Hydatidiform Mole: Incidence and Management Outcomes in A Tertiary Hospital in Abuja
Hydatidiform Mole: Incidence and Management Outcomes in A Tertiary Hospital in Abuja
Hydatidiform Mole: Incidence and Management Outcomes in A Tertiary Hospital in Abuja
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Background: Hydatidiform mole is an abnormal pregnancy of clinical and epidemiological importance because it
affects women in the reproductive age group and is potentially fatal with a lot of associated morbidities.
Objectives: To determine the incidence, clinical presentation and management outcome of Hydatidiform mole in
University of Abuja Teaching Hospital. Materials and Methods: It was a seven year retrospective study of
hydatidiform mole managed in University of Abuja Teaching Hospital between 1st January 2008 and 31st 2014.
Data were extracted from the ward and theatre registers as well as patients’ folders from the medical library and
analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: There were 12,204 deliveries during the study period and 37 cases of
cases of hydatidiform mole giving an incidence of 0.3% (3 per 1000 deliveries). Majority of the patients were
teenagers (29.4%) and most (32.3%) were primipara. The most common clinical features were amenorrhoea
(94.1%) and bleeding per vaginam (88.2%). Seventeen cases (50.0%) had uteri larger than dates, while in 12 cases
(35.3%) the uterine sizes were smaller than dates. Ovarian enlargement was noted in 17.6% of the cases.
Complications in the form of haemorrhage occurred in 7 cases (20.6%). There were 3 cases (9.1%) of
choriocarcinoma, all of whom did not present at all for follow-up and two of the three subsequently had
hysterectomy due to excessive haemorrhage. Only two (6.1%) of the patients received chemotherapy. However, all
patients (100%) were managed surgically using suction evacuation. there was no death from GTD during the study
period. Conclusion: Hydatidiform mole is a remains an important cause of maternal morbidity in our Centre which
is largely due to poor and inadequate follow-up. Better outcome is possible with good patients’ counseling for
improved follow up care.
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Abdullahi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
suspected partial molar pregnancy should generally be Table. 2: Parity Distribution of Patients.
removed via medical termination as the fetal parts can Parity Number Percentage
present an obstacle to suction evacuation.[9] However, 0 5 14.7
hysterectomy remains an option for patients with 1 11 32.3
uncontrollable haemorrhage.[6] 2 7 20.6
3 4 11.8
Following evacuation, in the majority of cases, the 4 2 5.9
residual trophoblast cells are unable to proliferate for ≥5 5 14.7
long, and fall in serum beta human chorionic Total 34 100
gonadotrophin (β-hCG) level is a very good estimation
of declining activity.[¹0-14] Whether or not prophylactic The parity of the patients ranged from 0 to 7. The
chemotherapy following evacuation of complete primiparous patients had the highest (32.3%) incidence
hydatidiform mole should be offered to patients of hydatidiform mole in this study. Both nulliparous and
considered to be at high risk for persistent gestational grandmultiparous groups had equal cases (14.7%) each.
trophoblastic disease or whom poor follow-up is
anticipated remains controversial.[6] Follow up of patients Table. 3: Clinical Features of Hydatidiform Mole.
with molar pregnancy in developing countries like ours Clinical features Number Percentage
is often challenging due to ignorance and poverty. It is
Amenorrhea 32 94.1
against this backdrop, that this study which aims to
Vaginal bleeding 30 88.2
determine the incidence, clinical presentation and
Excessive vomiting 4 11.8
outcome of management of hydatidiform mole in the
University of Abuja Teaching Hospital was undertaken. Lower abdominal pain 12 52.9
Anaemia 6 17.6
MATERIALS AND METHODS Pregnancy induced 1 2.9
This was a 7 year retrospective study of all the hypertension
hydatidiform moles managed between January 2008 and
December 2014 at University of Abuja Teaching Table. 4: Uterine Size.
Hospital, Gwagwalada. Information was obtained from Uterine size Number Percentage
the gynecological ward register, theatre records and Larger than date 17 50
patients’ case notes. Information retrieved included Smaller than date 12 35.3
socio-demography characteristics, clinical presentations, Appropriate for date 5 14.7
and mode of diagnosis, management outcomes and Total 34 100
follow-up with serum β-hCG.
