4 Create Drawings
4 Create Drawings
4 Create Drawings
Create drawings
March 2018
Example: Beam................................................................................................................. 62
Example: Column............................................................................................................. 63
Example: Stairs................................................................................................................. 64
2.2 What to do before creating drawings........................................................... 65
2.3 Create general arrangement drawings........................................................ 66
2.4 Create single-part, assembly, or cast unit drawings...................................67
2.5 Create AutoDrawings......................................................................................69
Create AutoDrawings............................................................................................................ 69
AutoDrawings wizard files.................................................................................................... 70
Wizard log............................................................................................................................... 72
2.6 Create multidrawings..................................................................................... 72
Link or copy drawing views to empty multidrawings........................................................ 73
Create multidrawings of selected drawings....................................................................... 73
Create multidrawings of selected parts.............................................................................. 74
2.7 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog............................................... 75
Master drawing types............................................................................................................76
Cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog............................................................. 77
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog.................................................................... 77
Rule sets in Master Drawing Catalog............................................................................. 79
Wizards in Master Drawing Catalog............................................................................... 80
Apply detailed object level settings in saved settings....................................................... 81
Create general arrangement drawings using saved settings in Master
Drawing Catalog.....................................................................................................................82
Create anchor bolt plans using saved settings.................................................................. 83
Objects included in the anchor bolt plan...................................................................... 85
Define the anchor bolt plan parts using drawing filters..............................................85
Include assemblies in anchor bolt plans....................................................................... 86
Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in
Master Drawing Catalog........................................................................................................86
Example: Create cast unit drawings one by one................................................................87
Example: Create assembly drawings from groups of similar parts.................................90
Create drawings using rule sets or wizards in Master Drawing Catalog.........................92
Example - Create a new rule set and drawings for all parts.............................................93
Create multiple drawing sheets of the same part............................................................. 99
Create multiple drawing sheets with wizards ............................................................. 99
Create multiple drawing sheets using drawing properties ..................................... 100
Search for master drawings and save the results in Master Drawing Catalog............ 100
Customize Master Drawing Catalog.................................................................................. 101
Add master drawings in Master Drawing Catalog......................................................102
Remove master drawings from the Master Drawing Catalog...................................105
Modify master drawing properties.............................................................................. 106
Modify saved settings' properties................................................................................ 107
Modify rule set properties.............................................................................................108
Modify properties and contents of wizard files..........................................................109
Modifying cloning template properties....................................................................... 110
Manage Master Drawing Catalog folders....................................................................111
Example: Add, rename, and move folders ................................................................. 112
Copy master drawings to another folder.................................................................... 113
Remove master drawings from a folder......................................................................113
Sample images of drawings.......................................................................................... 114
Create sample images for Master Drawing Catalog.................................................. 114
Add sample and thumbnail images to master drawings.......................................... 115
2.8 Clone drawings.............................................................................................. 115
Create drawings using cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog......................... 116
Clone by using cloning templates located in other models........................................... 117
Clone from the Drawing List...............................................................................................118
Example: Clone a general arrangement drawing............................................................ 120
Clone dimensions in selected views only......................................................................... 122
Cloned objects..................................................................................................................... 123
What to check in cloned drawings.....................................................................................123
Refresh drawing associativity after cloning......................................................................125
Copy a drawing to a new sheet.......................................................................................... 125
Clone using drawing templates in template library........................................................ 126
4 Edit drawings..............................................................................143
4.1 Rename drawings..........................................................................................144
4.2 Give titles to drawings.................................................................................. 144
4.3 Create and modify drawing views...............................................................145
Create a section view.......................................................................................................... 146
Create a curved section view..............................................................................................149
Create a detail view............................................................................................................. 150
Define a start number or letter for detail view label and mark..................................... 152
Create additional drawing views of parts......................................................................... 152
Create a drawing view of an entire model view............................................................... 153
Create a drawing view of a selected area in a model view............................................. 154
Create a drawing view of a selected area in a drawing view.......................................... 155
Add single-part views in assembly drawings....................................................................156
Copy drawing views from other drawings........................................................................ 156
Move drawing views to another drawing......................................................................... 157
Link drawing views from other drawings..........................................................................159
Resize the drawing view boundary....................................................................................159
Move drawing views by dragging.......................................................................................161
Align drawing views............................................................................................................. 162
Rotate drawing views.......................................................................................................... 163
Arrange drawing views........................................................................................................163
Modify drawing view properties........................................................................................ 164
Modify section properties in drawings............................................................................. 164
Modify detail properties in drawings................................................................................ 166
4.4 Manual dimensioning................................................................................... 167
Add manual dimensions.....................................................................................................168
Example: Manual dimensions............................................................................................ 170
Add manual dimensions to general arrangement drawings......................................... 174
Add manual dimensions using User Coordinate System............................................... 175
Add tags to dimensions...................................................................................................... 176
Example: How to filter out dimension tag content......................................................... 178
Add dual dimensions manually......................................................................................... 180
Recreate dimensions for all parts......................................................................................181
Add dimensions to reinforcement.....................................................................................182
Add dimension marks or dimension tags to rebar groups....................................... 182
Add dimension lines to rebar groups.......................................................................... 183
Predefined reinforcement dimension settings in the Options dialog box..............185
Examples of rebar dimensions..................................................................................... 187
Dimension rebars with Rebar group dimensioning application....................................191
Add dimensions to rebar groups................................................................................. 191
Rebar group dimensioning settings.............................................................................195
More examples............................................................................................................... 223
Dimension center of gravity (COG).................................................................................... 225
Exaggerate selected dimensions in drawings.................................................................. 229
Modify dimension properties.............................................................................................230
Customize dimension line arrows..................................................................................... 231
Add dimension points in anchor bolt plans..................................................................... 233
Show plate side marks on dimension leader lines.......................................................... 233
Change the location of short outside dimension texts...................................................234
Set a new dimension start point........................................................................................235
Add closing dimensions...................................................................................................... 236
Add or remove dimension points...................................................................................... 237
Link perpendicular dimension lines.................................................................................. 237
Combine dimension lines................................................................................................... 238
Set the dimension extension line length.......................................................................... 239
Drag dimension marks........................................................................................................241
Move the end of the dimension line................................................................................. 243
4.5 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in drawings................ 243
Drawing content manager..................................................................................................244
How to use the model object list..................................................................................247
Add marks to model objects......................................................................................... 248
Check mark count.......................................................................................................... 249
Hide model objects........................................................................................................ 250
Delete marks...................................................................................................................250
Modify model object or mark drawing properties..................................................... 250
Add part marks manually in drawings.............................................................................. 251
Add reinforcement marks manually in drawings............................................................ 252
Add level marks in drawings.............................................................................................. 253
Add section marks in drawings..........................................................................................254
Add detail marks..................................................................................................................255
Add associative notes in drawings.................................................................................... 255
Modify mark or note properties........................................................................................ 257
Adjust mark visibility in an existing drawing.................................................................... 258
Update part and weld marks in drawings........................................................................ 261
Delete marks for selected parts.........................................................................................261
Change symbols in drawings............................................................................................. 264
Remove change symbols...............................................................................................265
Hide all change symbols in a drawing......................................................................... 265
Merge marks........................................................................................................................ 267
Merge reinforcement marks manually........................................................................ 270
Drag the mark and associative note leader line base point...........................................271
Add text in drawings............................................................................................................271
Add text in superscript.................................................................................................. 273
Add links to rich text files in drawings.............................................................................. 274
Add hyperlinks in drawings................................................................................................ 277
Add links to other drawings............................................................................................... 278
Add revision marks in drawings.........................................................................................279
Add links to DWG and DXF files in drawings.................................................................... 280
Add links to image files in drawings.................................................................................. 281
Modify the properties of independent annotation objects............................................282
4.6 Show or hide drawing objects......................................................................282
Hide objects in drawings and drawing views................................................................... 283
List hidden parts in drawings............................................................................................. 286
Hide or show dimensions of graphical objects................................................................ 286
4.7 Arrange drawing objects.............................................................................. 287
4.8 Align drawing objects................................................................................... 288
4.9 Snapping in drawings....................................................................................291
Drawing snap switches and snap settings........................................................................291
Snap to orthogonal points in a drawing........................................................................... 291
Free snapping.......................................................................................................................293
Place a sketch object at a specified distance................................................................... 293
4.10 Drag, reshape and resize drawing objects................................................. 296
4.11 Change the shape of leader lines................................................................ 298
4.12 Indicate cut lines in Tekla Structures drawings........................................ 298
Create cut lines.................................................................................................................... 299
Update cut lines................................................................................................................... 299
Delete cut lines.................................................................................................................... 300
4.13 Explode drawing plug-ins and use them as normal objects.....................300
4.14 Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects............................................. 301
Draw sketch objects in drawings....................................................................................... 301
Combine and explode sketch objects in drawings.......................................................... 305
Re-order sketch objects in drawings................................................................................. 306
Create and add pattern lines in drawings........................................................................ 307
Create a pattern line...................................................................................................... 308
Add a pattern line in a drawing.................................................................................... 312
Pattern line elements.....................................................................................................313
Trim drawing lines............................................................................................................... 314
Split sketch objects.............................................................................................................. 316
Divide sketch objects...........................................................................................................316
Copy sketch objects with offset......................................................................................... 317
Create fillets in drawings.................................................................................................... 318
Create chamfers in drawings............................................................................................. 319
Hide part face areas and outlines with cover-up tools................................................... 321
4.15 Building objects in drawings........................................................................ 324
Modify building object properties..................................................................................... 324
Shorten parts view by view.................................................................................................325
Edge chamfers in drawings................................................................................................ 327
Show edge chamfers in a drawing............................................................................... 327
Define default line color and type for edge chamfers...............................................328
Change edge chamfer line color and type manually................................................. 329
Add associative notes to edge chamfers.....................................................................329
Example: Edge chamfers............................................................................................... 330
Fillet edges in drawings.......................................................................................................332
Show fillet edges in drawings....................................................................................... 332
Examples......................................................................................................................... 333
4.16 2D Library in drawings..................................................................................335
Open and view 2D Library.................................................................................................. 336
Insert a detail to a drawing from 2D Library.................................................................... 338
Create a new detail in 2D Library.......................................................................................340
Create a new folder in 2D Library and copy/move to the folder................................... 342
Modify detail properties in 2D Library.............................................................................. 342
Explode a detail................................................................................................................... 344
Update objects in a detail................................................................................................... 344
Explode symbols included in details................................................................................. 345
Insert a .dwg file to a drawing from 2D Library............................................................... 345
Insert an image to a drawing from 2D Library................................................................. 345
4.17 Welds in drawings......................................................................................... 346
Examples: Model welds in drawings................................................................................. 349
Modify model weld mark visibility and appearance in a drawing................................. 355
Modify model weld object representation and appearance in a drawing....................357
Drag weld marks..................................................................................................................359
Add manual weld marks in drawings................................................................................361
Add manual drawing weld marks.................................................................................361
Add manual model weld marks................................................................................... 362
Customize weld type symbols ..........................................................................................362
Example: Weld marks added in drawings........................................................................ 364
Merge weld marks............................................................................................................... 366
4.18 Custom presentations in drawings............................................................. 367
4.19 Reinforcement in drawings..........................................................................369
Show a single reinforcing bar in a group ........................................................................ 369
Adjust the location of a single reinforcing bar............................................................370
Show layer information on reinforcing bars in drawings............................................... 370
Add reinforcement marks manually................................................................................. 372
Add reinforcement marks with Rebar group marking application................................372
Mark rebar groups......................................................................................................... 372
Rebar group marking settings...................................................................................... 374
Draw rebar pull-out pictures with Draw rebar pull-outs application............................ 392
Draw pull-out pictures................................................................................................... 392
Draw rebar pull-out pictures with Rebar pull-out picture and marking application .. 395
Create rebar pull-out pictures and marks...................................................................395
Rebar pull-out picture and marking settings.............................................................. 397
Add dimensions to rebars.................................................................................................. 413
Add dimension marks or dimension tags to rebar groups....................................... 413
Add dimension lines to rebar groups.......................................................................... 414
Predefined reinforcement dimension settings in the Options dialog box..............416
Examples of rebar dimensions..................................................................................... 418
Dimension rebars with Rebar group dimensioning application....................................422
Add dimensions to rebar groups................................................................................. 422
Rebar group dimensioning settings.............................................................................426
More examples............................................................................................................... 454
Create a drawing view for a reinforcement mesh........................................................... 456
4.20 Spiral beams in drawings............................................................................. 459
Dimension spiral beams..................................................................................................... 460
Spiral beam part marks...................................................................................................... 461
Examples of spiral beam dimensions and marks............................................................463
4.21 Pours in drawings..........................................................................................464
Modify pour objects, pour marks and pour breaks in a drawing.................................. 466
Change the pour break symbol......................................................................................... 467
Examples of pour drawings and pour reports ............................................................... 468
4.22 Grids in drawings...........................................................................................469
Modify grid and grid line properties in drawings............................................................ 469
Customize drawing grid labels...........................................................................................470
Modify grid model properties.......................................................................................470
Customize drawing grid labels..................................................................................... 472
Customize a grid label on a single grid line................................................................ 474
Modify custom grid labels............................................................................................. 474
Customize grid labels only at one end of a grid line..................................................474
Add different customized grid labels on horizontal and vertical grid lines............ 476
Use model grid coordinates and prefix as text on grid axis in a drawing .............. 478
Drag grid labels.................................................................................................................... 482
Hide grids or grid lines........................................................................................................482
4.23 Symbols in drawings..................................................................................... 482
Change a symbol in a symbol file...................................................................................... 485
Create a new symbol file.....................................................................................................486
Change the symbol file in use............................................................................................ 486
Add symbols in drawings....................................................................................................487
Customize leader line arrows.............................................................................................487
Modify symbol properties.................................................................................................. 489
Moment connection symbols in Tekla Structures drawings (Drawing tools)............... 490
Create moment connection symbols (Drawing tools)............................................... 490
Update moment connection symbols (Drawing tools).............................................. 492
Delete moment connection symbols (Drawing tools)............................................... 493
Add surfacing symbols in drawings...................................................................................493
Define a firm folder for images and symbols.................................................................. 494
4.24 Colors in drawings.........................................................................................495
Change drawing color......................................................................................................... 498
Specify a special color in drawings.................................................................................... 500
4.25 Reference models in drawings.....................................................................501
Show reference models in drawings................................................................................. 501
4.26 User coordinate system (UCS)..................................................................... 504
Set a new UCS...................................................................................................................... 505
Toggle between two user coordinate systems.................................................................506
Reset UCS............................................................................................................................. 506
4.27 Save a drawing...............................................................................................507
4.28 Delete unnecessary drawing files in single-user mode............................ 507
5 Manage drawings.......................................................................509
5.1 Update drawings when the model changes...............................................509
5.2 Lock drawings................................................................................................ 511
5.3 Freeze drawings.............................................................................................511
Freeze general arrangement drawings............................................................................. 512
Freeze single-part, cast unit and assembly drawings......................................................512
How freezing affects drawings........................................................................................... 513
5.4 Mark drawings ready for issuing................................................................. 513
5.5 Issue drawings............................................................................................... 514
5.6 Revise drawings............................................................................................. 515
Create drawing revisions.................................................................................................... 515
Change drawing revisions...................................................................................................516
Delete drawing revisions.................................................................................................... 516
Attributes used in drawing revisioning............................................................................. 517
5.7 Delete drawings.............................................................................................518
6 Print drawings............................................................................519
6.1 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer................................................ 520
Line thickness in drawings .................................................................................................527
6.2 Printing settings and search order .............................................................530
6.3 Configuration files used in printing............................................................ 531
6.4 Add frames and fold marks in printouts.................................................... 532
6.5 Customize print output file names............................................................. 534
Tables in drawing layout..................................................................................................... 570
Table layouts........................................................................................................................ 571
Create a new drawing layout, add table layouts and tables..................................... 573
Modify drawing table layouts through Layout dialog box.........................................579
Edit the table layout directly on a drawing....................................................................... 584
Direct table layout editing vs layout editing through the old Layout dialog box... 585
Start direct table layout editing.................................................................................... 585
Edit table layout..............................................................................................................588
Add new tables, DWG/DXFs and key plans in the table layout................................. 590
Anchor tables..................................................................................................................592
Save table layout............................................................................................................ 594
Add a drawing layout to a drawing.............................................................................. 595
Disable template and table layout editing.................................................................. 595
Select a new layout for your drawing................................................................................596
Edit tables in Template Editor............................................................................................ 596
8.2 Define drawing size and drawing view scale............................................. 598
Set exact drawing view scale and automatic drawing size............................................. 599
Set exact drawing size and automatic drawing view scale............................................. 600
Autoscale and autosize drawings...................................................................................... 602
8.3 Define object protection and placement settings in drawings............... 603
Protected areas in drawings...............................................................................................605
Protect areas in a drawing..................................................................................................607
Define automatic placement settings for marks............................................................. 608
Define placement settings for dimensions...................................................................... 610
Define automatic free or fixed placement for drawing views........................................611
8.4 Define drawing views....................................................................................612
Define the views to create in single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings................613
Define automatic view settings for general arrangement drawings............................. 615
Define view labels and view label marks.......................................................................... 616
Set drawing view projection type.......................................................................................618
Include single-part drawings in assembly drawings....................................................... 620
Part orientation in drawing views ....................................................................................621
Change the coordinate system.....................................................................................622
Rotate parts in drawing views.......................................................................................624
Select the steel or timber part face that is shown in front drawing view................626
Set viewing direction for parts in assembly drawings............................................... 627
Change plate orientation in drawings ....................................................................... 628
Show neighbor parts in views............................................................................................ 630
Shorten or lengthen parts.................................................................................................. 632
Shorten a part in the model..........................................................................................633
Lengthen a part in the model....................................................................................... 633
Shorten parts in drawing views.................................................................................... 634
Lengthen shortened parts in drawing views...............................................................637
Unfold polybeams in drawings.......................................................................................... 637
Undeform deformed parts in drawings............................................................................638
Show part openings and recesses in drawings................................................................639
Define automatic section view properties........................................................................642
Examples of section view and mark settings.............................................................. 644
Show section and end view direction marks in drawings......................................... 645
Define the location for end views and section views.................................................647
8.5 Define dimensioning.....................................................................................649
Automatic view-level dimensions...................................................................................... 651
Add automatic view-level dimensions.............................................................................. 655
Define the drawing properties file............................................................................... 655
Define the drawing views to be created...................................................................... 656
Define view dimensions................................................................................................ 657
Connect view properties to views and save drawing properties..............................660
Example workflow: Create automatic overall and hole dimensions on view level......661
Dimensioning rule properties............................................................................................ 670
Create a drawing view filter for view-level dimensioning............................................... 678
Create a filter for holes and recesses.......................................................................... 680
Create a filter for the main part of an assembly........................................................ 681
Create an exclude filter for dimension tag..................................................................682
Create an exclude filter for stirrups in section views.................................................682
Dimensioning method of shapes, holes and recesses ................................................. 683
Various scenarios of using different dimensioning types.............................................. 687
Example: Use both view-level dimensioning and integrated dimensioning........... 688
Example: Use only view-level dimensioning............................................................... 688
Example: Use only integrated dimensioning.............................................................. 689
Examples: Dimensions created with view-level dimensioning...................................... 691
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated...........697
Group identical objects to the same dimension line ............................................... 699
Add elevation dimensions.............................................................................................700
Check dimensions.......................................................................................................... 702
Example: Part dimensioning......................................................................................... 705
Example: Bolt dimensioning......................................................................................... 707
Example: Position dimensioning.................................................................................. 708
Example: Closing dimension.........................................................................................713
Example: Combine dimensions.................................................................................... 715
Example: Combine bolt group dimensions.................................................................717
Example: Forward offset............................................................................................... 718
Example: Grid dimensions............................................................................................ 719
Example: Recognizable distance ................................................................................. 719
Example: Preferred dimension side ............................................................................720
Example: Reinforcement dimension............................................................................721
Add automatic dual dimensions........................................................................................722
Add dimensions to unfolded parts....................................................................................723
Add minimum and maximum position dimensions to bolts ....................................... 725
Create dimension line extensions..................................................................................... 725
Change the appearance of absolute dimensions............................................................726
Create exaggerated dimensions........................................................................................ 726
Change the prefix in radial dimensions............................................................................ 728
Add dimensions to plates................................................................................................... 729
Add dimensions to profiles................................................................................................ 733
Sloped dimension texts...................................................................................................... 735
Add automatic dimensions to general arrangement drawings..................................... 736
Object groups in dimensioning general arrangement drawings..............................736
Dimension object groups on different dimension lines............................................ 737
Example: Grid and overall dimensions........................................................................ 739
Example: Maximum leader line length options..........................................................740
Example: Dimension parts partly outside the view................................................... 742
Example: Limit the number of outside dimensions...................................................742
Example: Position part dimensions............................................................................. 743
Example: Dimension anchor bolt plans.......................................................................748
8.6 Define marks................................................................................................. 752
Add automatic marks..........................................................................................................754
Adjust the visibility of automatic marks............................................................................756
Adjust text, frames and leader lines of automatic marks ..............................................760
Adjust part mark leader lines with advanced options............................................... 761
Place reinforcement mark leader line base point automatically............................. 762
Mark location....................................................................................................................... 763
Set a predefined location for beam, bracing and column marks.............................764
How leader line type affects part mark and surface treatment mark location...... 765
How merging affects reinforcing bar group mark location.......................................766
How leader line type affects reinforcement mark location...................................... 767
Merge marks automatically................................................................................................767
Merged part marks........................................................................................................ 768
Merge part marks automatically.................................................................................. 770
Merged reinforcement marks.......................................................................................770
Merge reinforcement marks automatically................................................................ 771
Show mark frames and leader lines for hidden parts.................................................... 773
Change unit settings for marks..........................................................................................774
Add attributes in automatic marks ..................................................................................776
Add level attributes in automatic part marks.................................................................. 777
Add templates in marks......................................................................................................780
Example 1: Create a mark template containing separate value fields and text
Example 2: Create a mark template containing a formula in the value field......... 784
Add symbols in automatic marks...................................................................................... 786
Define size in bolt marks using advanced options..........................................................786
Add pull-out pictures in automatic reinforcement marks.............................................. 789
8.7 Define drawing grids.....................................................................................791
Define automatic grid properties...................................................................................... 793
8.8 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts.................................................. 793
Define automatic drawing part properties.......................................................................794
Example: Part representations.......................................................................................... 795
Define automatic neighbor part properties..................................................................... 797
Indicate part orientation.....................................................................................................797
Use part mark as an orientation mark in general arrangement drawings............. 798
Show compass direction in part marks....................................................................... 800
Show orientation marks (north marks)....................................................................... 801
Show connecting side marks........................................................................................ 803
8.9 Define drawing bolts.....................................................................................804
Define automatic bolt properties in drawings................................................................. 805
Create customized bolt symbols....................................................................................... 805
Example: Bolt representations...........................................................................................806
8.10 Define hatches in drawings..........................................................................807
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings........................................... 809
Hatch pattern settings (.htc) for automatic drawing hatches........................................ 812
Example: Insulation hatch patterns.................................................................................. 814
8.11 Define drawing surface treatment............................................................. 815
Define automatic surface treatment in drawings............................................................816
8.12 Define drawing welds................................................................................... 817
Define automatic model weld properties in drawings....................................................818
8.13 Define drawing pours .................................................................................. 819
Show pour objects, pour marks and pour breaks in drawings......................................819
8.14 Define drawing reinforcement and meshes.............................................. 820
Define automatic reinforcement and reinforcement mesh properties........................821
Example: Hide reinforcing bar lines in drawings............................................................. 822
Example: Reinforcement representations........................................................................823
Automatic grouping of rebar sets for drawings...............................................................824
8.15 Units and decimals in drawings, reports and templates .........................826
8.16 User-defined attributes in drawings...........................................................827
Modify automatic user-defined drawing attributes........................................................ 828
Create a new user-defined drawing attribute.................................................................. 829
8.17 Define customized line types in TeklaStructures.lin................................ 832
9.13 Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in
drawings......................................................................................................... 913
9.14 Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp) .........................916
9.15 Pour object and pour break properties in drawings................................. 923
9.16 Placement properties for marks, dimensions, notes, texts and
9.17 Model weld properties in drawings.............................................................927
9.18 Drawing sketch object properties............................................................... 929
9.19 Drawing grid properties............................................................................... 930
10 Disclaimer...................................................................................933
1 Drawings in Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures drawings contain a large variety of features and tools that
help you to create and manage your drawings efficiently.
• The model is the single source of information for drawings. The drawing is
just another view to the model, usually a 2D view. This ensures that the
information in drawings and reports is always up-to-date.
• Creating drawings is fast, efficient and controlled thanks to one centralized
location, Master drawing catalog.
• Automatic workshop single-part and assembly drawings, and cast unit
drawings of selected parts with predefined settings for layout, views,
dimensions, marks, and building objects. View properties are defined
separately for each view before a drawing is created.
• Automatic general arrangement drawings and anchor bolt plans of selected
• Drawing objects are associated with model objects, and updated when the
model changes.
• Changing some of the properties requires the recreation of the drawings.
• If there are several identical parts, cast units or assemblies in the model,
Tekla Structures creates only one drawing.
• You can modify drawing properties on three levels; drawing, view and
object level, depending on the drawing type and the desired results.
• The drawings consist of three main types of elements: drawing layout,
drawing views, and drawing objects. You can select what to include in the
drawing before you create it, and also add necessary objects in an existing
• You can check previews of the drawings and print your drawings to pdf,
printer or plot file.
• You can control drawing revisions, and issue, lock, and freeze drawings.
• You can use interactive editing tools for adding dimensions, various sketch
objects, marks, notes, texts, symbols, images and links in the drawings.
See also
Numbering the model
Update drawings when the model changes (page 509)
See also
Associativity symbol (page 18)
Associativity symbol
In drawings, the associativity symbol indicates which drawing objects are
associative and automatically updated. Associativity symbols are shown only
when you select a drawing object, for example, a dimension.
Objects that do not have valid association get a ghost associativity symbol and
a question mark. These symbols are shown constantly, even though the
drawing object is not selected. This makes it easier to find objects that need
TIP To hide associativity symbols in drawing views, on the File menu, select
Settings --> Associativity symbol (Shift+A).
1. Top view to a part. Here you have selected to include the top view
(page 613) in the View creation pane.
2. Front view to a part. Here you have selected to include the front view
(page 613) in the View creation pane.
3. Material list. This is defined in your drawing layout.
4. Drawing title block. This is defined in your drawing layout.
See also
Drawings in Tekla Structures (page 15)
WARNING When you start using a newer version of Tekla Structures, updating
drawings created with the older version may cause problems. We
recommend that you complete any drawings you have started using the
older version, or recreate the drawings using your new version of Tekla
Click the following links to find out more about drawing update, when
recreation is needed, and how the drawings are numbered:
Update drawings when the model changes (page 509)
Settings affecting the recreation of drawings (page 41)
Numbering the model
Recommended workflow
The recommended way of working is to work from top to bottom, from
drawing level to object level:
Example workflow
The following image illustrates the idea of the three property levels. The frame
color and the shape of the mark are used as an example.
1. You change the mark frame color and shape for the whole drawing on the
drawing level. The changes propagate to the view level and to the object
2. You change the mark frame color and shape in the selected views. The
changes take place in the selected views only. The properties do not
change in the whole drawing.
Note that if you change the frame color and shape on the drawing level
after changing them on the view level for some of the views, the drawing
level changes override the view level changes in all views. View settings
behave differently: they are not overridden, for example, the view scale
stays as you have set it for individual views.
3. You change the mark frame color and shape in the selected marks. The
properties do not change anywhere else. If you try to change the mark
frame color and shape on the view or drawing level, the properties do not
change in the marks that you changed separately.
bottom and only select the check boxes for the options that
you wish to change.
b. Go through the various properties in the drawing properties dialog
box, and make the necessary changes.
c. Click OK in each subdialog box where you changed the properties to
save the changes and to return to drawing properties.
d. To save properties, for example, part properties, for future use, give a
unique name for the properties in the Save as box and click Save as.
Note that you should not include spaces or special characters in the
4. Click OK to save the properties.
If you want to save the changes in another drawing properties file, enter
the new name.
Note that you should not use spaces in the properties file name, this may
cause problems. For example, when you use the drawing properties file in
a rule set in the Master Drawing Catalog, the drawings are not created if
the properties file name contains spaces.
In general arrangement drawing properties, click Save as.
Now you can create a drawing using the drawing properties file that you just
set up.
The changes you make in view properties apply only to the view that you have
selected to modify.
1. Open the drawing.
2. Double-click a drawing view frame to open the drawing view properties
dialog box.
The view changes according to the changes that you made in the drawing view
NOTE Some of the changes in you make require a drawing recreation. For more
information, see Settings affecting the recreation of drawings (page 41).
See also
Modify drawing properties of an existing drawing (page 29)
a. Switch all the check boxes off by clicking the on/off switch
at the bottom of the dialog box and only select the check boxes for
the options that you wish to change.
NOTE Some of the changes in you make require a drawing recreation. For more
information, see Settings affecting the recreation of drawings (page 41).
TIP You can also modify the properties of several drawings by selecting them from
the Drawing list, right-clicking and selecting Properties...
See also
Modify view-level drawing properties (page 28)
Now you have a new object properties file. You can load the properties in this
file in other drawing objects, in this case, parts. You can also use the object
properties files with filters to apply detailed object level settings.
See also
Load saved drawing object properties (page 31)
4. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures changes the drawing object according to the settings in the
loaded object properties file.
See also
Modify drawing object properties (page 30)
See also
Create detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing
(page 31)
Create detailed object level settings in cast unit drawings (page 36)
Before creating the detailed object level settings, create the object properties
that you want to use, and save the properties in a properties file. You can do
this by opening a drawing, double-clicking an object to open the properties,
and then modifying and saving the properties with a new name. For example,
in part properties, set the part color to blue and save the properties.
To create detailed object level settings on drawing level in general
arrangement drawings:
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> GA
drawing .
2. Click Filter and create a drawing filter that selects the objects that you
want to have special representation.
For example, create a filter that selects columns.
3. Save the filter by entering a name for it and click Save as.
4. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
5. In the drawing properties dialog box, click Edit settings.
6. In the Object level settings for drawing/for view dialog box, click Add
row and select the filters to be used, the drawing object types and the
drawing object properties to be used.
By doing this, you are combining the filter, object type, and object
property settings into detailed object level settings.
Now you have new detailed object level settings to be applied on a drawing.
See also
Modify drawing object properties (page 30)
Example: Apply detailed object level settings on drawing level in a GA drawing
(page 33)
Before doing this, drawing object properties for beams, columns and braces
have been created so that these parts have different colors. For more
information about creating drawing object properties, see Modify drawing
object properties (page 30).
First you will make a general arrangement drawing filter, then save detailed
object level settings in a settings file and finally, apply the new detailed object
level settings on drawing level.
In this example, the filter uses part names defined in the model, similarly as in
modeling filters.
1. On the Drawings & reports, click Drawing properties --> GA drawing .
2. Click Filter in the drawing properties dialog box.
3. Create filters by Part - Name for column, beam, and brace and save the
settings using Save as with different names, such as ts_column,
ts_beam and ts_brace.
6. In the Object level settings for drawing dialog box, select the filters to
be used, the drawing object types and the drawing object properties to be
a. Click Add row and select ts_column as Model object (Drawing
filter), Part as Drawing object type and column as Settings used.
b. Click Add row and select ts_beam as Model object (Drawing filter),
Part as Drawing object type and beam as Settings used.
c. Click Add row and select ts_brace as Model object (Drawing
filter), Part as Drawing object type and brace as Settings used.
7. Save the detailed object level settings as gatype1 using Save as.
See also
Modify drawing object properties (page 30)
Create detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing
(page 31)
Before creating the detailed object level settings, create the object properties
that you want to use, and save the properties in a properties file. For example,
in reinforcement properties, set color to red and save the properties. You
create detailed object level settings in the same way in single-part drawings
and assembly drawings.
To create detailed object level settings on view level:
4. Save the filter by entering a name for in the box at the top and clicking
5. Click View properties in the options tree and click Edit settings.
6. In the Object level settings for view dialog box, click Add row and select
the filters to be used, the drawing object types and the drawing object
properties to be used.
By doing this, you are combining the filter, object type, and object
property settings into detailed object level settings.
Now you have new detailed object level settings to be applied on a drawing.
See also
Example: Apply detailed object level settings on view level in a cast unit
drawing (page 38)
Before doing this, drawing object properties for lifting anchors have been
created so that they use different color. For more information about creating
drawing object properties, see Modify drawing object properties (page 30).
First you will make a cast unit drawing view filter, then save detailed object
level settings in a settings file and finally, apply the new detailed object level
settings in a view.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> Cast unit
drawing .
2. Click View creation --> View properties .
3. Click Filter in the drawing properties dialog box.
4. Create a filter by Reinforcing bar - Class and enter value 100 101.
The same detailed object level settings can be used in other cast unit
drawing properties, you do not need to create new ones.
9. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box.
10. Create a cast unit drawing containing lifting anchors and open the
11. Double-click the view frame to open the View properties dialog box.
12. Click Edit settings.
13. Load object level settings you created, in this example class_100, and
click Load.
14. Click OK.
15. Ensure that Use detailed object level settings is set to Yes.
16. Click Modify to apply the changes in the view.
17. Confirm the detailed object level changes by clicking Yes in the on Object
level settings changed! confirmation message box.
NOTE If a row in the Object level settings dialog box is shown in red, either the
object properties file defined in the Settings used box, or the filter file
defined in the Model object (Drawing filter) box is missing from the
\attributes folder in the current model folder. See an example below:
See also
Modify drawing object properties (page 30)
Create detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing
(page 31)
• If you create the drawings in the Master Drawing Catalog using saved
settings, Tekla Structures uses the properties defined in the saved settings
file you select. Saved settings file in the Master Drawing Catalog is the
same thing as the drawing properties file you save in various drawing
properties dialog boxes.
• If you create the drawings in the Master Drawing Catalog using a rule set,
Tekla Structures creates the drawing according to the properties defined in
the saved settings file or cloning template file used in the rule set.
• If you create the drawings in the Master Drawing Catalog using cloning
templates, Tekla Structures creates the drawing using the properties that
you have defined for the drawing used as a cloning template together with
the manual modifications that you have made in the drawing.
• If you create drawings through Drawings & reports tab using the Create
drawings menu button commands,Tekla Structures uses the current
drawing properties to create the drawings.
See also
Prevent automatic drawing updates and recreation (page 42)
Update drawings when the model changes (page 509)
• Freeze the drawings where you do not want to update all associative
objects on top of the drawing views. The building objects (parts, bolts,
welds, etc) are always updated in frozen drawings.
• Lock the drawings that you do not want to update.
• If you update a drawing that has not been modified, the drawing is
recreated. Drawings are automatically recreated unless the drawing has
been edited and then saved, or the drawing has been issued using the
Issue functionality in the Drawing list. Use the advanced
XS_RECREATE_UNMODIFIED_DRAWINGS to control the recreation of
unmodified drawings.
• To prevent Tekla Structures from automatically updating drawings if the
model changes, set the advanced option
See also
Settings affecting the recreation of drawings (page 41)
Freeze drawings (page 511)
See also
Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 75)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
See also
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
Single-part drawings
Single-part drawings are workshop drawings that show the fabrication
information for one part (usually without welds). Single-part drawings usually
use small sheet sizes, for example, A4 or imperial standard size 8.5" x 11.5".
You can create single-part drawings using ribbon or pop-up menu commands.
Click the links below to find out more:
Create single-part, assembly, or cast unit drawings (page 67)
Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in
Master Drawing Catalog (page 86)
Example - Create a new rule set and drawings for all parts (page 93)
To see examples of single-part drawings, click the links below:
Example: Anchor bolt (page 53)
Example: Embed (page 53)
Example: Plate (page 54)
See also
Single-part drawings (page 52)
See also
Single-part drawings (page 52)
See also
Assembly drawings (page 57)
See also
Assembly drawings (page 57)
See also
Assembly drawings (page 57)
Example: Beam
See below for an example of a combined form and reinforcing bar drawing of
an inverted tee beam.
See also
Cast unit drawings (page 61)
See also
Cast unit drawings (page 61)
See also
Cast unit drawings (page 61)
Multidrawings are workshop drawings that gather several single-part or
assembly drawings on one sheet. Multidrawings usually demand large sheet
sizes such as A1 or imperial standard size 24" x 36".
• For assembly, single-part, cast unit and multidrawings, the model needs to
be numbered. If the model changes, the numbering needs to be updated.
Numbering ensures that Tekla Structures connects the right objects to the
right drawings. If you try to create drawings without numbering the model,
Tekla Structures prompts you to do so. Once the model is numbered, part
positions can also be shown in general arrangement drawings. Prior to
numbering, if the part position is included in a mark on a general
arrangment drawing, it will be shown as a question mark (?).
• Check that the detailing is correct.
• You may want to create test drawings of different types of parts to see how
well the predefined drawing properties, layouts, rule sets or cloning
templates suit your needs.
• You may want to modify drawing properties, layouts, or rule sets and save
the modified settings for future usage.
See also
Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 75)
Create general arrangement drawings (page 66)
Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in
Master Drawing Catalog (page 86)
Define automatic drawing settings (page 563)
Before you create general arrangement drawings, create the model views that
you need and ensure that the views are as you want them to be in drawings.
The drawing views will have the same orientation and content as the model
view you select. A good idea is to fit the work area in the model view using two
points to select the area that you want to show in the general arrangement
Tekla Structures creates the drawings and adds them in the Drawing list. You
can now open the drawing and also change the drawing properties.
See also
Define automatic drawing settings (page 563)
General arrangement drawings (page 45)
Create general arrangement drawings using saved settings in Master Drawing
Catalog (page 82)
General arrangement drawing properties (page 836)
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Ensure that you are using the correct cast unit type, because some
functionalities, for example numbering, are based on the cast unit type. Cast
units have the cast unit type part property setting in the model - they are set
either Cast in place or Precast. In the Cast in Place configuration, you can
create cast unit drawings of cast-in-place cast units only.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
Activate only the Select parts switch on the Selecting toolbar when
selecting parts. Otherwise selection could take a long time in large
10. Do one of the following:
• On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select
the drawing type.
• If you selected individual objects, right-click and select the appropriate
drawing creation command.
11. Number the model if you are prompted to do so.
TIP To automatically open any drawing after the drawing has been created, hold
down Ctrl+Shift while you create the drawing.
See also
Define automatic drawing settings (page 563)
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Show pour objects, pour marks and pour breaks in drawings (page 819)
Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing properties (page 839)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Create AutoDrawings
Before you can create AutoDrawings, the appropriate wizard files must exist
and numbering must be up to date.
1. In the model, select the parts from which to create drawings. You can also
select the entire model and use filters to fine-tune your selection. You can
also use selection filters in the wizard file. If you do, your selection can
include parts that will not be included in the drawings.
2. Type AutoDrawing in the Quick Launch box.
3. In the AutoDrawings dialog box, select a wizard file.
The AutoDrawings wizard file set in this example creates an assembly drawing
for an object that fulfills the selection filter criteria in the set. Tekla Structures
will not create another assembly drawing for that object, even if it matches the
criteria of the selection filter in later sets in the same wizard file.
The wizard file consist of the lines below. Note the use of parentheses.
Line Description
set_drawing_type(assembly) This line defines the type of drawing
the wizard creates. The drawing type
appears in parentheses. The options
single: workshop drawings
assembly: assembly drawings
multi_single: workshop multi-
workshop multi-drawings with layout
multi_assembly: assembly multi-
assembly multi-drawings with layout
cast_unit: cast-unit drawings
set_drawing_attributes(column This line tells Tekla Structures which
) drawing properties to use when
creating the drawings. The name of
the saved drawing properties file
appears in parentheses.
set_filter(column_filter) This line tells Tekla Structures which
selection filter to use to select the
parts from which to create drawings.
The filter name appears in
create_drawings() This line starts the drawing creation.
This line should always appear
immediately after the lines
set_drawing_attributes and
If you create multidrawings from existing drawings, you can choose to include
their individual drawing layouts. If you want to have separate lists, tables, and
call-offs for each part or assembly, you should include the individual drawing
layouts. You can also include lists and tables for all parts or assemblies in the
Before creating a multidrawing, check the original assembly or single-part
drawing, and clean it up, if necessary. Do not modify the multidrawing object
that links to the original drawing.
