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SPE 77730 Experimental Study of Two-Phase Pumping in A Progressive Cavity Pump Metal To Metal

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The paper experimentally studied the performance of a progressive cavity pump for single-phase and two-phase flows.

A progressive cavity pump is a positive displacement rotary pump made of two helical gears that form cavities to pump fluid from suction to discharge ports.

The results showed that internal slip with two-phase flow depends on gas void fraction, differential pressure and speed. Under some conditions, efficiency increased with gas void fraction. Pressure profiles helped explain changes in sealing lines with gas content.

SPE 77730

Experimental Study of Two-Phase Pumping in a Progressive Cavity Pump

Metal to Metal
Aurelio OLIVET, PDVSA EPM, José GAMBOA, PDVSA-Intevep, Frank KENYERY, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

performance in two-phase pumping applications and also can
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and be used in the future for theorical modeling of the pump.
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September–2 October 2002.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Progressive cavity pump (PCP) is a positive displacement
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at rotary pump, also known as eccentric screw pump, constituted
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
by two elements with the appearance of helical gears. The
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is stator is the external and fixed element and the rotor is the
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous internal and rotary element (see figure 1). The special
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
geometry of the pump allows the formation of cavities
between the two elements, which are filled with a fluid in the
suction port and are moved to the discharge port, as a
Abstract consequence of the rotary and eccentric movement of the rotor
Progressive cavity pump metal to metal has its two elements, inside the stator [1, 2].
rotor and stator, made from a metallic material. It has been
demonstrated that this pump can reach an acceptable
volumetric efficiency with high viscosity fluids. However, the
performance of the pump with two-phase flow has never been
investigated. There are not field or experimental tests which
provide tools to predict the behavior of the pump in such Rotor
applications. If progressive cavity pump metal to metal were
able to handle high viscosity fluids with gas void fractions, as
well as conventional progressive cavity pumps, it could be
found a range of application for using this pump in heavy oil Stator
production. Its advantages would be valious, since it doesn’t
have the problems due to the use of elastomer stators.
Figure 1 BCP.
In this research the progressive cavity pump metal to metal
performance has been studied. Characteristic curves and The clearance or overlapping between the elements of a PCP
instantaneous pressure profiles along the pump with single- is defined as the difference between the rotor diameter and the
phase and two-phase flow have been obtained experimentally. stator diameter, as follows [3]:
The results show that the internal slip with two-phase flow is a dr − de
w= eq. (1)
function of gas void fraction, differential pressure and 2
rotational speed. Under some conditions an increase in
volumetric efficiency occurs when the gas void fraction is It has been demonstrated that a PCP with internal clearance
increased. Instantaneous pressure profiles explain the changes (w<0) has an important internal slip and a negligible internal
of internal sealing lines when gas void fraction changes, also friction, what produces a moderate volumetric efficiency and a
show that longitudinal pressure distribution along the pump good mechanical efficiency [3]. The operation of a PCP metal
have a linear behavior for single-phase and two- to metal, without wearing down or overheating, is possible
phase pumping. thanks to the clearance between its elements, place where a
lubricant film of the pumped fluid is formed. This film also
The knowledges acquired with this research are useful for serves as a dynamic seal between the cavities to reduce
understanding the progressive cavity pump metal to metal internal slip. Single-phase pumping in a PCP metal to metal

has been studied, concluding that the volumetric efficiency of Figure 3 shows a representation of the PCP with the location
the pump increases with high viscosity fluids [4]. of the pressure sensors. Cross sections along a stage are also
showed in this figure, what allows observing the disposition of
If a PCP metal to metal were able to operate with the same the cavities for different rotor positions. The pressure sensors
efficiency that an elastomer stator PCP, pumping high used were able to register changes of pressure with a
viscosity fluids with the presence of gas fractions, this pump frequency of 1 KHz. The rotor position was registered with a
could become an important technological alternative for heavy position system, which consisted basically of an optical key
oil production. Advantages of a PCP metal to metal would be that detected the passage of a flange fixed to the pump shaft.
appreciable because the operational limitations of the
elastomer stators would be eliminated.
Experimental Tests.
Characteristic curves of capacity (QLIQ) vs. differential
pressure (∆P) with single-phase flow were obtained according
to established in the American National Standard for Rotary
Pump Tests [5]. A standard for multiphase pumping tests in D E
positive displacement pumps does not exist. Previous works
in multiphase pumping have different procedures to obtain a
characteristic curve with two-phase flow, which depend on the Stator Angle
experimental facilities and the pump type. 0º 90º 180º 270º 360º

