Haematology and Serum Biochemistryof Growing West African Dwarf (Wad) Goat Fed Graded Levels of Cassava Peels-Cassava Foliage Concentrate Supplements
Haematology and Serum Biochemistryof Growing West African Dwarf (Wad) Goat Fed Graded Levels of Cassava Peels-Cassava Foliage Concentrate Supplements
Haematology and Serum Biochemistryof Growing West African Dwarf (Wad) Goat Fed Graded Levels of Cassava Peels-Cassava Foliage Concentrate Supplements
ABSTRACT:- Twenty West African Dwarf bucks about4-6 months with an average body weight of
5.02±0.20kg were used for a Completely Randomized Design experiment to investigate their haematology and
serum biochemistry. They were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments: 100% cassava peel (Diet 1), 50:50
cassava peel - cassava foliage (Diet 2), 60:40 cassava peel- cassava foliage (Diet 3), 70:30 cassava peels-
cassava foliage (Diet 4) and 80:20 cassava peels- cassava foliage (Diet 5). At the start of the experiment, all
haematological parameters examined were not significantly (P<0.05) influenced but all parameters except mean
corpuscular haemoglobin were significantly (P<0.05) affected at the end of the experiment. Significant (P<0.05)
value increase was observed for lymphocyte in diets 2, 3, 4 and diet 5. Neutrophil showed significant (P<0.05)
value increase only for diet1 and 5. Serum biochemical indices at the start of the experiment showed significant
(P<0.05) difference for ALT and AST. Total protein, globulin, creatinine, ALT and AST showed significant
(P<0.05) variation across the treatments at the end of the trial. The study revealed that cassava peels- cassava
foliage supplementation to growing WAD goats has potentials to improve blood components without deleterious
effects on the physiology and health status of the goats.
Livestock production remains one of the veritable ways of achieving sustainable and rapid production
of high quality protein to meet the increasing demand of the Nigerian teeming populace [1]. In Nigeria, there is
inadequate supply of livestock feeds both in quantity and quality. This thereby leads to slow growth of animals
culminating into reduced meat and milk yield especially in ruminants. The growth and development of animal
industry is confronted by high cost of feed and drugs and their occasional shortages [2]. Obviously, the high
price of conventional feed ingredients in Nigeria has triggered feed production cost to about 80% of the total
cost of livestock production[3].This calls for the need to incorporate cheap source of concentrate
supplementation in small ruminant production enterprise. Goats are multipurpose animals producing meat, milk,
skin and hairs. However, out of these products, meat is the major form in which goats are consumed in Nigeria
[4]. Goat meat is widely accepted and consumed in Nigeria because there is no taboo against consumption of
chevon across cultural and intercultural boundaries.
Cassava peel forms the bulk of residues from cassava root after post-harvest and processing. It is a
good source of energy in ruminant feeding systems, serving either as the main basal diet or as a supplement.
Poultry manure, cassava foliage and cassava peels are materials whose utilization have not attracted competition
by man, livestock and feed processing industry in Nigeria [5]. Presently, these wastes constitute environmental
nuisance in that their disposal becomes a menace. These materials could be harvested and harnessed into a dry
season feed for ruminant by this approach feed problem would be alleviated [6]
Hematological studies are of ecological and physiological interest in helping to understand the
relationship of blood characteristics to the environment [7] and so could be useful in the selection of animals
that are genetically resistance to certain diseases and environmental conditions [8]. Blood act as a pathological
reflector of the status of exposed animals toxicant and other conditions [9]. [8] stated that animals with good
blood composition are likely to show good performance. Blood constituents change in relation to the
physiological condition of health [10]. This study was conducted to investigate haematology and serum
biochemistry of growing West African Dwarf goats fed cassava peel meal- cassava foliage supplements.
Table 1 showed nutrient composition of supplementary diets, Dry matter ranged from 89.16% to
90.95% with diet 5 having the highest value. Crude protein was higher (15.35%) in diet 2 than other treatments.