Before you start, you can set XS_MULTIDRAWING_REMOVE_VIEW_LABEL_GAP
to TRUE in the Drawing Properties category of the Advanced Options dialog
box to remove extra space between drawing view labels and drawing views.
See also
Multidrawings (page 64)
Define automatic drawing settings (page 563)
NOTE When you update multidrawings, the linked drawings are also updated.
Useful links
See also
Create multidrawings (page 72)
See also
Create multidrawings (page 72)
See also
Create multidrawings (page 72)
The Master Drawing Catalog has a toolbar containing commands for creating
drawings, selecting the view type and the master drawing list type, displaying
master drawing descriptions, selecting the models from which you want to use
See also
Create general arrangement drawings using saved settings in Master Drawing
Catalog (page 82)
Create anchor bolt plans using saved settings (page 83)
Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in
Master Drawing Catalog (page 86)
Master drawing types (page 76)
Search for master drawings and save the results in Master Drawing Catalog
(page 100)
Customize Master Drawing Catalog (page 101)
See also
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Rule sets in Master Drawing Catalog (page 79)
Wizards in Master Drawing Catalog (page 80)
Cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
You can also use cloning templates that are located in other models. When you
have similar parts in several projects, you can maintain a set of cloning
template models and then take the cloning templates in the cloning template
models in use when necessary.
See also
Master drawing types (page 76)
Clone drawings (page 115)
Create drawings using cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 116)
Clone by using cloning templates located in other models (page 117)
Add a cloning template master drawing in Master Drawing Catalog (page 104)
The order of sets is important, as Tekla Structures by default creates only one
drawing for each object. For example, a rule set creates an assembly drawing
for an object that fulfills the selection filter criteria in one set. Tekla Structures
See also
Master drawing types (page 76)
Create drawings using rule sets or wizards in Master Drawing Catalog
(page 92)
Add a rule set master drawing in Master Drawing Catalog (page 102)
NOTE In the Master Drawing Catalog, the only way to create multidrawings
is to use the wizard files.
See also
Master drawing types (page 76)
Create drawings using rule sets or wizards in Master Drawing Catalog
(page 92)
Wizard file contents (page 109)
3. Click the toggle button at the bottom to empty the check boxes.
4. In the Drawing Properties dialog box, select only the Use detailed
object level settings check box and ensure that the Yes button next to it
is selected.
5. Click Edit settings....
6. Select the filter to be used, the drawing object type and the drawing object
property file to be used.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Save on the top of the dialog box to save the changes in the saved
settings file (property file).
9. Click OK in the Master Drawing Properties dialog box.
10. Create the drawings.
See also
Modify saved settings' properties (page 107)
Create detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing
(page 31)
Example: Apply detailed object level settings on drawing level in a GA drawing
(page 33)
Create detailed object level settings in cast unit drawings (page 36)
Example: Apply detailed object level settings on view level in a cast unit
drawing (page 38)
Before you create general arrangement drawings, create the model views that
you need and ensure that the views are as you want them to be. The drawing
views will have the same orientation and content as the model view you select.
Fit work area using two points to select the area that you want to show in the
general arrangement drawing.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings --> Master
Drawing Catalog .
2. Select the set of saved settings from the list at the top.
3. If needed, modify the drawing properties by double-clicking the saved
setting and clicking Edit drawing properties....
Remember to save the changes in the properties file.
4. Click Create drawings (Alt+C).
5. In the Create General Arrangement Drawing dialog box, select the views
that you want to create and the desired option from the Options list.
If you select Empty drawing, you can create an empty drawing and add
drawing views in it afterwards.
6. Click Create to create the drawings.
Tekla Structures creates the drawings and adds them in the Drawing list. Click
in the Master Drawing Catalog toolbar to open the Drawing list.
See also
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Create general arrangement drawings (page 66)
Below you will create an anchor bolt plan using the Master Drawing Catalog.
Before creating the anchor bolt plan, create a model view that is in the xy-
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings --> Master
drawing catalog.
2. Double-click a saved settings master drawing that has been created for
anchor bolt plans, for example, anchor_bolt_plan.
3. Open the General Arrangement Drawing Properties dialog box by
clicking Edit drawing properties...Edit drawing properties
4. Click View
5. On the Anchor bolt plan tab, ensure that the option Show as anchor
bolt plan is set to Yes.
Define the drawing as an anchor bolt plan when you are creating the
drawing. You cannot convert a general arrangement drawing to an anchor
bolt plan afterwards.
6. Modify the enlarged part view scale, if necessary.
7. If needed, set the Create detail views option to Yes to create separate
detail views.
If you select No, Tekla Structures dimensions the anchor bolts in the
enlarged view. Tekla Structures groups similar detail views so that similar
details are drawn only once.
8. Set the Detail view scale.
9. Click Save to save the changes in the saved settings file.
TIP In the created drawing, go to the File menu, click Settings and check that
Ghost outline is selected and Drawing Color Mode is set to Color. In
color drawings with white background, hidden objects are shown as
ghost outlines, if this setting is selected. In gray scale and black and white
drawings, hidden objects are not shown even if Ghost outline is
See also
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Objects included in the anchor bolt plan (page 84)
Define the anchor bolt plan parts using drawing filters (page 85)
Include assemblies in anchor bolt plans (page 86)
Example: Dimension anchor bolt plans (page 748)
General arrangement drawing properties (page 836)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
See also
Create anchor bolt plans using saved settings (page 83)
The anchor bolt plan view extrema looks downwards. If the lowest level anchor
bolt is not shown, adjust the advanced option
To specify the tolerance:
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options --> Drawing
Properties .
2. Set a value for the advanced option
Define the distance in millimeters. The default value is 200 mm.
See also
Create anchor bolt plans using saved settings (page 83)
NOTE • Cast units have the cast unit type part property setting in the
model - they are set either Cast in place or Precast. It is important
to use the correct cast unit type, because some features, for
example numbering, are based on the cast unit type. In the Cast in
Place configuration, you can create cast unit drawings of cast-in-
place cast units only.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings --> Master
drawing catalog.
2. Select the desired set of saved settings (drawing properties file) from the
Tekla Structures creates the drawings and adds them in the Drawing list. Click
the Drawing list button on the Master Drawing Catalog toolbar to open
the Drawing list.
NOTE If you already have a drawing with the same type and mark, Tekla Structures
will not create a new one.
See also
Example: Create cast unit drawings one by one (page 87)
Example: Create assembly drawings from groups of similar parts (page 90)
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
You can open the Drawing list by clicking the Drawing list button on
the toolbar and open the drawing to view it.
In this example, you are going to use saved settings named Beam_with_BOM
and create assembly drawings from all beams.
1. Define a selection filter that selects only one type of items, in this case
3. Open the Master Drawing Catalog: On the Drawings & reports tab, click
Create drawings --> Master drawing catalog .
4. Under Assembly drawings, select the saved settings master drawing. In
this example, Beam_with_BOM (A) is selected.
See also
Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in
Master Drawing Catalog (page 86)
Tekla Structures creates the drawings and adds them in the Drawing list. Click
the drawing list button on the Master Drawing Catalog toolbar to open
the Drawing list.
NOTE If you already have a drawing with the same type and mark, Tekla Structures
will not create a new one.
See also
Rule sets in Master Drawing Catalog (page 79)
Wizards in Master Drawing Catalog (page 80)
Add a rule set master drawing in Master Drawing Catalog (page 102)
Example - Create a new rule set and drawings for all parts (page 93)
Example - Create a new rule set and drawings for all parts
The following example will go through creating a basic rule set that will create
assembly and single part drawings based on the names of the parts in the
The model used here is a very simple model consisting of two columns with a
beam in between, base plates and end plates. The parts are named BEAM,
Before setting up a rule set in the Master Drawing Catalog, you need to have
some saved settings (drawing properties) and some selection filters that link
the drawing properties to the parts in the model.
1. Click the selection filter button on the Selecting toolbar or press Ctrl
+G to open the Object Group - Selection Filter dialog box.
3. In the same way, create selection filters for columns and plates, saving
The new filters are displayed in the selection filter list.
4. In the Define Rules - Single-Part Drawings dialog box, click Add group
and select the filters and the corresponding single-part drawing saved
5. Under Object group select the three new filters, and under Master
drawing, select the three new saved settings.
The (S) after the master drawing name indicates that its type is saved
9. Click Next.
10. Give the rule set a name (Rule Set: Column+Beam+Plate), description
and keywords.
11. Use Browse next to Preview Image and add a sample image for the
master drawing.
12. Click Finish when you are done.
This is useful when you need extra sheets for details and section views, and
especially when you want to have several drawings of an assembly with
different presentation options: one with a large 3D image of the assembly, one
with additional section views, and one where only certain parts or sub-
assemblies of the assembly are marked and dimensioned.
You can create multiple drawing sheets of the same part in the Master
Drawing Catalog using rule sets or wizards (page 99), or using the drawing
properties dialog box (page 100).
See also
Copy a drawing to a new sheet (page 125)
An example how the Drawing list shows the multiple drawings:
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 100 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
from a search results folder to another folder to make it easier for you to
locate the master drawings you need.
TIP Make sure to always add all important information for each master
drawing in the Master Drawing Properties dialog box. This makes it a
lot easier to find the master drawings you are looking for.
See also
Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 75)
Modify master drawing properties (page 106)
Add only the necessary master drawings, remove obsolete ones, organize the
master drawings in folders, add proper preview images, and keep the
properties, descriptions and keywords up to date.
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 101 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
To Click the links below to find out
master drawing and edit the saved
setting properties file, rule set
contents, or cloning options
Create folders in Master Drawing Manage Master Drawing Catalog
Catalog, copy master drawings folders (page 111)
between folders, and change the
folder location
Take drawing screenshots to be used Sample images of drawings
as sample images and thumbnail (page 114)
images for master drawings in
Add sample and thumbnail images to
Master Drawing Catalog
master drawings (page 115)
Create new drawings based on Create drawings in Master Drawing
master drawings Catalog (page 75)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 102 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
5. In the next dialog box, click Add group and select the object groups for
which you want to create drawings, and a master drawing for each group.
Only those master drawing types are listed that can be used for the
drawing types that you selected in the previous dialog box. Saved settings
are marked with an S and cloning templates with T.
You can use the buttons in the dialog box to do the following:
• Use Move up and Move down to move a rule upwards and
downwards in the list.
If a rule that is higher in the list creates a drawing of an object, another
rule lower in the list that would create a drawing of the same object
will not do it again.
• Use Properties to view or modify the properties of a master drawing
that you have selected in the list.
• Use Preview to display a sample image of the selected master
6. Click Next.
7. If you have selected several drawing types, repeat steps 4 and 5 for all
drawing types that you have selected.
8. Modify master drawing properties of the rule set: give a name to the rule
set, add a sample image, and enter a description and keywords.
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 103 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
9. Click Finish.
The rule set is added in the Master Drawing Catalog.
See also
Add master drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 102)
Rule sets in Master Drawing Catalog (page 79)
Create drawings using rule sets or wizards in Master Drawing Catalog (page 92)
Add sample and thumbnail images to master drawings (page 115)
Example - Create a new rule set and drawings for all parts (page 93)
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Modify the drawing properties in the Single-part Drawing Properties,
Cast Unit Drawing Properties, Assembly Drawing Properties or
General Arrangement Drawing Properties dialog box.
3. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
4. Modify the properties.
5. Give a name to the properties file and save the file.
The new property file is automatically added to the Master Drawing
Catalog. If it is not displayed in the list, press F5 to refresh the view.
6. Modify master drawing properties: give the master drawing a name, add a
sample image, and enter a description and keywords.
See also
Add master drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 102)
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Add sample and thumbnail images to master drawings (page 115)
Create general arrangement drawings using saved settings in Master Drawing
Catalog (page 82)
Create single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings using saved settings in
Master Drawing Catalog (page 86)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 104 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
Add a cloning template master drawing in Master Drawing Catalog
You can add drawings as cloning templates in the Master Drawing Catalog
from the Drawing List.
Before you add a cloning template in the Master Drawing Catalog, create a
drawing with the desired properties and contents and save it.
Limitations: You cannot add general arrangement drawings or multidrawings
to the Master Drawing Catalog from the Drawing List. You can clone general
arrangement drawings using the Clone command in the Drawing List dialog
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing list.
2. Select the drawing, right-click and select Add to Master Drawing Catalog
(Ctrl + M).
3. Modify the master drawing properties of the cloning template. On the
General tab, enter a name for the cloning template, and a short
description and keywords.
4. Tekla Structures adds a preliminary thumbnail image for the cloning
template. If necessary, click Change Image and browse for a new image.
The same image will then be displayed when you right-click the thumbnail
and select Preview.
5. Go to the Drawing creation tab and specify how dimensions and marks
are created, and select the objects to be cloned from the master drawing.
6. Click OK.
The new cloning template is added in the Master Drawing Catalog. The
icon is displayed in the Master column of the Drawing List next to
the drawing you added.
See also
Add master drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 102)
Add sample and thumbnail images to master drawings (page 115)
Cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Create drawings using cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 116)
Limitations: In the folder view, you cannot remove master drawings from the
Master Drawing Catalog through the folders that you have created yourself.
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 105 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
Use the Saved searches folders to display the desired master drawings and
then remove the extra ones.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings --> Master
drawing catalog.
2. In the Master Drawing Catalog, select the master drawings you want to
3. Right-click and select Remove from Catalog.
4. Confirm the removal.
Tekla Structures removes the master drawings from the catalog. Any
created drawings that are based on removed master drawings remain in
the Drawing list. The catalog properties that you have entered for the
master drawing are not deleted. They are still available for the master
drawing if you decide to add the master drawing back to the catalog.
TIP Make sure to always add all important information for each master
drawing in the Master Drawing Properties dialog box. This makes it a
lot easier to find the master drawings you are looking for.
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 106 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
See also
Modify rule set properties (page 108)
Modify saved settings' properties (page 107)
Modify properties and contents of wizard files (page 109)
Modifying cloning template properties (page 110)
Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 75)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 107 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
6. If needed, modify the drawing properties of the master drawing by clicking
Edit drawing properties... to display the drawing properties dialog box.
This also allows you to apply object level settings.
Save the modified properties. Ensure that you have the correct drawing
property file name at the top.
7. Click OK.
See also
Apply detailed object level settings in saved settings (page 81)
Saved settings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
See also
Rule sets in Master Drawing Catalog (page 79)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 108 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
Modify properties and contents of wizard files
You can modify wizard files in the Master Drawing Catalog using a text
editor. You can change the name, description, and keywords, and add a
sample image.
See also
Wizards in Master Drawing Catalog (page 80)
Wizard files consist of the following entries. Notice the use of parentheses.
This line defines the type of drawing the wizard creates. The drawing type
appears in parentheses. The options are:
Option Creates
single single-part drawings
assembly assembly drawings
multi_single single-part multidrawings
multi_single_with_layout single-part multidrawings with
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 109 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
Option Creates
multi_assembly assembly multidrawings
multi_assembly_with_layo assembly multidrawings with
ut layout
cast_unit cast unit drawings
This line tells Tekla Structures which drawing properties to use when creating
the drawings. The name of the saved drawing properties appears in
This line tells Tekla Structures to use the defined drawing as a template when
creating a new drawing. This line is used instead of the line
set_drawing_attributes. The path and the name of the drawing template
are given in parenthesis like in the following example:
This line tells Tekla Structures which selection filter to use to select the parts
from which to create drawings. The filter name appears in parentheses.
Tekla Structures starts creating the drawings. This line should always appear
immediately after the lines set_drawing_type, set_drawing_attributes
and set_filter.
See also
Wizards in Master Drawing Catalog (page 80)
Create drawings using rule sets or wizards in Master Drawing Catalog (page 92)
Modify properties and contents of wizard files (page 109)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 110 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
4. Enter of modify keywords of the master drawing.
Use spaces between words. You can search for master drawings based on
the data you enter here.
5. To add or change the sample image, click Change image... and select the
You can use .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png images. We recommend that you
use .png images.
The sample image will also be used as the thumbnail image of the master
drawing in the thumbnail view of the Master Drawing Catalog.
6. Go to the Drawing creation tab.
a. For the Dimensions, Marks, and Marks for welds in model, define
whether you want to Clone them, recreate them automatically when
you clone a drawing (Create) or Ignore them in cloning.
b. Select the objects to be cloned from the master drawing: Drawing
welds, Level marks, DWG/DXF, Text files, Texts, Symbols, Graphics,
and Hyperlinks).
7. Click OK.
See also
Cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Create drawings using cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 116)
• Add new, rename, and move folders: Example: Add, rename, and move
folders (page 112)
• Copy master drawings to another folder: Copy master drawings to another
folder (page 113)
• Delete master drawings from folders: Remove master drawings from a
folder (page 113)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 111 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
NOTE Deleting master drawings from a folder or copying them to another
folder in the folder view does not affect the catalog contents in any
way. The folder view is just another way to help you to keep you
master drawings well organized.
See also
Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 75)
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 112 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
2. To add a folder: Right-click the tree area in the upper part of the folder
view, select Create New Folder and enter a name for the new folder.
For example, enter PROJECT_XYZ.
3. To add a subfolder: Right-click folder, in this case PROJECT_XYZ, and
select Create New Sub-folder.
4. Enter a name for the folder.
For example, enter Site12.
5. Create another subfolder Site10 following the steps 3 - 4.
6. To rename a folder: Right-click the folder, select Rename (F2) and enter a
new name.
For example, rename Site10 to Site11.
7. To move a folder upwards: Right-click the folder and select Move up. In
this case, move Site11 one step up.
The master drawings are copied. They are not removed from the original
TIP Use the following keys and key combinations for selecting drawings:
• Select all displayed drawings: Ctrl + A
• Select consecutive drawings: Click the first drawing, hold down Shift and
select the last drawing.
• Select several drawings: Click the first drawing, hold down Ctrl and select the
rest of the drawings.
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 113 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
1. In the Master Drawing Catalog, click the folder view button to go to
the folder view.
2. In the upper part of the folder view, click the folder from which you want
to remove drawings.
The master drawings in the folder are shown in the lower part of the view.
3. Select the master drawings to be deleted, right-click and select Remove
from folder.
The master drawings are removed from the folder. The master drawings are
not removed from the catalog, just from the folder.
You can
• Create sample images (page 114).
• View the sample image of a master drawing by right-clicking the master
drawing and selecting Preview.
• Use sample images as thumbnail images for master drawings (page 115) in
the Master Drawing Catalog views.
• Add sample images to master drawings (page 115) in the Master Drawing
Before you can create a sample image of a drawing, you must first create the
1. Open the drawing you want to use.
2. Clean up the drawing from unnecessary objects, for example, associativity
3. On the Views tab, click Screenshot --> Sample image for Master
drawing catalog.
The image is saved in the \drawings folder under the model folder
in .png format with the same name as the drawing. You can see the name
of the image on the status bar.
Create drawings in Tekla Structures 114 Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog
Add sample and thumbnail images to master drawings
You can add sample images for master drawings in Master Drawing Catalog.
The same image is used as a thumbnail in the Master Drawing Catalog
thumbnail list.
Before you can add a sample image or a preview image to a master drawing,
you must have it somewhere ready.
Sample images are just samples, they are not real-time drawings, and they do
not update when the drawing changes.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings --> Master
drawing catalog.
2. In the Master Drawing Catalog, locate the desired master drawing and
double-click it to open the Master Drawing Properties dialog box.
3. Add the image you created:
• For the master drawings of the type saved settings, cloning templates,
and wizard files, click Change image... and browse for the sample
image. Click OK to save the image as a sample image.
• For rule sets, click Next until you get to the page where you can add
the sample image. Click Browse and browse for the sample image.
Click Save to save the image as a sample image.
Now you can display the sample image by selecting the master drawing
on the catalog list, right-clicking and selecting Preview. The thumbnail
image in the Master Drawing Catalog thumbnail list is a smaller version
of the same sample image.
See also
Create sample images for Master Drawing Catalog (page 114)
Note that only the cloning templates located in the folder that is set for the
advanced option XS_CLONING_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY are displayed in the
Master Drawing Catalog.
• You cannot clone general arrangement drawings through the Master
Drawing Catalog. You can clone general arrangement drawings only by
using the Clone command in the Drawing List dialog box.
• You cannot clone multidrawings.
• The drawing properties of cloning templates cannot be modified through
the Master Drawing Catalog.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Create drawings --> Master
drawing catalog.
2. Double-click the cloning template that you want to use.
TIP If you have cloning templates that you have created using an older Tekla
Structures version and want to utilize the better associativity of a newer Tekla
Structures version, refresh the drawing associativity (page 124) by using the
Refresh Associativity command, which you can type in the Quick Launch box.
See also
Cloned objects (page 123)
Cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 77)
Add a cloning template master drawing in Master Drawing Catalog (page 104)
Limitations: You can only use cloning templates from other models, not other
types of master drawings, such as saved settings or rule sets.
TIP When you have similar parts in several projects, you can maintain a set of cloning
models and then take the cloning templates in the cloning models in use when
See also
Create drawings in Master Drawing Catalog (page 75)
Create drawings using cloning templates in Master Drawing Catalog (page 116)
Clone from the Drawing List (page 118)
Clone using drawing templates in template library (page 126)
NOTE • When you clone drawings of assemblies or cast units, they must
have the same type of main part as the assembly or cast unit from
which the original drawing was created. For example, the upper
chords of the original and the cloned truss could be main parts.
• In general arrangement drawings, one main view, and section and
detail views are cloned.
Before cloning, finalize, save, and close the drawing you want to use as a
cloning template.
To clone a drawing from the Drawing list:
We edited the general arrangement drawing of the +3200 plan view slightly, for
example, deleted some marks.
See also
Clone from the Drawing List (page 118)
See also
Clone drawings (page 115)
See also
Clone drawings (page 115)
See also
Clone drawings (page 115)
Cloned objects (page 123)
For example, this command is very useful if you have a cloning template you
have created using an older Tekla Structures version and want to utilize the
better associativity of a newer Tekla Structures version.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing list.
2. Open a cloning template the associativity of which you want to refresh.
3. Go to Quick Launch, enter Refresh associativity, and click the
Refresh associativity command on the displayed list.
4. Save the cloning template.
See also
Drawing associativity (page 17)
Clone drawings (page 115)
4. Open the new drawing sheet, make the necessary changes and save it.
NOTE If you use the Recreate (Shift+R) command for the copied drawing in the
Drawing list, Tekla Structures asks if you want to copy the drawing again from
the original drawing. If you answer yes, the previously copied drawing sheet
will be replaced by a new copy of the previously selected original drawing.
1. In a model that you use as a template model, create a drawing you want
to use as a drawing template and save the drawing.
2. In another model, select the objects to be included in the new drawing.
3. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing list.
4. In the drawing list, click Clone....
5. Click Other model.
Use Browse for model... to browse for another model folder containing
the drawing templates that you want.
6. Click Select template...
7. In the Drawing Templates dialog box, select a drawing template and
leave the list open.
8. In the Clone Drawing dialog box, use the Objects and actions in cloning
options to define the drawing objects to be cloned and the actions for
each cloned object.
9. Clone the drawing by clicking Clone selected.
Tekla Structures clones the drawing. In the Drawing list, cloned drawings are
marked with text Cloned in the Changes column.
TIP You can specify that a certain model folder is always used as a template
library using the advanced option XS_?DRAWING_?TEMPLATES_?
See also
Clone drawings (page 115)
Clone by using cloning templates located in other models (page 117)
All drawings in a Tekla Structures model are displayed in the Drawing list
dialog box. You can search, sort, select, and display drawings according to
different criteria, and open the drawings displayed in the list. You can take
snapshots of the drawings, and locate the drawing parts in the model, and to
find out if a part is included in any of the drawings.
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
Print drawings (page 519)
Search for and open drawings (page 127)
Open drawings (page 136)
Search for and open drawings 129 What is displayed in the Drawing list
Option Description For more information
You cannot change
drawing marks.
Mark contains the sheet
number as well, if it is
not zero (0).
You can choose to have
Tekla Structures base
the mark of cast unit
drawings on the position
number or the ID (GUID)
of the cast unit.
Name The name given for the Rename drawings
drawing in the drawing (page 144)
properties dialog box.
Title 1, Title 2, and Title Extra drawing titles Giving titles to drawings
3 added in the drawing (page 144)
properties dialog box.
Ready for issuing by Indicates who has Mark drawings ready for
marked the drawing issuing (page 513)
ready for issuing.
Locked by The Drawing list Lock drawings
column shows who (page 511)
locked the drawing. If
you have logged in to
your Trimble Identity,
your account name is
shown. Otherwise your
user name is shown.
User-defined You can show up to 20 User-defined attributes
attributes user-defined attributes in drawings (page 827)
in the Drawing list.
These user-defined
attributes must be
added in the User-
defined attributes
dialog box or panel in
drawing properties. To
include a user-defined
attribute in drawing lists,
the user-defined
attribute must have the
option special_flag
set to yes in the
objects.inp file.
Search for and open drawings 130 What is displayed in the Drawing list
See also
Search for and open drawings (page 127)
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
How to read the drawing status information (page 131)
Search for and open drawings (page 127)
Search for and open drawings 132 How to read the drawing status information
Flag Column where Information in Description
shown the Changes
Up to date Linked drawing You have a linked
changed drawing in this
drawing and the
linked drawing
has been
Up to date Copied view A copied drawing
changed has been
Up to date Drawing updated A frozen drawing
has been
Up to date Drawing updated Drawing that has
been marked
ready for issuing
has changed.
Up to date Cloned The drawing is a
cloned drawing.
The flag
disappears when
you save and
close the drawing.
Issue The drawing has
been issued. For
example, you
might re-issue
drawings that
have been sent to
Issue Issued drawing The issued
changed drawing has been
edited or
See also
Search for and open drawings (page 127)
Search for and open drawings 133 Select the drawings to show in Drawing List
3.5 Select the drawings to show in Drawing List
In addition to using search, you can select which drawings you want to see in
the list and in which order.
To Do this
Display a predefined set of Select a set of drawings from the or select
drawings drawing set list.
Saved search results are also displayed in this
List all drawings Click Show all.
Invert the contents of the current Click Invert.
This feature allows you to list the opposite of
the current content.
For example, if you had selected to display
Locked drawings, clicking Invert shows all
drawings except the locked ones.
List selected drawings only Select the drawings and click Selected.
List up-to-date drawings only Click Up to date.
List drawings that need to be 1. Click Up to date.
2. Click Invert.
Lists only drawings associated 1. Select objects in the model.
with the objects you have selected
2. Click By parts.
in the model.
This is an easy way to identify the drawings
associated with a specific part, assembly or
cast unit.
Sort the list according to column Click the column name.
Search for and open drawings 134 Search for drawings and save search results
3. If needed, you can also limit the search to the currently visible drawings by
selecting Search within the currently visible drawings.
4. Click Search.
5. Click Store to save the search results.
6. Enter a name for the search results in the Store Search Result dialog box
and click OK.
The search results are saved in the DrawingListSearches folder, which
is created in the model folder.
You can move the saved search results to your environment, company or
project folder. After you have saved the search results, they will be visible
in the predefined drawing sets list in the Drawing list dialog box.
In the following example, you want to find all cast unit drawings that are
assigned to Dean Detailer:
1. From the drawing sets, select Cast unit drawings. Only cast unit drawings
are displayed in the list.
2. In Enter search criteria, type Dean Detailer.
3. In the Search in list, select Assigned To.
4. Click Search.
To Do this
Select one drawing Click the drawing in the list.
Search for and open drawings 135 Select drawings in the Drawing List
To Do this
Select several consecutive Click the first drawing, then hold down the
drawings Shift key and click the last drawing.
Select several non-consecutive Click the first drawing, then hold down the Ctrl
drawings key and click the other drawings you want to
Select all drawings in the list Press Ctrl+A.
See also
Search for and open drawings (page 127)
Before you start, ensure that you have only the Select parts selection switch
TIP To always open the drawings maximized, set the advanced option
Search for and open drawings 136 Check whether parts have drawings
Open a drawing in the model
• On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing list (Ctrl + L), and then
double-click a drawing to open it.
When you open a drawing, a message box is displayed showing the progress
and what is happening, and a snapshot of the drawing is displayed. You can
click Cancel to cancel the opening.
Search for and open drawings 137 Create and view drawing snapshots
take a look at several drawings while trying to find the one you are looking for,
for example, a certain drawing revision. You can take snapshots of all types of
A snapshot is by default created when you open and save a drawing. The
snapshot represents the situation when the drawing was last saved, so any
newer changes to the model are not reflected in the snapshot.
If you have made changes in the drawing and close it by selecting the Close
button in the upper-right corner, a message box is displayed where you can
select if you want to save the drawing, and also if you want to create a
snapshot of the drawing when the drawing is saved.
1. Select a drawing and open it from the Drawing list.
2. Save the drawing by going to the File menu and clicking Save drawing.
The snapshot is saved in the ..\<model>\drawings\Snapshots folder.
3. Select the same drawing from the Drawing list.
4. Click the Snapshots button at the bottom of the Drawing list to display
the snapshot.
Search for and open drawings 138 Create and view drawing snapshots
If you have selected a drawing that does not have a snapshot and click
Snapshots, an instructional view is displayed asking you to open the drawing
and save it to create the snapshot.
To create a snapshot of a drawing automatically when the drawing is created,
Drawing Properties category in the Advanced Options dialog box.
Snapshot overlay
Drawing snapshots allow you to view the contents of drawings directly in
model view without opening the actual drawing. You can also show drawing
snapshots against the latest version of a drawing or against another drawing
in the drawing mode. All drawing types can be overlaid with drawing
You can view a snapshot of a drawing while you are editing a drawing. In the
snapshot overlay, you can see the latest changes, and can align the drawing
content, for example. You can see the changes in a drawing since the latest
update, and switch between the snapshot and the actual drawing.
Finding the correct drawing by going through the snapshots is much faster
than opening the actual drawings one by one.
• Texts are one sided when viewed from the model, and DX graphics do not
support text in snapshots.
• Overlay in the model was not designed to work for the 3D drawing views .
• Views that are outside the printing area are displayed in the model overlay.
• Reading large GA drawing snapshots may take a long time.
• Loading the snapshot takes longer for the first snapshot than for the rest.
Before you can see a snapshot overlay of a drawing, you need to create a
snapshot (page 137) by opening a drawing, selecting the Create snapshot
check box and saving the drawing.
Below you can see the settings in the snapshot view:
Search for and open drawings 139 Create and view drawing snapshots
Snapshot overlay in model
1. Open the Drawing list and select a drawing.
2. Click Snapshots.
3. At the top of the displayed snapshot dialog box, under Overlay in model,
select the Overlay check box. You can also select a color for the snapshot.
A cast unit is overlaid with the corresponding cast unit drawing.
Search for and open drawings 140 Create and view drawing snapshots
In the example below, the size of the cast unit has changed since the snapshot
was taken.
TIP If a plan view GA drawing is open, and you want to align content using
another GA drawing, you can open a snapshot of the second drawing on
the first one, and snap to the snapshot, when placing or moving objects
in an open drawing. You can snap to drawing snapshot overlays with the
See also
Search for and open drawings (page 127)
After you have created a drawing, you can modify properties of the drawing
and views, building objects, and dimensions and marks already included in the
drawing. You can add views, marks, notes, text, shapes and other objects. You
can also change drawing colors, and use special custom presentations for
some object types.
You can add and edit drawing views, dimensions, marks and other
drawing objects:
Create and modify drawing views (page 145)
Manual dimensioning (page 167)
Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in drawings (page 243)
Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects (page 300)
Building objects in drawings (page 324)
Symbols in drawings (page 482)
Custom presentations in drawings (page 367)
Welds in drawings (page 346)
Edge chamfers in drawings (page 326)
Reinforcement in drawings (page 369)
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Reference models in drawings (page 501)
Grids in drawings (page 469)
Colors in drawings (page 495)
User coordinate system (UCS) (page 504)
When you save and close the drawings, there are some things you need
to keep in mind:
Save a drawing (page 506)
Close drawings (page 141)
Delete unnecessary drawing files in single-user mode (page 507)
See also
Define automatic drawing settings (page 563)
TIP If you want to customize your print file names and use title values instead of
drawing names in them , you can define that the title entered in this dialog box
is used in the print file name. To do this, enter the value %TPL:TITLE1% (or
%TPL:TITLE2% or %TPL:TITLE3%) for an advanced option
XS_DRAWING_PLOT_FILE_NAME_G (or _W, _A, _M or _C depending on the
drawing type) through File menu --> Settings --> Advanced options -->
Printing .
See also
Define automatic drawing settings (page 563)
Customize print output file names (page 534)
See also
Define drawing views (page 612)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
TIP • The view boundary of the created section view remains selected,
and you can adjust the depth and the height of the view
boundary by dragging it.
• If necessary, change the view scale of the section view: Double-
click the view frame, clear all other selections using the toggle
switch at the bottom, select only the Scale option, and adjust the
• If you want to create another view, start the Section view
command again.
See also
Modify section properties in drawings (page 164)
Define view labels and view label marks (page 616)
Section view properties (page 849)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Modify drawing view properties (page 164)
Tekla Structures creates the curved section view using the current properties
in the View Properties and Section Mark Properties dialog boxes and adds a
section mark in the original view. You can change the properties after creating
the view.
Tekla Structures creates the detail view using the current properties in the
View Properties dialog box and Detail Properties dialog box. The detail view
Detail mark
Detail view
Detail view label
TIP You can increase or decrease the detail symbol by dragging the handle on the
detail boundary.
See also
Create a detail view (page 150)
In the example below, the drawing originally contained only the front view. A
3D view and a top view were added. The angle of the 3D view was modified in
the View Properties dialog box.
See also
Modify drawing view properties (page 164)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Tekla Structures creates the drawing view using the current properties in the
View Properties dialog box. It calculates the boundaries of the view to fit the
entire model view into the drawing view, and places the view in the drawing.
See also
Modify drawing view properties (page 164)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Tekla Structures creates the drawing view using the current properties in the
View Properties dialog box and places the view in the current drawing.
See also
Modify drawing view properties (page 164)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Tekla Structures creates the drawing view using the view properties of the
original view.
See also
Create and modify drawing views (page 145)
Modify drawing view properties (page 164)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Tekla Structures adds the single-part views to the assembly drawing using the
current properties in the Assembly Drawing Properties dialog box ( Drawing
properties --> Assembly drawing --> Layout --> Other --> Single-part
attributes ).
See also
Include single-part drawings in assembly drawings (page 620)
NOTE Copied drawing views do not update when the original views change.
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
TIP General arrangement drawings are often full of information. You may
want to create empty general arrangement drawings and move detail or
section views from the original general arrangement drawings to the
empty drawing.
1. In an open drawing, select the frame of the drawing view you want to
2. Right-click and select Move to drawing from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the target drawing from the Drawing list.
You can select additional drawing views after you have started the Move
to drawing command and move multiple drawing views in one go. If you
have multiple drawing views selected before starting the Move to
drawing command, the command will not be available.
4. Click Move in the Move view to drawing dialog box.
5. Close and save the source drawing.
Tekla Structures moves the selected view to the target drawing and
creates references between the source and target drawings.
6. Open the target drawing from the Drawing list.
The Drawing list indicates that the drawing has been updated.
7. Arrange the drawing views, if necessary.
8. Save the target drawing.
In this example, we have two drawings on the Drawing list: BEAM1 and BEAM2.
We move section view C-C from drawing BEAM1 to BEAM2. Below is the original
section view in the source drawing BEAM1.
In the source drawing BEAM1, the section mark of the moved section view
contains a reference to the target drawing BEAM2.
See also
Define automatic free or fixed placement for drawing views (page 611)
Arrange drawing views (page 163)
Create and modify drawing views (page 145)
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
When you select a view, the view boundary is highlighted also in other views.
When you change the selected view's boundary in the other views using view
View boundary
View frame
In the example below, the section view in the bottom-left corner has been
selected, and the view boundary is highlighted in two other views. You can
change the view boundary of the selected view in the other views by dragging
the view boundary handles, to change the section view depth, for example.
See also
NOTE When you drag a view, its placing setting may change to Fixed depending on
what is set for the advanced option XS_CHANGE_DRAGGED_VIEWS_TO_FIXED.
This advanced option is by default set to TRUE, which means that the placing
setting changes to Fixed when the view is dragged.
See also
NOTE • Arrange views only affects views where the Place is set to Free in
the view properties. Fixed views are not moved.
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Move drawing views by dragging (page 161)
Modify view-level drawing properties (page 28)
See also
View, section view and detail view label mark elements (page 903)
Modify dimensions
You can modify dimensions manually:
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
Add tags to dimensions (page 176)
Example: How to filter out dimension tag content (page 178)
Drag dimension marks (page 241)
Move the end of the dimension line (page 242)
Exaggerate selected dimensions in drawings (page 229)
Add dimension points in anchor bolt plans (page 233)
Show plate side marks on dimension leader lines (page 233)
Change the location of short outside dimension texts (page 234)
See also
Dimension and dimensioning properties (page 850)
Dimension properties - Marks and Tags tabs (page 858)
Define dimensioning (page 649)
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
Dimension and dimensioning properties (page 850)
Change the prefix in radial dimensions (page 728)
Add tags to dimensions (page 176)
Mark elements (page 892)
Command Example
Add parallel dimension
perpendicular dimension
Limitation: Parts like beams that are not located along the grids are not
1. Open a general arrangement drawing.
2. To check and change the dimension properties, on the Drawing tab, click
Properties --> Dimension , make the necessary changes and click Apply
or OK.
3. On the Dimensioning tab, click GA dimensions and the click one of the
following commands:
• To dimension along grid lines, click Add dimensions along grid lines
and pick the view in the location where you want to create the
• To dimension along part X or Y axis or both, select the part, and click
Along part X axis, Along part Y axis or Along part X and Y axis. The
parts are dimensioned to the two nearest grids.
Tekla Structures creates the dimensions according to the dimension
properties you defined in the Dimension Properties dialog box.
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
6. Point to the location where you want to add the dimension line and click
the middle mouse button.
See also
User coordinate system (UCS) (page 504)
Add manual dimensions (page 168)
• Rotation is not available for the middle dimension tags.
• The dimension tags are automatically updated according to model
changes, when you update the drawing. If you want to disable the
automatic update, you can freeze the drawing or set the advanced option
affects all drawings.
Below is an example of dimension tags:
See also
Example: How to filter out dimension tag content (page 178)
Dimension properties - Marks and Tags tabs (page 858)
5. Enter concrete as the name of the filter in the box next to the Save
button and click the button to save the filter.
6. In the drawing, double-click the dimension that contains the content that
you want to remove.
7. In the Dimension Properties dialog box, go to the Tags page.
See also
Add tags to dimensions (page 176)
Below is an example of dual dimensions that use the unit mm and format ###.
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
Dimension properties - Marks and Tags tabs (page 858)
See also
Add manual dimensions (page 168)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
You can change the representation of the current rebar dimension after
creating it by double-clicking the rebar dimension in an open drawing, and
modifying the dimension content (page 851), appearance (page 856), and
marks and tags (page 858) as required. For example, you may want to add
more tags, change dimension mark content, or select how to align tags in
curved dimensions.
Below is an example, where only one rebar of the group is visible, and the
dimension line has been dragged outside the group.
Option Description
Dimension mark settings Select which predefined dimension
settings you always want to apply to
dimension marks. These settings are
used when you create dimension
marks with the Add Mark -->
Dimension Mark command.
Tagged dimension mark settings Select which predefined dimension
settings you always want to apply to
tagged dimension marks. These
settings are used when you create
dimension marks with the Add Mark
--> Tagged Dimension mark
Dimension line settings Select which predefined dimension
settings you always want to apply to
dimension lines that you create with
the Create dimension line
Dimension line extension length for You can create line extensions
line arrow (page 725) in dimensions that have
line arrows. Enter the length of the
dimension line extension in the
Dimension line extension length
for line arrow box. This setting will
be applied to all dimension that have
line arrows.
No extension
reinforcement group .
Tapered curved reinforcement group Select whether curved dimensions
have curved or horizontal
representation in Tapered curved
reinforcement group .
• You can also add middle tags in rebar dimensions. Here dual dimensions
(page 180) have been applied:
In the example below, only one rebar is visible, and rebar tags are aligned
vertically :
For more information about the settings, see Rebar group dimensioning
settings below.
7. Click Modify.
Marks behind the To create marks behind the dimension line, select
dimension line Yes. No is the default value.
