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Material Scoala de Maistri-Engleza

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ENGLAND 1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition.

England is the biggest of the four countries in the United Kingdom. Together with 1. rural a. a government building where politicians meet and discuss things
Scotland and Wales, these three countries are the island of Great Britain. The English Channel 2. an accent b. a rule that everyone in a country must follow
is in the south between England and France. People travel to France by ferry across the 3. a parliament c. about the countryside
English Channel or by train through the Channel Tunnel which goes under the sea. Over 50 4. a law d. the way that people speak in a particular city or area
million people live in England and that's around 80 per cent of the total UK population. It is a 5. traditional e. having many different cultures
multicultural country where more than 250 languages are spoken in the capital city, London. 6. multicultural f. typical of a country and its culture
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, which means that there is a queen or king 2. Check your understanding: matching - Match the names with what they are:
but they don't make the laws of the country. Laws and political decisions in England are made 1. English Channel a. clock
by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The Houses of Parliament are in central London 2. Big Ben b. city
next to the River Thames and the most famous part is the clock tower, Big Ben. Other large 3. Bristol c. sport
cities in England are Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Bristol. Outside cities, 4. The New Forest d. rugby competition
England is a very green country and has many rural areas of natural beauty such as the Lake 5. Glastonbury e. traditional food
District, an area with lots of lakes in the north, and the New Forest, a big area of forest in the 6. Ed Sheeran f. sea
south of the country. 7. Harry Kane g. singer
Language 8. Six Nations h. rural area
The official language of England is English, which is spoken today by millions of 9. snooker i. footballer
people all over the world. Many students go to England from other countries to study the 10. sausage and mash j. music festival
language and learn about the culture. Although everyone speaks English, there are many 3. Check your understanding: multiple choice - Circle the best answer to these questions.
different accents around the country. French was the official language in England between 1. Great Britain is England, ... a. Scotland and Northern Ireland.
1066 and 1362, which is why there are many French words and expressions in English such as b. Scotland and Wales. c. Wales and Northern Ireland.
'bon voyage' for 'have a good trip' or 'bouquet' for 'a bunch of flowers'. 2. The sea to the south of England is the ... a. Irish Sea.
Music b. Celtic Sea. c. English Channel.
English people love music. In the summer you can go to music festivals all over the 3. There are ........ people living in England.
country like those at Glastonbury, Leeds or Reading. Glastonbury is a five-day festival of a. 50 million. b. 80 million. c. 250 million.
music, dance, comedy, theatre and circus and around 175,000 people go. Many people stay at 4. Political decisions in England are made by ... a. the queen or king.
the festivals for a few days and camp in tents. People listen to all types of music, especially b. the Parliament of the United Kingdom. c. the Government of England.
pop and rock. England has produced many international groups and singers like the Beatles, 5. The Lake District is ...
Amy Winehouse, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and Adele. a. near London. b. in the south of England. c. in the north of England.
Sport 6. There are lots of words and expressions in English that are ...
The most popular sports in England are football, rugby and cricket and most towns a. French. b. Welsh. c. Chinese.
have a sports ground where teams can play. English football teams like Manchester United, 7. Reading is the name of ...
Chelsea and Liverpool are world- famous and English football players include David a. a music festival. b. an English music group. c. a type of music.
Beckham, Wayne Rooney and Harry Kane. Women's football is also popular and teams play 8. Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool ... a. are all from London.
in leagues and competitions all over the country. Every year, the English rugby union team b. play against the national teams of Wales, Scotland and Ireland every year.
play in the Six Nations Championship against Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy. c. are known all over the world.
Cricket is a traditional sport played with a bat and ball which began in England and is now 9. In the Six Nations Championship, England doesn't play against ....
played all over the world. People like to watch all these sports on television, as well as other a. France. b. Spain. c. Italy.
sports like horse racing, tennis, snooker (a type of billiards) and motor racing. 10. People in England ... a. prefer traditional food.
Food b. enjoy the variety of different cuisines. c. don't drink much tea.
England is a very multicultural country and this has a big influence on the food 4. Check your grammar: gap fill - Complete the sentences with a word:
people eat. Indian, Chinese and Italian cuisines are popular alternatives to traditional English 1.The English Channel is in the south, England and France.
food like fish and chips, roast beef or sausage and mash (mashed potatoes). Many English 2. People travel to France by ferry the English Channel or by train the Channel
people drink several cups of tea every day, usually with milk. However, coffee and herbal teas Tunnel.
are also popular. 3. The Houses of Parliament are in central London the River Thames.
Symbols 4. Many students go to England from other countries study the language and
The national flag of England is white with a red cross. It is called the St George's learn the culture.
Cross and Saint George is the patron saint of England. St George's Day is on 23 April, but it's 5. French was the official language England 1066 and 1362.
not a public holiday. The rose is the national flower of England and the lion is the national 6. Women's football teams play leagues and competitions the country.
animal. The lion is a symbol of many English sports teams. SCOTLAND

Scotland is a country in Great Britain, to the north of England. Scotland has nearly EXERCISES
800 islands, but people only live on some of them. 1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition.
Scotland is a very beautiful country with many mountains, forests, beaches, rivers 1. Celtic a. the name of a language spoken in Scotland
and lochs (the Scots word for lakes). In the north of Scotland it is light until 11.30 p.m. in 2. Scots b. related to the Celts, an ancient people who lived in Scotland
summer and in winter you can sometimes see the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, which 3. a parliament c. typical of a country and its culture
are spectacular lights in the sky. Energy from the sun turns the Earth's sky green, red and other 4. tartan d. a Scottish sports, music and dance competition that is held every year
colours. 5. traditional e. a government house where politicians meet and discuss things
Scotland has its own parliament which makes laws for Scottish people. The Scottish 6. the Highland Games f. a design with horizontal and vertical lines in lots of colours
parliament is in the capital city, Edinburgh. About five million people live in Scotland, which 2. Check your understanding: true or false - Circle True or False for these sentences.
is 8.5 per cent of the UK population. Most people live in the south of the country in and 1. All of Scotland's islands are populated. True False
around the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee. 2. Scotland is a country of great natural beauty. True False
Language 3. Scotland can make its own laws. True False
There are three languages in Scotland. Most people speak English and Scots. Scots 4. Most Scottish people can speak Scottish Gaelic. True False
is spoken by young and old people in cities and rural areas and sometimes people mix Scots 5. You can hear bagpipes at public and cultural events. True False
and English. Some words in Scots are the same as in English and some are different. Look at 6. Shinty is a traditional sport similar to hockey. True False
these sentences. Can you see the difference? 7. A caber tossing competition involves throwing big tree trunks. True False
• Scotland is ane o the fower kintras that maks the Unitit Kinrick. (Scots) 8. Scotland has a lot of types of fish and seafood to choose from. True False
• Scotland is one of the four countries that make the United Kingdom. (English) 9. The Scottish flag is red and white. True False
A minority (around one percent of the Scottish population) speak Scottish Gaelic, an 10. Scotland's national symbols include a mythical animal and a flower. True False
old Celtic language which is very different from English. For example, the Gaelic word for 3. Check your understanding: matching - Match the questions with the correct answers.
Scotland is 'Alba', 'What is your name?' is 'De an t-ainm a tha ort?' and 'Goodbye' is 'Slan leat'. 1. How many islands are there in Scotland? a. 11.30 p.m.
Music 2. What time does night begin in summer? b. about five million
At public and cultural events you can often hear traditional music and see traditional 3. How many people live in Scotland? c. 8.5
dancing. Pipers play music on bagpipes, a Celtic wind instrument with pipes and a bag. Pipers 4. What percentage of the UK population lives in Scotland? d. 30
and dancers usually wear kilts. A kilt is a traditional skirt with a tartan design which is worn 5. When were the first Highland Games in New York? e. about 800
by men and women. Scots enjoy all types of music from folk to rock and pop, and festivals 6. Which day in November is 8t Andrew's Day? f. 1836
like the Edinburgh Festival or concerts like 'T in the Park' are very popular. Famous Scottish 4. Check your grammar: gap fill - Write the verb to fill the gaps.
singers and groups include Paolo Nutini, Franz Ferdinand and The Fratellis. 1. Scotland nearly 800 islands.
Sport 2. The Northern Lights spectacular lights in the sky.
The most popular sport in Scotland is football and famous teams include Celtic and 3. In winter you can sometimes the Northern Lights.
Rangers, from Glasgow, Scotland's biggest city. Another popular game, golf, was invented in 4. Most people in the south of the country.
Scotland in the Middle Ages. You can go skiing or snowboarding in winter at Scotland's five 5. Most people two languages - English and Scots.
mountain ski resorts and any time of the year at snowsports centres around the country. In 6. A kilt a traditional skirt with a tartan design.
rural, Gaelic-speaking regions people play shinty, a traditional sport similar to hockey that is 7. Pipers and dancers usually kilts.
played in Scotland and Ireland. 8. You can skiing or snowboarding at 8cotland's ski resorts.
The famous Scottish Highland Games are a combination of culture and sport.
Competitors do heavy sports like 'caber tossing', where they throw big tree trunks, and there is
traditional Scottish music and dancing. Highland Games are celebrated all over the world. The
first Highland Games in New York were in 1836, the most northern games are in Norway and
the most southern ones are in New Zealand.
When people think of Scottish food they often think of haggis, a type of sausage
made from parts of a sheep. However, Scotland is also known for its variety of seafood such
as lobster and oysters, fish such as salmon and trout, and beef.
Blue is a colour which is often associated with Scotland. The Scottish flag is blue
with a white X-shaped cross called the St Andrew's cross. St Andrew is the patron saint of
Scotland and his day is celebrated on 30 November. On this day, everywhere you go in WALES
Scotland you will see tartan, kilts and bagpipes. Also, look out for the national animal, the
unicorn, and the thistle, the purple flower of Scotland. Wales is one of the countries in Britain and the United Kingdom. It's a small country
with England to the east. Wales has got a continuous coastline, around 1,300km long, which

