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Scope Sheet: Is Information Entered On Back of This Sheet?

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The document discusses scope sheets, which are used in the estimating process to document dimensions, quantities and other details about the rooms and items to be repaired or replaced. Standard variables, price options, and other fields are described.

The standard variables that Xactimate calculates automatically are: area, perimeter, wall count and ceiling area.

The different options that can be set for price list items include setting an item as O&P or non-O&P (taxable or non-taxable) and specifying whether the work will be done by a contractor or homeowner.

Page Number ___________________ Room Diagram/Job Notes

Scope Sheet
Job Name __________________________________________________

Location ___________________________________________________________

Group Name ________________________________________________

Duplicate of _____________________________________________
Is information entered on back of this sheet? Yes No
Missing Wall
Room Part Name Shape Length Width Height Quantity Length Height Opens into Type: Opens to
(0) E



(For more room parts continue to the back of this page.)

Cat. Selector ACT Calculation O
Description Deprec #















© 2009 Xactware Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page Number ___________________B (Back)
Rooms continued from the front of this page

Missing Wall
Room Part Name Shape Length Width Height Quantity Length Height Opens into Type: Opens to
(5) E




Formulas Answer the questions for the Dimensioning and Calculation Formulas below.
Dimensioning Formulas: See Appendix B of the flipchart. Calculation Formulas: See Appendix C of the flipchart.

FM1 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______ FM2 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______
Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______ Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______
Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________ Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________
Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______ Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______

FM3 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______ FM4 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______
Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______ Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______
Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________ Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________
Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______ Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______

FM5 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______ FM6 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______
Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______ Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______
Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________ Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________
Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______ Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______

FM7 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______ FM8 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______
Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______ Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______
Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________ Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________
Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______ Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______

FM9 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______ FM10 Formula Code:__________________ A _________ B _________ C _______
Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______ Formula Name:____________________________ D _________ E _________ F _______
Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________ Type: Dimensioning Room # ________ G _________ H _________ I ________
Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______ Calculation Line # _____________ J __________ K _________ L _______

Price Options The O/N column allows you to set an item as

O&P or Non O&P. If you want O&P added to
not want Taxes added to the line item, write an
“N” for Non-taxable in this column.
PRICE OPTIONS this item, enter an “O” for O&P. If you don’t
N N H want to add O&P to the line item, write an “N” In the C/H column, you can specify whether a
for Non-O&P. Contractor or Homeowner will do the work. If a
Contractor is doing the work, enter a “C” for
You can set “Price Options” The T/N column allows you to set an item as Contractor. If a Homeowner will do the work,
for each price-list item. Taxable or Non-taxable. If you want taxes added write an “H” for Homeowner in this column.
to this item, write a “T” for Taxable. If you do

Variables When you enter dimensions for a room, Xactimate automatically calculates ‘‘Standard Variables” for you. The Variables are:

C = square feet of Ceiling LW = square feet of one Long Wall V = Cubic feet of dimensioned object
F = square feet of Floor PC = Perimeter of the Ceiling (LF) W = square feet of Walls
HH = Height in feet SH = Height in feet of shortest wall WC = square feet of Walls and Ceiling
LL = Length in feet of long wall SW = square feet of one Short Wall WW= in feet of one short wall
Using the Xactimate Scope Sheet The Scope Sheet is designed for use with the Xactimate flipchart. The
inside front cover of the flipchart contains instructions about using the flipchart. Also see the flipchart appendices for information about variables,
Dimensioning formulas, and Calculation formulas.

Missing Wall
Room Name Shape Length Width Height Quantity Length Height Opens into Type: Opens to
(0) E

Enter the shape of the room. For a than BOX, enter the code here and Length field. If you’re entering a
Enter the room name. e.g.,
standard rectangular shape write in use a formula box on the back of the circular room, you’ll write CIR in the
Kitchen, offset, jog, closet, etc.
BOX. See Appendix B in the scope sheet to answer the Shape field. If you use formula box
flipchart for other room shapes. dimensioning formula questions. # FM1, write FM1 in the Length field
When using a room shape other Then write that formula box # in the instead of a dimension.

Missing Wall
Room Name Shape Length Width Height Quantity Length Height Opens into Type: Opens to
(0) E

If the room part is rectangular, answer the formula questions. See Enter missing walls only when they open into a room
If the room part is part that has already been scoped.
enter the length in this field. Appendix B of the flipchart for the rectangular, enter
To use a Dimensioning formula, formula codes and questions. the width and For example, for a missing wall between a kitchen and
enter the formula code in the After you’ve answered the formula an offset, don’t enter the missing wall from the kitchen
height here. side. The missing wall must open into a room part that
Shape field, then use a formula box questions, write the formula box # has already been scoped, so the missing wall is entered
on the back of the scope sheet to in the Length field. from the offset side.

Missing Wall
Room Name Shape Length Width Height Quantity Length Height Opens into Type: Opens to
(0) E

Enter the number of missing walls of this exact shape. Enter the length, then These fields ask
The room number. In most cases you’ll enter 1. height of the missing wall. whether the
missing wall runs
Missing walls open into another room part or to the exterior (E), such as between a kitchen and a pantry, or a picture window that opens to both
opens to the exterior of the house. If a missing wall opens into another room, write the room part number in this field. (Only enter ceiling and floor,
missing walls when they open into another room part, or to the exterior of the current room or the exterior of the house.) floor only,
ceiling only, or
If the missing wall opens into the exterior, write “E” for Exterior. neither floor nor
(Since room part 0 is the first room part, the missing wall can only open into the exterior.) ceiling.

Cat. Selector Act Calculation O
Description Deprec

An item code has two Enter the “Activity” in You can set “Price Options” for each price list item. This is an optional field where
parts: Category code this column. you can enter a description or
and the Selector code. The O / N column allows you to set an item as O&P or Non O&P. If you field notes.
want O&P added to this item, enter an “O” for O&P. If you don’t want to
+ = replace add O&P to the line item, write an “N” for Non-O&P. You don’t need to use this field
Category codes are - = remove unless you’re either changing
found on the front The T / N column allows you to set an item as Taxable or Non-taxable. the item description you see in
I = Install Only If you want taxes added to this item, write a “T” for Taxable. If you do your flipchart, or entering a
page of the flipchart.
Selector codes are M= Material Only not want Taxes added to the line item, write an “N” for Non-taxable in description for a new item.
this column.
located under the
The Activity shows what You can enter item depreciation in the
Category sections. In the C / H column, you can specify whether a Contractor or
you’ll do with the item. Deprec. For example, write a
Homeowner will do the work. If a Contractor is doing the work, enter a depreciation percentage as 20%.
See the inside cover of (The second column in “C” for Contractor. If a Homeowner will do the work, write an “H” for
Homeowner in this column. Or write the life over life span as 5/10
the flipchart for more the flipchart displays the for an item that’s 5 years old with a
information. default Activity.) 10-year life span.
In the Calculation field you write the quantity for the item. This can be a number, equation, variable, subvariable, or combination of all four. If you were replacing two light
fixtures, you would write “2.” In another example, the equation “WC-WC2” means all the walls and ceilings in the room except for the walls and ceilings in subroom number 2.

You can also use Calculation formulas to help you calculate the quantity. Calculation formulas are found in Appendix C of the flipchart. When using a Calculation formula,
write the Formula code followed by a colon. For example, to use the Calculation formula that determines the board feet in a joist system , write “JST:” in this field. Next
answer the formula questions using a Formula box on the back of the Scope sheet. Last of all, write the Formula box # in the Calculation field.

© 2009 Xactware Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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