Free space below text / If you select Free space below text, enter a
Dimension line spacing millimeter value to indicate the space between the
last line of dimension mark text and the next
dimension line.
Visualized rebars
Group end rebars Applied to the first and last bar in the group.
Part edges
Symbols only
Define the color and the line type for the various
leader line types.
• If you copy or link a drawing containing COG dimensions to another
drawing, such as a multidrawing, the COG dimensions will not be copied.
• You cannot create COG dimensions in general arrangement drawings or
3. Click OK.
4. Pick the first point to specify the origin of the dimensions.
First you need to create the arrow symbol in the Symbol Editor, and save the
created symbol in the dimension_arrows.sym file. Then you need to add the
position of the new symbol in the dimension_arrows.sym file to the
configuration file dimension_arrows.txt file. This file tells which arrows are
available for use in your environment. Finally, you need to create a bitmap for
the new arrow to be used in the Dimension Properties dialog box.
1. On the File menu, click Editors --> Symbol editor to open the Symbol
2. Open the dimension_arrows.sym file located in the Common
environment (...ProgramData:\TeklaStructures\<version>
\Environments\common\symbols) or in your environment under the
\symbols folder.
3. Click an empty symbol slot and sketch your symbol with drawing tools.
You can also import AutoCAD or MicroStation files through File -->
Import .
4. When the symbol is completed, point the symbol slot to check the number
of the new symbol at the bottom of the window.
See also
Dimension properties - Appearance tab (page 856)
Limitations: You cannot create new dimension lines that have dimension
points inside both the enlarged views and the plan view.
To add dimension points to the dimensions inside the enlarged views:
1. Select the enlarged view frame.
2. Select the dimension to modify.
3. Right-click and select Add Dimension Point.
See also
Create anchor bolt plans using saved settings (page 83)
Example: Dimension anchor bolt plans (page 748)
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
Dimension properties - Marks and Tags tabs (page 858)
• You can flip only start or end dimensions in a dimension set.
• You can place the dimension text outside the dimensions if there is enough
space for the dimension text.
1. On the Dimensioning tab, click Flip outside dimension.
2. Click the dimension whose location you want to change.
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
You can use this command to swap the running dimensions start point to the
opposite end of the member.
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
TIP A quick way to add and remove dimension points is to first click a positions on
the parts where you want to add the dimension points and, if some of them
seem unnecessary, remove those by holding down Shift and then clicking the
points you want to remove.
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
Add closing dimensions (page 236)
Below is an example of linked dimension lines.
See also
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
You can load the dimension properties file where you have the correct setting
when you add automatic dimensions on view level.
1. Open a drawing and double-click a dimension.
2. Go to the General tab of the Dimensions dialog box.
3. Select an option from the Short extension line list:
Yes Use this option to create extension
lines all of the same length:
See also
Dimension properties - General tab (page 851)
Note that you can only drag relative dimensions, not absolute dimensions.
Go to File --> Settings and ensure that Smart select is selected .
1. Select the dimension line.
If you do not select the dimension line first, dragging will move the whole
dimension, not just the dimension mark.
When you select the line, the dimension mark handle becomes visible.
Note that if you do not want to draw a leader line when a dimension text
is dragged away from the dimension line, set the advanced option
category Dimensioning: General in the Advanced Options dialog box.
The default value is TRUE.
See also
Drag, reshape and resize drawing objects (page 295)
Modify dimension properties (page 230)
Limitations: You can move the end of the dimension line in all straight
dimensions, except elevation dimensions.
1. In an open drawing, click the dimension.
The dimension line handle becomes visible.
2. Select the handle and drag the end of the line to the desired position.
It is easier to select the handle when your hold down Alt and then click
the handle.
If the dimension contains dimension tags, the tags are visible while you
Edit drawings 243 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Modify mark or note properties (page 257)
Update part and weld marks in drawings (page 261)
Change symbols in drawings (page 264)
Merge marks (page 267)
Drag the mark and associative note leader line base point (page 270)
Customize leader line arrows (page 487)
You can also delete marks for parts and reinforcement (page 261).
Independent annotation objects are not linked or connected to the Tekla
Structures model in any way. Texts, DWG/DXF files, symbols, revision marks,
links and hyperlinks are all independent annotation objects.
Independent objects will also become associative if you snap to a building
object when you create them, because then they will get associativity points.
For example, in texts, the content does not change when the model changes
but the associativity point may change. Another example is a line: if you snap
to a part edge when you create a line, the line will get an associativity point
and move with the part if the part changes.
You can only add texts, DWG/DXF files, links, hyperlinks, revision marks and
symbols in an open drawing, and modify the properties of the added ones:
Add text in drawings (page 271)
Add links to rich text files in drawings (page 274)
Add links to other drawings (page 278)
Add hyperlinks in drawings (page 277)
Add links to DWG and DXF files in drawings (page 280)
Add revision marks in drawings (page 279)
Modify the properties of independent annotation objects (page 282)
See also
Drawing objects (page 21)
Manual dimensioning (page 167)
Add symbols in drawings (page 487)
Customize leader line arrows (page 487)
Edit drawings 244 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Use Drawing content manager to quickly and easily:
• Select relevant content for checking and editing purposes, and target
actions on single or multiple model objects or marks simultaneously.
• Add, modify or remove model object marks, including associative notes.
• Add weld marks to model welds in drawings.
• Highlight either objects or marks.
• Check how many marks model objects have in one view or in the entire
• Add other content to model objects depending on the object type, such as
rebar dimension lines.
• Modify model object or mark properties.
• Hide/show model objects.
With this tool you can avoid duplicate, missing, or false information, and
efficiently check if all necessary content exists, without having to manually go
through all drawing objects separately.
• To open Drawing content manager, first open a drawing and click the
Drawing content manager button in the side pane. Then click Show
to populate the Drawing content manager list. If you do not want to list
all model objects, narrow your selection by selecting certain drawing views,
model areas or multiple objects, and then click Show.
Edit drawings 245 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
• Drawing content manager lists model objects and the related mark
content, and gives the total number of marks. The displayed columns
depend on the object type. Associative notes are also considered and
counted as marks.
Edit drawings 246 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
• You can only see the contents of one category at the time. If you have a lot
of objects in a category, and you need to scroll, the objects are loaded as
you scroll.
• The following model object categories are available in Drawing content
manager if they exist in the drawing, and have been set visible in the
drawing View properties:
• Assemblies
• Parts
• Welds
• Bolts
• Reinforcement
• Pour objects
• Neighbor parts
information, click Update. Do this every time you hide some model
objects, or if the number of marks changes.
• To select and highlight either model objects or marks in the drawing, select
the objects in Drawing content manager and change the selection from
object to mark using the switch . When model object selection is active,
the switch is black , and when mark selection is active, the switch is
yellow .
Marks selected:
Edit drawings 247 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Parts selected:
• To search for and list specific model objects, use the search box.
• To collapse or expand model object categories, use the arrow buttons .
• To sort mark properties in alphabetical order, click a column header.
• If you suspect that some objects are missing from the list, go to the
drawing view properties by double-clicking the drawing view frame and set
the needed model objects visible.
Edit drawings 248 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
You can only select multiple objects inside one category. Activate the
switch to select only objects in the model. The selected objects are
highlighted in the drawing.
To select the whole object category, click the category name, for example,
Parts or Welds.
3. Right-click in the model and select one of the following options:
Add associative note: Marks are created using the current assosiative
note properties.
Add part mark: Marks are created using the view level mark properties.
Add weld mark: Marks are created using the view level mark properties.
Add Mark --> Reinforcement Mark: Marks are created using the view
level mark properties.
Add Mark --> Dimension Mark: Marks are created using predefined
dimension properties defined in File --> Settings --> Options --> Drawing
Add Mark --> Tagged Dimension mark: Marks are created using
predefined dimension properties defined in File --> Settings --> Options
--> Drawing dimensions.
Tekla Structures creates the marks or notes. The added marks are shown in
TIP If you do not see some of the model objects in drawing views, go to the
drawing view properties by double-clicking the drawing view frame and
set the needed model objects visible.
2. If you want to know the mark count in the whole drawing, click Show
in all views.
3. To include hidden objects in the list and show their mark count as well,
Edit drawings 249 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
4. To make sure that the mark information is up to date, click Update.
Note that Drawing content manager does not support counting of
dimension and tagged dimension marks.
Delete marks
If you are not happy with the existing marks, you can delete them.
1. Click Show to populate the Drawing content manager list. If you do not
want to list all model objects, narrow your selection by selecting certain
drawing views, model areas or multiple objects, and then click Show.
2. Click Show in all views and Show hidden items to show in the
list model objects in the whole drawing, including the hidden model
3. If you are looking for certain model objects, use the Search... box.
Edit drawings 250 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
• If you wish to list some of the marks, such as weld marks, but not show the
marks in the drawing, use the first color option in the weld mark properties
dialog box, it will show the marks invisible. First select the objects from the
list, activate mark selection , hold down Shift and double-click a weld
mark. Then change the weld mark text and line color and click Modify.
TIP Use orthogonal snapping in marks and associative notes with leader
lines. For example, you can use it for placing your marks and notes in a
more consistent way in exact locations. When you start dragging a mark
or note from a leader line end handle, and you have orthogonal
snapping on, the leader line end handle locks to the closes orthogonal
point in the drawing (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees). To activate orthogonal
snapping, press O.
To Do this
Add part marks for all On the Drawing tab, click Part mark --> For all
model objects parts .
If you have deleted marks manually from the
drawing, this command will not create the marks,
and you will have to create them manually part by
Add part marks for 1. Select the model objects:
selected model objects
• Activate the Select parts in drawings
selection switch and select the parts using
area selection, for example.
• Open the Drawing content manager from
the side pane, select the model objects in
the drawing and click Show to populate the
Drawing content manager list. You can
select areas, single or multiple views, or
single or multiple model objects. Then
ensure that model object selection is active
in Drawing content manager, and
select the desired model objects from the
Edit drawings 251 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
To Do this
2. On the Drawing tab, click Part mark --> For
selected parts .
You can also right-click and select Add part
3. If the part mark does not contain any
elements in view properties, the Part Mark
Properties dialog box is displayed, and you
can select the elements to be included in the
part mark.
Add elements and click Modify.
Note that if you select several model objects at
the same time, and some of the selected
objects already have marks, the content of the
existing marks does not change.
See also
Modify mark or note properties (page 257)
Mark elements (page 892)
Common elements in marks (page 893)
Mark properties (page 877)
Modify mark or note properties (page 257)
The reinforcement marks may already exist in a drawing if you have selected
to create the marks in create the marks at drawing creation (page 754). If there
are no marks, you can add them manually.
1. Open a drawing that contains reinforcement.
2. To adjust the reinforcement mark properties, such as color and mark
elements included, on the Drawing tab, click Properties -->
Reinforcement mark.
3. Click Apply or OK in the properties dialog box.
4. Select the reinforcement by doing one of the following:
• Hold down Shift and select the desired reinforcement.
• Open the Drawing content manager, select the model objects in the
drawing and click Show to populate the Drawing content manager
list. You can select areas, single or multiple views, or reinforcement.
Edit drawings 252 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Then ensure that model object selection is active , and select the
desired reinforcement from the list.
5. Right-click and select Add Mark --> Reinforcement Mark.
The reinforcement mark is created.
Note that if you have not added any elements in the reinforcement mark
properties before adding the reinforcement marks, the properties dialog
will be displayed.
See also
Reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mark elements (page 898)
Reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mesh mark elements (page 899)
NOTE Shortening value added in the user-defined properties of a part also affects
level marks.
Edit drawings 253 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
See also
Level mark properties (page 891)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
See also
Modify section properties in drawings (page 164)
Edit drawings 254 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Add detail marks
You can mark details in the drawing with detail marks.
1. In an open drawing, on the Drawing tab, hold down Shift and click Detail
2. In the Detail Properties dialog box, enter the name for the detail, and
modify the detail boundary and detail mark properties, as desired.
The shape of the detail boundary you select affects the way you select the
area for your detail.
3. Click OK or Apply.
4. Depending on the selected detail boundary shape, do one of the
• If the shape is Circle, pick the center point of the circle and then pick a
point on the circle.
• If the shape is Rectangle, pick corner points for the rectangle.
5. Pick a position for the label.
6. Press Esc to interrupt.
See also
Modify detail properties in drawings (page 166)
Edit drawings 255 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
• To change the rotation of the note, enter a value in the Rotation box.
• To set the note text alignment, select an Alignment option.
• To place the note exactly in the position you pick and keep it there,
click the Place... button and select fixed in the Placing list.
3. Click Apply or OK to save the properties.
4. If you want to add the note to multiple objects at one go, select the
objects by doing one of the following:
• Hold down Shift and click the model objects.
• Activate the Select parts in drawings selection switch and select the
model objects using area selection.
• Open the Drawing content manager from the side pane, select the
model objects in the drawing and click Show to populate the Drawing
content manager list. You can select areas, single or multiple views, or
single or multiple model objects. Then ensure that model object
Edit drawings 256 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
See below for some examples of leader lines. The one on the left is With
leader line, the one in the middle With leader line and the one on the right
Along line.
TIP For edge chamfers and other hard-to-see items, it is easier to use the pop-up
menu command Add associative note because then you do not have to select
the object again after selecting the command from the pop-up.
See also
Mark elements (page 892)
Common elements in marks (page 893)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in drawings (page 243)
Edit drawings 257 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
2. If you have selected multiple marks or notes, go to the Drawing tab, click
Properties and Part mark (or another mark type), or Associative note.
3. Switch all the check boxes off in the dialog box by clicking the on/off
switch at the bottom of the dialog box.
4. Select only the check boxes next to the properties that you want to
modify, and then modify the properties:
• Add missing elements in the mark on the Content tab and change the
element properties.
• Adjust the mark frame and leader line settings, for example the
Leader line Type.
• If you want to change the note or mark rotation, enter a new value in
the Rotation box.
• To change the text alignment, select the desired option in Alignment.
• To exactly place the mark in the position you pick and keep it there,
click the Place... button and select fixed in the Placing list.
5. Click Modify to apply the changes in all the selected marks or notes.
TIP To modify the properties of the weld marks of welds that you added in the
model, you need to modify the weld in the model. When you number the model,
the weld marks are updated in the drawings. In drawings, you can only modify
the visibility settings and appearance of the model welds.
Edit drawings 258 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Drawing type Adjust mark visibility settings
3. Go to the General tab and select whether you
want to display marks by selecting one of the
Visibility in view options. The available
options depend on the mark type:
• distributed: Distributes the marks in the
view. Tekla Structures only creates marks
that are not visible in the other views.
• always: Always creates marks in the view,
irrespective the settings in other views.
• preferred: Acts as distributed, but the
preferred view has a higher priority.
Select preferred to one view only in a
drawing. If you set other views to
distributed, the marks are located only in
the view that has the setting Visibility in
view set to preferred.
• none: Does not create marks.
Note that if you want to create your own
marks manually, always use the none option.
Selecting another option, for example always,
might slow down the drawing update during
opening, even if you had deleted the marks
4. In Parts out of view plane, select whether
you want to display marks for parts that are
out of view plane:
• Visible: Displays marks for parts outside
the view in the drawing.
• Not visible: Displays no marks for parts
outside the view in the drawing.
5. For bolt marks, select if you want to show bolt
marks in main parts, secondary parts, sub-
assembly main parts, or in sub-assembly
secondary parts.
For bolt marks, you can also define the Bolt
size limit, which filters standard-sized bolt
marks out of drawings. Tekla Structures will
not display bolt marks of the size you enter
6. Click to save the changes in view properties,
and then click Close to return to drawing
Edit drawings 259 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Drawing type Adjust mark visibility settings
7. Click Modify.
General arrangement 1. Click a mark type button in the drawing
drawings: properties dialog box. For example, click Part
2. Go to the General tab and select whether you
want to display marks by selecting one of the
Visibility in view options. The available
options depend on the mark type:
• distributed: Distributes the marks in the
view. Tekla Structures only creates marks
that are not visible in the other views.
• always: Always creates marks in the view,
irrespective the settings in other views.
• preferred: Acts as distributed, but the
preferred view has a higher priority.
Select preferred to one view only in a
drawing. If you set other views to
distributed, the marks are located only in
the view that has the setting Visibility in
view set to preferred.
• none: Does not create marks.
Note that if you want to create your own
marks, always use the none option.
Selecting another option, for example
always, might slow down the drawing
update during opening, even if you had
deleted the marks manually.
3. In Parts out of view plane, select whether
you want to display marks for parts that are
out of view plane:
• Visible: Displays marks for parts outside
the view in the drawing.
• Not visible: Displays no marks for parts
outside the view in the drawing.
4. For bolt marks, select if you want to show bolt
marks in main parts, secondary parts, sub-
assembly main parts, or in sub-assembly
secondary parts.
For bolt marks, you can also de ine the Bolt
size limit, which filters standard-sized bolt
marks out of drawings. Tekla Structures will
not display bolt marks of the size you enter
Edit drawings 260 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Drawing type Adjust mark visibility settings
5. Click OK.
6. Click Modify.
See also
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
To Do this
Update all part marks On the Drawing tab, click Update -->
All part marks .
Update selected part marks 1. Select the part marks you want to
2. On the Drawing tab, click
Update --> Selected part
marks .
Update all weld marks On the Drawing tab, click Update -->
All weld marks .
See also
Freeze general arrangement drawings (page 512)
Freeze single-part, cast unit and assembly drawings (page 512)
Edit drawings 261 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
To Do this:
Delete marks for selected parts using 1. In an open drawing, click
selection filter
Selection filter and create a
selection filter that filters out
parts that you do not want to
For an example of the selection
filter, see Example filter below.
2. When you are ready, click Apply.
3. Only activate the Select parts in
to yellow .
4. From Drawing content
manager, select the model
objects whose marks you want to
Edit drawings 262 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
To Do this:
5. Press Delete on the keyboard, or
right-click in the drawing and
select Delete.
Example filter
In the following example, you do not want to delete marks from cast units with
a position number B/1. This means that when you use this filter, activate the
Select parts in drawings selection switch, and use area selection to select the
parts, all other parts get selected.
The image below shows the selected parts and the part marks that you want
to delete.
Edit drawings 263 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Change symbols in drawings
Tekla Structures highlights the marks and dimension marks that have changed
due to changes in the model, and dimension points that have been moved.
Tekla Structures also highlights the changed angle dimensions, level marks,
and associative notes.
There are some advanced options related to change symbols that you may
want to use:
See also
Remove change symbols (page 265)
Edit drawings 264 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Hide all change symbols in a drawing (page 265)
To hide the change symbols, do one of the following in the open drawing:
To Do this
Remove all dimension change On the Drawing tab, click Remove -->
symbols All dimension change symbols .
Remove the selected dimension 1. Select the dimension change
change symbols symbols you want to remove.
2. On the Drawing tab, click
Remove --> Selected dimension
change symbol .
Remove all mark change symbols On the Drawing tab, click Remove -->
All mark change symbols .
Remove the selected mark change 1. Select the mark change symbols
symbols you want to remove.
2. On the Drawing tab, click
Remove --> Selected mark
change symbol .
Remove all associative note change On the Drawing tab, click Remove -->
symbols All associative note change
symbols .
Remove the selected associative note 1. Select the associative note
change symbols change symbols you want to
2. On the Drawing tab, click
Remove --> Selected
associative note change
symbol .
See also
Change symbols in drawings (page 264)
Edit drawings 265 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
2. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to
open the Applications & components catalog.
3. Click the arrow next to Applications to open the applications list.
4. Double-click Remove change clouds.
Tekla Structures removes all change symbols.
The first image shows an example of a mark change symbol after a material
change, and of a dimension change symbol after a change in the size of the
The second image shows the dimension text and the mark after running the
Edit drawings 266 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
See also
Change symbols in drawings (page 264)
Merge marks
You can merge marks to reduce the number of marks in the drawing and to
make the drawing clearer. A merged mark has a single leader line. You can
merge marks automatically before creating a drawing, in drawing properties of
and open drawing, and for some mark types also manually in the final
In a final drawing, you can merge weld marks (page 366) and reinforcement
marks manually (page 270), and part marks, reinforcement marks and surface
treatment marks by adjusting their drawing properties.
For more information about merging prerequisites and principles, see Merged
part marks (page 768).
To activate merging through drawing properties:
1. Open a drawing.
Edit drawings 267 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
2. Double-click the drawing background to open the drawing properties
dialog box.
3. Do one of the following depending on the drawing type.
Edit drawings 268 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Drawing type Adjust mark visibility settings
• Select the contents to be included in the
merged reinforcement marks (page 900).
To ensure that merged reinforcement
marks appear in the drawing, always
include Symbol separating blocks in
mark as the last element in the
reinforcement mark. To omit the
separating symbol, leave this box blank,
but still include the element in the mark.
6. Click Save to save the changes in view
properties, and then click Close to return to
drawing properties.
7. Click Modify.
General arrangement 1. Click a mark type button in the drawing
drawings: properties dialog box. For example, click Part
2. Go to the General tab.
3. In Merge marks, select On to merge part
marks, or surface treatment marks.
4. To merge reinforcement marks, click
Reinforcement marks... in the drawing
properties dialog box and go to the Merging
Identical marks in same cast unit:
• One leader line to group creates one
leader line for a group of reinforcing bars.
• One leader line per row: Merges the
marks and creates one leader line for a row
of reinforcing bars.
• Parallel leader lines: Merges the marks
and creates parallel leader lines.
• Leader lines to one point: Merges the
marks and draws all leader lines to one
• No merge: Marks are not merged, an
individual leader line is created for each
• If you select No merge, you still need to
define the mark content for the marks that
Tekla Structures automatically merges on
the Merging tab.
Edit drawings 269 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Drawing type Adjust mark visibility settings
Preferred direction of merge:
• If there are several possible merge
directions, select Merge horizontal or
Merge vertical.
Available elements/Elements in mark:
Available elements/Elements in mark:
• Select the contents to be included in the
merged reinforcement marks (page 900).
To ensure that merged reinforcement
marks appear in the drawing, always
include Symbol separating blocks in
mark as the last element in the
reinforcement mark. To omit the
separating symbol, leave this box blank,
but still include the element in the mark.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Modify.
See also
Merge marks automatically (page 767)
See also
Merge reinforcement marks automatically (page 771)
Edit drawings 270 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Drag the mark and associative note leader line base point
You can move the leader line base point by dragging it.
Ensure that you have selected Smart select in File menu --> Settings to drag
and drop by handles without selecting them first.
1. Click the leader line.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the base point to a new
If the base point is originally on a line, you can drag it along that line. If the
base point is originally inside a part, you can drag the base point inside
that part.
Edit drawings 271 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Opaque hides the area in the drawing that is covered by the text:
Transparent shows the area in the drawing that is covered by the text so
that the linework is shown:
6. To wrap the word, set Word wrapping to On. You can define the line
length using the Ruler width option.
When the word wrapping is activated, the text object gets a handle, which
you can drag to make the text wider or narrower.
7. Select a frame type, leader line and color.
8. Select the leader line arrow type and size.
9. To exactly place the text in the position you pick, and keep it there, click
the Place... button and select fixed in the Placing list.
10. Click OK or Apply.
11. Pick the point where you want to place the text. Depending on the
command, you have to pick one to three times.
By default, text is aligned to the left. The line spacing is automatically
adjusted by the font size you select.
You can continue picking to add the same line of text in another location.
You can also drag the base point of the text leader line freely after adding
the text.
Edit drawings 272 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
See below for examples of the different text options. From left: Text; With
leader line; Along line; Along line, arrow at end; and Along line, arrow at
Edit drawings 273 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Dimensioning: General category.
2. Ensure that the advanced option XS_SUPERSCRIPT_USED_IN_DRAWING_
TEXTS is set to TRUE.
3. Open the properties dialog box of a text object, mark or associative note
by holding down Shift and clicking the command.
For example, on the Drawing tab, click Text --> With leader line.
4. Do one of the following:
• For text objects, enter the desired text in the Text box.
• For marks and associative notes, open the Mark content - text dialog
box by double-clicking Text in the Available elements list and enter
the desired text in the Text box.
5. Enter circumflexes (^) around the characters that you want to have in
6. Click OK.
7. Add the text, mark or note.
The following example shows how the superscript is entered in the Text box
and what it looks like in the text.
See also
Add text in drawings (page 271)
Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in drawings (page 243)
Manual dimensioning (page 167)
Edit drawings 274 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
NOTE If you change the text in the text file, it will change in all drawings
containing a link to the text file.
Edit drawings 275 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
10. Pick a location for the upper left corner of the text frame in the drawing.
Tekla Structures adds the link to the text file.
11. You can edit the text and modify the text file properties:
• To edit the text file, double-click the text inside the frame. Tekla
Structures opens the original text file.
• To modify the text file properties, double-click the frame around the
text. For .rtf files, you cannot modify the text color or font here, you
need to changes these in the .rft file itself. For plain text files, you
can also change the font color.
In the following example you can see that the text file may contain bulleted
lists, numbered lists, colors, italics, and bold, and you can change the font of
the desired text parts.
In the following example, the scaling type is No scaling. The text wraps when
you change the size of the frame by dragging the handles, so that the text
always fits the frame. The font size does not change.
In the following example, the scaling type is Scale to fit. If you change the text
frame size by dragging from the handles, the text does not wrap, and the font
size changes automatically so that the text fits the frame.
Edit drawings 276 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Add hyperlinks in drawings
You can add hyperlinks to Internet addresses (URLs) within a frame in a
1. Open a drawing where you want to add a hyperlink.
2. On the Drawing tab, click Link --> Hyperlink .
3. Modify the text color, height, font and effect.
4. Modify the frame line type and color.
5. Select if you want to scale the link.
If you select No scaling, you only need pick the upper left corner of the
frame when you insert the link. Tekla Structures inserts the link in its
original size. If you select Scale to fit, you need to pick two points to
define the frame. Tekla Structures adjusts the link size to fit the frame.
6. In the File or URL text box, enter an Internet address or filename and
If you need to locate the file, click Browse... Tekla Structures inserts an
active hyperlink to the location you specify.
7. If you want to display text for the hyperlink instead of the hyperlink, enter
the text in the Text box.
8. Click OK or Apply.
9. Pick one or two points in the drawing to indicate the corners of the
hyperlink frame.
Double-click the hyperlink text in the drawing to jump to the Internet address.
In the example below, Scale to fit has been selected. The Internet address for
the hyperlink is shown.
Edit drawings 277 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Add links to other drawings
You can insert a link to another drawing in a frame in a drawing. Tekla
Structures adds the link to the drawing using the properties in the Drawing
Link Properties dialog box.
1. Open the drawing.
2. On the Drawing tab, click Link --> To another drawing .
3. Modify the text color, height, font and effect.
4. Modify the frame line type and color.
5. Select if you want to scale the link. If you select No scaling, Tekla
Structures inserts the link in its original size.
If you select Scale to fit, Tekla Structures adjusts the object size to fit the
6. On the Drawing tab, click Drawing list, and select the drawing to link to.
The drawings on the list are the drawings in the current model.
7. If you want to display text for the link instead of the drawing name, enter
the text in the Text box.
8. Pick two points to define the frame and add the link.
9. Click OK or Apply.
You can open the linked drawing by double-clicking the link.
In the example below, Scale to fit has been selected, and the link contains the
name of the drawing.
Edit drawings 278 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Add revision marks in drawings
Revision marks are symbols that you can add in the drawing when you want to
indicate a change in the Tekla Structures model or drawing, and the objects
that have changed. Tekla Structures creates the revision mark using the
properties in the Revision Mark Properties dialog box. If you create revisions
through the Drawing list using the Revision... command, Tekla Structures will
not create any marks inside the drawing.
1. Open a drawing.
2. On the Drawing tab, click Revision mark and select one of the following
• Add revision mark
• Pointing to left
• Pointing to right
• Along line, pointing to left
• Along line, pointing to right
3. Enter the mark, date, and information on the changes.
Tekla Structures shows this information in the revision table of the
4. To place the revision mark exactly in the position you pick and keep it
there, click the Place... button and select fixed in the Placing list.
5. Go to the Appearance tab and set the text color, height, font and angle,
the frame color, leader line and type, and the leader line arrow type and
6. Click OK or Apply.
7. Pick a point or points to place the mark.
Edit drawings 279 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
Tekla Structures creates the revisions and revision marks. You can also see
the new revisions on the Drawing list.
To delete any unnecessary revision marks, select the marks and press
See also
Leader line types (page 883)
Revise drawings (page 515)
Tekla Structures supports AutoCAD version 2010 and earlier in DWG/DXF links.
The added dwg/dxf files also support AutoCAD control codes, such as %%u for
underscore, or %%c for a circle diameter dimensioning symbol ø.
1. Open the drawing where you want to insert a link to a DWG/DXF file.
2. On the Drawing tab, click DWG/DXF.
3. Select the scaling options:
• Scaling:
• X: When you use this setting, you need to pick the left upper corner
of the frame to insert the file. You can only set the drawing scale in
the X direction.
• XY: When you use this setting, you need to pick the left upper
corner of the frame to insert the file. You can set the drawing scale
in both the X and Y direction.
Edit drawings 280 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
• Scale to fit: When you use this setting, you need to pick the left
upper and bottom right corners of the frame to size and create the
frame. Tekla Structures scales the file to fit the frame.
• Best fit: When you use this setting, you need to pick the left upper
and bottom right corners of the frame to size and create the frame.
Tekla Structures scales the file to fit, maintaining its original aspect
• Scale in X
• Scales the file in the X direction. Enter a coefficient to indicate the
scale, for example, 1.0 for 100%, 1.5 for 150%, etc. The scaling type
must be set to X or XY.
• Scale in Y
• Scales the file in the Y direction. Enter a coefficient to indicate the
scale, for example, 1.0 for 100%, 1.5 for 150%, etc. The scaling type
must be set to XY.
4. Select the link frame line type and color.
5. In Name, browse for the DWG or DXF file you want to use.
6. Pick one or two points in the drawing to place the frame.
7. Click OK or Apply.
Tekla Structures adds a link to the DWG or DXF file inside a frame in the
Edit drawings 281 Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in
• Scale to fit: When you use this setting, you need to pick the left
upper and bottom right corners of the frame to size and create the
frame. Tekla Structures scales the image to fit the frame.
• Best fit: When you use this setting, you need to pick the left upper
and bottom right corners of the frame to size and create the frame.
Tekla Structures scales the image to fit, maintaining its original
aspect ratio.
• Scale in X
• Scales the file in the X direction. Enter a coefficient to indicate the
scale, for example, 1.0 for 100%, 1.5 for 150%, etc. The scaling type
must be set to X or XY.
• Scales the file in the Y direction. Enter a coefficient to indicate the
scale, for example, 1.0 for 100%, 1.5 for 150%, etc. The scaling type
must be set to XY.
4. Select the link frame line type and color.
5. In Name, browse for the image file you want to use.
6. Pick the points in the drawing to place the frame.
7. Click OK or Apply.
Tekla Structures adds a link to the image file inside a frame in the drawing.
selection is active . Then select the desired model objects from the
5. On the Drawing tab, click Hide/show and one of the following
• Hide from view: Tekla Structures hides the selected object in the view
where the selected objects are located.
• Hide from drawing: Tekla Structures hides the selected object in all
drawing views.
You can also right-click and select the commands from the pop-up menu.
6. When you want to show the hidden objects again, go to the Drawing tab
and click Hide/show and selectShow in view or Show in drawing.
Below there are some examples of the results with different combinations of
In the example below, the hidden reinforcing bars are not listed.
When the dimensions are visible, a small d is displayed on the status bar:
lines, click Arrange marks. Remember that you first have to select
the marks or notes.
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
To Do this
Align selected texts, marks, views and a. Select the aligning command
graphical objects from the toolbar:
Below is an example where marks have been aligned to left.
For a list of and for more information about drawing snap switches, see Snap
switches and symbols.
For more information on snap settings, see Snap settings.
In the example below, you first add a text with a leader line using a 60 degree
angle to the part:
Then you will add a new text using the same angle:
3. Point to the direction where you want to place the start point of the line.
To Do this
Drag the object • Point the handle, object or object
frame, hold down the left mouse
button and drag the object to a
new location.
The object follows the cursor while
you drag the object, and you can
all the time see what the end
result will be.
With circles, you can also use the
middle handle for dragging.
Resize the object 1. Click one of the objects or object
frame handles.
2. Drag the handle to resize the
object or object frame.
To enlarge the rectangle in all
directions, drag from a corner
NOTE If you drag a mark, note, text or dimension, its placing setting may be
set to fixed depending what its set for the advanced options listed
below. The mark, note, text or dimension stays where it is even though
you update the drawing.
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
See also
Adjust part mark leader lines with advanced options (page 761)
Place reinforcement mark leader line base point automatically (page 762)
Drag the mark and associative note leader line base point (page 270)
• Cut lines cannot be created for polybeams.
• View extension for neighbor parts setting is not taken into account.
See also
Indicate cut lines in Tekla Structures drawings (page 298)
Tekla Structures removes all previously created cut lines, and creates new ones
that are up-to-date.
See also
Indicate cut lines in Tekla Structures drawings (page 298)
See also
Indicate cut lines in Tekla Structures drawings (page 298)
Tekla Structures explodes the plug-in into base objects that are added to the
view. Now you can edit and use the exploded objects as any other drawing
objects through the properties dialog box.
Edit drawings 300 Explode drawing plug-ins and use them as normal
4.14 Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects
Sketch objects are objects that you may add in a drawing to highlight
information existing in the Tekla Structures model, or to indicate positions of
openings, windows, doors, and such. In open Tekla Structures drawings, you
can use the sketching tools to sketch clouds, lines, circles, rectangles, arcs,
polylines, and polygons, for example. Use can use these tools to explode and
combine sketch objects, cover-up outlines and part faces, and create fillets and
chamfers. You can re-order sketch objects, and sketch objects and model
objects. Using the sketching tools, you can also trim, extend, split and divide
sketch objects, and copy objects using offset.
Sketch objects are associative if they have associativity points, i.e. they are
associated to a building object.
Click the following links to find out more about sketching tools and sketch
Draw sketch objects in drawings (page 301)
Combine and explode sketch objects in drawings (page 305)
Create and add pattern lines in drawings (page 307)
Re-order sketch objects in drawings (page 306)
Trim drawing lines (page 314)
Split sketch objects (page 316)
Divide sketch objects (page 316)
Create fillets in drawings (page 318)
Create chamfers in drawings (page 319)
Copy sketch objects with offset (page 317)
Hide part face areas and outlines with cover-up tools (page 321)
See also
Drawing objects (page 21)
Drawing sketch object properties (page 929)
• Line --> Pattern line: Sketch a line containing a pattern that you
select using the current pattern line properties.
Tip: If you need a new pattern, use the Pattern line editor to create it
(File --> Editors --> Pattern line editor).
• Draw arc by three points: Sketch an arc that traverses the three
points you pick, either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
• Draw cloud: Sketch a cloud that traverses the points you pick.
Close the cloud by clicking the middle mouse button. Remember to set
the Bulge for all lines factor for the clouds.
See also
Drawing sketch object properties (page 929)
Define customized line types in TeklaStructures.lin (page 832)
To Do this
Combine separate lines, 1. Select the separate lines or polylines.
continuous lines or
polylines into a single
polyline or a closed
Separate lines and polyline are combined into a
single polyline or a closed polygon. When you
select the combined shape, you can see that Tekla
Structures has combined the lines and created
more handles in the shape:
See also
Draw sketch objects in drawings (page 301)
If you have several sketch objects (objects on several layers), the drawing order
affects on which layer the forward and backward commands place the objects.
Newly created sketch objects are placed on their own layer in the drawing
order: newer ones on top of the older ones.
NOTE • Sketch objects that are placed behind model objects, cannot
be rearranged together with sketch objects that are placed in
front of the model objects.
• You cannot change the mutual order of model objects.
3. Enter a name for the pattern line in Create new. If you want to modify a
pattern line, select the desired pattern line from the list first.
4. In the Start element area, click New on the right to create a new start
element. The start element starts the pattern line (marked with red in the
dialog box example below).
8. You can check your pattern line definitions and how the line looks by
9. Save your pattern line by clicking the Save button . The pattern line is
saved in a .clp file in the \attributes folder under the model folder.
Now you can open a drawing and create a pattern line using the pattern line
that you defined.
The symbols in the following example are taken from the
PatternLineSymbols symbol file.
• The symbol at the left end is the start element, symbol #49.
• The symbol at the right end is the end element, symbol #48.
• Blue color is defined for the start and end elements.
• Symbol #51 in red is used as a repeating element.
• Two SolidLines are used as continuous elements with vertical offsets 2.0
and -2.0.
Tip: If your pattern lines are jumping like in the example below, try using
continuous elements instead of repeating elements.
To Do this
Extend the line Click the end of the line to extend it to the boundary line.
Original lines:
Shorten the line Click the line at the end from which you want to shorten it.
from the left or right
Original line:
See also
Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects (page 300)
See also
Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects (page 300)
See also
Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects (page 300)
Example of a copied line:
Example of a straight chamfer:
3. Pick points and draw a non-transparent area or line over the area that you
want to hide.
The cover-up object dimensions are shown while you draw it, and also
when the object is selected. You can do the following with cover-up
• Drag cover-up objects to another location.
• Resize cover-up objects by dragging the handles.
• Reshape polyline and polygon objects by dragging the handles.
• Explode (page 305) a cover-up polyline into separate straight cover-up
• Combine (page 305) a cover-up line or polyline into a closed cover-up
See also
Drawing sketching tools and sketch objects (page 300)
NOTE If you want to change the model weld properties, go back to the
model, and make the changes there. In the drawing, you can only
change the visibility settings and appearance of the model welds. For
manually added drawing weld marks the properties can be changed in
the drawings.
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings (page 909)
Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings (page 910)
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
Welds in drawings (page 346)
Limitations: The color of the center lines can be changed only on the drawing
and view level, not on the object level. For center lines, you can only adjust the
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings (page 909)
Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings (page 910)
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
Pour object and pour break properties in drawings (page 922)
Model weld properties in drawings (page 927)
Example: Part representations (page 795)
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings (page 809)
TIP To use a view shortening symbol instead of the empty area, set the advanced
You can control the appearance of the view shortening symbol with the
Below is an example where the zig zag shortening symbol is used.
See also
Shorten parts in drawing views (page 634)
Shorten or lengthen parts (page 632)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
See also
Building objects in drawings (page 324)
Show edge chamfers in a drawing (page 327)
Define default line color and type for edge chamfers (page 328)
Change edge chamfer line color and type manually (page 328)
Add associative notes to edge chamfers (page 329)
Example: Edge chamfers (page 330)
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Edge chamfers in drawings (page 326)
TIP You can override the default settings manually in a drawing by changing the
edge chamfer line color and type in the Edge Chamfer Properties dialog box
(page 328).
The following examples show how the edge chamfers are displayed with
different part representation settings:
TIP You can also set a default line color and type for edge chamfers (page 328).
See also
Add associative notes in drawings (page 255)
Below is an example of fillet edges in the model:
4. Search for details by entering a search term in the search box at the top of
2D Library. Tekla Structures shows the matching details in the view.
Details are only searched in the currently displayed folder and its
, and select Current model, System, Project or Firm. You can also
browse further to other folders by selecting Browse...
4. Click a detail and then click the drawing view or drawing to place the
detail. Tekla Structures inserts the detail. The detail is inserted as a plug-
in, which means that the detail objects are grouped and stay together
when you select or move the detail in a drawing.
Tekla Structures creates the detail and adds it to 2D Library in the \Drawing
Details folder under the current model folder. This folder is automatically
1. In 2D Library, click the Folder button , and select New folder. You
can rename the new folder by clicking the folder and entering a name at
the bottom of the side pane.
2. Right-click a detail you want to copy or move and click Cut or Copy.
3. Right-click the new folder and select Paste. Tekla Structures copies or
moves the selected detail.
4. If you want to add some details in a system folder, create a subfolder in a
system folder (defined by XS_SYSTEM) and rename it Drawing Details,
then copy details from the model folder to the new \Drawing Details
system folder using Windows Explorer. You can copy or move details in
the same way to the project and firm folders.
Explode a detail
You can explode an inserted detail into lines and texts, for example, to update
the detail with new objects.
For example, you may have created a detail and something does not look
quite right. You can explode the detail, make modifications and update the
detail with the changes.
Another example could be that you have a set of company-specific details that
you are inserting details from. You can explode a detail and edit it, and make a
new detail out of it.
