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Ayodele 2012 Degradation of Phenol in Photo Fent

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Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192

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Chemical Engineering Journal

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Degradation of phenol in photo-Fenton process by phosphoric acid modified

kaolin supported ferric-oxalate catalyst: Optimization and kinetic modeling
O.B. Ayodele a,b, J.K. Lim a, B.H. Hameed a,⇑
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
Process and Product Design Unit, National Engineering Design Development Institute, Nnewi, Nigeria

h i g h l i g h t s

" Phosphoric acid modification of raw kaolin clay.

" Incorporation of ferric-oxalate into acid modified kaolin clay.
" Degradation of phenol with modified kaolin supported ferric-oxalate catalyst.
" Optimization and kinetic study of phenol degradation with ferric-oxalate catalyst.
" Reusability studies on the acid modified kaolin supported ferric-oxalate catalyst.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Phenol was degraded with phosphoric acid modified kaolin clay supported ferric-oxalate catalyst
Received 12 January 2012 (AMKC). The degradation was achieved without initial pH adjustments to avoid the interference of buf-
Received in revised form 18 April 2012 fering on the degradation kinetics. The degradation process was optimized to minimize the superfluous
Accepted 18 April 2012
scavenging effect of excess dosage of hydrogen peroxide (HP) and AMKC on the kinetics study. The pres-
Available online 9 May 2012
ence of Fe was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, XRF and EDX
results. Brunauer–Emmet–Teller result showed an increment in the surface area from 19 to 45 m2/g after
the acid modification which led to structural and morphological changes as revealed by the Scanning
Phenol degradation
Electron Microscopy (SEM). The best optimization result of the degradation of phenol obtained from
Ferric-oxalate the desirability plot gave 18.2% excess HP, 2.23 g of AMKC as the best condition to achieve 99.15% deg-
Optimization radation of 100 ppm initial concentration of phenol at 30 °C in 5 min reaction time. Strong correlation
Kinetic modeling between the experimental and predicted responses was observed with R2 and R2adj values of 0.9921
and 0.9810, respectively. In the kinetic study, degradation rate 50 ppm is 1.38 times faster than
200 ppm while the selectivity of AMKC for direct oxidation of phenol is 3.4 times higher than through
intermediates. Only about 4% drop in catalyst activity was observed during the reusability studies after
five experiments. This makes AMKC reliable for treating phenol polluted water.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction citrant nature of phenol, traditional wastewater treatment meth-

ods like biological treatment, adsorption and stripping cannot
The quest for newer products and technological developments readily mineralize it. However, many researchers had made frantic
has led to the generation of different environmental pollutants. efforts at finding ways to eliminate this pollutant from the envi-
Phenol is one of such pollutant that seriously damages our ecosys- ronment using some other advanced techniques like catalytic
tems and it is a foremost pollutant in USEPA list with limits of dis- wet oxidation [3], Fenton process [4], photo-Fenton process [5–7]
charge less than 0.5 ppm [1]. It is a lethal and hazardous and combined sono–photo-Fenton process [8]. In all these pro-
contaminant which is believed to be carcinogenic. Its industrial cesses, photo-Fenton appears to be the most promising method
applications include the production of polymerization inhibitors, considering the overall process efficiency based on pollutant re-
petrochemical, paint, textile, oil-refineries, food, photographic moval and cost of operation [8]. The process requires an oxidant
chemicals, antioxidants and flavoring agents [2]. Due to the recal- to degrade the organic pollutants. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) appears
to be an appropriate and potential oxidant because it is relatively
cheap, environmentally friendly and has high oxygen content
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 45996422; fax: +60 45941013. yielding water as the only by-product [9], and in the presence of
E-mail address: chbassim@eng.usm.my (B.H. Hameed).

1385-8947/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
182 O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192

