Recruitment, selection
and training of workers
‘You probabiy know people who are ooking fra job or who have recently started
new ob. You wil have teachers who leave your school or cllege and need tobe
replaced so that subjects can continue tobe taught. Al of these are examples
‘tuations that vole recruitment of staf.
nen workers star anew job they wil need some waning s that they produce
work thats up tothe standard required.
mths chapter you wil find out how organisations recruit workers and why itis
Important that they receive training when they ft str theijob,Youwlalso took
tthe importance of training to existing workers asthe needs of the ob change,
Methods of recruiting and selecting workers
i oueae!
Figue 8.1 isimportant tohavethe best possible workforce
Recruitment and selection
Allsineses wil a some pln have to erat new wakes: They may need
‘ore workers becse the busines i growing ine, o they may need ola
sacany where a worker lef the uses.Pee eee eed
Recruitment of ew workers can be time-consuming snd cosly. However iis
important hat the busines secrulte the ight peopl bees ii so dao,
wil have to go through the whole process again.
Difference between internal and extemal recruitment
‘When abusines ht job vacancy toilitcan bok fo someone ints existing
orks internal eruitment ~o search ots the business exteraal
Intemal recruitment
_A busines my dee tat it already has the ight people wit the igh lst
‘othe ob If thennstead oF ling jb vacenc by employing smmone rom
“outside, they ean come someone whe ley work forthe busines
"The main advantage finer reeralmen a:
The vacancy canbe filed mare qu and more cheaply
-Aoplicantsaeadyhnow how thebusness works.
‘Thesis ety knows the stengihs nd weaknesses of aplc's
Workers can become more mosvated whenthey ve that theres chance
‘Tere ar limiatonsto eternal ecrltent ineloding:
Abeer cn mayhem a ome te
1 heallcueceicetinbeweniestobermeratcnsitetiny |
1 Teun reste ars peu batcone
‘External reruftment
a busines decide hat ane ofits current employees asthe necesay sills
or expertie olla vaca, of they want to increas the choice of cancats for
‘job then thy wills external recastment. This doesnot mean that urent
“employees cannot pay forthe job and might eves be succes in geting the
Job: Business that are growing api, or who have high bour trzover will,
frequent ase extra erutmet toil ob vacances.
"the main benefits os business of eternal ecrutent are
‘= Exernal applicant ight ring ne ideas and thiscanimprovetheeetnenass
and ficiency oie business.
= Therewil bea wcer cole applicants with diferent sls and exon
‘seevid the risk ofupeting workers when someone he isniralis promotes.
“The lnaton of exer erstment ince
1 takes longer toflthevacany
1m Itismore expense than itenarecutment because of advertising sts andthe
time spetinteniewingcandcates
1» Exteralappcan wil nedinductontalning whichincesesthe pees.Meese ECP Ee
Main stages in recruitment and selection of staff
Fiing new employees eques a busines to go through a recruitment and
selection proces. There are severl tages thi proces a shown n Figure 82.
"nti we costo poension
Figure 82 The recruitment process
ob analysis
‘When van oars Ue Hunan Restee Deparment reso 3
analysis log with the manager ofthe department where th vacancy This
Process tha ents the content of job in term of he acts involved andthe
Ll experience and eter quale needed to perform the eek. ItalieMemiea
‘he main oo requcement.pene ee eee
femember ato cipon
loves ano Pebseectihe
‘Spcatwha best maces the
Sacre no
ob description
‘jo description i wtendocunen that provide all he deta abou what
‘ob invelve. is usually prepared by the Human Resource Departinent with
input rom the manager othe depart which haste vac. wil be sent
toanyoneinterewed napping fr the jb and shoul ep tottract the best
applicants forthe ob.
Job descipion needs to incade
ob ite for example, Sle and Maran xcate
f= Themain duties ofthe post for example, plan ndcarry oul marketing acts
twageed budgets and timescales
1 Responsbies- ho the jbhoder is respandble lor superingnarages
Accountability -whothejob holder reponsto
Am example ofa simple jb description shown in igre 83.