means there are a lot of beaches! It has some of the most beautiful beaches in the UK and is a 4. a dragon d. a game of sports between two people or teams
popular destination for holidaymakers and water sports fans. As well as beaches, there are a 5. Welsh e. meat from a sheep
lot of mountains and also three national parks, including Snowdonia. It is in north Wales and 6. the coast f. a large, scary animal that can fly and breathe fire
its highest mountain, Snowdon, is 1,085m. 2. Check your understanding: true or false - Circle True or False for these sentences.
The population of Wales is just over 3 million people, around five per cent of the 1. Wales is a country in the United Kingdom next to England. True False
total UK population. Most Welsh people live in south Wales in the capital city, Cardiff, and 2. There is one national park in Wales. True False
two other big cities: Swansea and Newport. In Cardiff you can go shopping, visit the castle, go 3. Five per cent of Welsh people live in Cardiff. True False
to the museum or go to a concert or sports match at the famous Millennium Stadium. 4. You can go to concerts and sports matches at the Millennium Stadium. True False
Language 5. At the National Eisteddfod people sing in English. True False
The official languages of Wales are English and Welsh and 'Wenglish' is a Welsh- 6. Everyone in Wales speaks Welsh. True False
English dialect. Everyone speaks English, but if you go to school in Wales you have to learn 7. Villages, towns and cities in Wales have two names. True False
Welsh until you are 16. Street signs are written in Welsh and English, and villages, towns and 8. The red dragon is a symbol of Wales.True False
cities have an English name and a Welsh name. For example, the capital city is Cardiff or 3. Check your grammar: gap fill - Complete the sentences with a word from the list.
Caerdydd. One of the longest place names in the world is a village in Wales called who x2 which x3 where x3
Llanfairpwllgwingyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllandysiliogogogoch. 1. Wales is a country has a lot of beaches.
The Welsh language is an old, Celtic language which is very different from English. 2. Snowdonia is a national park you can climb Snowdon, the highest mountain
For example, the Welsh name for 'Wales' is 'Cymru', 'Good morning' is 'Bore da' and 'How are in Wales.
you?' is 'Sut mae?'. It is one of the oldest languages in Europe and around 20 per cent of 3. Welsh is an old Celtic language young people learn at school.
people in Wales speak Welsh. 4. The Eisteddfod is a festival for people like art and culture.
Music 5. Gareth Bale, comes from Wales, is a footballer.
The Welsh people love music and there are a lot of singing festivals and 6. The Millennium Stadium is a famous venue you can go to a concert or watch
competitions in Wales. One of the largest cultural festivals in Europe is the National a rugby match.
Eisteddfod of Wales, which is in a different town or city every year. All the events are in 7. Llanwrtyd Wells is a town men and horses run in a marathon.
Welsh and include literature, singing, art, exhibitions, dance and theatre. Famous singers and 8. The red dragon is a symbol of Wales appears on the national flag.
groups from Wales include Duffy, Stereophonics and Catatonia. 4. Check your grammar: gap fill - Write one word to complete the sentences.
Sport 1. Wales has some of the most beautiful beaches the UK.
The Welsh enjoy watching and playing sport, especially rugby union and football. 2. As well beaches, there are a lot of mountains in Wales.
Wales has its own football league and famous Welsh footballers include Ryan Giggs and 3. The Welsh language is old, Celtic language which is very different from
Gareth Bale. The modern Millennium Stadium in Cardiff can hold 74,500 spectators and is English.
where you go if you want to watch a football or rugby match or even a pop concert. In 2014 4. Street signs in Wales written in Welsh and English.
Cardiff was the European Capital of Sport. 5. The Millennium Stadium is where you go if you want watch a football
Water sports are popular in Wales. You can go surfing, wakeboarding (a or rugby match or even a pop concert.
combination of waterskiing, snowboarding and surfing) or coasteering (climbing up rocks and 6. Bog snorkelling is similar swimming in extremely dirty water.
jumping into the sea). If you like unusual sports, visit the small town of Llanwrtyd Wells. 7. The patron saint of Wales is St David, who celebrated on 1 March.
Every year in this town there is a man versus horse marathon and a bog snorkelling 8. Wales got a continuous coastline, around 1,300km long, which means there are
competition. Bog snorkelling is similar to swimming in extremely dirty water. a lot of beaches!
There are lots of sheep in Wales, so people eat a lot of lamb. Typical Welsh dishes
include 'cawl' which is lamb stew, Glamorgan sausages and 'rarebit' which is a type of cheese
on toast. There are also Welsh cakes, which are small, sweet, round cakes with dried raisins
If you ever go to Wales, you will see dragons everywhere! Not real ones, of course,
but a red dragon appears on the national flag of Wales. The patron saint of Wales is St David,
who is celebrated on 1March. Other symbols of Wales include the leek (a long, green
vegetable) and the daffodil (a white or yellow flower). NORTHERN IRELAND
1. Match the verb phrases with the correct definition. Northern Ireland is one of the four countries in the United Kingdom, with England,
1. lamb a. related to Wales Scotland and Wales. It is to the north of the Republic of Ireland, on an island next to Great
2. a stadium b. the part of the land that is near the sea Britain. Around 1.8 million people live in Northern Ireland, which is about three per cent of
3. a match c. a big building where you can see sports events the population of the UK. The capital city is Belfast. Another name for Northern Ireland is