Amenorrhoea was the commonest clinical presentation in
RESULTS this study as it occurred in 32 (94.1%) of the cases. This
During the study period, there were a total of 37 cases of was followed closely by bleeding per vaginam which
molar pregnancies diagnosed and treated in this Centre. was seen in 30(88.2%) of the patients. Uterine size larger
However, only 34 case notes (91.9%) were retrieved and than the gestational age was seen in 17 (50%) and
analyzed. The total number of deliveries during the study smaller than gestational age in 12 (32.3%) of cases.
was 12,204 giving an incidence rate for hydatidiform There was ovarian enlargement in 6 (17.6%) of the cases.
mole of 0.3% (1 in 329).
Table. 4: Complications of Hydatidiform Mole.
Table. 1: Age Distribution of the Patients. Complication Number Percentage
Age (years) No % Haemorrhage 7 20.6
≤20 10 29.4 Sepsis 1 2.9
20-25 7 20.6 Thyrotoxicosis 0 0
26-30 4 11.8 Invasive mole 0 0
31-35 8 23.5 Choriocarcinoma 3 8.8
36-40 5 14.7 Hysterectomy 2 5.9
Total 34 100
Haemorrhage was a complication of hydatidiform mole
The patients’ age ranged from 14-40 years. Hydatidiform in 7 (20.6%) of the cases. Three of the cases (9.1%)
mole was highest (29.4%) among the teenagers followed developed choriocarcinoma 2(6.1%) of whom had
by 23.5% seen in patients who were between 31-35 hysterectomy. There were no cases of sepsis,
years. The lowest (11.8%) was recorded in the age group thyrotoxicosis or invasive mole recorded in the study.
of 26-30 years.
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Abdullahi et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Table. 4: Duration of Follow-up. minimal blood loss.[26] It also provides specimen for
Duration (months) Number Percentage histological assessment of the product of conception,
0 20 58.9 reduces the danger of uterine perforation, minimizes
1 8 23.5 injury to the blood vessels and therefore reduces the
2-5 5 14.7 chance of trophoblastic tissue embolism.[26] It is also
6-11 1 2.9 associated with a low risk of chemotherapy usage for
≥12 0 0 gestational trophoblastic malignancy. [26]
Total 34 100
Majority (58.9%) of the patient did not present for Haemorrhage is one of the commonest complications of
follow-up and none was followed-up for up to 1 year. hydatidiform mole and occurred in 7(20.6%) of the cases
in this study. There 3(8.8%) cases of choriocarcinoma
DISCUSSION out of which 2(5.9%) had subtotal hysterectomy due to
The incidence of hydatidiform mole in this study was uncontrollable haemorrhage. This was comparable to
0.3% (1:329) which is almost similar to 1:357 in Jos, findings from Kano where 10.5% progressed to
north-central Nigeria, but higher than that from Zaria choriocarcinoma.[27] These patients that had
(1:452), Port Harcourt (0.23%) and Ile-Ife (0.2%), choriocarcinoma never presented for follow-up; two
Nigeria.[12,15-17] It is however, lower than 0.4% in Nnewi, (5.9%) of them received EMACO regimen and one
0.58% in Lagos, 0.54% in Ibadan, all in Nigeria.[18-20] (2.9%) had methotrexate.
The reason for this geographical variation is unknown
but the fact that these are hospital based studies in The follow-up rate was as low as 38.2% which was
tertiary referral Centers in an environment with varying similar to 32% found in Jos study and findings of other
degrees of hospital utilization may be contributory. authors in different part of Nigeria all corroborated the
Indonesia has one of the highest incidence of fact that the follow-up of patients in our environment is
hydatidiform mole (1:57).[3] poor.[12,17,20,23] Only one patient was followed-up beyond
6 months and none up to 1 year.
Maternal age is associated with risk of hydatidiform
mole with higher incidence among women under the age Hydatidiform mole remains an important cause of
of 20 years and rising after the of 40 years.[21] This is maternal morbidity in our Centre which is largely due to
partly supported by findings in this study as 29% of the poor and inadequate follow-up. Better outcome is
patients were teenagers. However, none of the patients in possible with good patients’ counseling for improved
this study was over 40 years. follow up.
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