Heartfulness Magazine - September 2020 (Volume 5, Issue 09)
Heartfulness Magazine - September 2020 (Volume 5, Issue 09)
Heartfulness Magazine - September 2020 (Volume 5, Issue 09)
The Heartful Chef
A Love Letter to - DAAJI
the Future
What Is a Mistake?
Adizes Leadership
Learn to apply timeless leadership
principles in your personal and work life.
Upcoming Start Dates:
September 18, Fridays 4:00-6:00 pm CET
October 3, Saturdays 10:00 am-12:00 pm IST
Heartful Adizes Leaders continually refine vital skills and equip themselves
and others with practical tools to successfully deal with complex challenges.
Uma Maheswari, Rahul Singh Parmar, Gayatri
Pachpande, Ananya Patel, Jasmee Rathod, Arati
Shedde, Yulia Veresk
Writers — Ichak Adizes, Terran Daily, Priya
Hegde, Simonne Holme, Narendra Kini, Kamlesh
Patel, Ravi Venkatesan
Dear readers, Interviewees — Elizabeth Denley, Nimo Patel,
Vijay Sadhu
Sept ember 2 02 0
thought in
The Heartful Strategist
- Part 7
Ravi Venkatesan
focus: Just Thinking And Feeling:
What is a Mistake?
Ichak Adizes Service, Simplicity &
22 Songwriting - Part 2
The Heartful Chef
Interview with Chef Vijay Interview with Nimo Patel
H eart f u l n es s
what's up
it changes of life
everything The Spirit of Art - an art
Terran Daily
Sept ember 2 02 0
Illu stra tio n by ANAN YA PATEL
The people who give
you their food give
you their heart.
Illu stra tio ns by GAYATRI PACH PAND E
H eart f u l n es s
have. I moved out of home when
I was 15, and from that age I
never depended on anyone. I was
a dropout because of the band.
We were performing a show in a
hotel in Hyderabad, and the venue
was right next to the kitchen. I
was smelling the aroma and air of
beautiful food, and I said, “Oh my
gosh, this is so incredible!”
Sept ember 2 02 0 11
Q: What does the journey look and moved to Australia. There I I had an opportunity to open my
like for someone who is trying to finished my hotel management own restaurant in Milwaukee
be a world-famous chef? degree right off the bat. I worked when I was a young guy, probably
for a good restaurant there, and 29 or 30. It was called Saffron
Back in the day, not every chef then I moved back to the U.S. Bistro, with a lot of European
went to college. I didn’t go to again. That’s when I really started. influence, and it was rated one of
college to begin with. After the best restaurants in the world
working in New York, I made Q: What kind of attitude did you by Bon Appetit Magazine. My
some money, and then I thought have in order to create success restaurant was a small hole in the
about going to college. I moved to for yourself? wall, no bar, just tables and the
India for six months, worked for food, some wines.
one of the top hotel chains, and From day one, I wanted to be a
wanted to be at the management perfectionist in everything that From there, it just kept growing,
level, but people would say, “No, I did. I don’t waste my time. If I growing, growing. I appeared on
you don’t have a degree, so you do something, I’ll do it perfectly, television with other chefs, I was
can’t be a manager”. I thought otherwise I’ll say, “I don’t think on the cover of a lot of magazines
that was discrimination, but while this is for me” or “I’m not ready in New York and Milwaukee,
having tea with a cousin of mine, for this.” I don’t experiment with and then I moved to India again.
looking at a newspaper, I saw things, except recipes. That’s how I came with my family here and
something about study abroad in I started working for some great opened a restaurant in Hyderabad.
Australia. So I packed my bags chefs. But the mentality didn’t suit me,
12 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 13
I told her was, “Don’t try to get Designing Destiny I stopped eating
me into Heartfulness.” One day, meat right away. I used to smoke
Daaji started coming in front of and I just said no and stopped
me in subtle form. There was a right away. It’s not just respect for
Heartfulness trainer in Dallas and the guru; I love him. I’ve started to
I went to him and said, “I want really miss him from the bottom
to have a meditation session.” So of my heart. I used to only listen
I never stopped. I know we all to hip-hop and jazz, Cuban jazz.
miss parts of the practice here and That’s what pumped me up in
there, but as I mentioned to you the kitchen or in my car. After
earlier, if I like something, I do it. finishing that book, now I listen
to Babuji’s talks. It changed me so
was back to my usual stuff. People The first book I ever read was much, my way of thinking.
do service, and cooking for people Designing Destiny from cover to
is my kind of service. cover. I’d never finished a book Q: Do you think that the love for
before. It changed my perception this practice and the connection
Two and a half years ago, I about lifestyle and everything. I with your guide has positively
met my wife, who was into used to eat meat, breakfast, lunch impacted the way that your food
Heartfulness, and the first thing and dinner, but after finishing turns out?
