Stead 1990 PDF
Stead 1990 PDF
Stead 1990 PDF
D. Stead *x
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask. (Canada)
(Received August 9, 1988; accepted after revision May 22, 1989)
Stead, D., 1990. Engineering geology in Papua New Guinea: a review. Eng. Geol., 29: 1-29.
Papua New Guinea is a country where geology has a major impact on civil and mining engineering
projects. It is situated in a geologically active region and hence is subject to earthquake- and volcanicity-
related hazards. Combined with a high annual rainfall, rugged topography and intense weathering, this
makes Papua New Guinea an extremely challenging and interesting environment for the engineering
geologist. Several large-scale open pit mining operations such as Panguna and Ok Tedi have involved a
considerable input from geological engineers both in mine design and in the development of the necessary
infrastructure. Environmental concerns have become increasingly important requiring the design of
tailings dams to limit the effect of mineral extraction. The construction and maintenance of roads is an
important factor in the growth of Papua New Guinea and both major and minor roads have been
adversely influenced by slope instability problems. Numerous slope failures have occurred along the
country's main route, the Highland's highway, on several occasions resulting in road closure. The
development of hydroelectric power has also involved a significant input from geological engineers in the
design and construction of dams and ancillary structures. This paper examines the influence of geology on
the development of Papua New Guinea.
order of 1000-1500 mm. Combined high rainfall, high temperatures, and rugged
topography results both in high rates of weathering, producing completely weathered
rocks and residual soils along with high rates of erosion. Blong (1981) reports rates of
erosion in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea of 20 cm/year.
Papua New Guinea is situated in the zone of interaction between two major plates,
the northward moving Australian Plate and the westward moving Pacific Plate.
Numerous studies on the tectonics of the region have shown that in practice there are
several minor plates involved in this zone of interaction and that the plate tectonic
history is quite complex (Jenkins, 1974; Jacques and Robinson, 1977; Davis et al.,
1984; Cooper and Taylor, 1987). On a regional scale three major tectonic provinces
have been recognised; the southwest Papuan platform (a stable basement extension
of continental Australia), the central orogenic belt (New Guinea Mobile Belt) and the
northern island arc province (Fig.2).
The isostatically stable cratonic southwest Papuan platform consists of Palaeozoic
metamorphic and granitic rocks overlain by Mesozoic and Cainozoic shelf sediments.
The northeastern extension of this platform underlies tectonically thickened Meso-
138OE 140 ° 142 ° 144 ° 146 °. 148 ° 150 ° 152 ° 154 ° 156o
' ~ O°
~anu$ r.'""?
4 2°
:;g -~,l~{~¢xS-~T~~_ so, .... Sea
PLATFORM e~ ~° o
oo "~°.
~, Eit,OCl volcano ~ I • °.
VOlCanoes. t I ~ ," "'i .°- """
M~oceneqnl,ullves " " ~2
Mlsoa,o~ PelldOllll * C 0 t cl I Sea S
.... 2kin Oee~" Comou, !
I I I I I I I 1
Fig.2. Plate Tectonic map of Papua N e w guinea (Cooper and Taylor, 1987). TM=Torricelli Mts.;
OSFZ=Owen Stanley Fault Zone; DE=D'Entrecasteaux Islands. Triangles on trench segments
indicate direction of subduction; arrows indicate sense of motion on transform fault segments.
zoic miogeosynclinal shales and Tertiary limestones of the Papuan Fold Belt. This
area is characterised by foreland folds and thrusts verging southward from the
central orogenic belt. The vergence has been associated with Paleocene-Oligocene
subduction and collision which thrust an Eocene island arc southwest over the
Mesozoic passive margin of Australia (Cooper and Taylor, 1987) and a zone of
detachment tectonics (Jenkins, 1974) with the basement extension forming the core of
a basement high in the Papuan New Guinea Highlands referred to as the Kubor
Anticline. Several large Quaternary stratovolcanoes occur within the Highlands
region of the Papuan Fold Belt.