The procedure to obtain characteristic curves of total capacity
(QT) vs. differential pressure (∆P) with two-phase flow Suction Sensor A Sensor B
consists in obtaining operating points at different rotational
speeds and therefore differential pressures, maintaining fixed 90º
the total capacity and the gas void fraction, as it is appraised in
Rotation Rotor Angle

figure 2 [6]. Suction Sensor A Sensor B

QT GVF=constant
Suction Sensor A Sensor B


n3 Suction Sensor A Sensor B

Suction Sensor A Sensor B
Figure 3 Location of pressure sensors in the PCP.
Figure 2 Scheme of the tests with two-phase flow.
Test Facilities
Total capacity was assumed as the sum of the liquid flow plus In all tests air was used as gaseous phase and oil as liquid
the gas flow measured at suction conditions. Gas void fraction phase. The oil specifications are in the following table:
at suction conditions was calculated as it is indicated in the
following expression: Specific Gravity 0,868
Q GAS °API 31,52
GVF = eq. (2)
Q GAS + Q LIQ Viscosity @ 40 ºC in cSt 20,2
Viscosity @ 100 ºC in cSt 4,15
Instantaneous pressure vs. rotor position and the longitudinal Table 1 Oil specifications.
pressure distribution were obtained for different operating
conditions with single-phase and two-phase flow. For such Figure 4 shows a scheme of the test facilities used in this
aim holes were opened in five sections along the stator. These research. Test facilities allow to control and to register the
sections were separated to each other by an equal distance to main variables of the process: suction pressure, discharge
the rotor pitch, beginning from the suction port.

pressure, differential pressure, liquid flow, gas flow, suction 300

temperature and discharge temperature. 100 [r.p.m.]
250 200 [r.p.m.]
300 [r.p.m.]
200 400 [r.p.m.]




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
∆P [psi]

Figure 5 Characteristic curves with single-phase flow.

Two-Phase Flow Curves

Figure 6 shows curves of QT vs. ∆P at 400 r.p.m. with
different GVF. The first important observation is that QT
decreases with the increase of ∆P, but does not do it with a
linear trend like in the case of single-phase flow. The curves
of two-phase flow and the curve of single-phase flow begin
from the same value of capacity (268 BPD) in ∆P=0 psi. Until
certain values of ∆P the curves of two-phase flow experience
an increase in QT with respect to the values that were obtained
in the curve of pure liquid. This increase was greater in the
GVF=0.5 curve.

Figure 4 Scheme of test facilities. GVF=0
250 GVF=0.2
Liquid was contained in two tanks and was driven to the PCP 200
suction port by an auxiliary pump. A corolis flow meter was

used to measure the liquid flow and a heat exchanger was used 150
to keep its temperature at a constant value (22 ºC). Air was 100
supplied by a compressor and was measured using an orifice
plate. The tested pump was a PCP metal to metal of
three stages. 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
∆P [psi]
Single Phase-Flow Curves Figure 6 Characteristic curves with two-phase flow
For the same pump used in this study, it has been observed an at 400 r.p.m.
appreciable diminution in the volumetric efficiency from 600
r.p.m. using fluid with viscosities of 1, 134 and 481 cP [4]. It For example, when pump capacity with GVF=0 is 170 BPD in
was decided to work between 100 and 400 r.p.m. to avoid that ∆P =100 psi, the capacity with GVF=0.2 is 177 BPD and the
region where the volumetric efficiency is reduced by dynamic capacity with GVF=0.5 is 199 BPD. In the curves with two-
effects and to be located within the range where commonly phase flow a zone arrives where the improvement with respect
PCP production systems are operated. to the single-phase curve begins to decline. If the curve with
single-phase flow is extended (see dashed line in figure 6)
Characteristic curves of QLIQ vs. ∆P are showed in figure 5. until the values of ∆P reached in the tests with two-phase
This curves show that pump capacity increases when flow, the curves with two-phase flow cut the curve with
rotational speed is increased. For the four rotational speeds, single-phase flow. In this zone the total capacity with
capacity decreases linearly and with the same slope when GVF=0.5 falls faster than the total capacity with GVF=0.20.
increases ∆P. In the 100 and 200 r.p.m. curves the linear
reduction is observed until points near to the point of QLIQ=0 The behavior observed at 400 r.p.m. is repeated in curves at
BPD, reason why it is possible to suppose that this behavior 300 r.p.m showed in figure 10. At 300 r.p.m. an increase in
holds for the higher speeds. the total pump capacity when the GVF increases is also

registered. In this case, points where the curves with two-

phase flow cut the curve with single-phase flow are within the 300
range of ∆P obtained in the tests.