ferrous ion it has the ability to generate hydroxyl radical with a 2.2. Catalyst preparation
very high oxidation potential of 2.8 eV which is capable of degrad-
ing most organic pollutants [6,7]. The catalyst was prepared by treating 50.0 g of raw kaolin (RK)
Both HP dosage and catalyst loadings affect the degradation effi- clay with 200 ml of 5 M phosphoric acid in a round bottomed flask
ciency of photo-Fenton process [6–14], besides the serious environ- equipped with a reflux condenser refluxing at 110 °C for 2 h fol-
mental impact of leached Fe and the increase in the capital and lowing a modification to the procedure described by Panda et al.
operational costs effects of overdosing a Fenton process with either [20]. The reaction mixture was immediately quenched by adding
or both Fe ion and HP, there is also scavenging effects which drasti- iced water followed by filtration and repeated washing with dou-
cally affect the degradation kinetics. In order to avoid these serious ble distilled water to remove any unspent acid until pH becomes
problems, optimization of the process becomes inevitable. Due to neutral. The phosphoric acid modified kaolin (AMK) clay support
the complex systems of photo-Fenton catalytic degradation process, obtained was dried in an oven at 110 °C for 12 h and grinded to
application of one-factor-at-a-time-optimization approach could powder with a mortar and pastel. The phosphoric acid modified
mislead the optimization process because of the lack of cross-factor kaolin catalyst (AMKC) was prepared by reacting 1.44 g of oxalic
effects [15,16]. Thus, the application of the design of experiments acid and 1.14 g of iron hydroxide in stoichiometric ratio (Eq. (1))
(DOEs) seems to be an alternative option. A good example of such to produce 2 g of ferric-oxalate. After 1 h, the reacting species were
methods that consider the simultaneous varying of influencing pro- continuously added to the already prepared AMK suspension and
cess parameters and still take into account the interactions between stirred for 6 h at 50 °C. The product was dried in the oven at
them is referred to as response surface methodology (RSM) [7,17]. 110 °C for 12 h, grinded to powder and calcined at 450 °C for 4 h
D-optimal design is a good example of RSM and it is quite attractive in a muffle furnace according to the thermo gravimetric analysis
and robust for researchers. Its application provides maximal accu- (TGA) result.
racy in estimating regression coefficients and it was developed to
2FeðOHÞ3 þ 3C2 H2 O4 ! C6 O12 Fe2 þ 6H2 O ð1Þ
select design points in a way that minimizes the variance associated
with the estimates of specified model coefficients [17–20].
Recently, it had been reported that oxalate based Fenton catalyst 2.3. Catalyst characterization techniques
can degrade pollutants without pH adjustment or at near neutral
pH due to the presence of suitable ligands [21,22]. In fact, Bautitz The XRF analyses of the samples were done using a Philips Mod-
and Nogueira [23] reported that Fe-oxalate catalysts have higher el-PW2400 and X-ray tube of rhodium anode and scintillation
catalytic ability at generating the required hydroxyl radical than detector operating on a 40 mA current and 40 mV voltage, while
the iron from the convectional nitrate and sulfate salts apparently their X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were measured with SIE-
due to the presence of some suitable organic ligands. All these stud- MENS XRD D5000 equipped with Cu Ka radiation and recorded
ies were conducted in the homogeneous photo-Fenton process. The in the range of 5–90° with a scanning rate of 2°/min. The Energy
major drawback of homogeneous Fenton’s process is its inability to Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was performed to determine the
easily recover the catalysts due to the formation ferric sludge which elemental composition of the RK and AMKC samples using certain
makes the process requires additional processing steps like coagu- equipment mounted on the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
lation and sedimentation [10]. Thus, replacement of the homoge- instrument. The samples were analyzed three times and the aver-
neous catalysts with heterogeneous catalysts where the active age values were recorded. The results of analysis were presented in
metal can be incorporated into a support became an alternative. weight percent. The Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy
Although heterogeneous catalyst could be relatively slower than (FTIR) analyses were performed on the samples, using a Perkin-El-
homogeneous catalyst due to diffusion resistances of the reactants mer Spectrum GX Infrared Spectrometer with resolution of 4 cm1,
into the pore and products out of the pore, this problem can be min- in the range of 4000–400 cm1. The sample and analytical grade
imized or completely solved with acid modification of the support KBr were dried at 100 °C over-night prior to the FTIR analysis
which opens up the pore, increases the surface area [20] and re- and were prepared with the disc technique using a finely ground
duces or eliminates the diffusion resistances in the catalysts. mixture of 0.25 mg of sample and 100 mg of KBr pressed at 4 Mbar.
In this study, heterogeneous ferric-oxalate catalyst was pre- The Nitrogen adsorption–desorption measurements (BET meth-
pared by incorporating ferric-oxalate into phosphoric acid modi- od) were performed at liquid nitrogen temperature (196 °C) with
fied kaolin clay and its activity was tested on the degradation of an autosorb BET apparatus, Micromeritics ASAP 2020, surface area
phenol. The pH of the degradation process was not adjusted be- and porosity analyzer. The analysis procedure is automated and
cause of the possible interference of the presence of buffer solution operates with the static volumetric technique. Before each mea-
on the kinetics of the investigated processes [24] and in order to surement, the samples were first degassed at 200 °C for 2 h. Scan-
really investigate the catalytic ability of the oxalate based catalyst. ning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to study the surface
The degradation process was optimized for the purpose of develop- morphology of the RK and AMKC samples. The analysis was carried
ing a phenomenological mathematical model that will not only out using a scanning electron microscope (Model EMJEOL-
accurately and consistently describe the degradation kinetics but JSM6301-F) with an Oxford INCA/ENERGY-350 microanalysis sys-
be able to predict the process performance. tem. Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) analyses were carried
out with a SHIMADZU DTG-60/60H instrument. The sample was
heated in a silica crucible at a constant heating rate of 10 °C/min
2. Materials and methods operating in a stream of N2 atmosphere with a flow rate of
40 mL/min from 25 to 700 °C and weight loss per time and temper-
2.1. Materials ature increment were recorded.

Kaolin powder was supplied by R&M marketing, Essex, UK Com- 2.4. Photo-Fenton reactor and photodegradation procedure
pany with CAS number 1332-58-7. Analytical grade phenol and
hydrogen peroxide (HP) solution (30%) were obtained from Fluka. A 1.0 L stirred glass reactor filled with 500 mL of phenol was
The iron hydroxide, oxalic acid, and phosphoric acid were pur- used as photo-Fenton reactor. It was fitted with 254 nm UV lamp
chased from Merck (Germany). Double distilled water was used supported by retort stand. The stirred glass reactor was immersed
throughout the experiment. in a 2 L beaker partly filled with water located on a hot plate with
O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192 183

variable magnetic stirring and a temperature control facility. The the aim is to establish if the decrease in concentration of phenol
temperature of the phenol solution was adjusted by the tempera- as recorded by the UV–Vis spectrophotometer was due to adsorp-
ture control knob until ±2 °C of the desired value. The temperature tion, catalytic reaction or both. Secondly, the extent of reaction in
and pH was monitored by EcoScan SC11-4115 (Exatech Enterprise) dark Fenton process was also evaluated by carrying out the reac-
pH meter. The initial pH of the aqueous solution of phenol was not tion of phenol with HP and AMKC, but in the absence of UV irradi-
adjusted except for the preliminary study on the effect of pH ation, the aim is to study the contributory role of UV irradiation on
adjustment. After stabilizing the temperature, the AMKC was the photo-reduction process of Fe3+ to Fe2+. The role of the AMKC
added to the solution and the reaction was initiated by adding was also verified in an experiment by reacting phenol with HP un-
HP under predetermined optimal magnetic stirring speed of der UV irradiation but in the absence of the catalyst, the aim is to
340 rpm. All the experiments were performed at 30 °C ± 2 except determine the extent of degradation reaction without catalyst. Fi-
when the effect of temperature was studied. nally, the effect of pH adjustment on the degradation of phenol
was studied at three different pH values of 3.02, unadjusted pH
2.5. Analytical methods (5.4) and 7.2 in the presence of AMKC, HP and UV irradiation.

