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Know Your Enemy The Viet Cong

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The document discusses the origins and evolution of the Viet Cong forces in South Vietnam from the 1960s. It describes how they started small but grew in size and organization over the years with support from North Vietnam.

The Viet Cong, also known as the Vietnamese Communists, were fighters seeking to 'liberate' South Vietnam from the Republic of Vietnam government. They began as a small guerilla force of around 10,000 that utilized deception and violence for their cause.

Over the years documented, the Viet Cong grew substantially in terms of numbers, training, weapons, and organization. Their main forces increased to over 65,000 men and received support from North Vietnamese regiments. They also expanded their shadow civilian government.

DoD G E N - 2 0

DA 360-518 4
P a m 360-518_
AFP 190-3-3
NAVMC 2608

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Literally translated, the phrase Viet Cong (VC) National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam,
means Vietnamese Communist, and those who are Viet or NFLSVN). To its deluded followers the Front
Cong employ the whole Communist arsenal of deceit is the government they serve-but to the vast majority
and violence. A Viet Cong is a man, woman, or of South Vietnamese it is an instrument of terror and
a tough fighter, with words or weapons, for what he is oppression manipulated by the Communists of North
taught to call the “liberation” of South Vietnam-the Vietnam.
Republic of Vietnam. Viet Cong also applies to the The Viet Cong, the Communist “Liberation Army”
military and civilian components of the “Front” (the within the Republic of Vietnam, has expanded its

numbers enormously, despite increasingly heavy casual­
ties. Its so-called main force has grown from about
10,000 men in 1960 to over 65,000. Several regiments
of the North Vietnamese Army have been sent by
Hanoi into South Vietnam as part of the Communist
buildup of forces in the south. As befits “regulars,”
many are armed with late-model imported weapons and
wear uniforms, helmets of wicker or steel, and even
scarves for unit identification. From isolated companies
their formations have grown to battalions and regiments.
The strength of the Viet Cong guerrillas has not
increased as rapidly. The estimated more than 100,000
guerrillas and militia, mostly based in the vicinity of
their home villages and hamlets, are essential to the
success of the main force and to the whole Viet Cong
effort. Better armed and trained than before, the
irregulars still wear the “calico the traditional
black pajamas of the Vietnamese peasant (worn also
by the regulars as fatigue uniforms). They guide,
support, reinforce, and provide recruits for the “libera­
tion” movement. They also make possible the rule of
the Communist Party in the countryside, enforcing the
dictates of the local puppet Front organizations.
There are substantial areas in which the Front is the
THAILAND only effective government. It operates schools and
hospitals, clothing factories and arsenals. Millions of
Vietnamese support the Front out of friendship or fear,
most often the latter. Due largely to the militia and the
secret agents of the Party, an estimated one-fourth of
the people of South Vietnam pay taxes to the Front,
even though they may also pay taxes to the legitimate
Government. This is an impressive record for a shadow
Initial Resources
What makes the Viet Cong and their way of warfare
so significant is that they started with so little in material
assets, although they had a belief in a well-proven
doctrine (of subversion), a thorough knowledge of its
tactics, and the moral support of their fellow Com­
munists throughout the world. They had no industrial
capacity. They had no substantial armed forces, only a
few thousand experienced guerrillas, and perhaps
100,000 supporters-mostly in remote areas seldom
visited by Government representatives.
On the other hand, the Viet Cong had hidden stores
of weapons and ammunition left over from the war
against the French. They had many trained and dedi­
cated Communists to provide leadership, and access to
the resources of the Communist regime in the North.

Vietnam as a whole is very nearly ideal for the to hard work, meager rations, and an absolute mini­
type of warfare the Viet Cong is waging. On one mum of material comforts. Their philosophy is
side of this long, narrow strip of mountains, plateau, essentially fatalistic and undemanding. They do not
river delta, and seacoast is the South China Sea. like war or soldiers, yet Vietnam has known far
On the other are the rugged, undeveloped, and more war than peace in the years of its
largely mountainous frontiers with three other history. Vietnamese are known in Southeast Asia
countries-Communist China, Laos, and Cambodia. as energetic and aggressive, capable of great sacrifice
for an ideal (even the false ideals of communism).
Substantial areas of the interior are covered with
These qualities make them excellent fighting men.
dense tropical rain forest, giving ideal concealment to
The Vietnamese people-North and South, Com­
secret installations and troop movements. Much of
munist and non-Communist-share the same basic
the coastline is swamp or mountain, mangrove or for­
racial background. For this reason it is extremely
est, equally useful to those who would overthrow a
difficult to identify an enemy unless he is in u n i ­
government. The delta produces an abundance of rice
form or shooting at you. Moreover, this makes
and is crisscrossed by myriad canals and streams. recognition of friends (or non-enemies) most im­
Modern ground transport must use the single coastal portant, for mistaking one for an enemy makes him,
railroad or the limited basic network of highways, his relatives, and his friends your enemies. The
all very easy to sabotage or ambush. child on the water buffalo be a Viet Cong
The people are equally well suited to this kind but it is better to treat him as a friend in case of
of war-most of them are rice farmers, accustomed doubt.

