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A Level Physics

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The document discusses concepts related to alternating current including definitions of terms, relationships between peak values and RMS values of current and voltage, and the power absorbed when an AC passes through a resistor.

Some terms defined are alternating current, peak value, frequency, period, RMS value, and sinusoidal voltage/current.

Measuring instruments described include the repulsive type of moving iron ammeter, attractive type of moving ammeter, hot wire meter, thermocouple meter, and rectifier meter.



1a) Define the following terms.
i) Alternating current
ii) Peak value of alternating current
iii) Peak value of alternating voltage
iv) Frequency
v) Period
vi) Root mean square value of alternating current
vii) Root mean square value of alternating voltage
viii) Sinusoidal voltage/current
b) When can an alternating current be refered to as being sinusoidal.
c) Describe the following measuring meters with the aid of a labelled diagrams.
i) Repulsive type of a moving iron ametter
ii) Attractive type of a moving ammeter
iii) Hot wire meter
iv) thermocouple meter
v) Rectifier meter
d)I) Give advantages and disadvantages of using a moving iron ammeter.
ii) Explain why a moving coil ammeter is not suitable for measuring a.c.
2.a) show that the root mean square value of alternating current is given by Irms=
b) describe the relationship between the root mean square value of a.v and peak value.
(hint vrms= )
3.a) show that when a sinusoidal alternating current I = Im sin wt flow through a resistor of
resistance R, the power P absorbed in form of heat is P= IrmsVrms
b) A resistor of resistance 200Ω is connected across an alternating voltage V= 40sin 160πt
i) find the frequency of the alternating voltage ( Ans: 80HZ)
ii) calculate the mean power dissipated in the resistor (Ans: 4W)
c) A resistor of resistance 200Ω is connected across an alternating voltage V= 40sin 140πt
i) find the frequency of the alternating voltage ( Ans: 70HZ)
ii) calculate the mean power dissipated in the resistor (Ans: 4W)
4.a) an alternating current I = 400sin 100πt is flowing in a circuit containing a resistor of
resistance 50Ω.
Find (i) the peak value of the alternating current.
(ii) the frequency of the supply.
(Ans: 20A, 50Hz)

b) A sinusoidal voltage V = 340 sin 120πt volts is connected across a 40Ω resistor. Find the
(i) amplitude of the current through the resistor
(ii) average power developed in the resistor (Ans:8.5A, 1445W)
c) a resistor of 300Ω is connected to 240V a.c supply. Find the amplitude of the current
through the resistor.
(Ans:Im = 0.8A)

d) An alternating current I =20sin (100πt), flows through a resistor of resistance 120Ω.

Find the; (i) root mean square value of the alternating current

(ii) mean power dissipated by the resistor.

(Ans: Irms=14.142, P=1697.04W)

e) the voltage given by V= 340sin 100πt is applied across the terminal of the 90Ω resistor.what
is the total energy dissipated by the resistor over a period of 2 minutes.

(Ans: E = 77066.6667 J)

5a) A sinusoidal alternating voltage V= 170sin 120πt is applied across a resistor of resistance

Determine; (i) r.m.s value of the current which flows

(ii) frequency of the current through the resistor.

(Ans: 1.2A, 60Hz)

b) A sinusoidal a.c I= 4sin 100πt flows through a resistor of resistance 2.0Ω. Find the mean
power dissipated in the resistor Hence deduce the r.m.s value of the current.

