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Orange County Fire Authority

1 Fire Authority Road, Irvine CA 92602


Facility Name: Inspection Date:
Facility Address: Inspector:
Facility Contact: Phone #:
Version: 04/16/07
Article 63 (Refrigeration) of the 2001 California Fire Code (CFC) applies to refrigeration systems having more than
35 pounds of ammonia (Group B2, R-717 refrigerant) [CFC 6301]. Each ammonia system equipment item must
comply with applicable recognized standards as evidenced by the listing and label of an approved agency (CMC,

Y N 1 Is Emergency Response Plan adequate (19 CCR, 2731)? Does Emergency Response Plan
e o . address:
s a) The necessary elements in 19 CCR, 2731 ?
b) Employee evacuation or shelter-in-place?
c) Fire?
d) Ammonia release?
e) Ammonia overpressure? For example, in an overpressure situation potentially
causing or causing a release, how will the facility mitigate the release by reducing
the pressure in the ammonia system?
f) Procedures to prevent entry into a potentially flammable ammonia atmosphere?
Ammonia is flammable in the range of 12-26%.
Y N 2 Is Training Plan adequate (19 CCR, 2732)? Does Training Plan address:
e o . a) Methods for safe handling of ammonia?
s b) Procedures for coordination with Fire Department?
c) Use of emergency response equipment and supplies?
d) If site personnel are trained to provide ER? At what level?
Not trained to provide ER Level C (w/ APR) Level B (w/ SCBA)
Y N 3 Are training records available and is employee training adequate? Do employees have annual
e o . refreshers?

Y N 4 Does facility have portable ammonia monitor? If so, what type?_______________________
e o . Note that personnel cannot do an entry in APRs if they cannot determine whether atmosphere
s is IDLH or not. IDLH for ammonia is 300 ppm.

Y N 5 Is there a communication system available between engine room operators and other facility
e o . personnel? For example, are radios available for engine room operators to provide warning,
s evacuation or shelter-in-place notifications to other employees?

Y N 6 Is emergency response equipment stored outside of engine room? The engine room is a
e o . common source of releases and emergency response equipment, if stored in the engine room,
s may not be accessible during a release.

Y N 7 Is the following minimum equipment installed, properly maintained and readily available for
e o . use (Title 8, CCR, Section 501)?
s a) At least 2 full face respiratory devices (e.g., 1 SCBA and 1 gas mask with spare canister);
b) Pair of ammonia resistant gloves;
c) Pair of protective boots;
d) Ammonia resistant pants and jacket and/or slicker;
e) A deluge shower and bubble fountain or other method of simultaneously washing both
eyes with clean water (minimum water supply shall be 50 gallons); and
f) First-aid kit.

KNOX BOX (CFC, 6306)
Y N 8 Does the facility have a KNOX box (CFC 6306)? Or 24 hr. security? Are the Emergency
e o . Response Plan, emergency contact information, site map, MSDSs and the piping and valve
s diagram available in the KNOX box, the Emergency Control Box and/or security office? Site
map should include location of buildings/rooms, fire hydrants, fire department connections,
OS&Y valve, rated firewalls, exits, doorways, roof vents, compressors, receivers, condensers,
evaporators and hazardous material storage. The piping and valve diagram should indicate
the location of compressors, receivers, condensers, evaporators, emergency control valves
(including compressor and ventilation controls), King Valve, Emergency Control Box and
pressure relief valves (PRVs).
Y N 9 Does refrigeration system have an Emergency Control Box for handling overpressure
e o . situations (CFC, 6307 & 6318)? If so, does it have:
s a) A control box, not more than 6 feet above grade, made of steel or stainless steel with
a minimum of 16 gauge thickness and provided with a hinged cover and lock?
b) Valve operational procedures— instructions for manual overpressure control of the
system in an emergency with the valves adequately identified as to the sequential
procedure to be followed?
c) The name, address and emergency phone numbers to obtain emergency service?
d) Instructions to notify the Fire Department by calling 911 in the event of an
e) Proper identification—label on the outside cover reading, “FIRE DEPARTMENT—
f) Adequate illumination for operating the Emergency Control Box.
Note that for new construction ammonia systems, the Emergency Control Box must include a
balance valve to reduce high side pressure to the low side (e.g., to low side vapor or the
liquid of the low pressure receiver). However, the valve operational instructions should
include that the balance valve should only be used if the release is on the high side.
Moreover, the low side system must be designed for the same pressures as the high side (250