Finally, the Vietnamese Communists-North and
South-were united in their determination to use what­
ever means were necessary to bring the whole country
under Communist domination. Without massive U.S.
and free world support, South Vietnam might already
have been added to the list of lost countries.
As in conventional wars, each side expanded its
armed might after the war had started. When it be­
came obvious that the Republic of Vietnam in the
South could not be taken without military force, Hanoi
began sending a growing stream of infiltrators, arms,
and supplies into South Vietnam by land and sea. The
infiltrators were trained in the North to assume key
positions of leadership. Communist China and other
Communist countries have supplied weapons and ammu­
nition, primarily through North Vietnam, the so-called
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV).
The Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF),
whose fight for freedom we support, have increased
their numbers and improved their equipment at a pace
far greater than have the Viet Cong. However, while
the Front was experiencing its greatest growth, in
and 1964, the free Government of South Vietnam
was undergoing great political stress and frequent
changes of administration. These factors have undoubt­
edly facilitated the growth of the Front, but they have
not stunted the growth of the RVNAF, nor shaken
their determination to resist Communist aggression and
preserve the freedom and independence of the country.
The success of an unconventional army and a shadow
government build up by Communist direction, largely
from the people and the resources of a state they seek
to destroy, is cause for concern. We must understand
the reasons for this, and learn how to defeat such at­
tacks, or they will be repeated again and again. The
Viet Cong fighting man is not "10 feet either
figuratively or literally, being actually on the average
only five feet three inches in height. Nor is he an
incredible fanatic-many thousands of Viet Cong desert
or go over to the side of the Government every year.
His effectiveness cannot be attributed entirely to the
outside support he receives-the RVNAF have received
far more assistance from abroad.
Yet the Viet Cong has developed into a kind of
fighting man who is capable of waging an unconven­
tional war under conditions that would seem hopeless
to the average orthodox soldier. To understand the Viet
Cong and his way of warfare one must first know some­
thing of his country and his background.

Roughly 40 years ago, the Communists under Ho
Chi Minh, now president of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam in the North, began planning their cam­
paign to take over Southeast Asia. Their first step
in Vietnam was to seek to seize the leadership in the
opposition to French rule. Vietnam was a part of
French Indochina at the time. When the Japanese
moved in after the fall of France in dominating
the French and occupying all of Indochina, Communists
and nationalists alike believed that the time for Viet­
namese independence was near. Under Communist
leadership and later Communist control, a coalition
independence force was formed. This was the Viet
Minh (League for the Independence of Vietnam),
which launched an eight-year struggle against the
French soon after they returned in
Like the later Viet Cong, the Viet Minh grew from
a modest start-but they became larger and much more
formidable than the Viet Cong are today. By mid-1954
the Viet Minh had nearly 160,000 regulars and perhaps
an equal number of militia. The French, stunned by
defeats in conventional battles such as that at Dien
Bien Phu and unable to solve the problems of the

new kind of war waged by the Viet Minh, were ready

to negotiate. At an international conference in Geneva
in the summer of presided over by representatives
of Great Britain and the Soviet Union, war-torn Viet­
nam was divided at the 17th parallel. The northern
half, controlled by Communists, became the so-called
Democratic Republic of Vietnam; the free southern
half became the independent Republic of Vietnam.
Under the terms of the armistice agreement, Com­
munists and anti-Communists were given an opportunity
to move to whichever half of the divided country they
preferred. Nearly a million from the North were able
to move south to freedom during the brief period al­
lowed. Some people, mostly men and boys of
the Viet Minh army, or future recruits, went north.
Tens of thousands of Communists and sizable stocks
of arms and ammunition were left in the South to assure
an ultimate Communist takeover.
The parallel was not intended to be a permanent political, for the struggle to achieve a “political solu­
“political or territorial boundary.” The delegates at tion.” Such a solution, which the Communists would
Geneva agreed on a “free general election by secret still welcome, means replacing the strongly anti-corn­
ballot” to be held throughout Vietnam at the end of munist Government with a controlled neutralist coali­
two years. This would allow the people to decide for tion. Occasional assassinations and other acts of terror­
themselves their political future, and it would reunify ism seemed necessary and proper, but initially the main
the country. The Communists in the more populous emphasis had been on a campaign of subversion and
North, with their police state control, were confident of propaganda to undermine the legal Government. It
winning the election. The election was not held because is difficult to say how much their decision to act more
the South doubted the possibility of an honest vote in vigorously and openly was influenced by the impatient
the North and because the election would not have been Communists in the South and how much by their
held under proper international supervision. comrades in the North who were alarmed and em­
barrassed by the obvious contrast between the prosperity
of the South and their own impoverished dictatorship.
Hanoi Adopts Stronger Measures Viet Cong terrorism was intensified in 1958, and
After 1956 the Communists began to prepare for by the end of that year the Viet Cong had an armed
a stronger effort in the South. This meant reorganizing force of more than 2,000 regulars supplemented by
and expanding their personnel there, both military and militia. In it was decided that the political struggle

