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GEN3 Powertrain Controller Transmission Control User's Manual

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GEN3 Powertrain Controller

Transmission Control User’s Manual

April 2005
Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

Table of Contents
Chapter Hyperlink
Introduction 2
System Contents 3
System Installation Overview 4 System_Install_Overview
Transmission Harness Installation 4 Trans_Harness_Install
Transmission Wire Harness Connection Points 8 Connection_Points_Illustration
System Configuration 8 Transmission_Configuration
Shift Table Set-up 11 Shift_Table
Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Table Set-up 13 TCC_Table
Line Pressure Table (LP) Set-up 15 Line_Pressure_Table
Dash 17 Dash
Configure Dash 18 Configure_Dash
Save Dash 21 Save_A_Dash
Pin-Out Definition 22 Pinout_Definition

Thank you for purchasing BigStuff3’s GEN3 PRO SEFI Powertrain Control system with integral
Transmission Control! BigStuff3’s GEN3 ECU is the only aftermarket engine management system to
integrate transmission control into a single ECU! BigStuff3 is currently offering transmission control
for GM’s 4L60E/80E transmissions.

The first true GM electronic transmission was the 4L80E, introduced in 1991. The 4L60E followed
the 4L80E in 1993. Computer-controlled transmissions have changed automatics forever. Just as fuel
injection has made the engine more powerful, functional, and reliable, the electronic transmission
outperforms and outlasts any of its predecessors.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

Transmission Control – System Contents

The transmission control option is sold with this user’s manual and the standalone transmission wire
harness, shown below. The remaining transmission control functionality is contained within the GEN3
ECU when it is ordered with the transmission control option.

GEN3 ECU’s sold with the transmission control option will have two (2) header connectors one at
each end of the ECU (vs. one header connector for the fuel and spark only ECU’s). It is essential that
the transmission wire harness main connector be installed in the correct header connector
location on the ECU! Installing the transmission Harness_Main_Connector to the incorrect
header location on the GEN3 ECU will damage the ECU and void the warranty!! The header
connector at one end of the GEN3 ECU will be marked “Transmission” to indicate the header
location where the transmission wire harness must be connected to.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

The header connector

will be marked
“Transmission” to
indicate where to connect
the transmission harness

System Installation Overview

The BigStuff3 transmission control wire harness was designed to connect directly to the stock GM
input and output shaft speed sensors and the stock 20-pin header connector on the transmission.

The steps required to configure the GEN3’s transmission control feature are described in detail in this
manual. A brief overview of the installation and configuration process is described below.

• Step 1 - Install the BigStuff3 Transmission Wire Harness - Install the transmission wire
harness between the GEN3 ECU and the transmission. The wire harness installation process is
very straightforward. There are a total of 5 connections that need to be made, as outline below:
o Two (2) connections to the Transmission Input (TISS) and Output (TOSS) Sensors.
These connections are made directly with the stock sensors on the transmission.
ƒ Note: 4L60E transmissions only have a TOSS sensor.
o One (1) connection to the stock 20-pin connector on the transmission.
o The transmission wire harness header connector to the GEN3 ECU header connector
marked “Transmission”.
o The +12v Switched wire connection.
• Step 2 - Configure the ECU for the transmission being used.
• Step 3 - Configure the Operating Tables – Specifically, the Shift, Torque Converter Clutch
(TCC) and Line Pressure (LP) tables.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

Transmission Wire Harness Installation

To improve the overall wire harness installation process, the transmission wire harness was
manufactured with identification labels at the end of each wire or connector to
ensure that connections are properly made. The transmission wire harness
has two halves; one half is intended to be located inside the vehicle, with the
ECU, the other half connects to the sensors on the transmission. The two
halves of the harness are separated by a firewall grommet (see photo)
designed to fit snuggly in a 2-1/8” hole, which needs to be located in the
Firewall grommet
The best location for the firewall hole is in an unobstructed location, on the
side of the passenger compartment closest to where the ECU will be mounted. Care should be taken
not to locate the grommet hole too far from the transmission. Doing so may affect the wire lengths that
connect to the sensors on the transmission. Some initial layout investigations should be made before
the grommet hole is made in the vehicle sheet metal. The paragraphs below describe how and where
each connection should be made.