'Ulster' or 'The Six Counties' because it is made up of six regions or counties. In Northern 5. conflict e. a competition in which each team plays against every other team
Ireland you can find beautiful beaches, forests and mountains. You can visit the Giant's 6. hexagonal f. something that represents a country
Causeway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site: here, about 40,000 columns were formed after a 2. Check your understanding: Circle True or False for these sentences.
volcanic eruption. Most of them are hexagonal and some of them are 12m tall. Films and TV 1. Northern Ireland is in Great Britain. True False
series such as Dracula Untold and Game of Thrones are filmed in Northern Ireland. Northern 2. Another name for Northern Ireland is 'Ulster'. True False
Ireland was a place of conflict between people who wanted to be part of the Republic of 3. The Giant's Causeway was created by a volcano. True False
Ireland, people who wanted to be part of the UK and people who wanted Northern Ireland to 4. Violence stopped in Northern Ireland in the 1980s. True False
be a separate country. In the 1990s there was an important peace process and the violence and 5. Three languages are spoken in Northern Ireland. True False
conflict stopped. The Northern Ireland Assembly and the UK Parliament decide on the laws in 6. All the musicians and bands at summer music festivals in Belfast are Northern Irish.
Northern Ireland. True False
Language 7. Northern Ireland is a good place for unusual adventure sports. True False
Nearly everyone in Northern Ireland speaks English. A small number of people 8. In Gaelic football it's fine to touch the ball with your hand. True False
speak Irish Gaelic, an old Celtic language which is very different from English. The other 9. The 'Ulster Fry' is a very healthy dish. True False
regional language is Ulster Scots, a variation of English which is spoken in Northern Ireland 10. A shamrock has three leaves on each stem. True False
and is similar to Scots spoken in Scotland. 3. Check your grammar: reordering - Write the words in the correct order to make
Music sentences.
You can hear all types of music in Northern Ireland including traditional Irish music, 1. Ulster. / for / name / Another / Northern Ireland / is
jazz, rock or pop. In summer Belfast has music festivals like Belsonic and Belfast Vital. Many …………………………………………………………………………………….…
international artists play at these festivals, including bands from Northern Ireland like Snow 2. Giant's / place. / beautiful / Causeway / a / is / The / very
Patrol, Ash and Two Door Cinema Club. …………………………………………………………………………………….…
Sport 3. are / There / in / Northern Ireland. / regional / two / languages
Northern Ireland is a popular place to go walking or do outdoor activities such as …………………………………………………………………………………….…
mountain biking, coasteering (climbing up rocks and jumping into the sea) or zorbing (rolling 4. sports in / Northern Ireland / popular / are / football and rugby. / The / most
down a hill in a giant PVC ball). Football, rugby, cricket, hurling (a sport similar to hockey) …………………………………………………………………………………….…
and Gaelic football are all popular. Gaelic football is similar to rugby because players can 5. is / Ulster / made with / potato bread. / and / bacon, eggs, sausages / The / Fry
touch and kick the ball. For most sports, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland join …………………………………………………………………………………….…
together in the same team when they play in international competitions. However, football is 6. concerts. / People / parades and / Day / with / st Patrick's / celebrate
different and Northern Ireland has its own national team and football league. Some players …………………….....……………………………………………………………….
from Northern Ireland play for teams in the English or Scottish leagues. 4. Check your grammar: Circle the correct option to complete these sentences.
Food 1. Northern Ireland is a country in the / - United Kingdom.
The best-known dish from Northern Ireland is the Ulster Fry, which is bacon, eggs, 2. Around 1.8 million people live in Northern Ireland, which is about 3 % of the / -
sausages and soda bread. Some versions include tomatoes, mushrooms or baked beans. It's population of the UK.
called the Ulster Fry because everything is fried in a pan. It is also eaten with Irish potato 3. The north coast is an area of the / - natural beauty.
bread. 4. Most people speak the / - English in Northern Ireland.
Symbols 5. Northern Ireland is a popular place to do the / - outdoor activities.
St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and Northern Ireland. St Patrick's Day, on 17 6. In the / - Gaelic football, players can touch the ball.
March, is a very important celebration in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland 7. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland join together in the same team when they play
with parades, concerts, music and dancing. Another important symbol is the shamrock, a green in the/ - international competitions.
plant with three leaves. It is the symbol of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

It was Nicky's idea, but we all think it's going to be brilliant. As soon as the last
1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition. exams have finished, we're going to decorate the main hall at school with paper streamers and
1. a column a. an area of a country Chinese lanterns and things. Steve had this idea of projecting photos of everyone onto a wall,
2. a league b. something tall and vertical like a slide show. And we've got Jo's brother, who's a professional DJ, coming along. Then
3. a county c. having six sides there are three different bands lined up to play. Ours is the best, because we've been together
4. a national symbol d. a serious argument or disagreement

longest and we've got a great bass player, although I say so myself, so we're on last. It's e. Royal wedding 5. a party normally organised by students to celebrate
going to be cool. finishing the school year and completing their exams

B 2. Check your understanding: matching - Match the speaker with the celebration.
Every year there's a carnival in August in London. You've probably heard of it, the 1. Speaker A a. golden wedding anniversary
Notting Hill Carnival? So this year, me and my friends are going again. We went last year and 2. Speaker B b. Notting Hill Carnival
we had such a fantastic time. It's all Afro-Caribbean, with people in amazing costumes and 3. Speaker C c. end of term party at school
these brilliant steel bands. We don't go in costume, but we do dance a lot. It does get quite 4. Speaker D d. Royal wedding
crowded, so you have to make sure you stick together. And you have to watch out for 5. Speaker E e. surprise birthday party
pickpockets when there are so many people in the same place. But it's really good fun; it's like
London becomes a different country. Even the police dance sometimes. 3. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the gaps with the speaker.
A (x2)
C B (x2)
We're going to hire a boat for the day and take it up the river. It's my grandparents' C (x 2)
golden wedding anniversary, so the whole family is getting together. I'm really looking D (x2)
forward to seeing my cousins again. I haven't seen them for ages. We've got this huge E (x2)
picnic planned, with loads of different types of sandwiches and salads and an enormous 1. Speaker _______________ will see people dressed in amazing costumes.
cake. My dad has borrowed an ancient gramophone player, you know, what they had before 2. Speaker _______________ is going to decorate the venue with Chinese lanterns and
CD players, and some old records. So as we go up the river we're going to listen to music from projections on the wall.
the time my grandparents got married - the swinging sixties! 3. Speaker _______________ is worried about someone on Facebook spoiling the surprise.
4. Speaker _______________ is going to be careful of people stealing things.
D 5. Speaker _______________ is going to listen to old-fashioned music played on an old-
Two of my best friends have their birthday in the same week, so some of us have fashioned machine.
decided to have a surprise party for both of them. One of my friends, Sandra, has a big house, 6. Speaker _______________ is in one of the bands that are playing.
and her parents say we can use it. They're going away, luckily. It's at the end of October, so 7. Speaker _______________ is going to taste food from all over the world.
we're going to decorate the house with Halloween things, you know, spiders' webs and spooky 8. Speaker _______________ is going to celebrate with the whole family.
things. We're going to make up an excuse to get the birthday girls to come round to the house - 9. Speaker _______________ is organising a party for her two best friends.
say we're going to help Sandra move some stuff, or something. Then, as soon as Sandra lets 10. Speaker _______________ is going to make sure there is no traffic on her street.
them in, we're going to turn the lights out and jump out at them! We just have to make sure
nobody mentions anything on Facebook and gives away the surprise.

There's a Royal wedding in June - one of our princes is getting married - so it's a
public holiday. Lots of people are having parties in squares and parks and places, and the
people in our street decided to have one too. Well, it's a good excuse to have a party, isn't it?
We're all going to take out tables and chairs and put them together in the middle of the road.
We're going to stop cars coming through, obviously. We're all going to bring different dishes
and share them round. There are quite a lot of different nationalities living on our street -
people from India, China and different African countries - so the food should be really
interesting. It'll be good to get to know more of the neighbors too.

She lives next door and she's always been really important in my life. When we were
1. Do this exercise before you listen. Match the events with the definitions. little and my mum was working she used to look after us. She'd tell us stories about her
a. golden wedding anniversary 1. a party to celebrate the anniversary of someone's childhood. It was like listening to fairy stories, life was so different when she was a child. In
birth her kitchen she used to keep a special dish with sweets for us, and she was always baking
b. Notting Hill Carnival 2. the marriage of a king, queen, prince or princess cakes and pies. Now she doesn't bake so much. She's started eating more healthily in her old
c. end of term party at school 3. a West Indian carnival held in London every August age, salads and vegetables and things. It's funny how she's changed. She also goes to this
d. birthday party 4. a celebration of 50 years of marriage

special gym class for old people, it's amazing. I don't see her so often now, but she's always 6. He's into the same things. f. We spend a lot of time together.
the same person however much her lifestyle changes.
2. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the gaps with a word from the list.
B (Boy) 1. Speaker A is talking about her ________ childhood friend
He's four years older than me and that seemed like a huge amount when we were 2. Speaker B is talking about his ________ brother
children. When we were at the same school we'd never talk to each other during school hours. 3. Speaker C is talking about her ________ best friend
But now we're older it's a lot better, although I'll always be the little one, and that's annoying 4. Speaker D is talking about his ________ next-door neighbour
sometimes. He's taken me to rock concerts that I wouldn't have gone to otherwise and when he 5. Speaker E is talking about her ________ boyfriend
was at uni I went to stay with him sometimes. That was really cool. It was great to see what
real student life was like when I was still at school. Now that he's working he's really busy, but 3. Check your understanding: true or false - Circle True or False for these sentences.
we still hang out sometimes. We go to football matches together because we both support our 1. A - Her next-door neighbour also worked with her mum. True False
home team. It's always good to see him. 2. A - Her next-door neighbour has a healthier lifestyle now. True False
3. B - He didn't see his brother after he went to university. True False
C (Girl) 4. B - He supports the same football team as his brother. True False
We've known each other since we were five and we've always got on really well. 5. C - She and her friend argued about a boy. True False
Well, apart from that time when we fell out because we both liked the same boy. But he went 6. C - She is going to go to the same university as her friend. True False
off with Heather Jenkins, so we made friends again quite quickly! We both like the same kind 7. D - He didn't have much in common with his friend when they were young. True
of music and going dancing at the weekend, and when we were younger we went out on our False
bikes together. At school we're good at different things. I'm good at languages and Laura's 8. E - She didn't like the look of her boyfriend at first. True False
good at maths. That's good though - it means that we can help each other with our homework.
Next year I'm probably going to study in London and she's going to Manchester, but I'm sure
our relationship won't change.

