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Role of Social and Economic Infrastructure in Economic Development of Punjab

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ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.


Role of Social and Economic Infrastructure in Economic Development of Punjab

Avinash Kaur1 and Rajinder Kaur2

Assistant Professor1, Professor2
Department of Commerce, Punjabi University, Patiala
Sidhu.avinash@yahoo.com Mobile : 9501631088

Abstract: The paper made an attempt to study the role of  Social Infrastructure: Basic education, primary
social and economic infrastructure in economic health care and banking service. (World Bank,
development of Punjab from 2001-2016. The paper uses 1994)
multiple regression model for finding the impact of
social infrastructure viz. education & health and Infrastructure is broadly classified into:
economic infrastructure on the NSDP per capita. The
 Social Infrastructure is that infrastructure that
study found that there exists a significant impact of the
health infrastructure index and the economic
assists in stimulating the educational, health
infrastructure index on economic development; however related and culture related standards of the
insignificant impact of education infrastructure index on people, like we can say schools, colleges,
the economic development of Punjab. The study universities, hospitals, museums etc.
concluded that that economic infrastructure has shown  Economic Infrastructure is that infrastructure
better growth as compare to social infrastructure. that contributes in encouraging the economic
activities, such as roads, highways, railroads,
Keywords: Social infrastructure, health, education, electricity, telecommunications, water supply
economic infrastructure, Punjab. etc.
INTRODUCTION Infrastructure facilitates economic development of
Infrastructural development is one of the major any region. All the sectors of infrastructure are
sources for economic development of any country. necessary for the human existence and social
The proper quality and adequate infrastructural wellbeing. Like energy is one of the most important
facilities ensure the high standard of living as well constituent of economic infrastructure and is a
as also helps in improving productivity and basic resource, without which human existence is
efficiency. impossible. Similarly, transport sector comprising
of railways, road network, shipping and airways; is
According to the World Bank, Infrastructure is an an essential component of economic growth and
umbrella concept involving many activities referred social development of the country. In the same
to as ‘Social Overhead Capital’. It includes: manner for the agricultural development of any
 Public Utilities: Power, telecommunication, nation, the irrigation system is very indispensable.
piped water supply, sanitation and sewerage , The social infrastructure provides facilities which
solid waste collection and disposal and piped improve the quality of human life. It is thus, rightly
gas; said that expenditure on education, training &
 Public Works: Roads and major dams and research and improvement of health contributes to
canal works for irrigation and drainage; raising of quality of population and hence to
 Other Transport Sectors: Urban and inter- productivity.
urban railways, urban transport, ports and
water ways and airports; and


Sr. Author Title Focus/ Findings

1. Prakash (1977) Regional Inequalities and Economic Growth The study found that there were
with Special Reference to Infrastructural disparities in the states of India in
Facilities terms of infrastructure and the
regions with stronger infrastructural
base the potential to grow more
rapidly as compared to others.

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

Sr. Author Title Focus/ Findings

2. Kang (1985) Inter District Disparities in Social Services in The study found that in social
Punjab services Hoshiarpur, Rupnagar,
Kapurthala and Patiala were
developed, while Jalandhar,
Ludhiana, Amritsar and Gurdaspur
were average districts and Faridkot,
Ferozpur, Sangrur and Bathinda were
backward districts.
3. Lall (1999) The Role of Public Investments in Regional The study highlighted that
Development –Experience of Indian States. investment in social infrastructure
had the closest linkages with
economic growth across lagging,
intermediate and leading states.
4. Kapil (2009) Role of Infrastructure in Economic The study found that inter- state
Development in India: An Inter State Analysis disparities have reduced especially
after liberization. The study showed
that there was a positive relationship
between infrastructure and economic
5. Wolassa (2012) Infrastructure Investment and Economic Growth The study found that there existed a
in South Africa: A Granger Casuality Analysis. strong two way casual relationship
between economic infrastructure
investment and public sector
6. Kumar & Singla Regional Disparities in India: A Study of Pre- The study revealed that regional
(2013) and Post-Reform Periods. disparities had reduced in indicators
such as Gross State Domestic
Product growth rate, cash-deposit
ratio, literacy rate and population
growth rate from pre-reform period
(1980-81) to post –reform period
7. Chotia and Rao Examining the Inter-linkages between Regional The study found that there existed a
(2015) Infrastructure Disparities, Economic Growth and negative correlation between Per
Poverty: A Case of Indian States. Capita Net State Domestic Product
and poverty data and there existed a
positive correlation between Per
Capita Net State Domestic Product
and Composite Infrastructure Index
8. Bala (2017) Role of health, education and physical The study found that the overall
infrastructure in Punjab and Haryana from 1971 economic development index of the
to 2012. Punjab state is better than that of the
Haryana state.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY For the purpose of the study eight variables are
taken i.e. four from social infrastructure and four
 To examine the growth of health infrastructure
from economic infrastructure. The social
index, education infrastructure index and
infrastructure is classified into two broad categories
economic infrastructure index of Punjab for
namely Health and Education. Under health
the period from 2001-02 to 2015-16
infrastructure, the following two variables are
 To investigate the role played by the social and
economic infrastructure in economic
development of Punjab.