Hyperlinks (underlined, blue wording) in the column titled “Further Details” were included to further
assist with the transmission wire harness installation. Left clicking the PC’s mouse on the hyperlink
will immediately link to a photo of the connector along with additional installation information. To
return to the same location in the table, simply left click on the “Return-to” hyperlink at the end of the

Wire Color
Harness Label / Connector Connect To Further Details
TISS Black 2-way Transmission See See TISS_Sensor.
Packard Input (shaft) TISS_Sensor_Connection Only 4L80E
Connector Speed Sensor transmissions have
with blue TISS sensors!
TOSS Black 2-way Transmission See See TOSS_Sensor.
Packard Output (shaft) TOSS_Sensor_Connection
Connector Speed Sensor
with blue
+12V Switch Single pink Switched 12V Connect to a 12V source that See
wire supply input is “live” when the ignition Twelve_Volt_Switched
key is in the “start” position
4L60E/4L80E Gray 20-Pin Main harness See Directly below this
Trans Connector side connector Twenty_Pin_Connector_Con table
to the nection
Wire Harness Black 30- GEN3 ECU Header See
Main Way N/A Connector Marked Harness_Main_Connec
Connector Connector “Transmission” tor

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
Wire Color
Harness Label / Connector Connect To Further Details
Transmission Valve_Body_Fuse
Valve Body N/A N/A N/A

20 Pin Transmission Header Connecter

Connect the harness side 20-Pin connector to the stock 20-Pin

header connector on the transmission. The location on the
transmission where this termination should be made can be
seen by clicking on Twenty_Pin_Connector_Connection.

Input and Output Shaft Sensors

The Trans Input (shaft) Speed Sensor (TISS) and Trans Output (shaft) Speed Sensor (TOSS)
measure the input and output speeds of the transmission so the GEN3 ECU can determine when to lock
the converter, how much slip to allow with an unlocked converter, the vehicle load, the shift pressure,
and the vehicle speed. The TISS and TOSS sensor connectors are identical in shape and color. It is
important to make sure these connections are made to the correct speed sensor on the transmission.
Terminating these connectors to the wrong transmission sensor will effect transmission operation and
could damage the ECU, thus voiding the warranty.
TISS Sensor

Terminate this connector to the stock (TISS) speed sensor on the 4L80E transmission.

Note: The 4L60E transmission does not have a TISS sensor!

The location on the transmission where this termination should be made can be seen by clicking on


Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
TOSS Sensor

Terminate this connector to the stock speed (TOSS) sensor on the transmission. The location on the
transmission where this termination should be made can be seen by clicking on


12V Switched – (Single pink wire)

A secure connection must be made to a switched 12V supply. The best and in most cases the only
source of a switched 12V supply is at the vehicle fuse block. The ECU must have a “live” 12V supply
during cranking. If the 12V supply does not stay live, during cranking, the ECU will not function. A
simple way to determine if a live 12V supply exists
during cranking is to check it with an inexpensive
voltmeter. Securely fasten the voltmeter’s red (+
positive) wire to the ignition input on the fuse block.
Secure the voltmeter’s black wire (- negative) to a
ground location on the fuse block or another adequate
location. Once the voltmeter connections are made, crank the engine. The voltage meter should
indicate an output voltage of between 8V to 14 volts. If the output voltage is below 8 volts, check to
make sure the battery is fully charged and all the cells of the battery are functioning properly.
Note: If a battery with both 12V and 16V cells is being used, the switched ignition (Vsw) must to
tied to the same voltage rail as the main battery connections are connected to. Do not connect the
ECU main cables to the 16V rail and have Vsw connected to +12V. This will damage the ECU and
void the warranty. Back_to_Switch_Ignition

Wire Harness Main Connector

The 30-way harness side main connector mates with the GEN3 ECU header connector marked with
“Transmission”. This connector will only fit in one direction, but must be mated with the ECU
header connector marked “Transmission”.

Note: It is essential that the transmission wire harness main connector be installed in the correct
header connector location on the ECU! Installing the transmission harness main connector to
the incorrect header location on the GEN3 ECU will damage the ECU and void the warranty!!

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

Valve Body 15-Amp Fuse

This fuse protects the transmission valve body.