UV–Vis spectrophotometer was used as the analytical tech- 2.7. Experimental design and statistical analysis
nique for monitoring concentration reduction of phenol during
the experiment because of its simplicity of use and ability to mea- A four factor D-optimal design was used to determine the opti-
sure concentration within a short time. The maximum absorbance mum operating conditions for maximizing the phenol degradation
wavelength (kmax) of phenol measured from 500 to 200 nm using a efficiency. The four factors selected as independent variables are
spectrophotometric quartz cell in a UV–Vis spectrophotometer based on previous experience and as a prerequisite for process/
(Shimadzu, model UV 1700 PharmaSpec, Japan) was found at product design of phenol treatment facility in industrial applica-
272.5 nm. The withdrawn filtered samples were quickly analyzed tions. They are HP dosage, AMKC loading, degradation time and
to minimize experimental errors since the reaction could still con- the initial concentration of phenol and they are assigned with
tinue after withdrawal. However, following the observation and the following notations X1, X2, X3 and X4, respectively. The agitation
suggestion made by Khokhawala et al. [25], caution has been taken speed and temperature were set at 340 rpm and 30 °C, respectively
accordingly to check if there is any influence or interference of the and they were considered noise contributions. The objective func-
HP or any intermediate products generated in the course of reac- tion to be optimized is degradation efficiency of phenol, denoted as
tion on the extent of absorbance of phenol at the obtained maxi- Y. The number of experiments for the four independent variables
mum wavelength. The maximum absorbance spectrum of HP was calculated as follows according to DOE configuration using De-
was found at 198 nm which indicated that there was no interfer- sign-Expert 7.1.6 from Stat Ease Inc., minimum model points, 15;
ence in the concentration of phenol due to HP, or any intermedi- lack of fits estimate points, 5; replicates points, 5 and the total
ates as the absorbance spectrum of the samples measured experiments summed up to 25.
remained similar to the pure phenol solution. Similar works on Application of D-optimal design as an optimization technique
the use of spectrophotometer for monitoring reduction in phenol requires the selections of a model at the beginning, in this partic-
concentrations with time also observed similar protocol [26–28]. ular case study, quadratic model was chosen as shown in Eq. (4).
The extent of mineralization was determined by Hach COD ana- The adequacy of the final model was verified by graphical and
lyzer (model 2800, United States). The Hach COD analyzer kit com- numerical analysis followed by evaluation for the response func-
prises of 0–1500 ppm COD digestion solution, a Hach DRB 200 tion and finally the experimental data were analyzed statistically
digestion chamber and a Hach DR 890 COD colorimeter where applying analysis of variance (ANOVA).
the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the withdrawn samples
were measured. The samples were first modified with 1.0 M NaOH Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X 1 þ b2 X 2 þ b3 X 3 þ b4 X 4 þ b12 X 1 X 2 þ b13 X 1 X 3
to scavenge any residual HP so as to stop the reaction before add-
ing the samples to the COD digestion solution. The application of
þ b14 X 1 X 4 þ b23 X 2 X 3 þ b24 X 2 X 4 þ b34 X 3 X 4 þ b124 X 1 X 2 X 4
NaOH has been reported not to interfere with the COD value [8]. þ b1 X 21 þ b2 X 22 þ b3 X 33 ð4Þ
The degradation efficiency and COD removal efficiency of phenol
were evaluated as follows: where bn is the coefficient associated with each nth factor, and com-
  bination of factors (such as X1X2) represents interactions between
Co  Ct
Degradation efficiency ¼ 100% ð2Þ the individual factors in that term.
CODo  CODt 3. Results and discussion
COD removal efficiency ¼ 100% ð3Þ
3.1. Catalyst characterization results
where Co and CODo (ppm) are the initial concentration and COD of
phenol, while Ct and CODt (ppm) are the measured concentration 3.1.1. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)
and COD at the time of withdrawal, respectively. The results shown in Fig. 1 revealed that there is an increment
in the Fe content of the AMKC sample, but its aluminum and oxy-
2.6. Degradation of phenol UV/HP/AMKC process gen contents were reduced. The reduction in the former is due to
the phosphoric acid modification effect that caused leaching of alu-
Prior to the commencement of the experimental design with re- minum content of the RK while that of the latter is as a result of the
sponse surface methodology, preliminary experiments were car- calcination of the AMKC that removed the physisorbed water (see
ried out in the following order to understudy the contributory FTIR result) which consequently reduced the oxygen content. But
role of the process parameters. The first preliminary experiment since EDX is a point analysis and the values of elemental analysis
was carried out to determine the effect of HP on the degradation could vary from different points, and also in order to determine
of phenol. This was achieved by adding only AMKC to phenol solu- the chemical composition, that is, the oxide of the elements that
tion and stirred without HP but in the presence of UV irradiation, were present, (XRF) analysis was performed.
184 O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192

Fig. 1. EDX spectrum and data of RK and AMKC.

