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Ship Performance Optimisation System:

on board weather display and voyage planning software

for deep-sea and short-sea vessels

USER MANUAL version 6

A MeteoGroup Company
The Meteo Consult Group is the largest independent weather
forecasting company in Europe. In 2006, about 180 employees in 8
countries offer a wide range of weather services to many different

The marine and offshore activities are concentrated in the head-

office in the Netherlands. This branch is ISO 9001/2000 accredited
and applies a quality assurance system for optimal service and
quality to our clients.

Meteo Consult B.V.

Marine Department
P.O. Box 617
The Netherlands

E-mail: support@spos.eu
Website: www.spos.eu

Telephone: +31 317 399800

Fax: +31 317 424753

© SPOS is a trademark of Meteo Consult B.V.

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1.1 SPOS summary 4
1.2 installation & specifications 6
1.3 getting started 7
1.4 support 8
1.5 disclaimer 9
2. SPOS OVERVIEW (quick guide) 10
2.1 communication 12
2.2 weather information 12
2.3 voyage planning 13
3. SPOS IN DETAIL (complete guide) 21
3.1 weather 22
3.2 input 39
3.3 route 54
3.4 performance 62
3.5 voyage 69
3.6 chart, menu, help & demo 83
4. HOW TO .... 95
4.1 set up SPOS for your vessel 96
4.2 set up the communication via e-mail 97
4.3 set up a GPS link with SPOS 99
4.4 create / update a voyage plan 100
4.5 pass Suez or Panama canal 101
5. INDEX 102

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1.1 SPOS summary

With the introduction of SPOS, a new way of weather routing was
introduced: on board routing.
The SPOS software is a tool that assists the master and staff on
board in taking the right desicions with regard to voyage planning in
relation to weather conditions.

Meteo Consult as a meteorological office prepares a complete set

of accurate weather information for standards ocean regions and
coastal waters. This information includes wind and wave forecasts
but also tropical storm forecasts, ice limits, etcetera.
Via e-mail, the weather information is sent to many vessels and on
board, the staff can display the forecasts in their preferred
presentation format.

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Not only is the information available for display, it can also be used
to calculate the effect of the weather on a particular vessel. In
SPOS, the master may enter information on how the vessel
responds to wind and waves. With this information and details on
the voyage such as departure and arrival position, SPOS calculates
various route options taking weather and vessel respons into
account. Routes include standard tracks (great circle, rhumb line)
but also an optimum route and the user may set out his own route.

In order to evaluate the results of different routes, analysis tools are

present in SPOS such as comparison tables, graphs and charts.
When the user has made a choice for a route to follow, it can be
saved as the voyage plan.
With new weather forecasts coming in automatically each day, the
voyage plan may be updated and effects on ETA due to changing
weather conditions are monitored easily. At the end of the voyage,
SPOS provides a complete voyage log.

Advantages of on board routing are clear:

 the master is responsible for the vessel so he should be

directly involved in passage planning / weather routing
 the best knowledge on operational restrictions for vessel and
cargo is on board (safety, damage)
 costs for meteorologists on shore are reduced
 reduced administration on board and in the office

Accurate, timely and complete weather information remains

important for both safety and economic performance on board.
With SPOS a simple and affordable tool is given to the staff to
assist in optimising the ship performance.

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1.2 Installation & specifications

SPOS is a windows program, installed from a CD via an
InstallShield wizard. The system requires a minimal screen
resolution of 800x600 (preferred is 1024x768), Internet Explorer 5.0
or higher and about 300 Mb of diskspace. A Pentium 3 processor
(or better) is recommended.

Two installations types are available:

 MASTERS installation: straight forward, default installation

advised by Meteo Consult

 CUSTOM installation: for system administrators only who

may separate program files (read only) from data files
(read/write access!) for remote maintenance purposes

For a SPOS installation, the following input items are required:

1. Registration key (xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx)

2. Name of the licensed vessel
3. Name of shipping company

The installation is self explanatory and takes only a minute.

When the installation is completed, SPOS may be started via the

icon on the desktop or via the start menu.

Important notes:
When installing SPOS software, you should have administrator
rights to avoid problems. When the installation is completed, all
users can run SPOS.

Use the registration key for one (licensed) vessel only!

Else your weather subscription may be changed by other people.

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1.3 Getting started

The best way to start with SPOS is to run the DEMONSTRATION:
click on the DEMO option in the SPOS menu (top of screen).
In 5 minutes a slideshow is presented explaining the main features
and goals of the SPOS system. This option is also useful when
showing SPOS to onboard and office staff.

A quick overview of SPOS is given in chapter 2 of the manual.

Details on all the screens and buttons are available in chapter 3:
SPOS in detail. You can always press F1 for help.

A routing session in SPOS normally follows 5 steps ordered in the 5

consecutive SPOS screens which are selected via these buttons:

1. first update and display the WEATHER forecast,

2. enter voyage/ship details via the INPUT screen,
3. Via the ROUTE screen, various tracks may be calculated,
4. compare the PERFORMANCE results of the routes and
5. save (or update) the VOYAGE plan with the best route

On each of the 5 screens, a control unit on the left side is given and
a presentation unit (the chart) on the right.
In the control unit, buttons, selectors and edit fields are available for
operating the system; most are self explanatory.
Simply click on the desired option and the result is displayed or the
required action is done.

It is advised to start using the weather screen first and expand to

the other screens once you get acquainted with the system.

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1.4 Support
Meteo Consult provides support during office hours to SPOS users
with a valid (standard) licence.

Questions about how to operate SPOS:

If you have a question on how to operate the system, please check

the online help facility (press F1) or the user manual first.
If this does not help, you may of course contact Meteo Consult by
sending a mail to support@spos.eu.

Technical problems with SPOS:

Although Meteo Consult tried to avoid technical problems in the

system, they may occur incidentally. The first thing you can do
yourself is to RESET SPOS: Click on Windows START button and

SPOS will restart with factory settings. If this does not solve your
problem, then please contact us, if possible via menu option Help,
Report a problem.
Enter your question in the provided blue form. In that way we also
have immediate information on your system status.

Submit this information with your remarks about the problem to


Meteo Consult will try to respond asap, with a suggestion or

solution. If the problem is not clear, further questions will be asked
to pinpoint the problem.

If you cannot e-mail, check other contact details. (see page 2)

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1.5 Disclaimer
SPOS (Ship Performance Optimisation System) is operated on a
personal computer and will serve as a meteorological management
support tool for on board applications.
Its functions include global marine weather forecast display,
weather routing, interactive voyage planning and ship performance

SPOS is a meteorological information system.

This means that meteorological forecast data are used within

SPOS. Meteo Consult B.V. makes every effort to provide you with
an optimal forecast. Since it is a forecast only, actual weather
conditions encountered may differ from the forecasts as presented
by SPOS.

SPOS is a global presentation and calculation system.

This means that the information presented is intended to give a

global overview of weather systems and route alternatives. The
charts used by SPOS are prepared for this purpose and should
never be used for navigational purposes.
Also the routes calculated by SPOS should be checked carefully for
navigational hazards and modified if necessary.

SPOS is a management support tool.

This means that the system itself does not optimise ship
performance, but it supports the ship's staff in their efforts to do this
optimisation by clearly presenting information (on weather, ship
performance) and giving route optimisation tools. The interpretation
of the information and a critical judgement of optimisation results by
the ship's staff remains necessary at all times.

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2. SPOS OVERVIEW (quick guide)

This chapter gives you a quick overview on how to operate SPOS.
For a complete guide with all options, please see chapter 3: SPOS
in detail

When you start SPOS, you will see a chart where weather and
route data can be displayed. On the left, an operating interface is
placed with buttons and selectors. With the 5 large buttons on top,
you can select the different screens: Weather (default at startup),
Input, Route, Performance and Voyage.

For the day-to-day operation of SPOS, these onscreen buttons and

selectors are enough.

Some system settings of SPOS are made via the menu on top. For
the initial operation of SPOS, these system settings are predefined
so there is no direct need to change them.

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In the menu, also the DEMO

option is available, which is a
good introduction to new SPOS
In 5 minutes the demo gives a
complete overview of SPOS
operations and goals.

The chart is the central presentation unit of SPOS. Above the chart,
a toolbar is given with options to zoom in, zoom out, switch the
projection between Mercator and Globe, etcetera.

Moving the chart is simply done by "dragging" the chart with the
mouse. If you have a wheel-mouse, the wheel is linked to zooming
in and out.

In the following three paragraphs, the main topics to get aquainted

with SPOS are briefly explained:

 e-mail communication
 weather information
 voyage planning

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2.1 communication
SPOS is not equipped with it's own communication system, instead
it makes use of the e-mail system already available on board. This
makes it easier for the staff on board since they are already familiar
with this system and the regular e-mail is supported and maintained
by the office.
Secondly it saves money and time: no special dial-in for the
weather, it comes with your other mail, simply in your mailbox.

In most cases, SPOS can directly retrieve forecasts from your

mailbox and place messages in your outbox via a so called mapi
connection. But this can also be done manually by saving files on

With SPOS there are several types of communication: subscribing

to a weather forecast, receiving daily weather forecasts and
optionally sending reports (e.g. noon positions) to shore.

Especially subscribing to a weather forecast and receiving weather

updates are essential for SPOS. Therefore these topics are
described in more detail on the following pages.

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2.2 weather information

The SPOS system has two sources of weather information, which
are necessary for on board routing.
 a forecast database updated via e-mails from Meteo Consult
 a climatological database

For route calculations, the forecasted data are used as long as the
simulated voyage is within the forecast range. Otherwise,
climatological data at the end of the forecast period are used.