D (Boy)
His family moved in just a few houses down from us when I was about ten, and I
still remember how excited I felt when I found out there was another boy on the street. I'd
been the only boy, you see. The others were all girls. We were good friends from the
beginning because we were into the same things: computers and football, mostly. But we had
quite a few of the same hobbies for a while. I remember making lots of models of aero planes
one year. Another year we took up fishing. We had all the equipment and everything and we'd
spend ages down by the river. I never go fishing now. His family moved away a couple of
years ago. We're still friends on Facebook but we don't really have much contact.

E (Girl)
I can remember all the details of when we met. I was wearing a red dress and I'd just
had my hair cut. I can even remember what music was playing the first time I saw him. I knew
he was special from the beginning, and I was right. We've been together ever since. Well, it's
only been eighteen months, and some people say that isn't very long, but it seems like ages to
me. We've got such similar personalities and so much in common. I'm sure we'll stay together

A (girl): I really like The Notebook; it's a romantic classic. The story is about a
1. Check your understanding: matching - Match the phrases with the correct definition. poor boy, called Noah, who meets a rich girl, called Allie, and they fall in love over one
1. She looked after me. a. We have a good, friendly relationship. summer. But of course there are problems. Allie's parents don't approve of Noah because he's
2. We hang out a lot. b. She took care of me.
poor and they get separated, then a lot of time passes before they can get together again. She
3. We get on well. c. He likes the same things as me.
4. We fell out. d. We have many similarities. goes away to college and he writes to her every day, but she doesn't get the letters. Then after
5. We have a lot in common. e. We stopped being friends. quite a long time, Noah buys an old house which he promised to restore for Allie. He does it
(Especially after an argument.) up and she sees a newspaper article about it and goes to find him again. You can probably

guess the rest, but it's a bit complicated because she is engaged to another man. Noah is played
by Ryan Gosling, who's my favourite actor, and he stops the film being too soppy - but you 2. Check your understanding:matching - Match the speaker to the genre of film.
still cry a lot at the end. Rachel McAdams is really good too, as Allie. 1. Speaker 1 a. A science fiction film
B (boy): I think my favourite film is Skyfall, the last James Bond movie. It stars 2. Speaker 2 b. A modern vampire film
Daniel Craig again and Javier Bardem is this really evil baddie. They're both great, and so is 3. Speaker 3 c. An action film
Judi Dench as M, Bond's boss. It's a bit different to other Bond films. The story is more 4. Speaker 4 d. A romance
important, although there is still a lot of action. It's really well filmed, especially in the scenes 5. Speaker 5 e. A romance based on a book
which are shot in Shanghai and Scotland, and it's really exciting, of course. Bond is also a bit
different - although he does amazing things, he seems older and that makes him more human 3. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the gaps with the correct speaker.
and the story more realistic. Oh, the song by Adele is great, too. You know it won an Oscar? A (x2)
C (girl): It's not a very recent film, but I love Pride and Prejudice - the version B
with Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet and Matthew Macfadyen as Mr Darcy. The C
story is really clever and interesting, besides being romantic. It's all about how we tend to D (x2)
jump to conclusions about people and we're often completely wrong. Elizabeth thinks Mr E (x3)
Darcy is stuck up and snobbish at the beginning of the film, but at the end she realises she has 1. Speaker thinks the film shows you not to judge people too quickly.
been completely wrong and he isn't like that at all. She also realises he has an enormous house 2. Speaker says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.
and that maybe helps her fall in love with him too! After I saw the film I read the book by Jane 3. Speaker likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction.
Austen and I really recommend that too. Although it was published 200 years ago, it's still a 4. Speaker has seen their favourite film more than once.
great read and really funny in parts. 5. Speaker prefers the first version of the film.
D (boy): My favourite film has to be The Matrix. Even though it was made back in 6. Speaker likes a film with murder, violence and blood-drinking.
1999, it still feels really modern. It's about this ordinary man, Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, 7. Speaker likes a film which tells a love story over several years.
who works with computers during the day and is a hacker at night. One day he is contacted by 8. Speaker likes a film which shows bullying at school.
a woman who introduces him to a very strange man: Morpheus. Morpheus explains to Neo 9. Speaker likes the scenes filmed in different countries.
that what he thinks of as real is actually fiction and the world is run by evil machines who
have imprisoned and tricked the human race. Laurence Fishburne is terrific as Morpheus, and
Keanu Reeves is excellent, but the best thing about the film is the special effects. I can watch
it again and again.

E (girl): Let the Right One In is my favourite film. There are two versions, the
first is Swedish and the second American - I prefer the original, Swedish version. It's a modern
vampire film and also a kind of love story, but it's really unsentimental and a bit scary in
places. Oskar is a young boy with a lot of problems. He is being bullied at school and wants
revenge on the bullies. Then some new neighbours move in next door and he becomes friends
with Eli, a beautiful but strange girl. I won't tell you any more, because it will spoil the story,
but expect a serial killer, a lot of violence and blood-drinking. If you like that kind of thing, LISTENING: M Y F A V O U R I T E T H I N G
you'll love this.
My favourite thing has to be my new tablet. It's really light and quite small, so I take
1. Match and write the genre of film with the titles of films. it with me everywhere. I'm always writing messages to friends and it's big enough to do
1. historical drama a. The Notebook college work on it too. It takes really good photos, and I play games and listen to music on it
as well, of course. I often download films onto it and watch them in bed. My mum says I'm
2. action b. Skyfall
addicted, because I'm always on it. I even read things on it at breakfast time. I'm not allowed
3. science fiction c. Pride and Prejudice to at dinner time, though. I have to be polite and talk to people then. "Welcome back to real
4. cartoon d. The Matrix life," she says.
5. romantic comedy e. Let the Right One In
6. horror f. Pink Panther B (girl)
My favourite thing? Does my cat count as a thing? She's not really a thing, but 2. Speaker B b. a sewing machine
anyway. She's a really beautiful little cat. I've had her since she was four months old. You 3. Speaker C c. a scooter
know how some cats are really independent and hardly talk to you? I know cats don't really 4. Speaker D d. a set of knives
talk, but you know what I mean. Well, she's not like that at all. She's really affectionate and 5. Speaker E e. a cat
comes up to me as soon as I get home, purring away like mad. She makes a lot of noise for a
tiny thing. She loves being stroked and comes, curls up next to me when I'm on the sofa. She's 3. Check your understanding: gap fill -Write the word to fill the gaps.
great company.
1. My favourite thing has to be my new tablet. It's really light and quite _____________, so I
C (boy) take it with me everywhere. I'm always writing to friends and it's big enough to do college
My new scooter! It's quite small, but fun, and just what I needed for getting around work on it too. It takes really good _____________, and I play games and listen to
the city. I used to have quite a long walk to the metro, then a longish walk at the other end to _____________ on it as well, of course. I often download _____________ onto it, and watch
get to college. But now I can just whiz there on my scooter. And there's no problem parking, them in _____________. My mum says I'm _____________, because I'm always on it. I even
there's always space for it. You have to be careful with the cars and lorries - they don't always read things on it at breakfast time. I'm not allowed to at _____________ time, though. I have
see you - and when it rains the surface of the road is terrible, it gets really slippery. But in to be _____________ and talk to people then. "Welcome back to real life," my mum says.
general it's perfect for me, and I can fit a friend on the back too - I've got an extra helmet for a
friend. It's great. Riding along makes me feel so free. 2. My favourite thing? Does my _____________ count as a thing? She's not really a thing, but
anyway. She's a really _____________ little cat. I've had her since she was _____________
D (girl) months old. You know how some cats are really _____________ and hardly talk to you? I
This might sound a bit old-fashioned, but my sewing machine is my favourite thing. know cats don't really talk, but you know what I mean. Well, she's not like that at all. She's
I'm studying fashion and love making things, as well as designing them. I also love clothes really _____________ and comes up to me as soon as I get home, purring away like mad. She
myself and often buy second-hand clothes - everyone loves the "vintage" look at the moment - makes a lot of _____________ for a tiny thing. She loves being stroked and comes and curls
and then I adapt them to my size. It's much easier using a machine to do that than doing it by up next to me when I'm on the _____________. She's great _____________.
hand. I do alterations for my mum and my sister too. If I don't make it as a designer, I suppose
I can always set up my own alterations and customizing business. Customizing clothes, by
taking things off and adding things on, is actually very creative, so I wouldn't mind that.