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

 Total number of medical institutions per lakh In order to calculate the Factor loading, Principal
of population-X1 Component Analysis method (Factor Analysis) is
 Number of hospital beds per lakh of used.
population-X2 Multiple Regression Model
Under education infrastructure, the two variables For the purpose of the study multiple regression
undertaken are as follows: model is used. Regression model is carried out in
 Number of schools per lakh of population-X3 order to determine the factors of per capita income,
 Number of colleges per lakh of population-X4 through following equation:

While under economic infrastructure four LnYt = a +β1LnX1 + β2LnX2 + β3LnX3

variables undertaken are as given below: Where, βis the regression coefficient , ‘t’ is the
 Road length per 100 Sq. Km-X5 time period varying from 2001-02 to 2015-16,
 Vehicles registered per lakh of population-X6 LnX1 to LnX3 are natural logarithm of the
 Annual per capita consumption of Electricity independent variables, namely, education
infrastructure index, health infrastructure index and
economic infrastructure index and LnYt is the
 Per capita generated capacity of Electricity
natural logarithm of per capita income.
Compound Growth Rate
For the economic development Net State Domestic
Product per capita is considered. Compound Growth Rate of these indicators in
Punjab for the said period have been calculated by
fitting the the exponential function of the type
The present study is based on the secondary data.
Yt = ABt eu
For the purpose of this study, the data on the Net
State Domestic Product per capita, education,
Y= value of dependent variables
health and economic infrastructure have been
t=time variable
collected from the various issues of Statistical
A & B = constants
Abstract of Punjab, Economic Survey of Punjab
and Punjab at a glance for the time period of 2001- Table 1 shows the Net State Domestic Product per
02to 2015-16. capita income of Punjab for the period from 2001-
02 to 2015-16. The Net State Domestic Product are
Education infrastructure index, Health
considered as the most important single economic
infrastructure index and Economic
indicator to measure the economic development of
Infrastructure Index
an economy. It determines both the absolute and
The Education, the Health and the Economic relative performance of the economy of the state.
Infrastructure Indices are computed using the
Table 1
following equation:
NSDP Per Capita Income of Punjab
Index= Year NSDP per capita
W1*X1+W2*X2+W3*X3+……………+Wn*Xn 2001-2002
Where; X1, X2, X3 and Xn are different variables 2002-2003 294.4282
of the infrastructure. W1, W2, W3 and Wn are 2003-2004 311.922
weights assigned to the different variables. 2004-2005 331.0304
To calculate the weights following method is used: 2005-2006 361.9898
2006-2007 418.8334
Wi = Fik .Vk 2007-2008 493.8096
Where, 2008-2009 553.1608
2009-2010 618.0475
Wi = Weights of the ith Variable,
2010-2011 695.8235
Fik = Factor loading of ith variable and kth Factor, 2011-2012 809.0015
reflecting highest correlation between Xi and Factor 2012-2013 943.1837
k,and 2013-2014 1038.312
Vk = Variation explained by kth factor. 2014-2015 1088.969
2015-2016 1192.61
Source : Statistical Abstract of Punjab.