The central orogenic or New Guinea Mobile Belt is located to the north and east of
the Papuan Fold Belt and extends throughout the length of Papua New Guinea. It
consists predominantly of Mesozoic-Cainozoic geosynclinal sediments and volcanics
which have been highly folded, faulted and metamorphosed on their northern and
eastern margins. A discontinuous belt of ophiolites occurs along the outer margin of
the central orogenic belt. The largest, the Papuan Ultramafic Belt is thought to be a
10-16 km thick thrust sheet of oceanic crust and mantle emplaced in Eocene-Oligo-
cene times (Connelly, 1979). Several major, mainly mid-Miocene, intermediate
plutons intrude the central orogenic belt, some associated with gold and copper
mineralisation. Large Cainozoic stratocones are present within the Highlands and in
southeast Papua New Guinea, some of which have been recently active.
The northern island arc province is separated from the central orogenic belt to the
south by the graben-like Ramu-Markham Fault Zone or the Solomon Sea Basin. The
latter being subducted to the north at the New Britain Trench and to the southwest at
the Trobriand Trough (a continuation of the Ramu-Markham suture) (Cooper and
Taylor, 1987). This province contains the northern coastal mountains of mainland
Papua New Guinea, the Bismarck and Solomon Seas and the islands of the Bismarck
Archipelago. It is a tectonically active area with a high frequency of seismic and
volcanic activity. It is also a geologically young province composed of predominantly
Cainozoic intermediate volcanics, volcano-clastics, reef limestones and intrusives. The
islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, including New Britain, New Ireland and
Bougainville, together with the north coastal mountain ranges of the mainland are
believed to represent Tertiary island arcs. Major porphyry copper and gold deposits are
found within this tectonically active province. Uplift of the land is proceeding at
spectacular rates and is evidenced by flights of raised coral terraces on the Huon
Peninsula, where the uplift rate has been estimated as 0.5-3 m per 1000 years.
The high level of tectonic activity in Papua New Guinea is a major factor in
engineering. Earthquakes of magnitudes of greater than 6 on the Richter scale are not
uncommon within the northern island arc province. They may result in considerable
damage to roads, foundations, and slope failures. With increasing population density
these could represent a high risk to settlements. It has been estimated that Papua New
Guinea has between 5 and 10% of the world's total earthquake occurrences. In
recognition of this the country has been divided into major earthquake zones and
contoured in terms of seismic intensity (Gaul, 1978; Ripper, 1979). Generally the
northern islands arc province is classified as an area of high to very high risk; the
central orogenic belt and the Papuan Fold Belt are areas of medium risk and the
stable southwest platform is a low-risk area (Fig.3).
E N G I N E E R I N G G E O L O G Y IN P A P U A N E W G U I N E A 5
~ Rebllul ~.
~ B \ \ \
st,s.,c ,,,s,. z 0 . . ~ - - ~ ,
A - V. High
8 High "~ ~ o
C" Medium
D- Low
Papua New Guinea is situated on the so called circum-Pacific "ring of fire" and has
36 volcanoes which may be classified as either active or dormant (Lowenstein, 1982).
Most of these are within the nortbern island arc province and they include the
Rabaul volcanoes (Fig.4), which are the subject of detailed monitoring at present
(Mckee et al., 1985). Mt Lamington, a mainland volcano, erupted in 1951, although
considered dormant, and resulted in the loss of almost 3000 lives. Today, the
geophysical observatories at Port Moresby and Rabaul closely monitor seismic and
volcanic activity.
along river gorges such as the Purari and Strickland. The Hindenburg Plateau
terminates at the Hindenburg wall which is a 1000 m high, near vertical limestone
face. Major joint controlled rockfalls have been reported (Geological Survey of
Papua New Guinea, 1980) and have hampered the development of engineering
schemes in this area. Steep topography is also characteristic of the immediate
hinterland of the Port Moresby area and here the resistant Astrolabe Agglomerate
forms a marked cliff. Rockfall problems associated with boulders derived from this
scarp have had a significant affect on the Rouna hydroelectric scheme. Numerous
potentially unstable boulders had to be removed by drilling and blasting, and slope
instability due to boulders and colluvium was a factor in the construction of tailrace
and headrace tunnels underground rather than surface pipelines.