For modifications at existing systems, the balance valve is recommended provided the low
side is designed for the appropriate pressure.
Y N 1 Does the ammonia system(s) have a diffuser tank (CFC, 6309)? Tank capacity must be at
e o 0 least 1 gal. of fresh water per each lb. of ammonia. Tank must be not less than 1/8” (10
s . gauge) steel. Horizontal dimensions of the tank shall be equal to or less than one-half of the
height. Tank must have a hinged cover or if enclosed, must have a vent hole at top. Pipe
connections must be through the top of the tank; the complete diffuser pipe (discharge pipe)
inside the tank must be constructed of stainless steel. The tank should be labeled “WATER”
with clearly visible lettering. The tank must have an audible and visual alarm for low water
level or an automatic fill device. The tank should be equipped with a 2½” NSH (National
Standard Hose) fire department connection. Is fire hydrant accessible?
Y N 1 Are PRVs plumbed to the diffuser tank (CFC, 6309)? The stainless steel discharge pipe from
e o 1 the PRVs must discharge ammonia vapor (i.e., ammonia vapor from the low and high side of
s . the system) in the center of the tank near the bottom but not more than 30 feet below the
surface of the water.
Y N 1 Is the diffusion piping to the tank designed to prevent water from back flowing to the
e o 2 PRV(s)?
s .

Y N 1 Is a vent line sensor or diffuser tank pH monitor installed to detect ammonia released from a
e o 3 PRV(s)? The sensor or pH monitor, when activated at the trip point, should send a signal to
s . the ammonia detection and alarm monitor or PLC. The vent line sensor can be located in the
atmospheric vent of the diffuser tank to monitor the headspace for ammonia.
Y N 1 Does the refrigeration system have a machinery room (engine room) when required (see CFC,
e o 4 6310.1)? Engine room must be of such dimensions that all system parts are readily
s . accessible, must have walking space at least 3 feet in width and 6 feet, 8 inches in height to
at least 2 sides of all moving machinery and approaching each ammonia system stop valve.

Y N 1 Is the engine room sprinklered?
e o 5
s .

Y N 1 Does access to engine room have a posted sign restricting entry to authorized personnel only
e o 6 (CFC, 6310.2)?
s .

Y N 1 Does the engine room exiting comply with the Building Code for special hazards (CFC,
e o 7 6310.3)?
s .

Y N 1 Does engine room have approved ammonia-vapor detectors located in an area where the
e o 8 ammonia from a leak is likely to concentrate (CFC, 6310.4)? Are the detectors/sensors
s . intrinsically safe or if not, can they be installed in an explosion-proof enclosure approved by
the manufacturer or de-energized before 10% of the LEL?

At a minimum, the engine room detectors must activate visual (e.g., rotating or flashing
strobes) and audible alarms at 25-50 ppm ammonia. Audible alarm must be at least 15dB
above ambient noise (CFC, 6313.1). At least one rotating or flashing strobe and audible
alarm (appropriate UL temperature rating) should be located inside the engine
room/recirulator room and on the engine room/recirulator room outside wall.

A minimum of one detector for each engine room must be capable of detecting ammonia
concentrations up to at least 10,000-20,000 ppm. The ammonia detection and alarm system
monitor must be located in an area remote from the engine room and must provide continuous
ammonia concentration readings for all ammonia detectors (not just the engine room
detectors). A sign must be installed on the exterior of all engine room doors stating “A
remote monitor located in … provides continuous ammonia concentration levels [or alarm
status conditions].” The sign background should be red with 1” high white letters.

In addition, a sampling port must be installed through the engine room wall in the same
general area as the engine room ammonia sensor. The sampling port should have about a
1-1/4” inside diameter and be constructed of non-ferrous materials with an air-tight cap. The
sampling port should have a sign that reads “Ammonia Engine Room Air Sample Port--
Keep Closed at All Times When Not in Use.” The sign background should be red with 1”
high white letters.
Y N 1 Does engine room have sealed penetrations through walls to inhibit the passage of ammonia
e o 9 into other rooms (CFC, 6310.5)?
s .

Y N 2 Are open flames or devices having an exposed surface exceeding 800oF prohibited in engine
e o 0 room (CFC, 6310.7)?
s .