must be aided by a major armed effort. Open warfare In December 1960, a group of individuals claiming
began in with the overrunning of an RVNAF to represent virtually all walks of life and all major
regimental headquarters at Sup on 20 J a n u a r y . ethnic and religious groups of South Vietnam met
in the forest northwest of Saigon. There they an­
Hanoi Creates a Screen nounced the formation of the National Front for the
The Lao Dong (Communist) Party of Vietnam held Liberation of South Vietnam, a shadow government,
its Third Congress in Hanoi in September At­ which faithfully issued the manifestoes already decreed
tended by Party representatives from all over Vietnam, by the Communist Party Congress in September.
the Congress acted to establish the appearance of a local Another act of Communist deception was the crea­
rebellion in the South, while at the same time simplify­ tion of the People’s Revolutionary Party (PRP) in
ing and formalizing control of it. the South. The object of this was to screen the extent
To give the whole Viet Cong operation the necessary of Communist domination of the Front and make it
appearance of being a true struggle for liberation by appear that the Front is composed of several organiza­
an oppressed people, to impart the illusion of legitimacy tions. The original members of the PRP were all
to actions taken and about to be taken, and to represent Communists, but qualifications for admission were made
the movement in public activities, the Communists less strict than for the counterpart in the North,
decided to set up a “National Liberation Front.” the Lao Dong Party.

The Communist regime in Hanoi directs, controls, The Front’s national central committee sets policy and
and supplies the entire Viet Cong political and military also is responsible for planning and organization build­
effort to conquer the Republic of Vietnam. All control ing. The next level in the Communist-dominated Front
-political and military-comes ultimately from the hierarchy consists of the interzone headquarters, which
Central Committee of North Vietnam’s Lao Dong determine (persuasion and propaganda) policy
(Communist) Party, which maps out broad strategy. guidance and which are responsible for political indoc­
The Reunification Commission of the Northern govern­ trination and training. Under the interzone headquarters
ment controls the National Front for the Liberation of are zone headquarters, which are their sub-offices.
South Vietnam, and the Military High Command in the Next in the Front’s structure are the approximately
North is responsible for the military training of the men provincial committees-its chief operating units.
who infiltrate into the South. In addition, a central
Intelligence organization in Hanoi-the Central Research
Agency-maintains an elaborate intelligence network
in South Vietnam and directs the extensive undercover
activities of the Viet Cong.
The two Communist administrative headquarters in
the South, inherited from the Viet Minh, have been
merged into the Central Office for South Vietnam
(COSVN). This central “brain” coordinates all Com­
munist activity in the South and all relations with the
highest Communist Party and government echelons in
North Vietnam.
In South Vietnam itself, the Communists have created
a show of legitimacy through the National Front for the
Liberation of South Vietnam. At the national head­
quarters level, the Front has a central committee and
presidium, which take their orders from the control
committee of the People’s Revolutional Party
the Communist Party in South Vietnam.

