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CoC - Adv - Lozdra

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By Michael C. LaBossiere
Call of Cthulhu

Legal Information Getting the Investigators

This adventure is copyright 1998 by Involved
Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere. It may be If the adventure is being run to allow
freely distributed for personal use the investigators to find information
provided that it is not modified and no they need, the investigators can learn of
fee above the normal cost of distribution the existence of a book which might
is charged for it. Visit my web site at contain this information. The source or
www.opifex.cnchost.com. sources the investigators consult will
Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium Inc's reveal that the book is reputed to be
registered trademark for their game of located in the village of Kenburrough in
horror and wonder in the worlds of HP Scotland.
Lovecraft. For more information, contact If the adventure is being run as a
Chaosium Inc., 900 Murmansk Street stand-alone, the following letter
Suite 5 Oakland, CA 94607. (handout #1) can bring them into it:
Visit Chaosium's web page at Dear x,
http://www.chaosium.com/cthulhu/. I hope that this letter is appropriate. A mutual
associate informed me that you and your fellows
are intrepid and skilled at solving various
problems and resolving difficult issues. Because
of my physical condition I am unable to travel
and I wish to employ you in a noble endeavor.
In the course of my research into various
matters, I have learned of the existence of a
rather interesting book. According to the
histories and records I have consulted, this book
was written in the 12th century by a Christian
thinker named Joseph. According to the
Introduction descriptions, this book contains a great deal of
metaphysical information pertaining to “devils
This adventure is set in 1920s
mentioned not in the Bible.”
Scotland. It pits the intrepid The contents of this work would be priceless in
investigators against a horror from the my ongoing research into these topics. I have
12th century and is intended for a managed to track the work by the legends and
moderately experienced group. The tales associated with it. To the best of my
adventure provides the opportunity to knowledge, it is currently located in the village of
gain access to an ancient book and is Kenburrough in Scotland.
suitable as a side-adventure for If you would undertake the recovery of the
investigators in search of information. text, my university will provide you with passage
The adventure also serves well as a and a suitable finder’s fee for the work.
stand-alone adventure and can be set in
Dr. K. Phileus
other times and places with suitable Harvard University
place in 121 Ad when Roman road
If the investigators decide to search for builders unearthed a Lozdra. Thinking
the book, they will need to arrange it to be some sort of artifact, the soldiers
transport to Scotland. If the took it to a nearby official. The Lozdra
investigators accept Dr. Phileus’ offer, came out of hibernation and soon had
he will make good on his offer of control of the official’s villa and a force
passage. The investigator and his of legionnaires. Fortunately, one of the
fellows will be booked on a steamer official’s children was able to escape and
bound for England. From there, they bring warning. Legionnaires were
will be able to travel by land to dispatched to retake the villa, but they
Scotland. were killed, taken over, or driven away.
Luckily for the Romans, a Greek
Keeper’s Information thinker named Phaedrus was in the
Untold years ago a Mi-Go expedition area. Phaedrus knew a man named
landed on Mars in search of minerals Philo the Mad who had read books of
and other things the Mi-Go value. pre-human origin. Philo informed
Unfortunately for the Mi-Go, they Phaedrus that the Romans would need
stumbled across a clutch of hibernating “Elder Metal” and that a small quantity
creatures. These creatures, known as the of the metal could be found in a temple
Lozdra, came out of their hibernation in Egypt. The metal was brought to
and implanted parasites into the Mi-Go. Phaedrus, who had smiths quickly work
Transformed into hideous undead it into arrowheads and a crude sword.
fungi, the Mi-Go bore their new masters Armed with these weapons, another
through space to the more hospitable group of legionnaires was sent to attack
world of Earth. the villa. Armed with the metal, they
The horrid Lozdra found many were able to defeat the Lozdra and drive
suitable hosts for their parasitic brood it into hibernation.
among the indigenous life forms of Phaedrus agreed to become the keeper
earth. The Lozdra thrived on the of the Lozdra and was given the
primitive earth until they began to surviving weapons as well as support
intrude into the lands claimed by the from the government. Some of the metal
Elder Things. was worked into wire, which was
After the Lozdra overran and infested wrapped around the Lozdra’s
a small town, the Elder Things took hibernating form. Other bits of metal
swift and devastating action. Using were worked into hinges and used in