The dedicated climatological database (similar to pilot charts)

contains average values per month for surface pressure, wind,
windwaves, swell and ocean currents. The area covered by the
climatological database is 75°N – 60°S and 180°W – 180°E with a
resolution of 2.5 degrees.

Forecast data are available twice daily and world-wide from 90°N to
90°S. The forecasts are split in standard areas, such as North
Atlantic and South Pacific for oceans (in 2.5 degree resolution) and
smaller areas such as South China Sea and Mediterranean for
coastal waters (in a higher 1.0 degree resolution).

Ocean forecasts are available for 5 and 9 days ahead, coastal

areas for 5 days ahead. Further, one can choose between a
standard forecast with wind/waves/ocean currents and an extended
forecast which also includes weather, precipitation, temperatures,
visibility, 500mb charts and risk of icing.

SPOS can use multiple forecast areas simultaneously, but only

when they were issued at the same time. If a forecast for a certain
area is 'older' than one for another area, SPOS will not use this
older forecast. Information on how to subscribe and update a
forecast is given on the next page.

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2.2.1: Subscribe to a weather forecast

Subscribing to a forecast is done in SPOS itself. Select the

WEATHER SUBSCRIPTION button in the weather screen.
A popup appears where you can select a region from the droplist
(chart will show selected region) and an area from the white list
below the droplist.
Optionally select a forecast range (5 or 9 days) and the forecast
type (standard or extended). Then press ADD TO SUBSCRIPTION
and the forecast is listed in your subscripion box below. You may
add/remove areas and then select the update frequency
(once/twice daily).
Finally press SUBMIT to create the subscription for Meteo Consult.

The first time you use SPOS, the system will ask to set up your
communication to MAPI or FILE. Simply follow instructions on the
screen or check chapter 4.2: how to set up the communication via
e-mail for more information.

Once the subscription message is created, it can be sent to Meteo

Consult via email: subscription@spos.eu.
Meteo Consult will send you a confirmation e-mail with your new
subscription setting and starts sending your forecasts each day.

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2.2.2: Update a weather forecast

Each day at 00 and/or 12 UTC, Meteo Consult will send the

requested weather forecasts to your mailbox. The e-mails will have
a subject starting with "spos_" and contain an attachment with a
forecast file, e.g. "spos_11.sps". This file is read by the SPOS

Updating the forecast is done in SPOS via the UPDATE WEATHER

FORECAST button.

Depending on your
communication setting (mapi), a
CHECK MAILBOX button may
be available. Press this to check
you inbox for new SPOS
forecasts. When new forecasts
are found, it is shown in the left
white box. The files are
automatically saved in your My
Documents folder.
Now press UPDATE and your
new forecast is available for display.

When the check mailbox button is not available, you should first go
to your e-mail program and manually save the attached forecast
files (e.g. spos_11.sps) to your My Documents folder. Then go back
to SPOS and use the UPDATE button directly.

For more detailed information on requesting and receiving

forecasts, read Chapter 3.1: SPOS in detail / weather

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2.2.3: Display a weather forecast

The available weather elements are

shown in the standard (and extended)
tab in the weather screen. There are 3
display types: area, line and grid/arrows.
Tick the square boxes to display an
E.g. pressure lines, wind grid (arrows)
and wave areas can be combined into a
single presentation on the chart.

The forecast time is shown in the time

section, in the "valid for" droplist. With
the green animation buttons, you can
scroll through the forecast times.

If you have 2 forecast areas with

different resolutions, e.g. North
Atlantic/2.5° and Caribbean/1°, then the North Atlantic data are
shown when the chart is zoomed out. When you zoom in on the
Caribbean, the high resolution data will be shown automatically.
With the RESOLUTION droplist, you can choose to display only
one resolution.

In SPOS, also (light blue) ice lines are plotted in the chart indicating
limits of ice free waters. Hurricane data are available in the chart
but also via the HURRICANE button.
NOTE: It is advised to check tropical storm bulletins via other
sources (e.g. radio or facsimile) as well.

2.2.4: Print a weather chart

Weather maps may be printed via the PRINT WEATHER MAPS

button. In Chapter 3.1.6, more detailed info on this option is given.

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2.3 voyage planning

The advantage of onboard weather is that it can be used directly for
voyage planning.
SPOS has 4 screens to do this: INPUT of ship and voyage data,
ROUTE calculation, PERFORMANCE evaluation on those routes
and saving & updating your VOYAGE plan.

2.3.1: Input of ship and voyage data

In the INPUT Screen, you can define the

(estimated) departure time at first
waypoint and create a route or select
one from the route library.
Press NEW to create a new route and
click the waypoints points on the chart.
When EDIT is pushed, the fixed
waypoint list is given below the chart
and waypoints may be edited.

Set a value for time between

(calculated) waypoints e.g. 6 or 12
hours. This interval also determines the
weather output along the route.

SPOS calculates a speed reduction due

to wind and waves via the speed in calm
seas which you can enter and a so
called speed curve.
Initially you may use the default speed
curve as provided by Meteo Consult, but
you can improve results by defining a
speedcurve that matches your vessel
You can also enter the estimated daily
fuel consumption.

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2.3.2: Route calculation

When the input is completed, proceed to

the ROUTE screen to calculate one or
more route options.


to calculate the standard routes.
You can also press the OPTIMUM
button and let SPOS calculate the best
(fastest) route for you. Optimum routing
is especially usefull for ocean crossings.

It is also possible to create COMPOSITE routes.

2.3.3: Performance evaluation

When you calculated one or more routes, you

can compare calculation results in the

Press COMPARISON to view a summary of all

calculated routes for a quick evaluation of speed,
distance, ETA and weather.
The GRAPHS button gives a graphical display of
elements along the route such as speed and
wave height.
With WEATHER IMPACT you can see where the
weather comes from in relation to your vessel,
e.g. headwaves.
And finally the NUMERICAL display gives a
complete waypoint and weather table for a
selected route. This table may be printed with the
print button.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: the routes calculated with SPOS give a

general indication of tracks to sail. They have NOT been checked
for navigational hazards. It remains the responsibilty of the operator
and staff on board to check (and when necessary modify) routes in
approved charts before sailing.

2.3.4: Save/update Voyage plan

When the calculated route options have been analysed with the
performance tools, a track can be selected as the voyage plan to
sail. This is done in the VOYAGE screen.

When no voyage is active, only the

available. Click on this button and follow
the wizard instructions to create your
voyageplan. It will be plotted in the chart
in red.

The voyage plan is initialised once and

may be updated each day with new
weather information received from
Meteo Consult and actual position
This is simply done by entering the
(noon)position via a quick position
update and recalculating/updating the
current voyage.

It is also possible to fully update the

remaining voyage track with a new route
alternative, for example when the
weather forecast changed drastically or
when new sailing orders have been

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As soon as a voyage plan is created, voyage display options are

available for waypoint lists and noon position reporting to third
parties. Next to positions, also fuel and observed weather are
saved, in a complete voyage log.

Once the destination is reached, the voyage plan is completed and

stored on disk for future reference.

For a full explanation of Input, Route, Performance and Voyage

screens, please read chapters 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5

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3. SPOS IN DETAIL (complete guide)

The SPOS software is designed in such a way that all essential
options are available or selectable via clearly-marked buttons on
the screen. Only rarely used options are available via the menu.

Five screens are selectable via large buttons at the top of the
screen, representing consecutive stages in the routeing process:

1. update, display, analyse weather

2. enter ship & voyage specific data

3. calculate various route options

4. analyse route results

5. create, update voyage plan

The grouping of functions per screen make SPOS easier to operate

as the options per screen are limited. Unique in the SPOS interface
is the "what you see (read) is what you get" approach with clear
buttons instead of vague pictograms or complex menu's.

In this reference section all items per screen are discussed from top
to bottom. The paragraphs per screen start with a picture of the
screen and a numbered listing of all available options.

In SPOS, you can always press F1, to access the on line Help
facility. Then simply click on the option you need help for.

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3.1 weather - screen

The weather screen from top to bottom has the following elements:

1. Weather subscription

2. Update weather forecast

3. Display a forecast

4. Display options

3. Forecast time

3. Forecast resolution

5. GPS - Hurricane - Ship Wx

5. Bull. - Port Wx - Spot Wx

6. Print maps

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3.1.1: weather subscription

Select this button for

creating and sending a
weather subscription
message to Meteo Consult.

1. select regional set (e.g. Asia coastal) via top droplist

2. select forecast area from list (area is shown in map)
3. optionally select forecast range (5/9 days) and type:
- standard = pressure, wind, waves, current
- extended = standard + 500mb charts, temperatures,
weather, precipitation, visibility and icing
you can repeat step 1-4 if more areas are required, but
check Estimated Size per update.
5. Select an update frequency (daily, twice daily, once)
6. Press the SUBMIT button for sending the subscription
information to Meteo Consult.

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The first time when SUBMIT is pressed, the method of

communication is defined once: via MAPI or via FILE.
This procedure has been described in detail in chapter 4.2: how to
set up the communication via e-mail.

When MAPI is working, SPOS will create an e-mail when SUBMIT

is pressed. This mail will be placed in your outbox and is sent to
Meteo Consult when you make a satcom connexion.
When FILE is selected, SPOS creates the file "SPOSSUB.TXT" in
your My Documents folder. You should send this file via email to

If the MAPI function does not work properly with your e-mail
software, then you may prefer to use the COPY TO CLIPBOARD
button instead of the submit button. The subscription information is
then “copied” in the Windows clipboard and can be “pasted” in the
body of an e-mail message to subscription@spos.eu.