(Ans: 16W , 2√ 2)

c) A sinusoidal alternating voltage V= 340 sin 120πt is applied across a resistor of resistance
40Ω .
Determine the; (i) Amplitude of the current which flows
(ii) Average power developed in the resistor
6.a) A current I = 8sin 100πt amperes is maintained in heating coil immersed in 20kg of
water. The resistance of the coil is 50Ω.
Find the temperature raise obtained in 5 mintes.
(Ans: 5.70C)
b) A circuit of resistor of resistance,R, and it is connected to a source of p.d given by V=Vo
sin wt.
(i) derive an expression of current at any time t.
(ii) sketch the variation of current with time on the same axes and use your graph to
explain the phase difference between I and V.
7.a) i) A source of a sinusoidal voltage of amplitude Vm and frequency,f, is connected
across a capacitor of capacitance c. derive an expression for the instatenous current which
ii) with reference to the circuit in a (i), sketch using the same axes, graphs to show the
variation of voltage V and current I with time.
b) define the term capacitive reactance and using graph show its variation with frequency, f,
and capacitace C
c) Explain why a capacitor stores zero power in one complete cycle.Type equation here .
8.a) An alternating current is applied across a capacitor of capacitance, c,
i) show that the voltage lags behind the current by 90o.
ii) Find the expression for capacitive reactance in terms of frequency, f, and capacitance,c.
iii) calculate the root mean square value of an alternating current generated in the circuit
given that V = 60×10-2 sin 720πt and capacitance, C = 0.1µF.
(Ans: 9.6×10-5A)
b) Explain why alternating current apparently flows through a capacitor whereas direct
current does not.
c) A sinusoidal alternating voltage of 8.0 vrms of frequency 1.5 HZ is applied to a capacitor
of capacitance 4 µF. calculate the root mean square value of current.
(Ans: 3.02×10-4A)
9.a) the instatenous value of a sinusoidal a.v V = 330 sin 120πt is applied across a 20 µF
capacitor. Calculate the;
(i) root mean square value of the voltage
(ii) reactance of the circuit
(Ans: 233.35V, 132.6291Ω)
b) A 1.5 µF capacitor is connected across an a.c supply opeating at a p.d.v 240Vrms and
frequency 50 Hz. Calculate the;
(i) Maximum charge stored by the capacitor
(ii) Root mean square value in the circuit current.
(Ans: 5.912×10-4C, 0.1131A)
c)i) A capacitor of 0.1 µF is a series with an a.c source of frequency, f=500Hz. If the r.m.s
value of current flowing is 6mA. Calculate the voltage across the capacitor.
(Ans: 19.099V)
ii) a sinusoidal voltage of r.m.s value of 10V is supplied across a 50 µF capacitor
(Ans: 7.0711×10-4C)
b) draw a sketch graph of charge Q on the capacitor against time.
d) 100v,50Hz

24 µF
A 100 V, 50 Hz a.c supply is connected across a capacitor of 24 µF as shown above.
(i) Calculate the reactance of the circuit
(ii) Sketch the graph to show the time dependence of the applied voltage and the current
in the circuit.
(Ans: 7.54×10-3Ω ¿
10.a) an alternating voltage of 12V and variable frequency, f, is connected in series with a
capacitor of capacitance,c,.
(i) Explain why current apparently flows through the capacitor .
(ii) calculate the value of the current in the circuit when f and C are 1KHZ and 0.5 µF
respectively. (Ans: 0.0377A)
b)i) A sinusoidal alternating voltage V=Vm sin 2πft is applied across a pure capacitor of
capacitance C . deduce an expression for the reactance Xc of the capacitor.
ii) a 10 µF capacitor is connected in series with an alternating current supply operating at a
voltage of 240 Vr.m.s and alternating at frequency of 60 Hz. Find the;
a) maximum stored charge
b) root mean square value of the alternating current in the circuit.
(Ans: 3.394×10-3C , 0.905A)
c) A capacitor of capacitance 2 µF is connected to an a.c source of current 2mA and frequency
100HZ. Calculate the;
(i) capacitive reactance
(ii) Voltage across the plates of the capacitor
(iii) reactance if the frequency is 140HZ.
(Ans: 795.8Ω, 1.6V, 568.4Ω)
d) A capacitor of capacitance , C and infinite resistance is connected across an a.c source
whose p.d is given by V= Vo cos wt and frequency f.
i) Find the expression for the charge and current
ii) Using the same axes ,show the applied voltage and current in the circuit may vary
with time and comment on this variation.
iii) Find the expression for reactance of the circuit and sketch its variation with
11.a) An alternating current,I, is driven through a coil of inductance L as shown below.