3.1.2. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) of 12° and 25° corresponding to the reflections from [0 0 1] and d
The result of XRF analysis is shown in Table 1. The major con- values of 7.154 Å can be seen. Other peaks corresponding to the
stituents of the RK are alumina and silica while sodium, iron, 2h value 34–36°, 38–42°, 45–50°, and 54–63° were also visible
potassium and titanium oxides are present in minute quantities. but may vary for kaolinites from different origin [31]. These peaks
After the phosphoric acid modification, a considerable change in were significantly reduced in Fig. 2b due to the structural disorder
the composition of the RK was observed. The fraction of SiO2 was that occurred as a result of the acid modification which distorted
found to increase from 54.21% to 65.82% while Al2O3 fraction re- the crystallinity of the RK and disintegrates its layered structure.
duced from 43.51% to 32.24% and other constituents like TiO2, From Fig. 2b, some of the iron oxide phases observed are related
Fe2O3 and K2O fraction in the acid modified sample also decreased. to phase a-Fe2O3 with 2h = 24.16°, 30.6°, 32.4°, 41.3°, 48.6° and
This resulted in the increase of the Si/Al ratio from 1.10 to 1.76, 56.18° [12,32], while 35.5°, 43°, 57° and 62.5° corresponds to
respectively in RK and AMK. This de-alumination of the AMK sam- Fe3O4 and 36° and 42° are ascribed to FeO [33]. The peaks of the
ple can be ascribed to the leaching of the Al3+ ions from the octa- diffractogram correspond to the standard card of magnetite
hedral layer due to hydrolysis under acidic conditions [20] as can (JCPDS: 19-0629) and hematite (JCPDS card no. 33-0664) [32,33].
be seen in Eq. (5) in a reaction between phosphoric acid and kao-
linite. This observation is due to the presence of Al–O–Si bonds 3.1.4. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm (BET and BJH) studies
at the octahedral layer that was attacked during acid modification The textural property of the samples is shown Table 1. The RK,
to a greater extent and finally resulted in rapid solubility. The per- AMK and AMKC have BET surface area of 19, 45 and 36 m2 g1,
centage of iron content increased from 0.73 in the RK to 5.82 in respectively. The increment in the surface area of AMK was due
AMKC signifying successful incorporation of iron into the AMKC. to the acid modification that opens up the RK pores, while the
Al2 O3  2SiO2  2H2 O þ 3H3 PO4 ! Al2 ðPO4 Þ3 þ 2SiO2 þ 5H2 O slight reduction observed in the AMKC sample could be due to
the blocking of the pores by the loaded metal after the incorpora-
þ 3=2H2 ð5Þ tion of ferric-oxalate precursor, Fabriozioli et al. [34] also observed
this phenomenal. Both the RK and AMKC samples showed Type IV
3.1.3. X-ray diffraction (XRD) isotherms (Fig. 3). According to the IUPAC classification, Type IV
The XRF result successfully confirms the incorporation of iron isotherms are generally observed for mesoporous solids
into the AMKC sample, but there is need to determine the phase [20,34,35]. RK sample showed hysteresis loop at P/Po (0.82–1)
in which the iron is present after the calcination process. It has which increased to (0.24–1) in AMKC which suggests an increase
been reported that calcination process is capable of transforming in the number of mesopores in AMKC sample due to the effect of
a metal from crystalline phase into amorphous which enhances phosphoric acid modification.
its anchoring onto the support by transforming the metal into
insoluble form [29,30]. XRD result (Fig. 2a and b) shows the effect 3.1.5. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
of acid modification and incorporation of iron on AMKC. In Fig. 2a Extensive reports on the FTIR bands for kaolin clay loaded with
(RK), two well-defined characteristic peaks of kaolinite at 2h value metal had been well reported in the literature [20,34–39], however

Table 1
Compositional analysis and textural properties of RK, AMC and AMKC samples.

Material Component content (%) Si/Al ratio BET surface area (m2 g1) Pore volume (cm3 g1) Pore size (nm)
SiO2 Al2O3 Na2O Fe2O3 TiO2 K2O
RK 54.21 43.51 0.15 0.73 0.77 0.2 1.1 19 0.1 21.2
AMK 65.82 32.24 0.04 0.61 0.71 0.17 1.76 45 0.17 26.7
AMKC 64.27 29.8 0.02 5.82 0.69 0.13 1.69 36 0.15 24.8
O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192 185

Fig. 2. XRD diffractogram of RK and AMKC.

there are three major features that are worthy of note in FTIR spec- the successful incorporation of the ferrioxalate complex. The FTIR
tra of RK and AMKC samples shown in Fig. 4. (1) The infrared bands result supports the EDX, XRF and XRD studies.
in the bending region mode of RK sample with peak maxima at
916, 795 and 745 cm1 which can be respectively assigned to the 3.1.6. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Al–Al–OH, Al–Mg–OH and Si–O–Al vibration of the clay sheet, they The morphologies of RK and AMKC samples (Fig. 5a and b)
are quite intense and can be attributed to the bending vibration showed that AMKC had undergone some changes owing to the ef-
mode of physisorbed water on the surface of free silica [36]. These fect of the acid modification, subsequent incorporation of the cat-
peaks reduced slightly in AMK due to structural disintegration alyst precursor and calcination. The effect of acid modification that
caused by acid modification. Further reduction of those peaks resulted in the de-alumination of the RK which consequently in-
was observed in AMKC due to combined effect of structural disin- creased the sample surface area according to BET result can be seen
tegration caused by acid modification and calcinations. (2) The to have changed the appearance of the RK from lumpy in Fig. 5a to
peak at 1385 cm1 is quite intense as it appeared in both RK and flaky and crispy in Fig. 5b.
AMK and it can be attributed to the physisorbed water molecules
that are present in the first coordination sphere of the interlayer
3.1.7. Thermo Gravimetry Analysis (TGA)
ions as the peak disappeared in AMKC after calcinations at
From the profile of effect of thermal treatments on the samples,
450 °C. (3) There was a shift in the Si–O–Si bond from 1090 to
three characteristics regions can be seen from Fig. 6: (1) The inter-
1082 cm1 following the incorporation of the ferric-oxalate, the
layer and physisorbed water molecules which are mobile and
peak intensity at 972 cm1 which was assigned as Si–OH bond
freely bound to the clay sheets and as a result are easily removable
was found to decrease progressively showing the formation of
at temperature below 150 °C, (2) the strongly bonded water mole-
the Si–O–Fe bond structure. These in conjunction with the shift
cules that are present in the first coordination sphere of the inter-
in the 1100 cm1 band and the peak at 916 cm1 which is associ-
layer ions of the clay sheet which may require heat treatment in
ated with the bending of Fe–O–Fe bond gave further credence to
the temperature range of 300–500 °C for their removal and (3)
the formation of the Si–O–Fe bond structure and the presence of
the structural hydroxyl groups that will condense and dehydrate
hematite, respectively [1,3]. The peak at 2330 cm1 confirmed
at temperatures above 600 °C [20]. The result of effect of thermal
treatment showed that the amount of moisture content to be re-
moved increase in the order of AMKC > AMK > RK. This is due to
the hydration effects during acid modification of AMK and com-
Quantity adsorbed (cm3 g-1 STP)