When Meteo Consult receives Example subscription message:

your subscription message, it is
processed and saved. You will ID=123-4567-89A
receive a confirmation message VER=
via e-mail with the new MV=Atlantic Carrier
subscription settings (no UPD=TwiceD@00/12
AREA=34,5,S,Asian East coast
confirmation for Globe Wireless AREA=33,5,E,South China Sea
users because of costs).


If you want to cancel your subscription, select all your subscribed

When all areas are removed, the update frequency is no longer
selectable. Now press SUBMIT to send your cancellation message.

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3.1.2: update weather forecast

When a subscription is active, Meteo Consult starts sending e-mails

with attached weather forecast files to your pre-registered e-mail
address. SPOS forecast files are names SPOS_xx.SPS where xx is
a number e.g. SPOS_11.SPS

When SPOS is started

and new weather info is
available, then the first
thing to do is to update
the weather.
When selecting this button, SPOS will report whether a new
forecast is available in the update folder of your computer. By
default, the update folder is your My Documents folder but this can
be changed under File - System Settings.

If your mail program supports

"mapi", you should first press
the CHECK MAILBOX button.
The new forecasts will be
extracted automatically from the
mailbox to the update folder.
If mapi is not supported, this
button is not available and you
should copy the forecasts
manually from your e-mail
program to the SPOS update
folder (e.g. via a "save attachment" command).
Note: do not "open" the forecast files; SPOS reads them directly.

When updates are found, the forecast time and area(s) are
displayed in the right-hand white list. The left-hand list shows the
forecasts currently available in SPOS.
Now press the UPDATE button to start the actual update process.

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The new forecast will be made available, based on the forecast

data in the Meteo Consult weather files.
When the update is completed, the data are available for display.

In incidental cases, it can happen that a forecast file is corrupted

during satellite communication.
This can result in so called UNZIP errors in SPOS. You can force a
-resend- by sending your subscription message again. Meteo
Consult will send your forecast when a subscription message is
received. This -resend- method can also be used, should you not
receive an update.

Example of SPOS forecast files saved in My Documents folder,

displayed via Windows Explorer

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3.1.3: display a weather forecast

Displaying a weather forecast is

quite simple. Select a checkbox
for a weather element and a
display type (area, line or arrow)
and the information is shown on
the chart. How to modify the
chart is described in chapter
3.6: chart operations.

You can select up to three

multiple layers: one area, one
line and one arrow at the same
If for example the pressure lines are displayed and you select wave
lines, then the pressure lines are removed automatically since only
one element per display type is allowed.
All weather is removed from the map by deselecting the selected
checkbox(es) or clicking on the CLEAR button.

The Standard forecast includes: surface Pressure in hpa/millibars,

Wind in knots, (total) Waves which is the combined height of wind
waves and swell in metres. The total waves are split in wind waves
and swell, each with height, period and direction. The standard set
also includes an ocean current forecast in knots.

The standard SPOS forecast contains actual ice information with

light blue lines on the chart indicating the ice free water limits.

When you have an Extended forecast (which includes all standard

elements), you can click on the Extended tab above the
checkboxes. Now you can also select the extended weather
elements such as 500mb charts, weather, precipitation, air/sea
temperatures, visibility and risk of icing.

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The display of standard and extended elements may be combined.

When you subscribed to a Standard forecast, then the checkboxes
of extended elements are disabled.

The following extended elements are available:

 500mb height in meters

fog, drizzle, rain, freezing rain, snow, rain shower, snow shower, hail, thunder
 risk of precipitation (in %, not the amount!)
 air temperature in degrees Celcius
 water temperature in degrees Celcius
 Visibility in 5 classes (shades of grey):
good (5+nm), mod/gd (3-5), moderate (1-3), mod/pr (0.5-1), poor (<0.5miles)
 Risk of icing in 5 classes (shades of ice blue)
none, light, moderate, severe and very severe


SPOS includes automatic fronts

for the first 48 hours of the
forecast. These fronts are not
manually drawn by
meteorologists, but calculated
automatically. The coldfronts
are plotted in blue with triangles
indicating the direction of the
front, warmfronts in red with
semi-circles and occluded fronts
in purple with both triangles and
semi-circles. The shape of automatic fronts may be less smooth
than manually drawn fronts, but in reality fronts are not smooth
either. Since this is an experimental product, we expect that
improvements in quality (especially time consistency) will be made
in the future.

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Forecast time

Below the checkboxes, the source of data and the time can be
selected. The source of data is either forecast or climatic averages.
Each source is valid for different timesteps. E.g. a forecast for +0,
+12, +24, ..+120 hours ahead or climatic data for Jan..Dec.
You can select the timestep either by pulling down the list (click on
time field) and selecting the desired time. Please note that all
forecast times are in UTC. Another option is to use the multimedia
Buttons for the first, previous, next and last timestep are green, the
blue button is for starting the animation and the black square for
stopping the animation. The speed of the animation is set by the
fast—slow slider. The animation is continued even if you change
the weather elements (via the checkboxes).

The forecast is originally delivered in 12-hourly timesteps for

oceans and 6-hourly for coastal waters, but may be changed for
display via the INTERVAL droplist. E.g. display weather at 2 hourly
intervals. Of course intermediate timesteps will be calculated via
interpolations, it does not make the forecast more accurate.

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Forecast resolution

The SPOS forecast for oceans is delivered on a 2.5° grid. The

coastal areas have a higher resolution: 1.0°.

When you have either ocean forecasts or coastal forecasts, SPOS

will automatically choose the correct resolution. When you have
both ocean and coastal forecasts, SPOS by default will set the
RESOLUTION droplist to AUTO: this means that when zoomed out,
the low resolution ocean data are displayed and when zoomed in,
the higher resolution coastal weather is shown. So you will have the
overview when you zoom out and more detail when you zoom in.
Note: this is of course only the case when you zoom in on the area
where you have coastal data.

You can choose to select a fixed resolution

(e.g. 2.5°) with the resolution droplist.

2.5 degree resolution forecast 1.0 degree resolution forecast

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3.1.4: Options button for weather display

Next to the checkboxes, you find the Options button

for changing the weather display. When selecting this
button, a window will pop-up with five tabs: Range, Ext
Range, Colors, Label and Arrowsize. Changes are set via the OK
button, you can preview the changes with the APPLY button.


For each weather element, you can

select a FROM value and a STEP size
for displaying the data. E.g. show the
waves higher than 3.0 metre (from) and
with an interval of 0.5 metres (step).
When selecting the checkbox APPLY
RANGES TO ARROWS, also arrows
with a value lower than the FROM value
(e.g. 3.0m waves) are not displayed.

Ext Range:

For some elements in the extended

forecast set, you can also select a
FROM value and a STEP size. E.g.
show risk of precipitation from 20% with
an interval of 5%.

For other elements this choice is not

relevant, such as a weather, visibility
and risk of icing as they have a limited
number of levels

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First select a weather element and then

you can select one or more display
options (area, isolines and arrows). Now
press the change button and select a
new color from the standard Windows
color selector. When a color is selected,
you can press the OK or APPLY button
for setting the new color.


The labeling of lines, areas and arrows

can be set here at all lines of equal
value. For wind vanes, a separate option
is given since the wind speed is
presented in the number of barbs as

A full wind barb is 10 knots, half a

barb is 5 knots and a filled triangle
is 50 knots.
For example: South 35 knots


Via a slider, the arrow sizes may be

scaled; the actual size is shown in the
middle and on the map (when selected).

All five options (range, ext-range, color,

label and arrowsize) have a separate
RESTORE button, so you can restore
the default SPOS settings.

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3.1.5: Various other buttons

In this section, 6 small buttons that are present on the weather

screen are discussed:
GPS track, Hurricane, Ship Wx, Spot Wx, Port Wx and Bulletin.

GPS track

With the GPS toggle button, you

can set SPOS in GPS tracking
mode, which means that the
chart will center on the ships
GPS position and updates
regularly to stay centered.
The weather forecast will be
displayed for the GPS time
(now), so the weather on the
screen represents actual conditions.
You can still zoom in/out and select different weather elements on
the chart.
A blue bar at the bottom of the chart will clearly indicate that SPOS
is in GPS tracking mode.

Of course a valid GPS should be present on the SPOS PC,

otherwise this function cannot be used. The first time, you will be
asked to configure SPOS for receiving the GPS signal. How to
configure SPOS is described in chapter 3.6.4: GPS settings and
chapter 4.3: How to set up a GPS link with SPOS.
When a valid GPS signal is received, a ship symbol is always
plotted on the chart and the position coordinates, heading and
speed are displayed below the chart.

The GPS tracking is cancelled by clicking on GPS track button

again or when you change to another screen (e.g. input).

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The hurricanes or tropical storms are displayed on the

chart (zoom in for details), but it is also possible to
display detailed information about the track, movement and
windspeed. When pressing the hurricane button, the following table
is displayed:

The historical track of

the hurricane is given in
green, the forecasted
track in blue. Please
note that hurricane
forecasts are often less
reliable than regular
weather forecasts.

Via the droplist at the

bottom, other
hurricanes (when
present) may be
selected. Via the print
option a hardcopy of
the table is made.

Ship Wx

The Ship Wx button is only enabled when a voyage is

active or when a route has been calculated. With this
toggle button, you can display or remove the ship
weather window on the chart. This window contains the vessel with
the impact of weather elements at the calculated ship position.
The wind, sea, swell and ocean current arrows indicate where the
"weather comes from", relative to the vessel. The height of the
wave groups and the current speed are plotted at the bottom of the
impact display.

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When you step through

the forecast periods,
the weather data in the
impact window are also
updated. The position
indicator on the voyage
(circles) indicate where
the vessel is at the time
of the weather chart.

The impact window can

be resized or moved to
another corner of the
chart by dragging it
with the mouse.

