil War
(2) Lord Tennyson ; the Jubilee of Queen Victoria’s reign
(3) William Wordsworth ; the French Revolution
(4) William Blake ; the Industrial Revolution
41. Which novel by John Banville tells the story of a group of travellers who arrive on a small island and
stumble upon the house of Prof. Kreutznaer whose relationship to a painting entitled The Golden World
by a fictional Dutch artist named Vaublin plays a central role?
(1) Ghosts
(2) The Sea
(3) The Ark
(4) Eclipse
42. Identify the two plays, usually paired for their critique of the politics of language and acts of police
(1) Earthly Powers, The Wanting Seed
(2) Chicken Soup with Barley, Roots
(3) Left-handed Liberty, The Hero Rises
(4) One for the Road, Mountain Language
43. Semiotics originated mainly in the works of two theorists. They are:
(a) Charles Sanders Peirce
(b) Mikhail Bakhtin
(c) Ferdinand de Saussure
(d) Valentin Voloshinov
The right combination according to the code is __________.
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (a) and (c)
(4) (c) and (d)
44. Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy was published in 1621 and expanded and altered in
__________ subsequent editions.
(1) two
(2) four
(3) six
(4) five
45. Which of the following magazines self-consciously created an identity for Vorticists, a group of
painters, sculptors and writers?
(1) Blast
(2) The Egoist
(3) The Criterion
(4) New Age
46. “In every cry of every Man,
In every Infant’s cry of fear,
In every voice, in every ban...”
The figure of speech characterized by repetition of words or group of words at the beginning of
consecutive sentences is called __________.
(1) apostrophe
(2) anaphora
(3) incremental repetition
(4) alliteration
47. At whose behest does the Redcrosse Knight undertake his quest in The Faerie Queene?
(1) Gloriana’s
(2) Una’s
(3) Duessa’s
(4) Prosperine’s
48. In which city did John Ruskin see a paradigm for Victorian Britain?
(1) Vienna
(2) Venice
(3) Rome
(4) Paris
49. Which novel of Kazuo Ishiguro is narrated by a Japanese widow living in England and draws on the
destruction and rehabilitation of Nagasaki?
(1) An Artist of the Floating World
(2) The Unconsoled
(3) A Pale View of Hills
(4) When We Were Orphans
50. Which novel opens thus:
“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anyone else,
these pages must show.”
(1) Tristram Shandy
(2) Lady Audley’s Secret
(3) David Copperfield
(4) Fitz-Boodle’s Confessions
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51. Traces of the Morality plays are discernible in a play like Dr. Faustus, traces such as __________.
(1) vernacular songs adapting secular themes
(2) its soliloquizing protagonist, Good and Bad Angels and its final moral
(3) its refrains from the Corpus Christi Carol, the complaint of Christ, the lover of mankind
(4) its rhythmical prose, and the presence of a larger narrative rhythm in the Morality plays
52. The branch of philosophy that asks the question, ‘How do we know what we know?’ is __________.
(1) ontology
(2) epistemology
(3) eschatology
(4) phenomenology
53. The eighteenth century practice in England of bookselling was midway between direct patronage and
impersonal sales. A patron paid half the cost of a book before publication and half on delivery. The author
of the book received these payments directly. The patron’s name appeared in the preface for the book
published in this manner.
This practice was known as __________.
(1) Subscription
(2) Contribution
(3) Pre-publication
(4) Remaindering
54. Oxford India has published a volume of Premchand translations in English, The Oxford India
Premchand. Who among the following is not one of the translators?
(1) David Rubin
(2) Alok Rai
(3) Gillian Wright
(4) Christopher King
55. Which of the two novels of Jane Austen have the spa town of Bath as a primary location?
(a) Emma
(b) Pride and Prejudice
(c) Northanger Abbey
(d) Persuasion
The right combination according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (d)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (c) and (d)
(4) (a) and (b)
56. In the communicative approach to ELT, the development of language learning or teaching involves a
(a) from form-based to a meaning-based approach.
(b) from an eclectic approach to a rigid method.
(c) from teacher-centred to learner-centred classes.
(d) from broad-based competence to specific needs.
The right combination, according to the Code is:
(1) (b) and (d)
(2) (a) and (d)
(3) (b) and (c)
(4) (a) and (c)
57. The four Moral Essays of Alexander Pope are addressed to carefully selected figures. Identify the
correct group.