the instatenous value of I is given by I = Im sin 2πft where Im is its amplitude and f is the
(i) Derive an expression for the voltage V across the coil.
(ii) Show on the same sketch graph.how V and I vary with time.
b) I) define inductive reactance
ii)A source of sinusoidal current of amplitude Im and frequency,f, is connected across a
pure indicator of inductance,l. derive an expression for the peak voltage across the
Iii)sketch using the same axes graphs to show the variation of voltage across the indicator
and current through it with time.
c)i) derive an expression for the power absorbed in apure indicator connected across an a.c
source of voltage V= Vm sin 2πft volts.
ii) Explain why for a pure indicator of applied alternating voltage leads alternating current
flows through it by a phase angle of 900 or radians.
12)a). Explain why on average, the power derivered to the indicator in one cycle is zero.
b)i) show that the energy stored n an inductor carrying current is given by E= LIm2
ii) A coil with a resistance of 6.0Ω and an inductance of 30mH is connected to a 12V
supply. What is the energy stored in the coil when the current has reached its equilibrium value.
(Ans: 0.06J)
c) An inductor of inductance L is connected across an a.c supply operating at a sinusoidal
voltage V= Vo sin wt.
Derived an expression for a circuit alternating current flowing use it to deduce the
expression for the reactance of inductor in terms of frequency,f, of the supply.
d) A sinusoidal alternating voltage of 8.0 Vrms of frequency 1.5HZ is applied to a coil of
inductance 0.5H. calculate the rootmean square value of the current.
(Ans: Irms= 1.6995×10-3A)
13.a) A sinusoidal alternating voltage of frequency 80Hz is applied across a coil of wire of
inductance 0.6H and negligible resistance.find the reactance of the col at this frequency. (Ans:
XL = 301.44Ω)
b) derive an expression for the inductive reactance of a pure inductor having a current I = Im
sin wt flowing through it and sketch a phasor diagram of the inductor.
c) a sinusoidally alternating voltage of 50V and frequency 60Hz is applied across a coil of wire
of inductance 0.4H and negligible resistance.
i) find the reactance of the coil at this frequency.
ii) calculate the rot mean square value of the current which passes through the coil. (Ans:
150.7964Ω, 0.3316A)
d)i) an alternating current from the mains connected across an inductor of inductance 2.0H
causes a current I= 5.0 sin 100πt amperes to through the inductor.find the r.m.s of the applied
voltage. (Ans: V= 2221.4218V)
ii)A coil of inductance 5H has negligible resistance and is connected to a 12 Vrms supply source
of frequency 50Hz.calculate the inductive reactance of the coil.
(Ans: 1570.8Ω)
14.a) A pure inductor of inductance 1H is connected across an alternating voltage of 115V and
frequency 60HZ.calculate the;
i) inductive reactance
ii) inductive current
iv) Peak current
v) Average power consumed (Ans: 337Ω,0.31A,0.44A, zero)
b) An a.c circuit of inductor of inductance L and its connected to a source of pd.v given by
V = Vo sin wt
i) Derive an expression current at any time t,
ii) Sketch the variation of current with time on the same axes and use your graph to
explain the phase difference between I and V.
15.a) define the following terms
i) impedance
ii) resonant frequeny
b) An air cored coil of inductance 2H of resistance 50Ω is placed in series with the resistor
of resistance 450Ω and an a.c supply operating at a p.d of 240 Vr.m.s and frequency of
50Hz.find the;
i) Circuit curret flowing
ii) Phase angle by which the supply alternating voltage leads the current.
iii) P.d across the coil and resistor
iv) Power dispated in the circuit.
0.2988A,57.499 ,188.41V,134.46V,44.64072W)
c) A coil of self inductance 4.0Hz.
d) When can an alternating current be refered to as being sinusoidal
