3.0 Macro Economics 1
3.0 Macro Economics 1
3.0 Macro Economics 1
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Business Cycle
To describes the rise and fall in production output of goods and services in an economy and generally measured using the rise and
fall in the real gross domestic product or GDP adjusted for inflation is called business cycle.
Indicators of Boom
A fast growth of income consumption helps to rises real income and strong confidence and rush in houses ans
price and share prize
Many jobs create unemployment and it fails .due to unemployment it creates higher wages.
Higher demand for import causes the economy. It runs a larger trade deficit because it cannot supply all the goods
and services which consumer are buying.
As the economy begins to contract, business begins to slow down for Normal Maintenance. They find that they are
caught up on work and they aren’t getting so many phone calls. The owner is able to reduce his labor costs by
cutting back on overtime and eliminate working on the weekends. When the phone does ring, homeowners are
asking for bids on work not just placing work orders. Normal Maintenance loses out on several jobs because their
bids are too high.
Indicators of recession
1. Unemployment
The unemployment rises because of recession and mostly job vacancies are available and people looking
for work. In unemployment economy slows, businesses get worried about further.
2. Low profit
A rise in the number of business failure and business announcing lower profit and investment. DURING an
economic expansion, profit go up but during a recession the companies of some profit go slow down.
3. Export
A drop in the value of export and import of goods and services , The supply demand on demand on
demand unaffected by recession in county . Most firm produce expot for domestic product . The fall in
domestic product fall in prices
4. Government tax revenue
Government tax revenue are falling are welfare benefit spending is rising.people are unveiling to invest.
The government needs to make sure that is stable political environment and it is very important that
government provides legal farm work.
5. Real GDP
When the real GDP growth rate turned negative it could be a signal of recession. But somtime it will be
turn positive in the next time. The economy is in recession due to some reasons
During the trough phase, the economic activities of a country decline below the normal level. In this phase, the
growth rate of an economy becomes negative. In addition, in trough phase, there is a rapid decline in national
income and expenditure. In this phase, it becomes difficult for debtors to pay off their debts.
Indicators Depression
1. Gold standard
Economics studies have indicated that just as the downturn was spread worldwide by the rigidities of the gold
standard. Every major currency left the gold standard during depression Britain was first to do so,
3. Monetary policy
A depression on the scale of that 1929 could not happen exactly the way it did before.Cental bank reground the
world , including the U.S Federal reserve are more aware of the importance of monetary policy
4. Economies contraction
A depression is an extended recession that has years, not quarters of economic contraction. Its more severe than a
recession of a depression is so great that the effect of the great depression lasted for decades after it ended.
Indicators of recovery
1. Employment
2. Higher production
3. GDP
4. Demand
5. Inflation
o Sunset Theory
o Hawtrey’s Monetary Theory
o Under consumption Theory
o Ove investment Theory
Sunset Theory
This is perhaps the oldest theory of business cycles. Sun-spot theory was developed in 1875 by Stanley Jevons. Sun-
spots are storms on the surface of the sun caused by violent nuclear explosions there. Jevons argued that sun-spots
affected weather on the earth.
Since economies in the olden world were heavily dependent on agriculture, changes in climatic conditions due to
sun-spots produced fluctuations in agricultural output. Changes in agricultural output through its demand and input-
output relations affect industry. Thus, swings in agricultural output spread throughout the economy.
Other earlier economists also focused on changes in climatic or weather conditions in addition to those caused by
sun-spots. According to them, weather cycles cause fluctuations in agricultural output which in turn cause instability
in the whole economy. Even today weather is considered important in a country like India where agriculture is still
In the years when due to lack of monsoon there are drought in the Indian agriculture, it affects the income of farmers
and therefore reduces demand for the products of industries. This causes industrial recession. Even in USA in the
year 1988 a severe drought in the farm belt drove up the food prices around the world. It may be further noted that
higher food prices reduce income available to be spent on industrial goods.
According to Hawtrey, increases in the quantity of money raises the availability of bank credit for investment. Thus,
increasing the supply of credit expansion in money supply causes rate of interest to fall. The lower rate of interest
induces businessmen to borrow more for investment in capital goods and also for investment in keeping more
inventories of goods.
Thus, Hawtrey argues that lower rate of interest will lead to the expansion of goods and services as a result of more
investment in capital goods and inventories. Higher output, income and employment caused by more investment
induces more spending on consumer goods. Thus, as a result of more investment made possible by increased supply
of bank credit economy moves into the expansion phase. Secondly, the rising prices reduce the real value of idle
money balances with the people which induces them to spend more on goods and services. In this way rising prices
sustain expansion for some time.
However, according to Hawtrey, the expansion process must end. He argued that rise in incomes during the
expansion phase induces more expenditure on domestically produced goods as well as on imports of foreign goods.
He further assumes that domestic output and income expand faster than foreign output.As a result, imports of a
country increase more than its exports causing trade deficit with other countries. If exchange rate remains fixed,
trade deficit means there will be outflow of gold to settle its balance of payments deficit.
The inflow of gold would lead to the expansion of money supply and consequently availability of bank credit for
investment will increase. With this, the economy will recover from depression and move into the expansion phase.
Thus, the cycle is complete. The process, according to Hawtrey, will go on being repeated regularly.
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