weapons that produced a radiation the Book of Phaedrus in which the
extremely harmful to the Lozdra, the keepers of the Lozdra kept their record
Elder Things swept down upon the as well as other things they learned.
town and slew all the Lozdra present. Phaedrus’ successors safeguarded the
For good measure, the Elder Things hibernating Lozdra as the Order of
sought out and exterminated as many Phaedrus until 1140 ad. In that year
Lozdra as they could find missing only some of the members were murdered
a few that went into hibernation to hide and the Lozdra was stolen and taken to
from the onslaught. Scotland. One of the surviving member
Over the centuries, some of the of the Order, Joseph, was able to track
hibernating Lozdra were distributed by the Lozdra to the village were it was
natural events. The first encounter taken, but not before the Lozdra was
between the Lozdra and humans took freed.
Joseph arrived in the village in1141 ad attacked the village. As happens so often in
and faced the Lozdra and its servants. In these tales, a heroic stranger appears at the
the battle, Joseph was mortally last minute and vanquishes the serpent. This
wounded after defeating the Lozdra. He stranger is referred to as Joseph. According to
told the surviving villagers to wrap the the tale, he is mortally wounded by the
serpent and leaves behind a book and his
Lozdra in the wire and keep it and the
sword for future generations. The similarity to
book safe. other such legends is clear and a further
The book and the Lozdra have resided analysis reveals…
in the village ever since.
The information in Winters’ book can
Trip to Scotland lead the investigators to an older book
Unless the Keeper has special plans for which refers to the Lozdra. The book is
the investigators, the trip to Scotland fairly rare, but most large university
should be uneventful. The investigators libraries, including the University of
will arrive safely in the village of London, will have a copy or access to a
Kenburrough after a trip by ship, train copy. The book is Lesser Cults of Rome by
and local bus. The village is located Dr. Julian White, 1821. The relevant text
about two hours by bus from the nearest is as follows:
One of the smallest cults of Rome was the
Investigation Order of Phaedrus. While the name Phaedrus is
There is a variety of information that no doubt familiar to those who have read the
might become available to the works of Plato, there is no evidence of a
investigators. The two main sources are connection between this order and the
old texts and the inhabitants of the Phaedrus mentioned by the father of
village they will be vistiting.
The Order of Phaedrus is first mention in a
work by the obscure and minor historian Citius.
Texts According to Citius, the Order was founded in
If the investigators decide to 121 ad and supported by the Roman
investigate the situation, they might be government. The Order appears to not be
able to find the following information. If religious in the usual sense and they are not
they are working for Dr. Phileus, he will associated with any god. Citius notes that the
be able to provide them with all of this Order was “dedicated to protecting the people
information. of Rome from the Lozdra, which laid waste to a
One source is Obscure Legends of the villa and greatly threatened the region.”
Phaedrus was said to have defeated the Lozdra
Isles written by Dr. Charles Winters and
by using a special “elder metal” which was the
published in 1908. The book is available bane of the Lozdra.
in most major and academic libraries in
Britain and America. The University of
London has a copy. The text contains The last relevant textual source is the
the following relevant passage: work of Citius in 162 ad. Only
fragments of Citius’ work remains and
One story that is similar to many lake and only a few libraries, including the
sea monster tales speaks of a serpent creature
University of London, have copies. The
referred to as a Lozdra or Losa. In the tale, a
thief steals an egg that belonged to this
text is in Latin and it has not been
serpent and took it into the village of translated into English. The text (in
Kenburrough. Outraged by this theft, the English) is as follows:
serpent creature rose from the nearby lake and
The story, as told to me by an old man who knows quite a bit more than the other
witnessed the event, is as follows. A crew villagers, thanks to the oral tradition of
digging up earth for a road came across an egg the keepers. Lynn knows that Joseph
in the earth. Recognizing its rarity, they did not actually kill the Lozdra and that
brought it to the villa of Sallus, a local official. it’s “egg” lies in the tower. Lynn also
The egg soon hatched, bringing misery to the
knows that only the special metal of
people. The young son of Sallus alone escaped,
bringing word to legionnaires nearby. A brave
Joseph’s sword can harm the Lozdra.
band of them set out and only two returned, However, Lynn does not speak of these
screaming of flying horrors and worse. A Greek things because it would frighten the
named Phaedrus came to the aid of the villagers.