These committees direct the “liberation associations”
the Communists use to spread their indoctrination and
propaganda and to gain the often-unwitting support of
the South Vietnamese people. The committees, of course,
also transmit to subordinate levels the orders sent down
from the central committee. In addition-and this
is a major role for the provincial-level
they assign military duties to the Viet Cong units
operating in their provinces.
The Front’s committees and cells in South Vietnam’s
districts, towns, and villages make up the largest part
of the Communist spiderweb spread like an evil shadow
over the land. In the “liberated,” or Viet
dominated areas of South Vietnam, they are in the open,
free of Government interference as they carry out their
so-called political struggle, recruit and train men for
their local Viet Cong units, and carry out the military
or guerrilla tasks they are assigned.
In the areas controlled by the legitimate Government,
of course, the Communists and grass-level front members
must remain under cover and work in secret in their
efforts to overthrow the Government of the Republic of
Since the Communists are using the National Libera­
tion Front to camouflage their anti-Government activi­
ties, their People’s Revolutionary (Communist) Party
organization parallels the Front structure, and that
action, that the army is united, and that the people
Communist apparatus keeps a tight control on the Front
are closely united with the army.
from the top-level central committee to at least the
provincial level. To insure continuous political orientation of the army
The military arm is completely integrated into the and maintain political control over the army’s officer
Front structure from the very top to the lowest level, corps, political officers, or are assigned to
with military representatives found at all organizational all Viet Cong units. They are the political watchdogs
levels of the Front. Since the Vietnamese Communists and indoctrinators of the Front’s Liberation Army.
consider the war in South Vietnam to be primarily a The Viet Cong, the so-called Liberation Army, in
political struggle, the primary duty of the Viet Cong South Vietnam is about one half of the total Communist
military forces is to support that political aggression armed forces in all Vietnam. The other half comprises
being conducted by the Communists in the name of the North Vietnam’s People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN).
National Movement to Liberate South Vietnam. The Viet Cong forces consist of two basic elements,
A 64-page Front indoctrination booklet on the or­ the paramilitary, and the full military. The paramilitary
ganization of its armed forces declared that organization Viet Cong is generally a local civilian who is a
must conform to political lines; that the Liberation Army time soldier or guerrilla, whose military duties do not
(Viet Cong) is a fighting army and therefore must be take him far from his community. In addition, he is
highly centralized with inferiors obeying not highly indoctrinated politically.
there must be discipline; and that the army’s political The Front’s name for its paramilitary force was
tasks are fundamental, maintaining unity between cadres originally the Popular Army. However, since this force
and men, and between the army and the people. is engaged almost exclusively in guerrilla warfare, the
The booklet pointed out that these three principles name has been expanded to Guerrilla Popular Army
insure that military action is subordinated to political (GPA). At the hamlet level, the GPA unit is either

a cell, a half-squad, or a squad-3, 6, or men. The
village defender. He has little training and is armed
unit at the village level (a village consists of
with scanty or primitive weapons. The second is the
several hamlets), is the platoon, made up of 3 or 4
combat guerrilla, who is younger and better trained and
squads-36 to 48 men. There are two basic classes
armed. He is frequently called upon to aid guerrilla
of members. The first is the village guerrilla,
mobile columns or full military units in their operations
frequently an older man, who is generally used as a
in the of his village or hamlet. The combat
formed, and rely primarily on guerrilla tactics. Since
. _ they are dependent for much of their logistical support
on local populations, their commanders can’t simply for­
ward supply requisitions to a depot. Instead, when they
need weapons, ammunition, or other military hardware
they attack a Government base or unit and try to cap­
ture what they want.
The Regional Forces, also called Territorials or
gionals, are units established by Front district commit­
tees, which provide their leadership and direct their
activities. A Regional Force operates pretty much in one
general area.
The elite units of the so-called Liberation Army are
the battalions of the Main Force. They have acquired
the name of “Hard Hats” because of the metal or
fiberboard helmets that distinguish them from the Re­
gional Forces and the paramilitary guerrillas. These
battalions are directed by the Front committees at the
provincial level and range farther afield in their mili­
tary operations than do the units of the Regional Forces.
As members of the Main Force, the “Hard Hat” Viet
Cong don’t have to perform non-military work, such as
producing food or transporting supplies. By the end of
1965 there were over 65,000 of these Hard Hats fight­
ing in South Vietnam.
This organization seems cumbersome and the chain
of command indirect and slow, in contrast to orthodox
military practice of establishing a direct military chain
of command from top to bottom. However, the Viet
political and military structure conforms to the
classic Communist pattern of strong central authority
at the top and operations at lower level decentralized,
with Communist Party control over the government at
levels, and political control over the military at all
The Cadre-How He Operates
Although few, except those immediately affected,
realized the war was on in the late 1950’s and early
those who were the victims of the savage cam­
paigns of terrorism, assassination, and kidnapping in
rural Vietnam were well aware of it. So too were the
thousands of cadres-trained, dedicated, hard-core Com­
munist leaders and military officers-who fanned out in
guerrilla units also serve as manpower pools for the the countryside to win support for the insurgent forces.
Viet Cong’s full military units. A cadre’s role can be described as a combination priest,
The Viet full military element also is divided policeman, and propagandist. He is the Party and the
into two types-the Regional Forces and the Main Front in the countryside hamlets and villages. How they
Force. They are not set up or operated like orthodox operate is graphically described by one of them, Captain
army units. Their units are self-contained, not Lam.

