TAX - Quiz 1
TAX - Quiz 1
TAX - Quiz 1
1. The list provided below is not included in the gross estate of a decedent, except
a. Exclusive property of the surviving spouse
b. Intangible personal property in the Philippines of a non-resident alien when the rule of
Reciprocity applies
c. Properties outside the Philippines of a non- resident alien decedent
d. Share in common properties of the surviving spouse
4. The following information were from the estate of a married citizen decedent who died on June
6. Statement 1: Uniformity in the imposition and/or collection of taxes means that all taxable
articles or kinds of property of the same class shall be taxed at the same rate. This requirement
is complied with when the tax operates with the same force and effect in every place where the
subject of it is found.
Statement 2: uniformity rule is violate when different articles are taxed at different amounts
provided that the rate is uniform on the same class everywhere with all people at all times
7. Mr. Heart is in need of money to start a small business. However, he has no property to secure a
loan from a bank so he sought the help of his good friend Mr. Love. Mr. Love then obtained a
loan from Banco de Oro amounting to 1 million pesos secured by a real property worth 2 million
pesos to accommodate the request of Mr. Heart. If subsequent to securing the loan and
delivering to Mr. Heart the proceeds, Mr. Love died, how much gross estate should be reported?
A. P2,000,000
B. P3,000,000
C. P1,000,000
D. Nil
8. The State, having sovereignty can enforce contributions (tax) upon its citizens even without a
specific provision in the Constitution authorizing it. Which of the following will justify the
foregoing statement?
I. It is so because the State has the supreme power to command and enforce obedience to
its will from the people within its jurisdiction.
II. Any provision in the Constitution regarding taxation creates right for the sovereignty to
have the power to tax.
III. Any provision in the Constitution regarding taxation merely constitutes limitations upon
the State in exercising its power to tax.
a. I and III only
b. I, II, and III
c. I only
d. I and II only
13. If the decedent is married under the conjugal partnership of gains vanishing deduction shall be
chargeable against?
a. Exclusive properties
14. Tax which is demanded from the persons whom the law intends or desires to pay it
a. Direct
17. Who among the following transferors is not liable for estate tax on the property transferred
during his lifetime?
a. The donee of an appointed property who is required under a power of appointment to
transfer such property upon death to his eldest child
23. The following information were from the estate of a married citizen decedent who died on June
Under conjugal partnership of gains, gross conjugal property is
a. P1,300,000
b. P600,000
c. P1,600,000
24. Under TRAIN Law, all of the following, except one, are not deductible from the gross estate of a
non-resident alien:
a. Standard deduction
b. Family home allowance
c. Funeral and judicial expenses
d. Death benefits under ra 4917
25. Deductible claims against the estate or indebtedness in respect of property may arise out of,
a. Operations of law
b. Contracts
c. Tort
d. None of these
26. Which of the following properties of the spouses will be part of common properties under a
regime of Absolute Community of Property?
A. Jewelry inherited during the marriage
31. Deductible claims against the estate or indebtedness in respect of property may arise out of,
a. none of these
32. Statement 1: Uniformity in the imposition and/or collection of taxes means that all taxable
articles or kinds of property of the same class shall be taxed at the same rate. This requirement
is complied with when the tax operates with the same force and effect in every place where the
subject of it is found.
Statement 2: uniformity rule is violate when different articles are taxed at different amounts
provided that the rate is uniform on the same class everywhere with all people at all times.
a. Only statement 1 is correct
36. Mr. Vice, a bachelor and resident Filipino citizen, died on November 2, 2018. The following fees
were paid to the following in connection with the settlement of his estate
How much deduction for judicial expenses may the estate claim?
Select one:
A. P230,000
B. P150,000
C. P270,000
D. P220,000
38. Fe, married on June 5, 2014 died on April 29, 2016 with the following data: Gross estate -
conjugal, P3,000,000; exclusive, P2,000,000. Said amount includes a land which she received as
gift from her father two (2) months before the marriage, valued at P540,000. Her father
mortgaged the land for P20,000 which was paid by Fe. Fe mortgaged also the said land for
P50,000 but was able to pay only P20,000 until his death. ELIT claimed (excluding the unpaid
mortgage) amounted to P170,000. The vanishing deduction is:
Select one:
A. P384,000
B. P399,360
C. P299,520
D. P288,000
41. The following information were from the estate of a married citizen decedent who died on June
2018. The net taxable estate of the decedent is
A. P475,000
B. P575,000
C. P500,000
42. Mr. and Mrs. Valentino are happily married and the fruit of their love is a daughter born 2 years
after their hands were tied in marriage. They are residing in Quezon City. However, like in a song
which says “nothing seems so good that lasts eternally”, Mr. Valentino died in October 2017
which is exactly 1 month after celebrating their golden anniversary. The zonal value of the family
home at the time is P10,000,000. He has no other properties. The following expenses were
incurred for the burial:
Assuming Mr. Valentino died in 2018 (assume the medical expenses were incurred in 2017
44. Mr. and Mrs. Valentino are happily married and the fruit of their love is a daughter born 2 years
after their hands were tied in marriage. They are residing in Quezon City. However, like in a song
which says “nothing seems so good that lasts eternally”, Mr. Valentino died in October 2017
which is exactly 1 month after celebrating their golden anniversary. The zonal value of the family
home at the time is P10,000,000. He has no other properties. The following expenses were
incurred for the burial:
Assuming Mr. Valentino died in 2018 (assume the medical expenses were incurred in 2017
How much is the allowable deduction for medical expenses?
