Slide TutorialManual
Slide TutorialManual
Slide TutorialManual
User’s Guide
Part 1
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Slope Stability Analysis.............................................................................. 1
Groundwater Analysis ................................................................................ 2
Probabilistic Analysis ................................................................................. 2
SLIDE Documentation................................................................................. 3
Tutorials................................................................................................... 3
Additional Tutorials.......................................................................... 4
Reference................................................................................................ 5
Verification............................................................................................... 5
PDF Files................................................................................................. 5
SLIDE is a 2D slope stability program for evaluating the
stability of circular or non-circular failure surfaces in soil
or rock slopes. SLIDE is very simple to use, and yet
complex models can be created and analyzed quickly and
easily. External loading, groundwater and support can all
be modeled in a variety of ways.
Features include:
Groundwater Analysis
Probabilistic Analysis
SLIDE Documentation
3. Verification.
Tutorials are found in the SLIDE User’s Guide, the
manual you are now reading. The SLIDE User’s Guide
consists of the following tutorials.
Additional Tutorials
Additional tutorials, covering Probabilistic slope stability
and other topics, can be found in the User’s Guide – Part
2. This is available as a PDF document, and can be
printed if desired.
Introduction 5
Detailed reference information on all of the options in the
SLIDE program is found in the SLIDE Help system. To
access the Help system:
Verification examples are documented in the SLIDE
Verification Manual, and the Groundwater Verification
Manual. These are both available as PDF files. See below
for details.
PDF Files
The SLIDE Tutorial, Advanced Tutorial, Model
Reference, Interpret Reference, and Verification
documents are all available as PDF (portable document
format) files.
• The PDF documents can be found in the Manuals
folder in your SLIDE installation folder.
80 , 50 130 , 50
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If you have not already done so, run the SLIDE MODEL
program by double-clicking on the SLIDE icon in your
installation folder. Or from the Start menu, select
Programs → Rocscience → Slide 5.0 → Slide.
Let’s first set the limits of the drawing region, so that we
can see the model being created as we enter the geometry.
Project Settings
Although we do not need to set any Project Settings for
this tutorial, let’s briefly examine the Project Settings
Entering Boundaries
The first boundary that must be defined for every SLIDE
model, is the EXTERNAL BOUNDARY.
Slip Surfaces
SLIDE can analyze the stability of either circular or non-
circular slip surfaces. Individual surfaces can be
analyzed, or a critical surface search can be performed, to
attempt to find the slip surface with the lowest factor of
In this “quick start” tutorial, we will perform a critical
surface search, for circular slip surfaces. In SLIDE, there
are 3 Search Methods available for circular slip surfaces:
Auto Grid
Slip center grids can be user-defined (Add Grid option) or
automatically created by SLIDE (Auto Grid option). For
this tutorial we will use the Auto Grid option.
You will see the Grid Spacing dialog. We will use the
default number of intervals (20 x 20), so just select OK,
and the grid will be created.
Slope Limits
When you created the External Boundary, you will notice
the two triangular markers displayed at the left and right
limits of the upper surface of the External Boundary.
These are the Slope Limits.
Figure 1-7: Method of slip circle generation for Grid Search, using
Slope Limits and Radius Increment.
Surface Options
Let’s take a look at the Surface Options dialog.
Now let’s define the material properties.
9 Enter:
9 Name = soil 1
9 Unit Weight = 19
Strength Type = Mohr-Coul
9 Cohesion = 5
9 Phi = 30
Water Surface = None
Analysis Methods
Before we run the analysis, let’s examine the Analysis
Methods that are available in SLIDE.
Use the Save As dialog to save the file. You are now ready
to run the analysis.
Also note –
Filter Surfaces
When displaying either the Minimum Surfaces, or All
Surfaces, as described above, you can filter the surfaces
you would like displayed, using the Filter Surfaces option
in the toolbar or the Data menu.
Data Tips
The Data Tips feature in SLIDE allows the user to obtain
model and analysis information by simply placing the
mouse cursor over any model entity or location on the
Now move the mouse cursor over the model, and you will
see that the material properties of the soil are displayed.