4L80E Transmission Wire Harness Connection Points Illustration

TOSS Sensor

20-Pin Transmission
Header Connector

TISS Sensor
Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

Transmission Configuration
Configuring Shift, TCC & LP Tables

From the main BigComm tool

bar, left click on
“Transmission”. Keep the left
mouse button depressed and
slide the mouse pointer down
until “Configure” is

Release the left mouse button. The screen below will open.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
The steps required to configure the GEN3 ECU to the transmission are described in the following

Gearbox Type

Select the appropriate transmission type. The GM 4L60E or 4L80E transmissions are the currently
available transmission options. Select the transmission type installed in the vehicle.


Select the number of gears for the transmission being used. The 4L60E and 4L80E both are 4 speed
transmissions, so select “4 speed”

Torque Converter Control

The converter solenoid locks the torque converter, which prevents transmission slippage and allows the
input shaft to apply a 1-to-1 ratio with the given gear.

• TCC Rate (Torque Converter Clutch) Rate: TCC Rate is the rate at which the torque
converter lockup is applied. The larger the number inputted, the quicker the converter clutch
will be “locked”. A number like 255 will lock the converter very quickly. A number like 128
will lock the converter at a much slower rate. It is better to start with a lower value, gradually
increasing the number until the desired clutch lock rate is achieved.

• TCC Delay (sec) (Torque Converter Clutch) Delay: TCC Delay is the time between when the
criteria below are met and when the torque converter begins to lockup.
o Delay Criteria
ƒ Minimum throttle position (for idle) is exceeded by the TPS%.
• Note: the torque converter is unlocked if the throttle is closed.
ƒ Vehicle Speed – Vehicle speed has to exceed the value set (via the green line) in
the TCC table, described later in this manual.
ƒ Transmission Fluid Temperature – This variable is “hard coded” at the factory.

When the above criteria are met, the torque converter clutch begins to lockup. The lockup starts at a
30% duty cycle and is completed at 80% duty cycle. The rate at which the converter goes from 30%
duty cycle to 80% duty cycle is determined by the TCC_Rate described above.

Line Pressure

• Reverse Gear Modifier – The value inputted into this cell is used by the ECU to eliminate the
drive line clunking that can occur when the transmission is put into reverse. The ECU reduces
the line pressure by the value in the cell, as a percent of total line pressure. In the table above,
the value used is -20%, which the ECU will use to reduce the total available line pressure by
20%, when the transmission is put into reverse.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
Shift Time

• Minimum Shift Time – The value inputted into this cell will be used by the ECU to determine
the minimum time between successive up-shifts or down-shifts.

Shift Table

Identifies “Inactive”
P-R-N-D-L window

The Y-Axis parameter Large or

represents vehicle speed “Active”
from zero to 250 MPH window
identifies the
gear the
transmission is
operating in.

MPH Identifies the gear the transmission is The X-Axis parameter

Display currently in (number to the left) and the represents % of throttle
next gear (number to the right) the opening or position (TPS)
transmission will up-shift or down-shift from zero % to 100%

The shift table is used to configure transmission up-shifts and down-shifts for each gear as a function
of vehicle speed (MPH) and percent (%) throttle opening. The green lines in the windows above
represent transmission up-shift points and the red lines represent the down-shift points. The area
between the red and green lines is the hysterisis needed to keep the transmission from continually up-
shifting or down-shifting.

The “Active” window is the term used to describe the window (gear) the transmission is currently
operating in. The “Active” window will move up or down within the Shift Table depending on which
gear (window) the transmission is operating in. The “Active” window will always be larger than the
other inactive windows and the X axis (Throttle Position) & Y axis (Vehicle Speed in MPH)
parameters will also be displayed as the “Active” window moves from gear to gear.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
When the ECU is powered and the wheels are moving, an ellipse will appear in the “active” window
representing the current vehicle speed and throttle position. When the ellipse moves above the green
line, the transmission will up-shift to the next gear, when the ellipse moves below the red line the
transmission will down-shift to the next gear. The window at the bottom of the table above represents
first gear. The first gear window contains only a green line, since the transmission cannot shift below
first gear. Similarly, the window at the top pf the table represents 4 gear (a fifth window would be
present if a five (5) speed transmission were being used). The fourth gear window contains only a red
line, since the transmission cannot shift above fourth gear.