legionnaires, bringing elder metal from the If asked about the book, Joseph will be
lands of Egypt. Armed with the metal, the willing to show it to the investigators, as
brave fighter defeated the serpent Lozdra and long as they seem honest. He will not
Phaedrus was given the egg, which was allow anyone to take the book or even
somehow made whole again, to guard. look at it, as it is old and delicate. He
will, however, say that a scholar in a
nearby town has a copy of the work that
The Village was made about a century ago. The
Provided the investigators are polite, scholar, he will say, would probably be
the villagers will be willing to talk to willing to part with the book for a
them. Most of the villagers work raising suitable price.
and shearing sheep or fishing and know Lynn will not allow the investigators
little beyond the old stories. The typical to disturb the tomb or the tower. If they
villager will be able to tell the following insist, the villagers will step in to stop
tale: them.
At the end of their conversation, Lynn
Quite some time ago, back in the Dark Ages, a will remark that someone else has
great evil came from the lake in the form of a
recently come to the village to ask about
serpent. It plagued the village terribly until a
stranger from a faraway land came and did battle
the book. Lynn will say that the man
with it. This stranger, known only as Joseph, gave his name as “Donald West” and
smashed the head of the serpent, but was bitten that his card said he is a collector of
in the leg. Dying of its foul venom, Joseph antiquities. If asked about West, Lynn
entrusted his book and sword to the village. He will say he did not like the man’s looks
was buried in yonder tomb and his book is kept and thought he was a shifty character.
in the small stone tower nearby.
The Scholar
The villagers will, of course, be able to For the adventure to work properly, it
show the investigators the location of is important that the investigators all go
the tomb and tower. If they to see the scholar. If some or all of the
investigators seem interested, the investigators decide not to go, then the
villagers will suggest that they talk to events of the adventure will need to be
the keeper of the tower and tomb, David modified. In such a situation, the
Lynn. players whose investigators remain in
Lynn is in his sixties and has been the village will need to play out the
taking care of the tomb and the tower situation until the other investigators
for the past four decades. If the return.
investigators are polite, he will be The scholar lives in a nearby town
willing to show them the inside of the which is six miles away. His name is
tower and show them the book. He Eric Walters and he is a retired
university professor. He lives in a During the day there will be a few
modest cottage with two dogs and six flocks of sheep and their attending
cats. He will be happy to have polite shepherds. After West frees the
visitors, especially if they are educated. Lozdra, this will be a scene of
If the investigators ask about the copy of carnage.
the book, he will tell them he has it and 2. The Village: This is the village
that he would be willing to part with it, proper. It consists of traditional
provided that it is being purchased by a buildings. Once West frees the
reputable party. At this point he will Lozdra, the streets will contain
mention that a rather “shifty philistine” bodies.
named Donald West was here earlier 3. The Tomb: This is the tomb of
asking about the book. Walters will say Joseph. Grass grows thickly on the
“I could see that he was no honest man, tomb, except for one section that is
so I sent him packing.” bare. Village lore says that Joseph
If the investigators seem to be on the watches out for the return of his
up and up, Walters will sell them the enemy and that his stern gaze
book. He will tell them it is a careful prevents any grass from growing
copy of the original and was done by a there. In actuality, the radiation from
scholar named Henry McRay. The text, his sword kills the grass. The tomb is
Walters will explain, is in coded Latin. an earthen mound with a carved
The book comes with a key written by stone marker. If the tomb is dug up,
McRay. Walters will say “According to a skeleton will be found as well as
some, McRay went off his rocker after the still intact sword of Joseph. The
publishing an article about completing a sword is located exactly under the
key to this text. His wife supposedly bare spot. Also with the remains is a
found him one morning in the bath, badly decomposed wooden box with
dead by his own hand. I think he cut his strips of lead attached to the interior.
own throat with a straight razor. The box was used to protect the
Unpleasant business, that.” owner of the sword from its
Walters will admit that he has never radiation.
actually read the book. He checked its 4. The Tower: The tower is actually a
accuracy by comparing the pages to that fairly small building: about fifteen
of the original. feet tall and ten feet wide. Joseph’s
book is kept in a locked chest in the
Maps main room. Hidden beneath the
The following details the maps used in wooden floor is another chest,