14 H eart f u l n es s
I always cooked with love from My desire was always to cook have changed. The way I cook
the beginning. I used to call it for Daaji, and during this visit I vegetables is different. The way I
focus. My mentors taught me started cooking for him from the use spices. The way I create dishes
that it was all about consistency, first day. Until today, I’ve been is natural, spontaneous, it just
quality, using proper ingredients, cooking for him. That connection comes automatically now. When I
and then putting love, putting your between him and I – I don’t ask cook for him, I don’t have to plan,
heart and cooking. That’s always for anything. I don’t want to ask it just comes out. My love toward
been there. It wasn’t because of for anything because I don’t need food has gone up tremendously. It
Heartfulness, but Heartfulness to. I took a break for two days has improved so much.
added a layer to it. and went to Vizag with my wife. I
literally started crying in the cab, Q: How do you think your
When I came to Kanha two and saying, “Honey, let’s go back. I attitude in the kitchen has
a half years ago, I visited Daaji. miss him.” I don’t expect anything changed?
He looked at me, shook my hand, from him.
and that was it. Later, my brother There was a tremendous change
came, so I went with my brother to When I open my eyes, I think after practicing Heartfulness.
Daaji’s apartment. While leaving, of him. That has improved Three years ago, when I worked
at the entrance, I started crying. It my cooking a lot. My flavors for the W Hotel, I was very tough
just happened. And I didn’t know
why I was crying. It was like a
child missing his mom.
Sept ember 2 02 0 15
and very straightforward, I would
never compromise, and I would
yell at my staff. At the end of
the day, we all have emotions, so
we need to balance them. People
would sabotage me because I
was tough. Ego was there. I was
in competition, I was in the
newspapers, in magazines, and it
was a big deal. People would come
from the East Coast to try my
food. I always wanted more. My
dream was to get a James Beard
16 H eart f u l n es s
relationships – I do tell them to be My son is nineteen: “I know what doctors and engineers because
careful. you do. I’m not asking, but cut it they are doctors and engineers.
off, don’t do it.” Why? This is the But it doesn’t make any sense at
Every human being makes reason. I don’t just tell them,“Don’t all. If you want to be a painter,
mistakes. Just don’t repeat the do it,” I give my own examples as be a painter. If you want to be a
mistakes. I tell my daughter, who a father and friend to show them magician, be the best magician
is sixteen, “If you get a ticket, you why it’s important to be careful. out there. That’s what I tell my
will have to pay for it, not just children. Be who you are.
money, but you will have to pay We are missing that relatability
the consequences. Do you really between parent and child. Most We work for money, but that is
want to go through that, or do you parents are very controlling and wrong. Work with compassion,
just want to be careful?” they want their children to be work with love. If you’re really
interested, do what you want to
do. In any field, there is no limit. If
you want to be a carpenter, you can
be the best carpenter. If you want
to be a teacher, you can be the best
teacher. If you want to be a chef,
you can be the best chef. That’s
how I look at things.
Work with
compassion, work
with love. If you’re
really interested, do
what you want to
do. In any field,
there is no limit.
Sept ember 2 02 0 17
Illu stra ti o n by RAH UL S INGH PARMAR
thought in action
A man of genius
makes no mistakes.
His errors are
volitional and
are the portals of
So far in this series, RAVI VENKATESAN has introduced the Heartful Strategist
framework, and explored how our consciousness results in the strategies we
adopt, the choices we make, which in turn have consequences that impact
the ecosystem of which we are a part. He has also explored the concept of
thought patterns, and learnt how past impressions create these tendencies
or thought patterns in us. He reviewed the Heartfulness technique of
Cleaning, which uses the power of auto-suggestion or self-suggestion to
introduce positive shifts in our subconscious and thought patterns. In the
last article we specifically explored Turiya, the level of consciousness that
we would consider the ideal for a Heartful Strategist.
A Framework for the
Heartful Strategist
Information from
the external world
Illu stra ti o ns by R AH UL SIN GH PAR MAR
Mind, Ego, Prior knowledge
Intellect Desired outcomes
Ecosystem of
20 H eart f u l n es s
n this article we’ll spend some time on practices Heartfulness Prayer allows us to connect to a
that can help with the development of this state source beyond ourselves. Carl Jung called this the
of consciousness. Collective Unconscious. Whatever label we ascribe
to it, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The
This is a good way to understand consciousness at best way to experience the power of connecting to
a basic level. However, just as physics evolved from a Source beyond us, is simply to try it!