Crude fibre ranged from 4.45% to 8.09% while ether extract was higher in diet 2 (2.69%) and lower in the
control diet (0.82%). Values of ash content ranged between 2.50% and 2.88% while nitrogen free extract was
higher in control diet (86.53%) and lower in diet 2 (70.97%).
Table 2: Proximate Composition of graded levels of cassava peels- cassava foliage concentrate (%)
Nutrients Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5
Dry Matter 89.16 90.05 89.88 89.69 90.95
Organic Matter 86.66 87.17 87.08 86.96 88.30
Crude Protein 5.27 15.35 13.33 11.32 9.30
Crude Fibre 4.45 8.09 7.37 6.64 5.90
Ether Extract 0.82 2.69 2.31 1.94 1.57
Ash 2.50 2.88 70.99 2.80 2.73 2.65
Nitrogen Free Extract 86.12 74.19 77.37 80.58
4.1 Haematological Profile of WAD goats fed cassava peel meals – cassava foliage concentrate
The result of haematological parameters of WAD goats fed cassava peel – cassava foliage concentrate
is presented in Table 3.
At the start of the experiment, all parameters were not significantly (P>0.05) influenced by dietary
treatments. PCV values ranged from 29.00% in diet 5 to 32.00% in diet 1. Haemoglobin value was highest
(10.70g/dl) in 70%: 30% of cassava peel – cassava foliage inclusion level. Red blood cell values ranged from
2.06 x 1012/l to 2.81 x 1012/l with diet 3 having the highest value. White blood cell value was higher in diet 4
(23.35 x 109/l). Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) fell between 32.95pg and 43.00pg while mean
corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) ranged between 32.00g/d to 40.00g/d. Higher value of mean
corpuscular volume (fl) was observed in diet 4 (117.45fl). Lymphocyte was higher (79.00%) in diet 5 while
neutrophil ranged between 20.50% and 43.00%.
At the end of the experiment, all parameters examined were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by
dietary treatment except MCHC. There was a slight decline in the values of PCV in diet 1, 2, 3 and 4 while diet
5 slightly increased. Haemoglobin values observed followed the decline trend for diet 1, 2 and 4 while diet 3 and
5 significantly (P<0.05) increased with diet 3 having the highest value. Values of red blood cell were
significantly higher in diet 1, 2, 4 and 5 than the observed values at the start of the experiment. Diet 5 was
significantly (P<0.05) higher among the treatment while white blood cell values increased significantly in diet
1, 2, 4 and 5. The observed values of MCH increased in diet 1, 3 and 5 and ranged from 36.50pg to 52.00pg
with diet 5 having the highest value. MCV values were significantly influenced by dietary treatment having
value range of 109fl and 142.90fl with diet 3 having the highest value. Values of lymphocyte were significantly
affected (P<0.05) by the dietary treatment with higher values for diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 above the observed values at
the start of the experiment with diet 4 having the highest value (81.00%). Neutrophil followed a different trend
whereby values obtained in diet 2, 3 and 4 decreased while diet 1 and 5 had higher values compared to values
obtained at the beginning of the experiment.