the adventure. obviously quite old. This chest
contains the hibernating Lozdra. In
The Village of Kenburrough hibernation, the Lozdra looks like a
The village is a small, pleasant place smooth black egg with strange lines.
with traditional cottages, some small The “egg” is wrapped up in a very
businesses and fishing docks. The other shiny, almost luminescent, wire.
main features of the town are Joseph’s Naturally, once West frees the
tomb and the tower. Beside the town is Lozdra, it will no longer be here. The
Loch Joseph, named after the hero of the bodies of Lynn and West will be on
village. the floor, with chunks of meat torn
1. Grazing Area: This is the main from them. Seeing this sight requires
grazing area of the village sheep. a 0/1D3 Sanity Check.
5. Docks: These are the docks used by is not well is the sight of sheep carcasses
the local fishermen. There are several in the filed. The sheep appear to have
small fishing boats moored here been ripped apart and eaten alive. A
when they are not out in the lake. man is staggering about the field along
with four sheep.
Action The man is actually dead and is
inhabited by a Lozdra parasite that is
The following details the key events of
using the body for locomotion and food.
the adventure.
The sheep are infected with parasites as
The Freeing of the Lozdra: While the well. These parasites are consuming the
investigators are visiting the scholar, sheep from the inside. As the horrified
investigators watch, the sheep will start
Donald West will return to the village.
bleating terribly, then they will begin to
West is a criminal who makes a living
swell at the midsection. Blood will start
by stealing valuable historical and
spilling out of their eyes, noses and ears.
artistic items. He typically sells them to
wealthy and unscrupulous collectors. Finally, each of the sheep will shudder,
While West is trying to steal the book, fall to the ground and then burst open
with a horrible popping noise. The
he will be surprised by the arrival of
Lynn. In the ensuing struggle, Lynn will horror of this scene requires a 0/1D3
be killed and part of the floor of the Sanity check. From the shattered
carcasses will emerge for Lozdra Flyers,
tower will be broken away. West will
investigate and find the chest. Opening which will shriek, shake off the blood
and entrails, and fly at the investigators.
it, he will see the Lozdra. Knowing he
Seeing the Flyers requires another
won’t be able to smuggle the whole
thing out, he will take off the wire, Sanity check. The infected man will also
which he suspects is made of a valuable attack.
metal. Will he is carefully folding up the If the battle takes only a short time, the
other infected villagers will not have
wire, the Lozdra will revise and attack
time to join the battle. If the
him. Starving, the Lozdra will gorge
itself on West and Lynn. It will then go investigators are able to kill the
out into the village. creatures quietly, nothing will come
from the village.
Once in the village, it will start
attacking the villagers. It will infect
Village: When the investigators enter
some of them with its parasites. Once it
the village, they will see torn up corpses
kills everyone in the village, it will
gorge itself on their bodies and then in the street. This requires a 0/1 Sanity
turn to the sheep. It will also use some check. Staggering about in the street
will be five of the villagers, controlled
of the sheep as hosts for its flyers. The
by the Lozdra parasites.
Lozdra will then settle down to rest and
to finish digesting its meal.
If some or all of the investigators are in Fighting the Lozdra: The Lozdra will
the village when the Lozdra awakens, have retired to the shallows of the lake
they will be caught up in the action. The to rest and digest its food. Because of
this, it will not be aware of what is
Lozdra will attack those who appear to
going on in the village. If the
be the greatest threat first.
investigators are smart, they will head
Sheep: When the investigators return, for the tomb as soon as possible to get
the first evidence they will have that all Joseph’s sword. Without the sword, the
investigators will not stand a chance.
When it becomes aware of their If the investigators flee, the Lozdra
presence, the Lozdra will rise from the will continue be able to create more
lake and attack. It will keep fighting parasites and will expand its influence.
until it kills everyone or is defeated. The investigators should lose 1D4 Sanity
points for their cowardice.
Conclusion If the investigators return, the Lozdra
The adventure concludes when the will have even more minions. If the
investigators defeat the Lozdra or they investigators do not return, the Lozdra
themselves are defeated. If they defeat will kill quite a few people until another
the Lozdra, each investigator should group of investigators eventually
receive a 1D10 Sanity award. They will defeats it. Alternatively, the Lozdra
also have to do something with the might chose to retire to the lake, only
hibernating Lozdra. A museum would occasionally venturing forth for a quick
probably be an excellent choice. meal.

