Media and Information and Literacy: Week 7
Media and Information and Literacy: Week 7
Media and Information and Literacy: Week 7
Information and
Week 7
Instructions: Read and understand the questions and select the best answer. Write the letter in the
b. Twitter d. MySpace
____B_____ 3. Was one of the first uses of the internet and still the most popular use, accounting for
____A_____ 4. Which term refers to the means of communication, such as radio, television,
or the internet?
a. Media c. Literacy
____B____ 5. In social media, what type of marketing has become important for advertisers?
____A_____ 8. It is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real
or perceived power imbalance.
a. Bullying c. Copyright
b. Defamation d. Cyberbullying
____D_____ 10. What happens to the work after the copyright time has passed?
or perceived power imbalance.
1. Ease of access to information
2. Saves Time
3. Ease of Mobility
4. Better communication means
5. Cast efficiency
6. Innovation in many fields
7. Improved Banking
8. Better Learning Techniques
9. Disabled are now Abled
10. Artificial Intelligence
1. Technology creates dependences
2. We must have lows in place that protect individual freedoms
3. Technology reduce human effort
4. There are data security concerns to manage.
5. We don’t always understand how technology works for us.
6. Technology creates a social disconnect
7. There is more of a struggle to disconnect from work because of technology
8. Technology can manipulate information to suit personal needs.
9. It becomes much easier to copy or plagiarize information
10.Technology can be adductive.
2. Write a reflection about the lesson
address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet. I learned on the
lesson are A legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other
creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work. Copyright owners have the
right to control the reproduction of their work, including the right to receive payment
for that reproduction. An author may grant or sell those rights to others, including
publishers or recording companies. Violation of a copyright is called infringement.
An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another
author without authorization; the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as
by not crediting the original .Bullying that takes place online, or using electronic
technology such as cell phones, computers, and tablets over communication tools
including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of
cyberbullying: text messages or emails composed to insult or demean; rumors or false
statements spread by email or posted on social networking sites; and humiliating
photos, videos, websites, or fake profiles deliberately shared across social media. The
excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. This
excessive use may, for example, interfere with work or sleep, result in problems with
social interaction, or affect mood, relationships, and thought processes. An economic
inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT. The
divide within countries can refer to inequalities between individuals, households,
businesses, and geographic areas at different socioeconomic (and other demographic)
levels. The Global digital divide designates countries as the units of analysis, and
examines the divide between developing and developed countries on an international
scale. I enjoy the lesson because its about warning to be more careful around any
internet platforms.
Because some of the work can’t be copied it needs an authorization from the
rightful owner before it copy and post in public.
In response to course work learners produce papers, projects, presentations, web sites, art
works, videos, multimedia, and music performances- all of which are made richer, more
interesting and more effective by the judicious use of quotations, visuals, media clips and other
copyrighted resources drawn from the real world. As result of their learning and experience,
instructors, consultants, and learners will produce original and creative works that have value
for personal use, portfolios and perhaps for or future commercial use. As a result, instructors,
consultants, and learners need to understand the basic concepts and principles behind
intellectual property and the legal methods employed to protect those products from
unauthorized use. Just as we understand that plagiarizing written works is dishonest, we need
to recognize that outside certain limited conditions- unauthorized appropriation of non-text
material is illegal. The use of copyrighted photographs, drawings, charts, video, audio, software,
animations and other types of creative products outside those narrow boundaries, is not just
Instructions: Read and understand the questions and select the best answer.
Write the letter in the space
provided before the number.
a. copyright c. trademarks
b. patent d. registered designs
TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct and write false if the
statement is incorrect in the
space provided before the number
_____A_____ 6. Copyright protects the creator of an original work.
a. True b. False
_____A_____ 7. Music, movies, and video games can all be copyrighted.
a. True b. False
a. True b. False
limits or restrictions.
a. True b. False
_____B_____ 10. Plagiarism is a form of copyright infringement.
a. True b. False
_____A_____ 11. Only materials in fixed, tangible forms may be copyrighted.
a. True b. False
______A____ 12. When using work, you find online it is always good to give credit
to the creator.
a. True b. False
_____A_____ 13. Works in the public domain are free for anyone to use.
a. True b. False
_____A_____ 14. If you read a negative comment about yourself or a friend, this
is cyberbullying.
a. True b. False
_____A_____ 15. If in doubt or fairly using any material, you should contact the
copyright owner
a. True b. False