Tute 3 PDF
Tute 3 PDF
Tute 3 PDF
Ans:Most air pollution, harmful gases and particles in the air, affecting national parks is created
outside park boundaries.
Types of Sources
Mobile sources account for more than half of all the air pollution in the United
States and the primary mobile source of air pollution is the automobile, according
to the Environmental Protection Agency. Stationary sources, like power plants,
emit large amounts of pollution from a single location, these are also known as
point sources of pollution. Area sources are made up of lots of smaller pollution
sources that aren't a big deal by themselves but when considered as a group can
be. Natural sources can sometimes be significant but do not usually create
ongoing air pollution problems like the other source types can.
Ans: Advantages
● It has the ability of improving organizational integration. GIS would then integrate software,
hardware and also data in order to capture, analyse, manage and so display all forms of
data into numbers of ways which will reveal relationships, trends and patterns in the form of
problems through looking at the data in a way which is easily and quickly shared.
● GIS technology could also be integrated into the framework of any enterprise information
● GIS technology might be considered as expensive software.
● It as well requires enormous data inputs amount that are needed to be practical for some
● Since the earth is round and so there would be geographic error that will increase as you get
in a larger scale.
● GIS layers might lead to some costly mistakes once the property agents are to interpret the
GIS map or the design of the engineer around the utility lines of the GIS.
● There might be failures in initiating or initiating additional effort in order to fully implement the
Q.2: D
iscuss the salient features of Rapid assessment methods.
Ans:Rapid assessment of pollution procedure developed by WHO 1982 allows for quick
sources for a given study area .Rapid estimates of different types pollution loads will be
made based on the information of the quantities of consumption and outputs of various
industrial and urban process industrial production figures, fuel usage,number of motor
vehicles number of houses connected to sewers etc multiplied by pre determined waste
load factors which will give a worst case estimates of the amount of pollutant that is being
Salient features-
(d) To precisely estimate and evaluate the impacts of proposed control strategies
(f) To develop decision support system for site selection and for control measures
Proposed Projects
The first activity is to determine the features of the proposed project. the need for the
project, and the potential alternatives, which have already been or may now be, considered.
Step 1
Step 2
Quantity/Quality standards
Step 3
Impact prediction
Step 4.
Step 5
4.List and discuss the steps that are to be followed when conducting an
EIA for air environment.
and:The Six Main Steps in the Proposed Model for EIA Study on Air Environment are
I. Evaluation and identification of sources and quantity of air pollutant emissions of
different phases of the proposed activity like the construction operation and
2. Detailed evaluation of the project area for the existing ambient air quality.
emission inventory, and meteorological data;
3. Examination of appropriate laws. regulations, or criteria to be followed for
maintaining ambient air quality and I or pollutant emission standards;
4. Carrying out impact assessment studies adopting mass balances, dispersion
calculations. comprehend;i've mathematical models. and! or qualitative predictions
based on case studies and professional judgement;
5. Assessment of significance of anticipated beneficial and detrimental impacts; and
6. Development of appropriate mitigation remediation measures for the adverse
5.Discuss the methodology for the assessment of impact of soil and ground water in detail.
Groundwater is a dynamic system. The total annual replenishable resource is around 43
mham. In Spite of the national scenario on the availability of groundwater being favourable, there
are many areas in the country facing scarcity of water.
The methodologies adopted for computing groundwater resources, are generally based on the hydrologic
budget techniques. The hydrologic equation for groundwater regime is a specialized form of water
balance equation that requires quantification of the components of inflow to and outflow from a
groundwater reservoir, as well as changes in storage therein. Some of these are directly measurable, few
may be determined by differences between measured volumes or rates of flow of surface water, and
some require indirect methods of estimation.Soil moisture data based methods are the lumped and distributed
model and the nuclear
methods. In the lumped model, the variation of soil moisture content in the vertical direction is
ignored and any effective input into the soil is assumed to increase the soil moisture content
uniformly. Recharge is calculated as the remainder when losses, identified in the form of runoff
and evapotranspiration, have been deducted from the precipitation with proper accounting of soil
moisture deficit. In the distributed model, variation of soil moisture content in the vertical
direction is accounted and the method involves the numerical solution of partial differential
equation (Richards equation) governing one-dimensional flow through unsaturated medium, with
appropriate initial and boundary conditions
Q6How do economic impacts of any project be identified? Discuss the significance of social
factors in the implementation of project activities.
Socio-economic impact assessment (SEIA) is a useful tool to help understand the potential
range of impacts of a proposed change, and the likely responses of those impacted if the
change occurs. It can be used to assess impacts of a wide range of types of change, from a
proposal to build a new freeway to a proposal to change access to a natural resource such as a
forest or the ocean. This understanding can help design impact mitigation strategies to minimise
negative and maximise positive impacts of any change.
It is important to determine not only the full range of impacts, such as changes to levels of
income and employment, access to services, quality of life, but also the implications of each
particular change. Impacts of a certain proposal or policy are also distinct from, though
influenced by, other activities which may be occurring. It is important therefore to identify the key
source of impact and to separately identify impacts arising from other sources.
a. Factors which would determine the type of assessment to be undertaken include:
• likely level of perceived impact on fishing activities and community concern
• value of the fishing affected
• numbers of fishers potentially affected
• level of community dependence on the resource
• level of individuals’ dependence on the resource
• availability of suitable existing data.