bined acid modification and incorporation of catalyst precursor

RK- Adsorption
in AMKC. This is in agreement with the FTIR studies (Fig. 4) that
RK - Desorption
showed increase in the physisorbed water at 1385 cm1 for the
AMKC - Adsorption AMK sample, the physisorbed water was removed in the AMKC
AMKC - Desorption sample due to calcination at 450 °C. The increment in surface area
40 due to acid modification shown by the BET result (Table 1) could
also be thought to have provided large surface area for absorption
20 of water molecules in AMK sample.

0 3.2. Degradation of phenol UV/HP/AMKC process

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Relative pressure (P/Po)
From the preliminary studies, photo-degradation reaction in the
Fig. 3. The N2 adsorption desorption isotherms of RK and AMKC samples. absence of HP showed a very poor phenol degradation efficiency of
186 O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192

Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of the RK, AMK and AMKC samples.

Fig. 5. SEM of (a) RK and (b) AMKC (magnification = 3000).

2.16% in 60 min because the highly reactive HO required for the 60 min because phenol was relatively stable due to the poor oxida-
degradation cannot be generated according to Eq. (6). This implied tion potential of HP as compared to HO [11]. The mechanism of HO
that the decrease in phenol concentration observed in subsequent generation employed under this condition is based on Eq. (10),
reactions were due to catalytic process and not adsorption of phe- which is a relatively slower process compared to Eq. (6). Conversely,
nol onto the AMKC. The reaction in the absence of UV light (dark appreciable decrease in the concentration of phenol was observed
Fenton) proceeded though slowly relative to photo-Fenton process when the combination of the UV irradiation, HP and catalyst were
after 4 min of reaction time because the rate of Fe3+ reduction to used with about 95% phenol removal in less than 20 min at 30 °C
Fe2+ employed in the absence of UV is not as efficient as the using stoichiometric amount of HP and 1.5 g AMKC. Finally, the re-
photo-reduction process depicted by Eq. (7). De Leon et al. [40] re- sult of study on the effect of pH showed insignificant difference at
ported that Fe3+ regeneration can also take place through a series the three studied pH. The degradation efficiencies obtained after
of reactions involving hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2 ), Eq. (8), but
the overall rate of regeneration and process efficiency are lower
compared to Eq. (7) which has the ability to generate HO during 100
the photo-reduction process. The major challenge to this reduction
process is the scavenging effect of the HO2 produced on Fe2+ as
shown by Eq. (9). The percent degradation obtained was 48.6% in 96
60 min.
Weight loss (%)

Fe2þ þ HP ! Fe3þ þ OH þ HO ð6Þ

92 RK
Fe3þ ðOH Þ þ hv ! Fe2þ þ HO ð7Þ
3þ 2þ þ
þ HP ! Fe þ HO2 þH ð8Þ 88 AMKC

Fe2þ þ HO2 ! Fe3þ þ HO2 ð9Þ

HP þ hv ! HO ð10Þ 25 125 225 325 425 525 625 725
Temperature (ºC)
The reaction of phenol with HP under the influence of UV irradia-
tion but without catalyst showed only 28.7% degradation after Fig. 6. TGA of (a) RK, (b) AMK and (c) AMKC.
O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192 187

Table 2
Experimental design and response based on experimental runs proposed by D-optimal design.

Run number Factors Response (degradation) Residual

X1 (HP dosage) X2 (AMKC loading) X3 (time) X4 (phenol conc.) Experimental (%) Predicted (%)
1 15 3 6 200 52.95 54.58 1.63
2 20 2 6 200 79.78 79.00 0.77
3 15 2.5 4 150 74.51 70.44 4.05
4 20 2 2 100 48.99 45.83 3.15
5 15 3 2 100 38.92 40.18 1.28
6 15 2 2 200 25.84 26.08 0.24
7 25 2.5 6 100 94.18 93.34 0.83
8 25 2 2 200 49.90 49.28 0.61
9 25 3 2 100 42.60 42.42 0.17
10 20 3 6 100 90.60 91.58 0.98
11 25 2 4 100 77.07 78.07 1.00
12 15 2 6 100 88.63 89.12 0.52
13 25 2 6 150 84.50 83.83 0.66
14 25 3 6 200 59.42 59.82 0.42
15 20 3 2 200 32.37 31.39 0.97
16 22.5 2.5 4 150 77.92 80.41 3.21
17 20 2 4 150 75.64 75.90 3.26
18 20 3 4 150 71.83 68.36 3.43
19 20 2.5 2 150 45.03 48.94 3.91
20 20 2.5 6 150 91.35 89.11 2.23
21 25 3 2 100 42.64 42.42 0.17
22 25 2 2 200 49.91 49.28 0.61
23 25 3 6 200 59.43 59.82 0.42
24 15 2 6 100 88.63 89.12 0.52
25 15 2 2 200 25.84 26.08 0.24