Select one:
A. P500,000
B. P300,000
C. P600,000
D. P0
45. Mr. and Mrs. Valentino are happily married and the fruit of their love is a daughter born 2 years
after their hands were tied in marriage. They are residing in Quezon City. However, like in a song
which says “nothing seems so good that lasts eternally”, Mr. Valentino died in October 2017
which is exactly 1 month after celebrating their golden anniversary. The zonal value of the family
home at the time is P10,000,000. He has no other properties. The following expenses were
incurred for the burial: How much is the allowable funeral expenses?
Assuming Mr. Valentino died in 2018 (assume the medical expenses were incurred in 2017
a. P200,000
b. P159,000
c. P128,000
d. P0
46. Statement 1: Estate tax credit for estate tax paid to a foreign country is allowed only if the
decedent is a citizen or resident of the Philippines.
Statement 2: There can be an estate tax paid to a foreign country even if the citizen or resident
decedent had no property in the Philippines.
Select one:
a. Only first statement incorrect
b. Only first statement is correct
c. Both statements are correct
d. Both statements are incorrect
47. It explains why the government pursues tax evasion cases and hardly does tax avoidance cases
a. Tax avoidance is against the law or would result to violation of tax laws
b. Tax evasion is fraudulent
c. In tax avoidance, there is no amount of tax involved
d. In tax evasion, the amount involved is substantial
TAX - Quiz 2
1. Royalty income from books received by a corporation prior to 2018 shall be subject to:
a. 15% 15% Exempt
b. 20% 20% 30%
c. 10% 10% 30%
d. 15% 7 ½% Exempt
2. Because of dire necessity, Ana sold a parcel of land from Quezon province for P10,000,000 with
a cost of P6,000,000. At the time of sale, the fair market value of the land was P12,000,000.
P8,000,000 of the proceeds of the sale were used to purchase principal residence at Manila. As
such, within 30 days from the sale, he informed the Commissioner of Internal Revenue of his
intention to avail of the exemption and set-up an escrow deposit equivalent to the capital gains
tax. The sale of land resulted to a tax consequence of
A. P576,000 capital gains tax on sale of real property
B. P144,000 capital gains tax on sale of real property
C. P720,000 capital gains tax on sale of real property
D. Exempt
3. Which of the following are items included in the gross compensation income of the employee
a. Rice allowance of P2,000 a month given to managerial and supervisory employee
b. Representation expenses of P5,000 a month and not subject to liquidation
c. P9,000 representing nine days of monetized unused vacation leave
d. Traveling expenses of Php15,000 received by an employee who was sent on a business trip
to Cebu city
4. Mr. Mapalad realized the following income and expenses during 2018 taxable year:
5. Ana realized the following income and expenses during 2018 taxable year:
Assume that Ana also earned P500,000 compensation income for being a part-time college
Professor for the 2018 taxable year. How much is her total income tax due assuming she
signified her intention to be taxed at 8% preferential tax rate?
a. P340,000
b. P259,000
c. P224,000
d. P279,000
6. Statement 1: The exemption of any fringe benefit from the fringe benefit tax shall not be
interpreted to mean exemption from any other income tax imposed under the Tax Code except
if the same is likewise expressly exempt from any other income tax imposed under the Tax Code
or under any other existing law.
Statement 2: If the fringe benefit is exempted from the fringe benefit tax, the same may,
however still form part of the employee’s gross compensation income which is subject to
income tax, hence, likewise subject to withholding tax on compensation income payment.
a. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false
b. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is true
c. Statements 1 and 2 are true
d. Statements 1 & 2 are false
7. Interest income received from a depository bank under expanded foreign currency deposit
system beginning January 1, 2018 or upon effectivity of the TRAIN Law shall be subject to:
a. 15%, 7 ½ %, Exempt
8. Statement 1: An employee who is earning purely compensation income not exceeding P250,000
from a lone employer is still required to file an income tax return.
Statement 2: Self-employed and/or professionals who opted and are qualified to be taxed at 8%
income tax rate are required to attach the Financial Statements when filing the annual income
tax return
a. Both statements are incorrect
10. First Statement: An individual earning compensation income of P2,000,000 in 2018 shall have
the option of availing the optional 8% income tax.
