Distajo Vs CA
Distajo Vs CA
Distajo Vs CA
On July 12, 1969, Iluminada Abiertas sold On April 9, 1990, the trial court dismissed
Lot No. 1018 to Rufo Distajo.6 the complaint for lack of cause of action,
laches and prescription. The counterclaim
Meanwhile, Justo Abiertas, Jr., the brother of was likewise dismissed. The parties appealed
Iluminada Abiertas, died leaving behind his to the Court of Appeals.11
children, Teresita, Alicia, Josefa and Luis
Abiertas. Teresita paid for the real estate CA Ruling:
taxes of the following properties, which she
inherited from her father: Lot Nos. 1001, On August 21, 1992, the Court of Appeals
1048, 1049, and a portion of Lot No. 1047, rendered its decision,12 the dispositive
all located in Capiz. On May 26, 1954, portion of which states as follows:
Teresita Abiertas sold Lot No. 1001 in favor
of Rufo Distajo.7 On June 2, 1965, Teresita WHEREFORE, the Court decides the case in
Abiertas, for herself and representing her favor of the defendant and dismisses the
sisters and brother, sold Lot Nos. 1048, plaintiffs’ complaint for lack of cause of
1049, and a portion of Lot No. 1047 to Rufo action except with regard to the plaintiffs’
Distajo.8 claim over a 238 sq. m. portion of Lot No.
1018 (the portion adjoining the market site
and measuring seventeen meters and that namely, Justo Abiertas, Jr., whose heirs sold
adjoining the property of E. Rodriguez said parcels of land to Rufo Distajo.
measuring 14 meters). The Court hereby
Orders the partition of Lot No. 1018 to
conform to the following: 238 sq. m. as
above specified to belong to the plaintiffs as Issue: WON the sale transactions are void
prayed for by them while the rest is declared for having been entered into by the
property of the defendant. administrator of the properties.