220 200

200 GVF=0
180 GVF=0.2 150
160 GVF=0.5
140 100

GVF=0, 300 [r.p.m.]

GVF=0, 400 [r.p.m.]
50 GVF=0.8, 300 [r.p.m.]
60 GVF=0.8, 400 [r.p.m.]
40 0
20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 ∆P [psi]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
∆P [psi] Figure 9 Points of operation with FVG=80%.
Figure 7 Characteristic curves with two-phase flow
at 300 r.p.m. Pressure Profiles.
Figure 10 shows instantaneous pressure vs. rotor position
Figure 8 showed curves at 200 r.p.m.; at this rotational speed operating the pump at 400 r.p.m., GVF= 0 and ∆P=119.82 psi.
the increase in the total pump capacity with two-phase flow Data for three complete turns of the rotor appears. The first
was not observed. In general, the points obtained with important characteristic in these pressure profiles is that they
GVF=0.2 and GVF=0.5 have the same tendency that the curve are repeated in each turn. In this figure is possible to observe
with single-phase flow. that pressure profiles for sensors A and E are similar to each
other and that the same happens between the pressure profiles
for sensors B, C and D.
140 GVF=0
120 160

80 SensorE
Pressure [psig]

40 100
20 SensorC 80
SensorB 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
∆P [psi]
SensorA 40
Figure 8 Characteristic curves with two-phase flow
at 200 r.p.m.
0 180 360 540 720 900 1080
In order to study the behavior of the pump with high gas void RotorPosition .
fractions, it was tried to construct curves with GVF=0.8, Rotation Angle of the Rotor
nevertheless, for this condition was very difficult to reach
Figure 10 Pressure Profiles: 400 r.p.m., GVF=0,
stable operating points. Three points were obtained working
with GVF=0.8, one of them at 300 r.p.m. and the other two at ∆P=119.82 psi.
400 r.p.m., these points are compared with the single-phase
test results in figure 9. With the help of figure 3 is possible to see that sensors B, C
and D are always measuring the pressure in cavities that move
into the pump, being completely closed to suction and
At 300 r.p.m. and ∆P=10 psi the capacity with single-phase
discharge ports. In these cavities the increase of pressure
flow is 192 BPD, while the total capacity with GVF=0.8 is
observed in the pressure profiles is due to internal slip.
162 BPD, this is equivalent to a reduction of 16%. At 400
Sensors A and E register the pressure in cavities that, for
r.p.m. and GVF=0.8 the capacity at ∆P =16 psi is 216 BPD,
certain rotor positions (see figure 3), are opened to suction and
whereas at ∆P =28 psi is 183 BPD. For these same ∆P values discharge ports respectively, therefore pressure profiles of
the capacity with single-phase flow is 254 and 242 BPD, these sensors have a stepped form.
which means that there was a diminution in the capacity of the
pump of 15 and 24% respectively, when increasing the GVF
up to 80%.

In 180º the rotor is right upon the sensors and they measure
the pressure of sealing lines passing over them (see sensors A 160
and B in figure 3). In this point sensors A and B register 140
pressure spikes. Belcher [7] observed pressure spikes for an SensorE
elastomer stator PCP and explained them comparing the fluid

Pressure [psig]
film between the rotor and the stator with a convergent- 100
divergent bearing. SensorC 80