(1) Timons, Newton, Martha Blount, Wellington
(2) Lord Cobham, Robert Walpole, Houghton Hall, Chandos
(3) Martha Blount, Lord Cobham, Bathurst, Burlington
(4) William III, John Haydn, Joseph Addison, John Dennis
58. Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children presents the war-torn Europe as its protagonist as
she follows troops with her canteenwagon.
What is the real name of Mother Courage?
(1) Paula Danckert
(2) Anna Fierling
(3) Jane Vanstone
(4) Jani Lauzon
59. From among the following, identify the journal that publishes articles on English language teaching
and learning.
(1) University of Toronto Quarterly
(2) Agenda
(3) TESOL Quarterly
(4) English Language Notes
60. Arrange the following elegies in English in chronological order.
(1) “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” - “Adonais” - “Thyrsis” - “In Memoriam”
(2) “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” - “Adonais” - “In Memoriam” - “Thyrsis”
(3) “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” - “In Memoriam” - “Adonais” - “Thyrsis”
(4) “Adonais” - “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” - “In Memoriam” - “Thyrsis”
61. Who is the only one of Milton’s contemporaries to be mentioned by name in Paradise Lost?
(1) Francis Bacon
(2) Johannes Vermeer
(3) Gallileo
(4) King Charles 1
62. K.S. Maniam is a major writer of Indian origin, writing in English, born and living in Malaysia.
Identify two of his novels from the following list.
(a) The Rice Mother
(b) The Return
(c) Touching Earth
(d) Between Lives
The right combination according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (d)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (c) and (d)
(4) (b) and (d)
Click here to know the UGC NET Exam Previous Year Cut-Off Marks
63. What did Thomas Percy collect in his Reliques?
(1) medieval folklore and lyrics of the Midlands
(2) old songs, ballads, and romances in English and Scots
(3) Highland lore, mostly oral wisdom of the Scots
(4) Romantic idylls, sonnets and odes
64. Nirad Chaudhuri’s Autobiography of an Unknown Indian concludes with an essay on the course of
Indian history. But in the penultimate chapter Chaudhuri concludes the account of events in his life. How
does this narrative end?
(1) Chaudhuri ties the knot with his childhood sweetheart and moves from Calcutta to Delhi
(2) Chaudhuri obtains a job in the military accounts department and gives it up because he finds it soul-
(3) Chaudhuri joins the editorial team of a Calcutta newspaper and is upset over the drudgery of a
reporter’s life.
(4) Chaudhuri rushes to his ancestral village Bangram on receiving the news of the death of his uncle and
recalls his past life.
65. In John Gower’s Confessio Amantis, Amans, the lover makes his confession to the priest named
(1) Verito
(2) Genius
(3) Amor
(4) Phoebe
66. In Eugene Ionesco’s Chairs, the absurdity is not so much in the banal words that are uttered as
(1) in the large scale use of frightening stage props and lightning effects.
(2) in the absurdist interpretation of them by character after character.
(3) in the fact that they are spoken to an ever-growing number of empty chairs.
(4) in the fact that they are spoken time and again by members of the audience.
67. A half-sentence in Purchas his Pilgrimage triggered off “Kubla Khan”. Whose work was Purchas his
(1) Robert Herrick, the poet’s
(2) John Hakluyt’s, the collector of traveller’s tales
(3) Samuel Purchas, the London Parson’s
(4) Edward Purchas, the globe-trotter’s
68. Based on the life of a thirteenth-century troubadour, from among the following identify the work, that
marked a catastrophic failure in Robert Browning’s poetic career, earning him a reputation for
impenetrable difficulty?
(1) Paracelsus
(2) Sordello
(3) The Ring and The Book
(4) Pauline
69. In Tristram Shandy, the Author’s preface __________
(1) is hawked to the highest bidder.
(2) appears in-between chapters 13 and 14 in Volume II.
(3) is printed in italics in all editions.
(4) appears in-between chapters 10 and 11 in Volume I.
70. Evelyn Waugh once complained that T.S. Eliot’s Poems, 1909-1925 was “marvellously good, but very
hard to understand.” The most pessimistic novel Waugh wrote was called __________ and he owed the
title to __________.
(1) Black Mischief - “Sweeney among the Nightingales”
(2) Scoop - “Morning At the Window”
(3) Prancing Nigger - Ash Wednesday
(4) A Handful of Dust - The Waste Land
71. During the years 1830 to 1850, the illusion of peace in Victorian England was broken by such
incidents as ___________.