Table 3: Hematological parameters of WAD goats fed on diets containing cassava peels and cassava
Parameters Diets
At the start of the experiment 1 2 3 4 5 SEM LOS
Packed Cell Volume (%) 32.00 30.50 29.50 31.00 29.00 0.54 NS
Haemoglobin(g/dl) 10.50 10.60 9.35 10.70 9.90 0.28 NS
Red blood cell(x1012/l) 2.27 2.06 2.81 2.24 2.09 0.12 NS
White blood cell (x109/l) 20.25 16.40 20.35 23.35 18.70 1.46 NS
MCH(pg 32.95 40.00 43.00 42.35 36.35 1.83 NS
MCHC(g/l) 32.00 40.00 33.40 35.35 32.70 1.41 NS
MCV(fl) 115.35 101.35 116.05 117.45 107.20 2.64 NS
Lymphocyte (%) 75.50 56.00 75.50 76.00 79.00 3.50 NS
Neutrophil (%) 24.00 43.00 23.00 23.00 20.50 3.55 NS
After the experiment
Packed Cell Volume (%) 29.00c 30.00b 31.50a 28.00d 30.00b 0.39 *
c b a d
Haemoglobin(g/dl) 9.70 10.00 10.30 9.30 10.15ab 0.12 *
Red blood cell(x1012/l) 2.66bc 2.68b 2.61c 2.28d 2.84a 0.06 *
9 a ab b ab b
White blood cell (x10 /l) 31.10 24.00 19.50 23.80 20.40 1.55 *
MCH(pg 36.50c 37.30c 52.00a 40.70b 37.00c 1.94 *
MCHC(g/l) 33.40 33.30 33.20 33.20 33.80 0.10 NS
MCV(fl) 109.00c 111.90c 142.90a 122.80b 109.35c 5.62 *
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Haematology And Serum Biochemistryof Growing West African Dwarf (Wad) Goat Fed Graded…
4.2 Serum Biochemistry of WAD Goats Fed Cassava Peel–Cassava Foliage Concentrate Supplement
The result of serum biochemistry of WAD goats cassava peel – cassava foliage concentrate supplement
is presented in Table 4. At the start of the experiment serum biochemistry parameters were not significantly
influenced (P>0.05) by dietary treatment for total protein, albumin, globulin, creatinine and urea but significant
values (P<0.05) were obtained for alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase. Total protein ranged from
4.15g/dl to 5.15g/dl with diet 4 having higher value. Globulin followed similar values trend in diet 4 while
albumin had higher value in diet 5. Values of creatinine ranged from 69.50mol/dl to 110.50mol/dl. Urea
followed similar trend as observed for creatinine. Alanine transaminase ranged between 5.50iµ/l and 8.00iµ/l
with higher values in diet 5. Aspartate transaminase had the highest values in diet 3(142iµ/l). At the end of the
feeding trial, significant values (P<0.05) of serum biochemical profile were obtained for total protein, globulin,
creatinine, alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase while albumin and urea were not significantly
influenced (p>0.05) by dietary treatment. Total protein significantly (P<0.05) increased across the treatments
values were higher than those at the beginning of the experiments. Observed values ranged between 5.50g/dl
and 7.40g/dl with diet 4 having higher values. Globulin ranged from 1.45g/dl to 3.50g/dl with diet 4 having
higher value thereby following similar trend of higher value with total protein. Creatinine fell between
57.80mol/dl and 95.30mol/dl. Lower values of creatinine were observed at the end of the experiment than at the
beginning of the experiment. Values of alanine transaminase were significantly higher than those recorded at the
beginning of the experiment. Observed values of ALT fell between 6.00iµ/l and 16.00iµ/l with diet 1 having the
higher value. On the other hand, values obtained for AST at the end of the experiment declined compared to
those at the start of the experiment. AST values ranged between 46.25iµ/l and 82.20iµ/l with higher value in diet
Table 4: Serum Biochemical Indices of WAD goats fed on cassava peels and cassava foliage
Parameters Diets
At the start of the experiment 1 2 3 4 5 SEM LOS
Total Protein (g/dl) 4.85 4.45 4.35 5.15 4.15 0.20 NS
Albumin (g/dl) 2.45 2.05 1.90 2.65 2.35 0.18 NS
Globulin (g/dl) 2.40 2.40 2.45 2.50 1.80 0.18 NS
Creatinine (mol/dl 104.00 110.50 101.00 69.50 98.50 6.04 NS
Urea (mmol/l 6.20 6.90 5.40 3.30 4.35 0.02 NS
ALT (iµ/L) 8.00ab 6.50ab 7.00ab 5.50b 9.00ab 0.48 *
AST (iµ/L 85.50b 122.50ab 142.00a 130.50ab 125.00ab 7.91 *
After the experiment
Total Protein (g/dl) 6.00ab 5.50b 6.55ab 7.40a 5.85ab 0.26 *
Albumin (g/dl) 3.60 3.80 3.75 3.90 4.05 0.66 NS
Globulin (g/dl) 2.40ab 1.70b 2.80ab 3.50a 1.45b 0.28 *
Creatinine (mol/dl 77.60b 95.30a 57.80c 57.80c 77.60b 5.34 *
Urea (mmol/100ml) 2.59 2.20 2.10 2.50 2.20 0.05 NS
ALT (iµ/L) 16.00a 9.00c 6.50d 6.00d 12.95b 1.30 *
AST (iµ/L 82.20b 66.60c 46.25d 88.20a 58.70d 5.12 *
a,b,c,d with different superscripts are significant different.