Spot Wx

With the SPOT WX toggle button, you

can display all weather elements at the
mouse position. Move the mouse over
the chart and you will see the spot
weather forecast in a window in a corner
of the chart.
The displayed data are valid for the
same time as set for regular weather
The fontsize can be changed with the
font selector above the chart.

The spot condition display is cancelled

by clicking on the SPOT WX button
again or when you change to another

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Port Wx

When Extended weather is available, then you may

create a port weather forecast in SPOS.
Click on the Port Wx button and a window appears where you can
enter portname and position. You may also select a port/position
from the PORTLIST or the GPS (when a signal is available).
When a position is selected, the chart is centered on that position.
You may also move the chart to modify the position. You can zoom
in on the chart with the wheelmouse and/or the A and Z keys.

When a position is entered, the port

forecast table is updated automatically.
Next to a weather table, also a nautical
table (at open sea) is given.

You can print the forecast on a single A4

sheet with the PRINT button.


In some cases, Meteo Consult may decide to add a text bulletin to

the forecast.
This may be used to inform you about deviations in the forecast or
for any other reason believed to be relevant for SPOS or your
On most days however a bulletin will not be present.

If a bulletin is present in a
forecast, it will be shown
automatically when the weather
forecast is updated, but it is also
available via the bulletin button.
Bulletins may be present for
different ocean areas; selectable via tabs at the top of the window.

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3.1.6: Print weather maps

It is possible to print charts with weather and route information

automatically via the print weather map button.
This may be convenient when SPOS is not located on the bridge.

When selecting this button, a window will appear with a preview of

the chart, initially being equal to the regular chart. It can be
modified with mouse or keyboard.

1. Select which maps you want to print (map 1 to map 6).
2. Press the print button for printing these maps.

FIRST USE (initialisation):

When you use this function the first time, you can define how your
printed weather maps should look like. This is quite easy in SPOS.
For each map (1 to 6), there is a tab selectable (at the top of the
window) where you can do this.

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When selecting a tab (map 1 - map 6), the definition window for the
selected map is shown:

Here you should define which weather elements are to be

displayed and the forecast period (e.g. +24 hours ahead). On the
preview, you can see the result.
Define all maps you want to use. When maps have been defined
once, they can be used each time again because settings are

With the Print Setup button, you can select a printer and set printer
properties such as orientation (portrait/landscape), etcetera.

Example for printing of new set of maps:

Define map 1: pressure line, wind arrow and wave area, + 24 hours
Define map 2: pressure line, wind arrow and wave area, + 48 hours
Define map 3: pressure line, wind arrow and wave area, + 72 hours
Define map 4: swell area, swell arrow for + 24 hours ahead
Select "print menu" tab, select map 1 to 4 and press print button.

Example for printing the existing set of maps:

Select "print weather maps" button and press print button.

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3.2 input - screen

The input screen from top to bottom has the following elements:

1. Set input voyage update

2. Time at first waypoint

3. Route templates

New Edit >>

4. Time, speed & fuel

5. Speed curve

6. Weather limits

7. Restrictions

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3.2.1: Set input for voyage update

If you are not familiar with voyages in SPOS, please read chapter
3.5: VOYAGE first or skip this page.

The first button on the

input screen is used to
prepare the input settings for updating the voyage plan. If no
voyage plan is active, this button is disabled.

When pressed, a window

appears where you can
enter actual (current)
position and time
information, which is
required for updating the
voyage. A check is made
to verify whether the time
and position are in line
with the voyage log. If
there are suspicious
results (e.g. sailed speed
very low or high) then this
is reported to the user as a warning.

When the user confirms that the current position input is correct, all
input settings as used for the active voyage are imported into the
current input screen. The entered position and time of the voyage
are set as "current position" for new calculations; the created route
template << VOYAGE ROUTE >> is to be used for updating the
In this way, the user is sure that the new or updated route will
match with the existing voyage.

It is advised to use this option when making a full route update of

the active voyage.

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3.2.2: Time at first waypoint

Here the operator can enter the departure time for the new route
calculation. This can be either at the departure position when
starting a voyage or at the actual position when on route. The time
is always connected to the first position (departure) of a route (see

The date entry may be editted by clicking on the date or via a

calender function (press drop button next to date). The time is
edited by clicking on hour or minute and entering the new value via
keyboard or with the small arrow buttons.
With the NOW button, the actual time of the PC is set as the
departure time. Note that all times in SPOS are in UTC !

3.2.3: Route definitions

In SPOS, route templates can be made, consisting of a list of fixed

waypoints. The route definitions are saved and can be modified at
all times.

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NEW button:

Use the NEW button to create a new route template.

You can then enter the name of a new route and select to define
the waypoints on the chart (with the mouse), to make a copy of the
last selected route template or to import a route from file.

When you draw (click) the waypoints on the chart, start with the
departure position and finish with a double mouseclick on the
destination position.
The new route waypoints are displayed in the edit window below
the chart and can be modified later.

A route template is renamed with the RENAME button and

removed with the DELETE button.

In the chart, the fixed waypoints of the selected route template are
numbered and connected with a grey dash-line, so you can easily
recognize the order of the waypoints.

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SPOS supports the import of routes from some ECDIS systems.

(please check with your ECDIS provider)

When you selected a NEW route, choose the import option and
click the BROWSE button. When e.g. NaviSailor is installed on the
same PC/console, SPOS will automatically select the folder where
the ECDIS routes are stored. Select a file type (e.g. RT3 format), a
route file and press OPEN

The route information is loaded into the SPOS system and

available for use.

Please note that when a SPOS voyage is created or updated, an

ECDIS (e.g. NaviSailor) route is created by SPOS. You can LOAD
this route called "# SPOS #" directly in your ECDIS. It should be
checked carefully for navigation constraints!

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EDIT>> toggle button:

The edit>> button toggles the window below the chart with the
waypoint list of the selected route (WPedit window). Normally, you
can leave this button switched on.
In the WPedit window, you can select and modify a waypoint, with
the buttons on the right (edit, portlist, etc) or directly with the mouse
in the chart.

In the WPedit listbox, for each numbered waypoint, the name,

latitude, longitude and track type are given.
The track type (great circle, rhumb line, optimum) is used for
composite routes only and the use of track types is explained there
(chapter 3.3).

You can select a waypoint by clicking on it in the WPedit window or

directly on the waypoint in the chart. In the chart, the selected
waypoint is indicated with a square.
With the mouse, you can move a waypoint in the chart by pressing
the CTRL-key down while clicking in the chart on the desired
position. In the same way, you can insert a waypoint when pressing
the SHIFT-key, while clicking in the chart on the desired position of
the new waypoint.

A waypoint can be modified also via the buttons on the right side of
the WPedit window. This is further explained on the following

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EDIT button:

Edit the selected position from the position

list. Latitude and longitude may be entered
numerically or modified with arrow keys or
Optionally, you can give the waypoint a
name and set the track type which is used
for composite routes only.
If a position is not valid, then this is reported.

CHART button:

Before you press this button, select a waypoint from the list which
you want to move. When the chart button is pressed, you may
move the mouse to the desired position on the chart. The mouse
arrow changes into a position flag and the coordinates of the
mouse position are visible below the chart.
When you click on the map, the position coordinates are entered in
the waypoint list and the button is released.

You can cancel the procedure by pressing the ESC button.

How to modify the chart before moving a waypoint is described in
chapter 3.6: chart operations.

Another way of moving a waypoint is by holding the CTRL-key

down while clicking on the new position in the chart.

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PORT LIST button:

The port list is a convenient tool to store and recall frequently used
positions. These can be ports, but also passages, anchor points or
any other location.

Before you press this button, select the waypoint you want to
change from the waypoint list. Press the port list button and a pop-
up window will appear.

In order to select a position from the port

list, either type the name in the upper
editbox or select the position with the
mouse from the list. Press the SELECT
button and the position is entered in the
position list.

A default port list with major ports and

important positions is provided with SPOS,
but this list may be modified to your needs.
You can enter new positions with the ADD
button, edit positions from the port list with the EDIT button or
remove positions from the list with the DELETE button. In this way,
a dedicated list of often used positions and ports is kept.
All positions from the port list may be displayed on the map
via the red flag button on the map toolbar.


You may add waypoints to your waypoint list with the insert button
or by holding the SHIFT key down while clicking on the desired
position in the chart.

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E.g. when you sail from Hamburg to New York and want to sail via
the English Channel, you can add a fixed waypoint at Land’s End.

A waypoint is always inserted BEFORE the selected waypoint. It is

therefore not possible to insert a waypoint before the departure
position. Upon insertion, the new fixed waypoint is geographically
placed between the two surrounding waypoints from the list. On the
chart, the waypoint is indicated with a blue flag.

It is noted that in order to use the optimum route calculation best,

one should try to keep the number of fixed waypoints to a minimum.
Each inserted (fixed) waypoint reduces the possibility of calculating
a true optimum.


Fixed waypoints are deleted by selecting them from the list and
clicking on the delete waypoint button. The departure and
destination position (first and last from position list) cannot be


The order of waypoints in the WPedit list may be reversed with this
button. Departure and destination, but also intermediate waypoints
are placed in a reverse order. In the chart, you will see that the
colors of the position flags are changed accordingly (departure
green, destination red).

This option may be useful when making a return trip.

By clicking this button a second time, the route is reversed back to
the original order.

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3.2.4: Time, speed and fuel

When SPOS calculates a route (see route screen), this is done with
fixed time intervals ("Time between waypoints") in order to
determine the weather and speed of the vessel on each section.
In the output of the route, calculated waypoints are placed between
the fixed waypoints such as given in the route template.
You may select a value between 1 and 24 hours, most common
values are 4, 6, 12 or 24 hour intervals. For optimum route
calculations, a short interval is better for navigating through small
passages (e.g. English Channel, Malacca Straight) but it requires
more calculation time.