(1) the Revolution in France and the Chartist Movement in England
(2) the General Strike of 1835 and the Rail Tragedy of 1847
(3) the visionary libertarianism of poets and the lawless embodiment of revolution
(4) the disaster of the Indian Mutiny and the incompetent bungling of the Crimean War
72. Gulliver receives the following response when he boasts about his countrymen:
“... the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the face of the
earth.” Whose response?
(1) The King of Lilliput’s
(2) The King of Brobdingnag’s
(3) The Governor of Glubbdubrib’s
(4) The first of the Houyhnhnms’s he meets
73. In the Inferno Dante, as he travels through the various circles of the hell finds Judas who is unable to
speak. What is the reason behind this?
(1) His tongue is transformed into a coiled snake.
(2) His head is battered and so he cannot open his mouth.
(3) Lucifer is chewing on his head.
(4) His tongue is pulled out and nailed on the tree of sin.
74. Assertion (A): Our reality is linguistic, a language mediated reality.
Reason (R): Our perception and understanding of reality are largely constructed by the words and other
signs we use.
In the light of the statements above,
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.
75. In his book, In Theory, Aijaz Ahmed works out the relations between the three entities:
(1) Classes, Nations, Literatures
(2) Regions, Nation, Languages
(3) State, Religions, Gender
(4) Literature, Print, Theory
76. In 1660, a group of 12 people including Robert Boyle and Christopher Wren formed what they called
the Royal Society. In 1663, it became The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge.
What was the Society’s motto?
(1) “In Him we trust”
(2) “In the words of no one”
(3) “Lighted to lighten”
(4) “Love conquers all”
77. Of whom did W.B. Yeats say that “We were the last Romantics”?
(1) The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
(2) The Imagiste poets
(3) His Friends in the Irish Literary Revival
(4) Himself and his lady love, Maud Gonne
78. Who wrote The Wandering Jew, a poem in four cantos and the short lyric, “The Wandering Jew’s
(1) S.T. Coleridge
(2) Lord Byron
(3) Thomas Gray
(4) P.B. Shelley
79. Where, according to T.S. Eliot, are we likely to find “not only the best, but the most individual parts of
a poet’s work”?
(1) in the poet’s juvenilia or rejected drafts.
(2) in the best anthologies and scrap-books.
(3) in those parts where the dead poets assert their immortality.
(4) in those parts where the living poets depart from their ancestors.
80. Which of the following is true of The Canterbury Tales?
(1) Chaucer, the pilgrim, narrates Sir Thopas’ Tale only.
(2) Chaucer, the pilgrim, narrates The Tale of Melibee only.
(3) Chaucer, the pilgrim, narrates both Sir Thopas’ Tale and The Tale of Melibee.
(4) Chaucer, the pilgrim does attempt to narrate an unnamed tale but abruptly stops due to the
intervention of the other pilgrims.
Click here to know the answers of Frequently Asked Questions for NTA UGC NET December 2019 Exam
81. During the reign of Norman Kings, it was fashionable to speak __________ in upper-class circles in
(1) Norse
(2) Latin
(3) Danish
(4) French
82. Who, among the following, collaborated with Purohit Swami in translating the Ten Principal
Upanishads into English?
(1) Christopher Fry
(2) Aldous Huxley
(3) Lawrence Durrell
(4) W.B. Yeats
83. What unique distinction does Ben Jonson’s “To Penshurst” have in the English literary canon?
(1) It is the only distinguished poem in English addressed to the Lords of Penshurst.
(2) It celebrates Philip Sidney’s elevation to knighthood, Sidney being the youngest scion of the family.
(3) It is one of the first English poems celebrating a specific place, a forerunner to Cooper’s Hill and
(4) It is the first poem in an elegiac series that late Elizabethan poets began on the demise of the Lord of
84. It is well known that in many of his plays, Tom Stoppard has consciously drawn upon earlier, often
reputed, works. Match the following Stoppard plays with earlier works whose spirit seems to have
informed them.
(a) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
(b) Indian Ink
(c) Inspector Hound
(d) Travesties
(i) Hamlet
(ii) A Passage to India
(iii) The Mousetrap
(iv) Importance of Being Earnest
      (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
85. After discovering the truth about his heinous crimes committed in the past, what does Oedipus
request as his punishment?
(1) exile
(2) castration
(3) decapitation
(4) blindness
86. How does Women in Love open?
(1) Rupert Birkin, Lawrence’s alter ego, is taking a walk in the English Countryside.
