D Ottawa Deadline
D Ottawa Deadline
D Ottawa Deadline
Speci c Requirements
New Search
Please note that applications and required documents must be received by the application deadline. Late or
incomplete applications will be canceled without noti cation.
Full-Time: Thesis:
English: Course-based:
Minimum Requirements
Area(s) of specialization
Transcript(s): 1
You must upload copies of all transcripts from
universities you have attended to the student portal.
Transcripts must cover all courses and programs at any
university you have attended, including regular
programs (whether completed or not), exchanges,
letters of permission, online or correspondence
courses, courses taken as a special student or visiting
students, etc. If your transcript and degree certi cate
are not in English or French, you must submit a certi ed
translation (signed and stamped and sealed).
Required document(s):
■ Resume
For more information about graduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please
refer to your academic unit.