“We seek to do three things. The first is to drive a
wedge between the people and their government-to
make the people hate their government, and the Ameri­
cans. Our second objective is to get people to join our
(VC) armed forces. The third is to persuade them
to increase their production of food, and give the in­
crease to us.
“Our cadre go into each village to study the situa­
tion and the people. Once they know the people and
their problems, our cadre can explain how these prob­
lems are the fault of the government, and how the
people can achieve their ambitions by following us. In
this way we make the people hate their government, and
can destroy the government in their village. Then we
guide them in forming their own government (under
our control) and in organizing their own armed forces,
which of course are our auxiliaries.
“Of course we cannot do this right away in those
villages and districts where the government is strong.
There we concentrate on educating people politically
to hate their government, and on forming both open
and secret organizations which can support us, or em­
barrass the government. Every little bit helps. Any
voluntary action of the people, from organized protests
to simply slowing down on work ordered by the gov­
ernment, is a clear gain for us.
“Our cadre live in the village, or, if this is not safe,
very close by. They appeal to the ideals, the patriotism,
and the emotions of each individual according to his
situation, and try to recruit him for the cause. If a per­
son is arrested by government forces we try to contact
him as soon as he is released, sympathize with him,
arouse his hatred of the government, and recruit him.
Many times we bring hungry, tired troops into a village
so that the people may see how we are suffering for
them, and arouse their sympathy. We try in every
possible way to create hatred for the government and
the Americans, to separate the people from the gov­
ernment and to make them see that we are their only
Today, with the increase in Viet Cong forces, more
emphasis is placed on terror and murder (“destroying
the village government”) and less on persuasion. Or­
ganizing and involving everyone possible in a maximum
effort, coupled with incessant propaganda, is still em­
phasized as essential to Viet Cong success.

The nearly half million men and women who make ordered to go to help liberate the South. After nearly
up the civil and military components of the Viet Cong six months’ travelling I reached my destination and
army and its shadow government, the National Front, became at first a political member of the Province Com­
are as diverse and divergent in origin and in motiva­ mittee and later a District Commissar [Secretary of the
tion as those of any army and government anywhere. District Committee). We were very successful in or­
Perhaps the most important thing that sets them apart ganizing and expanding the Viet Cong, but after two
from their fellow Vietnamese is the way in which they years, and the change in governments, I began to see
are incessantly told, and caused to repeat, the reasons the real difference between the way the people live in
for everything they do, including supporting the Viet the North and the way they would live in the South if
Cong. The best illustrations of their diversity, and their it were not for this war. I lost my faith in the Com­
common knowledge, is found in some of their own state­ munist claim that we were fighting for the people, and
ments. decided that the only right thing was to join the forces
Consider the story of Captain Lam. One of the real of the Republic of Vietnam, so I did.”
“hard core,” the backbone of the movement, he took By way of contrast, consider the words of Sergeant
advantage of the Government’s Chieu Hoi program Vo Anh Long, a squad leader in a main
which welcomes the return to loyalty of those misled force battalion: “I was a farmer until May 1960. The
by the Communists. Government controlled my village, but the Viet Cong
left my village in Central Vietnam in when used to come at night and collect taxes. They would
I was eighteen years old, to join the Viet Minh. Two tell us, and we believed them, that they were good men
years later, because they said that leaders in the who loved and wanted to defend the poor people like
struggle against the French should, I joined the Com­ us, that they struggled and sacrificed even their lives
munist Party. As its Political Officer, I went North to give rights to the poor people.
with my company in after the division of the “Finally they told me, and five other young men,
country. that if we stayed in the village the Government would
“In I was promoted to Senior Captain, and take us away for the army, but that if we came with


1. prepared to sacrifice all for Vietnam. will 6. I swear if taken by the enemy I will not reveal any in­
fight to my last breath against imperialism, colonialism, Viet- formation even under inhuman torture. I will remain faithful
namese traitors, and aggression in order to Vietnam to the Revolution and not be by the enemy.
independent, democratic and united.
7. I in the of unity to love my friends in my
2. I swear to obey absolutely all orders from my command- unit as myself, to work cooperatively with them in combat and
ers, executing them wholeheartedly, promptly, and accurately. at all other times.
3. I to fght for the people without complaint
8. I to maintain and protect my weapons. ensuring
and without becoming discouraged even if life is hard or
they are never damaged or captured by the enemy.
will go forward in combat without fear, will never
retreat regardless of suffering involved. 9. I swear that in my relationships with the people I will

4. I swear to learn to fight better and shape myself into a do three things and eschew three things. I will respect, pro­

true revolutionary soldier battling the invading American im­ tect, and help the people; I will not steal from, threaten, nor

perialists and their servants, seeking to make Vietnam demo- inconvenience the people. I will do all things to win their

cratic, wealthy, and strong. confidence.