SPOS uses a simple but effective speed calculation model. This

model is based on a speed in calm seas and a reduction factor
due to wind and waves. The reduction factors are defined in
The speed in calm seas (no significant wind, waves or current) is
set here. Of course this value may vary per vessel depending on
loading conditions, trim, hull fouling and engine settings.
You may enter a value between 1 and 50 knots.

The average fuel consumption per day is entered in order to

estimate total consumption per route.

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3.2.5: Select & define speedcurves

The speedcurves are defining the speed reduction of a specific

vessel due to wind and waves.
The speed in calm seas is used as a 100% speed and for different
wind and wave conditions, a reduction percentage is applied.

SPOS comes with a default speedcurve, which is a very general

reduction curve. It is important to DEFINE a curve for your ship and
possibly for different ship conditions (e.g. laden, ballast, with deck
cargo, sensitive cargo). Each time you calculate a route, you can
select the appropriate speedcurve from the droplist.

When pressing the DEFINE button, a window appears:

On the left side, a listbox with the available speedcurves is given.

Initially this will only contain the “default speedcurve”.

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You may add a speedcurve with the NEW or COPY button. A new
speedcurve has all values set to 100%, a copied speedcurve is a
copy of the previously selected speedcurve. Immediately rename
the new speedcurve so you can easily identify it later.
You can always DELETE or RENAME speedcurves except for the
default speedcurve.

When you select a speedcurve in the list (left), the curve values are
displayed on the right in two square sections:
 Speed reduction due to wind
 Speed reduction due to waves (applied to windsea and swell)

In each section, combinations

of direction and speed/height
are given. You can enter a
reduced speed from 0% to
150% (in most cases the
speed will not exceed 100%).
Save the changes with the
SAVE button.

Example1: assume a speed in

calm seas of 20 knots. Waves
of 6 metre height coming from
the bow (=000° from bow) may
result in 85% of the speed in calm seas being 17 knots.

Example2: assume a speed in calm seas of 20 knots. A wind speed

of 40 knots coming from portside (e.g. 045° from bow) may result in
90% of the speed in calm seas being 18 knots.

The combination of example 1 and 2 is 85% * 90% is about 76% of

the speed in calm seas (15.3 knots).

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Since the speed model is relatively simple, it can be maintained

and fine-tuned on board.
For better understanding and fine-tuning, the speedcurve window
also has a TEST button.
When clicking on this button, the windows is extended with a test
window where you can enter wind/wave and ship conditions and
see the resulting speed based on the selected speedcurve.

One way to fine-tune the model is by entering the actual weather

conditions and checking the resulting shipspeed with the actual
speed of the ship. Now modify the percentages until the correct
speed is reached.

The test window is removed by clicking on the TEST button again.

The speed curve model window is closed by clicking on the CLOSE

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3.2.6: Weather limits

You can set a number of weather limits for a route calculation.

Listed are the active weather limits.

You may choose to AVOID weather limits (optimum route will

search for alternative routes) or WARN only. In that case, the route
may exceed weather limits but you get a warning.

Press DEFINE to choose from the limits and set criteria. The
minimum distance to hurricanes is always active but the safe
distance may be varied. All other elements are optional.

E.g. set a limit for following

waves higher than 5m with
wave periods of 14-20 seconds
(avoid surfing) or avoid beam
waves higher than 3m with
periods between 8-14 sec (roll
with low center of gravity)

Press OK to confirm new

weather limits, the listbox in the
input screen is updated.

Note that limits of visibility and

icing are only valid when extended weather is available.

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3.2.7: Restrictions

You may restrict certain areas from navigating. This is useful for
avoiding certain areas because of environmental constraints (e.g.
ice edges as provided by Meteo Consult) or personal preferences.

Press the NEW button for creating a restriction and enter a

name identifier in the popup window. Press Ok and the
mouse will change into a purple drawing symbol.
Draw the restriction by clicking on the map. While you draw, the
restriction line is displayed in purple. DOUBLE CLICK on the last
position you want to add and the restriction is completed.

In the listbox, all available restrictions are shown. A restriction is

(de)activated by clicking on the square box before the name.
Activated restrictions are displayed on the map and when
calculating routes, it is not possible to cross/enter those restricted

With the DELETE button, you can delete a selected restriction.

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3.3 route - screen

The route screen from top to bottom has the following elements:

selected route template

1. Great circle

2. Rhumb line

3. Optimum route

4. Composite track

5. Original track

6. Status information

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In the route screen, you can view and optionally select the active
route template as given in the INPUT screen.

3.3.1: Great circle route

With this button, the great circle route is calculated, based on the
input as defined in the input screen.
The route calculation goes from fixed waypoint to fixed waypoint in
sections of “Time between waypoints” hours.
For each section, the weather (forecast or climatic data) is
determined and with the speed in calm seas and the speedcurve
model, the expected speed of the vessel is calculated.

The great circle route is plotted in light blue in the chart and status
information and some key parameters such as ETA are shown at
the bottomleft corner of the route screen. Full route details are
available in the performance screen.

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3.3.2: Rhumb line route

When this button is pushed, the rhumb line or loxodrome route

(route with fixed course) is calculated.
This option works similar to the great circle route option.

The rhumb line route is plotted in the chart in orange. A summary of

calculation results is given in the status information window.
If for some reason, the rhumb line cannot be calculated, the reason
is reported here as well: e.g. when the rhumb line crosses land or
when user defined weather limits are exceeded.

Detailed route calculation results are present in the performance


On a calculated route, the filled circles (dots) indicate calculated

waypoints where forecasted weather has been used, open circles
indicate that climatic weather data has been used.

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3.3.3: Optimum route

An optimum route calculation is not bound by restrictions such as

the shortest distance or a fixed course. When started, the program
calculates routes with different initial courses for “ time between
waypoints” hours.

For each arrival position, again new sections are calculated with
different courses. On each section, the weather is determined,
weather limits are checked and the speed is calculated.

When reaching the destination, the fastest route of all (thousands of

calculated) routes is selected as the optimum.
The route is plotted and status information is displayed.

The blue dots indicate calculated

positions for each time. So called
"isochrones" are formed: lines of
equal arrivaltime. The dots are
removed when the chart is

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The optimum route button has a special option via the square arrow
button directly right to the optimum button. When clicking on this
arrow-button, a selection window for the type of optimum
calculation is displayed.

With the mouse you can select one of three accuracy options:
 LOW: initial courses are 5 degrees apart
 MEDIUM: initial courses are 3 degrees apart
 HIGH: initial courses are 1 degree apart

All three accuracies can be selected with the extra option WIDE
which means that the number of initial courses are doubled and an
extra wide waiver of courses is created.

low accuracy high acuracy and wide

The wide option is especially useful in areas with land/sea

restrictions (e.g. from North Sea to America) or when a significant
detour between departure and destination has to be made (e.g.
around Australia).

When an option is selected, the route calculation starts. The

selected accuracy option becomes the default for the larger
optimum button and the new accuracy setting is written in the
optimum button.

The user may abort a route calculation at any time via the ABORT
button which appears when a calculation is started.

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3.3.4: Composite track

The composite track as the word already indicates is a composite

of great circle, rhumbline and/or optimum tracks. The previous
route calculation options, such as the great circle, calculate the
whole route as great circles. But it can be useful to calculate rhumb
line sections in coastal areas and a great circle or optimum track for
crossing an ocean.

The definition of the different sections (between fixed waypoints) is

done in the input screen. In that screen, the waypoint listbox below
the chart contains a track type for each waypoint. By default, it is
set to rhumb line, but you can change it via the listbox button or by
double clicking on the waypoint.

When the tracks in a route

template are defined in the input
screen, then the composite button
will calculate the route with these
track types. For example the first
sections of the route are calculated
as rhumbline, followed by an
optimum track over the Atlantic.

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3.3.5: Original track

The original route is available only when a voyage is active and the
<< voyage route >> is selected in the input screen.
The original route is identical to the voyage route and can be used
to update the voyage plan (e.g. when a new weather forecast is
present) without changing the waypoints of the original voyage.

The original route starts from the current position as set in the input
screen and will calculate a track to the first valid waypoint of the
current voyage route, and then follow the voyage route to the
destination. Of course new conditions such as weather are taken
into account. Since the waypoints will be identical to the current
voyage plan, the time between the waypoints will vary because of
changes in the weather.

An advantage of the original route is that route waypoints remain

unchanged. So no new waypoints have to be entered and checked
in the navigation chart! Especially when there are no large
differences in the weather, the new optimum route will be similar to
the old voyage anyway. In that case a lot of work is avoided by
selecting the original route for your voyage update.

Secondly, the original route results are ideal to compare the effect
of the new weather forecast on your ETA. Simply compare the
voyage plan ETA with the new "original route" calculations.

When doing a quick position update in the voyage screen, the

original route is used to recalculate the voyage plan.

Note: The original route is only calculated for the original active
voyage plan track.

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3.3.6: Status information

The information window

on the route screen
gives a quick overview
of succesfully calculated
routes and key
parameters for the latest
calculated (or selected)
route. It includes the
calculation status, ETA,
sailed distance, average
speed and maximum
encountered wind speed
and wave height.

A calculated route which

is selected from the list
is removed with the
DELETE button. When
more routes are calculated, the selected route may be marked with
the HIGHLIGHT button. That route is then plotted bold in the chart.

If a route cannot be calculated, e.g. because the route crosses

land, then this is reported in the information window in red.

