Serial Dilutions and Plating
Serial Dilutions and Plating
Serial Dilutions and Plating
Department of Biological Sciences, Wagner College, 1 Campus Road, Staten Island NY, 10301
Quantitative assessment of prokaryotes can be onerous given their abundance, propensity for
exponential proliferation, species diversity within a population, and specific physiological needs.
Compounding this challenge, is the four-phase nature in which bacteria replicate (lag, log,
necessary for successful identification, isolation, cultivation, and characterization (6). As such,
microbiologists have employed serial dilution and various plating techniques for over a century
to reliably quantify bacterial and viral load in clinical, industrial, pharmaceutical, and academic
laboratory environments (2,4,6). Descriptions of this methodology first appeared in 1883 when
the German scientist and physician Robert Koch published his work on infectious disease-
causing agents (2). Often referred to as the father of modern bacteriology, Koch's forenamed
techniques have become the gold standard for enumeration of microorganisms, culturable or
Serial dilution is a systematic reduction of a known or unknown entity (a solute, organism, etc.)
through successive re-suspension of an initial solution (solution0) into fixed volumes of a liquid
diluent (blanks). These blanks usually consist of 0.45% saline, though the composition can be
varied (7). While an experimenter can choose any volume for each diluent, it is most often a
multiple of 10, facilitating logarithmic reduction of the sample. For example, solution0 contains a
and added to 9 mL of saline (diluent1), the new solution (solution1) would contain 1/10th of the
initial concentration of E. coli. In this example, the new solution (solution1) would contain 10 E.
saline (diluent2) would yield solution2, containing only a single E. coli cell. Since
conclude that the dilution factor for this reduction is 10 or that this was a 10-fold serial dilution
(Figure 1). Since we only began with 100 cells in this example and we are diluting by a factor of
10, only two steps are required to reach the absolute minimum concentration of 1 cell.
Figure 1: Serial dilution of a stock solution. A 1 mL aliquot of the stock solution (solution0) is
added to tube 1 which contains 9 mL of 0.45% saline (dilent1); the product of this mixture is
Aliquoting and resuspension continues in this fashion until the final tube is reached, diluting the
stock concentration by a factor of 10 each with each step. Please click here to view a larger
Serial dilution is the simplest technique for obtaining manageable concentrations of a desired
organism and it is complemented by petri dish streaking and spreading, just two of many plating
techniques used by microbiologists. This benefit of this approach is that the experimenter can
harvest pure strains of a single species or separate strains from a mixed population (7). Streaking
that it will grow upon if the appropriate nutrients are available. Gently sweeping a sterile
inoculating loop across the medium (so that a subtle streak remains) in a rigid sinusoidal pattern
will distribute the organism proportionally to the frequency of the experimenter's waveform.
Dividing the Petri dish into thirds or fourths (quadrant streak) and decreasing the frequency of
each streak as a new region of the dish is entered will gradually reduce the number of
microorganisms that can occupy that region, producing single colonies instead of an
unquantifiable bacterial lawn. Spread plating does not additionally dilute samples; a sterile glass
spreader is used to distribute an aliquot of suspension media across an entire petri dish (Figure
2). The colonies that grow on the spread plate arise from a single cell and each colony on the
dish can be counted to estimate the number of colony forming units per milliliter (CFU) in a
given suspension, represented as CFU/mL (6) (Figure 3) Soft agar and replica plating are
variations of the aforementioned techniques and allow for isolation of bacteriophage and mutant
Figure 2: Plate streaking for bacterial enumeration and strain isolation. Label the bottom of
a petri dish with identification information (bacteria name, date, media) and divide into thirds.