5. preserve organizational secrecy, and to keep 10. I swear to indulge in self-criticism, to be a model sol-
secret my unit’s plans, the name of my unit commander, and dier of the Revolution, and never to harm either the Liberation
all secrets of other revolutionary units. Army or Vietnam.

them for a week of training we could become local am from North Vietnam. I was an officer of the
guerrillas and defend our village. We went with them, PAVN. I was ordered to come to the South, so of
but then they told me that because of my ability I must course I came.”
go to a long training course. We marched for months “I was a village guerrilla. The Viet Cong hamlet
to reach the training camp, where I studied for six chief told me I must watch for the Government troops.
months and then was graduated as a squad leader. One night the district force came and attacked the
“I soon realized that the life of a Viet Cong was Government outpost. I had to help them. After the
hard, but the cadre kept emphasizing that we were battle they gave me a gun, and said that now I must
living gloriously, that we must be prepared to die fight to save my life. When a RVNAF company came
splendidly. Although I knew that I had been fooled, I tried to hide but they found me.”
I accepted this. We studied and had self-criticism ses­
sions almost every day. Each of us belonged to a Viet Cong Discipline
three-man cell, so that every man was watched by two
Scholar or street urchin, professional officer or farm
others. boy, they all tell the same story of relentless indoctrina­
“I stayed with them for four years, fighting in many tion-of discipline playing on every human emotion,
battles. Eventually I could no longer stand being away constantly applied. The soldier is required to memorize
from my family, and so I ran away and joined the basic codes of conduct (a oath of honor and a
Government side.” code of discipline) which put him in the po­
A few more statements further illustrate the diver­ sition of a hero, a patriot, a friend, and protector of the
sity. people. He is never allowed to forget this role. Per­
*‘My uncle told me that I must join the district haps the most effective reminder is his unit’s daily
force, because otherwise the Viet Cong might burn down indoctrination and self-criticism session. In this, his
my mother’s house.” indoctrination is continued and reinforced, his sup­
“I was farming in the North, but last year when posed motives are reviewed and discussed by the group,
I was the PAVN {People’s Army of (North) Viet­ and he is told by his leader what his future actions will
nam} drafted me, gave me six weeks’ training, asked be. After this, he must explain his reactions, and he
my group if it would not help to liberate the South, must publicly confess and criticize his own shortcomings
and marched US down here. Now I am in a transporta­ and weaknesses in thought and deed.
tion unit and have to carry 32 kilos of rice for miles After every fight there is an almost immediate cri­
every day. I want to go home.” tique, with no holds barred, which gives every man a
“I did not want to become a soldier but the Viet chance to let off steam. It also lets the cadre know
Cong came and took me. Then I was ashamed to desert, what his men are thinking. This contributes to the
because it would disgrace my comrades in the cell. But effectiveness of the constant surveillance program,
I used to get drunk and sleep too late, and after I was maintained primarily through the cell system (usually
criticized several times and did not reform I was ban­ three-man) which is applied to every possible unit.
ished from my unit.” Appeals to the mind and the heart are the principal


obey the orders from my superiors under all 8. will follow the slogan: All things of the people and for
the people.
2. I will never take anything from the people, not even a 9. will keep unit secrets absolutely and will never disclose
needle or thread.
information even to closest friends or relatives.
3. will not put group property to my own use.
10. will encourage the people to struggle support the
4. will return that which is borrowed, make restitution for
things damaged.
5. I will be polite to people, respect and love them. 11. will be alert to spies and will report all suspicious
persons to my superiors.
6. I will be fair and just in buying and selling.
7. When staying in people’s houses I will treat them as I 12. I will remain close to the people and maintain their
would my own house. affection and love.

way in which the Viet Cong seeks to control its members. extra duty, and brief confinement do not bring reform,
Regular units employ standard forms of military cour- the
(Our­ penalty is often discharge, in terms that make the
tesy, and strict obedience is always expected, but em- em- feel a traitor and an outcast from the human race.
phasis is placed on making compliance with regulations The fear of corporal punishment or death seems to be
appear to be voluntary. For those who fail in their of less importance although either may be visited on
duty, if such normal punishments as public criticism, the individual or his relatives.

It has been said that the Viet Cong soldier probably shows the almost incredible effort to make sure that
is told the reason for everything that he does more fre­ everyone “gets the word” and performs his assigned
quently and in greater detail than any other soldier in duties.
the world. Almost certainly he is required to explain “After studying the proposal, I report it to the head
the reasons for his actions more than any other soldier. of the Provincial Military Affairs Committee. He then
Every proposed action is discussed from all angles before studies it from all points of view, considering especially
it is taken-and by everyone concerned except the the political effects, and the relative capabilities of our
targets and the innocent bystanders. Concerning the forces and those of the RVNAF. If he approves of
bystanders, one Viet Cong commented on the bombing the proposed operation he presents it to the Secretary
of the U. S. Embassy, “If a few people get killed from of the Provincial Committee of the Party. The Secre­
a blast it is a risk of the war. The Front is the tary studies it and if he thinks it sound he calls a meet­
benefactor of all the people.” ing of the whole Party Committee to study, discuss, and
Captain Lam’s description of what happens after perhaps approve the proposal.
action against an RVNAF outpost is recommended “Once the proposal is approved by the Party