20 min were 93.8%, 95% and 92.5%, respectively at pH 3.02, 5.4 Values of ‘‘Prob > F’’ less than 0.0500 indicated that model terms
(unadjusted) and 7.2. This ability was due to the presence of ferri- are also significant. In this case X 1 ; X 2 ; X 3 ; X 4 ; X 21 ; X 22 ; X 23 ; X 1 X 2 ; X 1 X 3 ;
oxalate ligands in the AMKC that make the catalyst relatively insen- X 1 X 4 ; X 2 X 4 ; X 3 X 4 are significant model terms. The obtained R2 is
sitive to pH variation [21–23]. 0.9921 and the adjusted regression coefficient, R2adj , that corrects
regression coefficient, R2, for the sample size and the number of
3.3. D-optimal experimental design terms in the models is 0.9810. Generally, if a model contains many
terms and has small sample size this could result in a much lower
3.3.1. Development of regression model equations and analysis R2adj when compared to R2 [41,42], in this case the model has high
The data generated from performing experimental runs at the R2 and R2adj which confirms that the chosen quadratic model in
process variables (HP dosage, 15–25% excess; AMKC loading, 2– D-optimal design for response surface method adequately describe
3 g; time, 2–6 min and phenol concentration, 100–200 ppm) varied the experimental data in the range of the operating parameters.
conditions are presented in Table 2 that present the experimental Two important information to check if there is any deficiency or
and predicted response values. The coefficients of independent descripancy in the model fitting to the experimental data on the
variables (X1, X2, X3 and X4), polynomials and their interaction ef- performance of the model can be seen in the plot of internally
fects on the response function, Y (phenol degradation efficiency) studentized residuals vs. normal probability (Fig. 7a) and the plot
were determined and the corresponding statistical polynomial of run number vs. outlier T points (Fig. 7b). The normal probability
model was obtained by multiple regressions as shown in Eq. (11). plot shows orchestrated points and points cluster in close

%Phenol degradation ¼ 354:20 þ 10:78  X 1 þ 187:30

 X 2 þ 44:47  X 3  0:04  X 4 Table 3
ANOVA test for the response model Y (% phenol degradation).
 0:22  X 21  31:06  X 22  2:71
Source Sum of squares DF Mean square F-value Prob > F
 X 23 þ 2:78E  4  X 24  0:78  X 1
Model 11302.14 14 807.29 89.37 < 0.0001
 X 2  0:25  X 1  X 3 þ 0:013  X 1 X1 216.55 1 216.55 23.97 0.0006
X2 215.22 1 215.22 23.82 0.0006
 X 4  1:06  X 2  X 3  0:13  X 2 X3 6086.33 1 6086.33 673.84 < 0.0001
 X 4  0:03  X 3  X 4 ð11Þ X4 765.70 1 765.70 84.77 < 0.0001
X 21 135.88 1 135.84 15.03 0.0031
In order to establish a correlation between the model prediction X 22 134.59 1 134.57 14.89 0.0032
and the experimental response, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was X 23 260.31 1 260.31 28.82 0.0003
used to test the goodness of fit for the polynomial coefficients of X 24 0.80 1 0.80 0.09 0.7716
the response Y and the results are presented in Table 3. The mean X1X2 47.11 1 47.11 5.21 0.0455
squares were obtained by dividing the sum of squares for each var- X1X3 77.90 1 77.90 8.62 0.0149
X1X4 126.07 1 126.07 13.95 0.0039
iation by their respective degrees of freedom while the F-value was X2X3 13.37 1 13.37 1.48 0.2515
calculated by dividing the obtained mean squares with the residual X2X4 129.82 1 129.82 14.37 0.0035
mean square (9.03). The Model F-value is 89.37 for the response func- X3X4 134.86 1 134.84 14.92 0.0031
tion, which implied that the model is significant, and there is only a Residual 90.32 10 9.03
Lack of fit 90.32 5 18.06
0.01% chance that Model F-values this large could occur due to mod-
Pure error 0 5 0
el error, although it may be associated to experimental error [41].
188 O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192

Fig. 7. Diagnostics of Y model: (a) Normal probability of residuals and (b) internally outliers T points.