Second Statement: Beginning 2018 taxable year, an individual who opted to pay the 8% income
tax is also exempt from the 3% other percentage tax under Section 116 of the Tax Code
a. False, true
11. What is the correct treatment of overtime pay, holiday pay, night shift differential, and hazard
pay received by those whose basic pay is more than the SMW?
a. Subject to income tax, and consequently, to the withholding tax on compensation income
12. Mr. Mapalad realized the following income and expenses during 2018 taxable year:
Assuming the same data in the immediately preceding number except that Ana is a vat-
registered taxpayer, how much is her total income tax for the year?
a. P224,000
b. P279,000
c. P259,000
d. P340,000
14. In 2018, Alpha Corporation provided a fringe benefit to one of its executives, Chris, amounting
to P78,000
Assume the fringe benefit is in the form of housing benefit (rental payment), how much is the
correct amount of fringe benefit tax?
a. P39,000
b. P21,000
c. P78,000
d. P60,000
15. Royalty income received by a corporation beginning January 1, 2018 or upon effectivity of the
TRAIN Law shall be subject to
a. 15% 15% Exempt
b. 20% 20% 30%
c. 10% 10% 30%
d. 15% 7 ½% Exempt
19. Statement 1: Partners of GPPs are allowed to avail the 8% income tax rate.
Statement 2: Individuals enjoying income tax exemption such as those registered under BMBE
are not allowed to avail the 8% income tax rate
a. Only statement 2 is correct
20. First Statement: An individual earning compensation income of P2,000,000 in 2018 shall have
the option of availing the optional 8% income tax.
Second Statement: Beginning 2018 taxable year, an individual who opted to pay the 8% income
tax is also exempt from the 3% other percentage tax under Section 116 of the Tax Code
a. False, true
21. Who among the following individual taxpayers is taxable on income from within and without the
A. Amber, a native of Bacolod, working as overseas contract worker in Dubai
B. Tracy, a resident of Manila and citizen of Australia; who has been working in thePhilippines
for the past 10 years
C. Juan Cruz, a Filipino, who was sent by his employer to the United States for 5 months
D. Manuel Chavez, a resident and citizen of Puerto Rico, sent to the Philippines, as an employee
of a local brewery for 5 months
22. Interest income on bank deposit or investment with maturity period of at least five (5) years
received by a corporation is subject to:
Domestic Res. / Foreign Corp. /Non-resident Foreign Corp.
A. Exempt Exempt Exempt
B. 20% 20% Exempt
C. 20% 20% 30%
D. 20% Exempt Exempt
23. In 2018, Alpha Corporation provided a fringe benefit to one of its executives, Chris, amounting
to P78,000 How much is the correct amount of fringe benefit tax?
A. P78,000
B. Nil
C. P120,000
D. P42,000
24. Dividend from a domestic corporation or share in the distributable income after tax of a taxable
partnership received by a citizen shall be subjected to the final tax rate of
A. 25%
B. 15%
C. 10%
D. 20%
25. Which of the following statements regarding minimum wage earner (MWE) is correct?
A. The MWE is exempt from income tax on his basic statutory minimum wage (SMW).
B. The MWE is exempt from income tax on his overtime pay, holiday pay, night shift
differential, and hazard pay
C. All of the choices
D. The MWE is subject to income tax other than his basic statutory minimum wage and on his
overtime pay, holiday pay, night shift differential and hazard pay
26. Statement 1: The exemption of any fringe benefit from the fringe benefit tax shall not be
interpreted to mean exemption from any other income tax imposed under the Tax Code except
if the same is likewise expressly exempt from any other income tax imposed under the Tax Code
or under any other existing law.
Statement 2: If the fringe benefit is exempted from the fringe benefit tax, the same may,
however still form part of the employee’s gross compensation income which is subject to
income tax, hence, likewise subject to withholding tax on compensation income payment.
a. Statements 1 and 2 are true
b. Statement 1 & 2 are false
c. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false
d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is true
27. Ronnie, worked in the United States as a Partner of a Big Four Accounting Firm and has been
residing therein for the past 25 years. He arrived in the Philippines on July 1, 2018 to reside here
permanently. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to Ronnie’s classification
for income tax purposes?
a. He will be classified as nonresident citizen from January 1, 2018 until the date of his
arrival in the Philippines
b. He will be classified as resident citizen for the whole year of 2018
c. He will be classified as neither resident nor nonresident citizen for the year 2018
d. He will be classified as nonresident citizen for the whole year of 2018
28. Mr. Mapalad realized the following income and expenses during 2018 taxable year:
Assume Mr. Mapagpala signified his intention to be taxed at 8%, his total income tax expense
during 2018 taxable year should be
a. P204,000
b. P596,800
c. P554,000
d. P595,000