E (boy)
My set of Japanese knives. That sounds a bit sinister, doesn't it, but I'm not a
murderer or anything. They're chef's knives and the best ones come from Japan. Cooking is
my new hobby. I got into it when I started watching Master chef on TV. Then I went to an
evening class for beginners, and I haven't looked back since. I try and have a dinner for
between 4 -8 friends every two or three weeks. That gives me something to work towards and
I always do new dishes so they can try them out and give me feedback. It's quite an expensive
hobby if you use good ingredients, but now my friends help towards the cost. They still get a
good meal for a very low price.

Station manager: Good afternoon. How can I help you?
1. Match the verb with the correct noun. Makayla: Hello … Erm … yes. I've just missed my train!
1. take a. a designer Station manager: Ah. Where are you going?
2. listen to b. your scooter Makayla: To Manchester.
3. watch c. a business Station manager: Ah yes. That was the 16:20.
4. stroke d. films Makayla: What time's the next one?
5. park e. photos Station manager: Let's see. The next train to Manchester leaves at 17:15 from
6. make it as f. the cat platform 2.
7. set up g. music Makayla: 17:15 … so that's quarter past five … platform 2. What time does it get to
2. Check your understanding: matching - Match the speakers with their favourite things. Station manager: At 18:30.
1. Speaker A a. a tablet Makayla: Half past six … erm … Can I use the same ticket?

Station manager: Just a moment, please. Can I see your ticket? Station manager: Let's see. The next train leaves at 17:15 from platform 2.
Makayla: Yes, here you are. Makayla: 17:15 … so that's quarter past five … platform 2.
Station manager: Ah, sorry, no ... You can't use this ticket on the 17:15 train. 2 ?
Makayla: Really? Why not? Station manager: At 18:30.
Station manager: This ticket is valid on trains before 5 and after 7 o'clock. During Makayla: Half past six … erm … 3 ?
rush hour tickets are more expensive. Station manager: Just a moment, please. Can I see your ticket?
Makayla: Oh … do I have to buy another ticket? Makayla: Yes, here you are.
Station manager: Yes, well, I can change your old ticket for a new ticket. Your Station manager: Ah, sorry, no ... You can't use this ticket on the 17:15 train.
ticket cost £7.50 and the new ticket is £11.00. So you just pay the Makayla: Really? 4 ?
difference, which is £3.50. Station manager: This ticket is only valid on trains before 5 and after 7 o'clock.
Makayla: Ah, OK, erm ... What platform is it from? During rush hour tickets are more expensive.
Station manager: Platform 2. Just over there, on the other side. Makayla: Oh … do I have to buy another ticket?
Makayla: OK, thanks. Bye. Station manager: Yes, well, I can change your old ticket for a new ticket. Your ticket
Station manager: All right. Bye bye! cost £7.50 and the new ticket is £11.00. So you just pay the
difference, which is £3.50.
EXERCISES Makayla: Ah, OK, erm ... 5 ?
Station manager: Platform 2. Just over there, on the other side.
1. Match the vocabulary with the correct descriptions. Makayla: OK, thanks. Bye.
1. rush hour a. a small piece of paper you need to buy
before taking a train 4. Check your understanding: ordering - Write the words in the correct order to make
2. a ticket b. a long waiting area in a station. The train stops questions.
along here so people can get on and off 1. next / to London / train / 's / the / What time / ?
3. a platform c. the times in the day which are busiest on public …………………………………………………………………………………….…
transport because people are going to or from work 2. get / What time / ? / does / to London / it
4. miss the train d. acceptable, or able to be used …………………………………………………………………………………….…
5. valid e. fail to catch a train because you were too late 3. it / is / ? / What / from / platform
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice - Circle the best answer to these questions. 4. this ticket / 17:15 train / Can / use / ? / on the / I
1. What problem has Makayla had? …………………………………………………………………………………….…
a. She's just lost her ticket. b. She's taken the wrong train. 5. do / How much / have / pay / to / ? / I
c. She's just missed her train. …………………………………………………………………………………….…
2. Where does Makayla want to go?
a. To London b. To Edinburgh c. To Manchester
3. Which train can Makayla take?
a. The 16:20 train b. The 17:15 train c. The 18:30 train
4. What does Makayla need to do?
a. Change her old ticket for a new ticket and pay an extra £3.50 Jack: Hi Sam. How's it going?
b. Change her old ticket for a new ticket and pay an extra £7.50 Sam: Good. How are you?
c. Change her old ticket for a new ticket and pay an extra £11.00 Jack: Fine, thanks. Hey, is that the new version of Game of Kings?
5. Which platform is her train going from? Sam: Yeah, do you want to play? It's great!
a. Platform 1 b. Platform 2 c. Platform 3 Jack: Oh! You can't buy that here! Where did you get it?
Sam: From my brother. He sent it to me.
3. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the dialogue with a question from the Jack: What? Charlie?
list. Sam: No, my other brother, Rob. He lives in the States … in New York.
 What time's the next train to Manchester Jack: Really? I didn't know you had another brother!
 What platform is it from Sam: Yeah! Well, he's my half-brother.
 What time does it get to Manchester Jack: But … I don't get it …
 Why not Sam: He's my dad's son. My dad went to New York to study and
 Can I use the same ticket married an American.
Makayla: 1 ? Jack: Your mum's American?!

Sam: No, no, not my mum. That was ages ago … before he met my mum. Jack: OK, I get it now. Wow, I didn't know that! So, how old is your half-brother?
Jack: OK, I get it now. I didn't know that! So, how old is your half-brother? Sam: Er, he's five years ....................................... , so he's twenty-three.
Sam: Er, he's five years older than me, so he's twenty-three. Jack: Cool. And do you see him often?
Jack: Cool. And do you see him often? Sam: Not very often. I've ............................. Well, three times, but the first time I don't
Sam: Not very often … I've been to visit him twice. Well, three times, remember because ................................. . But we speak .................................
but the first time I don't remember because I was really little. But Jack: And have you met Rob's mum?
we speak on Skype a lot. Sam: She's ...................... She's from Mexico originally. She's married ......................... now.
Jack: And have you met Rob's mum? Jack: And what does your mum think?
Sam: Yeah. She's really nice. She's from Mexico originally. She's Sam: Er, she's fine about it! She knew my dad ................................. and had a son.
married to someone else now. Jack: Huh ... OK.
Jack: And what does your mum think? Sam: OK, enough questions. Do you want to play Game of Kings or what?
Sam: She's fine about it! She knew my dad was divorced and had a Jack: Yeah, cool.
Jack: Huh ... OK. 3. Check your understanding: gap fill - Write one word to fill the gaps.
Sam: OK, enough questions. Do you want to play Game of Kings or 1. you want to play this game?
what? 2. My cousin gave it me.
Jack: Yeah, cool. 3. It's been years since I saw them. We went to visit them, but that was
EXERCISES ages .................................
4. My sister is four years older me.
1. Check your understanding: multiple choice - Circle the best option to complete these 5. She 19 years old.
sentences. 6. We speak Skype a lot.
1. Jack is surprised because ... a. you can't buy Game of Kings there yet. 7. My grandma is Pakistan originally.
b. he doesn't like Game of Kings. c. Game of Kings is expensive. 8. My brother is married a Polish woman.
2. Sam got the game from ... 9. I've been the States twice.
a. his brother Charlie. b. his half-brother Rob. c. his dad. 10. The first time I went I really little, so I don't remember much.
3. Rob and Sam have the same ...
a. mum. b. dad. c. mum and dad.
4. Sam has ... a. never met his half- brother.
b. met his half-brother twice. c. met his half-brother three times.
5. Rob's mum is ...
a. in Mexico now. b. married to someone else. c. not very nice.
6. Sam's mum is ...
a. divorced. b. fine about the situation. c. older than Sam's dad.
2. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the dialogue with phrases: from the list.
to someone else really nice Makayla: Hi Gemma, how's it going?
he met my mum sent it to me. been to visit him twice. Gemma: Oh, hi Makayla. How are you?
married an American was divorced half-brother Makayla: Fine, thanks. You were miles away! What's up?
on Skype a lot older than me you want to play? I was really little Gemma: Ah, nothing … I'm trying to decide who to invite to a barbecue.
Jack: Hi Sam. How's it going? Makayla: Oooh ... a barbecue. Am I invited?
Sam: Good. How are you? Gemma: Yeah, of course! My parents are having a barbecue on Saturday and they
Jack: Fine, thanks. Hey, is that the new version of Game of Kings? said I can invite some friends.
Sam: Yeah, do ................................. It's great! Makayla: Great!
Jack: Oh! You can't buy that here! Where did you get it? Gemma: … But it's complicated.
Sam: From my brother. He .................................. Makayla: Why, what's the problem?
Jack: What? Charlie? Gemma: Well … I'm only allowed to invite five people.
Sam: No, my other brother, Rob. ... Well, he's my ..................................... Makayla: Ah, OK. What are you thinking? Who's on your list?
Jack: But ... I don't get it ... Gemma: Well … I've got you and Jack, obviously … and Leah … so that's three. Sam
Sam: He's my dad's son. My dad went to New York to study and................................. can't come so I can invite two more, but I'm not sure who to ask.
Jack: Your mum's American?! Makayla: Hmm, right. Why don't you ask Marco?
Sam: No, no, not my mum ... before .................................. Gemma: Marco? The new guy? I don't know ... I don't know him very well ...