SensorB 60
In the case of the PCP metal to metal the similarity with the
convergent-divergent bearing is greater because both elements SensorA 40
are rigid. The pressure between the rotor and the stator 20
changes according to the distance between them. The fluid
that slips from a cavity to another one must pass through an 0 180 360 540 720 900 1080
interstice, this produce a natural tendency for diminishing his RotorPosition
volume, if the fluid is incomprehensible elevates its pressure Rotation Angle of the Rotor
when passing such interstice [7]. Figure 11 Pressure Profiles: 400 r.p.m., GVF=0.2,
∆P=113.46 psi.
The presence of these pressure spikes also agrees with the
results of simulations made for simplified models of a PCP
metal to metal [5], which explain the increase of pressure in 160
the interstice like a zone of fluid stagnation, that takes place
when the fluid pushed by the rotor concurs with the flow that SensorE
slips through the interstice, product of the differential pressure 120
between contiguous cavities. Pressure [psig] SensorD
SensorC 80
In 180º the rest of the sensors register a maximum value of
pressure without spikes. In this case the absence of pressure SensorB 60
spikes could be explained on the basis of the kinematics of the SensorA 40
rotor. In the PCP metal to metal there is no contact between
20 .
the elements, this generates an additional degree of freedom in
the movement of the rotor that produces a variable thickness 0
0 180 360 540 720 900 1080
of the interstice between the elements along the pump.
Rotation Angle of the Rotor
According to the direction of rotation that was used during the
tests, the shaft drive of the rotor was towards the discharge Figure 12 Pressure Profiles: 400 r.p.m., GVF=0.5,
port, this could have produced that towards this end the rotor ∆P=113.40 psi.
had had greater difficulty in taking advantage of the additional
degree of freedom in movement, about comparison with the The first observation is that an increase in the GVF produces a
free end. According to this, the thickness of the interstice diminution in the size of the pressure spikes that occur in 180º,
towards the discharge could be greater. While greater the 540º and 900º, where sealing lines are passing over the
interstice is, easier the slip flow passes through it and sensors. This diminution can be indicating the presence of gas
decreases the possibility of having a pressure spike. in the slip flow through the interstices of the pump.

For the five sensors a sudden fall in the pressure is observed The second observation is that when GVF increases the
after 180º, because immediately after the rotor passes over the pressure changes into the pump become smoother. A special
sensors, they begin to measure the pressure of the previous case is the pressure profile of sensor A around 360º. With
cavity that comes with a smaller pressure (see figure 3). single-phase flow (see figure 10) pressure increases almost
instantaneously at 360º, because this is the moment when the
Figures 11 and 12 show pressure profiles with GVF=0.2 and cavity measured by sensor A has already closed. In the cases
GVF=0.5 respectively, also at 400 r.p.m. but with a of two-phase flow showed in figures 11 y 12 the increase of
∆P=113.40 psi. Avoiding the small difference in ∆P between pressure does not occur at 360º but later. This is more evident
these pressure profiles and the previous one showed for single- in the pressure profiles showed in figure 13, which was
phase flow in figure 10, two observations can be made to obtained operating the pump at 400 r.p.m. with GVF=0.8 and
establish the difference between the pressure profiles with ∆P=28.00 psi.
single-phase flow and these with two-phase flow.

pressure profiles showed in figures 11 and 12, where the

80 increase of the GVF diminishes the size of the pressure spikes
associated with sealing lines into the pump.
Figure 14 shows curves of liquid flow (QLIQ) and liquid slip
Pressure [psig]

(SLIQ) vs. differential pressure (∆P) at 400 r.p.m. In this figure
SensorC 40 is possible to observe that a ∆P range exists, where the liquid
SensorB flow for two-phase flow curves decreases with a slope smaller
than in the curve of single-phase flow. For the GVF=0.2
SensorA 20 curve this range goes from 0 psi up to 125 psi, whereas for the
GVF=0.5 curve goes from 0 psi up to 100 psi. On the other
hand, the liquid slip within these same ranges increases more
0 180 360 540 720 900 1080 slowly for two-phase flow curves, than for single-phase flow
RotorPosition curve. After these ranges a slope change exists and the liquid
Rotation Angle of the Rotor slip with two-phase flow increases more express than the slip
Figure 13 Pressure Profiles: 400 r.p.m., GVF=0.8, with single-phase flow.
∆P=28.00 psi.
300 300
This second observation could be explained on the basis of the 250
compressible nature of the gas, which would be acting like a SLIQ GVF=0
200 200
shock absorber for the pressure changes into the pump. SLIQ GVF=0.2