(RE Se oc err emine
“sama Topmodel tag samc a
“Neem: ur ane sus honor ih ae an
1. Manahara dona ores wom a.
2. a antcay a dh ag Sten aged
<. Deak gee no a fr ret alana ota mses
1 een crea nce eo,
Figure 8.3 An example of 3b description
Person speciation
‘A person specications writen document thats uly reduced bythe
aman Resource Depa-imen wth inp rom the eleva manager isan
snalysis ofthe type of qualifications, kil, experience and personal qualities he
busines ooking for in applicants Some businesses provide applicant with2
person specication to lp them understand the typeof person they ar looking
Foran hopefully tract ony those applicants withthe ight eve of ls,
cxperience and personal qultien Other busincncs we the person specification to
pin the election preces,+ Studie Dec ees
An example ofa person specication ishown in Figure 84
oa, na ae eter No get on hohe sab tt pre
space nb Sie Et wit ora 3 Uh eet
‘natn an eran cat attr Etre ot raogny mara er
‘teste ft ret rent Mat bone enon Wap
Mangan Ay: Sane parpeeragere se, gator ay
Figue8. an eam of person pectiaton
Advertsing sob
‘Once the jab description and person speciation have been produced the business
eed t advertise the vacancy
he job ist be filed sing internal euitmen thea the advertisement could
‘beplaced on the staf notice Board ema al staf incaded in a workplace
external ecraitment ie being used thn the advertisment ol be placed
Inocl or ational newspapers and speci magazines. Te choice of whether to
se loclo atonal newspapers to advert job vacancies will en depend on the
lure ofthe jo. fife middle sad seniee management jobs, or ob ering
= rpeilit sil then avertsing nationally wil probably attract more, eter
quality, applicants chan lal advertising. Unkle or Semis ob vacancies
wil probably bel fom the Tcl populion, so theres no need to averse
atianally This isan important decision to make because advertising ational
rewspupersisalvays much more expensive and wold be waste of money ifthe
jobistikaly bet by local applicantCama
Many busineses now incadedetalis of any job vacances on thelr website
In some countries there are government-run o entre where vacancies ca be
‘svetsd, ely for re, There are ls number ofab wees sacha Seek in
"Neve Zalad ad JobsDB in Maly.
‘Some busineaes might slo use specs reerulment agencies sch as Candor
Group (pt) idm Pakistan. These agencies fen provides complete recruent
servic, which ses the time of managesin the busines with he acy.
Hojever, they can be expensive use
“The advert must be designed so that tara the right pian and provides,
allthe imation they need aboat how to apply or the pos.
‘lotech Engineering Products
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Sending out application forms and job detalls
(Once the job ha been averted then the busines wil need a send ut further
details and apletion sto people wno nave sown an eres napping,
“The who decide toappy wil compete and return a application favs or sind
sere ita - kaown a
‘CV ~whicheer the employer request
‘ACY contains the pesos name, addres and other contac deals the
duction and qualfesos obtained story of thelr employment ther sklsand
‘xperience thy ave ht might be rlevant othe joy hae nd intrest ae
‘he name and contact deals people whe wl provieelerencesCambridge IGCSC Business Studies ‘Section 2 People in bus
Asample CV ie hown in igure
FureasAsomgle cv
lieth tour vpn aca narrow curse
Receiving applications and shortlsting applicants
‘Te Human Resource Department and manager othe department where the
vacancy ext wil lok through ll the aplctions. They will compare the
{information onthe application fom or CV withthe jb dexrption and person
speciation o prods shortlist of applicants or interview,
Interviewing shortlisted cancidates
‘Shorted canldate willbe invited to attend for interview The interview
‘may ustbea quertion and newer sesion with one two people interviewing
‘ach candidat, or there may bea pane ofinteviewers. Usually dhe moc seaior
{he postion, the nore people re ikl tobe involved in the interview res
(Center may be asked compete tests. These may ice spite tests for
‘example someone applying for acar mechanics job maybe aed ox prob
‘on cat watched by the cer vewe. Other tts may invave eam activities rin
tery execs, sch reading tpl etters that the busines receives an deiding
‘on the bert course of action oak in response,
teBee eee ee
‘Acanddatebeing interviewed for ob
‘Selecting the right candidate
Ge Following intervews and results of any tet, the interview pane ll let who
Dorotcontseob escipon they thinks the Best applicant forthe jb.