When weather limits are to be avoided, then routes may not be

calculated succesfully either and this is also reported in red.
When SPOS should only warn for weater limit exceedance, than
this is done in orange.

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3.4 performance - screen

The performance screen has the following elements:

1. Comparison
A quick overview of key
parameters of calculated routes

2. Graphs
A graphical comparison of
calculated output for all
calculated routes

3. Weather impact
Graphical display where the
weather comes from, in relation
to the ship's heading

4. Numerical
Tables per route with all
waypoints, weather and many
other details.

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When the performance screen is selected, 4 display options are

available. Only one of the 4 main buttons may be selected at a
time. The display on the right will show the selected results while
the other 3 options are disabled.

3.4.1: Comparison

The comparison overview consists of two tables with track results

and weather results. The information is displayed when the
comparison button is pressed.

The track result table gives an overview of key parameters of a

route such as the sailed distance, average speed, fuel and arrival
times. The sailed time is given as a number of days and hours. Also
the time difference in hours with the fastest calculated route is
given (in red between brackets). The fastest route is always given
on top.

The routes are labelled with the name of the route template (see
input screen) and the track type (e.g. great circle or composite

Next to the track comparison, there is also a weather comparison

table. Key elements are giving an indication of encountered
weather without getting into detail.

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Interesting elements such as the average and maximum wind

speed and wave height are given. Also the time along a route
where the windspeed exceeds 34 knots (8 Beaufort) and the period
where wave heights exceed 4 or 8 metres give an indication of
encountered weather.
The ocean current column indicates the average current
component in the direction of the vessel (so current with or

When user defined weather limits are exceeded on a route and the
user selected to be warned, then the weather results are plotted
with a red background.

The hyperlinks below the comparison button give a direct link to the
track and weather table.

The tables may be printed with the print button.

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3.4.2: Graphs

The graphs offer the user the opportunity to look at calculated

results in detail. It gives a clear picture per element for all
calculated routes.
It may be used to analyse why the speed on one route is
higher/lower than on other routes (e.g. because of high waves).

When selecting the graphs button, 2 graphs will appear for different
output elements. Below the graphs button, two droplists are
activated and the user can select an output element for display in a
The upper droplist controls the upper graph, the lower graph may
be removed by selecting << NONE >> from the element list.

Above the graphs, a route color legend is given for each route type
in a button. If a button is toggled, then the results in the graphs for
this route are highlighted. In that way, one can identify overlapping

The vertical axis of the

graphs are set
automatically based on
the calculated results.
The horizontal axis
shows the date/time of
the routes.

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3.4.3: Weather impact

This options allows for a visualization on where the weather comes

from. When the weather impact button is pressed, one or two
circular displays are presented.
The large arrow in the center represents the vessel and in different
colors, the weather elements (wind, sea, swell and current) for a
specific route section are displayed.

Below the two circles, some detail figures are displayed together
with a timeline of the route. The flag indicates the position on the
route for the current display situation.

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Up to two different routes may be selected (via the droplists) for an

impact comparison. If you select << NONE >> in the second route
droplist, only one circle is displayed.

The multimedia buttons are used for going through the different
timesteps of the routes. When the blue animation button is pressed,
the timesteps are displayed automatically.
The speed of the animation is modified with the fast-slow slider.

If two routes are not synchrone, the timesteps may be synchronized

with the SYNC button or by selecting the first timestep with the

By default, the displays are oriented North up and the course of the
vessel is variable.
With the COURSE UP button, the vessel heading may be fixed
while the compass rose is turning. Press the button a second time
to return to North up.

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3.4.4: Numerical

The numerical display option shows a detailed list of calculated

route information in various tables.

The TRACK table includes parameters such as positions (lat/lon),

speed, course, fuel and distances. The WEATHER table shows all
weather elements (pressure, wind, waves and current) along a
calculated route. Note when weather limits are exceeded they are
plotted in red. The INPUT table indicates the input settings with
which the route has been calculated.

track table weather table

The droplist below the

numerical button is used
for selecting a route.
Only valid calculated
routes are selectable.
The hyperlinks below
the droplist are used for
jumping to the right table
(e.g. “weather results”).

The displayed tables may be printed with the print button.

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3.5 voyage - screen

The voyage screen has the following elements:

1. Create voyage

2. Quick update
3. Full update

4. Complete voyage

5. Undo/Redo Delete

6. Voyage display
- map
- waypoint list
- position report

7. Send report

8. Voyage archive

9. performance database

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3.5.1: Create voyage plan

When a valid route has been calculated and evaluated as the best
route to sail, then this route may be saved as your initial voyage

The creation of a voyage plan is quite simple: follow the creation

wizard instructions:

Step 1:
Select or type a voyage
description and select the
calculated route to sail.
Also enter draft forward and aft
of vessel on this voyage.

Press NEXT button for step 2

Step 2:
Enter the type of bunkers you
want to log and the initial
quantities. E.g. FO: 1260 mt.
Up to three fuel types may be
logged (leave empty if not

Press NEXT button for step 3

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Step 3:
Check the displayed results
(such as selected route) and go
BACK for corrections if
Press FINISH button to accept
the voyage plan creation.

The initial voyage plan is stored

on disk and displayed on the
map with square symbols as
waypoints (instead of circles). All other calculated routes will be
removed since you selected a single route for your voyage plan. All
other routes have thus become irrelevant.

If the weather for the next days

is expected to be severe, SPOS
will suggest to print a heavy
weather checklist.

When SPOS is closed and

restarted again, the voyage will
be activated automatically and
plotted in the chart.

Voyage plan results such as

waypoint listings are available
via the voyage display section.

The voyage may be updated on a daily basis with new weather

information and updated position information.

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3.5.2: Quick position update (of voyage)

Depending on weather and/or voyage developments, the master

may simply update his current position and recalculate the voyage
plan (=quick update) or make a full route update by calculating a
new route for his remaining voyage. In this chapter, the quick
position update is described; in the next chapter the full route

The quick position update is

done via wizard screens:

Step 1:
Enter your current position and
time and optionally a comment
for the voyage log. Press NEXT
button for step 2 and SPOS will
recalculate the voyage plan.

This recalculation is made with

the original track to keep your waypoints on this voyage and with
the same input settings such as speed. It does not re-optimise your
voyage plan as with the full route option.

Step 2:
Check the calculated results of
the sailed section. If not correct,
the update may be cancelled.
Also the voyage recalculation
may be unsuccesful in which
case you should use the full
route update instead.
Press NEXT button for step 3

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Step 3:
Now enter observed weather on
the sailed section. Initially
SPOS enters the latest forecast
data but you may modify that to
actual observed values.
This information will be stored in
the voyage log.
Press NEXT button for step 4

Step 4:
Here you can enter the RPM
setting on the sailed section and
specify the fuel consumption.
You may choose to enter either
the consumed fuel on the sailed
section or the remaining bunker
amounts at the current position.
Press NEXT button for step 5

Step 5:
A summary of the update is
presented. Press the FINISH
button to complete the update.

In the chart, the sailed section

will be black, the remainder is
displayed in red.
If the weather for the next 36
hours is adverse, SPOS will
automatically suggest to print a
heavy weather checklist.
It is possible to "undo" a voyage update when a mistake was made.

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3.5.3: Full route update (of voyage)

Instead of the quick position update the master can make a full
route update, e.g. when the weather changes significantly.
Via the INPUT screen (set input for voyage update button), actual
position and time information is entered for updating the voyage
plan. New routes may be calculated in the ROUTE screen and the
PERFORMANCE is evaluated. Based on this, the master will
decide to follow the original route plan or select an alternative route
for the remainder of the voyage. The voyage is then updated in the
VOYAGE screen with the full route update button.

Again, wizard screens are used

to make the route update:

Step 1:
Optionally enter (or select) a
comment on the sailed section
and select the route to sail for
the remainder of the voyage.
Press NEXT button for step 2

Step 2:
Check the calculated results of
the sailed section. If not correct,
the update may be cancelled
If the sailed section (in a straight
line) "crosses land", you will be
Press NEXT button for step 3

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Step 3 and Step 4 are identical to the quick position update

procedure for the logging of weather and fuel consumption as
described before. (see page 73)

Step 5:
Here a summary of the update
is presented, press FINISH to
complete the update.

In the maps, the sailed section

will be black, the new selected
route is plotted in red and all
other calculated routes are
If the weather for the next 36
hours is adverse, SPOS will automatically suggest to print a heavy
weather checklist.
It is possible to "undo" a voyage update.

Difference between quick position and full route update:

The quick position update is mainly used when no drastic changes

in the remaining voyage are expected. It is fast and simple. In some
situations however it is possible that the remaining voyage cannot
be calculated, e.g. when weatherlimits are exceeded. In such a
case, the quick position update cannot be completed and one
should use the full route update option.

The full route update is to be used when the voyage is changed

(e.g. new destination or reduced speed in calm seas) or when the
weather forecast gives reason to deviate from the current track. A
completely new plan can be made as if you would create a new
voyage plan, but of course the sailed track will still be saved.

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3.5.4: Complete voyage plan

When the destination has been reached, the master may complete
the voyage and archive it via the complete button

The completion of a voyage plan is also done via wizard screens:

Step 1:
On the first screen, confirm (or
enter) the arrival position and
arrival time.
Optionally enter (or select) a
comment on the last sailed
section of the voyage.

Press NEXT button for step 2

Step 2:
Check the calculated results of
the last sailed section. If not
correct, the completion process
may be cancelled by the user.
If the sailed section (in a straight
line) "crosses land", this is
reported. You may either correct
the given position (go back) or
ignore this warning and

Press NEXT button for step 3

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Step 3 and Step 4 are identical to the voyage update procedure for
the logging of weather and fuel consumption as described there.
(see page 73)

Step 5:
The voyage is actually
completed by pressing the
FINISH button.

