Share A Fair: Taxation in The EU For The 21st Century
Share A Fair: Taxation in The EU For The 21st Century
Share A Fair: Taxation in The EU For The 21st Century
Fair and effective taxation is a top political As a result, major strides have been made
priority for the European Commission. It towards creating a fairer, more effective
is linked to the EU‘s highest objectives, in- and more growth-friendly tax environment
cluding a just society, a strong Single in the EU.
Market, and a stable economy built on
growth, jobs and investment.
EFFECTIVE TAXATION: “People have to trust that the tax rules apply equally
to all. Companies must pay their fair share of taxes, where their real eco-
nomic activity is taking place.” Vice - President Valdis Dombrovskis
June 2013: March 2015:
Information Exchange Transparency Requirements
on Financial Accounts for Tax Rulings
The Commission launched its fair taxation campaign with a Tax Transparency Package
in 2015. Since then, major progress has been made in increasing openness and
cooperation between Member States on tax issues. Member States have agreed to auto-
matically exchange information on tax rulings and on multinationals‘ country-by-
country reports. New EU rules will also ensure that tax authorities have access to anti-
money laundering information. EU countries have started to share information
on citizens‘ financial accounts abroad too, putting an end to bank secrecy in the EU.
The Commission has also proposed public country-by-country reporting for multi-
nationals and transparency requirements for intermediaries, to provide greater over-
sight of companies‘ and advisors‘ activities.
April 2016:
Public Country - by -Country
Reporting on Multinationals
A goal in EU tax policy is to ensure that A review of preferential regimes (patent
all companies pay tax where they make boxes) and transfer pricing rules was
their profits. also launched, to prevent tax avoidance
through these channels.
To help achieve this, the Commission
proposed the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive In addition, a number of state aid cases
(ATAD 1&2), which sets legally-binding have challenged unfair tax benefits
anti-abuse measures for the entire EU. that some EU countries gave to multi-
These new measures will enter into force national companies.
from 2019, shutting down the main
channels for tax avoidance that exist today.
The economic crisis highlighted how in- In the European Semester, the Commission
tertwined the economies of all EU coun- identifies economic and social priorities
tries are. It showed that they need to work for the EU and each Member State for
together if they want sustainable and the year ahead. Taxation and lately also
inclusive growth in Europe. Therefore, EU aggressive tax planning feature highly
countries agreed to coordinate their eco- in those publications, including recommen-
nomic policies closely, through a process dations on how tax systems can be made
known as the ‘European Semester’. fairer, where needed.
Tax evasion and avoidance are global to monitor the situation and update the
problems, which need to be tackled blacklist on a regular basis.
globally. The EU has taken concrete action
to implement international tax good
governance standards. It expects its global
partners to do the same, for a fair and
level playing field worldwide.
+3.4 %
Today‘s corporate tax rules are outdated, level. And the CCCTB offers tax incentives
cumbersome and vulnerable to abuse. The to companies investing in growth-friendly
EU needs a tax system that can stand-up activities, such as R&D.
to the challenges of the modern economy
and support the Union‘s wider policy goals. At the same time, the CCCTB will help cut
Europe needs a new, modern, dynamic and out tax avoidance. The largest multina-
fundamentally fair corporate tax system, tionals would all be covered by the CCCTB
which will help the Single Market to thrive system, and the major channels of tax
in the future. avoidance would be removed. The CCCTB‘s
robust anti-abuse measures would also
The Common Consolidated Corporate Tax help to stop companies from shifting profits
Base (CCCTB) is the answer. The CCCTB out of the Single Market.
was first proposed in 2011 and relaunched
in an improved format in 2016. It is the The CCCTB is the fair, effective and com-
model of a fair and growth-friendly corpo- petitive tax system that the EU needs
rate tax system. for the future. It is now being negotiated
by Member States, who must agree on
On one hand, the CCCTB will make it much it unanimously.
easier to do business in the EU. There
would be just one rulebook for companies
to calculate their taxable profits through-
out the EU, and a one-stop-shop system to
file tax returns. Companies could offset
losses in one part of Europe against profits
in another – just as they do at national
Number of
The CCCTB could corporate tax
lift growth by up to rules in
+1.2 %
the EU today:
Number of
EU businesses could cut
corporate tax
their compliance costs by
rules with
-2.5 % CCCTB:
* = still to be adopted by Member States