After selecting an appropriate dilution of the stock sample, take a sterile (disposable or flamed)
inoculating loop and submerge it the test tube (here, T3). Slightly raise the petri dish cover on
one side so that only the inoculating loop can access the agar. Glide the inoculating loop across
the top of the media in a zig-zag fashion being careful not to compromise the agar. Rotate the
plate by roughly 1/3rd (~118°) and reduce the frequency of zig-zag motion. Rotate a final time
and reduce zig-zag frequency once more. Please click here to view a larger version of this
Figure 3: Spread plating. 1 g of the aerobic zone was resuspended in T1 and then serially
diluted. A sterile glass or plastic disposable spreading rod is used to distribute inoculum
throughout each dish. This was repeated with 1 g of the anaerobic zone. Please click here to
The number of colonies grown in standard petri dishes measuring 100mm x15mm can be
enumerated manually (or automated with the aid of computational processing) by identifying
isolated clusters of growth. Counts that total fewer than 30 or greater than 300 should be defined
as too few to count (TFTC) or too numerous to count (TNTC), respectively. In the case of the
latter, a serial dilution should be performed to reduce concentration before restreaking a new
petri dish. Averaging the number of self-contained colonies identified from three separate petri
dishes and multiplying the mean by the dilution factor will yield CFU/mL; plotting the log10 of
CFU/mL against time will reveal the mean generation time of the organism (7).
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1. Set-up
1. A flow chart listing all materials, stepwise experimental protocol and method for
discarding supplies should be written in a laboratory notebook and kept near the
experimental workspace.
2. Workspaces should be sterilized with an appropriate antiseptic (70% ethanol) and the
experimenter should mitigate contamination risk by wearing clean laboratory garments
that also protect them from exposure anomalies. Suitable garments include but are not
limited to a lab coat, latex or nitrile gloves, googles, respirators, and closed shoes. It is
critical to maintain aseptic technique at all times.
3. Prepare 90 mL of 0.45% saline. Using a clean graduated cylinder, measure 90 mL of
sterile water and transfer it to a clean Erlenmeyer flask labeled 0.45% saline. Weigh .405
g of sodium chloride (Sigma-Aldrich NaCl S9888) and add it to the flask labeled 0.45%
saline. Swirl repeatedly until no solute remains visible.
4. Upon completion, the experimenter should re-sterilize all surfaces and discard any
unwanted organisms, diluent stocks, petri dishes, or disposable inoculating loops
according to OSHA guidelines. Laboratory garments can be removed before washing
2. Media Preparation
1. Select media that is appropriate for cultivation of a desired organism. In most scenarios, a
broth would enable sufficient bacterial growth. Since organisms from a Winogradsky
protocol are desired here, a column consisting of calcium carbonate, sulfur, cellulose and
mud was assembled and left undisturbed for 7 days. The forenamed column is separated
into aerobic, microaerophilic, and anaerobic sections.
2. Choose a medium appropriate for plating the organism of interest. Supplementation of
liquid media with microbiology grade agar is typically employed as a solidifying agent.
LB medium/agar is sufficient when harvesting samples from aerobic, microaerophillic
and anaerobic regions of the forenamed column. Note: Samples from the microaerophillic
region were not harvested for this procedure. However, these organisms should be
cultivated in candle jars. Introducing a candle to this cultivation chamber before sealing
creates a low oxygen environment that is suitable for microaerophilic proliferation.
3. Since we wish to prepare 250 mL, use 500 mL (or larger) Erlenmeyer flasks to prevent
boil-over when autoclaving. Label one "Broth" and the other "Agar."
4. Determine the amount of media required to create each solution by following the
manufacturer concentration recommendations. LB Agar, used here, is prepared by
combining 25g/L with ultrapure water. Our volume of 250 mL requires a solution of 6.25
LB Agar/250 mL water. Similarly, LB Broth is prepared by combining the same ratio of
LB Broth and water. Since it is not supplemented with a solidifying agent, it will not
harden when cooled.
5. Weigh the media and mix it with water in proportions consistent with manufacturer
recommendations. Add 6.25g of LB Agar to a flask labeled "Agar", and 6.25g of LB
Broth to a flask labeled "Broth." Add 250 mL ultrapure water to each flask.
6. Wrap aluminum foil over each flask and use an autoclave to sterilize media for a
minimum of 15 minutes at 121°C, 15 psi.
7. Using a heat resistant glove or pad, remove the flasks from the autoclave when the cycle
is complete and place them in a 40-50°C water bath.