The voyage is then archived to

disk. The voyage will remain
visible on the screen until the
SPOS program is terminated.
This enables the user to view or
print the completed voyage
waypoint list (=voyage log).

Completed voyages remain accessible via the SPOS voyage

archive button and you can still print the voyage log via this archive

Only after an active voyage has been completed or deleted, a new

voyage may be created.

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3.5.5: Undo/Redo & Delete

When a voyage has been updated but the update was not correct
for any reason, the user can undo the latest update with the UNDO
When an update was undone, it may be redone with the REDO
These buttons are only enabled when there is something to undo or

A voyage that has been created but is not used for actual sailing,
may be removed from the system with the voyage delete button.

The system will ask for a confirmation before deleting the active
Once a voyage has been deleted, it cannot be restored !

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3.5.6: Voyage display

In the voyage screen, there are three presentation output formats,

which may be selected in the voyage display section: a voyage
map, a waypoint list and a position report.

Show voyage map

When the map option is

selected, the voyage is
displayed on the chart.
The sailed section is
displayed in black, the
remaining part of the
voyage in red.

Solid waypoint squares

indicate that forecasted
weather data was used on that section.

Show voyage waypoint list

A complete waypoint list of the

voyage, including history
(printed green) and future plan
(blue) is shown.
The list includes a track table, a
weather table and a log table
with fuel consumptions and
remarks from the operator. Also
the input settings for the voyage
calculation are given.

The waypoint list may be

printed with the print button
(top right of the screen).

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Show position report

The voyage status with actual (noon)position and performance is

analysed by SPOS and displayed in the position report. After each
voyage update, the report is updated. It shows some general
voyage details, an overview of conditions at the last reported
position and the next calculated waypoint. This includes observed
weather and fuel consumption.

The performance section shows an analysis of the last sailed

section, the total sailed section and the remaining voyage, in
relation to the weather. Based on selectable performance settings,
(see page 90) the performance speed of the vessel in good
weather conditions is calculated. This also results in an estimated
weather effect in poor weather conditions and of course the current
effect (both in knots).
This information may assist the staff in estimating over-all voyage
performance, for instance in relation to charter contracts and
possible penalties.

The position report may be used for noon position reporting. It can
be sent to interested parties via the Send report buttons.

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3.5.7: Send report

The voyage waypoints or the position report may sent to your office
or any other parties involved, e.g. for noon position reporting. It
gives the recipients a quick and complete overview of the actual
and expected conditions and the voyage progress.

Select a type of reporting and press the SUMBIT or COPY TO


When you press the Submit button, the selected report is send via
the same communication method as for example a weather
subscription. This method is selectable via menu option FILE -
System settings, tab communication. This has been described in
detail in chapter 4.2: how to set up the communication via e-mail

The methods available are: direct link to your e-mail program (via
mapi) or via a file (e.g. "SPOSNOON.TXT") on disk in the SPOS
communication folder (default: My Documents).

When you press Copy to Clipboard, the selected report is copied to

the Windows clipboard.

Now start for example your e-mail program, create a new message
and paste the report in the mail with the Paste button or by
pressing CTRL-V simultaneously.

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3.5.8: SPOS voyage archive

When a voyage is completed, it is archived and saved on disk. All

archived voyages can be viewed via the SPOS voyage archive

A pop up window will appear with on the left a list of all archived
voyages. Next to the list, a simple chart will show the voyage track
and below the chart, the complete archived voyage log is displayed
as a waypoint listing.
Simply click on a voyage from the list and automatically you will see
the corresponding information in the chart and the voyage log.

With the PRINT LOG button, the voyage log is printed.

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3.6 chart, menu, help & demo

Apart from the 5 main screens, the following items are also

1. chart operations 4. menu file-gps settings

2. menu file-system settings 5. help function
3. menu file-heavy/good weather 6. demo option

3.6.1: Chart operations

The chart is the main presentation tool of SPOS. it may be modified

with a set of buttons at the top of the chart:

In the upper right corner of the bar, the coordinates of the mouse
position are displayed in blue above sea and in green above land.

The following button functions are present:

Enables or disables panning (movement) of chart. When

active, move the chart with arrow keys or click left mouse
button on chart and move chart while keeping button pressed.

Press this button (or Z-key) and the chart will zoom in.

Press this button (or A-key) and the chart will zoom out.

If you have a wheel-mouse, the weel is connected to the zoom

function. Click on the map first to get focus, then scroll the wheel.

Press this button and the chart will zoom to the route based
on the route waypoints from the INPUT screen.

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Click on the dropdown arrow next to the button and select a
standard chart area or a user-defined area. You may define
your own chart areas: click with the right mouse button on the chart.
Select: "save map section as", select a storage option and type a
name. This area will then be present in the menu under this button.

With this button (or P-key), you can toggle the chart projection
from globe to Mercator and back. The globe is convenient
since it shows a great circle (shortest distance) as a straight line,
which is easy for route comparison. Also weather systems
generally follow this track. The Mercator projection is often used for
passage planning.

Add or remove the gridlines on meridians and parallels. The

plot interval is depending on the scale of the chart.

Add or remove grid coordinates, political boundaries, (is)land

and city names. Names appear only when zoomed in on.

Plot or remove the locations from the portlist on the chart

Click this button (or F-key) to change the presentation of the

chart to full screen mode. The same button is than present in
the top-right corner (or again F-key) to return to normal screen.

Toggle to plot bathymetry and orography on the chart.

Note: these options may slow down chart performance

Toggle to show your actual weather subscription forecast

areas on the chart.

The font and fontsize of all text on the

chart may be modified here. You may for
example enlarge the text on the chart.

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The SPOS menu is rarely used, except for some special one-off
items. The menu options are FILE, VIEW, HELP and DEMO.
Under FILE there are 3 options that need further explanation:
system settings, heavy/good weather and GPS settings.

3.6.2: Menu: FILE - system settings

Here you will find a window with three tab fields which are
described here: folders, communication and mapi options.

 tab FOLDERS (from menu file - system settings)

Here you can enter the path to the Update folder and the
Shared folder.
The Update folder is the location where SPOS will look for
new weather forecast files when the Update weather
forecast button is pressed.
The default path of the update folder is "My Documents"
When you receive new forecast files via e-mail then these
files (SPOS_xxx.SPS) should be placed in this update folder,
either manually or automatically via mapi.

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(tab FOLDERS continued..) menu

The Shared folder contains the path to SPOS data files
which may be shared (via a network) with other PC's that
have SPOS installed. For example, the shared path may be
changed to "X:\SPOS" so 2 PC's have identical SPOS data.
When the shared folder field is empty, the default Windows
application data path is used.

Note: The Shared folder can only be changed when you

have sufficient rights, otherwise it is disabled.

WARNING: when the shared path is changed, all settings

and data in the original folder are NOT copied. Therefore
you will lose the current SPOS settings and weather! When
restarting SPOS, the SPOS factory settings will be used

 tab COMMUNICATION (from menu file - system settings)

You may select the best

workable option: MAPI or
FILE, which will be used
for all communication
from SPOS to shore such
as weather subscriptions
and position reports.

If possible, use MAPI, but

make sure that your mail
program supports it (use
the TEST MAPI button to

The communication settings are described in detail in

chapter 4.2: HOW TO set up the communciation via e-mail

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 tab MAPI OPTIONS (from menu file - system settings)

If MAPI is selected (see

tab communication),
there is a direct
connection with your e-
mail program. In that
case you can also collect
weather forecasts
automatically from your
mailbox. SPOS provides
some additional options
here to make this easier.

General: Apply profile

When multiple mail profiles are present, it may be
convenient to enter a default mail profile for SPOS. This
avoids selecting the required profile on each connection.
Simply enter the name of the required profile.

Receive options:
These options apply to updating the weather forecast. You
may check the mail automatically at program startup and
decide how to process the mail.
Note that SPOS will check only the most recent 200 e-mails
from your e-mail inbox.

Send options:
When you have created a voyage, you may send daily
position reports to your office. You may optionally predefine
an e-mail address of the recipient and whether you want the
report to be sent as plain text or as an attachment in the

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3.6.3: Menu: FILE - heavy / good weather

Here you will find a window with two tab fields: Heavy weather
checklist and Good weather definitions.


If during a voyage creation, quick position update or full

route update the weather in the next 36 hours exceeds
predefined criteria, SPOS proposes to print a heavy weather
In this window, these criteria (wind speed and wave height)
are defined. You may also EDIT/PRINT the heavy weather
checklist here. When editting, please make sure that each
item is written on a separate line.

Default criteria are a wind speed of 34 knots (8 Bft) and 6m

waves. If you do not want to use this checklist, you may set
the criteria to extreme values (e.g. wind 100kn, waves 20m)
so SPOS will never propose to print this checklist. A sample
of the heavy weather checklist is given on the next page.

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SPOS will provide a default heavy weather checklist:

Of course you can modify this checklist to

suit you own requirements. Simply click
the EDIT LIST button and write one item
per line in this standard text editor.

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(from menu file - heavy/good weather)

The voyage position report gives performance indicators.

One of the indicators is the performance speed: the
assumed speed in good weather conditions. The definition of
"good weather" may be given in a charter contract.