Newtonian to Relativity to Quantum theories, our
understanding of consciousness needs to go deeper. Here is an experiment to try. Over the next few
The generalizations we adopted earlier will need to weeks try these freely available practices, and
be left behind. observe your experiences during meditation. Hold
any important questions or choices in your mind
The simple Heartfulness practices of Relaxation, before you start meditation and see what emerges
Meditation, Cleaning and Prayer, complemented from within. Don’t throw logical reasoning and
with practices to detox anger, fear, passion and analysis out the window, but try to balance the
stress, can lead one to this ideal consciousness results of analysis with the inspirations from
level of Turiya in an effective and efficient manner. within. This will lead to a different level of decision
You can refer to www.heartfulness.org for more making and choice, and your own experience will
information on these practices. show you the proof points for it.
Sept ember 2 02 0 21
22 H eart f u l n es s
ow do you handle a situation in which
someone is so scared of making a mistake
in the decision they need to make that
they panic? If most of their energy is focused on
the panic, then very little is left to deal with the
problem that is worrying them. So, let’s see how we
can reduce anxiety. The first thing to do is to take a
deep breath and relax.
Next, go to the table, take out a piece of paper, and order the list by time sensitivity. Ask yourself,
write down everything that you need to do that “What is the most urgent thing that I have to do,
scares you. Don’t stop until you have a complete and what can wait?” Then you look at that list of
list of all the tasks you must accomplish, including urgent tasks and ask yourself another question:
laundry. “Does it really need to be done, or do I think it
should be done because someone told me so? Or it
Once you have a finite list, the panic will subside. is my ego that I want it to be done?”
Part of anxiety comes from the feeling that the
problems are endless. The moment there is an Don’t choose based on ‘want’ or ‘should.’ Focus
exhaustive list, there is less uncertainty. Having a on what must be done now, what the situation
finite list can offer some sense of assurance. dictates. This exercise should narrow down the
list but this is where the fear of making a decision
Now, don’t act based on your long-term goals or comes to haunt us. You are facing reality and fear
purpose in life when you’re in a crisis. When you that you might make a mistake.
are up to your neck in a swamp of crocodiles, it’s
useless to think about long-term planning. What But who are you not to make a mistake? Do you
you really need to do is get the hell out of that know anybody who has never made a mistake?
swamp before you’re eaten alive! So you should If you read the Old Testament, even God made
a mistake. God! He was unhappy with the sinful
people and decided to kill everyone in a flood.
He exempted Noah as he was righteous in his
The moment there is an time. This doesn’t necessarily mean Noah was
actually that great; he was just better than his
exhaustive list, there is less contemporaries.
Sept ember 2 02 0 23
24 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 25
We are beyond the time to take sides.
It only serves to keep us apart.
It is time to hold truth in our center.
Illu s tra ti on by YUL IA VER ES K
Simplicity &
part 2
With an Ivy league education, this MTV rap/hip hop
star was living the American dream and working
on Wall Street when the events of 9/11 unfolded in
front of his eyes. Giving up the corporate world,
NIMO PATEL decided to pursue his passion for
music in LA, but a chronic health issue led him to
seek Ayurvedic treatment in India. He stayed back
for 6 months to volunteer at the Gandhi Ashram
in Ahmedabad, and continues to this day working
with the slum children of the city when he’s not
working for his own non-profit organization, Empty
Hands Music. In part 2, VANESSA PATEL continues
to learn more about him and his mantra “Service,
Simplicity & Songwriting.”
28 H eart f u l n es s
NP: I really appreciate this idea of “Who are we?” the spiritual process of a karma yogi, and that’s
Gandhi is a humane figure we’re connected to in why spiritual practice is at the core of service. Even
lineage, but there are also Jesus Christ, the Buddha, this lockdown, I feel, is a blessing, because it has
Mahavir, the prophet Mohammed – all these allowed me to get back deeper into the realization
amazing souls have come and gone, and yet the of that, into the importance of the foundation for
same suffering exists. No major spiritual revolution the work that we do.