Changing Up/Down Shift Points Using the Computer Mouse and Arrow Keys

Using the Mouse

To change shift point values, place the mouse arrow on the box along any green or red line, depress
and hold the left mouse button, and move the box up or down. Once the left mouse button is released
the new shift point (MPH) will be displayed in yellow numbers. The MPH value for any shift point in
the table can also be reviewed by left mouse clicking on the shift point box.

Using the Arrow Keys

Transmission shift point changes can also be made using the keyboard arrow keys, in “Edit Mode”. To
enter “Edit Mode”, hit the “SHIFT” key on the computer keyboard. The background of the entire Shift
Table will turn blue and “Edit Mode” will appear in the gear position box (see screen print below). The
“SHIFT” key may need to be hit twice to enter “Edit Mode”, depending on the PC (operating system)
being used.

Left & Right Arrow Keys - When the transmission shift table is in “Edit Mode” (the table background
will be blue), the left and right arrow keys can be used to scroll across the red and green lines in each
window (gear). Moving from window to window (gear-to-gear) within the shift table can also be
achieved using the left and right arrow keys. Depressing the right arrow key repeatedly will move the
cursor all the way to the right in each window. When the cursor reaches the last shift point (to the
right) in each window, it will jump up to the next shift (gear) window. Using the left arrow key will
move the cursor (left) down from one window to the next until it reaches the first shift point in the first
gear shift window.

Up & Down Arrow Keys -The up and down arrows keys can be used to change the MPH value of any
point, on any line, in the table. Use the left and right arrow keys to get to the desired shift point in any
window (gear). As the cursor moves across the up-shift (green line) and down-shift (red line) lines, the
MPH values for each shift point are displayed. Once the desired shift point is reached, use the up and
down arrow keys to increase or decrease the MPH value for that shift point. The value (MPH) can be
increased or decreased in 1 MPH increments.

To get out of “Edit Mode” hit the “SHIFT” key again.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

When the key board

Shift key is
depressed, “Edit
Mode” is displayed
in the gear position

Cursor displaying
MPH value for this
The blue shift point value.
designates that the
table is in “Edit

The MPH associated with any shift point box will be displayed as the cursor moves from point to point
along the red or green lines.

Lastly, there are safety parameters in the software that do not allow an up-shift or down-shift point
from one table (gear) to overlap a shift point in another table (gear).

Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Table

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
As you will notice, there are only two windows in the Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) table. This is
because the converter is only allowed to “Lock-up” in third and fourth gear (with a four speed
transmission) and fourth and fifth gear (with a five speed transmission).

The “Active” window identification and the method for changing lock and unlock points, is the same
as was outlined in the Shift_Tables section above.

The TCC table is used to configure when the torque converter locks and unlocks in third and fourth
gear (with a 4 speed transmission) as a function of vehicle speed (MPH) and percent (%) throttle
opening. The green line in the windows above represents the points when the torque converter begins
to lockup, based on settings in the Torque_Converter_Control section of the Transmission
Configuration table. The red line represents the points when the torque converter unlocks. The area
between the red and green lines is the hysterisis needed to keep the transmission from continually
locking and unlocking.

The “Active” window will move up or down within the TCC Table depending on which gear the
transmission is operating in. The “Active” window will always be larger than the other windows. The
X axis (Throttle Position) & Y axis (Vehicle Speed in MPH) parameters will be will be displayed as
the “Active” window as it moves from gear to gear.

When the ECU is powered and the wheels are moving, an ellipse will appear in the “active” window
representing the current vehicle speed and throttle position. When the ellipse moves above the green
line, the torque converter begins to lock, and when the ellipse moves below the red line the torque
converter will unlock.

The ECU does not allow the converter to remain locked during a gear shift.

Changing Lock and Unlock Points Using the Computer Mouse and Arrow Keys

Using the Mouse

To change torque converter lock and unlock values, place the mouse arrow on the box along any green
or red line, depress and hold the left mouse button, and move the box up or down. Once the left mouse
button is released the new lock or unlock point (MPH) will be displayed in yellow numbers. The MPH
value for any lock or unlock point in the table can also be reviewed by left mouse clicking on any
“TCC” box.