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

Gross State Domestic Product is the sum total of important condition for productivity and growth of
economic value of all goods and services produced an economy. Therefore, there is a positive
within the geographical boundary of the state, after association between the health of the people and
deducting the necessary inputs consumed in the the economic development of any nation. The two
process of production and Financial Intermediation variables considered for this purpose of the study
Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM). From this are: number of medical institutions per lakh of
GSDP, Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC) is population and number hospital beds per lakh of
deducted to arrive at the Net State Domestic population. The health infrastructure index is
Product. That part of the fixed capital assets, which computed by using the following equation:
used in the process of production is known as the
Health infrastructure index= W1 * X1 + W2*X2
Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC) or
Depreciation. The per capita income of the state is Where, X1 is number of medical institutions per
calculated by dividing Net State Domestic Product lakh of population, X2 is number hospital beds per
with the mid -year estimated population of the lakh of population and W1 & W2 are weights as
state,. Per Capita Income represents the annual calculated in table 2.
income of each person of society within a specific
The results indicate that there is a continuous fall in
geographical boundary at a given time
the number of medical institutions and hospital
Table 2 shows the health infrastructure index of beds as compared to increase in population in
Punjab for the period 2001-2015-16. Health is Punjab. As a consequence of this of this the health
considered as an important element for the socio- infrastructure index also shows a decreasing trend
economic development of any nation. It is a most in Punjab during the study period.
Table 2
Health infrastructure Index of Punjab
Year X1- Medical X2-Beds in hospital Health Infrastructure
Institutions per lakh of Per lakh of Population index
2001-2002 11.63 102.98 23.04
2002-2003 11.49 101.26 22.69
2003-2004 11.27 99.03 22.21
2004-2005 11.06 96.85 21.74
2005-2006 10.86 95.09 21.35
2006-2007 10.60 94.46 21.10
2007-2008 10.42 92.75 20.72
2008-2009 10.23 91.07 20.35
2009-2010 9.52 76.41 17.61
2010-2011 9.36 74.45 17.21
2011-2012 9.89 80.86 18.53
2012-2013 9.71 81.99 18.61
2013-2014 9.67 82.30 18.63
2014-2015 9.80 83.01 18.82
2015-2016 9.35 78.85 17.90
Source: Statistical Abstract of Punjab
Economic Survey of Punjab
Table 3 shows the education infrastructure index of population and number of colleges per lakh of
Punjab for the period 2001-2015-16. Education population. The health infrastructure index is
index indicates the development of any nation. computed by using the following equation:
Education is one of the major indicator of social Educational Index= W3 * X3 + W4*X4
infrastructure which is helpful for both individual Where, X3 is number of schools per lakh of
as well as national development. Education is the population, X4 is number of colleges per lakh of
way of bringing qualitative improvement in the population and W3 & W4 are weights as calculated
standard of living of people. in table 3.
The two variables considered for this purpose of
the study are: number of schools per lakh of