has engulfed the planet. So, who are we to judge
the small, itty-bitty work that we’re doing, the little To answer your question, it has been amazing to
song that you might put on YouTube, or the service have my friends and family join this journey. My
project that you might have done? brother is in the U.S. army, and he had the biggest
wall, he was non-emotional. To see the shift in him
Everything, in a sense, is beautiful, don’t get me – he wants his kids to be involved in service and
wrong. But, do what you feel is right in your to do acts of kindness. During Thanksgiving in the
heart without any burden or weight, because U.S., our family gets together and organizes gift
it’s powerful, and so meaningful. And yet, so packages for refugee families. It’s a collective effort.
meaningless. In the honoring of humanity and It’s great to see the family embracing this spirit,
the honoring of all beings, we do our karma work and friends too. When my friend, Swapnil, visited
without holding on to it, without making it feel India we were shooting the video for Ode to
important or creating any maya around it. That is Women, and I finally got the chance to introduce
Sept ember 2 02 0 29
him to this community that he hasn’t seen for helping, or is it so fickle that when the next big
quite a long time. Later on, he said, “I get it, I’m issue comes along the old one is dropped? How
so happy for you.” He always used to worry about effective is it to right a wrong?
me – that I’m not married, I’m not making money
– and wonder what am I doing with my life? So, Social media is helpful at some level. If I say to a
finally he was happy and proud; he just enjoyed the person, “Hey, you’re amazing!” or “Hey, you idiot!”
fact that he finally got a chance to feel it too. If we the person hears the communication in their ears,
deeply believe in what we’re doing and why we’re and that goes to their brain – but that’s not it.
doing it, everyone comes along, eventually. There’s a processing that’s happening in the heart
and mind that triggers the brain, that shares with
Q: And that, of course, enhances your the muscles in the mouth, etc. to say and hear all
experience, feeling that you don’t need their those words. So, social media is giving us easier
approval but just the fact that they get it feels access to shout and connect, and spray whatever
very life affirming, I’m sure. words and thoughts we want. Ultimately, as you
said, they’re going to be good and bad, on and
Currently, there is so much discord and pain off, dark and light – this is going to be constantly
in the world, not only with the suffering from flowing through it. Unfortunately, human nature
the coronavirus, but also with people who are leans towards the darker sharings; it takes on some
marginalized, people of color, women’s issues, sort of virality in the sharing.
especially the disparity in India. Much of this
isn’t tackled or addressed properly, and then you What I’m getting at is this: we need get to the
get these platforms which everyone can use to root of the problem and allow the awakening
air their grievances. Do you think social media is of the magical heart and soul that we have, the
30 H eart f u l n es s
I feel that this moment is a That’s why I feel that this moment is a blessing
in time, a possibility, because we very, very rarely
blessing in time, a possibility, have these moments to press pause. And we very
rarely have moments to say, “I’m grateful for what
because we very, very rarely was, what is.” Instead, it is “No, I am entitled to
what is, I’m entitled to breath; I’m entitled to go
have these moments to to the mall to spend time with my friends.” All
press pause. And we very of those are and were blessings, and if you can
use this moment to shift at least 5% … Like you
rarely have moments to say, said, we’re going to go back to “normal,” so this is
like the smashan vairagya situation, when we’re at
“I’m grateful for what was, the crematorium and feel “Ah, I’m enlightened,”
but when we turn away from the crematorium
what is.
Sept ember 2 02 0 31
created over these last three I think it was growing up in LA in the ’80s,
listening to West Coast rap. A lot of it was
months that are going to be gangster rap; it was a big thing at that time. There
was West Coast-East Coast rivalry, and gang
adopted in our lives moving rivalry going on in terms of the hip hop scene. Hip
hop was a fresh genre, as it had literally just started
forward? Am I going to
in the late ’70s, then came into the mainstream in
practice a deeper sense of the ’80s. So, it was at that time that I was exposed
to it, my brother was listening to it more and at
gratitude? school we started hearing about these artists.
32 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 33
a big moment for that community, specifically, Q: What is your set-up in Ahmedabad? Is there
and finally now it’s being embraced in India as an an NGO you work with?
identity and a culture.