e) A coil of inductance 4.0H and resistance 16Ω is connected across an a.c source of e.m.f
V= 339.42 sin 100πtdetermine the;
i) Root mean square voltage
ii) Root mean square current flowing in the circuit
iii) Impedance of the circuit, the phase angle and power factor.
(Ans: 240V,0.19A,1256.7Ω)
f) A resistor 300Ω is connected in series with a 12.5µF capacitor and an a.c source
operating at a rate of f= ( )Hz and p.d.v of 240Vr.m.s. find the;
i) Circuit current
ii) Phase angle by which the current leads the voltage
iii) The p.d,v, across each of the resistor of the capacitor.
(Ans: 0.48A, 53.130,192V,144V)
g) An inductor of inductance 2.0H and resistance 80Ωis connected in series with an electric
kettle of having a coil of resistance 420Ω and a 240V mains at a frequency of 50Hz. Find
i) Current flowing through the circuit.
ii) Phase angle between the applied p.d and the current.
(No ans;)
16.a) a pure capacitor of capacitance 20µf and 100Ω resistor connected in series with a 240V,
50Hz supply. Calculate the;
i) impedance of the circuit
ii) power dispated.
b) A 1000µf capacitor is joined in series with a 2.5v,0.30A lamp and 50Hz supply. Calcite
i) Pd (rms) of the suppl to light the lamp to its normal brightness
ii) P.ds across the capacitor and the resistor respectively.
(Ans: 2.7V, 0.96V,2.5V)
c) A 2.0H inductor of resistance 80Ωis connected in series with a 420Ω resistor and a
240V,50Hz supply. Find the;
i) Current in the circuit
ii) Phase angle between the applied pd and the current.
(Ans: 0.30A, 520)
d) A circuit consists of a 200µH inductor of resistance 10Ω in series with a variable
capacitor and 0.10V(rms), 1.0MHz supply. Calculate the;
i) Capacitance to give resonance
ii) P.ds across the inductor and the capacitor at resonance.
17.a) an inductor of inductance,L, and a capacitor of capacitance,c, are connected in series across
a sinusoidal a.c supply. The circuit has a resonant frequency of 600Hz.
i) sketch the graph to show how the impedance of the circuit varies with frequency when the
frequency of the supply is increased from low value to about
ii) By considering the reactances in the circuit,show that the resonant frequency,f,is
given by; f=
2 π √ LC
A capacitor of resistance,C, is connected in series wit a low rated filament bulb and an a.c
supply. Explain what is observed when a piece of glass acting as a dielectric is inserted
between the capacitor plates.
A resistor of resistance 300Ω and inductor of inductance of 2.5H and a capacitor of
capacitance 20.833µf are connected with an a.c supply at a p.d of 240V(rms) and
alternating at F=( )Hz in series.
For the current circuit above, find the;
i) Circuit current
ii) Phase angle between supply p.d(v) and circuit current I.
iii) P.d across each component
iv) Power dissipated in the current in form of heat.
d) A capacitor of capacitance,C, a coil of inductance, L, and resistance, R and lamp are
placed in series with an alternating voltage, V, its frequency f is varied from a low to a
high value while the magnitude of V is kept constant.
i) Describe and explain how the the brightness of the lamp varies.
If V = 0.01Vr.m.s and C= 0.4µf, L= 0.4H,R = 10 Ω. Calculate the;
ii) Resonant frequency
iii) Maximum current
iv) The voltage across C at resonance.
(Ans: 400Hz,0.001A,1V)
c) A circuit consists of a capacitor of 2µf and a resistor of 100 Ω. An alternating e.m.f of 12
Vrms and frequency 50HZ is applied. Find;
i) Current flowing
ii) Voltage across the capacitor
iii) Phase angle between the applied emf and current.
iv) Averge power supplied.
18.a) define the term rectification
b) with the aid of the labelled diagram, describe how a rectifier meter wire.
c) give two types of rectification and explain each of them with their corresponding graphs
d) Explain why we rectify.


