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Nursing 402- Teaching Project Oral Presentation

Teaching Project: Oral Presentation

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this semester long assignment is to provide the student with the

opportunity to develop, implement, and evaluate an instructional intervention for a specific client

or professional group. Students will identify a health care problem for which an education

intervention is needed to improve outcomes.

Approach to Assignment

Approaching this assignment, I was within my first few months off of orientation as a

new nurse. The assignment required that I find a problem within healthcare that would require an

education intervention. The problem I often found during my short time in practice was

inconsistent documentation and handoff on my unit. I wanted to address this problem, find a

solution, and present the information to my coworkers.

Reason for Inclusion

This assignment required many steps to reach the final product. I was very pleased with

the research I had conducted, and I was impressed with the acceptance of the information from

my project to my peers. I believe this is one of my best oral presentations.

Curricular Outcomes

Critical thinking

 Evaluates nursing care outcomes through the acquisition of data and the questioning of


Within my project, I questioned the documentation and hand off requirements within my

unit. I found that the nursing staff had a variety of experience levels which caused

inconsistent hand off during shift change, including different documentation practices. This

ultimately caused delays in care for our patients. I found that there were a mix of six different

report sheets that the nursing staff was using and three different “documentation

requirement” sheets. Through research, I found that consistent report sheets and

documentation improved patient outcomes and allowed for better overall care and I was able

to apply this practice on my unit.

Nursing Practice

 Establishes and/or utilizes outcome measures to evaluate the effectiveness of care.

In this presentation, I established a standardized report sheet to improve handoff at shift

change. This report sheet was comprised of information that nursing staff found essential to

the care of our cardiac surgical patients. Following the use of this report sheet, I evaluated

staff members with surveys to assess the effectiveness of the report sheet in the care/handoff

of their patients. Overall, the staff felt that the report sheets and the documentation

requirement list was useful and helped guide their care of the patient during and after their


 Expresses oneself and communicates effectively with diverse groups using a variety of media.

For this project, I had to present the problem of inconsistent documentation and handoff

to staff members on my unit. This required an audience assessment. My unit consisted of

nurses with experience levels from zero to 35 years. I evaluated the audience’s preferred

learning method and found that most preferred verbal or written teachings. From this

information, I created a PowerPoint that included videos to present the information, as well

as a skit to show the difference in handoff with standard report sheets compared to nurses

using differing report sheets. The PowerPoint and videos allowed for my information to

reach each member of my audience using their preferred learning method.


 Demonstrates accountability for one’s own professional practice as well as limits to one’s

own scope of practice.

This project required research into best practice measures for consistent documentation

and handoff. I originally utilized a report sheet given to me when I arrived on the unit. I

found that after I would return, nurses with more experience would tell me information that

may have been important or documentation that was missing from my previous shift. I

realized that a standardized report sheet might solve this issue. I discussed this in my project

during the problem statement of inconsistent documentation and handoff. I held myself and

others accountable for the care provided to the patient, but I assessed the limitations that

existed from not utilizing standardized documentation and handoff sheets. I created report

sheets that included a required documentation list with my unit coordinator. This assisted

with my limitations and limitations of others on my unit.


Honor Code Statement

I pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of
academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member
of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the Honor
Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

Jessica Snow

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