Y N 2 Is the engine room provided with a continuous source of outside air for ventilation & removal
e o 1 of rejected heat and are the exhaust inlets or openings located to provide ventilation
s . throughout the entire engine room (CFC, 6311.1-.2)? Engine rooms must be provided with
dedicated mechanical ventilation systems that continuously provide 0.5 cubic foot per minute
of air flow per gross square foot of floor area. Engine room ventilation systems must also
limit the temperature rise within the room to a maximum of 1040F (CMC, 1108.2)
Y N 2 Are fans provided in the engine room for emergency purge ventilation (CFC, 6311.4)?
e o 2
s .

Y N 2 Do the emergency purge ventilation fans have a clearly identified break-glass switch
e o 3 providing on-only control immediately adjacent to and outside of the engine room means of
s . egress (CFC, 6311.4)? Each fan must be controlled by its own switch (CMC, 1108.6).

Y N 2 Do the emergency purge ventilation fans respond automatically to ammonia detected in the
e o 4 engine room [at 50 percent of the IDLH or 150 ppm] (CFC, 6311.4)? The emergency purge
s . control must be provided with a manual reset only.

Y N 2 Are the central control switches for emergency purge ventilation fans the 3-position,
e o 5 automatic/on/off type and clearly labeled for both function and the specific fans controlled
s . (CFC, 6311.5)? Two-colored and labeled indicator lamps responding to the differential
pressure created by air flow must be provided for each switch; one lamp must indicate flow,
the other must indicate no flow.
Y N 2 Can the engine room ventilation fans be shut-off from outside the engine room, i.e., do the
e o 6 engine room continuous ventilation fans also have a central control on/off switch that is
s . clearly labeled and within a key operated or locked glass-covered enclosure adjacent to and
outside of the principal entrance to the engine room (CFC, 6311.5)? Necessary keys must be
located in a single approved location. The engine room is a common source of releases and it
may not be possible to enter the engine room to shut-off the ventilation fans during a release. In
some cases, e.g., when there are down-wind receptors, it may be advantageous to keep the engine
room closed and the fans off to minimize the amount of ammonia released. Thus, CFC 6311.5
requires a remote engine room ventilation fan emergency control on/off switch.
Y N 2 Do all ventilation fans discharge at least 20 feet from a property line or opening into a
e o 7 building (CFC, 6311.6)?
s .

Y N 2 Do fans and associated equipment intended to operate the emergency purge of ammonia meet
e o 8 the requirements for a Class I, Division 1 hazardous location (CFC, 6311.7) ?
s .

Y N 2 Are make-up air intakes for the engine room installed to deliver air from outside of the
e o 9 building and fitted with backdraft dampers or approved flow-control means to prevent
s . reverse flow (CFC, 6311.8)? Distribution of makeup air should be arranged to provide
thorough mixing within the machinery room to prevent short circuiting of the makeup air
directly to the exhaust.
Y N 3 Are the engine room doors self-closing? Does the engine room have a roll-up door and is it
e o 0 relatively vapor tight? Is the roll-up door designed to close during an ammonia release?
s .

Y N 3 Are refrigerated rooms and piping spaces equipped with ammonia-vapor detectors (spaced
e o 1 no more than approximately 30 feet from evaporators) and sealed from all other non-
s . refrigerated portions of the building by vaportight construction and tightfitting, gasketed
doors (CFC, 6312)?
Y N 3 In other than the engine room, does the detection and alarm system utilizing listed fire alarm
e o 2 signaling devices, when activated at 50 percent of the IDLH (150 ppm) or 25 percent of the
s . LFL, provide automatic shutdown stopping the flow of refrigerant to evaporators within cold
rooms (e.g., use of solenoid valves, activated by the detection and alarm system, on high
pressure liquid lines to evaporators) & stopping the flow of ammonia in all supply lines
leaving the engine room (CFC, 6313.2.2)? At ammonia concentrations at or greater than 25
percent of the LFL, activation of the detection and alarm system shall automatically de-
energize electrical power within space that does not meet Class I, Division 1, Group D
electrical requirements. At least one visual alarm (rotating or flashing strobe) and audible
alarm (appropriate UL temperature rating) should be located in each cold room & in dock
Y N 3 Is the detection and alarm system remotely annunciated at an approved constantly attended
e o 3 location as required for fire alarm systems (CFC, 6313.4)?
s .

