Understanding Boat Design 55 PDF
Understanding Boat Design 55 PDF
Understanding Boat Design 55 PDF
Bulb keel variations. (From Ted Brewer Explains Sailboat board is too much trouble because it must be
Design, by Ted Brewer. International Marine, 1985) adjusted frequently when sailing if it is to be effective,
and because it requires a hole in the bottom of the
H&-*. vJtOTH ^BO\AT boat —an area of possible (probable!) trouble. The
slot for the board may become jammed with rocks or
barnacles. It is also awkward to paint, a source of
accommodations in two.
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S\-i/:>.PE.i> - vImiqa m g>E^T 7 one board and lowering another to shift the center of
husky centerboarders (Figure 4-6). These handsome Bilge boards are simply dual boards set each side
cruisers boasted as little as 32 -inch draft on a length of the cenlerlme. They are usually of high-aspect
of 40 feet and proved to be both fast and seaworthy. ratio, and set at an angle so the leeward board is \'er-
Although the pure centerboard cruiser has fallen out tical when the boat is heeled. They can be as)Tnmetri-
of favor, it still hasmuch to offer the sailor. cally shaped to improve efficiency as well. This t)'pe
The Prestos, and many other centerboarders, use a of board eliminates the centerline trunk, and the
long, slab-sided board, because it is economical, bilge-board trunks are set into the settee fronts,
strong, and simple to build. However, it is not nearly which avoids splitting up the accommodations. Still,
as effective as a streamlined centerboard of high- bilge boards have most of the disadvantages of twin
aspect ratio, which provides much more lift for its boards, although they are not so prone to jam with
area and is the only choice for a high-performance rocks or mud since they sit higher in the hull. In any
yacht. The high-aspect-ratio board does strain the event, they are not popular.
trunk and hull more than the older-style centerboard, Leeboards (Figure 4-8) are similar to bilge boards
so it must be very carefully designed. but are hung outside the hull. The value of this