Dry matter content of the supplementary diet was higher ranged between 89.16% and 90.95%. These
values were higher than 67.22% to 78.29% reported by [15]. Dry matter values were contrastingly lower than
92.7% to 93.88% reported by [16] for cassava whole plant diets supplemented with poultry manure. Crude
protein and the crude fibre were lower than 24.94% to 28.10% and 11.50% to 13.62% reported by [15] for
leucaenia, Gricidia and cassava leaf meal- cassava peel meal based diets. Crude protein values were comparable
with 12.55% to 14.56% reported by [17] while ether extract values were lower than 3.50% to 5.15% reported by
the same author for WAD for grade levels of Gmelina arboreal and cassava peel concentrate fed to WAD sheep.
Values of ash obtained in this study were lower than 6.36% to 7.45% reported by [18] for cassava leaf meal
concentrate fed to WAD lambs. Observed values for nitrogen free extract ranged from 86.53% and 70.99%.
These values are higher than 50.93% to 63.60% reported by [19] for cassava peels and urea multinutrient block
fed to WAD goats. The nitrogen free extract showed the potentials of the diets as an excellent source of
fermentable carbohydrates for the animal optimum ruminal activity and ecology. [20] identified cassava based
diets (cassava tubers and cassava leaf meals) as potent sources of fermentable carbohydrates and fermentable
protein that could promote the activities of the rumen microbes.
PCV values were reduced at the end of the experiment in diet 1, 2 and 4. This might be attributed to
concentration of hydrocyaninde present in the dietary component of the experimental diet. The values obtained
were nevertheless within the normal range of 22% to 38% reported by [21] for WAD goats and 22% to 27%
reported by [22] for Red Sokoto goats. [23] also reported 22% to 38% as normal ranged for healthy goats while
[24] noted 22% to 31% as normal PCV ranged for WAD goats. The values of PCV obtained in this study were
comparably lower than values reported by [25] but higher than 28.30 to 28.80% reported by [15] also values are
higher than 16% to 23% reported by [19] the values of haemoglobin fell between 9.35g/dl and 10.70g/dl these
values were within the normal values of 7.15g/dl indicated by [22]; [26] for normally healthy goats. These
values suggested absence of anaemic condition occasioned by deficiency of iron and inadequate utilization. [17]
reported 6g/dl to 8g/dl for haemoglobin in WAD sheep fed graded levels of Gmelina arboreal leaves and
cassava peels concentrate under different management system. [15] reported 10% to 11%g/dl for WAD goats
fed leukania, Gliricidia and cassava leaf meal– cassava peel based diets. Red Blood Cell obtained at the end of
the experiment were higher in values than at the beginning of the experiment especially for diet 1, 2 ,4 and 5.