(2) The Brangwen sisters, Ursula and Gudrun, are “working and talking.”
(3) The wedding party gathers at shortlands, the Criches’s home.
(4) The last lesson is in progress, “peaceful and still” in Ursula’s classroom.
87. Samuel Johnson has the following to say about an English poet:
“These images are marked by glittering accumulations of ungraceful ornaments: they strike, rather than
please. The images are magnified by affectation: the language is laboured into harshness. The mind of
the writer seems to work with unnatural violence - ‘Double, double, toil and trouble’. He has a kind of
strutting dignity, and is tall by walking on tiptoe. His art and his struggle are too visible, and there is too
little appearance of ease and nature.”
Identify the poet.
(1) Thomas Gray
(2) John Dryden
(3) John Milton
(4) Thomas Wyatt
88. “Take the smoking disclaimer issue” begins Vishal Bharadwaj. “Putting a disclaimer every time
somebody smokes on screen is not an answer. If M.F. Hussain had painted a man with a cigar, would you
have asked him to put the disclaimer, ‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’ on the painting”?
The point Bharadwaj makes with his rhetorical question is the following:
(1) The smoking disclaimer is ineffectual because M.F. Hussain’s painting wouldn’t have carried it.
(2) The smoking disclaimer on objects perceived as ‘art’ is simply superfluous.
(3) The smoking disclaimer is ineffectual because ‘art’ entertains but does not instruct.
(4) The smoking disclaimer on screen or on an M.F. Hussain painting distracts us from enjoying art.
89. According to __________, certain verbs actually ‘perform’ an act when they are uttered.
(1) Speech Act theorists such as Austin and Searle.
(2) Russian Formalists such as Shklovsky and Propp.
(3) Language theorists such as Sapir and Whorf.
(4) Cognitive linguists such as Lakoff and Johnson.
90. Haunted castles, strange noises, and an acceptance of the supernatural with all its trappings mark
(1) metafiction
(2) fantasy fiction
(3) epistolary fiction
(4) gothic fiction
91. .... sure it waits upon
Some god o’ th’ island. Sitting on a bank,
Weeping again the King my father’s wrack,
This music crept by me upon the waters,
Allaying both their fury and my passion
With its sweet air. Thence I have followed it,
Or it hath drawn me rather....
Which of the following statements on this passage are true?
(a) These lines, spoken by Edgar in King Lear, are part of a long speech delivered on the heath.
(b) These lines, spoken by Ferdinand in The Tempest, describe Ariel’s music.
(c) The passage reappears in an altered and ironic version in T.S. Eliot’s Waste Land.
(d) The passage reappears verbatim in W.H. Auden’s Sea and the Mirror.
The correct answer according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (d)
(2) (b) and (c)
(3) (c) and (d)
(4) (a) and (c)
92. Arrange the following plays of Shakespeare according to their periods (early, middle, late...) of
(1) As You Like It, Love’s Labours Lost, Antony and Cleopatra, The Tempest, Midsummer Night’s Dream.
(2) Antony and Cleopatra, The Tempest, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Love’s Labours Lost, As You Like It.
(3) Love’s Labours Lost, Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, Antony and Cleopatra, The Tempest.
(4) Midsummer Night’s Dream, Antony and Cleopatra, The Tempest, As You Like It, Love’s Labours Lost.
93. Who among the following is not a reader-response critic?
(1) Maud Bodkin
(2) Hans-Robert Jauss
(3) Stanley Fish
(4) Wolfgang Iser
94. Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina’s closing lines present...
(1) a sad reflection on the unfortunate suicide of Anna which should have been averted.
(2) the enlivening freshness of a rain which has been threatening to break out.
(3) Levin’s affirmation that whatever happens to him, life is not meaningless but unquestionably
(4) Vronsky’s lament over the death of Anna which ends on a positive note, affirming the human tendency
to pass over the tragic events with hope.
95. Which of the following novels begins with a Prologue under the title “The Storming of Seringapatam”,
saying “I address these lines written in India - to my relatives in England”?
(1) The Siege of Krishnapur by J.G. Farell
(2) The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
(3) The Sign of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
(4) The Jewel in the Crown by Paul Scott
96. In “Gerontion”, T.S. Eliot says:
“__________ has many cunning passages, contrived corridors / And issues, deceives with whispering
ambitions, / Guides us by vanities.”
What is Eliot’s subject?
(1) History
(2) Politics
(3) State
(4) Religion
Read the following poem and answer questions 97 to 100.