Here, you can set a wind speed and wave height treshold
value for the performance speed calculation. It is assumed
that when weather conditions do not exceed these tresholds,
there is no negative impact on vessel performance due to

If weather conditions do exceed tresholds, the effect is

calculated by SPOS and given as a speed reduction in

A common performance speed criterium is "wind speed not

exceeding 5 Beaufort" (17 knots). If you do not want to apply
a waveheight treshold, simply increase the value to 20

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3.6.4: Menu: FILE - GPS settings

SPOS can be connected to a GPS in order to show and use actual

position information. This can be done in 2 ways:
 via a serial cable connecting the GPS to a COM port of the PC
 via a TCP/IP signal over a network

When a serial cable is connected, make sure the GPS is sending

NMEA output. Select the serial option in SPOS, select the COM
port where the cable is connected and press TEST NMEA SIGNAL
to see if a valid signal is available.

Possible test results:

- no signal received: check GPS, cable and correct COM port
- rubbish signal is received: baudrate may be wrong (default is
- good (readable) signal is received of lines starting with $GP

If a good signal is received, SPOS will decode the $GPRMC string

for position, speed and heading information, resulting in:
- no $GPRMC string received, check GPS settings
- invalid $GPRMC string: GPS has no valid position or testmode?
- ALL OK, correct position is plotted below the white test window

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(FILE - GPS SETTINGS continued..) menu

If the GPS data are received correctly,

then press OK to exit and save.
The actual GPS position will be plotted
at the bottom of the screen in SPOS and
in the chart, the vessel position is
The GPS data are now also available for
GPS tracking and position updates in SPOS.

On some ships, GPS/NMEA data may be distributed to different

applications via a TCP/network. In that case, SPOS can use these
data by setting the TCP option and defining the host name and port
This option is only to be used when instructed to do so by your own
IT department with details on the host and port settings.
There is no sense in trying this without the correct settings.

If you do not have a GPS connected to the SPOS PC, then select
the OFF option as this will avoid unnecessary processor time of the

If the GPS signal is not available in SPOS even though you think it
should be available, then experienced computer users may try the
standard HyperTerminal application available in Windows to test if
a signal is indeed properly received via the commport or a TCP
HyperTerminal is accessed via START - programs - accessories -
communications - hyperterminal
For further details, read help in HyperTerminal.

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3.6.5: Help function

SPOS comes with an extensive help function. The information is

identical to the user manual. An advantage of the online help utility
is that you can jump directly to related topics via hyperlinks.

There are several ways to access the help information:

 with the F1 key

 via the menu item Help
 with the Help buttons

In Windows, system behaviour is depending on the focus of the

system. E.g. when you click on the chart, the focus will be on the
chart. If you than request help via F1 or the help button, help
information on the chart will appear. If focus is on the weather
control screen; help on this item will appear.

With the context sensitive help , you can select the item for
which you require help.

When help is started, you may select further information via the
blue hyperlinks or via the blue menu bar at the top of the screen:

< Content Intro SPOS overview SPOS in detail How to >

The "<" and ">" buttons link to previous and next help pages.

Under SPOS overview, a quick guide summarizes the main SPOS

functions. SPOS in detail is a reference manual, where all system
items are systematically discussed in detail.

Exit help by closing the help window or with the escape key.

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3.6.6: DEMO function

SPOS comes with an automatic system demonstration which takes

about 5 minutes.
This is especially useful as a first introduction to SPOS, for new
staff members or visitors on board.

Select menu option DEMO and select either the automatic or

manual presentation option. The manual option is operated via the
animation arrows at the bottom of the window.

You can always interrupt the automatic demo by clicking on the

animation arrows and start it again via the red arrow.
You can go directly to a specific topic via the blue menu bar at the
top of the demo screen.

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4. HOW TO ....
In this chapter, some procedures on operating SPOS are
discussed. A selection of topics is given in the following index.
Suggestions from masters on other topics are appreciated.

How to:

1. set up SPOS for your vessel (speedcurve)

2. set up the communication via e-mail

3. set up a GPS link with SPOS

4. create / update a voyage plan

5. pass Suez or Panama canal

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4.1 How to
set up SPOS for your vessel
With SPOS, you can make route calculations for your specific
vessel. In order to do that, it is essential to define how your vessel
will respond to wind and waves.
This can be done by selecting the screen for defining
your speedcurve. Press the DEFINE button and the speedcurve
window will appear.

Create a NEW curve or make a COPY of the default curve and give
it a unique name (e.g. "Pacific Carrier, Laden").

Now define how the vessel responds to wind (speed reduction due
to wind) and separately how the vessel responds to waves (speed
reduction due to waves).
More information on how to operate this window can be found in
chapter 3.2.5: Select & define speedcurves

If you do not know what the speed reduction due to wind and
waves is, then old voyage logs may help to determine this, together
with the test option of the speed curves:
Create a new curve and enter several observed situations in the
test interface and modify the speedcurves for a proper fit. Finally
smooth out the curves to get a consistent picture.
Of course the speedcurves may be updated when it appears that
results are inaccurate.

Note that with the wrong speedcurve percentages, route calculation

results especially items such as speed and ETA may become
inaccurate as well.

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4.2 How to
set up the communication via e-mail
In order to simplify the transmission of e-mail messages from
SPOS, a link between your e-mail program and SPOS may be set

A standard e-mail that makes use of this setting is the transmission

of weather subscription messages to Meteo Consult.

In the File menu, you can select system settings. A window

appears where you should select the communciation tab.

One of two options may be selected:

1. MAPI: direct (automatic) connection to your e-mail program

2. FILE: message saved in a file and manual e-mail transmission

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First select MAPI and press the test button. If a mail message
appears addressed to: subscription@spos.eu with subject "spos
MAPI test Ok" and message "If you can read this, the MAPI link
works fine" then close the mail message and select MAPI. You may
even send the test mapi mail and Meteo Consult will send a
confirmation back.
If the test mapi function does not work, select the FILE option.

MAPI is the most convenient way of communication, but it depends

on the possibilities of your e-mail program.
With MAPI, a mail message created by SPOS is placed directly in
your Outbox for transmission, the next time you make a connection
via satellite to shore.

If the MAPI link works with your mail program, then you can also
collect weather forecast updates automatically from your mailbox.

SPOS provides some extra MAPI option settings for your

convenience. These options are only useful when MAPI is selected.


If the MAPI link does not work, then a direct link with your e-mail
program is not possible. The alternative is to export the information
to a file and send this file manually.
The default path for storing this file is "My Documents", but you
may decide to use another folder.

When FILE is selected and a file is created (e.g. a new weather

subscription message), then you need to include or attach this file
in a new mail message created with your regular e-mail program.
Then send the mail with the attached file to the recipient.

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4.3 How to
set up a GPS link with SPOS
SPOS can process a GPS signal when available on the PC, but it is
your own responsibility to make this connection. Meteo Consult
cannot support this link as it may be different per ship and per

In most cases, the link is made

by using a RS232 serial cable to
plug the GPS into one of the
PC's COM ports. The picture
shows two types of serial
connectors, on most PC's
nowadays the smaller 9-pin
connector (on the right) is used
to connect to the COM port of
your PC.

Unfortunately, the plugs on GPS units may be different for some

models and if it is not a standards RS232 connector as depicted,
you must purchase a PC cable from your GPS supplier.
In most cases these cables will be complete with plugs at both ends

When the connection is made, you should check your GPS manual
if it is indeed sending NMEA signals. You may need to configure it
and that can be different per model. Also check that is is sending
the $GPRMC string (=recommended minimum specific GPS data)
which is used by SPOS; this is normally the case.

When that is done, you can start SPOS and configure the GPS
settings as described in chapter 3.6.4 of this manual.

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4.4 How to
create / update a voyage plan
SPOS is designed to make it easy to create and update your
voyage plan. In the following diagram, the main actions are given in
six easy steps. Some items are equal for create and update.

Step Create Full voyage Quick voyage

(in screen) voyage update update

Update the weather forecast

Analyse the weather forecast

Select "Set
Enter all input: input for
3. time, positions, voyage upd."
speed, button: enter
etcetera. current
calculate one or more routes x

5. Check the performance

via comparison, graphs, tables x
select best route for voyage
click Create click Full route click Quick
6. new voyage update pos. update
button and button and button and
follow wizard follow wizard follow wizard
instructions instructions instructions

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4.5 How to
pass Suez or Panama canal
When passing Suez or Panama, there is a delay due to waiting
times at locks. In SPOS, it is not possible to calculate routes that
cross land and therefore it seems impossible to sail a voyage that
passes a canal. However, there is a way to do this in SPOS:

 first create a voyage to the canal entrance and update the

voyage until the last waypoint (you may even enter the destination
as current position and update with a zero length route)
 do not complete the voyage
 when you passed the canal, set the current position/time as new
departure and set the final destination
 now calculate the remainder of the route and make a full route
update. When updating, SPOS will inform you that the last sailed
section crosses land, but you can ignore this message.

The first part of the voyage is now automatically connected to the

new route and the voyage plan includes the whole set of waypoints
on both sides of the canal.

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5. Index
page page
Area of forecast 13 Installation 6
Chart 83 Isochrones 57
Checklist heavy weather 88 Laden / Ballast 49
Climatology 13 Menu 85
Communication 12 Meteo Consult 2

Comparison 63 Numerical 68
Composite route 59 Optimum route 57
Create voyage plan 70 Original route 60
Demo (automatic) 94 Port weather 36
Departure position 41 Print weather maps 37

Departure time 41 Resolution 30

ECDIS 43 Restrictions 53
E-mail 97 Rhumb line 56
Errors 8 Send report 81
Extended weather 27 Speedcurve 49

Folders 85 Spot weather conditions 35

Forecast 13 Subscription 23
Fronts 28 Update voyage plan 72
Fuel 48 Update weather forecast 25
GPS 91 Voyages 17

Graphs 65 Waypoints 44
Great circle 55 Weather display 27
Help 93 Weather impact 66
Hurricane 34 Weather limits 52
Ice 27 Zoom In / Out 83

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