• In a drawing, right-click an inserted detail, and select Explode.
The detail is exploded to lines and texts. Now you can edit the detail, and then
update the detail.
2. Click the Drawing 2D Library button in the side pane to open the 2D
3. Browse for the folder containing the .dwg files in the 2D Library. You can
also move your reference files to a \Drawing Details folder under the
current model folder.
4. If you always want to insert a detail inside a view when necessary, click the
Weld concepts
Model welds are displayed as weld marks and welds or weld seams in drawings.
Welds and weld marks can be controlled separately. For example, you may
want to show the welds in one drawing view and the weld marks in another.
3D model welds are representations of welds in the real world. Weld solids in
drawings are representations of the welds in models. Weld seam is the part of
the weld path where the weld solid is drawn. Weld path may consist of several
weld seams.
Weld solids are shown in drawings for the following welds:
• Weld solids are shown in drawings for those weld types that have real solid
support. Welds that have no real solid support are shown in the model with
a hexagonal placeholder, and in drawings weld solids are not shown.
• Custom cross-section welds are also supported.
Weld solids can be shown as outlines or paths, with or without hidden lines.
In the first example, the welds on the right and in the middle are drawn with
outlines and own hidden lines. The weld on the left shows the weld path and
hidden lines:
The weld symbols inside the weld marks indicate the weld properties defined
for the model weld in the model or for the drawing weld mark in the drawing.
Below is an example of a model weld seam (in red) and a model weld mark (in
green) in a drawing.
Weld placement
When parts are welded together, you can place welds on:
• The arrow sides only
• The other sides only
• Both the arrow and other sides
The following images describe the basic placement principles of welds.
Example 2
The example below shows a staggered, intermittent weld. The length is set to
50 and the pitch to 100.
Example 3
The example below shows a non-staggered, intermittent weld. The length is
set to 50 and the pitch to 100. The pitch is shown in the weld mark when the
pitch value is greater than 0.0.
Example 6
In this example, the staggered, intermittent weld option is selected like in the
previous example, but the advanced option XS_AISC_WELD_MARK is set to
TRUE to produce an AISC-compliant weld mark.
See also
Add manual weld marks in drawings (page 361)
Welds in drawings (page 346)
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings (page 888)
Model weld properties in drawings (page 927)
To select which model weld properties to show, and to modify weld mark
properties on drawing view level:
1. In an open drawing, double-click a view frame to open the View
Properties dialog box.
2. Click Weld mark to go to weld mark properties.
3. Select whether to show the weld number in Weld number (No/Yes).
4. Under Visibility:
• In Welds and Welds in sub-assemblies, select what kind of weld
marks to show, or whether to hide all welds (None, Site, Workshop,
Both ).
• In Welds in hidden parts, select what kind of weld marks to show for
hidden parts (None, Site, Workshop, Both).
• In Weld size limit, enter a weld size limit to filter weld marks of that
size out of the drawing.
Even though you set the weld size limit, weld marks are always shown
if they have reference texts.
TIP You can modify the properties of individual model weld marks in an
open drawing by double-clicking a model weld mark to open
Welding Mark Properties dialog box. To select several marks, for
example for deleting, right-click the weld mark and select Select
weld marks and From current drawing view or From all drawing
The first example shows a weld mark where a lot of properties are visible:
In the second example, all other welding mark properties have been hidden,
except Type from Above line and Below line, and Reference text from
See also
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings (page 888)
In the first example below, the welds on the right and in the middle are drawn
with outlines and hidden lines. The weld on the left shows the path and
hidden lines.
The second example is a cross-section of the structure. The welds on the left
and in the middle are drawn with outlines, and the weld on the right shows the
path. The welds on the right and left go around the part corner. The welds
have manual dimensions.
TIP Having Smart select ( File menu --> Settings --> Smart select ) selected
makes selecting the leader line base point much easier.
Limitation: You cannot drag the weld leader base point to the back-side of a
double-sided weld.
1. Click the weld mark near the leader line base point.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the base point to a new
location by the leader line base point handle located in the tip of the
The second image shows the model weld marks in a drawing. The area within
which the weld mark leader line base point can be dragged is indicated with
dark green.
See also
Drawing weld mark properties (page 885)
Add manual weld marks in drawings (page 361)
In the example below, the Weld solid custom presentation is used for drawing
the weld solids.
In the following example, Corners Only custom presentation is used for laser
layout projection. Drawing all the lines of a part slows down the laser and
makes it too dim to see on the layout table.
See also
Edit drawings (page 143)
See also
Adjust the location of a single reinforcing bar (page 370)
Before you can show layer information in a drawing, you first need to run the
Rebar classification macro in the model. The Rebar classification classifies
the meshes and reinforcing bars in the selected walls or slabs by their
1. Level prefix style layering marker. The number, for example number 1 in
T1, indicates the layer number. The letter, for example T in T1, indicates
whether the reinforcing bar is on the top, bottom, near side or far side
2. Symbol style layering marker. The number of triangles indicates the layer
number from the face. Triangle orientation indicates whether the
reinforcing bar is on the top, bottom, near side or far side layer. For
The reinforcement marks may already exist in a drawing if you have selected
to create the marks in create the marks at drawing creation (page 754). If there
are no marks, you can add them manually.
1. Open a drawing that contains reinforcement.
2. To adjust the reinforcement mark properties, such as color and mark
elements included, on the Drawing tab, click Properties -->
Reinforcement mark.
3. Click Apply or OK in the properties dialog box.
4. Select the reinforcement by doing one of the following:
• Hold down Shift and select the desired reinforcement.
• Open the Drawing content manager, select the model objects in the
drawing and click Show to populate the Drawing content manager
list. You can select areas, single or multiple views, or reinforcement.
Then ensure that model object selection is active , and select the
desired reinforcement from the list.
5. Right-click and select Add Mark --> Reinforcement Mark.
The reinforcement mark is created.
Note that if you have not added any elements in the reinforcement mark
properties before adding the reinforcement marks, the properties dialog
will be displayed.
• On the Geometry tab, define the shape and position of the rebar
mark, and mark line and leader line settings.
On the Mark 1–Mark 3 tabs, define the content for the rebar mark,
such as the diameter, cc distances and the number.
On the Lines and symbols tab, define the generation settings and the
layout of the lines and symbols of the rebar mark.
For more information about the settings, see Rebar group marking
settings below.
8. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures creates the rebar marks according to the defined settings.
Option 2:
Option 3:
Option 4:
You can also affect the shape of the leader line for
many of the options with the settings d1, d2, h, v,
and e.
Define the shape of the mark line. The options are
You can also affect the shape of the mark line for
some of the options with settings b1, b2, a, andc,
and e
Define an offset for Mark 3 from the mark line.
1. In the drawing, select the object for which you want to create pull-out
pictures: reinforcement, parts, views, or a drawing from the Drawing list.
5. Define the type of method, the positions of the bending shapes, and other
necessary settings:
For more information about the settings, see Rebar pull-out picture and
marking settings below.
7. Click Modify.
Line type
Option 2:
Option 3:
Hook directions Define the direction of the hooks of the bars. Seen
from a top view from a beam, for example, the
direction of the hooks may be defined as Top,
Middle and Bottom of the the beam. For all of the
directions, you can select between two options:
Marks tab
On this tab, you can define the generation of Mark 1 and Mark 2. For
Rebar text properties Define the text properties for the rebar position.
The available properties files are the ones that
have been defined and saved in the Text properties
(page 271) dialog box.
Number of rebars Total number in rebar group: Displays the total
number of rebars in the rebar group, regardless of
the number of the physically visible rebars in the
Number displayed in view: Only displays the
number of the visible rebars in the drawing view.
Total number in cast unit: Displays the total
number of rebars in the cast unit.
These options are only available when you select
Number as the mark content.
Units Define the units:
• Automatic
• mm
• cm
• m
• foot - inch
• inch
Only available for the following mark content:
• Length
• Cc
• cc min
• cc max
Vertical text position Define the position of the text in the vertical
direction. The options are:
• No
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
• (1)
• (2)
• (3)
• (5)
• (6)
You can change the representation of the current rebar dimension after
creating it by double-clicking the rebar dimension in an open drawing, and
modifying the dimension content (page 851), appearance (page 856), and
marks and tags (page 858) as required. For example, you may want to add
more tags, change dimension mark content, or select how to align tags in
curved dimensions.
Below is an example, where only one rebar of the group is visible, and the
dimension line has been dragged outside the group.
Option Description
Dimension mark settings Select which predefined dimension
settings you always want to apply to
dimension marks. These settings are
used when you create dimension
marks with the Add Mark -->
Dimension Mark command.
Tagged dimension mark settings Select which predefined dimension
settings you always want to apply to
tagged dimension marks. These
settings are used when you create
dimension marks with the Add Mark
--> Tagged Dimension mark
Dimension line settings Select which predefined dimension
settings you always want to apply to
dimension lines that you create with
the Create dimension line
Dimension line extension length for You can create line extensions
line arrow (page 725) in dimensions that have
line arrows. Enter the length of the
dimension line extension in the
Dimension line extension length
for line arrow box. This setting will
be applied to all dimension that have
line arrows.
No extension
reinforcement group .
Tapered curved reinforcement group Select whether curved dimensions
have curved or horizontal
representation in Tapered curved
reinforcement group .
• You can also add middle tags in rebar dimensions. Here dual dimensions
(page 180) have been applied:
In the example below, only one rebar is visible, and rebar tags are aligned
vertically :
For more information about the settings, see Rebar group dimensioning
settings below.
7. Click Modify.
Marks behind the To create marks behind the dimension line, select
dimension line Yes. No is the default value.
Free space below text / If you select Free space below text, enter a
Dimension line spacing millimeter value to indicate the space between the
last line of dimension mark text and the next
dimension line.
Visualized rebars
Group end rebars Applied to the first and last bar in the group.
Part edges
Symbols only
Define the color and the line type for the various
leader line types.
Below is an example of a mesh view.
The drawing below contains a 3D view of a wall with two bent meshes, and a
separate unbent mesh view of both of the meshes.
7. Save the view properties by clicking Save and return to the drawing
properties dialog box by clicking Close.
8. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
WARNING If the pours are enabled in the model, do not disable the pours
using XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT, especially in the middle of
the project. This may cause problems if you have drawings
containing pours, and if you are sharing your model. The pours
and pour breaks in the model and in the drawings may get
invalid, and you may lose all pour-related modeling work.
Pour objects
The geometry of the pour objects is presented as monolithic concrete. The
pour objects can be presented in plan, section and 3D drawings. Tekla
Pour breaks
Pour breaks are shown in general arrangement drawings as they have been
modeled. The pour breaks are represented by a symbol. You can change the
symbol using the advanced option XS_POUR_BREAK_SYMBOL. The symbol
scale and the spacing between the symbols follows the drawing view scale
You can show pour breaks automatically, and modify the pour break
properties and add associative notes to the pour breaks in an open drawing.
In the image below, you can see two pour objects colored differently, each
having a pour object mark. The pour break can be seen between the pour
objects, it is represented by a symbol. The pour break is marked with an
associative note.
See also
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Pour object and pour break properties in drawings (page 922)
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings (page 809)
Examples of pour drawings and pour reports (page 468)
Change the pour break symbol (page 467)
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Drawing Properties category.
2. Set a new value for the advanced option XS_POUR_BREAK_SYMBOL.
The default value is PourBreaks@0. The value refers to the
PourBreaks.sym file where the symbol is defined. The symbol value
starts with the symbol library file name (PourBreaks) and ends with the
number of the symbol (0). The default symbol file is located in ..
\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments
You can also create a new symbol file containing a new symbol, and save
it. Then define the new .sym file for XS_POUR_BREAK_SYMBOL. If you wish
to use a symbol file that is not located under your environment folders,
See also
Pours in drawings (page 464)
To Click below
Modify grid properties and the Modify grid and grid line properties in
properties of individual grid lines drawings (page 469)
Drawing grid properties (page 930)
Hide grids and individual grid lines Hide grids or grid lines (page 482)
Drag grid labels if the label is covering Drag grid labels (page 481)
an important area in a drawing
Set automatic grid properties before Define automatic grid properties
you create the drawing (page 792)
To modify the grid or grid line properties on object level in an open drawing:
1. Ensure that you have the correct selection switch selected.
use .
2. Double-click the grid or the grid line. Tekla Structures opens the Grid
properties or Grid line properties dialog box.
3. Visible shows the grid lines in the drawing. If you want to see the labels
only, select Only grid labels visible.
4. Modify the label text placing, grid line and text settings as required.
5. Click Modify.
NOTE You can also set a fixed width to the grid label frames and set a width factor
for the grid label frames:
See also
Drawing grid properties (page 930)
Note that the Datum level in the drawing View Properties does not work
in the same way as the Offset in Z. Setting Offset in Z in grid UDAs to
1000.00 gives the same result as setting the Datum level to -1000.00. The
view Datum level setting moves coordinates, and level marks are relative
to the coordinates. The Datum level setting does not move the content of
the view, the content just becomes relatively moved in the opposite
5. Click OK, select the grid and select Modify.
Now you have created the necessary grid label texts and adjusted the needed
values. Next, you can customize the drawing grid labels.
2. On the Drawing tab, hold down Shift and click Grid labels .
3. Define the properties for the custom grid labels:
Grid label placing Select which grid labels are displayed by selecting
the desired check boxes.
Use settings from Define where the grid label properties are taken
• Grid inherits the properties from the grid.
Note that if you have defined settings for text
color, height and font in the standard drawing
Grid properties dialog box, the corresponding
settings in the Advanced grid label properties
dialog box will changed accordingly, when you
click Modify.
• dialog box uses the settings defined in the
Advanced grid label properties dialog box.
Frame type Select the type of the frame:
Any symbol, grid label text inside, at the bottom
1. Ensure that you have the Select grid line selection switch active .
2. In an open drawing, on the Drawing tab, hold down Shift and click Grid
labels .
3. Define the properties for the grid labels (see instructions above).
4. Click OK, and pick a grid line. You can also select several grid lines using
area selection.
Tekla Structures customizes the grid labels and label texts on the selected grid
line according to the modifications you made.
1. Ensure that you have the Select grid selection switch active .
2. In an open drawing, on the Drawing tab, hold down Shift and Grid labels
3. Only select the check box of the grid label that you want to customize.
4. Define the properties for the custom grid label.
5. Click Modify and select the grid label.
1. Ensure that you have the Select grid selection switch active .
1. Ensure that you have the Select grid selection switch active .
2. In an open drawing, on the Drawing tab, hold down Shift and click Grid
labels .
4. Define the properties for the horizontal grid labels. For example, for
elevation grid label, set up an elevation symbol.
5. Click OK and select the grid.
Custom grid labels are added on the horizontal grid lines. There are no
grid labels on the vertical grid lines.
8. Define the properties for the vertical grid labels. For example, select the
desired frame label type.
9. Click OK and select the grid line.
Custom grid labels are added on the vertical grid lines of the selected grid. The
horizontal grid lines have the labels that you added earlier.
• You can also do this in another way and use different prefixes:
a. First in the model grid user-defined attributes, add in Prefix
offset in X and in Prefix offset in Y values W: and N: in the
following way:
• The grid lines are not refreshed automatically.
• If you have hidden grid lines or otherwise modified them, you need to
click Modify in the Advanced grid label properties dialog box to
refresh the grid labels.
• If you drag grid line handles, the custom grid labels are not moved
together with the handle, until you click Modify in the Advanced grid
label properties dialog box.
• Advanced grid labels are not supported in multidrawings, key plans or in
cloning, or when moving views to another drawing.
• Not all frame types are allowed for all axises.
Ensure, that you have selected Smart select in File menu --> Settings to drag
and drop by handles without selecting them first.
1. Ensure that you have the grid line selection switch selected .
2. Click a grid.
3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the label by the handle to a
new location.
To hide grids, use the selection switch , and to hide grid lines, use
2. Click a grid or a grid line.
3. Right-click the grid or the grid line and click Hide/Show --> Hide from
Drawing View .
TIP If you want to show the grids or grid lines, press B until the color mode is Color,
right-click the grid or the grid line, and select Hide/Show --> Show in Drawing
View . You can see and select the hidden grids and grid lines only in Color mode.
Symbol Editor
You can open Symbol Editor by clicking File menu --> Editors --> Symbol
editor. In Symbol Editor, you can create new symbol files, and create and
modify symbols.
The Symbol files dialog box in drawing mode allows you to change the symbol
file in use. It also provides access to Symbol Editor.
See also
Customize weld type symbols (page 362)
Define a firm folder for images and symbols (page 494)
1. Depending on where you are in Tekla Structures, you can open a symbol
file in Symbol Editor in several ways:
• On the File menu, click Editors --> Symbol editor. Open a symbol file
using File --> Open.
• Open the Mark content - symbol dialog box by double-clicking a mark
in an open drawing, and selecting Symbol from the available mark
elements list in the mark properties dialog box. Then click Select...,
select a file from the Symbol files browser and click Edit....
• Open the Symbol Properties dialog box by double-clicking a symbol
that you have added in a drawing. Then click Select..., select a file from
the Symbol files browser and click Edit....
2. Modify the file in the Symbol Editor:
a. Click symbol in slot and sketch your new symbol with drawing tools.
You can also import AutoCAD or MicroStation files on the Import tab.
b. When you are happy with the symbol, point the symbol slot to check
the number of the new symbol at the bottom of the window.
In many places, when adding a symbol, you need to know the
number of the symbol to be able to use it.
TIP In Symbol Editor, you can copy symbols between symbol files (*.sym). Press Ctrl
+ C and select the symbol you would like to copy, then open the symbol file you
want to copy to (or a new symbol file), select the location for the symbol and
press Ctrl + V.
See also
Define a firm folder for images and symbols (page 494)
If you decide to use your own files, you can add DXK_SYMBOLPATH in the
options.ini file under the model folder and define your own symbol file
folder paths there. The symbol files are read in a certain search order
(page 482).
1. On the File menu, click Editors --> Symbol editor.
2. Click File --> New.
You can also open an existing symbol file, edit it and save with a new
3. Create the symbol in the Symbol Editor.
4. Click File --> Save and save the symbol file in the folder that you use for
keeping your symbol files.
If you opened an existing symbol file, use File --> Save as and give the
symbol file another name.
See also
Symbols in drawings (page 482)
Leader line types (page 883)
First you will create the arrow symbol in the Symbol Editor, and save the
created symbol in the arrow.sym file. Then you need to add the position of
NOTE We recommend you define a firm folder (page 494) for symbols, because the
default folders are overwritten when you upgrade to a newer version of Tekla
Structures. Add the firm folder to the advanced option DXK_SYMBOLPATH.
See also
Placement properties for marks, dimensions, notes, texts and symbols
(page 925)
Leader line types (page 883)
The moment connection symbols are created according to analysis part and
connection release properties:
• If a connection exists, start and end release information is read from the
Start releases and End releases tabs in the analysis part properties dialog
• If a connection does not exist, release information is read from the End
conditions tab in the user-defined attributes dialog box of the part.
TIP The moment connection symbol that is used depends on if it points to right, left,
down, or up. The symbols are retrieved by default from the xsteel.sym symbol
See also
Moment connection symbols in Tekla Structures drawings (Drawing tools)
(page 490)
When you do this, Tekla Structures removes all previously created symbols,
and creates new ones that are up-to-date.
See also
Moment connection symbols in Tekla Structures drawings (Drawing tools)
(page 490)
5. In the Create surface symbols dialog box, select the texts that you want
to include in the surface treatment symbol from the Available elements
list and add the texts to the Elements in mark by clicking Add >.
6. Select All Views to include the symbols in all drawing views, or Selected
Views to include the symbols only in the views you select.
7. Change the font settings, if necessary.
8. If you selected Selected Views, select the views where you wish to have
surface treatment symbols.
9. Click Create.
Tekla Structures creates the surface treatment symbols according to the
defined settings. You can change the symbol properties and the text
afterwards in the Text Properties dialog box, which is opened when you
double-click the symbol.
See also
Symbols in drawings (page 482)
In addition to the three basic color modes, you can have a black background
and colored lines in drawings (advanced option
In addition to the actual colors, you can specify a special color (page 500) that
is not converted to black in printouts.
When you are printing, you can also change the line thicknesses of different
colors. This setting affects printouts but also the line thicknesses in color
drawings on the screen, if you have selected Printer line widths in File menu
--> Settings.
See also
Change drawing color (page 498)
Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer (page 520)
Below is an example of a color drawing.
You can specify a special color for a building object (part, bolt) before creating
a drawing, and use it in the final drawing for a drawing shape or a building
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Hatching category.
2. Define the color using the following advanced options:
The default value for all of the above advanced options is 230.
The smaller the values are, the darker the shade.
3. Click OK or Apply.
You can also change the visibility and appearance settings in an open drawing
by double-clicking the reference model and changing the settings in the
Reference Object Properties dialog.
Note that if you modify the reference model appearance on the object level,
you can no longer modify the appearance on the view level.
Below is an example of how the parts are shown with reference models.
Reference model visible lines are shown in green, and hidden lines in red. The
part visible lines are shown in blue, and the hidden lines in cyan.
You can define a different point of origin for the UCS for each drawing view,
and change the UCS point of origin as often as you like.
The following example shows several views, each with their own UCS.
See also
User coordinate system (UCS) (page 504)
Add manual dimensions using User Coordinate System (page 174)
See also
User coordinate system (UCS) (page 504)
Reset UCS
You can reset the UCS to its original position in the current drawing view or in
all drawing views.
To Do this
Reset the UCS in the current drawing In an open drawing, go to the Views
view tab, and click User coordsys --> Reset
current (Ctrl + 1).
Reset the UCS in all drawing views In an open drawing, go to the Views
tab, and click User coordsys --> Reset
all (Ctrl + 0).
See also
User coordinate system (UCS) (page 504)
• In the open drawing, go to the File menu and click Save drawing.
Both the drawing *.dg and the model *.db1 and *.db2 are saved. The
drawings are saved in the \drawings folder under the model folder.
For more information about autosave, see Autosave drawings.
See also
Close drawings (page 141)
To delete the files, you need to have full privileges. You can find the Remove
unnecessary drawing files command through Quick Launch.
NOTE If you have worked with the drawings (edited, deleted) after you saved
the last time, remember to save before you use the Remove
unnecessary drawing files command.
TIP By default, the privileges are full. If you want to restrict the command usage, add
the following line in the privileges.inp file:
action:RemoveUnnecessaryDrawingFiles [who] [access]
[who] is everyone or <Windows_logon_name>, or <domain_name>
[access] can be none/view/full.
In the following example, only the administrator can use the Remove
unnecessary drawing files command:
Depending on the workflow phase, you have several tools available for
managing your drawings. You can update drawings when the model changes,
lock drawings, freeze drawings, issue drawings, revise drawings, and delete
See also
Print drawings (page 519)
The drawings needing updates are indicated by flags in the Drawing list.
Renumbering model objects after creating drawings may also generate flags.
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
Settings affecting the recreation of drawings (page 41)
Tekla Structures flags locked drawings for update if the model changes.
1. In the Drawing list, select the drawings you want to lock.
2. Click Lock --> On .
The Locked by column in the Drawing list shows who has locked the
drawing. If you have logged in to your Trimble Identity, your account name
is shown. Otherwise your user name is shown.
3. To unlock the drawings, select the drawings and click Lock --> Off .
See also
Select drawings in the Drawing List (page 135)
See also
Select drawings in the Drawing List (page 135)
Update part and weld marks in drawings (page 261)
See also
Freeze drawings (page 511)
See also
Freeze drawings (page 511)
See also
Freeze drawings (page 511)
TIP You can also mark a drawing ready for issuing by selecting the Mark
drawing ready for issuing check box in the save confirmation message
box, which appears when you close an unsaved drawing.
You can add in your reports the information whether the drawing is marked
ready for issuing, and who has marked it using the template attributes
The issuing information can be used to filter what is shown in the Drawing list
and in templates.
1. In Drawing list, select the drawings to be issued.
2. Select Issue --> On .
TIP To show the issue date in a report, add the template field DATE_ISSUE in the
appropriate report template.
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
Select drawings in the Drawing List (page 135)
The revision number or mark is now displayed in the Drawing list. When you
open the drawing, you can see the revision information in the revision table if
there is one in the drawing.
TIP Each drawing has its own unique revision number, but several drawings can
share the same revision mark, date, and other information. To attach the same
revision information to several drawings simultaneously, select multiple
drawings from the drawing list and then click the Revision... button.
To show the revision mark instead of the revision number in the Drawing list,
set the advanced option XS_SHOW_REVISION_MARK_ON_DRAWING_LIST to
See also
Revise drawings (page 515)
Attributes used in drawing revisioning (page 517)
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
Attributes used in drawing revisioning (page 517)
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
See also
Create drawing revisions (page 515)
NOTE In some configurations, deleting drawings from the Drawing list is not
TIP If you press down Shift while you click Delete, Tekla Structures will not ask you
to confirm the deletion.
See also
Manage drawings (page 509)
Select drawings in the Drawing List (page 135)
You can print drawings as PDF files, save them as plot files (.plt) for printing
with printer/plotter, or print them on a selected printer. You can also change
the line thickness of different colors. Tekla Structures provides a real-time
preview of drawings in the Print Drawings dialog box.
Limitations in printing
• You cannot print to several paper sizes at the same time using the Print
Drawings dialog box. To print to several paper sizes, you need to modify
the drawingsizes.dat (page 531) file.
• Drawings in previews are in color even if you select Grayscale or Black and
white through File menu --> Settings).
NOTE You can also use the so called "old" printing functionality where you
use the Printer Catalog dialog box and Tekla Structures printer
instances. To do this, see Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer
instances (old printing) (page 537).
See also
Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer (page 520)
Add frames and fold marks in printouts (page 532)
Configuration files used in printing (page 531)
Customize print output file names (page 534)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing)
(page 537)
Print drawings 520 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
The drawings are shown one by one in a preview. The preview shows the
drawings always up to date. Use Next and Previous to scroll through the
set of selected drawings.
Option Description
File location Enter the location for the .pdf or plot file, or use
Browse... to browse for the folder.
The \Plotfiles folder under the model folder is
the default value.
Open folder when Open the .pdf or plot file folder in Windows
finished Explorer after the printout has been created.
Open folder when Open the .pdf file after it has been created.
Print drawings 521 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
Option Description
Output to single file Print the selected drawings to a single .pdf file.
If you do not select this option, each drawing will
be printed in a .pdf file of its own.
File name Give a file name to a pdf file. The file name is
compulsory if you are printing to a single file.
File extension Specify a file name extension for the plot file. The
default is plt.
File prefix Enter a specific prefix and/or suffix in the file
File suffix
When you enter a prefix or suffix, the print file
name preview under the File prefix and File suffix
boxes will reflect the change immediately.
Print drawings 522 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
Option Description
files, the printer is not known so the output is sized
to the full sheet. However, when printing a .pdf,
the same problem exists and the drawing content
is fitted to the printable area of whatever printer is
being used. The printable area is shown with white
background and the non-printable border is
shaded gray in the image below.
Print drawings 523 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
Option Description
Show entire drawing When you have selected an area with Select area,
the Show entire drawing button is displayed, and
you can use it to show the entire drawing in the
preview again.
7. Go to the Line properties tab to map colors to line thicknesses (pen
numbers) and set the printout colors:
Option Description
Object color Shows the basic set of object colors.
Color on output • Set the printout color by clicking a color box
under Color on output and selecting a new
color from the displayed colors. You can also
define custom colors.
Print drawings 524 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
Option Description
The Color on output only applies when the Color
option is set to Color on the Options tab in the
Print Drawings dialog box.
For instructions on how to show correct line
thicknesses in the Black and white mode, see Line
thickness in drawings (page 527).
Line thickness • Enter the line thickness for each color in the
Line thicknesses are expressed as a multiple of the
advanced option XS_BASE_LINE_WIDTH value. The
default value for this advanced option is 0.01 mm.
For example, pen number 25 will give a line weight
of 0.25 mm.
In color drawings, the lines are shown with
different thicknesses if the Printer line widths
setting is selected in File menu --> Settings.
You can define Invisible color for parts and shapes
in drawings in the part or shape properties. The
Invisible color is not shown in printouts, neither
on paper nor on .pdf.
For instructions on how to show correct line
thicknesses in the drawing in the Black and white
mode, see Line thickness in drawings (page 527).
Reset colors You can reset the printout colors:
• To reset an individual output color, click the
corresponding Object color color box. The
Color on output color box will change to have
the same color.
Print drawings 525 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
10. Click Print to print the drawings in .pdf format or as plot files, or to send
them to a printer according to the settings you defined in the dialog box.
Each drawing is sent to the printer as a separate print job.
All printing errors are written to a log file in the model folder: logs
\DPMPrinter_<username>.log .
In the next example, the option Left to right, top to bottom is selected.
Print drawings 526 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
See also
Print drawings (page 519)
Customize print output file names (page 534)
Configuration files used in printing (page 531)
Printing settings and search order (page 530)
Line thickness in drawings (page 527)
Print drawings 527 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
The base line width is 0.01, and this can be changed using the advanced
option XS_BASE_LINE_WIDTH. For example, to get the line thickness of 0.25
mm, enter the number 25.
Print drawings 528 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
3. Take new printing into use by setting the advanced option
4. Go to the File menu and check if the switch Printer line widths is active
or not. This switch takes the settings from the old printer dialog settings. If
the switch is not active, the line widths are only shown in black and white
mode, if active, the line widths are shown for all color modes.
You can toggle between color modes by pressing B.
The file plotdev.bin in ..\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>
\environments\default\system contains some predefined line
thicknesses for the first printer instance. These are not the same that you use
for printing, unless you use defaults in the Print drawings dialog box.
You can save printer definitions file plotdev.bin in the current model folder
or in the project and firm folders, and in a folder indicated by the advanced
option XS_DRIVE. Tekla Structures searches first for plotdev.bin in the
model, project and firm folders, then in the folder indicated by the advanced
Print drawings 529 Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer
Black and
See also
Change the pen numbers (line thickness) for colors (page 559)
You can create printing settings files for different printing purposes and load
them later on. You can also create and share common settings throughout an
You can load existing printing settings or save the current printing settings to
either an existing printing settings file or a new file. The first settings file name
in the control list will be standard and any other settings file names will be
listed alphabetically after this. The latest settings used are automatically saved
to <model>\attributes\<user>_PdfPrintOptions.xml (where <user> is
the current Windows user when the dialog box is closed. The printing settings
that you save using the Save button are saved to the <model>\attributes\
folder with the following names:
• The standard file is saved as PdfPrintOptions.xml .
• The report file is saved as report.PdfPrintOptions.xml.
• All other printing settings names have the filename
<SettingsName>.PdfPrintOptions.xml. For example, if you use the
See also
Print drawings (page 519)
TIP When making copies of the configuration files, keep them first in a test
model folder. Validate the results before using them through the project,
firm or environment folders. Also, keep backup copies of the
configuration files in a safe location as re-installing later versions of Tekla
Structures may overwrite your own settings.
See also
Print drawings (page 519)
Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer (page 520)
Drawing frames and fold marks are controlled in the standard.fms file under
the \system folder. There is no saving option in the Drawing Frame
Properties dialog box, which is why the default values are located in a
standard file. You can save the standard file in the model folder, and then copy
it to the project or firm folders, if needed. If you want to save a set of standard
files in the model folder, see Standard files.
1. Start typing Drawing frames and foldmarks in the Quick Launch box
in the upper-right corner of the Tekla Structures main window, and select
it from the displayed list.
2. In the Drawing Frame Properties dialog box, select the check boxes of
the frames you want to print.
Below is an example of the properties dialog box contents and the standard
See also
Print to a .pdf file, plot file (.plt) or printer (page 520)
Possible values
You can also use Tekla Structures own Printer Catalog printer instances for
printing drawings. To do this, you need to set the advanced option
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 537 Customize print output file names
instances (old printing)
Setting XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE takes the Printer Catalog dialog
box in use, and printer instances need to be set.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 538 Customize print output file names
instances (old printing)
Setting up printers in the Microsoft Windows environment is not covered in
this documentation. It is assumed that printers are set up and tested in your
environment. For further information about on setting up printers, contact
your system administrator.
If you prefer to print using the "new" printing functionality, see Print to a .pdf
file, plot file (.plt) or printer (page 520).
Click the links below to find out more:
• Print single drawings (page 539)
• Print multiple drawings with different sizes in one go (page 542)
• Create .pdf files (page 543)
• Print to file (page 544)
• Print to multiple sheets (page 548)
• Frames and fold marks in drawings (page 551)
• Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog (page 554)
• Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box (page 549)
• Printing tips (page 560)
TIP Shortcut for opening the Print Drawings dialog box: Shift+P.
To see some examples of printing single drawings, click the links below:
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 539 Print single drawings
instances (old printing)
Example: Print on A4 in landscape (page 540)
Example: Print on A3 in portrait (page 541)
Example: Print A3 drawing on A4 paper (page 542)
See also
Frames and fold marks in drawings (page 551)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box (page 549)
Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog (page 554)
NOTE In this example, it is assumed that the print area h*b is defined h
being along the longer side of the paper and b being along the shorter
side of the paper. When using some other printer driver you might
have to change h*b values if you find out that the printer driver uses h
along the short side of the paper.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 540 Print single drawings
instances (old printing)
• Print area h*b: 287 x 200
• Color: Black/white
8. Click Update.
9. Click OK.
10. Set Scaling to Scale and enter 1.
In this case, also Scaling setting Auto would produce a similar printout
because drawing size and h*b are the same.
11. Set Orientation to Landscape (or Auto).
12. Set Print area to Entire drawing.
13. Click Print.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 541 Print single drawings
instances (old printing)
9. Click OK.
10. Set Scaling to Scale and enter 1.
11. Set Orientation to Portrait (or Auto).
12. Set Print area to Entire drawing.
13. Click Print.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 542 Print multiple drawings with different sizes in one
instances (old printing) go
7.2 Print multiple drawings with different sizes in one go
You can print multiple drawings from the Drawing list, and print drawings of
different sizes at the same time.
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
1. In the Drawing list, select the drawings you want to print.
2. Right-click the selected drawings and select Print Drawings...
3. In the Print Drawings dialog box, indicate the printer instances you want
to use.
To select several printer instances, hold down Ctrl and select the printers.
When you select drawings of several sizes and several printer instances,
Tekla Structures sends each drawing to the printer instance that is using
the smallest paper size on which the drawing will fit. For example, if you
have two printer instances selected, one A4 and one A3, Tekla Structures
will send A4 drawings to the A4 printer instance and A3 to the A3 printer
4. Set Scale to 1.
This makes it possible for Tekla Structures to select and use the printer
instance that is using the correct paper size.
5. If necessary, modify other printing settings and add frames and fold
marks in the printout.
6. Click Print.
See also
Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog (page 554)
Frames and fold marks in drawings (page 551)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Print single drawings (page 539)
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 543 Create .pdf files
instances (old printing)
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
Before you start creating .pdf files using Adobe Acrobat, ensure that you have
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Distiller installed and configured with the Adobe
Postscript Printer Driver set up to print to file. Consult your Adobe
documentation for more information.
Also ensure that you have an Adobe postscript printer instance in the Tekla
Structures printer catalog.
1. In the Drawing list, select the drawings of which you want to create .pdf
2. Right-click the selected drawings and select Print Drawings....
3. In Print Drawings dialog box, select the pdf printer instances you want to
If you select several printer instances, Tekla Structures sends each
drawing to the printer instance that is using the smallest paper size on
which the drawing will fit. For example, if you have two printer instances
selected, one A4 and one A3, Tekla Structures will send A4 drawings to the
A4 printer instance and A3 to the A3 printer instance.
4. If needed, modify the printing settings and add frames and fold marks in
the PDF.
5. Click Print.
Tekla Structures creates the .pdf files and saves them in the folder that
you specified when you defined the printer instance. The file will have the
name shown in the Drawing list with the extension ps.
Do not use the Print to file option when you create .pdf files.
See also
Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box (page 549)
Add an Adobe postscript printer instance (page 556)
Frames and fold marks in drawings (page 551)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Tekla Structures prints the selected drawings to files in the specified folder
using the drawing names.
See also
Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box (page 549)
Add a print-to-file instance (page 555)
Frames and fold marks in drawings (page 551)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 545 Customize print file names
instances (old printing)
You can also combine several switches. The switches are not case
3. Click OK.
The example below results in the filename E_P1_PLATE_Revision=2.dxf:
See also
Switches for customizing print file names (page 546)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 546 Customize print file names
instances (old printing)
Switch Example of the Description
%UDA:<drawing Painted Value of a drawing user-defined
user-defined attribute. The drawing user-defined
attribute>% attributes are defined in
objects.inp. The actual values for
the user-defined attributes are
entered in the drawing-specific user-
defined attributes dialog box.
%REV? - <text>% 2 - Rev Adds conditional prefixes. In this
example, if REV exists, Tekla
Structures adds the text between ?
and % to the filename.
%TPL:<template Base plate You can use here template attributes
attribute>% that can be found in Template Editor.
The actual values for these attributes
are entered in the drawing properties
dialog box. Examples:
NOTE The print output file name switches %DRAWING_NAME% and %NAME%
that should produce an underscore in the print file name (P_1) do not
use a separator between the values (for example, %ASSEMBLY_PREFIX
To make the switches work, do the following:
• If you want to use
slash (/) or hyphen (-) between the values, for example,
See also
Customize print file names (page 545)
Objects.inp properties
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 547 Customize print file names
instances (old printing)
Template Attributes Reference Guide
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
Before printing to multiple sheets, make sure that the layout of the drawing
supports printing on several smaller sheets. Remember that Tekla Structures
automatically adds a 5 mm margin to the printouts.
Also ensure that you have set up the printer instance correctly for printing to
multiple sheets.
1. Open a drawing.
2. On the File menu, click Print drawing .
3. In the Print Drawings dialog box, select the printer instance you want to
4. Select the Print on multiple sheets option.
5. In Scaling, set Scale = 1. This preserves the scale. The number of sheets is
rounded up.
Do not use Auto when you print to multiple sheets.
Tekla Structures calculates the required amount of sheets needed to print
the drawing.
6. If needed, modify other printing settings and add frames and fold marks
in the printout.
If you set Orientation to Auto, Tekla Structures selects an orientation that
results in the smallest number of printed sheets.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 548 Print to multiple sheets
instances (old printing)
Tekla Structures prints the drawing to multiple sheets so that it prints the
lower right corner the first, and the upper left corner the last (see the
numbered sheets in the example below).
If you want to have drawing frames and/or the title blocks for each smaller size
sheet, you need to use proper table layout as shown in the example below.
See also
Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box (page 549)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 549 Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box
instances (old printing)
Setting Description
Print to file Prints the drawing to a file.
Include revision mark to file Adds the latest revision of the printed drawing to
name the filename.
Revision number is used by default. However, if
you set the advanced option
to TRUE, the revision mark is used.
Scaling Auto fits the drawing to the Print area h*b size,
i.e. fits it to the paper. This is useful, for example,
when you are printing draft drawings on A4.
With this option you can include everything in
the printout, but the scale of the drawing may be
affected as drawing size is fitted to the Print
area h*b.
With Auto, if the drawing size is smaller than the
paper, the drawing is scaled up to fill the defined
Print area h*b, keeping the aspect ratio.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 550 Printing settings in Print Drawings dialog box
instances (old printing)
Setting Description
Entering an exact scale in the Scale box scales
the drawing manually to the defined scale.
Examples on Scale: 1.0 = 100%, 0.9 = 90%
Print on multiple sheets Prints the drawing on multiple small sheets.
Number of copies Defines the number of copies.
Orientation Auto orientates the drawing to suit the paper.
Landscape prints the drawing horizontally - as it
is displayed on the screen.
Portrait prints the drawing vertically.
Print area Entire drawing prints the entire drawing.
Visible area prints the area visible in the current
drawing window.
Add / Edit... Add (page 554) or delete printer instances, or
modify their settings.
Frames... Opens a dialog box where you can select to print
frames and fold marks (page 551).
Printer setup... Opens the Windows print setup dialog box
where you can change the printing settings for
the current Tekla Structures session only. The
changes that you make are not saved for the
printer permanently.
You can add frames and fold marks only when the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG is set to TRUE (old printing).
You can create fold marks as guides for folding printed drawings. They are
small lines between and perpendicular to the drawing frames.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 551 Frames and fold marks in drawings
instances (old printing)
1. Frame
2. Fold mark
See also
Add frames and fold marks in printouts (page 552)
Modify drawing table layouts through Layout dialog box (page 579)
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing. If this advanced option is set to FALSE, you are using the
newer printing functionality, where you cannot set the frames and fold marks
through the Print Drawings dialog box.
