Cir LTR 180.28 Da 43 Slabs More
Cir LTR 180.28 Da 43 Slabs More
Cir LTR 180.28 Da 43 Slabs More
D.A. Rates @ 0.10% per slab for 818 Slabs over 4440 points for all cadre/stages: 81.80 %
Note: D.A. and Increase shown here includes Basic Pay and Special Allowance
Sub-Staff Clerical
Stage Basic D.A. Increase Stage Basic D.A. Increase
1. 9560 8426.14 442.94 1. 11765 10369.61 545.10
2. 9885 8712.59 458.00 2. 12420 10946.93 575.45 NATIONWIDE
3. 10210 8999.04 473.05 3. 13075 11524.24 605.80
4. 10535 9285.50 488.11 4. 13730 12101.55 636.15 GENERAL STRIKE
5. 10860 9571.95 503.17 5. 14545 12819.89 673.91 ON
6. 11270 9933.32 522.17 6. 15360 13538.23 711.67
7. 11680 10294.69 541.16 7. 16175 14256.56 749.43 26TH NOV. 2020
8. 12090 10656.07 560.16 8. 17155 15120.33 794.83
9. 12500 11017.44 579.16 9. 18135 15984.10 840.24
10. 12910 11378.81 598.15 10. 19115 16847.87 885.65
11. 13400 11810.69 620.86 11. 20095 17711.63 931.05
12. 13890 12242.58 643.56 12. 21240 18720.83 984.10 WORKERS
13. 14380 12674.46 666.26 13. 22385 19730.03 1037.15
14. 14870 13106.34 688.96 14. 23530 20739.22 1090.20
15. 15440 13608.74 715.37 15. 24675 21748.42 1143.25
16. 16010 14111.13 741.78 16. 25820 22757.62 1196.31 Against
17. 16580 14613.53 768.19 17. 26965 23766.82 1249.36
18. 17235 15190.84 798.54 18. 28110 24776.01 1302.41 Anti-people
19. 17890 15768.16 828.89 19. 30230 26644.57 1400.63 economic policies
20. 18545 16345.47 859.24 20. 31540 27799.20 1461.33
21. 19200 16922.78 889.58 21. 32850 28953.83 1522.02 Anti-worker
22. 19855 17500.10 919.93 22. 34160 30108.45 1582.72 Labour policies
23. 20510 18077.41 950.28 23. 35470 31263.08 1643.41
24. 21165 18654.73 980.63 24. 36780 32417.71 1704.11 Anti-farmer
25. 21820 19232.04 1010.98 25. 38090 33572.34 1764.80
26. 22475 19809.35 1041.32 26. 39400 34726.96 1825.50
27. 23130 20386.67 1071.67 27. 40710 35881.59 1886.20
28. 23785 20963.98 1102.02 28. 42020 37036.22 1946.89
Dearness Allowance for Special Pay, PQP Graduation Pay & for Officers from November, 2020
Officers up to Scale III
Special Pay Name Spl Pay D.A. Increase Basic D.A. Increase
Single Window Operator 820 670.76 35.26 23700 20889.06 1098.08
Head Cashier "II" 1280 1047.04 55.04 24680 21752.83 1143.49
Special Assistant 1930 1578.74 82.99 25660 22616.60 1188.89
Bill Collectors/Armed Guards 390 319.02 16.77 26640 23480.36 1234.30
Daftary 560 458.08 24.08 27620 24344.13 1279.70
Head Peon 740 605.32 31.82 28600 25207.90 1325.11
Electrician - A/C Plant Helper 2040 1668.72 87.72 29580 26071.66 1370.52
Driver 2370 1938.66 101.91 30560 26935.43 1415.92
Professional Qualification Pay 31705 27944.63 1468.97
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 1 year 410 335.38 17.63 32850 28953.83 1522.02
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 2 years 800 654.40 34.40 34160 30108.45 1582.72
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 3 years 1210 989.78 52.03 35470 31263.08 1643.41
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 4 years 1620 1325.16 69.66 36780 32417.71 1704.11
Graduation Pay/PQA-After 5 years 2010 1644.18 86.43 38090 33572.34 1764.80
D.A. Rates for Pensioners (%) – No change 39400 34726.96 1825.50
Retired prior to 01-11-1992 - 1735 Slabs over 600 points 40710 35881.59 1886.20
Upto 1250 1251-2000 2001-2130 Above 2130 42020 37036.22 1946.89
1162.45% 954.25% 572.55% 294.95% 43330 38190.85 2007.59
After 01-11-1992 upto 31-03-1998 - 1598 Slabs over 1148 points 44640 39345.47 2068.28
Upto 2400 2401-3850 3851-4100 Above 4100 45950 40500.10 2128.98
559.30% 463.42% 271.66% 143.82% 47260 41654.73 2189.67
After 01-04-1998 upto 31-10-2002 - 1464 Slabs over 1684 points 48570 42809.36 2250.37
Upto 3550 3551-5650 5651-6010 Above 6010 50030 44096.19 2318.01
351.36% 292.80% 175.68% 87.84% 51490 45383.03 2385.66
Retired on or after 1-11-2002 - 1313 Slabs over 2288 points Officers Scale IV and Scale V
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 236.34% 50030 45016.99 2366.42
Retired on or after 1-11-2007 - 1176 Slabs over 2836 points 51490 46330.70 2435.48
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 176.40.00% 52950 47644.41 2504.54
Retired on or after 1-11-2012 - 775 Slabs over 4440 points 54410 48958.12 2573.59
For the entire Basic Pension Amount 77.50% 55870 50271.83 2642.65
57520 51756.50 2720.70
59170 53241.17 2798.74
Yours comradely, 60820 54725.84 2876.79
62470 56210.51 2954.83
64270 57830.15 3039.97
66070 59449.79 3125.11
C.H. VENKATACHALAM Officers Scale VI and Scale VII
GENERAL SECRETARY 68680 62360.07 3278.10
70640 64139.71 3371.65
72600 65919.35 3465.20
74560 67698.99 3558.75
76520 69478.63 3652.30
78640 71403.55 3753.49
80760 73328.46 3854.67
82880 75253.38 3955.86
85000 77178.30 4057.05