Y N 3 Is the detection and alarm system connected to a secondary source of power to automatically
e o 4 supply electrical power in the event of a loss of power from the primary source (CFC,
s . 6317.2)? Note: A UPS rated for 1½ hrs. may be used to satisfy this requirement (NEC,
Section 700-12.a).

Y N 3 Is perimeter detection necessary to detect an outdoor release (e.g., from a trailer mounted
e o 5 compressor unit or due to the proximity of receptors)?
s .

Y N 3 Is piping, equipment, ducts, vents or similar devices, not essential for the refrigeration
e o 6 process, maintenance, illumination or ventilation, prohibited from being located in or passing
s . through the engine room (CFC, 6314.1)?

Y N 3 Can the compressor(s) be shut-down from outside the engine room, i.e., is a clearly labeled
e o 7 emergency control break-glass switch providing off-only control of electrically energized
s . equipment (including compressors) and devices within the engine room provided
immediately adjacent to and outside of the engine room means of egress and is the
emergency shut-off automatically activated with the detection and alarm system when
ammonia concentrations exceed 25 percent of the LFL (CFC, 6314.4)? The engine room is a
common source of releases and it may not be possible to enter the engine room to shut-off the
compressors during a release. CFC, 6314.4 thus requires a remote compressor emergency
shut-down switch.
Y N 3 Are stop valves installed in the refrigeration system at the following locations: at the inlet and
e o 8 outlet of a compressor and condenser, at the liquid receiver outlet (King Valve) and at the
s . inlet of a pressure receiver with a volume exceeding 3 cubic feet (CFC 6315.1)?

Y N 3 Are the stop valves accessible from the engine room floor or a level platform (CFC, 6315.3)?
e o 9
s .

Y N 4 Is there access (e.g., ladder) for exterior stop valves (e.g., for evaporators) located on the roof
e o 0 and for stop valves at the condensers (CFMC, 1126.0)?
s .

Y N 4 Is a piping and valve diagram mounted under glass at an approved location near the principal
e o 1 entrance to the engine room (CFC, 6315.4 & 6315.5)?
s .

Y N 4 Are all ammonia system valves identified by tagging and numbered consistent with the
e o 2 piping and valve diagram (CFC, 6315.4)?
s .

Y N 4 Is ammonia system piping in accordance with standards? Piping should conform to ASME
e o 3 Standard B31.5, Refrigeration Piping & IIAR Standard 2. Piping should be carbon steel or
s . stainless. Pipe > 2 in. shall be electric-resistance welded or seamless (CMC, 1110.3).
Galvanized and copper piping should not be used.
Pipe connections can be threaded if the pipe size is 1.25” or smaller. Pipe 1.5” or larger
should be welded. Ammonia pipe welders should be certified in the pipe sizes and welding
procedures required.
Piping should be at least 7½ ft. above the floor. The distance between insulated lines should
be at least 3 times the thickness of the insulation for screwed/welded fittings and 4 times for
flange fittings.
Piping must be securely fastened to a permanent support within 6 ft. following the first bend
from the compressor and within 2 ft. of each subsequent bend or angle. Piping shall be
supported at points not more than 15 feet apart (CMC, 1111.2)
Y N 4 Are all ammonia pipelines properly labeled, including: 1) a yellow label with the word
e o 4 “Ammonia”, 2) the physical state (vapor or liquid), 3) the pressure level (high or low
s . pressure) and 4) the direction of flow (IIAR, Bulletin No. 114 & ANSI A13.1)? Piping
should be labeled at 30 foot intervals with a label in every room through which the piping
extends; outdoor areas should also be labeled.

Y N 4 Is ammonia equipment subject to vehicular damage (e.g., outdoor receivers) protected by
e o 5 guard posts (CFC, 6316)?
s .