18.a) define the following terms
i) self induction
ii) mutual inductance
b) A coil of many turns of wire is connected in parallel with an electric bulb an a.c supply as
shown below.
Exaplain what happens to the bulb when switch is;
i) Closed
ii) Opened
c) A bulb is concede in series with an inductive coil a d.c source as shown below
d) A coil of a wire is connected in parallel with an electric bulb to a d.c source as shown in
the figure below
At the instant switch k is closed, the bulb fashes briefly for a short time and the goes.
Explain the observation.
19.a) in the circuit below A and B are identical bulbs.
i) Sketch using the same axes, the time variation of current through each bulb when switch
k is closed
ii) Explain the features of the curve in (i)
The figure above show a circuit consisting of an air coredcoil, L, a bulb and an
alternating voltage soyrce connected in series.
An iron core is introduced in to the coil.Explain why the;
i) Bulb becomes dimmer
ii) Iron core becomes warm.
the figure shows a pure conductor coil, a charged capacitor, c, connected in series with
switch k. briefly describe what happens when switch k is closed.
Using the figures above , Explain what happens when switch k is closed.
e) An iron cored coil having a low resistance and high inductance is connected in serieswith
a filament lamp P. the coil and the lamp are then connected across a d.c supply as shown
Explain what is observed when switch K is closed and then opened.
1. define the following terms as applied to capacitor
i) capacitor
ii) dielectric material
iii) capacitance of a capacitor
iv) farad
v) dielectric constant / relative permittivity of a material
vi) dielectric strength
2.a) i) state the uses of a dielectric
ii) explain the effect of placing a dielectric between the capacitor plates.
b) State the desirable properties of a dielectric material
c) Explain briefly how a capacitor can be;
i) Fully charged
ii) Fully charged
d) I) sketch the graphs of p.d(v) against time during the charging and discharging the
ii) Sketch the graphs of current against time during the charging and discharging the
iii) Explain work is always done by battery in charging capacitor.
e) Describe an experinment to show the vibration of magnitude of charge stored on either of
the capacitor plates with the p.d,V. across the capacitor plates.
3.a) describe an experinment to determine the capacitance of a capacitor using a capacitor, a
battery and a ballistic galvanometer.
b) describe how the un known capacitance of a capacitor can be determined by using a
ballistic galvanometer, 2 switches, a capacitor of known capacitance and connecting wires
4.a) derie an expression of effective capacitance of;
i) An isolated sphere of radius ,r,
ii) two concentric spheres of radius a and b
b)i) derive the expression of capacitance C, of a parallel plate capacitor whose plates are at a
separation, d, and with common area A of the plates.
ii) a parallel air capacitor of area 25cm2 and with plates 1mm apart is charged to a potential
of 100V. calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
(Ans: 2.2125×10-11F)
iii) Two horizontal parallel plates of area 500cm3 mounted 2mm apart in a vacuum. The
lower plate is earthed and the upper plate is given a charge of +0.05µC neglecting the
edge effect. Find the;
a) Electric field intensity of the field between the plates.
b) Electric potential on the upper plate.
c) Capacitance between the plates.
c)the plates of an air filled parallel plate capacitor are each of area 1.5×10-2m2 and are initially
separated by 2.0mm. calculate the;
i) capacitance of a capacitor.
ii) charge on the capacitor when connected across a 2500V d.c supply.
(ans: 6.675×10-11F, 1.66875
iii)the maximum electric field strength that the air can support before an electrical break down
occurs is 3.0×106 Vm-1. The plates of the capacitor are brought together, with the 2500V supply
connected so that they are as close as possible without causing breakdown.
Calculate the separation of the plates when this condition is reached. (Ans: 8.33×10-4m)
d) the plates of a prarllel capacitor each 2.0cm2 are 5mm apart. The plates are in a vacuum and a
potential difference of 10,000V is applied across the capacitor.find the magnitude of charge on
the capacitor. (Ans: 3.56x10-9C)
e) a parallel plate capacitor consists of two plates of area 1.00x10-2m2 placed at a distance
2.00x10-2m apart in air. The capacitor is charged so that the potential difference between the
plates is 1000V. calculate;
i) Electric field intensity between the plates
ii) capacitance of the capacitor
iii)energy stored in the capacitor. (Ans:5x104Vm-1,4.45x10-12,2.225x10-6J)
f) A thunder and the cloud can be regarded as a parallel plate capacitor.taking the area of a
thunder cloud floating 1Km above the earths surface as 50km2 and at the positive
potential of 100kV with respected to the earth. Find the energy stored in the cloud.
(Ans: 2.21x103J)
g) A parallel plate capacitor with plate are of 2x 10-2m2 and plate separation of 5x10-3m is
connected to a 500V supply.
i)calculate the energy stored in the capacitor
ii)if the space between is compeletly filled with oil and the total chrge in the capacitor
becomes 4.42x10-8C.find the dielectric constant of the oil.
(Ans:4.4x10-6J, 2.5)