Mudslides in Papua New Guinea are a considerable problem. Mudslides being
defined here as masses of softened argillaceous, silty or very fine sandy debris which
advance chiefly by sliding on discrete boundary surfaces in relatively slow moving
lobate or elongate forms. In Papua New Guinea mudslides occur involving overcon-
solidated clay shale deposits frequently of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary age. These
slides are common in the Highlands region where Chim Formation shales consisting
of grey-black micaceous siltstones and mudstones, interbedded with subordinate
sandstones, limestones and conglomerates occur. The Chim shale clay fraction
consists of mixed layer montmorillonite-illite and is characterised by its rapid slaking
on excavation to produce fine angular clay shale fragments. In some areas,
particularly in the Simbu Province of the Highlands, widespread instability is evident
with much of the land surface being underlain by Chim Formation. The topography
is characterised by long narrow ridges separating major areas of colluvial debris.
Numerous reports of instability due to the siting of engineering works on ancient
E N G I N E E R I N G G E O L O G Y IN P A P U A N E W G U I N E A 7
Chlm Formation
I¢--tnmtlblli,,"~> I
~> ~ " Iv '~ ', ~ ,~, , / _ Dlulo Kallam
.: ~ ~ ~.~ ,~, ~. - : ~':. p,,, pa,.
~"~'-:.'- : _- .ii
X e y to l o c a t i o n s
Ch; Chauve, Go; Goroka, xa; Kalnantu, Ke; KaEowagl, KU; Kundlava,
Me; Mendi, ~BI; MOunt Hagan, Mi; Min~, Na; Wabag, wt; W a t a b ~ g .
Xey to Geology
R~::ent Sediman~l.
m ToT=
[] TOTlm~ Tertiary Sediments
Bm TOTI~ includlngmudatones.
landaEonll, lllnesto~tal
a/lcl v o l c a n o l £ ~ l ~ c
[] TeTol units.
Cretaceous argillaceous
a~d aranaceous sediments.
[] K1
Acid - Intemedlate
Idltruslve Basic
[] Rocks Ultramaflc
Mata~1orphlcs of Triassic - Tertiary ago.
o Eruptive centre.
Cratar' wall of volcano.
is now fully paved. Problems of instability in this section included unstable cuts in
weathered Chim shale, subsidence of road surface within old landslide areas and road
edge failures due to construction on unstable weathered Chim shale derived fill.
Harris (1972) emphasised the importance of minimising the extent of disturbance of
old landslides. Many of the slope problems were due to reactivation of old mudslides
by undercutting or surcharging. Much realignment to avoid old slide areas has
occurred and where this was not possible the importance of providing adequate
drainage to the landslide mass was recognised.
Blong (1981, 1985) discusses mudslides within Chim Formation materials. He
notes that most of the failures involved predominantly colluvial material and that
feeder slides may occur. Often a series of accumulation basins and old failure areas
can be identified down the mudslide profile. The slides range up to 2500 m in length
and have surface slopes of 6 °-15 ° with steeper headward areas and possibly smaller
feeder slides depositing colluvium onto the mudslide surface. Due to an annual
rainfall of over 2 m in the Highlands region the mudslides are frequently saturated
resulting in continued movement and surges. An interesting indicator of slope
instability in the Highlands region is the presence or absence of layers of volcanic ash.
Blong and Pain (1978) mapped the distribution of volcanic ash in the Highlands and
found interesting correlations between rock types, slope angles, the presence of ash
cover and slope instability. Argillaceous beds of the Chim Formation which had been
subjected to slope failures had no volcanic ash cover, whereas more sandy beds of the
same formation often retained a cover of ash.
A major mudslide, the Yakatabari mudslide, near the Porgera mining district in
the Highlands has been described in detail by Blong (1985). This is an ancient
mudslide approximately 2500 m in length and dated as 4500 BP. It has an average
surface slope of 8 °-12 ° and is estimated to have moved at approximately 60 mm per
year. Reactivation of the landslide was promoted by hydraulic sluicing for alluvial/
colluvial gold and sections of landslide debris of up to 20 m thick were observed.