Makayla: He's really nice, honestly … and so funny! Makayla: Don't be stupid ... and it would give him a chance to get -------------------------- …
Gemma: Oh, is he? Gemma: Hmm … maybe ...
Makayla: Don't be stupid ... and it would give him a chance to get to know people ... Makayla: And Jack won't want to be the only boy.
Gemma: Hmm … maybe ... Gemma: Hmm, OK, I'll ask him … as long as you promise to look after him.
Makayla: And Jack won't want to be the only boy. Makayla: Yeah, of course, -------------------------- you promise not to embarrass me!
Gemma: Hmm, OK, I'll ask him … as long as you promise to look after him. Gemma: I won't.
Makayla: Yeah, of course, as long as you promise not to embarrass me! Makayla: You can ask Carla too. I think she might already know Marco.
Gemma: I won't. Gemma: OK, it's a plan.
Makayla: You can ask Carla too. I think she might already know Marco. Makayla: Oh, I'm ---------------------------- the weekend now.
Gemma: OK, it's a plan.
Makayla: Oh, I'm looking forward to the weekend now. 4. Check your vocabulary: gap fill - Complete the sentence so it has the same meaning as
Gemma: Me too. the sentence given. Use up to five words, including the word given in capitals.
EXERCISES 1. Let's ask James to come to the barbecue.
INVITE Let's ------------------------------ the barbecue.
1. Match the phrases with the same meaning and write a-f next to the numbers 1-6. 2. How about asking your dad?
1. How about asking Marco? a. make sure he's OK DON'T Why ------------------------------ your dad?
2. You were miles away! b. but only if 3. My parents have organised a barbecue on Saturday.
3. What's up? c. Why don't you ask Marco? ARE My parents ------------------------------ Saturday.
4. as long as d. What's the matter? 4. I can only invite five people.
5. look after him e. I'm happy and excited about the weekend! TO I'm only ------------------------------ five people.
6. I'm looking forward to the weekend! f. You were in your own world! 5. You can only go to the barbecue if you finish your homework first.
AS You can go to the barbecue ------------------------------ your homework first.
2. Check your understanding: true or false - Circle True or False for these sentences. 6. I can't wait for the summer holiday.
1. Makayla can see that Gemma has something on her mind. True False FORWARD ------------------------------ to the summer holiday.
2. Gemma's brother is having a barbecue. True False 7. Tom's feeling a bit ill. Can you make sure he's OK?
3. Gemma can't invite Makayla. True False AFTER Tom's feeling a bit ill. Can you ------------------------------ him?
4. Gemma can only invite five people. True False
5. Makayla suggests inviting Marco. True False
6. Gemma immediately likes the idea of inviting Marco. True False
7. Makayla convinces Gemma that asking Marco is a good idea. True False
8. Gemma is worried about the weekend. True False
3. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the dialogue with a word or phrase
from the list. Makayla: Hi Gemma. You look terrible!
so funny the problem Great! don't you ask miles away Gemma: Hey Makayla. Mmm, I haven' slept.
to know people as long as you thinking looking forward to Makayla: Are you OK? What's the matter?
Gemma: Hi Makayla. How are you? Gemma: Well, you know that photo I sent to Clare on Friday night?
Makayla: Fine, thanks. You were ----------------------------! What's up? Makayla: Yeah?
Gemma: Ah, nothing … I'm trying to decide who to invite to a barbecue. My parents are Gemma: Well, she sent it to Justin ...
having a barbecue on Saturday and they said I can invite some friends. Makayla: Oh no! How could she do that? It obviously was only for her.
Makayla: ---------------------------- Gemma: I know! I thought she'd find it funny.
Gemma: … But it's complicated. Makayla: Well, it was quite funny ... but you didn't expect her to send it to anyone.
Makayla: Why, what's ----------------------------? Gemma: No, of course not! Especially not Justin! It's so embarrassing!
Gemma: Well … I'm only allowed to invite five people. Makayla: Ah well, don't worry. I know how you feel though ...
Makayla: Ah, OK. What are ---------------------------? Gemma: And what if he puts it on Facebook or something? What if my mum sees it?
Gemma: Well … I've got you and Jack, obviously … and Leah … so that's three. Sam can't Makayla: No, no, don't worry ... he won't. It's not that interesting for him or anyone
come so I can invite two more, but I'm not sure who to ask. else, to be honest.
Makayla: Hmm, right. Why ---------------------------- Marco? Gemma: But what if he does?
Gemma: Marco? The new guy? I don't know ... I don't know him very well ... Makayla: He won't. But maybe ask Clare to speak to Justin ... Get him to delete the
Makayla: He's really nice, honestly … and ----------------------------! photo?
Gemma: Oh, is he? Gemma: Yeah … maybe. But that might just make him even more interested ...