This suggests nutritional potential of cassava peels and cassava foliage for haematopoesis. Values of RBC
obtained from the study fell below 7 – 10.00 x 1012/l reported by [24] for WAD goats. Also [27] reported 10.4 x
1012/l - 13.2 x 1012/l for WAD goats. [28] indicated that supplementing cassava foliage and cassava peel did not
have adverse effects on ruminants that are apparently healthy. This gives credence to higher values of RBC
obtained at the end of the experiment. Significant higher values of white blood cell were obtained at the end of
the experiment in diet 1, 2, 4 and 5. These values obtained from this study were higher than 7.83 x 10 3µl/l –
10.85 x 103 µl reported by [29] for WAD sheep fed cassava peel supplemented with varying proportion of
rumen epithelia waste (REW). Values of WBC in this study disagree with declined values at the end of the
experiment reported by [29]. Higher values of WBC at the end of this experiment might be attributed to
nutritional potential of concentrate supplement fed with the animals as well as efficient utilization of dietary
treatment which boosted the immune system of the animals. Significant higher values of MCH for diet 1, 3, and
5 were observed at the end of the experiment. Values obtained from this study were higher than 10.04pg –
11.20pg reported by [17] for WAD sheep fed graded levels of Gmelina arboreal leafs and cassava peel
concentrate under different management system. These values are higher than 1.90pg – 3.22pg reported by [30]
for WAD sheep fed cajanus–cajan feed blocks as supplements. However, obtained values of this study are
within the normal range reported in the literature. Hence, indicating sufficiency of the concentrate supplement
for better physiological status of the animals. Observed values of lymphocyte increased across the treatment
over the values observed at the start of the experiment. These values ranged between 47 – 82% reported by [26].
Neutrophil declined across the treatment with diet 1 having higher value above 24% at the start of the
experiment. The values were lower than 29.65% and 60.50% reported by [30] but comparable to 22.35% and
28.80% reported by [17]. The values are within the normal range of 30 – 38% reported by Oni et al (2017) for
WAD goats and 34.0% - 39.1% stated by [31] for Red Sokoto goats.
Serum protein obtained in this study compared favourably with the values stated by [32] for healthy
goats. Serum protein values were higher at the end of the experiment were higher than at the start of the
experiment this suggest nutritional potential of the experimental diet to boost serum biochemical indices of the
animals for better physiological performance. It also gives an indication that animals utilize the diets efficiently
without adverse effect on the health status of the animals. Creatinine and urea values declined at the end of the
experiment, the values fell comparably within 59.7mmol/l – 134.8mmol/l reported by [33]. This implies that the
kidney of the animals function well without during the course of the experiment.
Furthermore, the relatively low values of creatinine and urea at the end of the experiment indicated that
the rumen ecology of the animals GIT efficiently utilized the diet leading to urea recycling and nitrogen
conservation [34]. Higher values of serum protein at the end of the experiment imply that cassava peel – cassava
foliage supplementation can improve immunity in the experimental goats. This indicates animals’ defense
against infection can be boosted through cassava peel – cassava foliage supplementation as evidence by serum
globulin immunological function. ALT and AST were significantly different at the end of the experiment and
fell within the normal range for goats (5.38iµ/l– 35.5iµ/l) for ALT and (83.00iµ/L – 135.95iµ/l) for AST
according to[32]. This suggests that enzyme concentration is believed to increase the local concentration of
inorganic phosphate or to activate the collagen fibre in such a way that they cause deposition of calcium
salts[35]. Values of ALT and AST which fell within the range in the literature indicate the potential of dietary
supplement to improve bone formation in growing goats. [36] indicated that higher values of AST above the
normal range may signal necrosis and myocardial infarction indicating poor quality protein of the diets fed.
These imply that values obtained in this study suggest that dietary supplement supply good quality protein to the
animals. [37] opined that ALT and AST test are primarily carried out for the assessment of hepatocellular
injuries in animals especially in non – clinical studies. They help to detect hepatocellular necrosis. However, our
result from this study for ALT and AST indicated no hepatocellular necrosis in the animals. [38] noted that
hepatotoxicity may lead to elevation of the normal values due to inability of the body to excrete it through the
bile as a result of the congestion or obstruction of the biliary tract.
In conclusion, results obtained from this study showed that feeding cassava peel - cassava foliage
concentrate supplements to goats does not seem to pose any deleterious effect on haematology, serum
biochemical indices of the animals, rather, it showed its nutritional potentials to improving animals blood
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