Mythos Beings
Lozdra, Lesser Independent Race
Description: A Lozdra is a large being with a worm like body. The body is dark gray
in color and is oddly textured (similar to Giger's Alien). Unlike worms, a Lozdra has
two tentacles extending from its upper body. These tentacles end in a gripping "hand"
with sharp, bony talons. The head of a Lozdra is devoid of any obvious eyes or other
sensory organs. Despite this, the Lozdra have extremely acute senses, including
excellent hearing and the capacity to sense heat. The mouth of the Lozdra is small
relative to its head, but is filled with needle like teeth. The mouth also contain an
extendible tendril like growth which the Lozdra uses to inject its parasites into its
In combat, a Lozdra will slash at its victims with its talons and rip at them with its
teeth. If a Lozdra bites a victim, it will attempt to inject parasites into the victim. To do
this, the Lozdra must match its POW against the victim's POW. If the Lozdra succeeds,
the parasites enter the victim and begin consuming his flesh. The parasites will inflict
1D3 points of damage for 1D3 rounds. Seeing the parasites writhing in the wound costs
0/1 Sanity points. Being a victim of the parasites costs 0/1D3 Sanity points.
While a Lozdra can be harmed by normal weapons, it regenerates three hit points
each round. Further, when it is "killed" it will condense itself into a virtually
indestructible hibernation pod (the "egg" described above). Once "killed" the Lozdra
will regenerate one hit point a day until it reaches half its original hit points. At that
point, it will expand itself and begin regenerating normally. A Lozdra cannot
regenerate damage inflicted by a special metal until it enters into hibernation. If a
Lozdra is in contact with the metal while hibernating, it will be able to regain half its hit
points but will be unable to expand itself. A Lozdra can also hibernate to survive harsh
climate changes or when the food supply runs low.
A Lozdra has the capacity to create a variety of parasites. One type is injected into the
bodies of dead humans (or other intelligent beings of roughly human size). These
parasites spread throughout the corpse, animating it. It takes 1D3 hours for the
parasites to re-animate the body. It takes two Magic Points for a Lozdra to create each
such parasite. The other type of parasite is injected into the bodies of living animals.
These parasites grow and consume the flesh of the host until they emerge as Lozdra
flyers. It takes 1D3+3 hours for the parasites to gestate into Lozdra Flyers. It costs the
Lozdra one magic point to create a flyer parasite. Other Lozdra can produce other types
of parasites.