Y N 4 Were/are the following emergency systems tested for safety and effectiveness upon
e o 6 completion or alteration and tested periodically in accordance with manufacturer’s
s . instructions by a qualified person and as required by the Fire Department: diffusion system,
valves and appurtenances necessary to the operation of the emergency control box, fans and
associated equipment intended to operate emergency purge ventilation systems, and detection
and alarm systems (CFC, 6320.1 & 6320.2)?
Y N 4 Were refrigeration-containing parts of the high and low side of a system that was field
e o 7 erected or repaired tested (at 235 psig for ammonia) and proven to be tight after complete
s . installation and prior to operation (CMC, 1123.2-3)? Exception: compressors, condensers,
evaporators, coded pressure vessels, safety devices, pressure gages, control mechanisms and
systems that are factory tested. Oxygen, flammable or combustible gases shall not be used
for leak testing. Test must incorporate a pressure-limiting or pressure-reducing device with a
pressure-relief device and a gage on the outlet side.
Y N 4 Was a dated test declaration, indicating a “Pass” result and signed by the installer, received
e o 8 for the field test (CMC, 1123.4)? The declaration should include the facility name, address,
s . identification of the system tested, name and number designation of the refrigerant and the
test pressure.
Y N 4 Will ammonia detection and alarm system sensors be calibrated in accordance with the
e o 9 frequency required by the manufacturer (CFC, 6320.2)? Calibration frequencies should be
s . stated in the facility’s operating procedures.

Y N 5 Are written records of required testing maintained on-site (CFC, 6320.3)?
e o 0
s .

Y N 5 Has the facility notified the Fire Department by dialing 911 immediately upon discharge of
e o 1 ammonia or is site management aware of this requirement (CFC, 6321)?
s .


Y N 5 Is flammable and combustible material storage (e.g., compressor oil) prohibited in the engine
e o 2 room (CFC, 6322)?
s .

Y N 5 Are records for the amount of ammonia purchased and removed maintained on-site? (CFC,
e o 3 6324)?
s .

Y N 5 Is each part of the refrigeration system that can be valved off and that contains one or more
e o 4 pressure vessels having internal diameters greater than 6 inches and containing liquid
s . refrigerant protected by a PRV (CMC, 1114.5)? Stop valves must not be located between a
PRV and the portion of the system protected thereby (CMC, 1114.6).
Y N 5 Are PRVs changed at least every 5 years?
e o 5
s .

Y N 5 Can ammonia system valves be controlled remotely? Note: not necessarily a CFC
e o 6 requirement.
s .

Y N 5 Are ammonia system oil drain valves the spring type? Note: not necessarily a CFC
e o 7 requirement. Spring type oil drain valves prevent the operator from walking away during the
s . oil draining process and thus minimize the chance of an ammonia release occurring during
this maintenance activity.
Y N 5 Are floor drains located in the engine room? If so, are there measures in place to prevent an
e o 8 ammonia release to the sewer? Note: not necessarily a CFC requirement.
s .

Y N 5 Are fire extinguishers properly located and serviced, including being located in the engine
e o 9 room (CFC 1002.1)? Rating should not be less than 40B-C.
s .

Y N 6 Are exits properly marked, including exits for the engine room and cold rooms (CFC,
e o 0 1207.6)?
s .

Y N 6 Is every ammonia receiver and vessel properly identified with the contents and its size and
e o 1 does the facility have proper NFPA 704 placarding for all rooms/buildings containing more
s . than 100 pounds of ammonia (CFC, 8001.7)? Facility should use 3-1-0 for outdoor locations
and 3-3-0 for indoor locations for ammonia.
Y N 6 Does the facility have a windsock (s)? Note: not necessarily a CFC requirement. However, a
e o 2 windsock should be visible from every outside location of the facility to assist employees in
s . evacuating properly to an upwind area in a release incident.


Room Alarm/Equipment Control Threshold CFC Section

Engine/ Alarm On 25-50 ppm 6310.4

Machinery Room Alarm Company Notification To be determined (TBD)
Ventilation Fan On 25-150 ppm 6311.4& 6311.6
Ventilation Fan Off 150-4000 ppm1 6311.6
Compressor/Pump Off 150-1000 ppm 6313.2.2
De-energize electrical up to 20,000 ppm 6314.4
Cold Rooms Alarm On 25-50 ppm 6313.2.1
Flow to Evaporators Off 150 ppm 6313.2.2
Alarm Company Notification TBD
De-energize electrical2 up to 20,000 ppm 6313.2.2
Alarms must be visual and audible. Audible alarm must be 15 dB above operating ambient noise.
The maximum threshold of 4000 ppm is less than 25% of the LFL; this value is based on more conservative
potential health impacts. This threshold may be set differently based on site-specific conditions. An engineering
analysis of plume dispersion demonstrating that 50% of the IDLH will not be exceeded at the property line
may be required for approval of ventilation fan off settings (CMC, 1108.7). Compressor/pump off ppm
setting should be no higher than the ventilation fan off ppm setting.
When space does not meet Class I, Division 1, Group D requirements.

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