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

Table 3 Education Infrastructure Index of Punjab

Year X3- Number of schools X4-Number of Education

per lakh of population colleges per lakh of infrastructure
population index
2001-2002 79.15 0.83 39.79
2002-2003 79.91 0.83 40.17
2003-2004 77.28 0.82 38.85
2004-2005 76.26 0.82 38.20
2005-2006 74.80 0.88 37.62
2006-2007 73.44 0.86 36.93
2007-2008 68.35 0.84 34.38
2008-2009 74.23 0.84 37.32
2009-2010 81.47 0.82 40.95
2010-2011 80.59 0.81 40.50
2011-2012 108.70 0.86 54.59
2012-2013 107.26 0.84 53.87
2013-2014 101.1 1.48 50.89
2014-2015 98.6 1.54 49.65
2015-2016 98.4 1.59 49.56
Source: Statistical Abstract of Punjab, various issues.
The results revealed that there is stability in the education infrastructure index during the study period. It is
inferred that the new schools and colleges have been opened as per the requirement of the increased population,
during the study period. It is seen that the growth of number of colleges is better as compared to the number of
Table 4 shows the economic infrastructure index of Punjab for the period 2001-2015-16. Economic
infrastructure refers to the basic facilities required for any economy to function and sustain. Economic
infrastructure is a comprehensive term and it embraces the facilities like electricity, piped gas,
telecommunication, piped water, sanitation, sewerage system, solid waste collection, roads, railways, airports,
seaports, irrigation etc.
Table 4 Economic Infrastructure Index
Year X5-Road X6- Vehicles X7-Annual Per X8- Per capita Economic
length per registered per capita generated capacity infrastructure
100 sq.km lakh of consumption of of Electricity (in index
population Electricity KWH)
(in KWH)
2001-2002 100.45 12603.49 835.69 901.16 7687.732
2002-2003 101.90 13190.07 849.30 867.75 8026.447
2003-2004 101.90 13817.92 839.09 911.06 8375.596
2004-2005 101.90 13817.92 882.35 818.69 8400.083
2005-2006 101.90 14516.70 938.90 930.13 8834.003
2006-2007 110.52 15231.06 1008.67 843.65 9279.901
2007-2008 114.31 16638.73 1128.50 923.09 10153.57
2008-2009 118.83 17243.03 1085.60 954.44 10468.91
2009-2010 122.38 18483.10 1167.16 964.80 11221.34
2010-2011 125.86 19672.55 1167.16 945.95 11892.3
2011-2012 133.55 22552.47 1154.18 1046.49 13513.32
2012-2013 136.77 23952.82 1272.20 926.90 14375.03
2013-2014 239.11 26201.71 1277.08 880.81 15661.01
2014-2015 241.39 28511.45 1275.07 697.79 16957.12
2015-2016 240.97 30781.41 1376.92 586.05 18298.86
Source : 1.Statistical Abstract of Punjab
2. Economic Survey of Punjab.
3. Punjab at a Glance.

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

The four variables taken for the study are: Road annual per capita consumption of electricity, X8 is
length per 100 sq.km,Vehicles registered per lakh per capita generated capacity of electricity and W5,
of population, annual per capita consumption of W6,W7 & W8 are weights as calculated in table 4.
electricity and per capita generated capacity of The results of table 4 indicated that the various
electricity. The economic infrastructure index is indicators of economic infrastructure increases with
computed by using the following equation: the increase in population. It is observed that all the
indicators chosen for the purpose of the study
Economic infrastructure Index= W5 * X5 +
showed an increasing trend. The economic
W6*X6+ W7*X7+W8*X8
infrastructure index in 2001-02 was 7687.732;
Where, X5 is Road length per 100 sq.km, X6 is which rose to 18298.86 in 2015-16.
Vehicles registered per lakh of population, X7 is

Table 5
Factor Analysis Results of Social and Economic Infrastructure in Punjab

Indicator Factor1 Factor 2 Communa Weights Weights

lities (%)
Number of medical institutions per 0.822 -0.120 0.933
lakh of population- X1 0.5782 20.673
Number of hospital beds per lakh of -0.964 0.822 0.930
population- X2 0.1585 5.666
Number of schools per lakh of 0.712 0.312 0.604
population- X3 0.5009 17.907
Number of colleges per lakh of 0.388 0.897 0.955
population- X4 0.1729 6.183
Roads per 100 sq. km- X5 0.576 0.792 0.958 0.1527 5.459
Number of vehicles registered per 0.802 0.583 0.984
lakh of population- X6 0.5642 20.170
Annual per capita consumption of 0.905 0.349 0.940
electricity (KWH)- X7 0.6366 22.761
Per capita generated capacity of 0.047 -0.930 0.867
electricity (KWH)- X8 0.0331 1.182
Variance (%) 70.346 19.279 Total 2.7971 100

Cumulative Variance (%) 70.346 89.625 CV(%) 69.244

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measures of sampling adequacy= 0.716
Significance level of Barlett’s Test of sphericity= 0.0