Place the cursor over different entities of the model, and
see what information is displayed. Virtually all model
information is available using Data Tips, for example:
Click on the Status Bar and toggle Data Tips Off. You can
experiment with the Data Tips option in later tutorials.
NOTE that Data Tips can also be toggled through the
View menu.
Info Viewer
The Info Viewer option in the toolbar or the Analysis
menu, displays a summary of SLIDE model and analysis
information, in its own view.
Drawing Tools
In the Tools menu or the toolbar, a wide variety of
drawing and annotation options are available for
customizing views. We will briefly demonstrate some of
these options.
Click the mouse at a point near the tail of the arrow. You
will see the Add Text dialog. The Add Text dialog allows
you to type any text and add it to the screen. The
convenient Auto-Text option can be used to annotate the
model with pre-formatted input and output data.
For example:
For example:
Exporting Images
In SLIDE, various options are available for exporting
image files.
Export Image
The Export Image option in the File menu or the right-
click menu, allows the user to save the current view
directly to one of four image file formats:
• JPEG (*.jpg)
• Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
• Windows Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)
• Windows Metafile (*.wmf)
Copy to Clipboard
The current view can also be copied to the Windows
clipboard using the Copy option in the toolbar or the Edit
menu. This will place a bitmap image on the clipboard
which can be pasted directly into word or image
processing applications.
If you have not already done so, run the SLIDE MODEL
program by double-clicking on the SLIDE icon in your
installation folder. Or from the Start menu, select
Programs → Rocscience → Slide 5.0 → Slide.
Let’s first set the limits of the drawing region, so that we
can see the model being created as we enter the geometry.
Project Settings
Although we do not need to set any Project Settings for
this tutorial, let’s briefly examine the Project Settings
Entering Boundaries
The first boundary that must be defined for every SLIDE
model, is the EXTERNAL BOUNDARY (see the Quick
Start Tutorial for a definition of the External Boundary in
9 Enter:
Orientation = normal
9 Magnitude = 50
Type = constant
Now as you move the cursor, you will see a small red
cross which follows the cursor and snaps to the nearest
point on the nearest boundary.
Slip Surfaces
For this tutorial, we will be performing a circular surface
Grid Search, to attempt to locate the critical slip surface
(ie. the slip surface with the lowest safety factor).
Figure 2-4: Water table, external load and grid added to model.
It’s time to define our material properties. Select Define
Materials from the toolbar or the Properties menu.
9 Enter:
9 Name = soil 1
9 Unit Weight = 19
Strength Type = Mohr-Coul
9 Cohesion = 28.5
9 Phi = 20
9 Water Surf. = Water Table
Hu = 1
9 Enter:
9 Name = weak layer
9 Unit Weight = 18.5
Strength Type = Mohr-Coul
9 Cohesion = 0
9 Phi = 10
9 Water Surf. = Water Table
Hu = 1
Assigning Properties
Since we have defined two materials, it will be necessary
to assign properties to the correct regions of the model,
using the Assign Properties option.
Use the Save As dialog to save the file. You are now ready
to run the analysis.
As you can see, the Global Minimum slip circle, for the
Bishop analysis method, passes through the weak layer,
and is partially underneath the distributed load.
What is a Query?
A Query, in the SLIDE INTERPRET program, is simply a
slip surface which has been selected with the Add Query
option, for the purpose of viewing and plotting detailed
analysis results along the slip surface (eg. Base Normal
Stress, Mobilized Shear Resistance, Pore Pressure,
Interslice forces, etc).
Add Query
A Query can be created by selecting the Add Query option
from the toolbar or the Query menu.
Graph Query
The main reason for creating a Query, is to be able to
graph detailed analysis results for the slip surface.
Customizing a Graph
After a slice data graph has been created, many options
are available to the user to customize the graph data and
Chart Properties
Show Slices
The Show Slices option is used to display the actual slices
used in the analysis, on all existing queries in the current
The Show Slices option can also be used for other display
purposes, as configured in the Display Options dialog. For
1. You will see the Slice Data dialog, which prompts you
to “Click on a slice to view slice data”.
2. Click on any slice, and the data for the slice will be
displayed in the dialog, as illustrated below:
60 SLIDE User’s Guide
Deleting Queries
Queries can be deleted with the Delete Query option in
the toolbar or the Query menu.