Using the Arrow Keys

Lock and unlock point changes can also be made using the keyboard arrow keys, in “Edit Mode”. To
enter “Edit Mode”, hit the “SHIFT” key on the computer keyboard. The background of the entire
“TCC” Table will turn blue and “Edit Mode” will appear in the gear position box (see screen print
below). The “SHIFT” key may need to be hit twice to enter “Edit Mode”, depending on the PC
(operating system) being used.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

When the key board

SHIFT key is
depressed, “Edit
Mode” is displayed
in the gear position

The blue
designates that the
table is in “Edit

Left & Right Arrow Keys - When the “TCC” table is in “Edit Mode” (the table background will be
blue), the left and right arrow keys can be used to scroll across the red and green lines in each window
(gear). Moving from window to window (gear-to-gear) within the “TCC” table can also be achieved
using the left and right arrow keys. Depressing the right arrow key repeatedly will move the cursor all
the way to the right in each window. When the cursor reaches the last TCC point (to the right) in each
window, it will jump up to the next (gear) window. Using the left arrow key will move the cursor
(left) down from one window to the next until it reaches the first point in the third gear “TCC”

Up & Down Arrow Keys -The up and down arrows keys can be used to change the MPH value of any
point, on any line, in the table. Use the left and right arrow keys to get to the desired “TCC” point in
any window (gear). As the cursor moves across the lock (green line) and un-lock (red line) lines, the
MPH values for each shift point are displayed. Once the desired shift point is reached, use the up and
down arrow keys to increase or decrease the MPH value for that “TCC” point. The value (MPH) can
be increased or decreased in 1 MPH increments.

To get out of “Edit Mode” hit the “SHIFT” key again.

Line Pressure (LP) Table

The Line Pressure (LP) table is used to configure transmission line pressure (up-shift firmness) for
each gear as a function of percent (%) throttle opening. There are only green lines in the LP table
since line pressure (shift firmness) is the only variable being controlled.

There is an inverse relationship between the force motor duty cycle % and line pressure. In other
words, the lower the percent (%) duty cycle, the higher the line pressure and the higher the percent (%)
duty cycle value the lower the line pressure, and the less firm the gear shift will be.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

The Y-Axis represents

force Motor duty cycle The X-Axis represents % of
from 0% to 100% throttle opening or position
(TPS) from zero % to 100%

The “Active” window is the term used to describe the window (gear) the transmission is operating in.
The “Active” window will move up or down within the Line Pressure Table depending on which gear
the transmission is operating in. The “Active” window will always be larger than the other inactive
windows. The X axis (Throttle Position) & Y axis (force motor duty cycle) parameters will be
displayed as the “Active” window moves from gear to gear.

Changing Line Pressure Points Using the Computer Mouse and Arrow Keys

Using the Mouse

To change a line pressure value, place the mouse arrow on the box along any green line, depress and
hold the left mouse button, and move the box up or down. Once the left mouse button is released the
new line pressure will be displayed in yellow numbers. The duty cycle value for any line pressure point
can also be reviewed by left mouse clicking on the line pressure box, on any line.

Using the Arrow Keys

Line pressure changes can also be made using the keyboard arrow keys, in “Edit Mode”. To enter
“Edit Mode”, hit the “SHIFT” key on the computer keyboard. The background of the entire LP Table
will turn blue and “Edit Mode” will appear in the gear position box (see screen print below). The
“SHIFT” key may need to be hit twice to enter “Edit Mode”, depending on the PC (operating system)
being used.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

When the key board

SHIFT key is
depressed, “Edit
Mode” is displayed
in the gear position

The blue
designates that the
table is in “Edit

Left & Right Arrow Keys - When the LP Table is in “Edit Mode” (the table background will be blue),
the left and right arrow keys can be used to scroll across the green lines in each window (gear).
Moving from window to window (gear-to-gear) within the LP Table can also be achieved using the left
and right arrow keys. Depressing the right arrow key repeatedly will move the cursor all the way to
the right in each window. When the cursor reaches the last line pressure point (to the right) in each
window, it will jump up to the next (gear) window. Using the left arrow key will move the cursor
(left) down from one window to the next until it reaches the first point in first gear LP window.

Up & Down Arrow Keys -The up and down arrows keys can be used to change the duty cycle % value
of any point, on any line, in the table. Use the left and right arrow keys to get to the desired line
pressure point in any window (gear). As the cursor moves across the line pressure points along the
green lines, the force motor duty cycle values for each line pressure point are displayed. Once the
desired line pressure point is reached, use the up and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the duyt
cycle % value for that line pressure point. The value (duty cycle %) can be increased or decreased in
1% increments.