Characteristic Rolls Average Stats

STR 4D6+10 24 30
CON 2D6+6 13 16
SIZ 4D6+10 24 31
INT 2D6 7 9
POW 4D6 14 16
DEX 3D6 10-11 12
Hit Points 19 24
Damage +2D6 +3D6

Move: 8/12 Walk/Swim

Weapons: Bite 50% Damage 1D8+Special, Claw 40% 1D6+db
Armor: None.
Spells: None.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D8 Sanity Points to see a Lozdra.

Lozdra Zombies
Description: Lozdra zombies look like "conventional" zombies, except their skin writhes
with small tendrils, a bundle of small stalks replaces the eyes, and sharp, needle like
growths extrude into the mouth. The writhing tendrils are part of the animating
parasites body, which is wearing the corpse like clothes. The stalks are the parasite's
heat sensitive organs.
A Lozdra zombie is considerably more intelligent than a normal zombie and it is
capable of planning and some limited strategy. A Lozdra zombie is able to
communicate with other Lozdra forms by emitting heat patterns. A Lozdra zombie
cannot create parasites of its own.
Since the parasite is spread throughout the body, a Lozdra zombie is extremely
difficult to kill. A Lozdra zombie sustains little damage from most weapons. It attacks
by biting with its needle like teeth. The bite injects a caustic substance which inflicts
another 1D3 points, unless the victim makes a successful luck roll.
Like the Lozdra, the Lozdra zombies are harmed by the special metal. Unlike the
Lozdra, the zombies do not regenerate.
The parasite secretes chemical that helps preserve the flesh, enabling the corpse to
remain useful for up to two weeks. At the end of that time, the body collapses into a
pile of horribly rotted flesh and the parasite dies.

Characteristic Rolls Ave #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6

STR 3D6X1.5 15-17 16 15 17 17 18 15
CON 3D6X1.5 15-17 17 15 18 16 15 19
SIZ 2D6+6 13 13 14 16 14 14 16
INT 2D6 10 8 9 11 8 7 6
POW 1D6 3 5 2 5 3 4 3
DEX 2D6 7 8 6 10 7 8 8
Hit Points 14 15 15 17 15 15 18
Damage +1D4 +1D4 +1D4 +1D4 +1D4 +1D4 +1D4

Move: 8
Weapons: Bite 30%, damage 1D4+Special.
Armor: None, but impaling weapons do 1 point of damage and all other conventional
weapons do only half damage.
Spells: None.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity Points to see a Lozdra Zombie.

Lozdra Flyers
Description: A Lozdra flyer has a dark gray body with a pinkish underbelly. It flies by
flapping large, membranous wings. The head is mostly mouth, which splits open in
four sections, enabling a Lozdra flyer to inflict rather nasty bites. Like the other Lozdra
forms, the Lozdra flyer detects heat.
In combat, a Lozdra flyer swoops at its intended victim, aiming at the head and limbs.
A successful bite with its teeth can inflict serious damage and injects a caustic agent.
The agent inflicts an addition 1D3 points of damage, unless the victim can make a
successful luck roll.
A Lozdra flyer regenerates one point each combat round, but stays dead if it is killed.
The special metal will also harm a Lozdra flyer in the same manner it harms the Lozdra.

Characteristic Rolls Average #1 #2 #3 #4

STR 1D6 3 4 2 3 6
CON 2D6 7 8 6 10 8
SIZ 1D6 3 4 5 6 5
INT 1D6 3 3 3 6 4
POW 2D6 7 6 10 11 8
DEX 4D6 14 15 16 17 15
Hit Points 5 6 6 8 7
Damage -1D6 -1D6 -1D6 -1D6 -1D6

Move: 1/12 crawling/flying

Weapons: Bite 40% Damage 1D3
Armor: None.
Spells: None.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 Sanity Points to see a Lozdra Flyer

