HRM Century 21 A Careers Angle Perhaps
HRM Century 21 A Careers Angle Perhaps
HRM Century 21 A Careers Angle Perhaps
By Ganesh Shermon©
1 The author has an endless list of some of the finest HRM activities performed by corporations like Arthur Anderson,
Hindustan Lever Limited, Citibank NA, Cadbury India, Proctor and Gamble, Grindlays Bank, Marico Industries, United
Phosphorous Limited, Reckitt and Coleman, ICICI India, Kale Consultants, Pepsi India, HP India, Satyam Infoway,
Infosys Technologies, 3M, General Motors etc. Some of these organizations are quite competitively poised to face the
career planning challenges of the 21st century.
Difficulties with Pay Review and performance Management Systems in the context
of Career Management – Towers Perrin Research Study.
The study indicates some key learning’s relevant for our study and has hence been
reproduced. While managing careers we are essentially managing a process of enhancing
performance of individuals and groups to help them contribute concretely towards
enhancing shareholder value. Careers are built in corporations where basics of people
management are adhered to with sincerity and commitment. The study brings into
perspective the presence or the lack of it in organizations in general. From appraisal
systems, to managerial training, management commitment, communication and lack of
values and a culture that supports performance critical factors have been enumerated.
These factors in summation cause or otherwise careers to happen long or short being
immaterial. Our research endeavor and the consequent notes made through this writing
has been an attempt to offer several changes that are indicative and clear down the
performance highway.
Effectively careers are made only when the intellect merges conclusively with the
commercial and cultural realities of an organization and this cannot happen unless
intellect is given its rightful place.