Blong conducted a series of shear box tests and a programme of field shear testing
using the Iowa down-borehole shear instrument. The laboratory tests on remoulded
slide material gave residual friction angles of 30 ° as compared with the field shear
strength parameters of q5'=26 ° and C ' = 10 kPa. The stability of mudstones and
shales of Cretaceous age is also a problem in other parts of Papua New Guinea and
has been responsible for several failures in the Ok Tedi region. Mostyn and Ferguson
(1984) presented results of triaxial testing on rocks from the Pnynang Formation
which has been an adverse factor in the stability of slopes in the mine area.
The mechanism of failure of the Chim shales has been analysed by Blong (1981)
using an infinite slope model. He showed that residual shear strength values and high
pore water pressure appeared to be present for most failure surfaces analysed. It was
recognised that the method of analysis was approximate and that geometry of
mudslide failures needed more precise delineation. Indeed several failures within the
Chim Formation described in the literature have a distinctly rotational mechanism
particularly in their upper regions. It is hence necessary to use composite analytical
techniques to analyse these slope failures. Complexities in the back-analysis of the
mudslides include the adequate definition of shear strength parameters (owing to the
variability of the slide debris) and pore pressure conditions, and identifying the
Fig.8. Landslides associated with the Biala earthquake, after King and Loveday (1985).
failure in the dam the National Disaster Committee of Papua New Guinea on
September 11, 1986 decided to use explosives in an attempt to control the breaching
of the dam. King et al. (1987) describe the use of an explosive charge consisting of
200 kg of gelignite and 340 kg of A N F O (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil) detonated
in a trench at the low point of the dam crest. This, however, failed to breach the dam
and only lowered the crest level by a few metres. Lowering of the crest level was
continued by hand excavation until the flow over the crest's low point was
approximately 0.3 m3/s. At this time an M L 6.4 earthquake occurred about 150 km
east of the landslide dam which although resulting in local rockfatls did not
apparently affect the saturated landslide dam. At 6:47 am on September 12, 1986
overtopping of the dam began and King et al. (1987) reported that by approximately
9:30 am an estimated 40 million m 3 of flood water had removed 80 million m 3 of
landslide dam material. The flood water/debris flow destroyed a village downstream,
but monitoring of the rising lake level had allowed evacuation of the villagers and
hence saved considerable loss of life.
The mining industry is extremely important to the economy of Papua New Guinea
and it is a major world producer of gold and copper. The majority of the mining
operations are porphyry gold and copper mines although significant alluvial gold
deposits have been worked. Major operating mines and projected mining operations
are shown in Table III and Fig.9. Considerable input of geological engineering has
been involved in the country's two major existing open pit operations at Panguna on
Bougainville Island and at Ok Tedi in the Star Mountains of western Papua New
Guinea. Underground mining is also a possibility in the planned Lihir and Laloki
Panguna, the first major open pit copper/gold mine in Papua New Guinea
commenced production of ore in 1972. This mine was located in an area of rugged
O 300
Panguna, Cu, Au, Ag 900 Mt: 0.5% Cu Open pit up to 950 m Commenced mining 1972. Problems ©
experienced initially with 63
Bougainville in depth, triple 45 m high .<
benches. Slopes in faulted stability of waste dumps and
and highly jointed Panguna access roads (Baumer et al., 1973). 7.
andesite and diorites. Drainage tunnel from sump excavated.
Shovel/truck operation. Tailings discharged into Jaba River. Z
Ok Tedi, Cu, Au, Ag 351 Mt: 0.75% Cu Open pit. Planned depth Commenced mining 1984. Problems
Star Mountains 34 Mt: 2.85 g/t Au up to 550 m. Slopes in with natural slopes during tailings
25 Mt: 1.17% Cu and monzonites, monzodiorites, dam construction and of access
1.6 g/t Au limestones and siltstones roads. >
Shovel/truck operation.