150 150
100 100
Two-Phase Pumping Behavior
The increase of volumetric efficiency when the gas content is 50 50
increased at the suction port (see figures 6 and 7), is a
0 0
phenomenon that has also been documented for twin screw
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
pumps [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. A model proposed for twin screw ∆P [psi]
pumps supposes that internal clearances are always full of
liquid, because the phases are separated under the action of Figure 14 Qliq y Sliq vs. ∆P at 400 r.p.m.
centrifugal forces. If the clearances are full of liquid only this
The point where the slope of these curves changes must mark
phase can slip. When the GVF grows above 0.85 the two
the moment where the gas slip become important, that is,
phases don’t separate but mix and then the gaseous phase
where the fluid in the sealing lines would be seen as a mixture
begins to slip [8, 9].
of the two phases. For 200 r.p.m. this point seems not to be
reached, this would explain that the points with two-phase
What seems to be happening in the PCP metal to metal is that
flow on figure 8 follow a tendency where there is no slop
the slip flow compresses the gas into the pump. In that way a
portion of the power lost due to internal slip with single-phase
flow, is being used in gas compression when the pump
Summarizing, within the operating conditions covered in this
operates with two phase flow. This idea explains why the
study, gas void fraction and rotational speed are the operating
pressure changes into the pump become smoother when the
variables that affect the performance of the PCP metal to
GVF is increased (see figures 11, 12 and 13). The gas
metal with two-phase flow. When the gas content at the
compression produces the diminution of the total flow inside
suction is increased, the pump capacity increase and like a
the pump, reason why the amount of fluid that could slip
consequence its volumetric efficiency. This improvement
becomes smaller increasing the volumetric efficiency of the
tends to diminish and even to disappear for high values of
differential pressure. The volumetric efficiency also increases
when the rotational speed is increased and diminishes
According to the results obtained for the PCP metal to metal, a
remarkably with high gas void fractions.
logical assumption could be that for low differential pressure
values, practically gas does not exist in the internal slip flow
and this phase is compressed when passing into the pump as a Power Consumption
In figure 15 the hydraulic power (PH) and the losses due to
result of the liquid phase slip. Nevertheless, when the
internal slip (PS,LIQ) appear, calculated from the following
differential pressure and the internal slip increase, the amount
of gas slipping can also increase and a liquid-gas mixture of
lower apparent viscosity could exist in the interference. This PH = Q LIQ ⋅ ∆P eq. (3)
assumption is fortified with the observations made in the PS, LIQ = S LIQ ⋅ ∆P eq. (4)

250 250 fluids. From figure 18 is possible to conclude that the effect
PH 100 [r.p.m.]
PH 200 [r.p.m.] of increasing the rotational speed is to increase the effective
PH 300 [r.p.m.]
200 PH 400 [r.p.m.]
200 power consumed by the fluid.
PS 100 [r.p.m.]
PS 200 [r.p.m.]
150 PS 400 [r.p.m.] 150
PH [W]

PS [W]
PS 300 [r.p.m.]
100 100 PH
50 50 PE

Power [W]
0 0 150
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
∆P [psi] 100
Figure 15 Hydraulic power and the losses due to 50
internal slip.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
With the increase of the rotational speed the hydraulic power
∆P [psi]
increases. The curves of hydraulic power present a maximum
point. The losses due to the internal slip follow the same Figure 16 Power consumed at 400 r.p.m. and GVF=0.2.
tendency, because in the studied range the slip is independent
of the rotational speed. Losses due to slip cut the curves of 140
hydraulic power in its maximum points in which the 120
volumetric efficiency of the pump is 50%. According to this
observation is possible to conclude that it is not advisable to
operate a PCP metal to metal with a ∆P greater than those of PE [W] 80
the maximum hydraulic power, since from these points the 60
losses due to internal slip begin to be greater than the effective 40 300 [r.p.m.], GVF=0
power consumed by the fluid. 300 [r.p.m.], GVF=0.2
300 [r.p.m.], GVF=0.5
The effective power consumed with two-phase flow is 0
calculated adding the hydraulic power of liquid plus the power 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
∆P [psi]
of isothermal gas compression, as it is expressed in the
equation (5). In order to calculate the power of gas Figure 17 Effective Power consumed at 300 r.p.m. and
compression, an isothermal process was assumed and the variable GVF.
equation (6) was used. This assumption was taken because the
differential temperature obtained during the tests with two- 250
phase flow never surpassed 2 ºC.

