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We Are All Children of God

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What JBDLS realized that became his reason for establishing free (Graduate Attributes)
schools for boys: (we are) children of God
1. Christ-centered
He deeply realized in his heart:
2. socially responsible citizens
(one of the first things SJBDLS wants to keep in mind)
3. competent professionals
We are all children of God
4. critical and innovative thinkers

5. being lifelong learners

Inspiration: remembering: richness, treasured heritage)

Mission: remembering: constant commitment)

Human education Christian education

• helps students • helps students
discover and realize
develop their (experience)
talents, use their True
them for the Identity (True
good of all, Self) as God’s
and make the Beloved
world a better Children and
place to live in live
to this identity
• helps • helps students
students make a life
make a (have a
living meaningful &
purposeful life.

Institutional Learning Outcomes Vision: constant awareness: dream for the world)
(Vision) 9. It is the kind of development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
building a society founded on equity and justice and on sustainable & their own needs: sustainable development
inclusive development.
requires: not destroying nor depleting the resources of the
2. What we need to do to human education and Christian education earth
that students may become the salt of the earth and the light of
the world: integrate (them) 10. It ensures that all marginalized and excluded groups become
stakeholders in development processes: inclusive development
3. It is the hope for students who through human and Christian
education become both competent and compassionate: requires including everyone in whatever development we
(become) true Christians engaged in

4. It refers to the quality of being fair & impartial: equity

5. It basically means giving what is due to our fellow human beings

and the earth: justice

6. We are all equal only in these two things: human dignity &
human rights

7. As unique individuals with distinct differences, we are, in reality,

not equal in these things: abilities & intelligence

8. Equity and justice must be able to educate us to find this: (our)

rightful place & rightful role (in society)

demands that we play our designated role in society & be duly

respected & appreciated for that

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