5. describe an experinment to verify that the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is

proportional to the area of overlap of the plate,A, plate separation ,d, and the permittivity, ε, of
the material of the medium between the plates.
6.a) describe an experinment to determine the dielectric constant when using;
i) a vibrating reed switch
ii) a ballistic galvanometer.
b)Desribe with the aid of a circuit diagram an experinment to compare two unknown
7.a) show that the energy,E, stored in a capacitor of capacitance, C, with a p.d v across its plates
is given by E= CV2 using;
i) calculus method
ii) graphical method.
b)A 10µf capacitor is connected across the terminals of 100V d.c power supply and allowed to
charge fully. Calculate the;
i) charge on the capacitor
ii)energy stored by the capacitor (Ans: 1x10-3C, 5x10-2J)
c)A capacitor of capacitance 12µf is fully charged from a 20V d.c.calculate the;
i) Energy stored by the capacitor
ii) energy supplied by 20V d.c supply and account for the difference between the answers in (i)
d)the capacitance of a variable capacitor can be charged continuously from 12pF to 800pF by
turning the dial from 00 to 1200 with the dial set at 1200,the capacitor is connected to a 8V battery
and the dial is turned to 00.calculate the;
i) charge on the capacitor
ii) energy stored on the capacitor with dial set at 1200.
iii)work required to turn the dial from 1200 to 00. If friction is neglected.
(Ans: 6.4x10-9C, 2.56X10-8J)
8.a) a 4µF capacitor is used to power the gun of the camera. The average power out of the flash
gun is 4.0KW for the duration of the flash which is 2.0ms.
i) show that the energy out put of the flash gun per flash is 8.0J.
ii) calculate the potential difference between the terminals of the capacitor immediately before a
iii)calculate the maximum charge stored by the capacitor.
iv)Calculate the average current provided by the capacitor duing a flash.
(Ans: 583.46V, 27.4x10-3, 13.7A)
b)A capacitor is charged by a 30V d,c supply. When the capacitor is fully charged,it is found to
carry charge of 6.0µC.calculate the;
i)capacitance of the capacitor
ii)Energy stored in the capacitor (Ans: 2x10-7F, 9.0x10-5J)
9.An uncharged capacitor of capacitance 2.2µF is connected in series with a resistor of resistance
11kΩ and a d.c power supply of 12V with negligible interal resistance as shown in figure below.
a) At one inatant after the switch is closed,the charging current in the circuit is 0.40mA.for
this instant,calculate the;
i)potential resistance across the resistor
ii)potential resistance across the capacitor
iii)charge on the capator
b)After some time, the capacitor becomes fully charged.calculate the energy which then stored in
the capacitor
10. A capacitor is charged by a 30V dc supply when the capacitor is fully charged,it is found to
carry a charge of 6.0µC.find the ;
i)capacitance of a capacitor
ii)energy stored in the capacitor.
(Ans: 2x10-7F,9x10-5J)
11.a)i) show that the effective capacitance of two battery operating at a p.d.V,connected across
them is given by C=
C 1+C 2
ii) derive the expression of the effective capacitance of three capacitors arranged in parallel
and connected to a battery as shown below
A battery of emf 12V is connected across a system of capacitors. Calculate the total energy
stored in the capacitor network.
(Ans: 1.8x10-4J)
the digram above shows a network of capacitors connected to a 120V supply.calculate the;