PE = Q LIQ ⋅ ∆P + (∫ Q GAS ⋅ dP ) eq. (5) 150

PE [W]

P  100
PC, ISOT = Q GAS ⋅ PSUC ⋅ ln DIS 
 eq. (6)
 PSUC  50
200 [r.p.m.], GVF=0.2
300 [r.p.m.], GVF=0.2
400 [r.p.m.], GVF=0.2
Figure 16 shows curves of hydraulic power of liquid phase 0
(PH), power of isothermal gas compression (PC,ISOT), losses 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
∆P [psi]
due to liquid slip (PS,LIQ) and effective power consumed by the
Figure 18 Effective Power consumed at GVF=0.2 and
fluid (PE) at 400 r.p.m. and GVF=0.2. In the Figure 18 can be
variable rotational speed.
observed that the power of isothermal gas compression
represents approximately a 10% of the effective power
Longitudinal Pressure Distribution
consumed by the fluids, which presents a maximum point in
Another way to deal with the pressure profiles is to calculate
212 W and 120 psi.
the average pressure for each position along the PCP. This is
the treatment that usually appears in studies of twin screw
Figure 17 shows curves of effective power with variable GVF
pumps [8, 9, 10, 11, 12] and elastomer stator PCP [13].
at a constant rotational speed. Figure 18 shows these same
Figures 19 and 20 show the longitudinal pressure distribution
curves, but with variable rotational speed at constant GVF.
operating with GVF=0, and rotational speeds of 300 r.p.m. and
Figure 17 demonstrates that an increase in the gas void
400 r.p.m. respectively.
fraction diminishes the effective power consumed by the

160 increases linearly from suction pressure to discharge pressure,

DP=0 [psi] indicating that internal slip with two-phase flow is constant
DP=20.16 [psi]
120 DP=61.47 [psi] along the pump, at least for the conditions covered in
DP=119.40 [psi] this study.
P [psig]

DP=0 [psi]
40 120 DP=57,74 [psi]
20 DP=103,30 [psi]
Suc A B C D E Dis

P [psig]

Figure 19 Longitudinal pressure distribution at 300 r.p.m. 60

and GVF=0.

160 20
DP=0 [psi]
140 DP=20.23 [psi]
DP=61.87 [psi] 0
DP=119.82 [psi] Suc A B C D E Dis
100 Position
P [psig]

Figure 21 Longitudinal pressure distribution at 300 r.p.m.
and GVF=0.2.
DP=0 [psi]
Suc A B C D E Dis
120 DP=65,08 [psi]
DP=87,54 [psi]
Figure 20 Longitudinal pressure distribution at 400 r.p.m. 100
and GVF=0.
P [psig]

For both rotational speed, the internal pressure along the pump 60
at ∆P=0 psi is constant. At this condition the pump is not
making work on the fluid and all cavities have the same 40
pressure because they are communicating through the internal 20
clearances. When ∆P is increased, internal pressure along the
pump increases linearly from the value of suction pressure to 0
the value of discharge pressure. The maximum pressure point Suc A B C D E Dis
is always at the discharge. Position
Figure 22 Longitudinal pressure distribution at 300 r.p.m.
Comparing figures 19 and 20 is possible to observe that the and GVF=0.5.
longitudinal pressure distribution of pressure does not change
by effects of the rotational speed when the ∆P is constant. The Figure 23 shows longitudinal pressure distribution working
most important conclusion of these profiles is that, within the with GVF=0.8. For this high gas void fraction, the
studied range, the internal slip with single-phase flow is longitudinal pressure distribution continues having the same
constant along the pump. This differs from the observations behavior that in the case of lower fractions showed before.
made in an elastomer stator PCP with single-phase flow [13],
where for certain ∆P values, the maximum of the longitudinal The behavior of the longitudinal pressure distribution with
pressure distribution can be located in an intermediate point of two-phase flow in the PCP metal to metal, differs with the
the pump. observations in an elastomer stator PCP [13] and also with the
behavior that has been observed in twin screw pumps [8, 9,
Figures 21 and 22 show longitudinal pressure distribution with 10, 11, 12]. When the elastomer stator PCP operates with
GVF=0.2 and GVF=0.5 respectively, operating the pump at two-phase flow the increase of pressure occurs in the last stage
300 r.p.m. In general, it is possible to say that the behavior of the pump, which means that the fluid slips just at the end of
with two-phase flow is the same one registered with single- the pump and only this last stage is doing work over the fluid.
phase flow. In ∆P=0 psi the pressure also remains constant
along the pump. For ∆P greater than zero, the pressure

when rotational speed is increased, because within the

65 operating ranges studied, the internal slip with single-phase
300 [r.p.m.], DP=0 [psi]
60 flow is independent of the rotational speed.
300 [r.p.m.], DP=10,21 [psi]
55 The curves of hydraulic power with single-phase flow
400 [r.p.m.], DP=16,02 [psi]
400 [r.p.m.], DP=27,95 [psi]
present a maximum point, where the losses due to internal
slip are equal to the effective power consumed by the fluid
P [psig]