The following details the artifacts in Joseph's Sword
the adventure.
The sword is fairly rough looking. The the person will lose one point of CON
blade looks like a gladius short sword, every two days the person is exposed to
although it is clearly made out of very the sword. Half the loss can be regained
unusual metal. The metal is bright, at the rate of one point of CON per
almost luminescent. The metal is month.
extremely tough and is almost
completely resistant to almost all the Joseph's Book-In coded Latin, by Joseph,
elements. As a weapon the sword does in a single volume. A record of the Order
1D6+1+db and has 40 hit points. The of Phaedrus containing a history of the
base chance is 20%. order. It also contains a large amount of
The metal the sword is made from is Mythos information gathered and
extremely harmful to the Lozdra. A recorded by members of the Order over
Lozdra struck by the blade suffers and the centuries. Cracking the code
additional 2D6 points of damage from requires either the key or a great deal of
the radiation it emits. This radiation work (months, with language, Luck and
causes burns and scarring on the Know rolls at the Keeper's discretion).
creature. Sanity Loss 1D4/1D8; Cthulhu Mythos +8
The radiation emitted by the blade is percentiles; average 14 weeks to study and
also harmful to humans. If a person is comprehend once translated. Spells: Bless
exposed to the blade for an extended Blade, Cast out Shan, Chant of Thoth,
period of time, he will start becoming ill and Elder Sign.
from radiation sickness, In game terms,
-Handout #1
Dear x,
I hope that this letter is appropriate. A mutual associate informed me that you and
your fellows are intrepid and skilled at solving various problems and resolving difficult
issues. Because of my physical condition I am unable to travel and I wish to employ you
in a noble endeavor.
In the course of my research into various matters, I have learned of the existence of a
rather interesting book. According to the histories and records I have consulted, this
book was written in the 12th century by a Christian thinker named Joseph. According to
the descriptions, this book contains a great deal of metaphysical information pertaining
to “devils mentioned not in the Bible.”
The contents of this work would be priceless in my ongoing research into these topics.
I have managed to track the work by the legends and tales associated with it. To the
best of my knowledge, it is currently located in the village of Kenburrough in Scotland.
If you would undertake the recovery of the text, my university will provide you with
passage and a suitable finder’s fee for the work.
Dr. K. Phileus
Harvard University

-Handout #2 Obscure Legends of the Isles by Dr. Charles Winters, 1908.

One story that is similar to many lake and sea monster tales speaks of a serpent creature
referred to as a Lozdra or Losa. In the tale, a thief steals an egg that belonged to this
serpent and took it into the village of Kenburrough. Outraged by this theft, the serpent
creature rose from the nearby lake and attacked the village. As happens so often in
these tales, a heroic stranger appears at the last minute and vanquishes the serpent. This
stranger is referred to as Joseph. According to the tale, he is mortally wounded by the
serpent and leaves behind a book and his sword for future generations. The similarity
to other such legends is clear and a further analysis reveals…

-Handout #3 from Lesser Cults of Rome by Dr. Julian White, 1821.

One of the smallest cults of Rome was the Order of Phaedrus. While the name
Phaedrus is no doubt familiar to those who have read the works of Plato, there is no
evidence of a connection between this order and the Phaedrus mentioned by the father
of philosophy.
The Order of Phaedrus is first mention in a work by the obscure and minor historian
Citius. According to Citius, the Order was founded in 121 ad and supported by the
Roman government. The Order appears to not be religious in the usual sense and they
are not associated with any god. Citius notes that the Order was “dedicated to protecting
the people of Rome from the Lozdra, which laid waste to a villa and greatly threatened
the region.” Phaedrus was said to have defeated the Lozdra by using a special “elder
metal” which was the bane of the Lozdra.
-Handout #4 from Citius, 162 ad.
The story, as told to me by an old man who witnessed the event, is as follows. A crew
digging up earth for a road came across an egg in the earth. Recognizing its rarity, they
brought it to the villa of Sallus, a local official. The egg soon hatched, bringing misery to
the people. The young son of Sallus alone escaped, bringing word to legionnaires
nearby. A brave band of them set out and only two returned, screaming of flying
horrors and worse. A Greek named Phaedrus came to the aid of the legionnaires,
bringing elder metal from the lands of Egypt. Armed with the metal, the brave fighter
defeated the serpent Lozdra and Phaedrus was given the egg, which was somehow
made whole again, to guard.

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