There’s an NGO called Manav Sadna based at
Q: So, Nimo, clearly every child at the Gandhi the Gandhi Ashram, and it has six community
Ashram is your family, and there’s your biological centers across Ahmedabad where we serve in the
family too. Is there a place you call home? Or slum communities. That’s where all our work with
is it a case of “wherever I lay my hat, that’s my the kids is done. I’ve been volunteering with them
home”? Are you here in India right now because for the last decade, so that’s my full-time work
you got stranded here during lockdown, or was aside from Empty Hands Music which is my
it your plan all along? non-profit in America. The focus there is to serve
communities through music, through workshops,
You’re right, I have many special people in my either bringing communities together and talking
life. I haven’t had a partner for quite some while about messages of gratitude, compassion and
actually, and it has felt beautiful. Not to say I’m service, of oneness.
against it; if it happens, it happens, but definitely
in my own vision I don’t want to have children, so That is the purpose of the music, and that’s
I don’t feel pressure there. where the music becomes a bridge during these
gatherings and interactions that we hold. During
I have so many children in my life, I mean a lot of my tours, almost 50%, we end up going to
hundreds of nieces and nephews in that sense, and schools across the world, and the other 50% are
all of them I feel are my children in one way or communities, neighborhoods, churches, spiritual
another. That is a blessing – to be able to invest in gatherings, conferences, and people’s homes. And
many children and not just a few. That’s been a part all these events are through invitations that people
of my life’s journey and it happens in small ways. have extended to me. Over 4 to 5 years, I think I’ve
For example, there are a lot of Skype calls and done 400 to 500 events and they are very humble.
video messaging, and reconnecting with children I never charge for them, they’re invitation-based
in whatever city I am in. So, there’s never been a and open to the public, so it’s really all about how
desire to have a normal kind of family, and again, if I can go to these communities and support their
it unfolds all well and good. vision of love, compassion, gratitude, kindness, and
service to their messaging.
As for being in India now, the plan was to be here
all along, even throughout the next month. I may If I’m a community stakeholder, and I invite a
have to head back to the U.S. for something in musician here who the community respects, whose
the next few weeks. We’ve been focused on the music they have heard, then that musician is
relief efforts over the last three months, so all our supporting the deepening of the message in that
time and efforts have gone in making sure there’s community. And that’s the role in which I see
enough food distributed to as many families in myself when I’m doing Empty Hands work.
need as possible in Ahmedabad. The work that
we’re doing with our kids is on hold until mid- When I’m in India I bring the arts to the
August; we’re just doing some planning and children of the slums, because in under-privileged
continuing the relief work. communities education for children is already
34 H eart f u l n es s
hampered. Through Manav Sadna I’m involved Q: How bad is the pain in your hand? You said it’s
through the arts platform, and we offer not only a chronic problem.
supportive education but also holistic education.
When they come from school, we give them It was really bad with all the relief work, and
a values-based, holistic experience from sarva doing the house work and cooking, but it’s getting
dharma prarthana (prayer for all faiths) to exercise, better gradually after I stopped all computer
Yoga, sports, arts and the academic curriculum as work, and started taking the Ayurvedic healer’s
well. We hold science fairs, sports competitions, medicine again. So, I’m feeling positive about the
and activities around nutrition and health care. improvement over the past week. I will continue
Children need to have exposure to creativity in with the medicine and the special diet, basically
order to experience joy. That should be the human avoiding sour foods. I have to be sensible about
experience, but unfortunately most of our children my computer usage – that is the lesson I had to
on the planet don’t have access to that. So, God learn before, and that is the lesson I’ve had to learn
bless all the NGOs that are doing similar work again. I’m really happy not to be on the computer
and trying to do their part to bring communities as much and I just have to be careful and work
together and support children. around it.
There are a few of us here who have been Q: Thank you, Nimo, for your time. It was a lovely
supporting the ecosystem we have, the 100 workers way to spend a Sunday morning. I hope your
in the organization, and the running of the hand gets better soon so that you can resume
organization. That’s how I spend my time when your relief work, and also that this situation
I’m here in Ahmedabad, and I usually only travel improves and you can continue to spread love
out to do Empty Hands work. and joy through your Empty Hands concerts.
Sept ember 2 02 0 35
The New Children
TERRAN DAILY begins a series hildren are different now. juncture where it must either
of articles that offer parenting People have probably been change with lightening speed or
and teaching tips for today’s saying that for centuries, largely disappear.