Drawing frames to be printed are controlled in the standard.fms file under
the system folder. There is no saving option in the Drawing Frame Properties
dialog box, which is why the default values are located in a standard file. You
can save the standard file in the model folder, and then copy it to the project
or firm folders, if needed. If you want to save a set of standard files in the
model folder, see Standard files.
1. On the File menu, click Printing --> Print drawings.
2. In the Print Drawings dialog box, click Frames....
3. In the Drawing Frame Properties dialog box, select the check boxes of
the frames you want to print.
4. In Margins, enter in millimeters the distance between each frame and the
left, right, bottom, and top edge of the paper.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 552 Frames and fold marks in drawings
instances (old printing)
5. Select a color for each frame.
6. To print the foldmarks, select the Foldmarks check box.
7. Enter in millimeters the horizontal and vertical distances of the first
foldmarks from the lower right corner of the outer frame, and between
the other fold mark.
8. Select a color for the fold marks.
9. Click OK.
Below is an example of the properties dialog box contents and the standard
NOTE There is a fixed distance value of 5 mm in drawing frame margins. Thus, if you
want to use a drawing frame margin with a drawing title that sticks to the
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 553 Frames and fold marks in drawings
instances (old printing)
frame corner, you need to change not only the drawing frame margin in the
Drawing Frame Properties dialog box, but also the Vector between corners
in the Tables dialog box ( Drawings & reports --> Drawing properties -->
Drawing layout --> Table layout... --> Tables...).
See also
Table layouts (page 571)
See also
Add a print-to-file instance (page 555)
Add an Adobe postscript printer instance (page 556)
Line thickness (pen number) in Color Table (page 559)
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 554 Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog
instances (old printing)
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
1. On the File menu, click Printing --> Choose printer.
2. In Printer Catalog, click an existing printer instance that has similar
settings to the one you want to add.
3. Enter a new name for the new printer instance in the box under the
Printer instances list.
4. Click Add.
5. Click Browse... to access the Select Printer dialog box, which shows a list
of Microsoft Windows printer drivers currently configured in your system.
6. Click a printer driver and then OK.
7. Select the paper size (page 557).
8. Enter the print area (page 557) in Print area h*b (height and width).
9. If necessary, use Offset for print origin to move the drawing print origin.
10. Select Black/white, Gray Scale or Color.
If you select Color, Tekla Structures prints lines with the colors defined in
the drawing properties.
11. Click Color table... to map pen size to the on-screen line color. The
background color is not printed.
12. Click Update.
13. Click OK.
14. Confirm that you want to save changes to the model folder.
See also
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Define printing paper size and print area h*b (page 557)
Line thickness (pen number) in Color Table (page 559)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 555 Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog
instances (old printing)
3. Enter a printer instance name for the printer driver, followed immediately
(no spaces) by @path\folder\. The folder must already exist. For
example, 11X17@d:\small\
You can also leave the folder out. If you do this, Tekla Structures prints the
file in the current model folder or in the folder specified for the advanced
4. Click Add.
5. Click Browse... to access the Select Printer dialog box and click a printer
driver that is configured to print to file and then click OK.
6. In Paper size, select By print area.
7. Enter the print area (page 557) in Print area h*b (height and width).
8. Enter a file name extension, for example, plt for a print file.
9. Select Color, Gray Scale or Black/white as the color.
10. Click Color table... to change the pen sizes of different colors, if needed.
11. Click Update.
12. Click OK.
13. Confirm that you want to save changes to the model folder.
TIP One way to send different drawing sizes to different folders is to set up a
Microsoft Windows printer to print to file for each paper size you will use. Enter
a different destination folder for each paper size in the Printer instances list in
Tekla Structures.
See also
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Define printing paper size and print area h*b (page 557)
Line thickness (pen number) in Color Table (page 559)
Print to file (page 544)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 556 Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog
instances (old printing)
Add an Adobe postscript printer instance
To print to a .pdf file, you need to add a Adobe postscript printer instance in
Printer Catalog. This applies to printing when the advanced option
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
1. On the File menu, click Printing --> Choose printer.
2. In Printer Catalog, click Add.
3. Enter a new printer instance name followed immediately (no spaces) by @
and the folder where Adobe Distiller should look for files. For example,
A4_PDF@c:\plots\pdf\in\ .
4. Click Add.
5. Click Browse... to access the Select Printer dialog box. Click the Adobe
postscript printer driver and then OK.
6. Set Paper size to By print area.
7. Enter the print area (page 557) in Print area h*b (height and width).
8. Enter the file name extension ps.
9. Select Black/white, Gray Scale or Color as the color.
10. Click Color table... to change the pen sizes of different colors, if needed.
11. Click Update.
12. Click OK.
13. Confirm that you want to save the changes to the model folder.
See also
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Define printing paper size and print area h*b (page 557)
Line thickness (pen number) in Color Table (page 559)
Create .pdf files (page 543)
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 557 Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog
instances (old printing)
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
1. On the File menu, click Printing --> Choose printer.
2. In the Printer Catalog, select the printer instance.
3. Use the Paper size setting to select the paper size used in printing:
• Named paper size: Tekla Structures lists a named paper sizes for most
sizes A3 and smaller. Selecting one of the listed sizes is recommended
for A3 printers and smaller.
• By print area: The printer selects the paper size based on the print
area. This option is recommended for A2 printers and larger. If you use
a named paper size with a larger printer than A3, drawings larger than
the print area are cropped to the size of the print area.
• None: Sends no size information to the printer. This option provides
legacy support for Xsteel 5.0 and is not recommended for use in other
4. Enter the Print area h*b:
• Tekla Structures uses the print area values to position the printout on
the paper. Ensure that the values for h and b relate to the paper size
Usually the value is the paper size less the hard clip margins of the
printer. For example, if the paper size is 297*420, the print area could
be 407 * 284. See your printer documentation for the hard clip
margins of your printer.
• Usually for roll feed printers, h defines the roll width direction and b
defines the roll feed direction. Usually for tray feed printers, h defines
the tray feed direction, and b defines the tray width direction. Enter
the values, and test how the printing works. If you can see, that the
direction is wrong, switch the h and b values.
• When you are printing from Tekla Structures, it uses the values set for
the printer in the Tekla Structures printer instance settings in the
Printer Catalog, and overrides for these settings the Windows printer
5. Click OK and confirm the change.
TIP To print to different paper sizes, you can define several printer instances,
each using a different paper size, but all connected to the same physical
printer. For more information about setting up print devices in Microsoft
Windows, see your operating system documentation.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 558 Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog
instances (old printing)
See also
Add a printer instance (page 554)
Printing tips (page 560)
See also
Change the pen numbers (line thickness) for colors (page 559)
The instructions below apply when you are printing using Printer Catalog
printer instances, which means that you have set the advanced option
XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu --> Settings --> Advanced
options --> Printing.
1. Open a drawing.
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer 559 Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog
instances (old printing)
2. On the File menu, click Printing --> Printer catalog, and select a printer
3. Click Color table
4. Enter or change a pen number.
For example, to get line weight of 0.25 mm, enter 25.
You can change the default line thickness 0.01 using the advanced option
5. Click OK.
6. In a color drawing, on the File menu, click Settings and select Printer line
widths, otherwise you cannot see the changes on the screen.
See also
Change drawing color (page 498)
Colors in drawings (page 495)
Line thickness (pen number) in Color Table (page 559)
See also
Print drawings using Printer Catalog printer instances (old printing) (page 537)
Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog (page 554)
Drawing settings tell Tekla Structures what the drawing should look like and
what it should include. Automatic drawing settings are defined before
drawings are created.
Direct layout editing vs layout creation and editing through the old
Layout dialog box
The Layout editor is mainly meant for customizing existing table layouts
directly, quickly and easily. The old drawing Layout dialog box and layout
editing functionality is still available, and more advanced layout editing still
needs to be done through the Layout dialog box. Note that:
• Fixed sizes and calculated sizes mapping is available through the old
Layout dialog box only.
• View placement set-up: Margins and spaces can be set through the old
Layout dialog box only.
• In Layout editor, you can only create new table layouts by modifying
existing table layouts and saving them with a new name. You cannot create
a drawing layout from scratch, you always need to have an existing layout
to start with. However, you can edit a drawing layout that only has a name
and no table layouts defined. You can create new layouts from scratch
through the old Layout dialog box only.
The term table refers to various elements of the drawing layout, such as:
• Tables (such as revision tables)
• Title blocks
• Lists (such as part and bolt lists)
• General notes
• Key plans
• DWG/DXF files
If you change the model, Tekla Structures updates the contents of the affected
drawings and tables created in Template Editor. The contents of the tables are
filled in by Tekla Structures at run time. In Template Editor, the tables are
referred to as graphical templates.
See also
Edit tables in Template Editor (page 596)
Modify drawing table layouts through Layout dialog box (page 579)
Create a new drawing layout, add table layouts and tables (page 573)
Table layouts
A table layout is a group of tables or templates included in a drawing of a
certain type and size.
Table layouts define the background of the drawing, not the number or
location of the drawing views to include.
You can use the same table layout with different drawing sizes, or give each
drawing size its own table layout. For example, if the number of views changes
in a drawing and Tekla Structures chooses a new drawing size, Tekla Structures
may also choose another table layout automatically.
The examples below illustrate the relationship between the table layout and
drawing views. The drawing views are blue, and the elements of the table
layout are green.
Below is an example of a GA drawing layout.
See also
Create a new drawing layout, add table layouts and tables (page 573)
Modify drawing table layouts through Layout dialog box (page 579)
Edit the table layout directly on a drawing (page 584)
The following workflow will take you through the steps of:
• Creating a new drawing layout.
• Adding table layouts in the new drawing layout. Here you also specify the
margins between the outermost views and the drawing frame, and the
spaces between two drawing views. In addition, you need to define fixed
drawing sizes and calculated drawings sizes for the table layouts.
• Adding tables in table layouts.
See also
Define drawing layout (page 568)
Define fixed drawing sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Define calculated sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Use fixed sizes when you print drawings to small (A4 and A3) printing devices.
Single-part and assembly drawings typically use fixed drawing sizes.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> Drawing
layout .
2. Select a layout and click Fixed sizes.
3. Select a fixed size from the list.
To create a new size, enter its name and click Add.
4. Enter the width and height of the fixed drawing size.
5. Connect the fixed drawing size to a table layout by selecting the table
layout the list.
6. Click Update.
7. Repeat steps 3–6 for each fixed size.
8. Click Apply or OK.
See also
Create a new drawing layout, add table layouts and tables (page 573)
Define drawing size and drawing view scale (page 598)
See also
Create a new drawing layout, add table layouts and tables (page 573)
Define drawing size and drawing view scale (page 598)
Now you can create a drawing using the layout containing the DWG/DXF file.
Check the drawing properties before creating a drawing to ensure that you are
using the correct layout.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> Drawing
layout .
2. In the Layout dialog box, select a drawing layout and click Table layout....
3. Select a table layout and click Tables....
4. Select a table from the Chosen tables list.
The name of the table is displayed in the Table box.
5. In the Table area, select one of the table corners as its reference point by
selecting the check box in that corner.
6. In the Reference area, select the reference object from the list.
The reference object can be another table included in the table layout, or
the drawing frame.
7. Select the reference point of the reference object by selecting the check
box in the appropriate corner.
You can also position a table to the midpoint of the drawing frame or
table boundary by selecting two reference points, for example, the lower-
left and lower-right corners. If you do not use the right combination of
reference points for tables and binding objects, Tekla Structures may
position drawing tables outside the drawing.
8. In the Vector between corners boxes, define the horizontal (x) and
vertical (y) distance of the table from the reference object if you need
some space between them.
By default, Tekla Structures places tables side by side.
There is a fixed distance value 5 mm used as a drawing frame margin.
Thus, if you want to use a drawing frame margin with a drawing title that
In the images below, the lower-right corner of the drawing title block (Table) is
bound to the lower right corner of the drawing frame (Reference), and the
Vector between corners is set to 0.0
In the example below, the value for x is -5.00 and the value for y is 5.00 . The
lower-right corner of the title block is still bound to the lower right corner of
the drawing frame.
Direct table layout editing vs layout editing through the old Layout
dialog box
The Layout editor is mainly meant for customizing existing table layouts
directly, quickly and easily. The old drawing Layout dialog box and layout
editing functionality is still available, and more advanced layout editing still
needs to be done through the Layout dialog box. Note that:
• Fixed sizes and calculated sizes mapping is available through the old
Layout dialog box only.
• View placement set-up: Margins and spaces can be set through the old
Layout dialog box only.
• In Layout editor, you can only create new table layouts by modifying
existing table layouts and saving them with a new name. You cannot create
a drawing layout from scratch, you always need to have an existing layout
to start with. However, you can edit a drawing layout that only has a name
and no table layouts defined. You can create new layouts from scratch
through the old Layout dialog box only.
• Hidden tables are shown by default. You can hide hidden tables that are
irrelevant to a particular drawing using the Show hidden tables check box
in the Layout editor pane. You may have disabled the tables from a
particular drawing, but still want to use them in other drawings that use the
same layout. Or, when the content of the current drawing changes, tables
may appear again, for example, with an added revision, so you cannot
delete the tables just like that. By default, the hidden tables are shown as
simple rectangular boxes that have a known width and a default height.
• You can search for available tables using the Search... box. To do this, start
typing a table name or a part of it. To clear the search, click the close
Rotate tables
You can rotate tables clockwise in a table layout:
1. Select the table.
2. Select the desired rotation angle for the selected table in the Rotation list.
Delete tables
Do one of the following:
• Right-click one table or several tables (hold down Ctrl or Shift), and select
• Select a table and press Delete on the keyboard.
Refresh a table
• You can refresh templates (tables) in Layout editor, and in the drawing
itself. To do this, right-click a template in a drawing or in Layout editor, and
click Refresh template.
Add new tables, DWG/DXFs and key plans in the table layout
Add a new table or schedule
1. Select a table from the list of Available tables.
2. Pick a reference point in the drawing using the appropriate snap switches.
As a result, the table is added from the top left corner to the picked
location. You may need to adjust the table position.
Anchor tables
1. To anchor a table, first select the table.
The table anchor becomes visible when you select the table. You can
select several tables at a time.
Limitations in anchoring
To select a new layout and save the layout information in a drawing properties
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click Layout.
4. Select a new layout from the Layout list.
5. Click Save to save the changed drawing properties and OK to close the
drawing properties dialog box.
Now you can create a drawing using the drawing property file that contains the
changed layout information.
See also
Define drawing layout (page 568)
Layout properties (page 841)
For more information about the Template Editor, see Template Editor User's
The example below illustrates how a table looks in a drawing and in Template
Editor. In this example, there is a revision table and a title block. The revision
table is located above the title block and bound to the title block in the layout.
Define automatic drawing settings 598 Define drawing size and drawing view scale
Settings Click the link below to find out
use the same scale unless you fine-
tune individual views manually.
Autoscaling: If you always need to use Set exact drawing view scale and
a certain drawing size, for example, automatic drawing size (page 599)
A3, A4 or A1, then you would set the
size and let Tekla Structures
automatically select the drawing view
scale that suits the selected size.
Tekla Structures first tries to use the
preferred scale for the drawing views,
then the alternative scales, and
selects the largest possible scale.
If you are not bound to any specific Autoscale and autosize drawings
drawing sizes or drawing view scales, (page 601)
you might want to let Tekla Structures
take care of both.
See also
Define calculated sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Define fixed drawing sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Layout properties (page 841)
Using exact drawing view scale and automatic drawing size is very useful, for
example, when the number, size, or location of drawing views may change.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click Layout.
4. Set Size definition mode to Autosize.
5. Select the set of drawing sizes for Tekla Structures to use. You have the
following options:
• Calculated sizes: Use this when you want to define the rules that
Tekla Structures follows when it tries to adjust the drawing size.
Define automatic drawing settings 599 Define drawing size and drawing view scale
• Fixed sizes: Use this when you want to use fixed drawing sizes A2, A3,
A4, etc.
• Calculated/fixed sizes: Use this when you want Tekla Structures to
select the smallest of the suitable sizes.
6. Go to the Scale tab and set Autoscale to No.
This way Tekla Structures uses the exact scale that you have set for the
main views and section views.
7. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
8. On the Attributes 1 tab, set the desired Scale.
9. Save the view properties and click Close.
10. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
When you create the drawing, Tekla Structures creates the views using the
selected scale and selects the smallest drawing size where the views fit in the
drawing. Tekla Structures may also need to change the table layout to adapt to
the new drawing size. It will then use another appropriate table layout within
the same layout specified in drawing properties.
See also
Define drawing size and drawing view scale (page 598)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
Define calculated sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Define fixed drawing sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Layout properties (page 841)
Define automatic drawing settings 600 Define drawing size and drawing view scale
4. On the Drawing size tab, set Size definition mode to Specified size and
enter the drawing size.
The size should be smaller than the actual paper size to accommodate
printer margins.
5. Select the table layout from the Table layout list.
6. On the Scale tab, set Autoscale to Yes.
7. Set the Main view scales and Section view scales.
Enter the denominators of scales and separate them with spaces. For
example, enter "5 10 15 20" for the scales 1/5, 1/10, 1/15, and 1/20.
8. Select the Scale change mode, which defines the relationship between
the scales of main and section views within a drawing.
The options are:
• main = section: The scales of the main and section view are equal.
• main < section: Main view scales are smaller than section view scales.
• main <= section: Main view scales are smaller than or equal to section
view scales.
9. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
10. Enter the preferred scale.
Do the same for each view that you create.
11. Save the view properties and click Close.
12. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
Tekla Structures creates the drawing using the specified size. Tekla Structures
first tries to use the preferred scale for the drawing views, then the alternative
scales, and selects the largest possible scale.
See also
Define drawing size and drawing view scale (page 598)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
Define calculated sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Define fixed drawing sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Layout properties (page 841)
Define automatic drawing settings 601 Define drawing size and drawing view scale
Autoscale and autosize drawings
If you are not bound to any specific drawing sizes or drawing view scales, you
can let Tekla Structures take care of both.
You can first set autoscale and after that autosize. Both of the settings are set
in Layout properties.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
4. On the Attributes 1 tab, set the preferred drawing view scale in the Scale
Do the same for all of the views you plan to create.
5. Click Save to save the view properties. Do this for all of the views you have
6. Click OK to return to drawing properties.
7. Click Layout, go to the Scale tab and set Autoscale to Yes.
8. Set the alternative Main view scales and Section view scales.
9. Select the Scale change mode, which defines the relationship between
the scales of main and section views within a drawing.
The options are:
• main = section: The scales of the main and section view are equal.
• main < section: Main view scales are smaller than section view scales.
• main <= section: Main view scales are smaller than or equal to section
view scales.
10. Enter the Preferred size.
11. On the Drawing size tab, set Size definition mode to Autosize.
12. Select the set of drawing sizes (Calculated sizes, Fixed sizes or
Calculated/fixed sizes).
13. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
When you use both autoscaling and autosizing at the same time, Tekla
Structures follows the steps below:
• First Tekla Structures tries to find a drawing size where the drawing
contents fit by first trying to use the exact scale defined in View Properties
--> Attributes 1 and the smallest drawing size defined in the current
Define automatic drawing settings 602 Define drawing size and drawing view scale
layout. The sizes are defined in through Drawings & reports --> Drawing
properties --> Drawing layout > Fixed sizes.../ Calculated sizes....
• Then Tekla Structures increases the drawing size until it reaches the
Preferred size defined in Layout --> Scale .
• If the drawing fits with the original scale, Tekla Structures tries to increase
the scale using the alternative main and section view scales you defined in
Layout --> Scale.
• If the drawing does not fit to any of the defined scales, Tekla Structures
starts to increase the drawing size until the contents fit, using the fixed or
calculated sizes or both. When necessary, Tekla Structures changes to
another appropriate table layout within the current layout.
• When the views fit, Tekla Structures begin to increase the scale again so
that the final drawing uses the largest possible scale.
See also
Define drawing size and drawing view scale (page 598)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
Define calculated sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Define fixed drawing sizes and connect layouts (page 578)
Layout properties (page 841)
Define automatic drawing settings 603 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
• The modeling direction of parts.
• XS_MARK_INTELLIGENT_PLACING: Marks are automatically placed
according to the mark placing algorithm if this advanced option is set to
TRUE (default). The placement algorithm tries to avoid crossing leader lines,
and also places marks otherwise more clearly. XS_NEW_MARK_PLACING is
available in the category Marking: General in the Advanced Options
dialog box. The algorithm applies to all marks and associative notes, except
weld marks.
advanced option to TRUE (default), marks with leader lines are placed in a
45-degree angle if allowed by the protection settings.
advanced option to TRUE (default), Tekla Structures first places the marks
avoiding crossing leader lines and after that runs the place nearby
command, which ensures that the mark locations follow the protection
settings. If you set this advanced option to FALSE, the crossing mark check
is performed, but the place nearby command is not run, so some of the
protection settings may not be followed.
When you create a drawing, Tekla Structures places the annotation objects
according the automatic placement settings and protection settings. You can
modify the placement settings in drawing view properties and on object level
for individual objects. The protection settings for the whole drawing are also
considered when you add annotation objects manually.
When you create a drawing, Tekla Structures places the views in the drawing
according the settings in the drawing layout and view properties. In final
drawings, you can select whether to use fixed or free view placement of views,
drag drawing views to new locations, or align them.
Define automatic drawing settings 604 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
See also
Placement properties for marks, dimensions, notes, texts and symbols
(page 925)
1. With a selection like this, text and marks may overlap with part corners
and edges, but not with part content.
2. With a selection like this, dimension values may not overlap with other
dimension arrowheads, lines or values.
Define automatic drawing settings 605 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
The objects on the top define the areas to be protected, see descriptions
Column Description
Part corners
Part edges
Part content
Dimension arrowhead
Dimension line
Dimension value
Cutting line
Section mark
Weld arrow
The objects on the left define which objects, or object elements, Tekla
Structures cannot place in the protected areas. See the descriptions below:
Row Description
Text, mark or weld mark
Dimension arrowhead
Dimension line
Dimension value
Define automatic drawing settings 606 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
You can check which areas are protected by using the Show protection
command. You can start this command in the Quick Launch box. This
command shows the protected areas with colors.
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
• If you clear the first two columns of check boxes, Tekla Structures does
not protect part corners and edges. This increases drawing speed and
Define automatic drawing settings 607 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
decreases the memory requirements. You can still protect these areas
by using the third column of check boxes for part protection.
5. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
Protected areas in drawings (page 605)
Define automatic drawing settings 608 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
If you set this option to 0, the maximum distance behaves like infinity.
See number 3 in the image below.
• In Search margin, enter the empty margin that you want to have
around the marks. See number 1 in the image below.
• Note that if you use a high Search margin and Minimum distance
values, the mark placement does not work properly.
• To move marks away from each other, use Search margin, not
Minimum distance. Keep the minimum distance setting as small as
possible to reduce the possibility of marks overlapping.
• Select the Quarter to define the areas Tekla Structures searches for a
space to place the object.
TIP If you are not happy with the mark placement settings in a drawing, you
can change the settings in the mark placing dialog box on object level,
which has more options available. In an open drawing, you can also
change the placement settings for manually added marks, notes, texts,
and symbols.
To open an object level dialog box, double-click the mark, text, note, or
symbol in the drawing and click Place.... If you set Placing to free, you
are letting Tekla Structures to decide the location of the mark. If you set
Placing to fixed, you can place the mark in any location. When you use
the setting fixed, the mark stays where you place it even though you
update the drawing, whereas with free, Tekla Structures tries to find the
optimal place for the mark. You can select several or all marks in a view
and change the placing settings this way.
Define automatic drawing settings 609 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
Protected areas in drawings (page 605)
Define automatic drawing settings 610 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
7. In Search margin, enter the empty margin that you want to have around
the dimension. If Tekla Structures cannot place the dimension at the
minimum distance, it moves the dimension by the value you enter in the
Search margin box. Tekla Structures tries to place the dimension using
the Search margin value until it finds a place for the dimension.
8. Click OK to close the dimension placing dialog box.
9. Save the dimension properties using Save, or save them in another file
using Save as.
10. Click Modify to modify the dimension properties in the open drawing.
The dimensions are placed according the changes you made. Now you have a
dimension properties file that you can load whenever you need to adjust the
dimension placement settings in the same way. For example, you can load
these properties in the Dimension Properties box in the Dimensioning rule
properties dialog box, or in an open general arrangement drawing in the
Dimension Properties dialog box.
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
Dimension properties - General tab (page 851)
Dimension properties - Appearance tab (page 856)
Dimension properties - Units, precision and format (page 854)
Placement properties for marks, dimensions, notes, texts and symbols
(page 925)
In general arrangement drawings, this setting can only be defined on view level
in an open drawing. In single-part, assebly and cast unit drawings, you can set
the view placement before creating drawings.
To define automatic free or fixed placement of in single-part, assembly and
cast unit drawings:
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
4. On the Attributes 1 tab, select one of the following options:
Define automatic drawing settings 611 Define object protection and placement settings
in drawings
• Set Place to fixed to always keep the view in the same location when
you update the drawing.
• Set Place to free to let Tekla Structures find a suitable place for the
view when you update the drawing.
5. Click Save to save the view properties.
6. Click Close to return to drawing properties.
7. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
NOTE The Arrange views (page 163) command only affects views where the Place is
set to free. fixed views are not moved.
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
When you create general arrangement drawings, you cannot select the views
to be created in the general arrangement properties dialog box, but you select
them at GA drawing creation. However, you can define automatic settings that
apply to all the views you create in a general arrangement drawing.
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
To select the drawing views to be created and set the view properties:
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load the drawing properties file that you want to modify from the list at
the top.
3. Click View creation.
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
Define drawing views (page 612)
Set automatic drawing properties before creating drawings (page 27)
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
5. On the Content tab, select the elements that you want to include in the
view label mark.
6. If needed, select an element from the list and click Add frame and select
the frame Type and Color.
7. If needed, select an element from the list and select the text Color, Font
and Height.
8. Go to the Position tab and set the text position, horizontal and vertical
offset, and the text alignment.
Text positioning depends on whether you use a symbol or not.
For more information on the elements available in view label marks, see View,
section view and detail view label mark elements (page 903).
For more information about the positioning of the view label marks, see
Positioning properties of view label, section and detail marks (page 884)
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
Define drawing views (page 612)
Third-angle projection:
The following advanced options all affect how the single-part drawing views
See also
Add single-part views in assembly drawings (page 155)
Define drawing views (page 612)
• model
Tekla Structures uses the global coordinate system. The part has the
same position in the drawing as it has in the model. This is one option
when you want to show columns vertically. You can also use this
option to display sloping parts in position. Tekla Structures cannot
display horizontally skewed parts.
• oriented
Tekla Structures uses the local coordinate system of the main part, but
the coordinate system is oriented so that the x axis of the part points
to the right even if the part was created from right to left.
• horizontal brace
Tekla Structures automatically rotates the drawing views so that the
front view is from the top of the model. This is used for skewed braces.
It automatically rotates the front view around the x axis.
• For concrete parts, the option Fixed rotates the front view so that it
shows the casting direction (the face that is top in form) of the
concrete part, if it is defined in the model. For more information about
the casting direction, see Casting direction
5. To save the changes, click Save.
6. Click OK and create the drawing.
Below there are some examples of rotating an object around the x axis:
1. 0 degrees
2. 90 degrees
3. 180 degrees
4. 270 degrees
Below is an example of rotating the same part 180 degrees around the y axis:
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Select the steel or timber part face that is shown in front drawing view
You can select which face of a steel or timber part is shown in the drawing
main (front) view by using the user-defined attribute Fixed drawing main
The user-defined attribute Fixed drawing main view controls the drawing
coordinate system for steel and timber parts. This UDA is only taken into
account when you use the coordinate system Fixed in drawing properties.
When the fixed coordinate system is used, the part is rotated so that the front
view shows the part face that has been selected with the Fixed drawing main
view UDA.
1. In the model, double-click a steel or timber part to open part properties,
and click the UDAs button.
2. On the Parameters tab, click Fixed drawing main view, and select one of
the options:
• Top
• Back
• Bottom
• Start
• End
NOTE Do not change the viewing direction settings in the middle of the project. If
you change the settings, some drawings may disappear.
Example Description
Contour plate in the model view.
1. First creation point
2. Second creation point
Instead of using automatic plate orientation, you can set the plate main axis to
follow the line created by the first and second points you pick, regardless of
the plate dimensions. This enables you to define the plate orientation in
drawings or reports.
To define the contour plate orientation with first and second picked points:
1. Create the contour plate.
The first and second points you pick also define the plate’s main axis.
2. Double-click the plate to open the contour plate properties.
3. Click UDAs, and click the Orientation tab.
4. Select From 1st to 2nd creation point in the Main axis direction list.
5. Click Modify, and close the dialog box.
6. Click Drawings & reports --> Numbering --> Number modified objects
to update numbering.
7. To view the orientation of the plate, create a single-part drawing of the
NOTE You can also affect the orientation of the plates using the advanced options
Neighbor parts refer to (optionally shown) parts that are close to the part that
is depicted in a drawing. Depending on settings, the neighbor parts may be
parts somehow connected to the part in question, or just parts that happen to
be close by.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation, select
the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
4. Click Neighbor part.
TIP If you do not want to see neighbor part extensions in drawing views, set the
In the following example, View extension for neighbor parts is set to 100. No
neighbor parts are located in this area.
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Define drawing views (page 612)
When drawings are created, Tekla Structures decreases the true length of the
part by the value defined in the Shortening box. Shortening is applied linearly
along the length in drawings.
TIP To show the dimensions of the shortened part correctly in the drawings, set
Undeformed to Yes on the Attributes tab in the View creation panel in
drawing properties
See also
Shorten or lengthen parts (page 632)
Undeform deformed parts in drawings (page 638)
To have a concrete part lengthened in cast unit drawings, you must enter a
negative value for shortening in part properties.
1. Double-click a part to open the part properties in the property pane.
See also
Shorten or lengthen parts (page 632)
Parts are only cut in empty areas. If there is something important, for example,
a stiffener in the part, the part is not cut in that area, because that area is not
considered empty.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
4. Go to the Attributes 2 tab.
5. In Cut parts, select one of the following:
• Yes to cut in both X and Y direction.
• Only in X direction
• Only in Y direction
6. In Minimum cut part length and Space between cut parts, select how
to cut the middle regions of the parts in drawing views.
The Minimum cut part length defines how long the part must at least be
to get shortened. The length of the part must be at least twice the entered
The Space between cut parts defines the distance between cut parts on
paper. For example, try 3.0 mm.
7. Set Cut skew parts to Yes to also cut skew parts in views.
8. To save the changes, click Save.
9. Click Close.
10. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
Below is an example of a part before and after cutting. Note that the width is
the same in the non-cut and cut part. Minimum cut part length is 1' 4" and
cut length is 3/8".
The following example describes the meaning of Minimum cut part length,
Space between cut parts, and an area that is not considered to be empty in
the part, and therefore the part is not cut. Minimum cut part length is set to
650, which means that the part is shortened in the view at 650.
See also
Shorten or lengthen parts (page 632)
Shorten parts view by view (page 325)
Define drawing views (page 612)
After Tekla Structures has scaled drawing views and selected the drawing size,
it may stretch shortened views to fill up empty areas of the drawing.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click Layout and go to the Other tab.
4. Set Expand shortened parts to fit to Yes.
5. To save the changes, click Save.
6. Click OK and create the drawing.
See also
Shorten or lengthen parts (page 632)
• You can unfold only beams that have been created with the Polybeam
command. You cannot unfold beams created with the Curved beam
• You can unfold a polybeam only on one plane.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> Single-part
drawing .
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click View creation in the options tree and go to the Attributes tab.
4. Set Unfolded to Yes.
5. To save the changes, click Save.
6. Click OK and create the drawing.
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Deformed parts are parts that have been warped or cambered in the model.
You may want to undeform these parts if you want a concrete part to have two
states: as erected (in the model view) and as cast (in the drawing view), for
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click View creation and go to the Attributes tab.
4. To hide deforming angles and cambering, set Undeformed to Yes.
5. To save the changes, click Save.
6. Click Close.
7. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
NOTE The Undeformed option value in the View Properties properties dialog box
on the Attributes 2 tab is ignored in drawing creation when the Undeformed
option is set to a value on the View creation --> Attributes tab.
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Click Section view.
4. On the Attributes tab, set values for options Section depth and
Distance for combining cuts:
• Section depth defines the positive and negative depth of the section
view when sections are not combined. In an open drawing, you can
adjust the section view depth also by dragging the view boundary.
• Distance for combining cuts defines the distance range for
combining cut views.
• You can additionally control which section views get combined using
the advanced option
5. Still on the Attributes tab, set the direction of the Left section, Middle
section and Right section to left or right.
6. Go to the Cutting line tab and set the section mark line length and offset
(distance between the section mark and the section).
7. Go to the Section mark tab and modify the section mark settings:
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Section view properties (page 849)
Section marks
See below for examples of section marks:
The view direction mark is shown with a small symbol (optionally with a text
label) around the end or section view.
The view orientation mark position follows the label position setting. In the
image below, Center by view restriction box has been selected for the label.
• You can drag view direction marks to a better place in a drawing view: click
the view frame to activate the handles, point the handle, press and hold
• You can define the view direction mark symbol in File menu --> Settings --
> Advanced options --> Drawing Properties by using the following
advanced options:
The default symbol is xsteel@66.
See also
Section view properties (page 849)
End and section views in any location (No selected).
End and section views beside the main view (Yes selected).
See also
Dimensioning rule properties (page 669)
Add automatic view-level dimensions (page 655)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
To create the desired views and define the view properties to use:
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load the drawing properties that you created and saved in the phase 1 of
this workflow.
3. Click View creation in the options tree.
4. In the next panel, click Add row to add new views in your drawing.
5. For those views that you want to create, set the on/off control to On.
If you select Auto, the view is created if relevant dimensions are created
with the used dimensioning settings. If relevant dimensions are not
If you are planning to use filters to select the parts that you want to dimension,
you need to create the drawing view filters first, for example, for selecting
embeds, inner panels or outer panels.
You need to create separate dimensioning rules for each dimensioning type.
For example, the rules made with Overall dimensions are valid for Overall
dimensions only, not for Shape dimensions, for example.
To define dimensions for a view:
1. Select a view in the View creation panel and click View properties.
2. In the View Properties dialog box, click Dimensioning in the options tree
to define the dimensions to be created for the selected view.
3. Click Add row to add a rule.
Here we add two rows.
The order of the rules in the list defines the order of the dimension lines
in the drawing: the dimension created by the first rule is placed closest to
the dimensioned object
At the moment, the filter can only be set for the Integrated dimensions in
this panel. You are able to select the filter in the Dimensioning Rule
Properties dialog box, and you can leave the selection Current assembly
in the Filter column for all rules.
Leave Current assembly in the Filter column.
4. Select the Dimensioning type for the selected rules.
7. Give the dimensioning rule a unique name and click Save as.
Even though the dimension lines are created and placed by default in the
order that you define them in the View creation panel, Tekla Structures
searches for the first suitable location for the dimension lines according to
the placement and protection settings. So the dimension placement may
not always follow the creation order. Check the result and adjust the
location of the dimension lines if necessary.
11. In the top-left corner, give a unique name to the view properties and click
Save to save your changes to the view properties file.
Now you have created new view properties containing two types of
dimensions. You can connect this properties file with a drawing view and use
the defined dimensions in that view.
1. In the View creation panel, select correct view properties for the views
that you are creating.
2. Remember that you created or loaded the drawing properties file in phase
1 of this workflow. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK
and create the drawing.
Tekla Structures creates the drawing according to the definitions in various
properties files.
5. To the define overall dimension rules, click the Overall dimensions row,
and click Edit Rule.
7. Click Close.
8. Next, define the hole dimensions. In the Dimensioning panel, select Hole
dimensions from the dimensioning rules list and click Edit Rule.
9. Create dimensioning rules for hole dimensions:
• Select the check boxes above and on left side of the object, and also
the check box in the upper-left corner to link the dimensions together.
• Use the default values in the Start point lists.
12. In the View Properties dialog box, give the front view properties a unique
name and click Save as.
In this example, the front view properties are saved with the name
Now you have saved the view properties for the front view containing overall
and hole dimensions. Leave the View Properties dialog box open for further
7. Click Close.
8. In the Dimensioning panel, select thickness in the Properties column
as the property file for the overall dimensioning rule.
9. Give a unique name for the section view properties and click Save as.
In this example, the name CU_Section is used.
10. Click OK.
Now you have saved the view properties for the section view containing
overall dimensions.
Tekla Structures creates the cast unit drawing according your definitions in
different properties files. The cast unit drawing contains a front view and a
section view. The overall dimensions in both views have a little bit larger font,
and the front view has red hole dimensions. Only the wall thickness is
dimensioned in the section view.
You can use the drawing properties file cu_wall_panel later on when you
need drawings with similar settings.
Setting Description
What is dimensioned Sets the dimensioning type:
• Overall dimensions creates dimensions for the
bounding box of the objects you select in the
Measure from list.
• Edge shape creates dimensions for the edge of
the object selected in the Measure from list.
For sandwich walls, the default setting Cast
unit / Assembly may not give the desired
result with Edge shape. Then you can
dimension the internal and external layers
separately according to the part name.
• Secondary parts creates dimensions for the
secondary parts of a cast unit or an assembly.
• Holes creates dimensions for the holes of the
objects selected in the Measure from list. The
hole dimensions are combined according to the
Combine on one line setting.
NOTE: The Holes dimensioning type does not
dimension bolts, you need to use the
Integrated dimensions to get the bolt
• Recesses creates dimensions for the recesses
of the objects selected in the Measure from
list. The hole dimensions are combined
according to the Combine on one line setting.
• Distance to grid creates dimensions from the
grid line to the bounding box of the object
selected in the Measure from list. This setting
works only when the grid lines are visible.
• Filter can be used to dimension anything that
can be filtered. It is often used when
dimensioning embeds. For example, you can
Start point Defines where the origin points for the dimensions
• The default values are left for the Horizontal
and bottom for the Vertical dimension.
The setting marked with symbol chooses
the nearest edge as the dimension origin, for
every dimension separately. In the example
below, the object is closer to the right edge, and
so the horizontal dimension starts from there.
Vertical = Horizontal Often the settings are similar for both directions,
and when this option is used, only vertical settings
need to be set.
Close lines Defines whether the dimension lines extend to the
other end of the cast unit or assembly or not
• This option is visible only when Holes or
Recesses is selected.
• The diameter is the default value.
• Currently, round holes are identified only by cut
part profile (prefix D). If you create the round
hole using round chamfers, for example, the
hole will not be dimensioned.
Dimension properties Select and apply dimensions line settings defined
in the dimension properties file that has been
saved earlier in theDimension Properties dialog
box in a drawing. The default value is standard.
If you select Same on all sides, the settings in the
same dimension properties file are used on all
sides. If you deselect Same on all sides, you can
select and apply different dimension line
properties for Top, Bottom, Left and Right side.
Setting Description
Straight dimensions Select predefined dimension properties. If none of
the available properties suit your needs, open a
Angle dimensions
drawing, click Drawing --> Properties -->
Angle and radius Dimension, and edit and save the needed
dimensions dimension properties so that they are available for
selecting in the spiral beam Dimensioning rule
properties dialog box for the three dimension
See also
Add automatic view-level dimensions (page 655)
Create a drawing view filter for view-level dimensioning (page 678)
Dimension and dimensioning properties (page 850)
Spiral beams in drawings (page 459)
Have a look at some filtering examples:
Create a filter for holes and recesses (page 680)
Create a filter for the main part of an assembly (page 681)
Create an exclude filter for dimension tag (page 682)
Create an exclude filter for stirrups in section views (page 682)
With the example filter shown below it is possible to exclude everything else
from the tag content, except cut parts that have the name ‘HVAC’.
Below is an example of a shape in a model object and the dimensions in a
When you return to the View Dimensioning Rules dialog box by clicking
Close, you can attached the new integrated dimensioning properties to the
Integrated dimensioning rule.