To get out of “Edit Mode” hit the “SHIFT” key again.

The transmission is now ready for operation!

A Dash, (short for Dashboard) can be configured and displayed at the bottom of the TCC and Shift
Table “Operating Screens” within the BigComm software. A Dash needs to be selected, configured
and saved as a default before it will appear at the bottom of the BigComm software “Operating
Screen”. Up to thirty-one (31) individual Dashes’ can be configured to display various engine
parameters, also referred to as Signals.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
When the BigComm software is launched, it uses the “Default Dash” (which contains the 31 separate
Dash’s) from the C: Program Files/BigStuff/BigComm folder. The “Default Dash” is actually a
compilation of the 31 available Dash’s.

The recommended way to configure the “Default Dash” is to configure each of the available dash’s, or
most frequently used dash’s, to your liking and then save them as the “Default Dash”. This way, every
time you open the BigComm software, the Dash’s will be open to the preferred configuration.

Configure Dash
To configure a Dash, go to Dash on the main Tool Bar. Left click on “Dash” and the drop down
screen shown below will open. Keep the left mouse button depressed and slide the mouse pointer
down until “Configure Dash” is highlighted.

Release the left mouse button. The screen below will open.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
Left Click on the “Pick Dash” drop down screen.

Pick a Dash
drop down

The screen below will appear.

This is the list of thirty-one (31)

available Dashboards. Once
configured, these Dashboards
will show up at the bottom of the
corresponding operating screens.

After selecting a Dash to configure, “Signals” need to be selected and added to the Dash. After the
Signals are selected, added and saved, they will be displayed in the Dash at the bottom of the relevant
BigComm software screens. The left side of the drop down screen below shows the “Available
Signals”. The right side of the drop down screen below shows the “Signals in the Dash”. To add
Signals to the Dash, highlight a desired Signal on the left and click Add. The Signal will move to the

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
right side of the screen (Signals in the Dash). All Signals shown under “Signals in the Dash” will now
appear at the bottom of the TCC screen when that screen is used to calibrate the TCC Table.

In the TCC Table below Gear, MPH , TPS and Trans Mode Code where selected and added to “Signals
in the Dash”

TCC Table

selected for
the TCC


In the screen print below notice that the same “Signals” appear in the Dash at the bottom of the TCC

TCC Dash

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual

Save a Dash
Again, the recommended way to configure the “Default Dash” is to configure each of available dash’s,
or most frequently used dash’s, to your liking and then save them as the “Default Dash”.

This way, every time you open the BigComm software, the dash’s will be open to the preferred

Once the “Default Dash” has been saved, individual dash’s can be changed and saved again as part of
the compilation of dash’s referred to as the “Default Dash”.

The steps for saving a reconfigured Dash, so that it becomes part of the “Default Dash”, are outlined

• After configuring a Dash hit OK at the bottom of the Dash Setup window. The window
will close.
• Go back to Dash on the Main Window tool bar and Select Save To File from the Dash drop
down list. The screen below will open

Note: Before saving the Shift or TCC dash’s for the first time, you need to navigate
to the C: Program Files/BigStuff/BigComm directory. This step only occurs the
very first time any Dash file is saved. Subsequent Dash file saves will automatically
be saved to the C: Program Files/BigStuff/BigComm folder.

• Name the file “Default” and hit Save. By selecting “Default” as the file name, the Log
Window dash becomes part of the compilation called “Default Dash”. Again, the file will
be saved to C:/Program Files/BigStuff/BigComm directory.

Bigstuff3 GEN3 Transmission Control Manual
• A unique file name can also be assigned by typing the name in the “File Name” sub-
window and clicking on Save.

Pin-out Definition
For ECU Header Connector Marked “Trans”

ECU ECU Wire Name ECU Wire Name

Pin Pin Pin
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3
C1 C2 C3
D1 D2 D3
E1 E2 E3
F1 F2 F3
G1 G2 G3
H1 H2 H3
J1 J2 J3
K1 K2 K3
L1 L2 L3
R1 R2 R3
S1 TOSS (+) S2 S3 TOSS (-)
T1 TISS (+) T2 T3 TISS(-)
Y1 TOT Y2 Y3


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