Porgera Au 85 Mt: 3.80 g/t Au Open pit Stability of access roads and some mine
slopes exhibited due to Chim Shale
(Blong, 1985).
Misima Island Au, Ag 56 Mt: 1.38 g/t Au Open pit Go-ahead announced 1988. Previously
mined from alluvial workings (1888-191 I)
and underground (1911-42).
Llihir Island Au 65 Mt: 5.1 g/t Au Open pit/underground Producing 7150 kg/yr. Au now; expected
to rise to 50,000 kg/yr by 1994.
Laloki Au, Cu, Zn, Ag 0.35 Mt: 3.8 g/t Au, Underground Previously mined using
10.76 g/t Ag, underground workings.
3.93% Cu, 2.51% Zn
Wapolu, Au 5.9 Mt: 1.4 g/t Au Open pit Projected start-up late 1988.
] Diorite
WEST level Im I
Fig.11. Section through Pan Hill, Panguna mine, after Lye (1985).
o ,
pe 0
• Complete
0 Projected
0I 3~0
Rouna 1 and 3 stages are shown in Fig.17. A slope failure occurred within highly
weathered colluvial volcanic material in the slope above the Rouna 3 power station.
This necessitated excavation, drainage, and placing of rockfill during the subsequent
Rouna 4 stage. Figs.18 and 19 show the tunnel portal region and the tunnelling
machine used during the Rouna 4 scheme. The tunnel for this last stage of the
hydroelectric scheme was 2.3 km long and 3.65 m in diameter. It was excavated by
both tunnelling machine and drilling and blasting.
The Ramu I scheme described by Furstner (1976) is located within the Ramu river
valley in the eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. It included the construction of
pressure and access shafts (215 m deep), an underground machine hall and a 2285 m
long tailwater tunnel. It was planned originally to extend this scheme with the
construction of a 47 m high rockfill dam but studies showed that reservoir siltation
would be a critical problem and future works were cancelled. Minor problems were
encountered in the access shaft which was constructed within shales and siltstones
intruded by dolerite dykes. Adversely oriented joint sets resulted in wedge failures
within one wall of the rectangular shaft. These failures caused displacement of the
steel supports by up to 20 cm into the shaft opening and two large rockfalls where
supports had not been installed in time. The machine hall was constructed within
marbles and shales intruded by dykes and cut by a fault. No major problems were
encountered during construction, and roof support involved a combination of 4.3 m
long rock bolts, steel mesh and gunite. Minor problems were encountered during
Rouna Port Moresby 62.5 R o u n a 1, 5.5 M W (1957), followed by R o u n a 2, R o u n a 2 involved the construction
30 M W (1967), R o u n a 3, 12 M W (1975) and of an underground machine hall in
13.5 M W , (1986/7). A 29 m high rockfill volcanics at a depth of 152 m,
d a m was built at Surinumu, 1.5 M W , in length 39 m, width 13.5 m and
1973. The actual firm capacity is less height 21 m, Tunnels were required
than 50 M W . for the R o u n a 2 and 4 stages of
diameter 3.3-3.65 m and length
816 m - 2 . 3 km, excavated in
conglomerate, gabbro and volcanic
Ramu I Ramu/Lae 15.6 R a m u 1 was planned as two phases. Phase 1 R a m u 1 included a 215 m deep
included the construction of a diversion machine hall 51 m × 15 m x 24m,
weir, pressure and access shafts, an constructed in faulted marble a n d
underground machine hall and a tailrace shale. A 2285 m long tunnel was
tunnel. Phase 2 was to include a 47 m excavated in faulted marble.
high rockfill d a m but was cancelled due
to siltation problems.
Kaugel I Western Highlands 90 Complements the R a m u scheme. Investigation I0 m high weir, 4 km shafts and
1978-1981, construction 1981-1984. tunnels, underground machine hall.
Pauanda Western Highlands 12 Investigation 1980. Intended for use during
construction o f Kaugel 1.
Warangoi I East New Britain 10 Investigation 1977-1979, construction Weir, 7 km headrace tunnel,
1981-84. surface power station.