Edge shape
Filter: Embeds
Filter: Bolts
To get the location of every bolt in the bolt group dimensioned, set Dimension
to to midpoint :
Start point and end point option will dimension the first and the last
reinforcing bar in a group:
To make the rule creation easier, the midpoint setting of the Dimension to
option works so that it will create dimensions to start point and end point of
the reinforcing bars that are parallel to the view plane:
See also
Add minimum and maximum position dimensions to bolts (page 724)
Group identical objects to the same dimension line (page 699)
Add dimensions to unfolded parts (page 723)
Add elevation dimensions (page 700)
Add dimensions to plates (page 729)
Add dimensions to profiles (page 732)
Create check dimensions (page 702)
Example: Part dimensioning (page 704)
Example: Position dimensioning (page 708)
See also
Dimensioning properties - Dimension grouping tab (Integrated dimensioning)
(page 871)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
For example, if the elevation is 5000 mm, and you set the reference point to
200, the elevation changes to 4800 mm. You can also change the elevation
dimension prefix, which in the English version is EL by default.
To change the reference point and create elevation dimensions using another
1. Go to the Position dimensions tab, and set Elevation dimensions to On.
2. Click OK.
3. In the drawing properties dialog box, click View --> Attributes 2 .
4. Do one of the following:
• To use a specific value, select Specified from the Datum point for
elevations list and enter a value in the Datum level box.
NOTE Shortening value added in the user-defined properties of a part affects also
elevation dimensions.
Tekla Structures creates elevation dimensions for skew parts only if the parts
are in the same position in the drawing as they are in the model. This means
that the coordinate system must be set to model.
If you are using local, oriented, or brace coordinate systems, Tekla Structures
does not draw the elevation dimensions for skewed parts by default. If you
want to create elevation dimensions, set the advanced option
XS_DRAW_SKEWED_ELEVATIONS to TRUE in File menu --> Settings -->
Advanced sptions --> Dimensioning: Parts . See below for an example of an
elevation dimension for a skew part.
Check dimensions
Check dimensions are additional dimensions in integrated dimensioning that
you can use for checking, usually in thinner text than other dimensions. They
are not required for fabrication or erection, and they are mainly used for
checking detailing, not for assembling parts.
Tekla Structures uses work points to create check dimensions. Work points can
be either the points between which the part was originally created, or the
intersection point of the reference lines of the parts. The reference line
location depends on the part position depth set in part properties. If it is
middle, the reference line is the center line, if it is front, the line is located in
the part front edge, etc.
Knock-off dimension is a special type of check dimension that dimensions the
distance from work points to the end of the part.
See also
Create check dimensions (page 702)
To Do this Number in
the image
Create check dimensions In the Dimensioning dialog box,
between outermost work points. click Part dimensions and set
Main part work points to Yes.
Overall dimensions
See also
Dimensioning properties - Part dimensions tab (Integrated dimensioning)
(page 868)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Secondary part is
dimensioned By parts.
Secondary part is
dimensioned By both.
Secondary part is
dimensioned By bolts.
Secondary part
dimension direction is
Neighbor part.
Position from is set to
Work points.
See also
Dimensioning properties - Position dimensions tab (Integrated dimensioning)
(page 865)
See also
Dimensioning properties - General tab (Integrated dimensioning) (page 861)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Option 4.5 uses a combination of option 5 for the main part and a
combination of option 4 for the secondary parts.
Distance 5’-0
See also
Dimensioning properties - General tab (Integrated dimensioning) (page 861)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
1. Bolt group 1
2. Bolt group 2
See also
Dimensioning properties - Bolt dimensions tab (Integrated dimensioning)
(page 870)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
See also
Dimensioning properties - General tab (Integrated dimensioning) (page 861)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
See also
Dimensioning properties - General tab (Integrated dimensioning) (page 861)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Settings Example
Dimensions for reinforcing
bar groups is set to On, no
dimension tags selected in
Mark location.
See also
Dimensioning properties - Reinforcement dimensions tab (Integrated
dimensioning) (page 873)
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Dual dimensions can only be shown in relative and US absolute dimensions,
but not in absolute dimensions.
1. Click On the File menu, click Settings --> Options and go to Drawing
dimensions settings.
2. Set the units, format and precision.
3. Select the drawing types where you want to have the dual dimensions.
4. Click OK.
When Tekla Structures creates the drawing, it adds in the lower dimension tag
in the selected unit and format, and adds the text DIMENSION in the middle
dimension tag in the Dimension Properties dialog box.
Below is an example of dual dimensions using the units mm and format ###.
To Do this
Create bending line dimensions for Set the advanced option
Create angle and radius dimensions Set the advanced option
for unfolded parts. XS_DRAW_ANGLE_AND_RADIUS_INFO
Set a prefix text for an angle Set the advanced option
Set a prefix text for a radius Set the advanced option
See also
Dimension properties - Units, precision and format (page 854)
Setting Example
Before setting the advanced option.
Line extensions cannot be applied to dimensions that have different arrows
from line arrows, or to knock-off dimensions of the following type:
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Options and go to the Drawing
dimensions settings.
2. Enter the length of the dimension line extension in the Dimension line
extension length for line arrow box.
In the following example, dimensions are parallel to the dimension line and
zero is shown at the zero point.
See also
Dimension properties - Appearance tab (page 856)
Automatic view-level dimensions (page 651)
See below for an example of exaggerated dimensions:
See also
Add manual dimensions (page 168)
To Do this
Dimension the plates to Set the advanced option
the edge that is nearest XS_PART_POSITION_TO_EDGE_NEAREST_TO_NEI
to the neighbor part GHBOUR to TRUE.
Dimension the plates to 1. Set the advanced option
the leading edge of the XS_USE_PLATE_SIDE_POSITIONING to
beams FALSE.
2. Set the advanced option
3. Set the advanced option
Dimension the plates to 1. Set the advanced option
the leading edge of the XS_USE_PLATE_SIDE_POSITIONING to
columns FALSE.
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
To define dimension settings for profiles, you need to edit the dimension
planes table dim_planes_table.txt.
1. On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Dimensioning: Parts category.
2. Set the advanced option XS_PART_DIMENSION_PLANES_TABLE as
This advanced option defines the path to the part dimension planes table.
3. Open the dim_planes_table.txt file in any text editor, for example,
Microsoft Notepad. The file is located in ..\Tekla Structures
4. Edit the file contents and save the file.
5. To use the new settings in drawings, restart Tekla Structures and recreate
the drawings. Changing the file does not automatically update existing
Example 1
In this example, the hole dimension is set from the middle of the flange
instead of the flange edge for "I" Profile.
Open the file and edit the middle of the column to TRUE* in the ProfType 1 row line, save and restart Tekla Structures.
However, when you generate the new drawing, it will create the hole dimension from the middle of the flange.
/*** DIMENSION PLANES TABLE for different profile types and sizes
//Values: -1.0 in max size means no size limit!
ProfType, MaxSize, middle, left, right, middle, bottom, top
//I-profile - horizontal by reference line,vertical from top flange
Example 2
Here is another example of a dimension planes table:
ProfType,MaxSize, middle,right, left, middle, right, left
The line beginning with 1 means that Tekla Structures always dimensions I
profiles (ProfType = 1) smaller than 300 mm (MaxSize = 300) to the middle of
the flange and to the right edge of the web, no matter how the part was
The line beginning with 7 means that Tekla Structures always dimensions
round tubes (ProfType = 7) to the middle of the profile
The ProfType numbers run in the same order as the profiles in the Profile
• 1 = I profile
• 2 = L profile
• 3 = Z profile
• 4 = U profile
• 5 = plate
• 6 = round bar
• 7 = round tube
• 8 = square pipe
• 9 = C profile
• 10 = T profile
The default limit for aligning dimension text is 0.1 (5.74 degrees). When this
limit is exceeded, the dimension text gets flipped. To adjust this limit, use the
See also
Object groups in dimensioning general arrangement drawings (page 736)
Dimension object groups on different dimension lines (page 737)
Example: Grid and overall dimensions (page 738)
Example: Maximum leader line length options (page 740)
Example: Dimension parts partly outside the view (page 741)
Example: Limit the number of outside dimensions (page 742)
Example: Position part dimensions (page 743)
Example: Dimension anchor bolt plans (page 748)
Dimensioning properties - Grid tab (GA drawings) (page 874)
Dimensioning properties - Parts tab (GA drawings) (page 875)
See also
Dimension object groups on different dimension lines (page 737)
In this example, several beam groups were created, one for each beam size to
be dimensioned, then the position for the dimensions in different groups was
selected, and tags were added displayed for each group:
See also
Dimensioning properties - Parts tab (GA drawings) (page 875)
Add automatic dimensions to general arrangement drawings (page 736)
See also
Dimensioning properties - Parts tab (GA drawings) (page 875)
See also
Dimensioning properties - Parts tab (GA drawings) (page 875)
In the example below, Horizontal position is set to Left side, which places all
dimensions to horizontal parts to the left of the grid.
In the example below, Vertical position is set to Above, which places all
dimensions to vertical parts above the grid.
See also
Dimensioning properties - Parts tab (GA drawings) (page 875)
See also
Mark properties (page 877)
Mark elements (page 892)
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
Create and modify marks, notes, texts and links in drawings (page 243)
Show pour objects, pour marks and pour breaks in drawings (page 819)
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Units and decimals in drawings, reports and templates (page 825)
You can do this the view properties dialog box of single-part, assembly, and
cast unit drawings. For general arrangement drawings, automatic marks can
be defined on drawing level.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
This is an example of a part mark.
See also
Mark location (page 763)
Define automatic placement settings for marks (page 608)
Mark properties (page 877)
Mark elements (page 892)
Add symbols in automatic marks (page 785)
Add templates in marks (page 780)
Add pull-out pictures in automatic reinforcement marks (page 789)
Add attributes in automatic marks (page 776)
Define size in bolt marks using advanced options (page 786)
See also
Adjust mark visibility in an existing drawing (page 258)
Merge marks automatically (page 767)
Merge reinforcement marks automatically (page 771)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Mark properties (page 877)
See also
Adjust part mark leader lines with advanced options (page 761)
Place reinforcement mark leader line base point automatically (page 762)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Mark properties (page 877)
To Do this
Define whether a leader line is drawn Set
when the leader line is shorter than XS_DRAW_SHORT_LEADER_LINES_OF
defined with the advanced option _PART_MARKS to TRUE (default) to
XS_DRAW_SHORT_LEADER_LINES_OF always draw leader lines in part
_PART_MARKS_MINIMUM_LENGTH marks. When you set this option to
FALSE, the leader line is not drawn if
it would be shorter than the
minimum you set for the advanced
Give a minimum length for the leader Set a value in millimeters for the
line. If the length is less than this advanced option
value, the leader line is not drawn. XS_DRAW_SHORT_LEADER_LINES_OF
Define the leader line start position Set a value for the advanced option
for a leader line with a rectangular XS_MARK_LEADER_LINE_POSITION_
Define the leader line start position Set a value for the advanced option
for a leader line of a mark without a XS_MARK_LEADER_LINE_POSITION_
frame and for a leader line of a mark TYPE_FOR_NO_FRAME .
with a mark element frame.
Define the length of the leader line Set a value for the advanced option
See also
Adjust text, frames and leader lines of automatic marks (page 760)
• On the File menu, click Settings --> Advanced options and go to the
Concrete Detailing category.
To Do this
Select an optimal place for the base Set
An example showing optimized base points.
See also
Adjust text, frames and leader lines of automatic marks (page 760)
Mark location
The location of the marks in drawings is affected by several settings, not only
the properties of the mark itself.
See also
Mark properties (page 877)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
See also
Mark location (page 763)
Mark properties (page 877)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Use part mark as an orientation mark in general arrangement drawings
(page 798)
How leader line type affects part mark and surface treatment mark
Part marks and surface treatment marks have several types of leader lines you
can select. The type of the leader line affects the location of the mark.
See also
Mark location (page 763)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Mark properties (page 877)
Below is a list of leader line options available for identical reinforcement marks
and reinforcing bar group marks:
See also
Mark location (page 763)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Merge reinforcement marks automatically (page 771)
Mark properties (page 877)
• Part marks can be merged only on view and drawing level. It is not possible
to merge or split part marks manually.
• You cannot merge part marks (assembly marks) that are not part of the
same assembly.
• Tekla Structures does not merge neighbor part marks.
Advanced options in merging marks
In merging part marks, you may find the following advanced options useful:
In the example below, the part marks are merged in X direction of the HEA300
beam (main part).
In the example below, the marks in the Y direction are not merged, because
the marks are merged only in X direction (which in this example is horizontal).
Tekla Structures merges marks for identical secondary parts on both faces of
main parts.
See also
Merged part marks (page 768)
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
See also
Merge reinforcement marks manually (page 270)
Merge reinforcement marks automatically (page 771)
In this example, three A φ12 L2000 marks are merged to a block, and six V φ8
L650 marks to another block, and then these blocks are merged in the
following way:
See also
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Merged reinforcement marks (page 770)
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation,
select the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
4. Click Part mark.
5. In part mark properties, go to the General tab.
6. Use one of the following options:
Use hidden lines for hidden parts: Yes
Part mark frame and leader line are shown with a dashed line.
7. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click Save to save the
changes in view properties and Close to return to drawing properties.
General arrangement drawings: Click OK.
See also
Mark properties - Content, General, Merging and Appearance tabs (page 878)
Mark properties (page 877)
For user-defined attributes in mark elements, the default unit settings are
taken from the contentattributes_userdefined.lst file. You can use
contentattributes_userdefined.lst also when you want to configure
settings of your own. By default, this file is located in ..\Program Files
\Tekla Structures\<version>\nt\TplEd\settings, but often the
location depends on your environment. The files are read from different
locations in a certain search order.
The container file contentattributes.lst lists all the files that contain the
actual attribute definitions. The order of the files included in
contentattributes.lst defines the reading order of the files.
TIP You can add in the mark a template that changes the unit and number of
decimals. This affects all drawings that have marks containing the
changed template.
5. Give a name to the property file next to the Save as button and click Save
Now you can load this file later on when you need to use the same unit
and format again.
6. Click Modify.
All the part marks in your drawing now have the new unit and format
setting for the length element.
Example 2
This second example shows a situation when you want a certain project to
have certain individual settings. In this case, you can add
contentattributes.lst under the model folder, and add this individual
setting at the end of the contentattributes.lst. See the example below
showing the included global attributes and user attributes files, and the added
DIAMETER setting.
You can add user-defined attributes and template attributes in automatic and
manual marks.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation,
select the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
4. Click Part mark.
5. In the mark properties dialog box, double-click the User-defined
attribute element in the Available elements list to add it in the mark.
6. Enter the user-defined attribute name in the Mark content - user
defined attribute dialog box exactly as it appears in the objects.inp
If you need a template attribute in your mark, enter that instead.
7. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click Save to save the
changes in view properties and Close to return to drawing properties.
General arrangement drawings: Click OK.
In the following example, the user-defined attribute OBJECT_LOCKED has been
added in the part mark after a text element Locked:.
See also
Add level attributes in automatic part marks (page 777)
Mark elements (page 892)
Common elements in marks (page 893)
In the following example, TOP_LEVEL and ASSEMBLY_TOP_LEVEL have been
added in the mark.
In the following example, the top level of the part itself (TOP_LEVEL), the top
level of the assembly (ASSEMBLY_TOP_LEVEL), and the top level of the
assembly main part (ASSEMBLY.MAIN_PART.TOP_LEVEL) have been added in
the mark.
TIP The mark templates are by default searched from the following folders in the
following order:
For more information about templates in marks, see the following examples:
Example 1: Create a mark template containing separate value fields and text
elements (page 782)
Example 2: Create a mark template containing a formula in the value field
(page 784)
The first example below uses fractions and the second one decimals.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation,
select the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
4. Click Part mark.
5. In the mark properties dialog box, double-click the User-defined
attribute element in the Available elements list to add it in the mark.
6. In the Mark content - template dialog box, click Create new.
This starts the Template Editor.
See also
Example 1: Create a mark template containing separate value fields and text
elements (page 782)
See also
Symbols in drawings (page 482)
To change the bolt mark Size element content, go to File menu --> Settings --
> Advanced options --> Marking: Bolts .
To Do this
Define the contents of the size Set a value for the advanced option
element in slotted hole marks or XS_LONGHOLE_MARK_STRING_FOR_S
longhole marks (general arrangement IZE.
For GA-drawings, set a value for the
advanced option
Define the contents of the size Set a value for the advanced option
element in slotted hole marks or XS_SITE_LONGHOLE_MARK_STRING_
longhole marks (general arrangement FOR_SIZE.
drawings) for site bolts.
For GA-drawings, set a value for the
advanced option
Define the contents of the size Set a value for the advanced option
element in slotted hole marks or XS_SHOP_LONGHOLE_MARK_STRING_
longhole marks (general arrangement FOR_SIZE.
drawings) for workshop bolts.
For GA-drawings, set a value for the
advanced option
Define the contents of the size Set a value for the advanced option
element in hole marks. XS_HOLE_MARK_STRING_FOR_SIZE.
For GA-drawings, set a value for the
advanced option
Define the contents of the size Set a value for the advanced option
element in hole marks for site bolts. XS_SITE_HOLE_MARK_STRING_FOR_
For GA-drawings, set a value for the
advanced option
You can use any combination of text and the following options as the value for
the above advanced options. Enclose each option in % characters. To use
special characters enter a backslash (\) followed by an ASCII number. You can
use the options in any order, and make calculations.
• LONGHOLE_MIN (the shorter of the slotted hole dimensions)
• LONGHOLE_MAX (the longer of the slotted hole dimensions)
Example of using the advanced options:
Please note that for calculations the operator (+, -, *, /) must not be outside the
"%" marks:
Correct: %OPTION1*OPTION2%
Incorrect: %OPTION1%*%OPTION2%
For example, if OPTION1 = 5.0 and OPTION2 = 3.0, the results would be "15"
and "5*3"
See also
Reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mark elements (page 898)
See also
Drawing grid properties (page 930)
Define automatic drawing settings 793 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
To Click the links below to find out
shown. You can also control the
visibility of the neighbor part bolts.
Check examples of modifying the part Example: Part representations
settings (page 795)
Indicate the part orientation by using Indicate part orientation (page 797)
part marks, by including compass
direction in marks, and showing
orientation marks and connecting
side marks
Check and change part and neighbor Part and neighbor part properties in
part properties drawings (page 904)
Define automatic drawing settings 794 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Example: Part representations (page 795)
Setting Example
Part representation is
set to Outline.
Part representation is
set to Exact.
The Edge chamfers
check box is selected in
Additional marks.
Part representation is
set to Symbol.
Part representation is
set to Symbol with
partial profile.
You can change the
partial profile settings
Length and Offset from
middle point. In the first
Define automatic drawing settings 795 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
Setting Example
example on the right,
the default values are
used. In the second
example, both the length
and the offset have been
Part representation is
set to Bounding box.
Part representation is
set to Base box.
Part representation is
set to Exact and Symbol
offset is set to 0.00.
The Center line check
box is selected.
Part representation is
set to Exact and Symbol
offset is set to 10.00.
The Center line check
box is selected.
The Hidden lines check
box is not selected.
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Define automatic drawing part properties (page 794)
Define automatic drawing settings 796 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
Define automatic neighbor part properties
You can define what is shown of neighbor parts and how the neighbor parts
are shown. You can also control the visibility of the neighbor part bolts.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings:Click View creation, select
the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
4. Click Neighbor part.
5. Select the desired visibility options on the Visibility tab.
• For more information, see Show neighbor parts in views (page 630)
6. On the Contents tab, select the neighbor bolt representation, whether to
show hidden lines, center lines and reference lines, and which additional
markings to show.
A reference line is a line between the points from which a part is created.
7. On the Appearance tab, select the color and type of the lines.
The color of the center lines can be changed only on the drawing and view
level, not on the object level. For center lines, you can only adjust the color
in the properties dialog box, not the type.
You can adjust the line type of part center lines with the advanced option
8. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click Save to save the view
properties. Then return to drawing properties by clicking Close.
9. General arrangement drawings: Click OK to return to drawing properties.
10. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the
See also
Define drawing parts and neighbor parts (page 793)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Example: Part representations (page 795)
Define automatic drawing settings 797 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
part marks, by including compass direction in marks, and showing orientation
marks and connecting side marks.
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Define automatic drawing settings 798 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
4. Click Save to save the properties and Close to close the dialog box.
5. In the model, click Drawings & reports --> Numbering settings -->
Numbering settings and clear the Beam orientation and Column
orientation check boxes.
When you do this, similar assemblies get the same number regardless of
the part orientation.
6. Go to File menu --> Settings --> Options --> Orientation marks and set
the following options:
• Set the desired Viewing direction for beams, bracings and columns.
• Set Mark always to center of column in GA drawings to No.
• Set Preferred location for beams and bracings to Left or Right.
The preferred location determines the end where the mark is placed.
7. Click OK.
8. Check the leader line type through Drawings & reports --> Drawings
properties --> GA drawing --> Part marks --> General .
Place the mark near the part end, not in the middle of the part using one
of the following settings:
9. Click Save to save the drawing properties and OK to close the dialog box.
10. Create assembly (and single-part) drawings using the settings you
If you have not created a drawing earlier, the modeling direction of the
part that has the smallest id is used, except if the top in form face has
been defined.
11. Create general arrangement drawings using the settings you modified.
NOTE • In general arrangement drawings, the cast unit part marks behave in the
same way as the assembly part marks, except when Top in form face is
set to Front or Back on the Parameters tab of the part’s User-defined
attributes dialog box. These settings tell the end where the part mark is
• When you update an assembly drawing so that the mark is placed at the
other end of the part, remember to update the marks in the
corresponding general arrangement drawing. Tekla Structures does not do
this automatically.
• Also note that if you have set the advanced option
XS_UPSIDE_DOWN_TEXT_ALLOWED to TRUE, the text reading direction
indicates the part installation direction.
Define automatic drawing settings 799 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
The part mark is positioned at the stiffener side:
The marks are positioned at the same side irrespective of the orientation of
the beams:
See also
Mark location (page 763)
Indicate part orientation (page 797)
Define marks (page 752)
Define automatic drawing settings 800 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
indicates the compass direction (North, East, South, West) of the face where
the mark appears.
Limitation: Tekla Structures indicates the face direction only if it is the same for
all assemblies or cast units with the same assembly or cast unit position
1. Check in which direction north is in the model by clicking File --> Settings
--> Options --> Orientation marks and checking Project north (degrees
counterclockwise from global x).
2. In the model, click Drawings & reports --> Numbering settings and
select the Column orientation check box.
This forces Tekla Structures to show the face direction in the part mark for
two similar columns with different orientation.
3. In the desired assembly or cast unit drawing view properties, click Part
mark and insert the Face direction element in the part mark.
Now the assembly or cast unit drawings show the face direction in the part
TIP To show compass direction in GA drawings, go to File --> Settings --> Options --
> Orientation marks and set Mark always to center of column in GA
drawings to No.
See also
Indicate part orientation (page 797)
Define automatic drawing settings 801 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> Assembly
2. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
3. Click Part --> Content and select the Orientation marks check box.
4. Save the view properties and click Close.
5. Save the assembly drawing properties and click OK.
6. If needed, define which parts Tekla Structures considers to be columns,
braces or beams by setting the skew limits through File menu --> Settings
--> Options --> Orientation marks --> Skew limit .
7. Use the following advanced options to adjust orientation marks:
• XS_GA_NORTH_MARK_SYMBOL (general arrangement drawings)
• XS_GA_HIDDEN_NORTH_MARK_SYMBOL (general arrangement
• XS_GA_NORTH_MARK_SCALE (general arrangement drawings)
8. Create the assembly drawing.
For different parts, Tekla Structures draws orientation marks in the following
• To the top flange of beams, at the end which points closest to the north or
to the direction defined in XS_ORIENTATION_MARK_DIRECTION (see part 1
and 2 in the illustration below)
• To the lower end of columns, on the flange which points closest to the
north or to the direction defined in XS_ORIENTATION_MARK_DIRECTION
(see part 4 in the illustration below)
Define automatic drawing settings 802 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
• To the flange of bracing, at the end which points closest to the north or to
the direction defined in XS_ORIENTATION_MARK_DIRECTION (see 3 A and
B in the illustration below)
TIP You can display orientation marks for single-part views included in assembly
drawings by setting the advanced option XS_SINGLE_ORIENTATION_MARK to
See also
Indicate part orientation (page 797)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Define automatic drawing settings 803 Define drawing parts and neighbor parts
TIP If needed, you can change the connecting side mark symbol with the advanced
connecting side mark is drawn or not.
See also
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
See also
Define drawing bolts (page 804)
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings (page 909)
Example: Bolt representations (page 806)
See also
Define drawing bolts (page 804)
You can select the options from the Solid/symbol list. Here are some
examples of different selections.
Setting Example
Symbol 2
Symbol 3
See also
Define drawing bolts (page 804)
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings (page 909)
See also
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings (page 809)
Colors in drawings (page 495)
Define automatic surface treatment in drawings (page 816)
Example: Insulation hatch patterns (page 814)
Hatch pattern settings (.htc) for automatic drawing hatches (page 812)
Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (surfacing.htc) (page 911)
In the example below, the following hatch options have been selected for cross
Scale: Custom
Scaling in x direction: 0.25
Scaling in y direction: 0.50
Keep ratio of x and y is selected.
Angle: 10.00
The hatch patterns defined in schema files are used when you set Type to
Automatic on the Fill page in the part or shape properties.
Hatch schema file name and location
The name of the schema file Tekla Structures uses for each drawing type is
defined in the Hatching category of the Advanced options dialog box:
The default schema files are located in the ..\Tekla Structures
\<version>\environments\common\system folder. The environment-
specific schema files are located under the environments, for example:
..Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments\<environment>
\system\steel\general.htc (also assembly.htc, single.htc)
..Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments\<environment>
Schema file syntax
Material type, Cast unit type, Material name, Hatch name,
Scale, Color, Automatic scaling and rotation
CONCRETE,,hardware_SOLID,,120 (gray shade)
CONCRETE,Precast,C25/30,CONC,0.3,1 ("traditional" concrete Precast)
CONCRETE,CIP,C25/30,CONCRE,0.3,1 ("traditional" concrete CIP)
CONCRETE,,CROSS,2,1 (small crosses)
MISCELLANEOUS,Insulation,HARD_INS1,1,,1 (straight lines)
MISCELLANEOUS,Insulation,SOFT_INS,1,,1 (rounded lines)
Option Description
MISCELLANEOUS (case sensitive)
Cast unit type Precast or CIP. You also need to
define the cast unit type for concrete
parts in part properties.
Material name The material name defined for the
part in part properties in the model.
Hatch name To check the hatch pattern names
and related hatch patterns go to the
Fill tab in Part properties, select a
hatch pattern from the Type list and
click the ... button next to the list.
Then click a pattern to see its name in
the Type list. The selected hatch
pattern is marked with a red frame.
Hatch names are case sensitive.
If you do not want to use any hatch
pattern for a material, leave the hatch
name field blank in the schema file.
Color BLACK: 0 (default)
RED: 2
Special: 120 (use this color for gray
The hatch color defines the line width
for the printer. If you do not define a
See also
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings (page 809)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Previewing patterns
To preview the scaled and rotated patterns, click the ... button next to the Type
See also
Define hatches in drawings (page 807)
See also
Define automatic surface treatment in drawings (page 816)
Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings (page 910)
Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (surfacing.htc) (page 911)
The hatch pattern Tekla Structures adds on the surface treatment depends on
the type of the surface treatment that you selected in surface treatment
properties in the model, and on the hatch properties defined in the surface
treatment hatch pattern properties file surfacing.htc.
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation, select
the view and the properties that you want to change, and click View
4. Click Surface treatment.
See also
Define automatic surface treatment in drawings (page 816)
Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings (page 910)
Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (surfacing.htc) (page 911)
Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (surfacing.htc) (page 911)
Define hatches in drawings (page 807)
See also
Define automatic model weld properties in drawings (page 817)
Welds in drawings (page 346)
Examples: Model welds in drawings (page 349)
See also
Model weld properties in drawings (page 927)
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings (page 888)
See also
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Pour object and pour break properties in drawings (page 922)
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings (page 809)
Examples of pour drawings and pour reports (page 468)
Ensure that you have enabled pour management (set the advanced option
To show pour objects and pour breaks automatically, modify their appearance
and add pour object marks:
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties --> GA
drawing .
2. Load drawing properties that are as close to the ones you need as
3. In the properties dialog box, click the View button and set Show pours in
drawings to Yes, and click OK.
4. Click the Pour object button to modify the properties:
• Content tab: Select whether you want to see the hidden lines and own
hidden lines, and the edge chamfers by clicking on or off.
• Appearance tab: Set the color and type for visible lines and hidden
See also
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Pour object and pour break properties in drawings (page 922)
Add hatches (fills) to parts and sketch objects in drawings (page 809)
Examples of pour drawings and pour reports (page 468)
Define automatic drawing settings 820 Define drawing reinforcement and meshes
See also
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp) (page 916)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Define automatic drawing settings 821 Define drawing reinforcement and meshes
TIP The representation of reinforcing bars that point away from the drawing can be
changed. You can customize reinforcing bar bent symbols (cross, circle, filled
circle) by editing the symbol file bent.sym, which in the default environment is
located in the folder ..\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\
\environments\common\symbols. Or, you can create a new symbol file in the
same folder, for example, my_new_symbols.sym, and take it into use in the
rebar_config.inp (page 916) by entering the following string in the file:
See also
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp) (page 916)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Define drawing reinforcement and meshes (page 820)
Here are some examples of what reinforcing bars look like with different
settings selected on the Bar content tab in Reinforcement or Neighbor
Reinforcement properties.
Setting Description
Hide lines behind parts is selected.
The reinforcing bar lines are hidden
behind other parts.
Define automatic drawing settings 822 Define drawing reinforcement and meshes
See also
Define automatic reinforcement and reinforcement mesh properties
(page 821)
Define drawing reinforcement and meshes (page 820)
Setting Example
single line
double line
filled line
Define automatic drawing settings 823 Define drawing reinforcement and meshes
See also
Define drawing reinforcement and meshes (page 820)
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
Define automatic drawing settings 824 Define drawing reinforcement and meshes
not have a common position number (GROUP_POS), so position
information is not included in reinforcement marks.
• You can adjust the rebar visibility (page 913) in Reinforcement
properties. For example, you can select to show bar in the middle of
• You can use the following rebar-group-specific interactive dimensioning
and marking commands (page 182) found in the pop-up menu for rebar
• Create dimension line
• Add mark --> Dimension mark
• Add mark --> Tagged dimension mark
• Associative notes (page 255) can be created.
Below is an example of an automatically created rebar group in a drawing. The
drawing uses rebar group visibility option bar in the middle of group, and
reinforcement mark option One leader line to group, and the dimensions
have been created with the command Create dimension line.
For more information about creating rebar sets, see Create a rebar set.
For more information about showing automatic bar groups in rebar sets in the
Define automatic drawing settings 825 Units and decimals in drawings, reports and
8.15 Units and decimals in drawings, reports and
Unit settings used in drawing objects, and reports and templates created in
Template Editor are taken from different places. These settings include, for
example, the used unit and the number of decimals.
In drawings, reports and templates, the units and decimals are defined in the
following way:
• Unit settings for marks: Tekla Structures uses the
contentattributes_global.lst attributes file for setting the default
unit and decimal settings for various mark elements. You can use
contentattributes_userdefined.lst when you want to configure
settings of your own.
For more information about unit settings in marks, see Change unit
settings for marks (page 774).
For more information about the contentattributes_global.lst and
contentattributes_userdefined.lst files, see Template attribute
• Unit settings for drawing objects: Default unit settings for drawing
objects (other than marks) either come from the standard drawing
properties files (standard.*) or are hardcoded in Tekla Structures.
• Unit settings for dimensions in dimension tags: Default unit settings for
dimensions and dimension tags are defined in the Options dialog box on
the Drawing dimensions page.
• Level attributes in marks, such as TOP_LEVEL, and BOTTOM_LEVEL take
the dimension format from the MarkDimensionFormat.dim file. For more
information about level attributes in part marks, see Add level attributes in
automatic part marks (page 777).
• Unit settings for reports/templates created with Template Editor: Unit
settings for reports and templates created in Template Editor can be
defined in the Value Field Properties dialog box Format area or in format
functions. The default unit and decimal settings are taken from the
contentattributes_global.lst attributes file.
Format area:
Define automatic drawing settings 826 Units and decimals in drawings, reports and
Formula containing a format function:
For tips for using format functions, see Tips for using format function in
formulas. For more information about formats and value fields, see
Template Editor User's Guide.
The user-defined attributes in the drawing are displayed when you click User-
defined attributes in the drawing properties dialog box. You can show up to
20 user-defined attributes in the Drawing List. To check the ones that you
have, click User-defined attributes in a drawing properties dialog box.
When you define new user-defined attributes
When you define new user-defined (page 829) attributes, create your own file
in the company, project or firm folder. After adding your own user-defined
attributes, you need to use the Diagnose & Change Attribute Definitions
See also
Add attributes in automatic marks (page 776)
What is displayed in the Drawing list (page 128)
Switches for customizing print file names (page 546)
Modify automatic user-defined drawing attributes (page 828)
TIP • You can control whether the modifications in user-defined attributes affect
all selected drawings in the Drawing List at the same time, even if the
drawings are of different types by using the advanced option
See also
Create a new user-defined drawing attribute (page 829)
6. Define the drawing types where you want to use the new tab containing
the new user-defined attribute.
See also
User-defined attributes in drawings (page 827)
NOTE If you add new customized line types, you need to add corresponding bitmaps
to the ..\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\bitmaps folder,
and name them dr_line_type_*.bmp, for example
Example 1
Line type definition for DASHDOT is A, 12.7, -6.35, 0, -6.35
This string means that the pattern starts with a dash with the length of 12.7
units, followed by a space with the length of 6.35 units, then a dot, and then
again a space with the length of 6.35 units. Then the first dash is drawn again.
Example 2
Below is an example containing definitions for dotted lines:
*DOT,Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A, 0, -1.5875
*DOT2,Dot (.5x) ........................................
A, 0, -0.79375
*DOTX2,Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A, 0, -3.175
There are a lot of settings in Tekla Structures that you mainly control in the
properties dialog boxes. There are also some additional settings files that you
need to modify in a text editor.
Click the links below to find out more:
• General arrangement drawing properties (page 836)
• Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing properties (page 839)
• Layout properties (page 841)
• View properties in drawings (page 844)
• Section view properties (page 849)
• Dimension and dimensioning properties (page 850)
• Mark properties (page 877)
• Mark elements (page 892)
• Pour object and pour break properties in drawings (page 922)
• Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
• Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings (page 909)
• Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings (page 910)
• Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (surfacing.htc) (page 911)
• Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
• Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp) (page 916)
• Placement properties for marks, dimensions, notes, texts and symbols
(page 925)
• Model weld properties in drawings (page 927)
• Drawing sketch object properties (page 929)
• Drawing grid properties (page 930)
• Settings in the Options dialog box: Orientation settings
The options in the general arrangement drawing properties dialog box are
described below.
The options in single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing properties dialog
box are described below.
Drawing settings reference 839 Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing
Option Description For more information
included in drawing and
report templates.
The maximum length of the
drawing name is 32
Cast unit By cast unit position: A
definition drawing will be created from
method each cast unit. If there are
identical cast units, one of
them will serve as the base
cast unit for the drawing. This
is the most common method
for creating cast unit
By cast unit ID: Each part in
the model has a unique GUID.
You can create drawings by
using the cast unit GUIDs. The
GUID determines the marking
of the drawing. You can create
several drawings from
identical cast units.
Title 1, Title Define titles that are shown in Give titles to drawings
2, Title 3 the Drawing List and can be (page 144)
included in drawing and
report templates.
Sheet Used for creating several Create multiple drawing
number drawings of the same part as sheets using drawing
multiple drawing sheets. The properties (page 100)
number of sheets is not
Layout Select the drawing layout, and Define drawing layout
define drawing sizes, (page 568)
autoscale, projection type,
Define drawing size and
view alignment and part
drawing view scale (page 598)
expansion settings. You can
also select whether you want
to list hidden objects in
View Define the drawing views to View properties in drawings
creation be created. From here you (page 844)
can move on to modifying the
view properties for each view.
Section view Define section view Section view properties
properties. (page 849)
Drawing settings reference 840 Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing
Option Description For more information
Detail view Define the start number or Modify detail properties in
letter of the detail view and drawings (page 166)
detail symbol label.
Protection Define protected areas to Protect areas in a drawing
prevent text, marks or (page 607)
dimensions from being placed
User-defined Add customized information User-defined attributes in
attributes to a drawing, such as drawings (page 827)
information related to
workflow, and comments.
This information can be
displayed in the Drawing List,
and you can use it in report
and drawing templates,
marks, and as switches when
customizing print file names.
The user-defined attributes
and tabs shown in this dialog
box are defined in the
objects.inp file.
The drawing user-defined
attributes dialog box in the
default environment contains
three tabs: Workflow,
Parameters, and Title.
On the Title tab you can
select if you want to use
project-specific or drawing-
specific information in the
title block of the drawing.
When you select Use project
settings, you cannot enter
any information in the title
block fields.
Option Description
Drawing size tab
Layout Define the layout that you want to use.
List hidden objects in Select Yes to list hidden objects in templates. No
templates removes all information about the hidden parts,
also from the total weight.
Size definition mode Select Autosize if you want to let Tekla Structures
find appropriate sizes and table layouts for
drawings. Select Specified size to specify the exact
size for the drawing. The drawing size should
always be smaller than the actual paper size to
accommodate printer margins.
Autosize: Use The fixed sizes and calculated sizes are both
defined in the Drawing layout properties:
Fixed sizes: Use this when you want Tekla
Structures to use fixed drawing sizes A2, A3, A4,
Calculated sizes: Use this when you want to
define the rules that Tekla Structures follows when
it tries to adjust the drawing size.
Calculated/fixed sizes: Use this when you want
Tekla Structures to select the smallest of the
suitable sizes.
Drawing size If you selected Specified size, define the drawing
size here.
Table layout If you selected Specified size, define the table
layout to be used.
Scale tab
Autoscale Set Autoscale to Yes to let Tekla Structures
automatically select the suitable scale for the
drawing view.
Main view scales When you use autoscaling, enter the denominators
of main view and section view scales and separate
Section view scales
them with spaces.
For example, enter "5 10 15 20" for the scales 1/5,
1/10, 1/15, and 1/20
See also
Define drawing size and drawing view scale (page 598)
Option Description
Drawing Properties --> View creation panel: Views tab
View type on/off Defines the main views, section views
and 3D views that you want to create.
• If you select off, Tekla Structures
does not create the view, but
dimensions the parts in the
available views. If you set all four
main views off, Tekla Structures
will still create a front view.
• If you select on, Tekla Structures
always creates the view, even if it
was not necessary in order to
show the dimensions. For section
views, Tekla Structures creates one
additional section view showing
the middle of the main part. For
end views, Tekla Structures creates
end view from one end of the
main part.
• If you select auto, Tekla Structures
creates the view if it is necessary in
order to show the dimensions. For
section views, Tekla Structures
creates the necessary number of
views to show all the dimensions.
For end views, Tekla Structures
also creates another end view
from the other end of the main
part, if there are dimensions at
that end.
Option Description
Attributes tab
Section depth Defines the positive and negative
distances of the section view when
views are not combined.
Distance for combining cuts Defines the distance range for
combining cut views.
Direction Define the view direction of the
section. The options are:
• Right section
• Middle section
• Left section
The available values are left or right.
Cutting line tab
Line Length and offset of the cutting line.
Properties Color of the cutting line.
Section mark tab
Text Defines the text on the section mark.
Click the ... buttons next to the text
boxes to open the Mark Contents
dialog box.
Symbol: Color Color of the section mark symbol.
Left symbol, Right symbol Left and right section mark symbol.
Size Size of the section mark left and right
See also
View properties in drawings (page 844)
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
Define drawing views (page 612)
Define the views to create in single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings
(page 613)
Create a section view (page 146)
Click the following links to find out more about dimension properties:
• Dimension properties - General tab (page 851)
• Dimension properties - Units, precision and format (page 854)
The drawing level Dimension Properties dialog box and object level
Dimension Properties dialog box contents differ. All options in both dialog
boxes are described below.
• To open the drawing level Dimension properties dialog box, open the
drawing, go to the Drawing tab and click Properties --> Dimension.
• To open the object level Dimension properties, double-click a dimension
in an open drawing.
