For more than 10 years, Deddy Corbuzier has made a big differences in entertainment and magic Industry. The TV
Shows and Publicty Stunts which he has made has been astonishing all Indonesians. One of the pers community in
Indonesia (C&R) awarded him as the most inspiring artis of the year. He has changed the look of magic as an
entertainment in Indonesia. His unique style and his way of life has made him as a public figure.
The way peope look at magic as an old and classic has been changed 180 degree into a modern art of Magic. He called
himself as mentalist and the magic is the mentalism. He has drove a car blindfolded, he has found people's lost belonging
blinfolded, he has predicted the headline of a famoust newspaper, He has climbed a wall by walking vertical, even he
cooperate with police department to solve some of the hardest investigation cases. All of this done by his power of mind.
His creations has been in the spot of media and in magic community. Base on his education on psychology, he
published 2 books for public which are "DIVKA" and "MANTRA". Both has been a best seller's book over several years
in most bookstore in Indonesia. A mental tricks called "Free Will" and "Nocturnal Book Test" are the result of his
knowledge and deducation in magic world. Both has been used by many of the famoust magicians in the world. Deddy
Corbuzier also work together with Doug Higley to create one of his easy-to-do mentalism game called "Tool Free".
The latest book from Deddy Corbuzier is the "Book of Magic", a beginner book to learn magic and sold more than 50.000
copy on the first year.
Deddy Corbuzier has received many awards over the few years, he once caled as the best mentalist on earth. Many
national records has been received, such as the longest driving a car blindfolded, the longest magic show, etc. All of
these are non-profit acts or for charity purposes and one of the result of his dedication in entertainment industry.
All of this began when he was 8 years old. Young Deddy saw a magician made a bird appears on his hand and change a
wand into a flower. He began searching the knowledge on this field of art by learning from some of Indonesian's
famoust magicians at that time. After he mastered some simple tricks, Young Deddy wanted more spectacular magic to
learn. He bought many books to fulfill his curiosity. By the age of 12, he began his professional journey and start to
performed at "Dunia Fantasy Ancol".
Deddy Corbuzier started to learn Mental Magic when he got a chance to go to Israel. At that time he realized that
there are many forms of Magic. He tried hard to learn mental magic and since then, he decided to dedicate his life for
By the age of 18, he signed an 7 years contract with one of International's Hotel and there he found his own true
character. The result, he got a contract with one of Indonesian's TV station (RCTI) for 4 years to performed at
"IMPRESARIO" TV shows and broadcasted all over Indonesia, reaching an estimated audience of over 100 million
In his professional career, He has made some of the top rating's TV Shows such as "Deddy Corbuzier Mind Games",
"1604", "Mentalist in Action", "Mind & Magic with Todd Diamond", "Magic with Jeff McBride", "Deddy Corbuzier
and Pierre Ginnet (Master of Pickpocket)", "Deddy Corbuzier and Jay Scott Barry". The Latest are "Master
Mentalist (RCTI)", "The Master (RCTI), and "The Master Junior (RCTI), "Raja Sulap (Indosiar)". He also consulted
some TV Shows such as "Hipnotist (Romy Rafael)" and "Memang Sulap Memang Sihir (Indonesian's Monkey
At the year 0f 1998, he founded a magic community and management called "Pentagram Management" and he has born
many professional magicians and entertainers such as Romy Rafael, Demian Aditya, Bow Vernon, Faro, Decky San,
and Oge Arthemus. At the year of 2007, Pentagram Management has been changed into Corbuzier Management.
By the time he built his professional career, He hasn't forget what he's been dreaming off, to turn magic into something
more entertaining and more prestige in Indonesia. He has this passion over the years and then he founded the
Corbuzier School of Magic and Corbuzier Magic Shop. He wanted to create more professional young magicians
whose qualified to be the best in entertainment and magic industry. He also conducted many lectures for
magicians and also for non-magicians.
Deddy Corbuzier has transformed Magic into something bigger in Indonesian's Entertainment Industry.
Nama lahir Romy Tunggul Widodo Lahir 12 Juli 1977 (umur 33)
Surabaya, Indonesia Pekerjaan PesulapRomy Romy Rafael with the original name
Tunggul Widodo (born in Surabaya, East Java, July 12, 1977, age 33 years) is known as a
magician from Indonesia. But Romy rejected as a magician, because of which he
struggled, hypnosis, according to Romi are not magic and no element of magic at all. [1]
The man who often wore a black headscarf was studied hypnosis and various uses for
over 4 years in America, among others at the Hypnotism Training Institute, Ultimate
Stage Hypnotism Institute, and Institute for Neuro Research and Education. Romy is now
master of hypnosis for stage and entertainment, clinical (treatment of psychological
problems), medical (medical), and even hypnosis for business and enterprise.
Upon returning to Indonesia, Romy choose the path of entertainment to develop his
abilities. Romy deliberately chose this route to add interest and eliminate the negative
impression because many cases of fraud and crime with this science. Romy's most
famous appearance is through hypnosis show television program that aired on one of the
national private television station. Through the program, Romy known to the wider
community as someone with the ability to enter the human subconscious. After enough
known to the public, Romy now expanded to a more serious point. He opened the clinic
Romy Rafael Hypnotheraphy in numbers in South Jakarta. Romy stated that the clinic
can heal people who were in a state of stress, depression, phobias (fear is not
unreasonable), and even eliminate bad habits like smoking or taking drugs. To open
practice of these therapies, Romy has a certificate from the American Board of
Hypnotherapy (ABH), National Guild of Hypnotism (NGH), IACT and ITTO with more
than five years experience in the field of clinical and medical hypnosis. In addition to
opening the clinic, Romy also wrote a book called Hypnotherapy: Quit Smoking! (2006).
This book contains the guidelines contained in the book to read and CDs to listen to, to
get rid of cigarette addiction. [2] [3]
In 2005, Romy managed to break the world record of the Indonesian Record Museum
(MURI) with hypnotic about 5,000 people who attended a seminar held at Mangga Dua
Square, Jakarta on November 11, 2005. [4]