haps directs some additional action. The Party Com­
mittee will approve the attack only if all
political, military, and logistic-appear favorable.
“After this is accomplished all units begin prac­
ticing for the attack, either on a sandtable or an actual
stake-and-string replica of the target. This practice will
take from five days to a month, depending on the
difficulty of the target, until every man knows just what
he is supposed to do, how he is supposed to do it, and
when. Every detail of the action will be planned out,
including when and where the main force units will
meet the local force and militia units. The militia are
always necessary to guide the troops and to provide
laborers to carry supplies, to carry off the booty and
our dead, if any, We always try to carry away all our
dead, to give them proper burial, which will comfort
their families and strengthen the morale of the rest.”
Such detailed preparation seems fantastic, but account
after account bears it out. planned operation,
whether an attack, an ambush, or a raid on a hamlet, is
planned and rehearsed in great detail-and then often
called off at the last moment when some factor has
Viet Cong tactical doctrine is explicit. It is sum­
marized in four words: Four Fast, One Slow. This
means Fast Advance, Fast Assault, Fast Clearance of
the Battlefield, and Fast Withdrawal-all based on
There it little that is new or unusual in Viet Cong
mittee, the Military Affairs Committee divides the pre­ tactical doctrine, once the basic principle of careful,
liminary tasks among its three staffs. The Military Staff thorough preparation for any contingency, followed by
sends a reconnaissance unit to study the objective from swift action, is grasped. Attacks on strongpoints almost
a military point of view, and to prepare a sandtable always feature maximum use of explosives on a primary
mock-up. The Political Staff sends a cadre to contact and a secondary objective, usually mutually supporting,
the civilians in the area, to learn their reaction to the a careful deployment of forces to intercept or
[proposed) attack. It a so studies the morale of the ambush any reinforcements that may be brought in. In
troops to see if they are mentally and emotionally pre­ several recent battles there have been indications of
pared. If they are not, the Political Staff must take the deliberate efforts to entice and ambush helicopter-borne
necessary measures to prepare them. The Rear Services troops.
[logistics) Staff finds out if the civilians can furnish In the past the Viet Cong have usually sought to
the necessary food and labor, including that needed for avoid defensive combat unless they had the battlefield
removal of the dead and of any booty. so organized that it was essentially an ambush. Never­
“When all this is done, the Military Affairs Commit­ theless they carefully prepare for defense, with alternate
tee holds another meeting. This will be attended by and switch positions, in case they do decide to make
the leaders of all the units that will be involved in the a stand. Frequently these positions are incorporated
attack. If the majority of the Committee believes that into existing dikes separating rice fields so that em­
the attack should be made, they report to another meet­ placements seem to be merely breaks in the walls, and
ing of the Provincial Party Committee, which again even trenches look like canals. Where the water level
reviews the proposed problem and the solution and per­ will permit, especially in the so-called secret base areas,

elaborate tunnels are often constructed, both for cover seems to produce the fastest results, but it eventually
and for concealment from ground and air forces. Like reacts against those who use it unless they succeed in
the Japanese in World War II, the Viet Cong are tire­ seizing complete power. Today, in many areas, the
less diggers. Viet Cong are faced with the administrative problems
Controlled land mines, buried in highways and that afflict any government in time of war-and are
detonated when a Government target is over them, losing voluntary support as a result.
have long been a favorite and an economical Viet Cong The Viet Cong have, from the beginning, made
method of destroying or at least discouraging their every effort to secure the support of members of the
opponents. Occasionally nonmilitary targets are mined, Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces as well as the sup­
usually by mistake or for some specific political or port of the civilians. Generally similar tactics have
psychological purpose, such as warning uncooperative been used, emphasizing always the benefits to the in­
civilians. Homemade booby traps, ranging from simple dividual and the high moral and patriotic worth of
deadfalls and “spike-boards” to explosive foot-mines such a shift in allegiance. ‘Serve your country against
are often used in preparing for a battle or an ambush, the American imperialists,” they say. “Don’t be fooled
being placed in the covered areas the ambushees would because the Americans are more clever than the French;
naturally seek. the Americans’ motives are the same, but they use you as
Like the elaborate trench-works often seen, the hun­ puppets.”
dreds of booby traps around “liberated,” meaning The general preference for the “soft-sell” does not
Cong-controlled, villages have some value if a Viet keep the Communists from killing, often by torture,
Cong unit decides to fight there. Their most important whole garrisons of small posts they overwhelm when it
function, really, is to implicate the civilians in seems appropriate to punish determined resistance or
Government actions. Government forces are likely to to frighten others in the area. Not infrequently one
treat them as Viet Cong. The villagers fully anticipate or two leaders will be brutally murdered as an example
this, so they feel forced to support the Viet Cong as to the others. The dependents of the men may meet the
their only hope. Secondarily, the trenches and the dug­ same fate. Threats of reprisals against families are some­
outs do provide protection for the civilians if the com­ times used as well.
munity is bombed or shelled by Government forces. Within the last 6 years the Viet Cong’s
Even though these attacks are provoked by the Viet program--“proselyting,” as they call it-has become a
Cong, the people are often grateful to these same major program. A favored practice is the use of girls
provocateurs for “helping us to protect ourselves.” and women, speaking as sisters or mothers, to serenade
The Viet Cong’s emphasis on carefully planned, dis­ small garrisons, calling to them to save their precious
cussed, and rehearsed actions has its disadvantages. If lives for their families’ sake, and imploring them to
such an action fails, if losses are heavier than expected have mercy on civilians. None of these programs has
or not in proportion to benefits achieved, there is a had noticeable success. Homesickness has been a major
corresponding drop in morale and combat effectiveness. cause of desertion in the RVNAF, and this has plagued
An unexpected serious attack by Republic of Vietnam the Viet Cong as well.
forces, especially when the resistance is unsuccessful,
Prisoners, to the Viet Cong, are objects to be ex­
indicates poor planning by Viet Cong leaders and seri­
ploited, primarily for political and psychological pur­
ously impairs effectiveness for weeks or months, longer
poses. Thus, prisoners are often held-and treated as
than the actual damage inflicted would warrant. Only
well as could be expected by the standards of an Asian
a quick, successful counteraction can overcome this
guerrilla army-for two or three months’ reeducation
and then, if not notoriously anti-Communist or brutal,
Viet Cong “Persuasion” released. There have been instances in which American
Much is said about the Viet Cong use of terror, which prisoners were held for some six months, exhibited in
seems to be increasing. This is natural as the pace of the villages and hamlets, put under pressure to get them
war steps up and support requirements grow faster than to sign documents that could be used for worldwide
voluntary contributions. Taxes have been raised re­ propaganda, and then released. One American prisoner
peatedly in some areas. “Draftees” must fill in as volun­ was reported executed in June in reprisal for the
tary recruiting proves inadequate. Terror-punishment execution of a Viet Cong terrorist.