Table 5 shows the results of factor analysis of than 70 percent suggesting the two ‘Factors’
social and economic infrastructure in Punjab. In derived are sufficient to account for most of the
order to test the suitability of factor analysis for the variations.
data, KMO and Barlett’s Test statistics are
computed. It is observed the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Table 6 revealed the growth rate of different
(KMO) & Barlett’s Test is significant, thus indicators in Punjab. The growth rate of Net State
application of Factor Analysis is possible. First and Domestic Product per capita shows 11.95% growth
second factor explained 70.346 per cent and 19.279 and the growth of economic infrastructure index is
per cent of variance respectively. These two factors found to be 6.53%. Thus, it can be said that with
together explained 89.625 percent of total variance. the increase in population there is correspond
Communalities of all the factors expect number of increase in Net State Domestic Product and
schools per lakh of population (60.4%), are more economic infrastructure.

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

Table 6
Growth Rate of Different Indicators in Punjab (2001-02 to 2015-16)

Indicator Growth Rate t-value (p-value) F-statistic R square

NSDP per Capita 11.95% 31.02 962.55 98.6%
income (0.000) (0.000)
Health -1.90% -6.72 45.28 77.6%
infrastructure (0.000) (0.000)
Education 2.53% 3.89 15.13 53.7%
infrastructure (0.003) (0.000)
Economic 6.53% 21.64 468.14 97.2%
Infrastructure Index (-0.000) (0.000)
Source : Statistical Abstract of Punjab, Various issues.

As regards the education infrastructure index, the independent variables namely; health infrastructure
results indicate that the growth is found to be index, education infrastructure index and economic
2.53% ; on the other hand health infrastructure infrastructure index. The results indicated that the
index depicts negative growth in Punjab i.e. -1.90% p-value of t-statistic is found to be less than 5%
growth rate. The negative growth of health sector level of significance in case of Economic
indicates that the growth of health sector is lower infrastructure index and Health infrastructure index
as compared to with increase in population,. of Punjab. Hence, it is inferred that with 95 per
cent confidence level, there exists a significant
In table 7 the multiple regression model is carried
impact of the health infrastructure index and the
out in order to determine the determinants of per
economic infrastructure index on the economic
capita income from 2001-02 to 2015-16 with three
development of Punjab.

Table 7
Regression Model of Punjab (2001-02 to 2015-16)
Model Coefficient t-value p-value VIF
Constant -2.228 -2.890 0.016 -
Log HI -0.890 -2.923 0.015 2.892
Log EI -0.043 -0.234 0.082 3.039
Log Eco I 1.533 11.015 0.000 5.475

R-square 98.9%
F-statistic 291.859
p-value 0.000
Source: Statistical Abstract of Punjab, Various Issues.
Note: HI is Health Infrastructure Index, EI is Education Infrastructure Index and Eco I is Economic
Infrastructure Index.

On the other hand, in case of education CONCLUSION

infrastructure index the p-value of t-statistic is
The study concluded that Punjab is having better
more than 0.05, which depicts insignificant impact
growth in terms of education and economic
of education infrastructure index on the economic
infrastructure, while in case of health negative
development of Punjab. The R square value
growth is observed. So it is required that states
indicates that 98.9 per cent of the variance in the
should improve its health facilities in order to
economic development of Punjab can be explained
improve overall development of the state. It is
with the help of health infrastructure index,
observed that with 95 per cent confidence level,
education infrastructure index and economic
there exists a significant impact of the health
infrastructure index.
infrastructure index and the economic
infrastructure index; however it depicts
insignificant impact of education infrastructure

International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018
ISSN : 2454-2415 Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2018 May, 2018 DOI 11.25835/IJIK-53 www.doie.org

index on the economic development of Punjab. The recorded that economic infrastructure has shown
health infrastructure index of Punjab is found with better growth as compare to social infrastructure.
negative growth rates when calculated with The study concluded that along with the
regression model for the period 2001-02 to 2015- development of economic infrastructure emphasis
16. Hence, it is required that the state should should be made on social infrastructure. Social
improve its health facilities in order to improve its infrastructure is equally important for the overall
economic development. Moreover, it is also development of the economy.

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International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, 6(5) May, 2018

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