• To open Dimension properties dialog box for general arrangement
drawings before creating a drawing: On the Drawings & reports tab, click
Drawing properties --> GA drawing, and then click Dimension.
See also
Dimension properties - Units, precision and format (page 854)
The integer values are provided for situations when you need to use the value
as a value for an advanced option.
See also
Dimensioning rule properties (page 669)
Dimension properties - General tab (page 851)
• To open the drawing level Dimension Properties dialog box, open the
drawing, go to the Drawing tab and click Properties --> Dimension.
• To open the object level Dimension Properties dialog box, double-click a
dimension in an open drawing.
• To open Dimension Properties dialog box for general arrangement
drawings before creating a drawing: On the Drawings & reports tab, click
Drawing properties --> GA drawing, and then click Dimension.
Option Description
Color The color of the dimension mark text.
This controls the line weight in
printed drawings.
Height Controls the height of the text used in
the dimension marks in the drawing.
See also
Dimension properties - General tab (page 851)
• To open the drawing level Dimension properties dialog box, open the
drawing, go to the Drawing tab and click Properties --> Dimension.
• To open the object level Dimension properties, double-click a dimension
in an open drawing.
• To open Dimension properties dialog box for general arrangement
drawings before creating a drawing: On the Drawings & reports tab, click
Drawing properties --> GA drawing, and then click Dimension.
Option Description
Marks tab
Prefix Displays the defined value before the
numeric value of the dimension.
The prefix value cannot be plain
numbers, and the prefix value cannot
end with a number.
Visibility of numeric value Defines whether the numeric value of
the dimension is visible or hidden.
If you hide the numeric value of the
dimension, the prefix and postfix text
will still be shown.
Postfix Displays the selected text after the
numeric value of the dimension.
The postfix value cannot be plain
numbers, and the postfix value
cannot start with a number when the
numeric value of the dimension is
See also
Add manual dimensions (page 168)
Add manual dimensions to general arrangement drawings (page 174)
Add dimensions to reinforcement (page 182)
Option Description
Dimensioning type Standard is used for almost all
Truss meets the specific
requirements needed to dimension
truss drawings. It dimensions the
position and length of the diagonals.
The dimensioning is done only if the
diagonals are secondary parts that
are welded to upper and lower
chords, which are main parts and not
welded to any parts. If the truss
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Note that the contents of the dialog box vary depending on the drawing type,
and all the options listed below are not available for all drawing types. This
dialog box is displayed if you use Integrated dimensioning type in
Option Description
Position bolts/parts to Controls from where Tekla Structures
creates the part/bolt position
None creates no position dimensions.
Main part creates the dimensions
from the main part reference line.
Working points creates the
dimensions between the work points,
such as the intersections of main and
neighbor part reference lines.
Embedded objects Creates position dimensions for
locating embedded objects in cast
unit drawings. The embedded objects
are custom components attached to
the cast unit.
As secondary objects dimensions
embedded objects in cast unit
Note that the contents of the dialog box vary depending on the drawing type,
and all the options listed below are not available for all drawing types. This
dialog box is displayed if you use Integrated dimensioning type in
Option Description
Internal Creates internal dimensions for
secondary parts connected to the
main part.
None creates dimensions for
secondary parts.
Necessary creates only the
dimensions that are necessary for
assembling the parts.
All creates all dimensions for the
secondary parts.
Main part overall dimensions Once creates one overall dimension
for the main part.
All creates overall dimensions for
main parts in all views.
None creates no overall dimensions
for the main part.
The Assembly part overall
dimension settings have some effect
on these options.
Assembly part overall dimensions Length only creates overall
dimensions for an entire assembly or
cast unit in the x direction only.
All creates overall dimensions for an
assembly or cast unit in all directions.
Off creates no overall dimensions for
an assembly or a cast unit.
Main part work points On creates a check dimension
between the outermost work points.
From the nearest floor level to part On creates dimensions indicating the
distance from the closest floor level to
the bottom and/or top of the parts.
From grid to part center line On creates dimensions showing the
offset of a part from the grid to the
part center line.
From grid to part ends On creates dimensions showing the
offset of a part from the grid to the
near or far end of the part.
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Note that the contents of the dialog box vary depending on the drawing type,
and all the options listed below are not available for all drawing types. This
dialog box is displayed if you use Integrated dimensioning type in
Option Description
Main part bolt internal dimensions Creates internal dimensions for bolt
groups in the main part.
None creates none of the internal
bolt dimensions.
Internal creates bolt group internal
dimensions (distances between bolts).
All creates edge distance and bolt
group internal dimensions. Edge
distance is the dimension from the
outermost bolt to the part edge.
Main part bolt internal dimensions: Indicates whether the dimensions are
Skewed bolt group parallel to the part or the bolt group.
The choices are No dimensions, In
part direction, and In bolt group
Secondary part bolt internal Creates internal dimensions for bolt
dimensions groups in the secondary part.
The choices are None, Necessary,
Internal, and All.
Secondary part bolt internal Aligns the bolt dimensions with the
dimensions: Skewed bolt group secondary part or bolt group.
The choices are In part direction, No
dimensions, and In bolt group
Distance between extreme bolts: Creates check dimension between the
Extreme bolts outermost bolts.
The choices are None, Main part,
and Assembly.
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Example: Combine bolt group dimensions (page 717)
Option Description
Activate dimension grouping Selects the objects for grouping.
Parts Groups according to parts.
Bolts Groups according to bolts.
Components Groups according to components.
Cuts/Shapes Groups according to cuts or shapes.
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Group identical objects to the same dimension line (page 699)
Note that the contents of the dialog box vary depending on the drawing type,
and all the options listed below are not available for all drawing types. This
Option Description
Dimension parts inside sub- Defines whether to dimension parts
assemblies inside sub-assemblies.
Yes creates internal dimensions for
parts inside sub-assemblies.
No does not create internal
dimensions for parts inside sub-
Measure sub-assembly position Defines the position from which the
from sub-assembly is measured.
None does not measure the sub-
assembly position.
Bolt measures the position of the
sub-assembly from the bolts. If bolts
are not included in the sub-assembly,
or if it is not possible to measure the
position from bolts, Tekla Structures
measures the sub-assembly position
from the reference point.
Extreme points measures the
position of the sub-assembly from the
bounding box of the sub-assembly.
Reference point measures the
position of the sub-assembly from the
reference point.
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
This dialog box with this tab is displayed if you use Integrated dimensions
dimensioning type in dimensioning cast unit drawings.
Option Description
Dimensions for reinforcing bar On creates dimensions for reinforcing
groups bar groups. This also activates the
other selections on this tab.
Mark location Sets the mark type and location.
See also
Add automatic view-specific dimensions using dimensioning type Integrated
(page 697)
Example: Reinforcement dimension (page 721)
Option Description
Grid line dimensions On creates grid dimension lines.
Overall dimensions On creates the overall dimensions.
Dimension positioning: Horizontal Positions the vertical grid and overall
dimension lines to the Left or Right
side of the drawing or on Both sides.
Dimension positioning: Vertical Positions the horizontal grid and
overall dimension lines Above or
Below the drawing or Both.
See also
Add automatic dimensions to general arrangement drawings (page 736)
Example: Grid and overall dimensions (page 738)
Option Description
Maximum leader line length: Controls how close the dimension
Outside dimensions lines are positioned to the parts they
are dimensioning. Defines that the
outside dimension lines take the
maximum leader line length from the
grid line.
Maximum leader line length: Inside Controls how close the dimension
dimensions lines are positioned to the parts they
are dimensioning. Defines that the
inside dimension lines take the
See also
Add automatic dimensions to general arrangement drawings (page 736)
Example: Position part dimensions (page 743)
Example: Limit the number of outside dimensions (page 742)
Example: Dimension parts partly outside the view (page 741)
Example: Maximum leader line length options (page 740)
Note that all the listed settings are not available for all marks.
To open mark properties:
• On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties, select the
drawing type, and go to mark properties directly by clicking the button of
the respective mark (GA drawings) or through view properties.
• In an open drawing, double-click the drawing background, and go to mark
properties directly by clicking the button of the respective mark (GA
drawings) or through view properties.
• In an open drawing, double-click the drawing view frame and click the
desired mark in the options tree on the left.
• Double-click a mark in an open drawing.
Setting Description
Content tab:
Content For some marks, you need to select from this list
the object that you are defining the marks for.
For example, for part marks, you can define part
mark settings independently for main and
secondary parts, and for sub-assembly main and
secondary parts.
Available elements Available elements lists the elements that are
available for the current mark.
Elements in mark
Elements in mark lists the elements that you have
selected to include in the mark.
For more information about mark elements, see
Mark elements (page 892).
For a list of elements that are common to all
marks, see Common elements in marks
(page 893).
Leader line: Type and Define the leader line type and line arrow type, and
Arrow and Use hidden select to hide leader lines for hidden parts.
lines for hidden parts.
Rotation Define the part mark rotation.
Alignment Select one of the alignment options:
Leader line
The Leader line option is available in following
mark types: bolt marks, connection marks, part
marks, neighbor part marks, pour object marks,
reinforcement marks, neighbor reinforcement
marks, merged reinforcement marks and surface
treatment marks.
Place... Clicking the Place button opens the placing dialog
Placing: free allowsTekla Structures to search for
the first suitable location for the mark.
Placing: fixed allows you to place the mark in any
When you use the option fixed, the mark stays
where it is even though you update the drawing,
whereas with free, Tekla Structures tries to find the
optimal place for the annotation object.
Search margin is the empty margin that you want
to leave around the mark.
See also
Define marks (page 752)
Add automatic marks (page 754)
Define view labels and view label marks (page 616)
Modify section properties in drawings (page 164)
Add part marks manually in drawings (page 251)
Delete marks for selected parts (page 261)
Option Description
Show on For section marks.
Defines if the section marks are
shown at both ends of the cut line or
at the left or right end.
Text position Defines the position of the mark text
in relation to the line or in relation to
the symbol or symbol center line.
Horizontal offset sets the horizontal
offset of the mark text from the line.
Vertical offset sets the vertical offset
of the mark text from the line.
Text rotation For section marks.
Defines the rotation of the mark text.
Alignment For view label marks.
Defines if the view label mark is
aligned to the center, right, or left.
See also
Define view labels and view label marks (page 616)
Modify section properties in drawings (page 164)
To open the weld mark properties, do one of the following in an open drawing:
• Double-click a manually created weld.
• Hold down Shift and click Weld mark on the Drawing tab.
• On the Drawing tab, click Properties --> Weld mark.
Option Description
Prefix a= design throat thickness, s= penetration throat
thickness, or z= leg length
See also
Add manual weld marks in drawings (page 361)
Use options in Weld mark properties (or Welding Mark Properties in general
arrangement drawings) to set the visibility and contents of model weld marks.
Single-part and assembly drawings
1. On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the
drawing type.
2. Click View creation, select the view and the properties that you want to
change, and click View properties.
3. Click Weld mark in the options tree.
General arrangement drawing
1. Click Drawings & reports --> Drawing properties --> GA drawing .
2. Click Weld mark.
Option Description
Weld number Yes shows the weld number.
Tekla Structures assigns a number to
each weld when the weld is created.
You can select whether to show or
hide the weld number.
Welds None displays no welds in the
Welds in sub-assemblies (assembly
drawings) Site displays only site welds in the
See also
Welds in drawings (page 346)
Examples: Model welds in drawings (page 349)
Modify model weld mark visibility and appearance in a drawing (page 355)
To open the dialog box in an open drawing, go to the Drawing tab, and click
Properties --> Level mark .
Option Description
General tab
Prefix Displays text before the mark.
Prefix for positive level + displays a + character in front of the value.
Visibility of numeric Defines if the numeric values are visible or hidden.
Postfix Displays text after the mark.
Level mark format: Defines the precision of the level mark dimension.
Level mark format: Defines the format of the level mark dimension.
Level mark format: Use Defines whether to use different grouping options
grouping to represent the level mark dimensions.
Level mark format: Defines the units used in level mark dimensions.
Units The available values are automatic, mm, cm, m,
foot - inch, inch and feet.
See also
Add level marks in drawings (page 253)
Element Description
User-defined attributes Available for building object marks.
Adds a user-defined attribute to the
mark. You can also use template
fields for user-defined attributes.
In marks, you cannot use template
attributes such as MODEL_TOTAL that
refer to the whole model. Marks only
check the information from the object
Element Description
Assembly position Adds the prefix and position number
of the assembly.
Part position Adds the prefix and position number
of the part.
Profile Adds the profile name of part,
assembly, or cast unit main part.
Material Adds the material of part, assembly,
or cast unit main part.
Name Adds the name of part, assembly, or
cast unit main part.
Class Adds the class of part, assembly, or
cast unit main part.
Finish Adds the finish of part, assembly, or
cast unit main part.
Size Adds the size of the part or the
assembly or cast unit main part.
Length Adds the length of the part or
assembly, or of the cast unit main
You can change the unit and format
of the length.
Camber Adds the camber of the part or the
assembly or cast unit main part (if this
user-defined part attribute is set).
Fittings (NS/FS) Displays the near side/far side marks
in the part mark. (only available in
front views).
Face direction Displays main compass direction
(North, East, South, West) of the face,
where the mark is added. The
direction can only be shown if
• the face is vertical
• the direction is the same for all
assemblies with the same
assembly position number
Below is a list of the elements specific to bolt marks. Some of the available
elements are not listed here, because they are common to many types of
marks, and listed separately (page 893).
Element Description
Bolt length Adds the length of the bolt.
You can change the unit and format
of the length.
Bolt diameter Adds the bolt diameter.
You can change the unit and format
of the diameter.
Below is a list of the elements you can include in all reinforcement and
neighbor reinforcements marks. Some of the available elements are not listed
here, because they are common to many types of marks, and listed separately
(page 893).
Element Description
Name Adds the name of the bar or mesh.
Grade Adds the material grade of the bar or
Diameter Adds the nominal diameter of the
Class Adds the class of the bar or mesh.
Length Adds the total length of the bar.
You can change the unit and format
of the length.
Number Adds the quantity of the bars.
Position Adds the reinforcement position
Shape Adds the shape of the bar or mesh.
Weight Adds the weight of the bar or mesh.
cc Adds the center-to-center spacing of
the bars. The options are:
• cc adds the spacing value if
spacing does not vary
• cc min adds the smallest spacing
value of the bar group if spacing
• cc max adds the largest spacing
value of the bar group if spacing
• cc exact lists all spacing values of
the bar group
See also
Add automatic marks (page 754)
Elements in merged reinforcement marks (page 900)
Element Description
Size Adds the nominal diameters of the
mesh bars, dimensions of the mesh,
and the spacings of the bars in the
longitudinal and crossing directions.
Mesh length Adds the length of the reinforcement
Mesh width Adds the width of the reinforcement
cc You can define cc individually for the
longitudinal and crossing bars in the
Adds the center-to-center spacing of
the bars. The options are:
• cc longitudinal/crossing adds the
spacing value if spacing does not
See also
Add automatic marks (page 754)
Element Description
Block prefix Adds text or a value to the beginning
of each repeated block. Opens a
dialog box where you can enter the
You can use the following variables as
block prefixes:
%NUMBER% includes the number of
marks merged to the mark.
%NUMBER_IN_PLANE% includes the
number of marks merged in the plane
of the drawing to the mark.
the number of marks merged in the
depth direction of the drawing to the
See also
Reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mark elements (page 898)
Add automatic marks (page 754)
Merge reinforcement marks automatically (page 771)
Element Description
Code Adds the connection code. This is a
user-defined code you give for the
connection in the connection dialog
box. The code can be either a text
string or a number.
Name Adds the connection name, for
example, Tube_splice.
DSTV code Adds the DSTV code.
Connection number Adds the number of the connection.
Running number Adds the connection running number.
All connections are automatically
numbered with a running number.
Group Adds the connection group.
See also
Add automatic marks (page 754)
Element Description
Material Adds the defined pour material.
Pour number Adds the identifier that groups the pour objects in
the same group, for example, to be poured at the
same time.
Pour type Adds a property of the pour based on the name of
a part.
Concrete mixture Adds the defined concrete mixture.
See also
Common elements in marks (page 893)
Element Description
Name Adds the name defined in the Name
box in the Surface treatment
properties dialog box in a model.
See also
Add automatic marks (page 754)
Below is a list of elements specific to section and detail marks. Some of the
available elements are not listed here, because they are common to many
types of marks, and listed separately (page 893).
Element Description
Section name/Detail name Adds the name of the section or the
detail (A, B, C, and so on).
Drawing name Adds the name of the current
Source drawing name Adds the name of the drawing where
the view is.
Source drawing name when moved Adds the name of the drawing where
the view is. This is shown only if the
view is not in the same drawing as the
section/detail mark.
See also
Modify section properties in drawings (page 164)
Positioning properties of view label, section and detail marks (page 884)
Below is a list of the elements specific to view, section view and detail view
label marks. Some of the available elements are not listed here, because they
are common to many types of marks, and listed separately (page 893).
Element Description
View name/Section name/Detail Adds the name of the view, section or
name the detail.
Scale Adds the scale of the view.
Drawing name Adds the name of the current
Source drawing name Adds the name of the drawing where
the view has originally been created.
Source drawing name when moved Adds the name of the drawing where
the view has originally been created.
This is shown only when the view has
been moved from its original drawing.
See also
Define view labels and view label marks (page 616)
Positioning properties of view label, section and detail marks (page 884)
Drawing settings reference 904 Part and neighbor part properties in drawings
Content tab:
Option Description
Part representation Outline shows parts as solid objects.
Exact shows parts as solid objects.
This choice also draws the fillet edges
and chamfers in the profile cross
sections. For some profiles, Outline
shows them as well.
Symbol draws parts as lines.
Symbol with partial profile shows a
partial profile of the part. You can also
adjust the length of the partial profile
(Length), and the offset of the partial
profile from the middle point of the
part (Offset from middle point).
Workshop form draws round tube
profiles as wrap-around templates.
Bounding box draws parts as boxes
surrounding the actual profiles.
Base box shows parts as boxes and
uses the h and b values from the
profile catalog as box dimensions.
Symbol offset Defines the distance of the end points
of reference lines and center lines
from the end points of the object.
Inner contours Shows the inner contours of a tube.
Hidden lines If the Hidden lines check box is
selected, Tekla Structures shows
hidden lines in secondary and
neighbor parts.
If the Own hidden lines check box is
selected, Tekla Structures shows
hidden lines in main parts.
Center line Select whether you want to show
center lines.
Select the Main part > Beam, Plate
or Polygon check box to show center
lines in main parts.
Select the Secondary part > Beam,
Plate or Polygon check box to show
center lines in secondary parts.
Drawing settings reference 905 Part and neighbor part properties in drawings
Option Description
Reference lines Select wether you want to show
reference lines.
Select the Main part > Beam, Plate
or Polygon check box to show
reference lines in main parts.
Select the Secondary part > Beam,
Plate or Polygon check box to show
reference lines in secondary parts.
Additional marks Select the following check boxes to
show additional marks in drawings:
• Orientation marks shows
orientation marks (page 801).
• Connecting side marks shows
connecting side marks (page 803).
• Pop-marks shows pop-marks
defined in NC settings.
• Edge chamfers shows edge
chamfers (page 326).
• Fillet edges shows fillet edges
(page 332).
Bolt representation (neighbor parts) Select bolt representation. The
options are Solid, Exact Solid,
Symbol, Symbol 2 , Symbol 3, DIN
symbol, and User-defined symbol.
DIN symbol corresponds to German
standards (DIN). The only DIN
symbols you can control are:
• Symbol 24 for normal workshop
• Symbol 25 for normal site bolts
• Symbol 26 for front countersunk
site bolts
• Symbol 27 for back countersunk
site bolts
• Symbol 28 for front countersunk
workshop bolts
• Symbol 29 for back countersunk
workshop bolts
• Symbol 30 for front countersunk
Drawing settings reference 906 Part and neighbor part properties in drawings
Option Description
• Symbol 31 for back countersunk
User-defined symbol is a symbol
that has been created in Symbol
Symbol content (neighbor parts) Select whether to include hole or axis
in the symbol.
Option Description
Neighbor parts None does not show neighbor parts.
Connected parts shows all parts
connected to the model object.
Connecting parts shows only the
parts the model object is connected
All components combines the
Connected parts and the
Connecting parts options.
By extreme shows all parts within the
boundaries of the main and
secondary part.
Main/Secondary parts Main parts shows only neighbor
parts that make the main part of an
assembly or a cast unit.
Secondary parts shows only
neighbor parts that are secondary
parts of an assembly or a cast unit.
Both shows both main and secondary
Skew parts Yes shows skew parts as neighbor
parts in the drawing, No does not.
Bolts Yes shows the bolts in the neighbor
parts, No does not.
The Appearance tab is similar in all of the properties of all kinds of building
objects (parts, neighbor parts, bolts, welds, surface treatments, reinforcement,
and meshes).
Option Description
Visible lines Sets the Color and Type of the visible
Drawing settings reference 907 Part and neighbor part properties in drawings
Option Description
Hidden lines, Center line Sets the Color and Type of the
hidden lines.
Sets the Color of the center lines.
Reference lines Sets the Color and Type of the
reference lines.
Text: Color Sets the Color of the text.
Text: Height Sets the Height of the text.
Text: Font Sets the Font of the text. Click Select
to show more options.
Line: Type Sets the Type of the line.
Line: Color Sets the Color of the line.
Bolts: Color Sets the color of the bolts in neighbor
Both parts and neighbor parts have a Fill tab. To add a fill for outer part faces,
use the Part faces area, and to add a fill to cross sections in section views, use
the Sections area.
Setting Description
Type Defines the fill type. Clicking the
button next to the list opens a
preview of the hatch patterns
(page 809).
Automatic selects the fill type
automatically from the hatch pattern
schema files.
None uses no fill.
Color Defines the color for the fill.
You can select a predefined color or
use Special color that is not
converted to black in printouts.
Background Defines the background color for the
Background color selection is
disabled for hardware hatches.
Background color can be set for
automatic hatches, but it has effect
only if automatic hatch is not defined
for the material in the hatch pattern
schema file.
Drawing settings reference 908 Part and neighbor part properties in drawings
Setting Description
Scale Automatic scales and rotates the fill
Custom allows you to select scaling
and rotation manually.
Scaling in direction x and Scaling in
direction y define the scales in x and
y direction.
Keep ratio of x and y retains the
relative proportions in the hatch
Angle rotates the fill. Angle 0.0 is for
horizontal and 90.0 for vertical.
See also
Define automatic drawing part properties (page 794)
Define automatic neighbor part properties (page 797)
To go to bolt properties:
• On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties, select the
drawing type and go to Bolt properties.
• In an open drawing, double-click the drawing background, and go to Bolt
• Double-click a bolt in an open drawing.
All bolt properties dialog boxes do not contain all of the settings listed below.
Option Description
Solid/symbol The options are Solid, Exact Solid,
Symbol, Symbol 2, Symbol 3, DIN
symbol, and User-defined symbol.
DIN symbol corresponds to German
standards (DIN). The only DIN
symbols you can control are:
• Symbol 24 for normal workshop
See also
Define drawing bolts (page 804)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Define automatic bolt properties in drawings (page 805)
See also
Define drawing surface treatment (page 815)
The properties of the hatch patterns are defined in the surfacing.htc file,
located by default in ..\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments
\common\system . In addition to this file, the surface treatment code file
product_finishes.dat is needed. It is located in the same folder.
If you create your own surface treatment hatch patterns in your company, you
can store surfacing.htc and product_finishes.dat in the firm folder
defined by the advanced option XS_FIRM.
NOTE When you edit a schema file, you must reopen the model to apply the
Option Description
Surface treatment type • 1 = concrete finish
• 2 = special mix
• 3 = tile surface
• 4 = steel finish
Surface treatment code This is the abbreviation used in
drawings and reports, for example,
MF for Magnesium Float. The
product_finishes.dat file
contains a full list of surface
treatment codes.
Hatch name You can check the hatch pattern
names and related hatch patterns by
going to the Fill tab in Part
properties, selecting a hatch pattern
from the Type list and clicking the ...
button next to the list. The selected
hatch pattern is marked with a red
Scale Scale is a numeric value that Tekla
Structures uses to scale hatches.
Color (optional) 0=black (default)
See also
Define automatic surface treatment in drawings (page 816)
Option Description
Visibility of all reinforcing bars Visible shows the bars or meshes.
Visibility of all meshes Not visible does not show the bars or
Representation single line draws a single line with
radiused bends.
single line with filled ends draws a
single line for parallel bars and filled
ends for perpendicular bars.
double lines draws an outline of the
bar with radiused bends.
double lines with filled ends draws
an outline of the bar with radiused
bends and filled bar ends.
Symbol 2
Symbol 3
See also
Define drawing reinforcement and meshes (page 820)
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings (page 904)
Entry Description
MergeOneFormat No longer used. Define these properties in the
MergeTwoOrMoreFormats drawing properties.
DimensionMarkSpacingSep ="/"
Affects the separator in reinforcement marks.
ExactDimensionMarkSpaci =" + "
Separator between different exact spacing
values in reinforcement marks.
ExactDimensionMarkPcsSe ="*"
Separator between the number of bars and
their exact spacing value in reinforcement
PullOutRepresentation Sets the representation type.
• 0 = single
• 1 = double
• 2 = filled
• 3 = stick
PullOutAngleColor Sets the color for the angle in pull-outs.
• 1 = black
• 2 = red
See also
Hard-coded bending type identifiers in reinforcement shape recognition
Add pull-out pictures in automatic reinforcement marks (page 789)
Define automatic reinforcement and reinforcement mesh properties
(page 821)
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
(page 913)
Drawing settings reference 922 Pour object and pour break properties in
9.15 Pour object and pour break properties in drawings
Use the options in Pour Object Properties and Pour Break Properties in
general arrangement drawings to control the visibility of the pour objects and
pour breaks in drawings.
Option Description
Content tab - Hidden lines
Hidden lines on/off Click on to display pour object hidden
Own hidden lines on/off Click on to display own hidden lines.
Content tab - Addional marks
Edge chamfers on/off Select on to display edge chamfers
(page 326).
Fillet edges on/off Select on to display fillet edges
(page 332).
Appearance tab - Visible lines
Color Select the color of the visible pour
object lines.
Type Select the type of the visible pour
object lines.
Appearance tab - Hidden lines
Color Select the color of the hidden pour
object lines.
Type Select the type of the hidden pour
object lines.
Fill tab
To add a fill for outer pour faces, use the Pour faces area, and to add a fill for
cross sections in section views, use the Sections area.
Drawing settings reference 923 Pour object and pour break properties in
Option Description
Type Defines the fill type. Clicking the
button next to the list opens a
preview of the hatch patterns.
Automatic selects the fill type
automatically from the hatch pattern
schema files.
None uses no fill.
Color Defines the color for the fill.
You can select a predefined color or
use Special color that is not
converted to black in printouts.
Background Defines the background color for the
Background color selection is
disabled for hardware hatches.
Background color can be set for
automatic hatches, but it has effect
only if automatic hatch is not defined
for the material in the hatch pattern
schema file.
Scale Automatic scales and rotates the fill
Custom allows you to select scaling
and rotation manually.
Scaling in direction x and Scaling in
direction y define the scales in x and
y direction.
Keep ratio of x and y retains the
relative proportions in the hatch
Angle rotates the fill. For example,
Angle 0.0 is for horizontal and Angle
90.0 for vertical.
Drawing settings reference 924 Pour object and pour break properties in
Option Description
Content tab - Hidden lines
Visibility Defines if the pour breaks are visible
(Visible) or not (Not visible).
Hidden lines on/off Click on to display pour break hidden
Appearance tab - Visible lines
Color Select the color of the visible pour
break lines.
Type Select the type of the visible pour
break lines.
Appearance tab - Hidden lines
Color Select the color of the hidden pour
break lines.
Type Select the type of the hidden pour
break lines.
See also
Pours in drawings (page 464)
Show pour objects, pour marks and pour breaks in drawings (page 819)
You can set automatic placement properties for dimensions and marks before
you create a drawing. In an open drawing, you can modify the placement
properties of marks, notes, texts, symbols and dimensions.
To open the Placing properties in an open drawing:
• In an open drawing, on the Drawing tab, click Properties and then click
Text, Note, Symbol, Dimension or one of the mark types. After that, click
the Place... button.
• In an open drawing, double-click a text, mark, symbol, note or dimension.
After that, click the Place... button.
The following image illustrates the search margin, minimum distance and
maximum distance of a mark:
See also
Define object protection and placement settings in drawings (page 603)
To open the properties dialog box of a sketch object, go to the Drawings tab,
hold down Shift and click the sketch object command. When you have added
a sketch object in a drawing, you can open its properties by double-clicking the
The settings you have in the dialog box vary depending on the sketch object
Setting Description
Behind model objects When set to Yes, places the graphical
object behind model objects.
Line: Type Defines the line type of the object.
Line: Color Defines the color of the object lines.
Line: Bulge or Bulge for all lines. Values 0 - 1.The bulge factor defines
the curvature of the curved segments
of objects using the calculation:
Arc height = Line length * Bulge factor
Changing the bulge factor of a
polyline or polygon modifies all the
segments of that object.
Line: Radius Defines the radius of arcs and circles.
Arrow: Position
Arrow: Height
Arrow: Length
See also
Define hatches in drawings (page 807)
Draw sketch objects in drawings (page 301)
Option Description
Grids Visible shows the grids.
Not visible does not show the grids.
Visible in all views shows the grids in
all drawing views. This option is not
available for general arrangement
Only grid labels visible shows only
the grid label and a short section of
the grid line. The length of the
displayed grid line depends on the
value entered in the Text placing box.
In the drawing level, this option is
only available for general
arrangement drawings. On the view
and object level this option is
available for all types of drawings.
Text placing Sets the side to show the grid labels
and the length of the grid line
extension (the distance between the
end of the grid line and the text).
Text: Color, Height, Font and Frame Defines the grid label text color,
height, font and frame.
See also
Define drawing grids (page 791)
creating.....................................................83 stairs......................................................... 59
dimensions............................................ 748 viewing direction of columns...............627
included objects...................................... 85 assembly position ...................................... 894
including assemblies...............................86 assembly type............................................. 896
including objects..................................... 84 associative annotation objects..................243
anchor bolts...................................................53 associative notes................................... 255
angle............................................................. 929 level marks............................................. 253
angle dimensions.......................................... 83 modifying............................................... 257
angle dimensions .......................................851 part marks..............................................251
annotation objects .....................................123 updating................................................. 261
annotation objects........ 143,243,282,603,607 associative notes...........................................21
associative................................................21 adding.....................................................255
independent............................................ 21 in edge chamfers...................................329
modifying............................................... 257 leader lines.............................................270
appearance.................................................. 904 placing.................................................... 925
of bolts....................................................805 associativity.............................................. 17,18
of frames................................................ 760 refreshing............................................... 124
of leader lines........................................ 760 associativity symbol
of mark text........................................... 760 ghost associativity symbol..................... 18
of marks................................................. 878 AutoDrawings................................................ 69
of model weld marks in drawings.......888 automatic
of neighbor parts.................................. 797 dimensions..................................... 649,722
of parts................................................... 794 marks.............................................. 752,754
of reference models..............................501 autoscale......................................................600
of surface treatment.............................816 autoscaling........................................... 598,601
arcs........................................................ 301,929 autosizing............................................. 598,601
dividing................................................... 316
drawing objects..................................... 287
drawing views........................................ 163
arrows...........................................................264 back drawing views............................. 152,844
customizing.................................... 231,487 back views....................................................613
in dimension lines................................. 231 background mask....................................... 891
in leader lines........................................ 487 bar class....................................................... 898
in sketch objects....................................929 bar diameter................................................898
leader lines.............................................270 bar length.....................................................898
assemblies bar marks.....................................................900
including in anchor bolt plans............... 86 bar name......................................................898
assembly drawings....................................... 57 bar quantity................................................. 898
viewing direction of beams and bracings bar shape..................................................... 898
.................................................................627 bar weight.................................................... 898
creating..................................... 67,86,90,93 base points........................................... 270,762
dimensioning......................................... 868 beams
example.................................................... 58 in cast unit drawings............................... 62
freezing...................................................512 viewing direction in assembly drawings
including single-part drawings............ 620 .................................................................627
rails............................................................60 bent plates
single-part views....................................155 unfolding................................................ 637
block prefix.................................................. 900
bolt diameter ..............................................896 center-to-center distance............707,894,896
bolt length....................................................896 chamfer marks
bolt marks....................................................754 adding.....................................................329
elements......................................... 786,896 chamfers
modifying............................................... 257 in drawings........319,326,327,328,329,330
bolt plans....................................................... 83 change clouds, see change symbols........ 265
bolt standard............................................... 896 change coulds, see change symbols........ 265
bolts change symbols.......................................... 264
appearance............................................ 805 hiding......................................................265
bolt symbols.......................................... 805 removing................................................ 265
combining dimensions......................... 717 changing
contents................................................. 805 drawing revisions.................................. 516
dimensioning..................................707,870 check dimensions....................................... 702
examples................................................ 806 circles.................................................... 301,929
in drawings..................................... 804,805 class.............................................................. 894
properties...............................................909 cloning models............................................ 117
bolt’s full name............................................896 cloning template models............................. 77
bolt’s short name........................................ 896 cloning templates................................ 104,110
bottom drawing views.........................152,844 cloning
bottom views............................................... 613 a drawing to a new sheet..................... 125
boundaries, see view boundaries checking cloned drawings.................... 123
of drawing views....................................159 cloned objects....................................... 123
building objects..................17,21,143,324,844 cloning templates................76,77,116,117
modifying............................................... 324 dimensions............................................ 122
bulge.............................................................929 drawings.................................. 115,118,120
by print area................................................ 557 using cloning templates from other
when to clone........................................ 115
C closing dimensions..................................... 713
calculated drawing sizes............................ 568 closing
calculated sizes........................................... 578 drawings.................................................141
camber ........................................................ 894 clouds....................................................264,300
cast unit definition method COG, see center of gravity......................... 225
By cast unit ID.....................................67,86 colors
By cast unit position.......................... 67,86 changing pen number (old printing)...559
cast unit drawing in drawings............... 282,283,495,498,500
freezing...................................................512 pen numbers......................................... 559
cast unit drawings......................................... 61 special colors......................................... 500
creating................................................67,86 columns
creating one by one................................ 87 in cast unit drawings............................... 62
dimensioning......................................... 868 viewing direction in assembly drawings
precast beams......................................... 62 .................................................................627
precast column........................................ 62 combining
precast stairs............................................63 dimension lines..................................... 238
cc............................................................898,899 dimensions..............................714,717,861
center lines.................................................. 324 sketch objects........................................ 305
center of gravity compass direction.......................................800
dimensioning......................................... 225
complex line types...................................... 307 cut lines.................................................. 299
complex lines...............................................307 drawings........ 43,67,75,86,92,100,116,126
connecting side marks............................... 904 empty drawings....................................... 82
connecting side empty general arrangement drawings. 66
showing marks ..................................... 803 fillet......................................................... 318
connecting general arrangement drawings............. 82
dimension lines..................................... 237 moment connection symbols..............490
connection marks....................................... 754 revisions................................................. 515
modifying............................................... 257 round chamfer in drawing................... 319
connections straight chamfer in drawing.................319
DSTV code.............................................. 901 curved section views...................................149
error........................................................901 custom presentations................................ 367
group...................................................... 901 custom weld symbols.................................362
marks......................................................901 custom weld type symbols........................ 362
name.......................................................901 customizing
number...................................................901 drawing grids......................................... 470
running number.................................... 901 line types................................................ 832
content......................................................... 904 Master Drawing catalog....................... 101
contents master drawings....................................101
of bolts....................................................805 print file names.............................. 545,546
of drawing parts.................................... 794 cut lines
of drawings.............................................. 15 creating...................................................299
of marks................................................. 892 deleting...................................................300
of neighbor parts.................................. 797 managing............................................... 298
of surface treatment.............................816 updating................................................. 299
coordinate systems
fixed........................................................ 622
horizontal brace.................................... 622
local.........................................................622 deck plans...................................................... 48
model......................................................622 deformed parts
oriented..................................................622 undeforming..........................................638
user coordinate system (UCS)............. 174 deleting
vertical brace......................................... 622 cut lines.................................................. 300
copying drawing revisions.................................. 516
a drawing to a new sheet..................... 125 drawings.................................................518
drawing views........................................ 156 moment connection symbols..............493
drawings.................................................113 selected part marks.............................. 261
sketch objects........................................ 317 selected reinforcement marks............ 261
with offset.............................................. 317 unnecessary drawing files....................507
countersunk.................................................896 detail boundary...........................................166
cover-up line................................................ 301 detail marks................................................. 150
cover-up polygon........................................ 301 adding.....................................................254
cover-up polyline........................................ 301 detail name............................................ 903
cover-up rectangle...................................... 301 elements.................................................903
cover-up tools..............................................321 modifying............................................... 166
creating source drawing name........................... 903
anchor bolt plans.................................... 83 detail symbols............................................. 166
detail views.................................................. 145
creating...................................................150 edge shape.............................................691
marks......................................................166 examples of view-level dimensioning.691
moving to another drawing................. 156 filter for holes and recesses......... 680,681
name.......................................................903 filters............................................... 678,682
start letter or number...........................152 integrated...............................................687
view label mark elements.................... 903 of recesses, shapes and holes............. 683
view labels...................................... 150,166 on view level............................655,657,683
detailed object level settings.... overall dimensions................................691
23,31,33,36,38,844 precast..................................... 687,688,691
details properties...............................................850
adding detail marks.............................. 254 view-specific...........................................655
creating...................................................335 dimensions............................................. 21,123
exploding................................................335 absolute.......................................... 726,851
in 2D Library.......................................... 335 adding.....................................................168
inserting................................................. 335 adding dimension tags......................... 176
dg files.......................................................... 518 anchor bolt plans.................................. 748
removing................................................ 507 angle....................................................... 851
dimension format....................................... 854 appearance............................. 230,725,856
dimension lines arrow size............................................... 856
combining.............................................. 238 automatic............................................... 722
creating extensions...............................725 automatic tagging................................. 699
customizing arrows...............................231 bolt dimensioning................................. 707
linking..................................................... 237 bolts........................................................ 870
unlinking.................................................237 center of gravity.................................... 225
dimension marks........................................ 230 check dimensions................................. 702
dragging................................................. 241 cloning.................................................... 122
dimension points closing............................................. 713,861
adding...................................... 233,236,237 combining................................714,717,861
removing................................................ 237 contents................................................. 168
dimension rule properties coordinate system................................ 174
applying.................................................. 660 creating...................................................697
creating...................................................660 creating manually..................................167
dimension tags.................................... 230,858 creation method....................................844
automatic tagging................................. 699 dimension format................................. 854
content................................................... 176 dimension lines...................... 182,242,413
contents................................................. 168 dimension marks....................168,182,413
elements.................................................168 dimension points........................... 233,237
filtering content.....................................178 dimension tags....................... 168,182,413
in dimensions........................................ 176 dual dimensions....................................180
removing default content.....................176 elements.................................................168
rotating................................................... 176 elevations............................................... 700
dimensioning enlarging................................................ 726
integrated...............................................689 exaggerate selected.............................. 229
dimensioning tool........................ 688,689,691 exaggerating.......................................... 726
dimensioning...............................................682 examples....