Additional Exercises
If you have not already done so, run the SLIDE MODEL
program by double-clicking on the SLIDE icon in your
installation folder. Or from the Start menu, select
Programs → Rocscience → Slide 5.0 → Slide.
Surface Options
The first thing we need to do, is change the Surface Type
to Non-Circular, in the Surface Options dialog.
9 Enter:
9 Surface Type = Non-Circ.
Search Method = Block
Number of Surf = 5000
Left Angle Start = 135
Left Angle End = 135
Right Angle Start = 45
Right Angle End = 45
Block Search
The term “Block Search” is used in SLIDE, since a typical
non-circular sliding mass, with only a few sliding planes,
can be considered as consisting of active, passive and
central blocks of material, as shown below.
This dialog allows you to specify how the two points will
be generated on the polyline. The points can be randomly
generated at any location (the Any Line Segment option),
or randomly generated on the first or last line segments,
or fixed at the endpoints of the polyline.
72 SLIDE User’s Guide
Now enter the points defining the polyline. The points can
be entered graphically with the mouse, but we will enter
the following points in the prompt line:
Use the Save As dialog to save the file with the new
filename. You are now ready to run the analysis.
As you can see, there are many unstable surfaces for this
model, other than the Global Minimum. This model would
definitely require support or design modifications, in
order to be made stable.
Graph Query
Adding and graphing Queries for non-circular surfaces, is
the same as described in the previous tutorial for circular
surfaces. For example, a convenient shortcut is the
9 Enter:
Surface Type = Non-Circ.
Search Method = Block
Number of Surf = 5000
9 Left Angle Start = 125
9 Left Angle End = 155
9 Right Angle Start = 25
9 Right Angle End = 55
This will load the latest analysis results into the SLIDE
INTERPRET program.
Note that the colours of the slip surfaces and axis points
correspond to the safety factor colours displayed in the
Optimize Surfaces
This tutorial will use the same model as the Materials &
Loading Tutorial (with some modifications), to
demonstrate how to perform a circular surface search,
which allows composite circular / non-circular surfaces to
be analyzed as well.
If you have not already done so, run the SLIDE MODEL
program by double-clicking on the SLIDE icon in your
installation folder. Or from the Start menu, select
Programs → Rocscience → Slide 5.0 → Slide.
Surface Options
First of all, let’s enable the Composite Surfaces option, in
the Surface Options dialog.
9 Enter:
Surface Type = Circular
Search Method = Grid
Radius Increment = 10
9 Composite Surfaces
The material strength used for each slice along the linear
portions of the composite surface, will be the strength of
the material immediately above each slice base.
Editing Boundaries
To use the current model for this composite surface
example, we need to raise the lower edge of the External
Boundary, so that it is coincident with the location of the
lower of the two Material Boundaries.
Use the Save As dialog to save the file with the new
filename. You are now ready to run the analysis.
As you can see, there are many unstable surfaces for this
model, other than the Global Minimum. This model would
definitely require support or design modifications, in
order to be made stable. Turn off the Minimum Surfaces
display by re-selecting the Minimum Surfaces option.
Now let’s see how the new grid affects the analysis.
Use the Save As dialog to save the file with the new
filename. Now select Compute.
To view all of the slip centers, select Zoom All (you can
press the F2 key as a shortcut). Some of the slip centers
are generated at a considerable height above the slope.
These correspond to relatively “flat” circles with large
• the finished product of this tutorial can be found in
the tutorial5.sli data file, which you should find in
the EXAMPLES folder in your SLIDE installation
• This model is also presented in the Groundwater
Tutorial in this User’s Guide (file tutorial7.sli). A
seepage analysis is carried out, and results are
compared with the Water Pressure Grid tutorial.
106 SLIDE User’s Guide
If you have not already done so, run the SLIDE MODEL
program by double-clicking on the SLIDE icon in your
installation folder. Or from the Start menu, select
Programs → Rocscience → Slide 5.0 → Slide.
Let’s first set the limits of the drawing region, so that we
can see the model being created as we enter the geometry.