45 and the volumetric efficiency of the pump is 50%. It is not

40 advisable to operate the pump with a differential pressure
35 greater than the one of this maximum point, because more
than half of the power consumes by the pump would be
lost by effects of internal slip.
The performance of the PCP metal to metal with two-
20 phase flow depends mainly on the gas content in the pump
Suc A B C D E Dis and its rotational speed.
Position For certain differential pressure and rotational speed
Figure 23 Longitudinal pressure distribution with GVF=0.8. ranges, the increase of the gas content in the PCP metal to
metal produces an increase in the volumetric efficiency
Longitudinal pressure distribution in twin screw pumps, measured at suction conditions, nevertheless, this
begins to show greater pressure differentials towards the improvement tends to disappear when the differential
discharge when the content of gas increases. This happens up pressure increases.
to GVF=0.8, since this value and until 100% gas flow, the The volumetric efficiency with two-phase flow increases
longitudinal pressure distribution returns continuously to its with the increase of the rotational speed and diminishes
linear form, because the flow within the pump becomes a remarkably when the pump works with a gas void fraction
mixture of liquid and gaseous phases. greater to 0.8.
The effective power consumed with two-phase flow also
The existence of a linear longitudinal pressure distribution for presents a maximum point. The effective power
all GVF studied, allows to reinforce the ideas proposed to diminishes when increases the gas content because the
explain what happens into the PCP metal to metal operating power used for gas compression is fewer than the losses
with two-phase flow, which have to do with the possibility due to internal slip.
that a mixture of the two phases exists and the idea of gas The pressure profiles based on the rotor position were used
slipping in the pump, including from low FVG. In order to to study the internal operation of the pump. Two-phase
confirm definitively these suppositions it would be necessary flow pressure profiles allow assuming that as increases the
to carry out works of visualization, similar to those that has gas content in the pump, the fluid in the sealing lines must
been made in twin screw pumps [14], using a pump with a be treated as a liquid-gas mixture.
stator elaborated in some transparent material as acrylic. On the basis of the analysis of the characteristic curves and
the pressure profiles with two-phase flow has been
Also is important to emphasize that these observations could supposed that under certain operating conditions, gas slip
be subject to the geometry of the pump and fluid properties. It can exist.
is possible that a diminution of the clearance or an increase in For both single-phase and two-phase flow, the longitudinal
the number of stages could produce a diminution in the gas pressure distribution of the PCP metal to metal increases
slip improving the volumetric efficiency of the pump. This linearly from the suction pressure value to the discharge
constitutes an interesting question for the proposing pressure value, which indicates that the slip is constant
future investigations. along the pump. This behavior, which is independent of
the rotational speed and the gas void fraction, reinforces
Conclusions the proposed ideas about the existence of gas slip, even
On the basis of the obtained results and within the covered with low gas content.
operational ranges in this study, the following conclusions can
be done: Acknowledgements
The authors wish to acknowledge PDVSA for the permission
The results of this work constitute a valuable source for to publish this work and Robbins & Myers for providing the
understanding the performance of the PCP metal to metal pump used in this research.
with two-phase flow liquid-gas, helping to cover the
emptiness of information that exists in the area and laying Nomenclature
the way for the construction of models, that allow to de= rotor diameter [m.m.]
design and/or to select PCP metal to metal for operations dr= rotor diameter [m.m.]
that involve the handling of gas fractions. GVF= Gas void fraction
The volumetric efficiency with single-phase flow increases PH= hydraulic power of liquid phase [W]

PC,ISOT= power of isothermal gas compression [W]

PDIS= discharge pressure [psig]
PE= effective power consumed by the fluid [W]
PS,LIQ= losses due to liquid slip [W]
PSUC= suction pressure [psig]
QT= total pump capacity at suction conditions [BPD]
QGAS= gas flow at suction conditions [BPD]
QLIQ= liquid flow [BPD]
SLIQ= losses due to internal liquid slip [BPD]
w= clearance [m.m.]
∆P= differential pressure [psi]

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