i)charge on the 4µF capacitor.
ii) energy stored in 1 µF capacitor.
find the;
I) effective capacitane
II) Energy stored in the 2 µF capacitor.
(Ans: 3x10-6F, 3.24x10-6J)
calculate the energy stored in the system of capacitors, if the space between the 3 µF is filled
with an insulator of dielctric constant ,ε,and capacitor are fully charged.
(Ans; 13.8x10-3J)
In the figure above, C1, C2 and C3 are capacitors of capacitances 2 µF,4 µF ,and 3 µF
respectively.calculate the;
i)energy stored in all the capaciors when fully charged
ii)change in energy stored in the capacitors, if the space between the plates of C3 had been filled
with an insulator of dielectric constant,ε,
(Ans: 4x10-2J, 3.2x10-2J)
For the circuit shown calculate the;
i)capacitance of this combination of capacitor.
ii)total energy stored in the capacitors
iv) P.d across the 2 µF capacitor.
(Ans: 1.5x10-6F, 1.08x10-4J,9V)
13.a) the circuit below shows a network of capacitor connected across a 12V d.c supply,
Determine the total energy stored in the network.
(Ans; 3.2x10-4J)
calculate the energy stored in the network of capacitors when capacitors are fully charged.
c)the diagram below shows an arrangement of capacitors C1,C2,C3 and C4 of capacitance 3 µF,6
µF ,4 µFand12 µF respectively
The figure above shows a network of three capacitors of 3 µF,4 µF and 7 µF connected to a 6V
Find the; (i) charge stored in the 4 µF capacitor.
(ii)Energy stored in the 7 µF capacitor.
(Ans: 2.1x10-5C, 1.05x10-5J)
d)for the network of capacitors shown below
Find the; i) total charge stored on the capacitors
ii)energy stored in the ???
(Ans: 3.85x10-5C, 2.31x10-4J)
e)The diagram below shows an arrangement of three capacitors C1,C2 and C3 of capacitance
8µF,2µF and 6µF respectively
Calculate the total energy stored;
i)In all the capacitors when fully charged
ii)when the space between the plates of C2 is fiiled with a dielectric of constant 1.25.
(Ans: 5.472x10-4J, 5.688x10-4J)
14a) a capacitance of capacitance 53µF is charged toa p.d v of 52V with the acid of a battery.the
battery is the removed and the capacicitor is connected to un charged capacitor of capacitance
8µF.calculte the;
i)find the pd V, across the combination
ii)energy stored after connecting the two capacitors
(Ans: 20V, 2.6x10-2J)
b)An air capacitor of capacintance 400µF is charged to 180V and then connected across an
uncharged capacitor of capacitance 500µF.
i) find the energy stored in the 500µF
ii) with the two capacitors still connected, a dielectric 1.5 inserted between the plates of the
400µF capacitor.if the separation between the plates remain the same. Find the new p.d across
the two capacitors.
(Ans: 1.6x10-2J, 6.55V)
c) A 100µF capacitor charged to 300V is connected across an un charged 60µF capacitor.
Calculate the total energy stored in both capacitors before and after connection.
(Ans: 0.45J, 0.064J )
d) A capacitor of capacitance 22µF is charged to a p.d of 200V and then isolated from the
i)determine the supply energy stored in the capacitor
ii)if the identical capacitor,initially uncharged is joined across it.determine the new
energy stored in the system
iii)Account for the difference in the two energies if any.
(Ans: 0.44J, 0.22J )
15.a) A capacitor of 100µF is charged from a supply of 1000V.it is then disconnected and then
connected to an uncharged 50µF capacitor calculate;