In little more than five years the Viet Cong armed Vietnam by land and sea, as well as 8,000 to 10,000
forces have grown from an essentially guerrilla army North Vietnamese soldiers in the year 1964 alone.
to one that includes regiments of uniformed, The Communist buildup in the South is continuing.
equipped, highly foot-mobile regulars capable of engag­ As Viet Cong resources and capabilities have grown,
ing in conventional operations of limited duration. Con­ so have their liabilities. They have been forced to draft
currently, their civil organization has grown from a teenagers directly into their regular units. They have
mere shadow to one of considerable substance, which felt obliged to redouble their rates of taxation and in­
in some provinces collects almost four times as much crease their other demands on the civilians in areas
taxes as does the Republic of South Vietnam. The under their influence. Logistics requirements for food
Communist Party, under its cover name of the People’s as well as weapons have greatly increased. Even regular
Revolutionary Party, has expanded the control it ex­ units spent much of their time in producing their own
ercises on behalf of North Vietnam-the so-called food until a practice which increased air
Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Substantial quantities may render unprofitable.
of portable war materials have been brought into South Most significant, and most dangerous for both sides,

the Viet Cong pretense of being truly a South Vietnam fact that this is really war. It is guided by North Viet­
“people’s army” is rapidly being destroyed by the nam and it is spurred by Communist China. Its goal
introduction on a growing scale of North Vietnamese is to conquer the South, to defeat American power and
forces and equipment-and by their own stepped-up to extend the Asiatic dominion of communism.”
actions as well. If this effort to achieve a quick victory
The Viet Cong is a tough enemy, but no tougher
fails, as our increasing support of the free Vietnamese
than his opponents. He is not a superman, nor is he
is intended to assure, they say they are quite prepared to
invincible. It is impossible to predict how long it
continue for or 20 years if necessary and possible.
will take, but the Republic of Vietnam and the United
The war in Vietnam “is a different kind of war,”
States are committed to stopping his aggression.
said President Johnson on July 28, “There are
no marching armies or solemn declarations. Some Our military effort in Vietnam is an essential element
citizens of South Vietnam, at times with understandable in achieving the objectives of freedom, peace, and
grievances, have joined in the attack on their own Gov­ progress in that war-torn country which has fought
ernment. But we must not let this mask the central so long and valiantly for those goals.


March 8, 1966
This official Department of Defense publication is for the use of
personnel in the military Services.

By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force:
United States Army,
Official : Chief of
J. C.
Major General, United States Army,

The Adjutant General.

Admiral, United States
Chief of Naval Personnel.
General, U.S. Air Force,
Official Chief of
Colonel, USAF,

Director of Administrative Services.

H. W. BUSE, JR.,
Lt. General, U.S. Marine Corps.
Chief of (Plans amd
Army: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-4 requirement for TROOP TOPICS.
Air Force: X: One for every six active duty military members.
Marine Corps: MARCORPS: Table 4, plus 7000-140 (5)


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