automatic............................................... 649 170,704,707,708,713,714,717,718,719,
defining rules.........................................657 720,721
dimensioning rule properties.............. 669 extension lines............................... 239,851
flipping outside dimensions................ 234 sloped..................................................... 735
formats................................................... 851 specifying on view level........................ 651
forward offset................................ 718,861 straight................................................... 851
GA drawings...........................................736 sub-assemblies......................................872
general arrangement drawings.... tags.................................................. 721,858
736,737,874 tags, see dimension tags......................230
grid dimensions in GA drawings......... 738 transparent............................................ 856
grouping.................................. 699,851,871 type......................................................... 861
hide dimensions in drawings...............282 types....................................................... 851
in reinforcement............................ 182,413 unfolded parts....................................... 723
level.........................................................851 units.................................................851,854
limiting outside dimensions in GA updating format.................................... 777
drawings.................................................742 US absolute............................................851
line arrow............................................... 856 dim_operation.ail........................................ 700
line arrows............................................. 231 dim_planes_table.txt.................................. 732
marks................................230,241,697,858 direct editing of layouts............................. 584
maximum leader line length in GA direction marks........................................... 645
drawings.................................................740 direction
minimizing views................................... 861 view direction marks.............................645
modifying........................................167,230 distance between groups...........................900
object groups.........................................736 distances
object groups in dimensioning............737 recognizable...........................................719
opaque................................................... 856 distribution lines..................................182,413
part dimensions.............................704,875 dividing
part dimensions in GA drawings......... 743 arcs..........................................................316
parts in general arrangement drawings lines.........................................................316
.................................................................174 double dimensioning..................................180
parts partly outside the view in GA double dimensions..................................... 180
drawings.................................................741 dragging
placing.............................. 603,610,851,925 associative notes................................... 270
plate side marks.................................... 233 dimension marks.................................. 241
plates...................................................... 729 drawing objects..................................... 295
position dimensions...................... 708,724 end of dimension line...........................242
position properties............................... 865 grid labels in drawings..........................481
positioning...................................... 743,875 marks......................................................270
precision......................................... 851,854 model weld marks................................ 359
preferred dim side................................ 720 texts........................................................ 271
prefix of radial dimensions.................. 728 weld marks.............................................359
profiles....................................................732 Drawing content manager......................... 244
properties................................850,851,868 drawing files
recognizable distance........................... 861 deleting...................................................507
recreating............................................... 181 drawing filters.......................................... 33,85
reinforcement... 182,191,413,422,721,873 drawing fold marks.....................................568
reinforcing bar dimension lines... 182,413 drawing frames........................................... 568
reinforcing bar groups.................. 182,413 drawing layouts............................................. 20
relative....................................................851 addinf table layouts.............................. 573
setting start point..................................235 adding.....................................................573
settings................................................... 697 adding tables......................................... 573
creating...................................................573 drawing snapshots..................................... 139
direct editing..........................................584 drawing view filters........................ 36,176,678
examples in pour drawings................. 468 drawing view labels
selecting a new...................................... 596 section views..........................................164
drawing level properties...............................33 drawing views.........................................20,145
drawing levels 3D............................................................844
object level............................................... 31 3D views................................................. 152
Drawing List................................................. 127 aligning................................................... 162
cloning drawings................................... 118 arranging........................................ 156,163
contents.......................................... 128,133 assembly drawings............................... 620
filtering................................................... 133 automatic............................................... 612
opening.................................................. 128 automatic settings................................ 612
sorting.................................................... 133 back.........................................................844
status flags............................................. 131 back views.............................................. 152
drawing mode............................................... 19 bottom....................................................844
drawing objects........................................... 243 bottom views......................................... 152
aligning................................................... 288 coordinate system................................ 844
annotation objects.................................. 21 copying................................................... 156
arranging................................................ 287 creating....
associativity..............................................17 146,149,150,152,153,154,155,613
building objects....................................... 21 creating automatic................................ 656
detailed object level settings............ 31,36 deformed parts..................................... 638
dragging................................................. 295 detail views............................................ 150
loading object properties....................... 31 direction marks.............................. 645,844
modifying properties.............................. 30 end.......................................................... 844
moving....................................................295 front........................................................ 844
reshaping............................................... 295 front views..............................................152
resizing................................................... 295 key plans................................................ 579
sketch objects.......................................... 21 linking..................................................... 159
drawing properties modifying............................................... 164
applying.................................................... 40 moving....................................................161
creating...................................................655 moving to another drawing................. 156
detailed object level settings..31,33,36,38 neighbor part visibility..........................630
drawing level............................................ 33 of entire model view............................. 153
drawing property files.......................... 104 of reinforcement meshes.....................456
modifying automatic.............................563 of selected area in a drawing...............155
modifying in an open drawing...............29 of selected area in model.....................154
modifying on view level.......................... 28 part orientation..................................... 621
object level............................................... 30 projection type...................................... 618
setting before creating drawings...........27 rotating................................................... 163
view level.................................................. 38 rotating parts......................................... 624
drawing property files................................ 107 scale.................................................600,844
drawing revisions section.................................................... 844
attributes................................................517 section view properties........................ 849
drawing sheets............................................ 568 section views.................................. 146,149
drawing size.................................................601 settings................................................... 844
calculated sizes......................................578 shortening parts....................................634
fixed sizes...............................................578 showing openings and recesses..........639
single-part views....................................155 layouts................................ 20,568,573,596
size.......................................................... 600 links to other drawings.........................278
top...........................................................844 locking.................................................... 511
top views................................................ 152 managing............................................... 509
unfolding polybeams............................637 master drawings....................................101
view boundaries.................................... 159 modifying properties......................... 29,30
view label marks....................................616 multidrawings.......................................... 64
view label symbols................................ 844 multiple drawing sheets of the same
viewing direction of beams, bracings and part............................................................99
columns..................................................627 object properties................................33,38
drawings.......................................................126 old printing............................................ 537
dimensions............................................ 649 opening.................................................. 136
adding texts........................................... 271 preview images......................................114
anchor bolt plans............................... 51,83 printing (old).................... 539,542,543,545
assembly drawing................................... 57 printing to multiple sheets (old printing
automatic drawing settings................. 563 .................................................................548
autoscaling.............................................601 properties..........................28,31,36,40,563
autosizing............................................... 601 protection....................................... 605,607
before creating........................................ 65 recreating................................................. 41
cast unit drawings................................... 61 reference models.................................. 501
changing color....................................... 498 removing................................................ 105
checking cloned drawings.................... 123 renaming................................................ 144
checking if parts have drawings.......... 136 revisions................................................. 515
cloning..................................... 115,116,118 rule sets.................................................... 92
closing.....................................................141 saved settings.......................................... 86
colors....................................... 282,283,495 saving......................................................506
contents....................................................15 screen layout........................................... 19
creating.....43,67,75,82,86,92,100,116,126 searching................................................134
creating general arrangement drawings selecting................................................. 135
................................................................... 66 setting properties before creating
deleting...................................................518 drawings................................................... 27
drawing filters..........................................33 settings............................................563,835
drawing objects....................................... 21 single-part drawings............................... 52
drawing size....................................598,600 snapshots...............................................137
drawing templates................................ 126 status flags............................................. 131
drawing view scale................. 598,599,600 status information................................ 131
editing.....................................................143 table layouts.......................................... 579
filters....................................................33,38 tables...................................................... 570
fold marks.............................................. 551 text files.................................................. 274
frames.................................................... 551 three levels of modifying........................23
freezing...................................................511 titles........................................................ 144
general arrangement drawings............. 45 types......................................................... 45
grid lines.................................................469 unlocking................................................511
grids.................................................469,791 updating.......................................23,42,509
hiding and showing objects..........282,283 user-defined attributes................. 827,828
hyperlinks...............................................277 view filters................................................ 38
in drawings...............................................20 views...........................................20,612,613
issuing.....................................................514 with black background......................... 495
wizards......................................................92 enlarging
dual dimensions dimensions............................................ 726
adding automatically............................ 722 erection elevation drawings.........................49
adding manually....................................180 erection elevation drawings, see general
DWG and DXF files arrangement drawings................................. 45
adding in a drawing table layout.........579 exaggerating dimensions...........................726
in drawings.............................................280 exaggerating
scaling options.......................................280 selected dimensions............................. 229
DWG files examples
inserting to drawings............................ 335 bolts in drawings................................... 806
DWG/DXF files.................................21,123,570 cast unit drawings.............................. 62,63
adding to drawing layout..................... 584 cloning drawings................................... 120
DWG dimensions in drawings....
re-ordering in drawings........................306 236,704,707,708,713,714,717,718,719,
edge chamfers in drawings..................330
E hatch patterns....................................... 814
manually added dimensions in drawings
edge chamfers..............................255,795,904 .................................................................170
adding chamfer marks......................... 329 part representation in drawings......... 795
in drawings............... 326,327,328,329,330 printing (old)............................540,541,542
editing welds in drawings.......................... 349,364
drawings.................................................143 exploding
elements plug-ins...................................................300
in bolt marks.................................. 786,896 sketch objects........................................ 305
in connection marks............................. 901 extension lines
in detail view label marks.....................903 of dimensions........................................ 239
in dimension marks.............................. 168 extrema, see view boundaries........... 146,159
in dimension tags..................................168
in marks.......................................... 892,893
in merged reinforcement marks......... 900
in neighbor reinforcement mesh marks F
.................................................................899 face direction....................................... 800,894
in part marks......................................... 894 file names
in reinforcement marks........................898 in printing...............................................546
in reinforcement mesh marks............. 899 in printing (old)...................................... 545
in section view label marks.................. 903 fill.................................................................. 904
in surface treatment marks................. 902 fill, see hatches............................................807
in view label marks............................... 903 fillet edges....................................................904
elevation views............................................ 145 fillet
elevations creating...................................................318
datum point........................................... 844 fills.................................................................809
dimensioning......................................... 700 filtering
embeds...........................................................53 dimension tag content......................... 178
end views.............................................. 613,844 drawing filters..........................................33
aligning with main view........................ 647 Drawing List contents........................... 133
view direction marks.............................645 using drawing filters in anchor bolt plans
enlarged views ................................................................... 85
adding dimension points..................... 233 view filters................................................ 38
examples in dimensioning.... 680,681,682 G
excluding stirrups .................................682 GA drawings, see general arrangement
in dimensioning rules........................... 678 drawings................................................. 45,174
in drawings...............................................33 GA drawings
on view level.............................................38 creating.....................................................82
finding defining automatic view properties.... 615
drawings.................................................127 gage of outstanding leg...............707,894,896
parts with drawings.............................. 136 general arrangement drawings................... 45
finish............................................................. 894 3D views................................................... 50
firm folder anchor bolt plans.................................... 51
for images and symbols....................... 494 creating using ribbon command........... 66
fittings (NS/FS) ............................................ 894 deck plans................................................ 48
fixed.......................................................168,361 defining automatic view properties.... 615
fixed drawing main view ........................... 626 dimensioning parts to grids.................174
fixed drawing sizes......................................568 dimensions..............................736,737,874
fixed sizes.....................................................578 erection elevation drawings...................49
flags foundation plans..................................... 46
in drawings.............................................131 framing plans...........................................47
flipping outside dimensions...................... 234 freezing...................................................512
fold marks.................................................... 551 isometric drawings..................................50
in printed drawings....................... 532,552 plans............................................... 47,48,50
folders slab plans................................................. 47
in Master Drawing Catalog....111,112,113 views....................................................... 615
folding printed drawings............................551 general arrangement drawings
foldmarks.....................................................551 creating.....................................................82
format ghost outlines...................................... 282,283
dimensions............................................ 777 graphical drawing objects ......................... 123
level attributes.......................................777 graphical objects..................................301,929
forward offset...................................... 718,861 re-ordering............................................. 306
foundation plans...........................................83 grid dimensions.......................................... 874
frames.......................................................... 551 in GA drawings.......................................738
around marks........................................ 760 grid labels
in printed drawings....................... 532,552 in drawings..................................... 481,930
framing plans.................................................47 grid lines
free................................................................168 hiding in drawings.................................482
freezing in drawings.............................................469
and associativity.................................... 513 modifying in drawings.......................... 469
and cloning............................................ 513 grid UDAs..................................................... 470
assembly drawings............................... 512 grids
cast unit drawings................................. 512 customizing in drawings.......................470
drawings.................................................511 hiding in drawings.................................482
effect on drawings................................ 513 in drawings...................... 469,470,791,792
general arrangement drawings........... 512 labels in drawings................................. 930
single-part drawings............................. 512 modfying in drawings........................... 469
front drawing views......................152,627,844 moving grid labels in drawings............481
front views................................................... 613 properties in drawings......................... 930
user-defined attributes for customizing
drawings.................................................470 I
grouped dimensions identical objects
tagging.................................................... 699 grouping dimensions............................699
grouping images
dimensions..................................... 699,871 in drawings.............................................281
identical objects.................................... 699 in templates........................................... 494
preview images......................................114
re-ordering in drawings........................306
H scaling options.......................................281
in Master Drawing Catalog........................ 114
handle points in leader lines..................... 298 independent annotation objects
handles DWG and DXF files................................ 280
in drawing objects................................. 295 hyperlinks...............................................277
hatch patterns images.................................................... 281
examples................................................ 814 links.........................................................278
insulation............................................... 814 modifying............................................... 282
schema files........................................... 812 revision marks....................................... 279
surface treatment................................. 911 text file....................................................274
hatches.........................................................807 texts........................................................ 271
hatches insulation
neighbor parts.......................................809 hatch patterns....................................... 814
parts........................................................809 Integrated dimensioning............................697
schema files........................................... 809 integrated drawings......................................17
shapes.................................................... 809 internal bolt dimensions............................ 707
hidden lines................................................. 324 issuing
reference models.................................. 501 drawings.................................................514
hidden parts
listing............................................... 282,283
showing frames and leader lines........ 773
hiding K
change symbols.....................................265 key plan views..............................................145
dimensions in drawings....................... 282 key plans...................................................... 570
drawing objects..............................282,283 adding to drawing layout..................... 584
grid lines in drawings............................482 adjusting drawing views....................... 579
grids in drawings................................... 482 knock-off dimensions................................. 702
parts in drawings........................... 282,283
reinforcing bar lines..............................822
in drawings.............................................264
parts with drawings.............................. 136 labels
hole diameter.............................................. 896 drawing view labels...............................616
hole dimensions..........................................661 section views..........................................146
hole size....................................................... 896 landscape
holes printing (old).......................................... 540
dimensioning......................................... 683 layers
hyperlinks............................................... 21,123 reinforcing bars..................................... 370
adding.....................................................277 Layout editor............................................... 584
modifying............................................... 282 layouts.....................................................20,568
adding tables......................................... 584 line width..................................................... 527
creating...................................................573 lines....................................................... 301,929
direct editing..........................................584 customized line types........................... 832
moving tables........................................ 584 dividing................................................... 316
re-anchoring tables...............................584 extending............................................... 314
selecting a new...................................... 596 shortening..............................................314
table layouts.......................................... 571 trimming.................................................314
leader lines.................................................. 767 linetypes.......................................................832
associative notes................................... 270 linking
base point location............................... 270 dimension lines..................................... 237
customizing arrows...............................487 drawing views........................................ 159
for reinforcing bar group marks..........766 links.................................................................21
handle points.........................................298 hyperlinks...............................................277
marks......................................................270 modifying............................................... 282
maximum leader line length in GA to DWG/DXF files................................... 280
drawings.................................................740 to images................................................281
modifying............................................... 298 to other drawings..................................278
part marks..............................................761 to text files............................................. 274
setting advanced options.....................761 listing hidden parts..............................282,283
types................................................ 765,883 location
length .......................................................... 894 of beam marks...................................... 764
lengthening parts........................................633 of bracing marks................................... 764
lengthening of column marks................................... 764
shortened parts.....................................637 of end views........................................... 647
level attributes.............................................777 of marks.......................................... 763,798
level dimensions......................................... 851 of section views..................................... 647
level marks...................................................123 locking
adding.....................................................253 drawings.................................................511
drawing level............................................ 23
object level............................................... 23
three levels of modifying drawings....... 23 macros
view level.................................................. 23 adding surface treatment symbols in
limitations in printing................................. 519 drawings.................................................493
limiting outside dimensions in GA drawings main views............................................145,613
.......................................................................742 managing
line extensions............................................ 725 cut lines.................................................. 298
line thickness .............................................. 527 drawings.................................................509
line thickness moment connection symbols..............490
pen numbers......................................... 559 manual dimensions.............................168,170
line type........................................................324 margins
line weight ...................................................527 in table layouts...................................... 573
line weight mark drawings ready for issuing ..............513
pen numbers......................................... 559 mark elements
line weights (old printing) pours.......................................................902
changing.................................................559 MarkDimensionFormat.dim...................... 777
in printouts............................................ 559 marks............................................... 21,608,844
view label marks....................................903
adding............................................. 244,754 using templates.....................................784
adding symbols..................................... 785 view direction marks.............................645
adding templates...........................776,780 visibility...................................................756
appearance............................................ 878 weld marks.............................................361
automatic........................................752,754 Master Drawing Catalog....................... 75,104
bolt marks.......................................786,896 adding master drawings.......................102
checking mark count............................ 244 applying object level settings.................81
color........................................................ 760 cloning templates.......................... 104,110
common elements................................ 893 copying drawings.................................. 113
connection marks................................. 901 customizing............................................101
containing templates............................ 782 managing............................................... 101
content................................................... 878 managing folders...........................111,112
contents................................................. 892 master drawing properties...........106,107
deleting...................................................244 preview images.............................. 114,115
detail marks........................................... 903 removing drawings........................ 105,113
detail view label marks......................... 903 rule set properties................................ 108
drawing weld marks..............................885 sample images.......................................114
element unit settings............................774 searching................................................100
elements..................................760,892,894 wizard files............................................. 109
font..........................................................760 master drawings......................................... 101
frames.................................................... 760 adding.....................................................102
height......................................................760 adding preview images.........................115
in dimensions........................................ 858 adding thumbnail images.................... 115
in view labels..........................................616 cloning templates............................ 77,104
leader line types.................................... 765 properties....................................... 106,107
leader lines.............................................487 removing................................................ 105
level marks......................................253,891 rule sets.............................................79,102
location.............................763,764,767,798 saved settings.......................................... 77
merged reinforcement marks ............ 900 searching................................................100
merging............................ 267,767,768,770 types......................................................... 76
model weld marks......................... 349,888 wizards......................................................80
neighbor reinforcement....................... 898 material........................................................ 896
part marks..............................................251 material ....................................................... 894
placing............................................. 603,925 material grade............................................. 898
positioning............................................. 884 maximum leader line length..................... 875
properties....................................... 754,877 maximum number of outside dimensions....
reinforcement................................ 372,898 742
reinforcement marks.....................770,899 maximum position dimensions................ 724
revision marks....................................... 279 merging
section marks........................................ 903 marks....................................... 267,767,770
section view label marks...................... 903 part marks..............................................768
settings................................................... 752 reinforcement marks......267,270,770,771
showing frames and leader lines........ 773 weld marks..................................... 267,366
surface treatment marks..................... 902 mesh class................................................... 898
text appearance.................................... 760 mesh diameter............................................ 899
units........................................................ 825 mesh length.................................................899
updating................................................. 261 mesh name..................................................898
user-defined attributes........................ 776 mesh shape................................................. 898
mesh size..................................................... 899 creating empty multidrawings...............73
mesh weight................................................ 898 creating of selected parts.......................74
mesh width.................................................. 899 of selected drawings............................... 73
mesh updating................................................. 509
creating a drawing view........................456 multiple drawing sheets of the same part....
in drawings..................................... 820,821 99,100
in neighbor parts...................................821
properties in drawings......................... 821
minimizing views.........................................861
minimum position dimensions................. 724 name.............................................................894
model objects................................................ 17 named size...................................................557
in drawings.............................................324 names
model weld marks drawings.................................................144
adding in drawing................................. 361 neighbor part marks...................................754
model welds......................................... 346,817 neighbor parts.............................................793
dragging marks......................................359 in drawing views....................................630
modifying appearance in drawings.... 357 in drawings.............................................797
visibility of marks in drawings............. 355 properties...............................................904
modeling direction......................................763 view extension................................630,844
modifying neighbor reinforcement marks
annotation object properties...............257 elements......................................... 898,899
building objects..................................... 324 new printing.................................................520
detail properties....................................166 north marks................................................. 801
dimension properties........................... 230 notes
drawing grid line properties................ 469 associative notes................................... 255
drawing grid properties........................469 number of bars........................................... 898
drawing grids......................................... 792 number of bolts ......................................... 896
Drawing List contents........................... 133 numbering..................................................... 65
drawing view properties.......................164
drawings................................................... 23
independent annotation objects.........282 O
leader line shape...................................298 object groups...............................................102
section properties................................. 164 in dimensioning............................. 737,875
symbol properties................................. 489 in dimensioning GA drawings..............736
wizard files............................................. 109 object level settings............................... 23,844
moment connection symbols....................482 applying in Master Drawing Catalog..... 81
creating...................................................490 objects
deleting...................................................493 associative annotation objects............ 243
managing............................................... 490 building objects..................................... 324
updating................................................. 492 cloned objects....................................... 123
moving drawing objects....................................... 21
drawing views........................................ 161 modifying in drawings............................ 30
drawing views to another drawing......156 shapes.................................................... 300
end of dimension line...........................242 offset............................................................ 929
objects in drawings............................... 295 forward offset................................ 718,861
multidrawings................................................64 opening
creating.....................................................72 Drawing List........................................... 128
drawings......................................... 127,136 lengthening in model............................633
openings and recesses lengthening shortened parts............... 637
showing in drawings............................. 639 line types................................................ 324
showing in views................................... 844 orientation...............................621,797,801
orientation marks....................................... 798 properties....................................... 795,904
showing.................................................. 801 representation.......................................795
orientation symbols....................................801 settings................................................... 795
orientation shortening..............................................632
of parts............................................621,797 shortening in model............................. 633
of plates..................................................628 shortening view by view....................... 325
overall dimensions......................................661 pattern line.................................................. 301
in GA drawings.......................................738 Pattern line editor.......................................301
creating pattern lines............................307
pattern lines................................................ 301
P adding in drawings................................307
paper size............................................. 542,557 hatches................................................... 807
part marks pdf files
adding.....................................................251 creating (old printing)........................... 543
advanced options for setting leader lines pdf
.................................................................761 customizing file names.........................534
compass direction.................................800 printing................................................... 520
containing templates............................ 782 pen number.................................................527
deleting...................................................261 pen numbers............................................... 559
elements.................................................894 pen numbers (old printing)
leader lines..................................... 270,761 changing.................................................559
level attributes.......................................777 placement settings.......................603,608,610
merging........................................... 768,770 placing
modifying............................................... 257 annotation objects................................ 603
rotation angle........................................ 459 associative notes................................... 925
showing frames and leader lines........ 773 dimensions..............................603,610,925
spiral beams.......................................... 459 fixed.................................................168,361
updating................................................. 261 free..........................................................168
using templates.....................................784 marks....................................... 603,608,925
part position ............................................... 894 notes....................................................... 608
parts symbols...........................................608,925
representation in drawings..................324 texts................................................. 608,925
additional markings in drawings......... 324 views....................................................... 611
color........................................................ 324 welds.......................................................603
compass direction.................................800 plan drawings........................................... 47,48
connecting side marks..........................803 plate side marks
developed parts in drawings............... 638 showing.................................................. 233
dimensions..................................... 704,875 plates.............................................................. 54
dimensions in GA drawings................. 743 dimensioning......................................... 729
fill options.............................................. 324 orientation in drawings........................ 628
fills...........................................................809 plot files, see print files.............................. 546
hatches............................................324,809 plotter
in drawings..................................... 793,794 sending to.............................................. 520
lengthening............................................ 632
plotting, see printing........................... 544,546 printer drivers...................................... 554,560
plotting, see printing (old)..........................537 printer instances......................................... 560
plt Abode postscript printer instances.....556
printing................................................... 520 adding...................................... 554,555,556
plug-ins print-to-file instances............................555
exploding................................................300 setting up............................................... 554
polybeams printers................................................. 554,555
unfolding................................................ 637 printing (old)
polygons............................................... 301,929 to file....................................................... 545
polylines................................................301,929 XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG....
pop-marks....................................................904 541,551,554,556,557
portrait adding printer instances...............554,556
printing (old).......................................... 541 drawings.................................................537
position dimensions................................... 708 examples.........................................540,541
maximum............................................... 724 fold marks.............................................. 551
minimum................................................724 in landscape...........................................540
positioning properties in portrait............................................... 541
section marks........................................ 884 line weights............................................ 559
view label marks....................................884 multiple drawings................................. 542
pour breaks on A3.......................................................541
properties...............................................922 on A4.......................................................540
showing in drawings............................. 819 paper size...............................................557
pour objects print area h*b........................................ 557
modifying............................................... 466 printer instances................................... 554
pours settings................................................... 549
examples of drawings and reports..... 468 single drawings......................................539
in drawings..................................... 464,922 to multiple sheets................................. 548
pour break symbol in drawings...........467 to paper printer.....................................554
pour breaks............................................464 to pdf............................................... 543,556
pour objects...........................................464 XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG..539,540,542
properties in drawings......................... 922 printing (old)XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG
showing in drawings............................. 819 A3 on A4................................................. 542
precision.......................................................854 examples................................................ 542
predefined reinforcement dimensions.... printing.........................................................546
182,413 adding printer instances...................... 555
preferred dim side...................................... 720 Color Table............................................. 559
preferred scale............................................ 600 customizing file names.........................534
preventing hints and tips......................................... 560
automatic drawing updates................... 42 limitations.............................................. 519
preview images line weight..............................................559
creating...................................................114 pen numbers......................................... 559
in Master Drawing Catalog........... 114,115 plt............................................................ 520
print area h*b..............................................557 settings files........................................... 530
print files...................................................... 546 to file............................................... 544,555
print paper size........................................... 520 to pdf...................................................... 520
printer.......................................................... 520 to plotter................................................ 520
Printer Catalog............................................ 554 product_finishes.dat................................... 911
Printer Catalog (old printing)...... 554,555,556 profile .......................................................... 894
profiles recreating
dimensions............................................ 732 dimensions............................................ 181
projection type............................................ 618 drawings................................................... 41
properties files rectangles............................................. 301,929
drawings.................................................655 reference dimensions, see check
properties dimensions.................................................. 702
associative annotation objects............ 257 reference lines.............................................324
automatic drawing properties............... 27 reference models.......................................... 21
bolts........................................................ 909 hidden lines........................................... 501
drawing properties..................... 28,29,563 in drawings.............................................501
grids in drawings................................... 930 own hidden lines................................... 501
marks......................................................877 reflected views.............................................844
meshes................................................... 913 refreshing
parts........................................................904 associativity............................................124
reinforcement........................................913 reinforcement marks..................................754
surface treatment................................. 910 adding pull-outs.................................... 789
symbol properties................................. 489 deleting...................................................261
protected areas....................................605,607 elements..................................898,899,900
protection settings......................................603 leader line base points......................... 762
pull-out pictures.......................................... 898 leader line types.................................... 767
reinforcement................................ 392,395 location...................................................767
pull-outs merging....................................270,770,771
in reinforcement marks........................789 modifying............................................... 257
pullout pictures........................................... 916 splitting...................................................270
reinforcement mesh................................... 820
creating a drawing view........................456
R properties...............................................913
properties in drawings......................... 821
radial dimensions reinforcement position.............................. 898
changing the prefix............................... 728 reinforcement settings for drawings........ 916
rails................................................................. 60 reinforcement
re-ordering adding dimensions........................ 182,413
sketch objects ....................................... 306 closed dimensions................................ 721
ready for issuing......................................... 513 dimension lines..............................182,413
Rebar group dimensioning application....182 dimension marks........................... 182,413
Rebar layering marker................................370 dimension tags...............................182,413
rebar marks dimensioning..................................191,422
deleting...................................................261 dimensioning reinforcing bar groups....
Rebar mesh view creator........................... 456 182,413
RebarClassificator....................................... 370 dimensions..................................... 721,873
rebars, see reinforcing bars............... 182,413 hiding lines in drawings........................822
rebars in drawings..................................... 820,821
dimensioning..................................191,422 marks.............................................. 252,372
marks.............................................. 252,372 neighbor reinforcement....................... 821
pull-out pictures.............................392,395 properties...............................................913
rebar_config.inp.......................................... 916 properties in drawings......................... 821
recesses pull-out pictures.............................392,395
dimensioning......................................... 683 reinforcing bar layer information........370
recognizable distances............................... 719
representation options.........................823 revisions....................................................... 515
reinforcing bar group marks changing.................................................516
leader line types.................................... 766 creating...................................................515
location...................................................766 deleting...................................................516
reinforcing bar groups rich lines....................................................... 307
dimension lines..............................182,413 rotating plates in drawing.......................... 628
dimensioning..................................182,413 rotating
distribution lines............................ 182,413 drawing views........................................ 163
reinforcing bars parts in drawing views..........................624
adjusting the location........................... 370 rtf
dimensioning bar groups............. 182,413 adding a link.......................................... 274
dimensioning rebar groups.......... 182,413 rule properties
hiding lines in drawings........................822 in dimensioning.....................................669
in drawings...................... 369,370,820,821 rule sets........................................ 76,79,92,109
layer information.................................. 370 creating drawings.................................... 93
properties...............................................913 in Master Drawing Catalog...................102
relative dimensions.................................... 851 modifying............................................... 108
removing rules
change symbols.....................................265 dimensioning rules............................... 737
dimension points.................................. 237 in dimensioning.....................................657
dimension tag content......................... 178
unnecessary drawing files....................507
drawings.................................................144 sample images
reports creating...................................................114
examples for pours...............................468 in Master Drawing Catalog........... 114,115
representation options saved settings................................ 76,77,82,86
for reinforcement..................................823 in Master Drawing Catalog...................104
representation modifying............................................... 107
of parts in drawings.............................. 795 saving
resetting drawings.................................................506
user coordinate system........................506 scale..............................................................600
reshaping scales
drawing objects..................................... 295 in tables.................................................. 579
resizing of drawing views.....................598,599,600
drawing objects..................................... 295 schema files..........................................809,812
drawing view boundaries..................... 159 screen layout
restriction box, see view boundaries........159 in drawings...............................................19
revising drawings........................................ 515 screen shots
revising drawings, see revisions................ 515 preview images......................................114
revision marks............................................. 123 sample images.......................................114
adding.....................................................279 screenshots
arrows.....................................................279 preview images......................................114
deleting...................................................279 searching
modifying............................................... 282 drawings.................................................134
placing.................................................... 279 master drawings....................................100
revision tables............................................. 570 section marks.......................................146,644
elements.................................................903 mark properties.................................... 877
modifying............................................... 164 marks......................................................752
positioning properties.......................... 884 merged reinforcement marks............. 900
section name......................................... 903 neighbor reinforcement mark elements
setting properties..................................642 .................................................................898
source drawing name........................... 903 part and neighbor part properties......904
section view labels...................................... 146 part and shape hatch pattern properties
modifying............................................... 164 .................................................................812
section views......................... 145,613,644,844 part dimensioning properties...... 868,875
aligning with main view........................ 647 part mark elements.............................. 894
creating........................................... 146,149 placement properties........................... 925
cut box....................................................146 position dimensioning properties.......865
cutting line............................................. 146 positioning properties.......................... 884
label mark elements............................. 903 printing (old).......................................... 549
labels.......................................................146 reinforcement and mesh..................... 913
modifying............................................... 164 reinforcement dimensioning properties
moving to another drawing................. 156 .................................................................873
name.......................................................903 reinforcement mark elements.............898
properties...............................................849 reinforcement mesh mark elements..899
setting properties..................................642 reinforcement settings for drawings.. 916
titles........................................................ 146 saved settings.......................................... 86
view direction marks.............................645 section and detail mark elements.......903
selecting settings affecting the recreation of
drawings.................................................135 drawings................................................... 41
settings sketch objects........................................ 929
bolt dimensioning properties.............. 870 sub-assembly dimensioning properties
bolt mark elements...............................896 .................................................................872
bolt properties.......................................909 surface treatment hatch pattern
common elements in marks................893 properties...............................................911
connection mark elements.................. 901 surface treatment mark elements...... 902
dimension appearance properties..... 856 surface treatment visibility and content
dimension format................................. 854 properties...............................................910
dimension grouping properties.......... 871 view, section view and detail view label
dimension mark properties................. 858 marks......................................................903
dimension properties............ 850,851,861 weld mark visibility options................. 888
dimension tag properties.....................858 shapes...................................................143,300
dimensioning properties......................850 arcs..........................................................301
drawing view properties.......................844 circles...................................................... 301
drawing weld mark properties............ 885 clouds..................................................... 301
drawings.................................................835 cover-up area.........................................301
grid and overall dimensioning properties cover-up line.......................................... 301
.................................................................874 dimensioning......................................... 683
grid properties in drawings..................930 fills...........................................................809
leader line types.................................... 883 hatches................................................... 809
level mark properties............................891 lines.........................................................301
mark appearance.................................. 878 polygons................................................. 301
mark content......................................... 878 polylines................................................. 301
mark contents....................................... 892 rectangles...............................................301
short dimensions........................................ 610 skew limits................................................... 801
shortening and lengthening parts............ 632 slab plans....................................................... 47
shortening parts in a model...................... 633 sloped dimensions......................................735
shortening....................................................844 slot height.................................................... 896
parts in drawing views..........................634 slot length ................................................... 896
view by view........................................... 325 snapshot overlay
showing in drawings.............................................139
drawing objects..............................282,283 in model................................................. 139
plate side marks.................................... 233 snapshots.....................................................139
pour breaks in drawings.......................819 creating...................................................137
pours in drawings................................. 819 drawings.................................................137
reference models in drawings............. 501 preview images......................................114
reinforcing bars in drawings................ 369 sample images.......................................114
single continuous line................................ 301 sorting
single continuous lines...............................301 Drawing List........................................... 133
single mark content.................................... 900 spaces
single-part drawing views.......................... 155 in drawing layouts.................................573
single-part drawings..................................... 52 special colors............................................... 500
anchor bolts............................................. 53 specified size............................................... 600
creating................................................67,93 spiral beams
dimensioning......................................... 868 dimensioning......................................... 459
embeds.....................................................53 in drawings.............................................459
example.................................................... 54 part marks..............................................459
freezing...................................................512 rotation angle........................................ 459
plates........................................................ 54 splitting
single-part drawings arcs..........................................................316
creating.....................................................86 circles...................................................... 316
single-part views......................................... 145 lines.........................................................316
size................................................................ 894 polylines................................................. 316
sketch objects.........................................21,929 stairs............................................................... 59
arcs..........................................................301 in cast unit drawings............................... 63
circles...................................................... 301 start point
clouds..................................................... 301 for dimensions...................................... 235
combining.............................................. 305 status flags...................................................131
cover-up line.......................................... 301 in Drawing List....................................... 131
cover-up polygon.................................. 301 straight dimensions.................................... 851
cover-up polyline...................................301 sub-assemblies
cover-up rectangle................................ 301 dimensioning......................................... 872
creating...................................................301 superscript...................................................273
exploding................................................305 adding in texts, dimensions and marks....
lines.........................................................301 273
polygons................................................. 301 surface treatment....................................... 493
polylines................................................. 301 hatch patterns....................................... 911
rectangles...............................................301 in drawings..................................... 815,816
sketch objects properties...............................................910
re-ordering............................................. 306 surface treatment
sketch objects .............................................306 class........................................................ 902
sketching tools..............................300,301,306 code........................................................ 902
marks......................................................902 replacing in table layouts..................... 579
material.................................................. 902 revision tables........................................570
name.......................................................902 table layouts................................... 571,579
surface treatment marks........................... 754 title blocks.............................................. 570
merging.................................................. 770 tags............................................................... 699
modifying............................................... 257 in dimensions........................................ 721
surfacing.htc................................................ 911 tags, see dimension tags....
switches 168,176,178,182,230,413
for print file names............................... 546 template attributes
Symbol Editor.............................................. 482 adding in marks.....................................776
symbol separating blocks in mark............ 900 Template Editor.....................570,596,782,784
symbols........................................... 21,123,893 templates
adding in drawings................................487 as tables in drawing layouts................ 570
adding surface treatment symbols in cloning templates..................................116
drawings.................................................493 editing in Template Editor....................596
associativity..............................................18 in marks........................... 780,782,784,893
bolt symbols.......................................... 805 modifying tables....................................596
change symbols.....................................264 table layouts.......................................... 571
changing current symbol file............... 486 template library.....................................126
creating...................................................486 text files...................................................21,123
defining a firm folder............................494 adding in drawings................................274
in drawings.............................................482 text
in marks..................................................785 in marks..................................................760
modifying........................................282,489 modifying............................................... 282
modifying symbol files......................... 484 texts................................................. 21,123,893
placing.................................................... 925 adding.....................................................271
symbol files.....................................482,486 dragging................................................. 271
viewing symbol files.............................. 484 in drawings.............................................271
SymEd, see Symbol Editor......................... 482 in marks..................................................893
placing.................................................... 925
using superscript...................................273
T thumbnail images
in Master Drawing Catalog...................115
table layouts................................................ 568 thumbnails...................................................115
adding a DWG/DXF file......................... 579 tips
adding in drawing layouts....................573 printing drawings.................................. 560
margins...................................................573 title blocks....................................................570
replacing tables..................................... 579 titles
setting table scale................................. 579 in drawings.............................................144
setting table transparency................... 579 section views..........................................146
setting the location of tables............... 579 toggling between user coordinate systems
spaces.....................................................573 .......................................................................506
tables............................................................ 568 top drawing views................................152,844
adding in table layouts......................... 573 top views...................................................... 613
adding to drawing layout..................... 584 TplEd, see Template Editor........................ 596
DWG/DXF files........................................570 transparency
editing in Template Editor....................596 of tables..................................................579
in drawing layouts.................................570 trimming
key plans................................................ 570
lines in drawings....................................314 creating...................................................829
types creating in drawings..............................829
dimensions............................................ 851 in drawings.............................................829
drawing types.......................................... 45 user-defined attributes
of leader lines........................................ 883 adding in marks.....................................776
of master drawings................................. 76 grids........................................................ 470
in drawings..................................... 827,828
in marks..................................................893
UCS, see user coordinate system...... 504,506
see user coordinate system.................505 value fields
UDA, see user-defined attributes..............827 in templates....................................782,784
UDAs, see user-defined attributes............893 view boundaries..........................................146
undeformed.................................................844 resizing................................................... 159
undeformed parts...................................... 638 view direction marks.................................. 645
unfolded.......................................................844 view extension for neighbor parts............630
unfolding......................................................723 view extrema, see view boundaries..........159
bent plates............................................. 637 view filters.................................................31,38
polybeams..............................................637 view label marks
unfreezing drawings............................511,512 positioning properties.......................... 884
general arrangement drawings........... 512 view labels
units mark elements...................................... 903
in dimension tags..................................825 marks......................................................616
in drawings.............................................825 name.......................................................903
in reports................................................825 view level properties.....................................38
in templates........................................... 825 view properties
units..............................................................854 defining for general arrangement
in mark elements.................................. 774 drawings.................................................615
unlinking view restriction box, see view boundaries....
dimension lines..................................... 237 159
unlocking view-level dimensioning
drawings.................................................511 examples................................................ 687
updating of shapes, holes and recesses............. 683
cut lines.................................................. 299 view-level dimensions................................ 651
drawings...................................... 23,42,509 viewing direction
moment connection symbols..............492 beams and bracings in assembly
multidrawings........................................509 drawings.................................................627
part marks..............................................261 columns in assembly drawings........... 627
weld marks.............................................261 views along grid lines................................. 145
user coordinate system..............................504 views............................................................. 579
creating dimensions............................. 174 aligning............................................162,647
resetting................................................. 506 arranging drawing views...................... 163
setting.....................................................505 cloning dimensions...............................122
toggling between two systems............ 506 drawing name........................................903
user interface drawing views........................................ 613
in drawings...............................................19 fixed........................................................ 611
user-defined attributes i frames.................................................... 161
free..........................................................611 modifying in drawings.......................... 257
in drawings..................................... 145,612 modifying model weld objects in
label mark elements............................. 903 drawings.................................................357
linking drawing views............................159 placing.................................................... 603
moving drawing views.......................... 161 properties in drawings......................... 817
name.......................................................903 solids.......................................................346
rotating drawing views......................... 163 visibility of marks in drawings............. 355
scale........................................................ 903 weld marks..................................... 359,364
source drawing name........................... 903 wizard files................................................... 109
visibility.........................................................904 wizards................................................. 76,80,92
of marks................................................. 756 work point....................................................702
of model weld marks............................ 888 workshop drawings
of reference models..............................501 assembly drawings..................................57
of surface treatment.............................816 single-part drawings............................... 52
weld marks........................................... 349,885 XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG............... 537,543
adding............................................. 244,361
dragging................................................. 359
examples................................................ 364
merging.................................................. 366
model weld mark visibility in drawings....
model weld markappearance..............888
modifying............................................... 257
modifying model weld properties.......346
updating................................................. 261
weld numbers
showing.................................................. 888
weld symbols....................................... 346,817
welding properties......................................927
welds............................................................ 361
adding drawing weld marks.................361
adding model weld marks................... 361
automatic............................................... 817
custom symbols.................................... 362
examples................................................ 349
in drawings..............................346,366,817
mark properties in drawings............... 885
model weld mark appearance.............888
model weld mark visibility in drawings....
model weld marks................................ 355
model weld properties......................... 927
model welds in drawings..................... 349