Makayla: Yeah, true. Makayla: He . But maybe ask Clare to speak to Justin ...
Gemma: What do you think I should do? Get him to ?
Makayla: Mmm … I'd just try to forget about it if I were you. Gemma: Yeah … maybe. But that might just make him even more interested ...
Gemma: But I'm so annoyed with Clare! Makayla: Yeah, true.
Makayla: Maybe speak to Clare, tell her how you feel. She shouldn't be sharing Gemma: What do you think do?
people's private photos. Makayla: Mmm… I'd just try to forget about it if .
Gemma: OK, yeah. Thanks for the advice, Makayla. I'll talk to her. Gemma: But I'm so annoyed with Clare!
Makayla: Good idea. And don't worry. Just be careful and don't send any more Makayla: Maybe speak to Clare, tell her . She shouldn't be sharing people's
embarrassing photos! private photos.
Gemma: Yeah, I know, I know … I won't! Gemma: OK, yeah. Thanks for the advice, Makayla. I'll talk to her.
Makayla: Good idea. And don't worry. Just be any more embarrassing photos!
EXERCISES Gemma: Yeah, I know, I know … I won't!
1. Match the two parts of the question or sentence. 4. Check your understanding: gap fill - Write a word to complete the sentences.
1…….. Are you a. matter? 1. Are you OK? You ..................... terrible!
2…….. What's the b. how you feel. 2. You know that photo I sent to Clare ................... Friday night?
3…….. Don't c. I would … 3. Makayla: You didn't expect her to send it to anyone.
4…….. I know d. worry. Gemma: No, of course .................. !
5…….. If I were you, e. be careful. 4. Gemma: What if he puts it on Facebook or something?
6…….. Please f. OK? Makayla: No, no ... he ...................
5. It's not that interesting for him or ................... else, to .................. honest.
2. Check your understanding: true or false - Circle True or False for these sentences. 6. Ah, well, don't worry. I know .................... you feel, though.
1. Gemma is stressed and upset. True False 7. I'd just try to forget about it if I ..................... you.
2. Gemma sent a photo to Justin. True False 8. Thanks .................. the advice, Makayla.
3. Gemma is worried about who else might see the photo. True False
4. Makayla thinks everyone will be interested in the photo. True False
5. Gemma thinks it's a good idea to ask Justin to delete the photo. True False
6. Gemma is angry with Justin. True False
7. Gemma likes Makayla's suggestion of speaking to Clare. True False
8. Makayla reminds Gemma not to send any more embarrassing photos. True False
3. Check your understanding: gap fill - Complete the dialogue with a phrase from the
list. Alfie: So, how's it going with Jack?
worry she do that you feel how you feel Daisy: Not great. I mean, I like him a lot, but it's impossible! During the week I
won't careful I should embarrassing have swimming practice on Mondays; I do taekwondo on Tuesdays and
I were you delete the photo the matter be honest
tennis on Thursdays.
to send it to
Makayla: Hi Gemma. You look terrible! Alfie: Do you see him on Wednesdays, then?
Gemma: Hey Makayla. Mmm, I haven't slept. Daisy: No, he watches black and white films at his cinema club on Wednesdays.
Makayla: Are you OK? What's ? Oliver: Yeah, and they're not just really old films, Alfie, they watch foreign ones
Gemma: Well, you know that photo I sent to Clare on Friday night? with subtitles too!
Makayla: Yeah? Alfie: Well, there's always the weekend. Do you go out together at the weekends?
Gemma: Well, she sent it to Justin ... Daisy: That's just it, it's tricky. He works in the bookshop all day Saturday and he
Makayla: Oh no! How could ? It obviously was only for her.
goes out with his mates from the book club on Saturday evenings.
Gemma: I know! I thought she'd find it funny.
Makayla: Well, it was quite funny ... but you didn't expect her anyone. Alfie: Whoa! Book club? So, he loves old films and books!? Mmm ... Does he
Gemma: No, of course not! Especially not Justin! It's so ! like sports?
Makayla: Ah well, don't worry. I know how though … Daisy: Not really. He thinks chess is a sport! Well, he watches football on the TV
Gemma: And what if he puts it on Facebook or something? What if my mum sees it? sometimes, but he doesn't play any sports.
Makayla: No, no, don't he won't. It's not that interesting for him or anyone else, Alfie: Mmm ... I think you're right. It's impossible!
to .
Daisy: Right, I'm late. See you later.
Gemma: But what if he does?
Alfie & Oliver: See you, Daisy.
7. We always get up / gets up at 7 o'clock.
Sophie: Hi, love. 8. What do / does you think of their new album?
Oliver: All right, Mum? 9. He works / work in the bookshop all day.
Sophie: Yeah, I'm fine. 10. Alfie does not / don't go out with his mates from the book club on Saturday evenings.
Oliver: Good trip?
Sophie: Not bad, but Thailand's really hot at this time of year. I'm off to Chiang 3. Check your grammar: gap fill - the present simple - Write the word in the correct
Mai tomorrow to do a three-day trek. The train leaves at 5 in the form to fill the gaps.
morning. How's Daisy? Is she with you? 1. Alfie in London. (live)
Oliver: No, she has tennis on Thursdays. 2. you go swimming a lot? (do)
Sophie: Ah, of course. No problem. Listen; ask Daisy to phone me later, OK? 3. Sophie in Thailand today. (be)
The number of the hotel is on the fridge and I'm in room 37. 4. We go to the same school. (not / do)
Oliver: All right, Mum. Speak later. Watch out for the snakes! 5. I old black and white films. (hate)
Sophie: Thanks, Ollie! Bye, love. See you Sunday. 6. She as a travel writer. (work)
Alfie: Is your mum in Thailand this week? 7. My dad breakfast before us. (have)
Oliver: Yeah. Trekking in Chiang Mai for three days. 8. They taekwondo on Tuesdays. (do)
Alfie: Wow - that beats going to college. Imagine, three days in the jungle! I can't 9. Daisy and Alfie old comedies. (not / like)
imagine my mum doing that. Cool. Does she like walking? 10. Daisy in the bookshop all day. (not / work)
Oliver: No, not really. Only if it's to go shopping on the high street!
Alfie: See you tomorrow.
Oliver: Yeah, see you tomorrow.

Oliver: Hey, Alfie, what are you doing?
1. Check your grammar: true or false - Circle True or False for these sentences about the Alfie: I'm studying for tomorrow's exam. You?
present simple. Oliver: Yeah, me too. Well ... I'm just uploading some photos to Facebook and I'm
1. We use it for talking about permanent states or situations. sending a message to Billie ... oh, and I'm downloading the new Arcade
2. We use it for things happening at the moment. Fire album ... oh yeah, and I'm having a coffee too. It's tiring all this
3. We use it for general facts (e.g. scientific facts). studying! Oh, and at eight, I'm meeting Lucas, just for a quick coffee. It's
4. We use it for talking about timetables (e.g. bus or lesson timetables). important to take regular breaks you know!
5. We use it for future plans. Alfie: You're not really studying at all, are you? Come on, mate, if you don't pass
6. We use it for routines (e.g. things we do every day or week). the exam, you'll have to take it again after the holidays.
7. We use it for talking about likes and dislikes. Oliver: You sound like my mum, Alfie! Talk of the devil. She's calling me. I'll
8. We use it for giving opinions (e.g. with the verbs think I believe). phone you later, OK?
Alfie: Sure.
2. Check your grammar: multiple choices - the present simple - Circle the best word to Oliver: Hi, Mum.
complete these sentences. Sophie: Hello, love, what are you doing?
1. Jack go / goes to a film club on Wednesdays. Oliver: I'm studying, Mum. I've got a big exam tomorrow. What about you?
2. I love / loves reading in my free time. Sophie: Oh Ollie, I just had to phone you. I'm riding a camel at the pyramids! Oliver: Cool.
3. They don't / doesn't usually see each other during the week. Sophie: I'm with a tour group. We're having a great time! We're all riding camels
4. The train leave / leaves at 6.30. and the sun's shining. Oh, it's fantastic, Ollie!
5. Do / Does Ollie play chess? Oliver: Lucky you!
6. Daisy like / likes most sports. Sophie: So, are you working hard for the exam?
Oliver: I'm trying to, Mum! 10. (Daisy play) tennis?
Sophie: What's Daisy doing now? Is she at home?
Oliver: No, she's at tennis practice. 3. Check your grammar: multiple choice - present continuous - Circle the correct
Sophie: Of course she is. OK, I've got to go. They're waiting for me to get off the sentence.
phone! Bye, love. 1. The TV no is working. / The TV is not working. / The TV is not works.
Oliver: Bye, Mum. 2. She sending a message to Billie. / She is send a message to Billie. / She is sending a
message to Billie.
3. Come on, the film's starting. / Come on, the film's start. / Come on, the film is start.
4. She's knowing Alfie very well. / She knows Alfie very well. / She knowing Alfie very well.
5. You going to Chinese classes? / Are you going to Chinese classes? / Do you going to
Chinese classes?
6. He going to buy some milk. / He is go to buy some milk. / He's going to buy
some milk.
7. The price of food goes up at the moment. / The price of food is going up at the moment. /
The price of food going up at the moment.
8. What are you doing? / What are you do? / What do you doing?
9. Where are you go? / Where are you going? / Where is you going?
10. Are you coming? / Do you coming? / Is you come?


EXERCISES Oliver: So, how did it go? Did you pass?