neighborhood of the diagonal line in Fig. 7a, an indication of the Similarly, initial increase in the catalyst loading drastically in-
homogeneousity of the error variances and independent style of creases the degradation rate up to the saturation point beyond
the residuals which confirms that errors are normally distributed which further loading retards the degradation rate, an observation
and independent of each other [7,28,41,43]. that is similar to the effect of HP dosage. This retardation can be
From the plot of run numbers vs. outliers T points that can used attributed to the scavenging effect of excess iron on the reactive
to evaluate the assumption of constant variance (Fig. 7b), it was ob- hydroxyl radical as depicted in Eq. (15). It can be seen that the plot
served that the points are randomly scattered and structureless is predominantly quadratic as revealed by the contour lines on the
which confirm that all the information are well extracted and the HP dosage - catalyst loading plane. This implied that both HP dos-
residuals are unrelated to any other variables [7,28]. All the points age and catalyst loading significantly influenced the phenol degra-
lie within the range 3.5 and +3.5 which is considered as the bottom dation efficiency as earlier reported [5–14,21,24].
and top outlier detection limits. Since all the points were captured
within the range, it can be concluded that the response transforma- Fe2þ þ HO ! Fe3þ þ OH ð15Þ
tion is appropriate and successful in capturing the correlation be-
tween the four studied parameters influencing the degradation of
phenol without any apparent problem with the normality [7,41,43]. 3.4.2. Effect of phenol initial concentration
Fig. 8b shows the response plot for the effect of variation in the
3.4. Response surface plot of phenol/UV/HP/AMKC degradation process initial concentration of phenol, it is obvious that as the treatment
time increases the degradation efficiency improves within the
3.4.1. Effect of hydrogen peroxide dosage and catalyst loading range of experimental studies. At lower initial concentration of
Based on the established material balance of Eq. (12), stoichi- 100 ppm, the degradation efficiency is higher than at higher con-
ometric amount of HP was calculated, and for the purpose of centration of 200 ppm as revealed by the RSM plot. This is because
enhancing the generation of HO, 15–25% excess HP were experi- as the initial concentration was increased other factors affecting
mented as discussed earlier. The result (Fig. 8a) shows that initial the rate of degradation were not simultaneously increased, thereby
increment in the HP dosage significantly enhances phenol degrada- making the available HO insufficient for the degradation of phenol.
tion due to the availability of sufficient HO required for the reac- It can also be seen that after 5 min of reaction with 100 ppm initial
tion. Further increment showed decrease in the degradation concentration, the response plot shows a parallel plot with the
efficiency. This observation can be due to the scavenging effect of time axis until 6 min of treatment time, this implies that any treat-
HP on HO as shown in Eq. (13) to form the hydroperoxy radical ment within that range does not reflect in any removal of phenol
(HO2 ) with lower reactivity and oxidation potential of 1.7 eV com- concentration. The plot shows linear relationship between initial
pared to 2.8 eV of hydroxyl radical. Excess HP could also generate concentration axis and a non linear relationship with the time axis
excess HO radicals that are capable of dimerizing to form HP which confirms the validity of the predictive model chosen. It can
according to Eq. (14) and these cumulative effects inhibit the deg- be concluded that degradation is favored at lower initial concen-
radation rate of phenol [3–14,21]. tration and this observation is not at variance with what had been
reported earlier [4–10,13–14].
C6 H6 O þ 14HP ! 6CO2 þ 17H2 O ð12Þ
3.4.3. Optimization and desirability plot
HP þ HO ! HO2 þ H2 O ð13Þ The optimum condition for the degradation of phenol was ob-
tained from the desirability plot (Fig. 9). The optimized degrada-
HO þ HO ! HP ð14Þ
tion conditions based on the interaction between the
O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192 189

Fig. 9. Desirability plot for the degradation of phenol with AMKC at 30 °C.

Fig. 8a. Response surface plot for catalyst loading and HP dosage; [phe-
nol]o = 100 ppm, temperature = 30 °C.

Scheme 1. Reaction path way for the degradation of phenol.

and in view of the complexity that could be associated with the

identification and quantification of the numerous intermediates,
a Lumped Kinetic Model (LKM) was adopted [6,44] to study the
kinetics of the mineralization of phenol in this study based on
the reaction pathways shown in Scheme 1.
A, I and C represents phenol, organic intermediates such as ace-
tic acid, maleic acid etc., and the final substrates – CO2 and H2O,
respectively. ki (i = 1–3) is the apparent rate constant (min1).
The pathway from A to C with apparent rate constant k1 represents
the direct oxidation of phenol into the final substrates while the
reaction pathway A to I to C (apparent rate constants k2 and k3)
represents the oxidation of phenol through the formation of some
intermediates compounds. Pseudofirst-order kinetics was assumed
because the concentration of the catalyst is considered (effect
Fig. 8b. Response surface plot for effect of initial concentration of phenol, 20% AMKC loading) in this heterogeneous photo-Fenton process; con-
excess HP dosage catalyst loading = 2.0 g, temperature = 30 °C. sequently, the unit of the rate constant will be expressed in min1
The following set of differential equations was obtained accord-
independent factors were presented as contour lines and the desir-
ing to the reaction pathway in Scheme 1 [44].
ability increases towards the centre of the plot. The best desirabil-
ity point on the contour gave the optimum condition to achieve dC A
99.15% degradation 100 ppm phenol to be 18.2% excess HP, ¼ ðk1 þ k2 ÞC A ð16Þ
2.23 g of AMKC in 5 min reaction time. The optimized condition
was used for the kinetics study. dC I
¼ ðk2 C A  k3 ÞC I ð17Þ
From Eq. (16),
3.5. Kinetic study of phenol mineralization
C A ¼ C Ao  eðk1 þk2 Þt ð18Þ
Phenol degradation in Fenton and all modified-Fenton process
had been reported to proceed via two pathways: complex oxida- Substituting the Eq. (18) into Eq. (17) and integrate;
tion via intermediates and hydroxyl radical oxidation [6,8,44],
dC I
the predominance of either path ways depends more on the selec- ¼ ðk2 C Ao  eðk1 þk2 Þt  k3 ÞC I ð19Þ
tivity of the catalyst [44]. A good Fenton catalyst is expected to
have a higher selectivity for the latter so as to minimize the k2 C A  eðk3 Þt k2 C A  eðk1 þk2 Þt
amount of intermediate compounds that may prolong the reaction C I ¼ C Io  eðk3 Þt þ þ ð20Þ
ðk1 þ k2  k3 Þ ðk1 þ k2  k3 Þ
time and threatening the life span of the catalyst through deactiva-
tion, leaching and even poisoning. Based on the above pathways Boundary conditions: t = 0
190 O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192


0.800 50 ppm phenol

100 ppm phenol

200 ppm phenol




0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
Time (min) Fig. 11. Effect of initial concentration on the selectivity and total apparent removal
of phenol; HP dosage = 18.2% excess HP, AMKC loading = 2.23 g.
Fig. 10. Phenol COD removal at the optimized condition; HP dosage = 18.2% excess
HP, AMKC loading = 2.23 g.

