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Autocad Assignment-A2 (15%) 19 November 2020

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MENG1008 Semester 1 2020/2021 ACAD-A2-2020

AutoCAD Assignment-A2 (15%) 19th November 2020

Released Time: 4 pm, 19th November, 2020
Submission Time: 10 pm, 19th November, 2020


This assignment is weighted at 15%. The assignment contains one question which can be completed in 2 hours.
You are required to complete the questions using the AutoCAD software. All solutions must be done using 3D
modelling features of AutoCAD.

You are permitted to consult with any of instructors via email between 4 pm – 7 pm. You are required to
complete and submit your own work in conjunction with a signed plagiarism form.
For the question, create a drawing file (*.dwg) and a PDF plot. Your plot must be on an 'ANSI expand A (11.00 x
8.50 Inches' paper with a border of 250 x 190 mm. Also include the Title Block as shown below with all the
relevant information. The lineweight of the page border should be 0.35.

Please note that 10% of the marks are allocated for presentation of the work


1. Follow all instructions as given in the questions. Ensure all relevant engineering drawing standards are
adhered to. Upon completion of the exam upload your files to the myelearning course page for grading. NB:
Follow the instructions provided and ensure you see the following message: “Assignment has been submitted
for grading”
2. Create a new folder on the DESKTOP of your computer; this folder should be named as follows: ID#-Initials-
ACAD-A2-2020 e.g. 81600001-XY-ACAD-A2-2020.
3. All assignment questions must be saved in this folder. The file type for AutoCAD drawing files is *.dwg (e.g.
PART.dwg). If printed layouts are required these should be saved as PDF files. NO OTHER FORMATS WILL BE
4. Upon completion of the assignment the folder must be compressed into a ZIP file (Right click on the desired
folder and select “Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder”) and this ZIP file should be uploaded to the relevant
Assignment link on the course page in myelearning.
5. Assignments submitted after the class the submission time has ended will NOT be accepted unless there is
a valid excuse. Please note poor internet service or loss of electricity is not a valid excuse given that you have
4 hours to submit. In circumstances that these situations do arise you are to inform any of the instructors

1. The following layers are the minimum that should be included in all drawings unless otherwise instructed:

2. Fluorescent colours (Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, etc.) should be restricted to use in Model space ONLY. These
colours should be converted to darker colours that are more easily readable against a white background.

3. Objects should be placed in Paper Space such that they maximize the available space in the viewport. They
should not overlap the title block.

MENG1008 Semester 1 2020/2021 ACAD-A2-2020

Figure 1 shows a SHIFTER-FORK. The dimensions are in inches. Draw the 3D model using the dimensions
given and produce two plots that clearly show
i. A 3rd angle projection of the Top view, Front view, Right End view and an Isometric view (in the
orientation shown). Dimension the appropriate views with at least 4 dimensions each. Save the
drawing as SHIFTER-FORK-PLOT-1 in DWG and PDF format.
ii. A partial auxiliary view showing the true shape of the inclined arm. Dimension the view with at
least 5 dimensions. Save the drawing as SHIFTER-FORK-PLOT-2 in DWG and PDF format

[100 marks]



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