8. Once the appropriate temperature has been reached, pour the contents of the flask labeled
"Broth" into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer, or round-bottom flask. Label the 250 mL flask
9. Obtain 10, 100mm x 15 mm sterile petri dishes and label them with the date, name, the
type of media used and the Winogradsky column zone that organisms will be harvested
10. Remove the flask labeled "Agar" from the water bath and begin pouring into each of the
10 petri dishes. No more than 15 mL should be added to each dish. This may also be
performed with a pipettor and 25 mL serological pipette to improve accuracy. Use a
sterile pipette tip to remove any bubbles present, and then cover with the plate lids and
leave to solidify overnight.
3. Diluent Preparation
1. Prepare ten test tubes capable of storing 20 mL or more in a rack and label them T1-T10.
Each tube number is consistent with the dilution factor it corresponds to (i.e., T4 = 1x10-
or 0.0001 or 1/10,000th of stock concentration).
2. Pipet 9 mL of 0.45% saline into each of the 10 test tubes.
3. Saline blanks are now ready to be sterilized by autoclave. Use aluminum foil to
cover each of the 10 test tubes and then transfer them to an autoclave
compatible test tube rack. Sterilize for a minimum of 15 minutes at
121°C, 15 psi.
4. Remove blanks using heat resistant gloves and allow to cool. Cover and
store at 4°C until needed when tubes have reached room temperature,
or when cool to the touch.
5. Serial Dilution
1. Obtain the flask labeled "Nutrient broth" from the incubator and shake
2. Pipet 1 mL of "solution " into the test tube labeled T1. Vortex T1. If
6. Spread Plating
1. Pipet 100 µL of a diluted sample from T1 directly onto a petri dish. This
step can be, but does not need to be, repeated for each tube.
2. Obtain a sterile, disposable spreading rod or flame sterilize a glass
spreading rod. In a clockwise/counterclockwise motion, glide the
horizontal portion of the spreading rod to equally distribute the sample
within the petri dish.
3. Repeat for each zone of the Winogradsky column that is to be
4. Incubate plates in a 37°C incubator for 24 hours. For anaerobic
organisms, use an anaerobic chamber.
7. Streaking
2. Using a plastic sterile disposable inoculating loop or a reusable metal
inoculating loop that has been under fire for no less than 10 seconds,
immerse in the desired solution from step 5. Calibrated inoculating
loops should transfer 0.01 mL. (Caution: Do not allow flamed loop to
contact bacteria immediately after removing from heat)
3. Slightly raise the petri dish cover on one side so that only the inoculating
loop can access the agar. Glide the inoculating loop across the top of
the media in a zig-zag fashion being careful not to compromise the
agar. Lower the petri dish lid.
4. Use a new disposable inoculating loop or re-sterilize your reusable loop.
5. Rotate the plate by roughly 1/3 (~118°) and reduce the frequency of
zig-zag motion.
6. Again, use a new disposable loop or re-sterilize a metal loop before
rotating a final time and reduce zig-zag frequency once more. Lower the
petri dish lid.
7. Repeat steps 7.2 - 7.6 until at least three petri dishes have been
streaked for three different dilutions, using a new disposable loop or by
re-flaming a reusable loop (Figure 2).
8. Place streaked petri dishes in a 37°C incubator overnight. For anaerobic
organisms, use an anerobic chamber.
650,000,000 CFU/mL.
5. Isolated colonies can now be chosen from each plate for use in
enrichment assays to determine species identity.
Sometimes, in order to identify and study bacteria we first need to isolate and
different kinds present can be challenging. To this end, serial dilution and
organism. For example, one gram of sediment is first removed from the
number of bacteria.