children. She sets the scene by maybe because the adults who say
explaining the consciousness it see things from such a different If you are a parent or teacher,
shift we are undergoing from perspective than when they were you will probably know the New
a mechanistic worldview to a children. Or maybe it’s true, that Children well. They are gifted in
systems worldview, and how each generation of children is many ways. Have you not been
as adults this changes the different from the last generation, amazed at the words that come
way we nurture our children. as humanity evolves. But really, from the mouths of very young
children are different in the last 50 ones – the wisdom, the confidence,
years or so, and may be becoming the understanding of things that
more and more so, because took older generations much
humanity is not just slowly longer to learn? Perhaps you know
evolving but has reached a critical children who are gifted with
38 H eart f u l n es s
psychic or healing abilities, or are exceptionally • xplosively angry when they don’t get their
musically or artistically talented? Or those who way
can do amazing things on computers with little or • Distractible, impulsive, and disorganized
no instruction? Have you noticed how connection • Attention-seeking
with nature has become an intense need for • W iggly, fidgety and constantly in motion
many children, as important as eating, sleeping • Dreamy and in their own world, seeming not
and playing? Maybe you know children who are to hear you or notice what is going on around
extremely empathic and compassionate, or others them
who are warrior spirits with high integrity, fiery • Sleepy and hard to motivate
determination and no tolerance for hypocrisy or • Absent-minded and scattered
manipulation? • O bsessed with certain subjects but
uninterested in others
These are the New Children, magical in many • Any mixture of the above
ways, but often a challenge for their parents and
teachers. These New Children have many qualities In this series of articles, we will throw some light
that don’t easily fit into our accustomed systems on the reasons for the gifts and the challenges, and
of child-rearing or schooling, because these same give some practical recommendations on how best
children may also be: to live with and guide these beings.
Sept ember 2 02 0 39
they have come into the world “pre-programmed” hard to see the challenges and upheaval that are
for certain roles, which may well involve living in present in today’s world – global warming, extreme
completely new ways. Many of our social structures weather, extinction of a huge number of species,
seem to be failing at present, and these are the pandemics, social unrest, economic turbulence,
children who will have to find new, more workable terrorism, a growing disparity between rich and
ways of living – in terms of science and technology, poor, and the list goes on. So is the world falling
social and economic structures, interpersonal apart? Is it the end of humanity or civilization? Or
relationships, and inner development. In a way, is it possible that something new and better will
they will be our teachers. emerge?
40 H eart f u l n es s
42 H eart f u l n es s
disintegration with many runaway feedback loops important. We are the ones who guide children
in action. So which way will we go? To complete through their challenges so that their beautiful
disintegration or to a higher level of organization? gifts can manifest.
Small changes could have large and determining
effects. This is one reason that I practice
Heartfulness Meditation and encourage others
to meditate as well. If positive changes occur in
Domination Culture,
enough of us, if a small but critical mass begins to Partnership Culture
be the change we would like to see in the world,
this small shift could just tip the system toward The transition that I have described in physics
evolution rather than dissolution. and biology, from a mechanistic worldview to a
worldview based on energy, relationships, and
Could the New Children with their special gifts networks, is reflected in the social sciences as
be an important part of this process, a kind of well. Cultural historian and systems scientist,
leavening in the system that could powerfully Riane Eisler, differentiates between dominator
tilt humanity toward evolution? If that is the systems and partnership or connection systems.
case, it makes our roles as adult guides even more Dominator systems are top-down, hierarchical
Sept ember 2 02 0 43
social structures that see humans as innately selfish things out together – is the tool used to maintain
or aggressive, and in need of being controlled. They social order. Force, or fear of force, is not needed.
use fear, reward and force as the means of control. Eisler feels that a return to partnership systems
Eisler holds that humans have lived primarily is badly needed in today’s world to remedy the
within dominator systems for the last 10,000 years. greed, violence and disregard for others that is
Prior to that, when humans lived in small bands endemic around us. She has promoted partnership
of hunter-gatherers, they lived within partnership structures in economic and political systems, in
social structures, based on mutual respect. communities, schools and families.
In partnership systems, people are recognized You may be able to sense that dominator systems
as having a strong innate desire to contribute to are related to the older, mechanistic view of the
the well-being of others and the welfare of the world, while partnership systems are related to
whole. Open, respectful communication – working the network or connected systems approach that
is now coming to the fore. It is sobering to
note how many of our traditional ways of
parenting or teaching children spring from
the dominator system: “You will do as I say
because I am your parent, or your teacher,
and if you don’t, there will be consequences.”