se pean speciation eo "The aplcant wl receive afomal job ofer in writing although they might fist
Thesferecebetweentwtwo receives pone cll fering them the od. Once they stat work, they wll bien
srdhonbeyaaeinoe graf employment sind ning eon. I
Benefitsand limitations of parttime and ful-time workers
Notall workers want oor ar abeto, work fll tne. Ahough nome coetries
things are changing, women are more kel to want o work parttime othit
they can combine work with ising fay o other commatments Cole and
univers Raden are another important source af part-time woskes
"Thre rea number ofbenete to busines of eniplying patie mores,
1 Abasnsscan ten atact wel qualified workers - manly women who watto
return wort need tohave exe working hous
1 Oferngfl:ime other the opportunity to work parttime can helps busiest
seep eperenced stat
1 Partin workprovides rater ley For example ta wenrisol se, pa
f= Thecovtrat hors of patie wocars maybe leet allow for charges a
demand The prime worker work lngerhours during but periods srewer
hour ven the buns ese sy
1 Thereiesome evento suggest that part ime workars are more product
‘han fame woes. Perhaps because they work everhourso ares redo
cau thay re motvateto ware an employer who ecgnsesthe beefs of
parttime ores.
1 Employing wo part ime wortersistead ane fl ine wore, ten incrases
‘hess and experiences ofthe werkoce
f= Parttine workers donot nee ake ine of wrk lor mea and ental
sppoinments. When fltime workers tke time oor these reasons, RP Tay
‘here ar alto int
tons to employing parttime workers
1 There a ncreasininduction and waning cost
There could be communication pebers.Getingthe sme mesioge to a
workers iif when some worker are only inthe workplace at certain es
during tne week
15 The quality of sevice offered to customers may nt be a good wth part ine
fats ith ul ime sf or napa worker deling tn customer
Complaint on Monday buts not at workagan ul Wednesday, ten he
tstomerhastowaltlongerTor2 solution
"The disadvantages employing pr tlme workers ae removed if fll time woskes
recmployed In adison fll time workers are often more commited 10 he
‘osiness and doing good job because they ae pechap more een on gning
prontotion than pare ime workers.
2 deny two estes of ajob dsciton.
22 Siretpxtanagecins icnorentamplyngratmewarhe,
i The importance of training and methods
‘Why workers need training
“imagine you he just started «part-time job in aloe department store. is your
Sis day at wok How wil you know what o dt Your fendhas been working
atthe store forsome time. He bas just changed jobs ad it ii it dy ina nee
‘Separtment. ow willbe know wht to do? Both workers ned to be trained so that
‘hey ca do throb ectively and fice. The sme store has ut needuced
‘ne technology athe tl All operators have been tranel owe the new
‘equipment. Without raining staff may become demotivated, and there a likely 0
‘bemany unhappy customers which willbe ba for the busines
‘Asyoucanse, trainings important both businesses sad workers. The man
benefit of taainginchde:
1 Taine production workers are ore ficient. This increases produciy and
ioroves sy
1 Managerertainingimproves the quality of business dedisons and reduces the
sof east mista
s Tenng ens workers to deeop ther abies and reach hl potential. Ths
Improvesteimothaton and morale, Workers ate ess tant oleae
busines tht provides them with god tiring
f= iseasertecuitoew woretand a heep ening werkes,
f= Teiningar improve cutomer service. Tiselpsto moro customer
relationships and increases custome loyal.
1 Heath net training elo rece accidents,
1 Awo-valed woo improves business competveres.Cee ee
Methods of training
There are thre ain ethodsof trining
1 onthejob
1 off theob
Induction traning
eis enough fas business to recrulthe ight taf. Even the bes qualified
worker wll aed sone form of teining when they tt ne jo, Tit traning
oown atiedection
Teton teining introduce then wore
‘= theorganisaonstructure and the oe and resporsibls within the structure
‘= the eat and safely procedures nthe workplace
1 thefolities aatabe to workers, for example canteen facies.
“Temi bene of induction taining forthe workers that they quickly el
purtofthe busines Ths brings beet othe business because workers who are
ete ae moe likey to perfor thc taske moe effectively from he start of their
Woking inp imagine youhavebean en threszonbly forcings now pp tz ec styeurchoal
\Weteen induction porate pol nce al ofthe tings ey wl oad know teppei aed
tomeet the les tey rst lear andthe itis they esl tse
Some new workers will ced to recive training so tha they arable odo their
job ecient. Ala, to kep their workdorce operating a most ent eve,
business may need to provide workers wth farther raining to update tei kil,
lear ue im eh ning co be pone ono
of thejob.
On-the-Job training
(On-the-job trang involves he worker learing the als they need to complete
task inthe wovkpac. They wil fen it with an expeenced were and watch
‘ow they perform he ask. Tey wil hen complet the ak unde the guidance of
the experienced worker.