Alfie: No, I failed ... again!
1. Check your grammar: true or false -Are these sentences True or False? Oliver: I don't believe it! How did you fail again? What happened this time?
1. We use the present continuous for permanent states or situations. Alfie: You won't believe it!
2. We use the present continuous for temporary situations. Oliver: No? No way, Alfie, not the same as last time?
3. We often use the present continuous for things happening right now. Alfie: Yep.
4. We can use the present continuous for future arrangements. Oliver: No way! Not another cat?
5. We can use the present continuous with all verbs. Alfie: I know! I'm in shock! I love cats!
6. Some verbs - for talking about emotions, thinking, the senses. Oliver: So, what happened?
7. Sometimes the spelling of the infinitive form changes when we add -ing. Alfie: Well, I stopped at a zebra crossing to let an old man cross the road. No
problem there. He walked across the road so I started to drive. Just then a
2. Check your grammar: gap fill - present continuous - Write the words to fill the gaps. cat appeared from nowhere!
Put the verb in the present continuous tense. Oliver: Did you hit it?
1. I'm really busy - I (study) for the exam. Alfie: I did. It was impossible to stop.
2. Right now we (ride) camels! Oliver: I don't believe you, Alfie. You're joking, aren't you? You didn't fail, did
3. They said they (have) a great time. you? Nobody can kill two cats on two driving tests!
4. Daisy (download) an album. Alfie: What can I say? I know - it's totally crazy. The owner of the cat arrived.
5. What (you do) at the moment? Oliver: Oh no ... and?
6. They (wait) for me in the cafe. Alfie: Well, he said it wasn't my fault, the cat escaped from the garden ... the
7. (Oliver work) hard? driving instructor agreed too. So, we carried on with the test, but I was too
8. The weather's terrible, so we (not / go) walking much. nervous and I crossed a red traffic light.
9. Sophie (study) because she has got an important exam. Oliver: Poor you, mate! Do you want to come over?
Alfie: Yeah, OK. See you in five minutes. b. Did he talk to you?
2. a. They no liked the film.
b. They didn't like the film.
3. a. We planed to go on a trip round the US.
b. We planned to go on a trip round the US.
4. a. I tryed to help her.
b. I tried to help her.
5. a. The door opened and we went in.
b. The door openned and we went in.
6. a. Played you tennis last year?
b. Did you play tennis last year?
7. a. We decideed to go home.
b. We decided to go home.
8. a. They stopped working and went for lunch.
b. They stoped working and went for lunch.
9. a. Did he failed the exam?
b. Did he fail the exam?
10. a. When did you arrive?
b. When did you arrived?
1. Check your grammar: true or false - Are these sentences True or False? Sophie: I am so happy to be home!
1. We use it for things in the past which have finished. Oliver: I bet. So, tell us what happened.
2. We use it for things in the past with a connection to the present. Sophie: Well, on Thursday afternoon I saw the weather forecast on the TV in the
3. We use it for single events or situations in the past. hotel and it said there was a big storm coming.
4. We use it for repeated events in the past. Oliver: Yes, that was when we spoke.
5. We use it for things a long way back in the past and in the recent past. Sophie: That's right. So, I took a taxi to the airport straight away. I wanted to leave
6. We only use it for things a long way back in the past. before the storm came.
7. We use the auxiliary 'do' to form questions and negatives. Daisy: Good idea. Did you get to the airport OK?
8. We use the auxiliary 'have' to form questions and negatives. Sophie: Yes, I got there, but hundreds of other people had the same idea. The storm
2. Check your grammar: gap fill - past simple regular verbs - Put the verb in the past arrived faster than anybody expected so there were no flights! The
simple tense to fill the gaps. road to the airport was completely flooded, so nobody could go back
1. The cat (escape) from the garden. into town. We got stuck in the airport!
2. They (agree) with me about the album. Oliver: Did you think it would be for so long?
3. He (try) to start the car. Sophie: Not at all. We all thought one night ... possibly two ...
4. We (enjoy) the funfair a lot. Daisy: Did you have enough food?
5. Tell me, what (happen)? Sophie: I bought some food on the first day, but it wasn't very good by the third
6. She (stop) at a zebra crossing. day. On my birthday I had a packet of crisps and a two-day-old sandwich
7. I (carry on) working until late. for lunch.
8. Alfie (fail) his driving test again. Oliver: Poor Mum.
9. He (play) football after his driving exam. Daisy: What about the bathrooms at the airport? Were you able to have a shower? Sophie:
10. Alfie (cross) a red traffic light. No! The water pipes froze so after the first day there wasn't any water. It
3. Check your grammar: multiple choice - past simple regular verbs - Circle the correct wasn't nice!
sentence, a or b. Oliver: That's disgusting!
1. a. Did he talked to you? Sophie: Don't worry. I'm clean now!
Daisy: So, what did you do all day in the airport? 5. I (see) the weather forecast earlier.
Sophie: I met some really nice people! We talked, read, played cards. When they 6. He (give) us a lift into town.
found out it was my birthday, one of them gave me his last bar of chocolate! 7. She (read) three books in one week!
Daisy: Ah, cute! 8. They (take) a taxi to the hotel.
Sophie: It was a strange feeling having no Internet connection, no phone line. It was 9. Where (sleep) last night?
horrible not being able to phone you two! We're all so used to being 10. They (buy) a nice present to their mother.
connected all the time. It was hard. I know you think I'm on holiday when
I'm working, but it's not always easy you know!
Oliver and Sophie: Happy Birthday, Mum!

Daisy: Oliver will be back soon. Did he know you were coming?
1.Check your grammar: true or false -- Are these sentences True or False? Alfie: Yes, we spoke earlier. We're going to do a bike race so we want to plan our
1. To form the past simple, we add -ed to the end of regular verbs. training schedule.
2. There are many different types of endings of irregular verbs in the past simple. Daisy: That sounds serious. When is it?
3. We use did + not + infinitive to form past simple negatives with all types of verbs. Alfie: In about a month. It'll be hard, but we're going to do loads of training - long-
4. We use did + subject + infinitive to form past simple questions with all types of verbs. distance rides at weekends and shorter rides during the week.
5. There are clear rules about the endings of past simple irregular verbs. Daisy: Wow! But you won't be training every day, will you?
6. You have to learn all the different irregular verb forms of the past simple. Alfie: That's what we're going to talk about now.
Daisy: In here. Want some tea? Do you want some, Alfie?
2. Check your grammar: multiple choice - past simple irregular verbs - Choose the Alfie: Yeah, please. No sugar for me - I'm in training!
correct words to complete the sentences. Oliver: Right. I'm just going to get a pen so we can write our plan down.
1. We about the storm on the news. hear / heard Daisy: Amy's coming round. We're going to watch a film - want to join us?
2. They that it was my birthday. find out / found out Oliver: Yeah, maybe.
3. The waiter us the menu to look at. bring / brought
4. I didn't very well last night. sleep / slept
5. Did you your coat in the cafe? leave / left (Later…)
6. It was so cold that the pipes . freeze / froze Oliver: What are you going to watch?
7. She didn't us what to do for homework. tell / told Daisy: We haven't decided. Maybe the new Matt Damon one … or a romcom.
8. He bad about failing the test. feel / felt Alfie: If you choose the Matt Damon, I'll stay, but I won't if it's the romantic one. Oliver:
What's the Matt Damon one about?
3. Check your grammar: gap fill - past simple irregular verbs - Put the irregular verb in Daisy: The Second World War.
the past simple tense to fill the gaps. Oliver: A war film! Oh no.
1. I (buy) some food for lunch. Amy: Come on, it'll be good. It's had great reviews.
2. Who (meet) you at the airport? Oliver: Ah, all right then.
3. We all (have) the same idea. Daisy: Mum will be phoning soon. Should we wait until after her call?
4. (do) you speak to Sophie? Amy: Good idea. Where is she?
Oliver: Egypt. In Alexandria, but she's going south tomorrow. To Luxor, I think.
Amy: Isn't she stopping in Cairo? 3. Check your grammar: error correction - Correct and write these sentences on the line.
Daisy: I think so, yeah. How's the planning? 1. That looks heavy. I help you. …………………………………………………..…
Oliver: Ah, well. We're not going to do the race! We won't be ready. And Alfie 2. I'll play at a music festival this weekend. …………………………………...……
wants to put sugar in his tea again! 3. He's playing really badly. There's no way he's winning this match.
Daisy: That'll be Mum. ………………………………..………………………………………………...……
Oliver: I'll get it. 4. I'll meet Charlie and Anna later. ………………………………………..…………
Alfie: And we'll get the popcorn ready, right Amy? 5. Let's not go to that beach. I think it's too full of tourists today.
Amy: Let's do it. ……………………………………………………………………………………..…
6. I'll start piano lessons on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it.
7. I think it won't rain today. …………………………………………………………
8. Ask her! I'm sure she isn't minding. ……………………………………….………


1. Check your grammar: grouping - Write the sentences in the correct group.
• Predictions and hopes: ……………………………………………………...…
• Spontaneous ideas: ……………………………………………………………
• Plans and arrangements: ………………………..…………………………….
I don't think I'll ever be famous.
I'll hold the door for you.
I'll wash. You dry.
I'm seeing Jenny on Sunday.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
We'll help you!
It won't take long to get there.
What are you doing next week?
I'm playing basketball tonight.
You'll feel better soon.
I'll ask him.
Are you going to the cinema tomorrow?

2. Check your grammar: multiple choices - Circle the best future form to complete these
1. Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you'll pass / you're passing.
2. I won't come / 'm not coming on Friday, sorry. I have a doctor's appointment.
3. Are you hot? OK, I'm going to / I'll open the window.
4. Don't leave your bike there! Someone's stealing /'ll steal it.
5. Good morning and welcome to our school. In this talk I'll / I'm going to tell you about...
6. Look at the traffic! We're going to be / We are arriving late for school.
7. Oops, I forgot your drink! I'm going to / I'll go and get it now.
8. I don't think he'll / think he won't go to the party.

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