Next, streak plating and spread plating enable the isolation and enumeration
supplemented with nutrient, which is divided into thirds. This inoculum is then
spread over each third of the plate in a zig-zag pattern. As different sections
of the plate are streaked, crossing from the previous sample only once, the
sample is spread more thinly. This means that you may only need to streak
from one dilution to achieve individual colonies in the later sections. After
Alternatively, if the main goal is the enumeration of the bacteria in the sample
spread evenly over the entire surface of solid medium. Typically, because we
don't know the bacterial numbers in the mixed sample, a spread plate is made
enumeration can be performed using these spread plates. Any plates with
colony counts fewer than 30 should be discarded, since small counts are
subject to greater error. Similarly, any counts over 300 should be discarded
recorded and multiplied by the dilution factor, and then divided by the volume
plated, this yields the colony forming units, or CFUs, per milliliter of
suspension. In this video, you will learn how to qualitatively and quantitatively
coat, gloves, and goggles. Next, sterilize the workspace with 70% ethanol and
wipe down the surface. Next, gather two 500 milliliter Erlenmeyer flasks and
label one broth and the other agar. To prepare LB agar solution, mix
approximately 6.25 grams of LB agar, three grams of technical agar, and 250
milliliters of distilled water in the flask labeled broth. After autoclaving the
flasks, use a heat resistant glove to remove the flasks from the autoclave and
place them in a 40 to 50 degree Celsius water bath. Once the flasks are 50
degrees Celsius, carefully prepare three 100 milliliter aliquots of the broth
solution and label each aliquot solution zero. Next, gather 10 sterile petri
dishes and label them with the date, name, type of media used, and the
Winogradsky Column zone that the organisms will be harvested from. Pipette
15 milliliters of agar from the agar flask into each petri dish. Then, use the
pipette tip to remove any bubbles, replace the plate lids, and allow them to
The next day, wipe down the bench top with 70% ethanol. Next, label 10 20
milliliter test tubes T1 through T10 and place them in a rack. Pipette nine
milliliters of .45% saline into each tube. Now, cover each of the 10 test tubes
loosely with their caps and transfer them to an autoclave-compatible test tube
rack. After the cycle is complete, remove the saline blanks using heat
resistant gloves and allow them to cool. Store the tubes at room temperature
plate. Then, cover the tube and incubate it over night at 37 degrees Celsius. To
repeat this process with one gram of material from the anaerobic zone.
Remove the tube containing solution zero inoculated with E. coli from the
incubator and shake it. Then, pipette one milliliter of the solution into a T1 test
tube and vortex to mix. Remove one milliliter of solution from T1 and transfer
it to T2, vortexing to mix. Repeat this process through tube T10. To evaluate
the aerobic and anaerobic zones of the Winogradsky Column, remove one
To spread plate, pipette 100 microliters of the diluted sample from each T3
tube on to the corresponding petri dish. Then, use a sterile spreading rod to
gently distribute the sample on to the petri dish and replace the plate lid.
an anaerobic chamber set to 37 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. The next day
remove the T3, T6, and T9 dilution plates from the incubator and the
anaerobic chamber and transfer them to the bench top. Working with one
plate at a time, glide a sterile inoculating loop across the top of the media in a
zig-zag pattern. Then, replace the petri dish lid. Next, rotate the plate by 1/3
and sterilize the loop to reduce the frequency of the previously made zig-zag
pattern. Again, after sterilizing the loop, rotate the plate by 1/3, reduce the
frequency of the zig-zag pattern one last time, and replace the lid. Repeat this
streaking method for the remaining plates, as previously shown. Then, place
population from each of the evaluated Winogradsky zones, and the spread
plates produced similar results. A plate streaked from a mixed population will
contrast, the streaked and spread plates containing the known organism, E.
CFUs per milliliter using the average colony count of three plates spread with
the same sample and dilution factor. Multiply the average number of colonies
by the dilution factor and divide by the amount aliquoted. Finally, isolated
colonies chosen from each plate can be used in further enrichment assays to
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of bacterial growth can be helpful when characterizing desired microbes. These phases,
lag, log, stationary, and death, are marked by changes in bacterial replication. The lag
phase features slow growth due to physiological adaptation, the log phase is the period
the death phase where cell counts begin to fall. This can be accomplished by serially
diluting (or 1-step diluting to avoid confusion) Solution0 every hour for a total of 8 hours,
dilution). Calculate the log10 of CFU/ml for a single diluent of Time0 and plot on the Y-
axis. Repeat this calculation for the sample Time1 (make sure calculate CFU/mL using
the same dilution factor as Time0). Repeat until each time (Time1-Time8) are plotted on
the X-axis.
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3. Goldman, E., Green, L.H. (2008) Practical Handbook of Microbiology.
4. Koch, R. (1883) New Research Methods for Detection of Microcosms in
Soil, Air and Water.
5. Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E.M. (1952) Replica Plating and Indirect
Selection of Bacterial Mutants. Journal of Bacteriology 63:399-406
6. Pepper, I., Gerba, C., Ikner, L. (2019) Bacterial Growth Curve Analysis and
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