My students look at me expectantly.
I explain to them that the life of art is a life
of endless labor. Their expressions
hardly change; they need to know
a little more about endless labor.
So I tell them the story of Sisyphus,
how he was doomed to push
a rock up a mountain, knowing nothing
would come of this effort
but that he would repeat it
indefinitely. I tell them
there is joy in this, in the artist’s life,
that one eludes
judgment, and as I speak
I am secretly pushing a rock myself,
slyly pushing it up the steep
face of a mountain. Why do I lie
to these children? They aren’t listening,
they aren’t deceived, their fingers
tapping at the wooden desks -
So I retract
the myth; I tell them it occurs
in hell, and that the artist lies
because he is obsessed with attainment,
that he perceives the summit
as that place where he will live for ever,
a place about to be
transformed by his burden: with every breath,
I am standing at the top of the mountain.
Both my hands are free. And the rock has added
height to the mountain.
(Louise Gluck)
97. Whose poetic voice is triggered right from the beginning?
(1) of student’s
(2) of teacher’s
(3) of critics’
(4) of an observer’s
98. The speaker brings up the story of Sisyphus specifically by way of glossing __________.
(1) art in life
(2) life in art
(3) endless labor
(4) poetic expectation
99. In its context, the words “their fingers / tapping at the wooden desks”, best represent the students’
(1) lack of protest
(2) lack of interest
(3) show of disrespect
(4) show of impatience
100. Why does the speaker say that “the rock has added height to the mountain”?
(1) because the speaker is already on the top of the mountain.
(2) because both the hands of the speaker are now free.
(3) because the mountain now seems largely incomprehensible.
(4) because she feels that the immensity of the problem has grown.
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Answer Key:
Q. No.
Q. No.
Practice makes the man perfect! The more you will practice, the more accuracy you will gain which will
eventually lead you to a high score in the exam. Practice will help you in avoiding silly mistakes and
making unnecessary guess works while attempting NTA UGC NET December 2019 Exam. Therefore,
practicing previous year papers will help you in achieving accuracy and high score in NTA UGC NET
December 2019 Exam.
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SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2018: Document Verification for Shortlisted Candidates on 28 September
SEP 12, 2020 10:57 IST
SSC JE Ppaer 2 Result 2020
SSC JE Paper 2 Result 2018-19 has been released by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for Civil and
Electrical/Mechanical Engineering on its official website on 11 September 2020. The candidates can
download SSC JE Paper 2 Result from the SSC website i.e. ssc.nic.in.
SSC JE Paper 2 Result Link available below. The candidates can check the roll number and name of the
qualified candidates in SSC Junior Engineer Paper 2 through the link.
SSC JE Paper 2 Result Download for Civil PDF
SSC JE Paper 2 Result Download for Electrical/Mechanical PDF
SSC JE Paper 2 Result Notice
Qualified candidates in the exam will now appear for next stage of selection which is document
verification. A total of 4683 candidates have declared qualified in SSC JE Paper 2.  SSC JE DV will
tentatively be conducted  28 September 2020 (Monday).
The candidates are required to download the admit card for document verification. SSC JE DV Admit
Card will be uploaded on the websites of the respective Regional Offices before the conduct of the
document verification.
 The candidates who are unable to download their Admit Cards may contact the concerned Regional
Offices immediately. The responsibility of ensuring the download of the Admit Cards is solely of the
SSC JE Cut-Off 2018
On the basis of cut-off marks (Paper-I + Paper-II) fixed by the Commission, following are the details of the
candidates qualifying for appearing in the Document Verification:
SSC JE Civil Engineering Cut-Off Marks
Cut-off marks (Paper I + Paper II)
Candidates available
SSC JE Civil Engineering Cut-Off Marks
Cut-off marks (Paper I + Paper II)
Candidates available
SSC JE Paper 2 Marks 2020
As per the notice, released by SSC, the marks of all candidates who appeared in the exan will be
uploaded on the Commission’s website on 15 September 2020.
The candidates can check their marks from upto 14 October 2020 by using Registration No. and
Registered Password and thereafter clicking on Result/Marks link on the candidate dashboard.
SSC JE 2 exam was held on 29 December 2020 across various centres in the country. A total of 10635
candidates (Civil: 8697 and Electrical/ Mechanical: 1938) were qualified for appearing in Paper-II
SSC will fill up 1601 vacancies for the post of  Junior Engineer for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quantity
Surveying and Contract in Group- ‘B’(Non-Gazetted).
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