Project Settings
In order to use a water pressure grid for pore pressure
calculations, we must first set the Groundwater Method
to one of the three available pore pressure grid options
(Total Head, Pressure Head or Pore Pressure) in the
Project Settings dialog. In this case we will be using a
grid of discrete Total Head values.
You will see an Open file dialog. Water pressure grids can
be imported from various file formats in SLIDE,
Now select Zoom All to bring the whole model back into
view. Tip: you can use the F2 function key as a shortcut to
Zoom All.
112 SLIDE User’s Guide
As you can see at the left of the model, the region above
the ground surface and below the water table, is filled
with a blue hatched pattern. This region is automatically
determined by SLIDE when the water table is drawn
above the slope, and indicates the existence of ponded
Slip Surfaces
For this tutorial, we will be performing a Grid Search, to
attempt to locate the critical circular slip surface (ie. the
slip surface with the lowest safety factor).
To complete our modeling, we still have to define our
material properties, and we will then be ready to run the
9 Enter:
9 Name = soil 1
Unit Weight = 20
Strength Type = Mohr-Coul
9 Cohesion =11
9 Phi = 28
Grid (Total Head) = On
Use the Save As dialog to save the file. You are now ready
to run the analysis.
The new contour range makes the low safety factor area
of the slip center grid more apparent, as shown in Figure
5-10. Many different contour options are available to the
user, and customized contour formats can be saved for
future use with the Define Auto-Format option. The user
is encouraged to experiment with these options after
completing this tutorial.
Water Pressure Grid Tutorial 121
Notice that the slip center grid points are displayed, and
the vertical slip surface segments are hidden.
Add Query
Let’s now add a query on the Global Minimum for the
Bishop analysis, and plot pore pressure along the slip
Additional Exercises
If you run the analysis on this model, you should find that
the results are nearly identical, compared to the results
using the water table drawn across the entire extent of
the model.
If you run the analysis on this model, you should find that
the results are identical, compared to the results using
the single segment water table to model the ponded
Support Tutorial 129
Support Tutorial
If you have not already done so, run the SLIDE MODEL
program by double-clicking on the SLIDE icon in your
installation folder. Or from the Start menu, select
Programs → Rocscience → Slide 5.0 → Slide.
Let’s first set the limits of the drawing region, so that we
can see the model being created as we enter the geometry.
Project Settings
Although we do not need to set any Project Settings for
this tutorial, let’s briefly examine the Project Settings
Slip Surfaces
For this tutorial, we will be performing a circular surface
Grid Search, which requires a grid of slip centers to be
defined. This time we will use the Add Grid option, which
allows the user to define a grid at any location.
Now let’s define the material properties.
9 Enter:
9 Name = soil 1
Unit Weight = 20
Strength Type = Mohr-Coul
9 Cohesion = 3
9 Phi = 19.6
Water Surfaces = None
Use the Save As dialog to save the file. You are now ready
to run the analysis.
9 Enter:
9 Orient. = Ang. from Horiz.
9 Angle = – 10
9 Support length = 15
9 Spacing = 3
Measured Along boundary
As you move the mouse, you will notice a small red cross,
which follows the cursor around, and snaps to the nearest
point on the nearest external boundary segment.
138 SLIDE User’s Guide
Support Properties
To define support properties, select Define Support from
the toolbar or the Properties menu.
9 Enter:
9 Support = Grouted Tieback
Force = Active
9 Bonded Length = 50 %
Out of Plane Spacing = 1
Tensile Capacity = 100
Plate Capacity = 100
9 Bond Strength = 15
NOTE: Since our model only uses one type of support, and
since you entered properties with the first (default) tab
selected, you do not have to Assign these properties to the
support. SLIDE automatically assigns the default
properties (ie. the properties of the first tab in the Define
Support Properties dialog) for you.
Use the Save As dialog to save the file with the name
support2.sli, and then run the analysis.
For this model, over 2400 slip surfaces (ie. about 50% of
all slip surfaces analyzed) resulted in Invalid slip
surfaces. Most of these are due to Error Code –107
(negative driving moment). This is because the method of
support Force Application = ACTIVE.