i) total energy stored initially and finally in the two capacitors.
ii) Energy lost
(Ans: 50J, 0.333J, 49.667J)
b)A capacitor of 20µF is connected across a 50V supply.when it has finally charged it is then
disconnected and joined to a capacitor of 40µF having a p.d of 100V. calculate the; i) Effective
capacitance after joining
ii) p.d on each capacitor
iii)Energy lost
(Ans: 6x10-5F, 83.33V, 6.0x10-5V, 0.017J)
c)An air capacitor of capacitance 400µF is charged to 180V and then connected, across un
charged capacitor of capacitance 500µF
i) find the energy stored in the 500µF
ii) With the two capacitors still connected, a dielectric of dielectric constant 1.5 is inserted
between the plates of the 400µF capacitor,if the separaton between the plates remain the
same,find the new p.d across the capacitor.
(Ans: 116J, 65.5J)
d)A 60µF capacitor is charged from a 100V supply. It is the connected across the terminals of a
15µF un charged capacitor.
Calculate the; (i) find p.d across the combination
(ii)difference in the initial and final energies stored in the capacitors and
comment on the difference
( Ans: 80V, 0.06J)
16.a) A 5µF capacitor is charged by a 40V supply and then connected to an uncharged 20µF
capacitor. Find the;
(i) p.d across each capacitor
(ii) Final charge on each
(iii) Energy lost
(Ans: 8V, 2x10-4C, 0.0032J)
b)Two capacitors of 2µF and 3µF are charged to a p.d,V, of 50V and 1000V respectively.
Calculate the; i) charge stored on each (Ans: 1x10-4C, 3x10-4C)
ii)Energy stored on each (Ans: 2.5x10-3, 1.5x10-2)
iii)Suppose capacitors are joined with plate of the same charge connected
together.find the energy lost in the circuit.
(Ans: 1.5x10-3J)
c)A 10µF capacitor was charged to 300V and then connected across un charged 60µF
capacitor. Calculate the total the total energy in the both capacitors before and after
(Ans: 0.45J, 0.064J)
d)A 60µF capacitor was charged from a 100V supply and then connected across an un charged
15µF capacitor.calculate the final p.d across the combination and the energy lost.
(Ans: 80V, 23.7J)
e) Two capacitors of capacitance 2µF and 4µF respectively, are each given a charge 120µc.
The positive plates are now connected together as are the negative plates. Calculate the;
(i) new potential difference between the plates of the capacitors.
(ii) Initial and final total energy stored by the capacitor and explain why the energy

17.a) if a potential difference V is applied across the two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2
1 1
connected in series as shown below, show that V1 is given by the expression; =( +
V1 C1
1 C2
) , where V1 is the P.d across C1
C2 V
b) A parallel plate capacitor of area A has the space between its plates filled with a dielectric
material of dielectric constant, ε r,and thickness, d. show that when the dielectric is half way
withdrawn from the region between the plates,the new capacitance becomes (1+ ε r) where ε
o is the permittivity of air.

c) Two identical capacitors with air between their plates are connected across a battery as figure
above.the two capacitors are charged and then discharged through the ballistic galvanometer.
The experinment is now repeated with a dielectric of relative permittivity ε r inserted between the
place of one of the capacitors.show that the radius of deflections of ballistic galvanometer will be
ε r +1

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