44 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 INTUITION
A Love Letter
to the Future
Part 1
46 H eart f u l n es s
Q: Welcome, Elizabeth, thank humanity, causing us to reset change. In genetics it’s called
you for joining us on this and recalibrate the way we do mutation; in behavioral sciences
webinar. things. Some people would say it’s called adaptation.
that such crises come only to
Thank you, Purnima. It really is force us to recalibrate, because In the ’80s, climatologists knew
a pleasure to be here with you. we are not looking at ourselves about the way our climate
well enough. Why is it that was being affected by human
Q: The COVID-19 situation we need a crisis to push us to behavior. Governments knew,
has affected our basic change? Certainly, COVID is a too. But we have all had our
understanding and crisis that is forcing humanity to heads in the sand. We have been
assumptions of how our look at itself in many ways. too focused on our own desires
society operates. Things like, and wishes to have things the
“Can I go to a restaurant?” The little coronavirus has way we want them. So, we have
“Is it safe to get a haircut?” transformed our behavior. We long been headed on the path of
“Can I meet my friend?” are experiencing a period where destruction of our species, and
These questions do not have people have the opportunity to in that sense, we can thank our
the same answers they did reflect, to go within, to figure COVID-19 friend.
six months ago. So, when out what has worked, and what
humanity has endured this has not worked from the past. I’m not saying it’s easy; there is
health crisis, what will the new We have the opportunity to suffering, death, heartache, and
normal be like? pause. And we have many very hardship. And yet it’s forced us
serious social, economic and to stop. It's forced planes to
You know, history helps us cultural issues to reflect upon. stop flying, cars to stop driving,
here. Human beings have been and polluted cities have seen
through many such crises. There One of the first things I learnt clear skies for the first time in
was the 1918 Spanish flu, the at university is that any species decades.
bubonic plague, and many other that destroys its environment
pandemics that have affected will either go extinct or it will
Sept ember 2 02 0 47
This is a time of recalibration. opportunity, because in fact have spiked in China, which
It’s a time to ask, “What have we share each other’s destiny? is very unfortunate. How do
we done well, what have we We are not separate. We have we endure the emotional
not done well, and what can we to take each other along. How fatigue the current situation
do to change?” One hundred will we take humanity forward is presenting? Because what
years from now, people should into a new era with a moral binds us together, what
look back at this time and say, revolution so that we can bring helps us build resilience and
“They really tried to fix this.” about a change for the good of endurance, is our relationships
They shouldn’t look back and everybody, taking everyone along with our loved ones. When
say, “They were blind, they with us? those start to collapse, it is
did nothing, they didn’t take certainly unfortunate. What are
advantage of this opportunity Q: Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this?
given to them.” that perspective. It leads me
to the next question about One thing that is happening
How can we take hold of our life emotional exhaustion. I have is isolation. Some of us are
so we don’t just become victims read that the divorce rates separated from loved ones. In
of circumstances, even when
they are challenging? Surely
COVID is a horrible situation,
many people are suffering, and
unfortunately those in poverty
and lower economic situations
are going to suffer more than
those who are wealthy. The same
is true with climate change.
Nothing is good about it.
Even still, how do we use this
This is a time of
recalibration. It’s a
time to ask, “What
have we done well,
what have we not
done well, and
what can we do to
48 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 49
self-awareness, self-acceptance,
self-compassion, communication
skills, the ability to relate to
other people, have empathy, You can pause, let yourself settle
listen – all these skills come from
heart-based meditation practice. down, clean up the emotional charge
So, the tools are there, and
they are easily available. These from your system and deal with things
skills teach us to handle such
in a different way. Communication
becomes effective. This is a simple life
For example, let’s take anger.
When you’re really angry with skill that is born out of meditation.
a parent or a spouse, if you
can’t regulate your mind and I think that’s the key – to learn how to
heart, your emotional, inner
environment, then what are handle the situation better.
you going to do? You’re going
to shout, and project things
onto the other person, blame
the other person – all very
immature behavior. Whereas,
when you regulate your mind
and heart, when you have pure
consciousness, you may still get
angry – anger is a great tool for
development – but there is no
aggression or conflict with the
other person. You can pause, let
yourself settle down, clean up
the emotional charge from your
system and deal with things in
a different way. Communication
becomes effective. This is a
simple life skill that is born out
of meditation. I think that’s the
key – to learn how to handle the
situation better.
50 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 51
52 H eart f u l n es s
be inspired
54 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 55
A User’s Guide
to Living
‑ Part 9 -
Happiness, Food
and Resources
56 H eart f u l n es s
Being to Doing
Essential values
9 Become a role model by inspiring love
and sacredness in others. Accept the
richness of their diversity, while also
accepting that we are all one
Sept ember 2 02 0 57
58 H eart f u l n es s
The yogic approach to food and tamasic food. They are content with Nature’s bounty
money in whatever form it is available.
