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ACM Template Example

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Software measurements are required in order to control

these lapses.
This report is about measurements role in our daily life and
specifically in software industry. This report consist two parts.
3.1 List of Measures required during software
First part give overview about the role of metrics in our daily development process
life matters and the second part give brief and comprehensive
3.1.1 Requirement phase
overview about the measurements related to Software
engineering. In the requirement phase, we use total number of mandatory
requirements as measure of the requirement phase [1]. The
1. INTRODUCTION purpose of this metric is to identify the mandatory or most
Measurements are the things which help us predict or evaluate important requirements. We use this metric to identify the size
something [1]. Measurements are very important for any type of of the software.
industry in order to judge the quality and further improvements.
Just like other disciplines, software engineering also required 3.1.2 Design phase
some sort of measurements in order to estimate the time, size In design phase, we can use the total number of pages of design
and efforts. “The main task of the software engineering is to document as a measure of the design phase [1]. The purpose of
provide safe, useful and reliable software by using a systematic, this metric is to identify the size of project. We use this metric
disciplined and quantifiable approach to the development, to identify the development resources.
operation and maintenance of software”[2]. The role of 3.1.3 Coding phase
measurement in software is very vital in order to control and In coding phase, we use total number of source lines of code in
evaluate the software development process. order to estimate the size as measure of the coding phase [1].
2. METRICS ROLE IN EVERYDAY LIFE We use this metric to identify the productivity. The purpose of
2.1 Cooking a Dinner for Couple of Friends this metric is to identify productivity of the software developers.
Cooking a dinner for a couple of friends, we need following 3.1.4 Testing phase
things in our consideration.
 Available budget In testing phase, we use number of defects per requirement as a
 Total number of dishes measure of the testing phase [1]. The usage of this metric is to
identify how good the requirements are implemented correctly.
 Available resources
 Estimate the total cost IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
 Estimate the total time
 Estimate the food per person Measurements in software engineering are not always easy [1].
 Control the time Many attributes like quality, level of complexity, productivity
 Control the cost are difficult to measure. How do we measure the productivity?
If someone write the 1000 lines of code in 5 hours and 20 bugs
2.2 Choosing the dress/suit for you are identified by testing team in that code. Another person write
In order to choose a suit for you, we need following things in 1000 lines of code in 8 hours and testing team identified 10 bugs
our consideration. in that code. What is their productivity and whose productivity
 Estimate size is better?
 Dress type Software measurements are abstract and not easy to visualize.
 Required brand
 Available budget 4. References
 Estimate the cost [1] L.M. Laird, M.C. Brennan, Software Measurement and
 Price comparison Estimation: A Practical Approach, Wiley and Sons, Inc.
 Choose dress Publication, 2006, pp1- 33-39-40-120.
 Control cost
[2] “IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering
3. Metrics role in Software Engineering Terminology,” IEEE STD 610.12-1990, 1990, quoted at the
Science and engineering discipline rigorously depends on beginning of Chapter 1: Introduction to the guide Guide to the
measurements. According to Fenton “You cannot predict nor Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (February 6, 2004).
control what you cannot measure [1]”. Like any other discipline, Retrieved on 2008-02-21.
software engineering also required some sort of measures in
order to estimate the size, complexity, project duration,
productivity and effort. By taking these measures on any
software engineering project, we can estimate cost, assess
quality and monitor and control the things. In reality most of the
projects of software industry fail due to lack of resource
estimation, incomplete requirements and wrong estimation of

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