‘The main advantages of onthe job traning are
‘rethejob raining
1 srl cheap
|= Worersean the way tha the busines wants thejob done
1s Worker ae producing ouput while valaingCambridge IGCSE Business Studies Section 2 People in business
1 Workers might pickup ayo the erparences workers
1 Workers ake mare mistakes when laming andthe
1 ‘slows down the production ofthe experince
Off-the:job training
(ee job training takes place wy fromthe
vworplce. This might be the companys wn taining
ff deeb ining, facilis or attending couse fered by specialist
tezning companies, ot cal elles and universes. tismost often used where
the ob equts high evel of tchnial il or pec management ils eed te
Quam “hemeinadanae fof he ob nng ince
1 edoesnot sup the production father works
1 “The dandvamages include
1 eeanbeexpensiv especialy when thatrainingc oui ya hating
15 Theworer does nt produce ny output dung ning
finder ethe owner ala shop thst sal photocopes fax machnes andother ens offceequpnent He asoofeshs.
cults tenn and marienatcesence.
eb ee ace eee ree ree betel ee
{eolGSur Sut svery Me eigen of epeiengor ranting fice euler bute ks eile
‘eklosne Hone, Rade notre how bet Vain Sut He aus ins Sheu asec thesob oho
“te abet reportinRavidethat detest avartages and sacratsgesto Revd an his business teach
Inehoscainng Yousnouscorcudsyoureperhy ecrmendngwhch rehos Retr sould we nd wy.
Eaten anne Paice tne pe eee ees
Reasons for reducing the size of the
Thar rt sre tone why» wer’ mploannt wi » barnes maybe
ended, or teminatd. These ae shown in Figure 8.Figures Reasons torteminating employment
Resignation means that a worker may decide to lave treo voluntary or
‘example they lene to go and work for another employer: There maybe several
‘reasons for this such spromotlon, better py sbrter working hous or the new
‘workplace cloner t bam o eset ga,
om Retirement
Iso course, workers mt vt oh hen hy ech omen
Other counter det aves company renee Inthe cots
sis can orktay ag
Semtimes abuses loses down because the ners olonger wat orate
business, ori fled Because tino lange profibl Sometimes business
dei t relocate faraway fom the utentocatlon, props even reoctingto
‘snober eounty: Manufactring business may nteodece ne technology atthe
‘wokplice which can perform the work of several work Ina of ese stustions 2
‘wrk employment canbe erminsted beste sre redundant Redundancy
Aeseribs tustion where the job hata worker oes no lnge needed
An employer ay dias
rske rom thee or on of wo reasons
1 taompetnce the worker does no perform ther tik tothe required standard
2 Porcondct-the worker breaks the rls forename thy ae en tar werk
Pthemsciesandsher workers in dane by igor heath and salty procedures.
Redundancy and dismissal are both decisions hat ae tade bythe employe, They
‘both result ina worker na longerhavng job, However with edandancy the jo
Toss not the worker’ fal buf hey are sis he itis thi fat
Reasons for downsizing the workforce
busines ay need to ee the size oft workforce fr any ofthe fling reson
15 Theremay ballin demand forthe roducthe worker produces ferand does
roineese the busines may need to reduce thesia Is woore becuse
ty to employ workers whohave ettingto do for ny lent of time.
|= The business may ntrodue new technology which xomates tasks that workers
= “cuenty do. Thebusines nay no ongar nee these workers.
essere fine tusinesmay leat sore itn rome curent ne pamape nome
Chutes panes. county may tbe possible for workers to mow eave tothe neocon,
bd they wihave eave the bs.
Inallthese cae, the sins wllmake employee eelundantCambridge IGCSE Business Studies _Seetlon 2 People Inbusines
Deciding which workers to recrutt or make redundant
tis mach ease for managers to ea wth erating extra wovkers than is 16
sake workers edu.
Sdectng nee eras and sling workers tobe made redundant are both
_mportant aks of manages and one hat must be done fay
"The proces of selecting workers for redundsncy mast be clea anf. Very
‘fen a busines wil se he st, stout method. This means that workers
wo ave ben employed forthe lest amount f ime willbe theft obe made
edundant However sthough thi sytem cea and might be enfin,
sometimes means that busines lore workers who ate ete eld ad mone
productive than worker who have been employed longer
For this reason some employers may se more measurable criteria to slect
wokers for redundancy such a
tert the tre fhe busines
‘= How ote workers have been lat or absent ram workin the past year
workers who areaten lt or abn wl be es procuctivebecae they ae not
1 How oda workeris- perhaps hse close toreirement should be made
"redundant so that younger workescan be bepton.