1. Pullout
2. Tensile Failure (of the tieback tendon)
3. Stripping (ie. support remains embedded in slope).
Groundwater Modeling
Project Settings
In order to perform a groundwater analysis, the first
thing that must be done, is to set the Groundwater
Method in Project Settings to Finite Element Analysis.
The SAME boundaries are used in both the groundwater
and slope stability analysis. However, the model
boundaries can only be defined when the Analysis Mode =
Slope Stability.
The groundwater analysis in SLIDE is a finite element
analysis, and therefore a finite element mesh is required
in order to solve the problem.
Boundary Conditions
Once the finite element mesh is satisfactory, the user
must then set up the boundary conditions which define
the groundwater problem they wish to solve. This is done
with the Set Boundary Conditions option, which allows
the user to define all of the necessary pressure and flow
boundary conditions along the model boundaries, or at
any other node(s) of the mesh.
160 SLIDE User’s Guide
Hydraulic Properties
The permeability (hydraulic conductivity) characteristics
of each material, are defined with the Define Hydraulic
Properties option. You may define a saturated
permeability for each material. In addition, various
models are available for defining the unsaturated
permeability, or the user may create a user-defined
permeability function.
Groundwater Compute
Groundwater Interpret
Groundwater Tutorial
Project Settings
In order to perform a groundwater analysis with SLIDE,
the FIRST thing you must always do, is to set the
Groundwater Method = Finite Element Analysis, in
Project Settings.
Boundary Editing
Before we proceed with the groundwater modeling, we
have to make one small modification to the external
The two vertices you have added define the level of the
water table (phreatic surface) at the slope face, and at the
right edge of the model. These vertices will be necessary
in order to correctly assign the total head boundary
Also notice that the Search Grid (for the circular surface
Grid Search) and the Slope Limits symbols, are not
displayed, when you are in Groundwater Analysis Mode.
In general:
The groundwater analysis in SLIDE is a finite element
analysis, and therefore a finite element mesh is required
in order to solve the problem.
Boundary Conditions
After the finite element mesh has been generated, the
user must then define the boundary conditions which
define the groundwater problem they wish to solve.
Hydraulic Properties
The last thing we have to do to complete the groundwater
model, is define the hydraulic properties (permeability) of
the slope material.
NOTE: the model used for this tutorial, and the Water
Pressure Grid tutorial, is based on a model from the 1989
ACADS soil slope stability programs review. (Giam,
P.S.K. & I.B. Donald 1989, Example problems for testing
soil slope stability programs, Civil Engineering Research
Report No. 8 / 1989, Monash University, Australia). The
value of Ks comes from this reference.
Compute (groundwater)
Use the Save As dialog to save the file. You are now ready
to run the analysis.
Interpret (groundwater)
Water Table
You will notice on the plot, a pink line which is displayed
on the model. This line highlights the location of the
Pressure Head = 0 contour boundary.
You will see that the location of the Water Table is very
similar in both models.
Flow Vectors
Right click the mouse and select Display Options. Select
the Groundwater tab. Toggle ON the Flow Vectors option.
Toggle OFF all of the Boundary Condition options. Select
Done. (Flow Vectors and other Display Options can also
be toggled on or off with shortcut buttons in the toolbar.)
Flow Lines
Select Total Head contours again.
We can also add Flow Lines to the plot. Flow lines can be
added individually, with the Add Flow Line option. Or
multiple flow lines can be automatically generated with
the Add Multiple Flow Lines option.
Now delete the flow lines (select Delete Flow Lines from
the toolbar, right click and select Delete All, and select
OK in the dialog which appears).
180 SLIDE User’s Guide
An iso-line is a line of constant contour value, displayed
on a contour plot.
Another useful feature of the INTERPRET program, is
the ability to create a Query, to obtain detailed analysis
2. Click on the Data Tips box on the status bar (at the
bottom of the application window), until the Data
Tips Query option is enabled.
Select Zoom All in each view, and hide the legend in each
view. You should see the following.
1. In each view, select the Data Tips Min (or Max) option
from the status bar.
3. You should find that the slip circles are in fact exactly
the same surface.
In each view:
ψ tan φb
Probabilistic Analysis
• Material properties
• Support Properties
Sensitivity Analysis