Vanapa I Central Province 120 Investigation 1979. Weir, 10 k m tunnel, underground
power station.
4 ~ 1 PowerStation
Ri(IIll G l l e ~
t~oUhaFll;ll ~ Preslure5halt
FlumeLI(III Rouna2Undergroun(I
Pond Ponstockl
~ - - O 500m
wei( I 0
m above
11411 l e v e l
m ebove
ee~ levo~
TUNNEL TO m above
-- 295 | X P A N I I I C)N CN A l i l I B I lies levee
- :180
Fig.16. Geology and support of the Rouna 2. Underground chamber, after Cummings and Read
tunnel construction due to high groundwater pressures which at one location caused
an unexpected inflow at the tunnel face (Furstner, 1976).
Several other smaller hydroelectric schemes have been constructed in recent years
(Table III), or have been the subject of feasibility studies (Anderson, 1979). The trend
in recent years has been towards the construction of mini-hydroelectric schemes
supplying local needs (King, 1984, 1985). In general the problems facing these
hydroelectric schemes may include unstable slopes, high seismicity, high rates of
erosion causing siltation, poor rock quality due to weathering, and a lack of a
suitable local supply of construction materials.
The effect of geology on the development of the major urban areas (Port Moresby,
Lae and Madang) has been the subject of several reports (Weber, 1972; Macias, 1972;
Harris, 1979). Site investigations for major new structures or roads are now routinely
undertaken by the Geological Survey, or the Public Works Department of Papua
New Guinea. Investigations may include boreholes, trial pits, field testing and
laboratory testing. In addition it is common for geophysical surveys of sites to be
undertaken mainly using seismic refraction traverses.
In the Port Moresby area engineering problems encountered include the presence
of black alluvial montmorillinite-rich expansive clays. These can result in heaving of
foundations of buildings together with road failures. Deep weathering, particularly in
fault zones aligned with the NW-SE trending Koki Fault Zone may also significantly
affect foundation design within Port Moresby (King, 1986b).
Use of unsuitable aggregates for road construction has been a factor in the failure
of pavements in Port Moresby in the past (Weber and Pounder, 1971). The
importance of locating supplies of suitable aggregate has been recognised for some
time and the Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea has produced numerous
reports on the aggregate potential of selected regions in the country (Weber, 1971,
geology. The development of the Ok Tedi mine has faced significant difficulties
primarily due to the problems in finding a suitable location for a tailings dam.
Construction of a dam began during the early stages of mining only to be halted by a
major landslide. At present, an interim tailings dam is being used. The location of an
alternative site for the tailings dam not only must consider slope instability but also
the presence of sub-surface limestones with extensive karst formations. The develop-
ment of Papua New Guinea's highway network and hydroelectric power potential is
profoundly influenced by geological factors. The main highway, the Highland's
highway has been beset for many years by slope instability problems associated with
the steep topography and high rates of erosion and weathering. The next decade may
see the construction of a highway linking the country's capital, Port Moresby, which
is at present isolated from other major urban centres, with the main highway
network. This will entail construction of roads in adverse geological environments
and hence considerable input from engineering geologists. The development of urban
centres is also demanding more knowledge of the sub-surface conditions as high rise
structures become more common. The construction often must take place in areas
comprising highly weathered rocks, often highly sheared, with the possibility of
future seismic activity. The location of Papua New Guinea in such an active
geological setting results in frequent high-magnitude earthquakes affecting parts of
the country. These may result in minor landslides closing highways, or major
instabilities damming rivers, washing away bridges and causing significant damage to
settlements. The failure of such natural dams can be a major flooding hazard to local
populations. The exploitation of hydroelectric power has involved several large
engineering projects with the construction of underground chambers and tunnels,
Anderson, G.R., 1979. Geotechnical Investigation of the Upper Warangoi Hydroscheme, East New
Britain. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Rept. 79/08, 47 pp.
Anon., 1979. Ok Tedi Copper Project, Papua New Guinea, Feasibility Study, Ore Reserves, 4: 1-33. Ok
Tedi Consortium, Melbourne (Unpublished).