the reaction rate. The steepness is more reduced in the selectivity

C A ¼ ½C Ao þ C Io  ¼ ½CODo curve signifying that the effect of initial concentration affects
selectivity more than total apparent degradation. Therefore, it
C I ¼ C Io ¼ 0 can be concluded that more intermediate compounds are produced
at higher initial concentration of phenol which probably accounts
Similarly, the total chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the reaction for lower degradation efficiency within the same reaction time.
medium at any time during the reaction can be evaluated based This is because more time will be required to degrade not only
on the concentration of phenol and intermediates [6,44] by combin- the phenol but also the intermediate compounds formed. Hence
ing Eqs. (18) and (20); i.e. [CA + CI]t = [COD]t the selectivity AMKC is a better for direct oxidation at lower con-
Therefore, centration than at higher concentration, similar observation was
  also reported by Feng and Le-cheng [6].
½CODt k2 eðk3 Þt ðk1  k3 Þ  eðk1 þk2 Þt
¼ þ ð21Þ
½CODo ðk1 þ k2  k3 Þ ðk1 þ k2  k3 Þ
3.6. Effect of temperature on the degradation of phenol
Eq. (21) describes the relative reduction of phenol COD with
reaction time. The feasibility and reliability of the developed ki- The effect of temperature on the photo-Fenton degradation of
netic model was explored for phenol degradation at different initial phenol with AMKC was studied and the result is shown in
concentrations. As it can been seen from Fig. 10 the experimental Fig. 12. The result revealed that temperature variation is significant
data fitted well into the developed model which validated the coef- in the degradation reaction of phenol. For example, after 4 min of
ficients obtained from the non-linear regression of the experimen- reaction, degradation efficiency increases from about 87.21% in
tal data. The selectivity, a, (k1/k2) of the AMKC which is defined as 30 °C to 97.46 in 40 °C. This enhanced degradation rate can be as-
the rate of direct oxidation of phenol to the rate of oxidation cribed to the Arrhenius theory of rate constants dependence on
through intermediates and the total apparent reaction rate con- temperature. The increase in temperature increased the rate of
stant for phenol elimination defined as K = k1 + k2 were presented hydroxylation at the catalyst active sites producing more HO with
in Table 4. energy in excess of the activation energy and this led to higher col-
The results in Table 4 show that both the selectivity and the to- lision frequency between the HO and the phenol molecules which
tal apparent reaction rate were higher at lower initial concentra- eventually resulted in faster degradation. The increase in amount
tion than at higher concentration. This observation is in of phenol degraded from 87.21% to 97.46% showed that increase
agreement with the observation in RSM studies (Fig. 8b) which in the temperature also affected the thermodynamics of the reac-
shows higher degradation efficiency at lower concentration of tion by enhancing the feasibility of the degradation process.
100 ppm than at 200 ppm phenol. The reason in not unconnected Temperature is a strong factor in thermodynamic science as it
with earlier explanation that as the concentration of pollutants shifts reaction equilibrium in such a way to favor the accumula-
were increased the values of other parameters affecting the degra- tion/consumption of substances that are formed/consumed by
dation rate were not increased. Therefore, the phenol molecules reaction which requires heat energy from the surrounding [45].
will have to compete for the scarcely available HO, and in this When the reaction temperature was increased to 50 °C, the degra-
way the degradation efficiency reduces. Also from Fig. 11, it is very dation efficiency reduced probably due to thermal decomposition
obvious that the gradient in the two curves are more steep be- HP according to Eq. (22) and the HO is subjected to scavenging
tween 50 and 100 ppm than 100 and 200 ppm initial concentration effect [46–48]. Yip et al. reported that HP is thermally unstable
of phenol, this confirms that there is intense competition for reac- at elevated temperature [47], although the rate of decomposition
tion at higher initial concentration which consequently slow down of HP is dependent not only on the temperature, but also concen-

Table 4
Rate constants, selectivity and degradation rate of phenol degradation with AMKC.

Initial concentration (ppm) Initial COD (ppm) k1 (min1) k2 (min1) k3 (min1) Selectivity [k1/k2] Degradation rate [k1 + k2] (min1)
50 100 0.512 0.040 0.430 12.80 0.552
100 221 0.390 0.060 0.30 6.50 0.450
200 496 0.316 0.084 0.190 3.76 0.400
O.B. Ayodele et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2012) 181–192 191

100 ANOVA studies result revealed strong correlation between the

experimental and predicted responses with R2 and R2adj values of
0.9921 and 0.9810, respectively. The optimization result based on
80 the best desirability plot gave 18.2% excess HP, 2.23 g of AMKC
Degradation efficiency (%)

and 5 min reaction time to achieve 99.15% degradation of

100 ppm initial concentration of phenol without pH adjustment.
60 The COD removal and kinetic study showed that higher COD re-
30 ºC
moval rate was achieved easily at 50 ppm compared to 200 ppm
40 ºC initial concentration. The rate of degradation in 50 ppm is 1.38
times higher than that of 200 ppm while the selectivity is 3.4 times
50 ºC higher. The selectivity is observed to be more sensitive to variation
in initial phenol concentration. Higher catalyst reusability of about
4% drop in activity was observed after five consecutive experi-
ments, this stability was based on the presence of the oxalate li-
0 gands in the AMKC and the effect of phosphoric acid
0 2 4 6 8 modification. Hence, the catalyst is promising in the depuration
Time (min) of phenol pollutant.
Fig. 12. Degradation efficiency of phenol as a function of temperature at the
optimized condition; HP dosage = 18.2% excess HP, AMKC loading = 2.23 g. Acknowledgements

The first author acknowledges the scholarship grant provided

by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Port Har-
tration of the peroxide, as well as the pH and the presence of impu-
court and the study leave approved by National Engineering Design
rities and stabilizers which were not investigated in this work.
Development Institute, Nnewi, both in Nigeria.
H2 O2 ! H2 O þ O2 ð22Þ

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