1 1 dey momar smoot nny nib
2. Satetworeascnsya busines might drs 9 wots
Legal controls over employmentissues
‘The governments of most countries have passed ws almed at protecting workers
‘om being etplaed by employers and dsm sted nti The mai ares covered
by these legal contolare shown in Figure 2
gues. Lega convots overbusinesesTee eae
Contract of employment
Tn mos countries it lg requirement that workers are given writen costract
‘femployment This ea lal binding agreement between the emplayer the
‘employer and wil nde details sucha
‘the nare ofthe employer
the nme othe employee
ate of commenceent of employment
the amount the emoyee willbe paid
the number of hoursthe employe sxpected to work
‘the bt and ma responsbitis fhe employee
the numberof days eld they receive
the period oie te worker hata give the emplayerifthy wish leave tee
emploment—thsskrown as te’ period of notice
1 the pievance anddicipinry procedures and whereemployescan fd
informaton abot ese
Acton ot ih ep hee
cmap ets th
‘Sey oa
‘fan employer ignores any ofthe terms of the employment contract, for example
pints ni
nc etek instincts tenant |
commie shee ceet co eo
‘sidhmosetc beng berne
Unfair dismissal
In most counties thew wil potest workers and eneure that the are ete
fal by thelr employe This incudes the lel right not to be dismissed from thei
job without good reac, I they ze, then thi would be un dams
Avworker who thinks they have been unfaislydamised ca take les acton
aginst the employer the worker ra member of trade unin then they wil ght
the case on the workers bal.
the court decide hata worker ha een unfal dimissed they can fore tbe
“mplayer to give the worker thei jb back andlor compensate them or the ass of
Many ont lo hove awe tha prevent ployer om dscrmination wen
secrting new worker in ow they test workers who aren their employment,
‘Laws to prevent discrniaation on the grounds of gender race, nous, eligion,
ibility and age arth mos common. Aay worker who feds that they have
‘been decriminste aginst for any ofthese eazons has thelegal igh take he
‘employer to court. Trae unions wil prvi the legal advice and supprto ay of
‘temembers who havebeen subject to ny frm af isciminaton coveted y a
Health and safety
“The workplace canbe very dangerous environment for workers Health andsuity
laws alm to peotect wakes fom ory or physical discomfort for example bingPt Pere ei
: nae
co oto to a Thes aw lo reuie the worker nt todo anything that
Pen ‘ight causeharm orinjry to their ll workers
‘Workers who ignore ealth ad safety rulesand procedures and cause injury
‘emsdvesor thes could be dismissed fo isconduc.,
‘Health and safety in the workplace increases busines cost bat iit
duces accidents then fener days wil belo do worker injry. Tis
‘el help to keep output at high levels and the employer wil ne have to
ey workers health ilo compensation for any injuries they receive
‘hile at work,
Legal minimum wage
‘Some countries have nroduced minimum wage avs to preventing employers
‘Fam exploing workers by paying very low wages Mizar wage as state that 2
srker cannot be pa le than certain te er hor.
Minimo wel ofen increase busines costs However if workers receive
‘fur wage then thiscoul motivate them to work ard ad increase tee
2 deny twe ypasofdscnmianon ithe worlace
Fa Unfair dismissal
EX Dismissal for Rastafarian dreadlocks in the workplace
| declared unfairly discriminatory
| Nemeran2 occ aed oupont te wagesion
Nee lCouttashidtns heated otieeeweenaich
iso tun hc aegis Oo te conry
Pre atoereeegeeraPllmonr Fron, pbs han he :
mal pon empleo they wee reprded at empl TON
i nhily demise. Therefore emplses had ben ony
eS cimale— Gnpued and mil were uaa
Te Br oe thchrtye wile female unr case he employe aft discrimi
| pron ofc were eto doo. Sedagnina ber
‘Sowee Adept rom wonuneonreseulrght con/nowledgelpblation 208ml for
‘stalin readlocksintheworplace delared- unity discriminatory
2 Whavimaantbyunfor demieet?
I dertfytwn types of cinraton hatte prison worersweresibecttobyteremploye: 1
Cu yotktiec messin Le ptal auiets reneyue? ely ye oe“Total avilable marks 40