Baumer, A., Searle, P.J. and TiUman, V.H., 1973. Slope stability on the Bougainville copper project, Papua
New Guinea. Q. J. Eng. Geol., 6: 303-314.
Blong, R.J., 1981. Stability analyses of Chim shale mudslides, Papua New Guinea. In: Erosion and
Sediment Transport in Pacific Rim Steeplands. I.A.H.S. Publ., 132: 42-66.
Blong, R.J., 1985. Mudslides in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Proc. IVth Int. Conf. Field Workshop
on Landslides, Tokyo, pp.277-282.
Blong, R.J. and Pain, C.F., 1978. Slope stability and tephra mantles in the Papua New Guinea Highlands.
Geotechnique, 28: 206-210.
Byrne, G.M. and Dolan, B.H., 1977. Seismic Refraction and Diamond Drilling Investigation of the
Proposed Ok Mengi Hydro-electric Site for the Ok Tedi Development. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea,
Rept. 77/19, 15 pp.
Connelly, J.B., 1979. Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt. BMR J. Aust. Geol. Geophys.,
4: 57-65.
Cooper, P. and Taylor, B., 1987. Seismotectonics of New Guinea: a model for arc reversal following
arc-continent collision. Tectonics, 6: 53-67.
Cummings, I.S. and Read, J.R., 1973. Engineering Geology of the Rouna No.2 Hydro-electric Scheme.
Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Rept. 73/11.
Davis, H.L., Symonds, P.A. and Ripper, I.D., 1984. Structure and evolution of the southern Solomon Sea
region. BMR J. Aust. Geol. Geophys., 9: 49-68.
Furstner, J., t976. Engineering geology of the Ramu I hydro-electric project in Papua New Guinea. Int.
Assoc. Eng. Geol., Bull., 13: 71-77.
Gaul, B.A., 1978. Seismic Risk at 20 Principal Towns of PNG. MSc. Thesis (Unpublished), University of
Papua New Guinea.
Geological Survey of Papua New Guinea, 1980. Applied Geology Lecture Series. University of Papua New
Guinea, Rept. 81/2, 86 pp.
Goldsmith, R.C.M., Finlow-Bates, P. and Ambang, S.K., 1981. Geotechnical Mapping and Slope Stability
Study of the Highlands Highway between Daulo Pass and Mando. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea,
Rept. 81/12.
Harris, J., 1972. Slope Stability on Some Sections of the New Highlands Highway. Geol. Surv. Papua New
Guinea, Invest. 72/425.
Harris, J., 1979. Port Moresby Urban Geology. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Mem. 1.
Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T., 1980. Underground Excavations in Rock. Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
London, 527 pp.
Jacobsen, G. and Harris, J., 1970. Slope Instability Problems on the Highlands Highway near Kundiawa.
Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Invest. 70/404.
Jacques, A.L. and Robinson, G.P., 1977. The continent/island-arc collision in northern Papua New
Guinea. BMR J. Aust. Geol. Geophys., 2: 289-303.
Jenkins, D.A.L., 1974. Detachment tectonics in western Papua New Guinea. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 85:
King, J., 1983. Geotechnical Report for the Upgrading of the Highlands Highway between Watabung and
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King, J., 1984. Site Investigation for a Mini-hydropower Scheme at Maprik, East Sepik Province. Geol.
Surv. Papua New Guinea, Rept. 84/13.
King, J., 1985. Site Investigation for a Mini-hydropower scheme at Tinputz, North Solomons Province.
Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Rept. 85/14.
King, J., 1986a. Investigation into the Damming of the Biaramen River after the Earthquake of 11 May
1985, West New Britain. Geol. Surv. Papua New Guinea, Rept. 86/01, 17 pp.
King, J., 1986b. Site Investigation for Atlas Apartments, Ela Beach, Port Moresby. Geol. Surv. Papua
New Guinea, Rept. 86/06.
King, J. and Loveday, 1., 1985. Preliminary Geological Report on the Effects of the Earthquake of 11 May
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