Let’s compare this current situation with the A yogi will always recycle and reuse rather than
yogic approach to resources, which is also shared succumbing to the throw-away culture of our age.
by wise sages across other cultures. For thousands Greed and carelessness are replaced by an existence
of years, yogis have given special regard to food, of being in the world but not of the world, like
how to tread lightly on the Earth, and how to take a lotus. This wisdom has been there throughout
minimum input and give maximum output. In fact, human history, and in the modern era it is
they define morality as the wise conservation and encapsulated in Babuji’s Principle 8.
use of all the resources we have been given, such as
food, water, money, land, sexual energy, forests, the
ocean etc.
Principle Eight
Yogis have also explored this concept beyond its
physical impact: for example, food is valued as a Be happy to eat in constant divine thought
form of prana, and the effect of eating percolates whatever you get,
through the three bodies of the human system, not with due regard to honest and pious earnings.
just the physical body. When the Divinity at the
center of every atom in our food resonates with the
Divinity within us, food becomes a potent source of
Sept ember 2 02 0 59
60 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 61
In his commentary on this principle, Babuji reveals Now we come to the final part of this principle: the
a secret known to very few: When we apply our importance of honest and pious earnings. I receive
thought to prana it generates a force that can lead questions from many people around the world
us toward our goal. When the prana in the food about this part of Principle 8. Let’s start with pious
comes into contact with our thought, which is earnings.
imbued with happiness, it becomes supercharged.
It purifies all the layers of the system. In Babuji’s What I understand by pious earnings is all the acts
words, “That which springs up by our contact with that we perform in earning our day-to-day wages.
Reality leads us towards the Supreme ... This paves Moment by moment, we interact with customers,
our way to the Infinite. Thus so much distance is with nature, and with so many other people. At
covered so very easily.” some level, we are all involved in some sort of
serving; it’s an exchange. No matter what type
This observation of Babuji – that our expansion of exchange, how can we make such acts pious,
of consciousness can be accelerated with the help whether they are physical, mental, emotional or
of the prana in food being in contact with Reality intellectual? How can we be so absorbed in the
– is one of the most amazing gems that he shares. purity that is prevailing in our hearts, the piety
When we fix our thought on the Ultimate while that is prevailing? It happens only when we are
eating, we take in its effect. connected with Divinity, drowned in Divinity. The
solution is there.
62 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 63
means, your conscience is clear, and everyone in the Things in Nature are pure
family benefits.
because the basis is
Things in Nature are pure because the basis is
purity. Things earned by man can also be pure purity. Things earned by
when they come through pure and pious means. It
maintains the pristine nature of our human web. man can also be pure
That is why sages have put so much importance
upon honest and pious earnings.
when they come through
pure and pious means. It
Principle 8 in action maintains the pristine
This principle awakens us to the fact that even nature of our human
apparently mundane activities like taking food and
making money can either contribute to the purity
web. That is why sages
of our system and expand our consciousness when have put so much
done correctly, or pull us down.
importance upon honest
As discussed earlier, much has been said about
happiness, which is a central goal for human kind. and pious earnings.
In fact, the pursuit of happiness has been written
into the constitution of some countries. After
spending so much time and so many resources spiritual wisdom and modern science agree that
on decoding happiness, and getting nowhere, the happiness is to be found within.
world may be ready to hear the truth.
One reason that we are not able to feel happy is
I have spoken and written about this many times. due to our perception of separation, of “I”-ness, and
Lasting happiness does not come from external our identification with extraneous objects such as
sources. Happiness is a state next to the Divine, wealth, power and status. In other words, instead
the center of our being, and the effects percolate to of identifying with the soul, we identify with the
the outer layers and purify them. If we look upon ego and experience separation from others. In this
ourselves as fields of energy with a series of layers perception, our attention and efforts are focused on
of varying vibratory levels, the state of happiness fulfilling our desires. Objects of desire may give us
exists in close proximity to the Divine. pleasure, but it is short-lived. In order to continue
to fill the gap we acquire more and more objects of
Happiness in its subtlest form is our soul’s nature. desire, thinking that they will continue to give us
To see this in action, we only have to look at a happiness. Sound familiar?
little child, naturally joyful and happy. The primary
misunderstanding that seems to have taken us off There is also another reason we don’t feel happy,
course is that happiness will come from external even when we have everything we want. It is
things. We look outside, despite the fact that both because we numb ourselves to the pain that comes
64 H eart f u l n es s
Assimilating happiness
Sept ember 2 02 0 65
assimilation starts from the material and spreads
to the energetic and to the spiritual, ending in the
final state. These two approaches complement each
other in our journey to the goal.
Eating as something sacred It is said that emotional eating is one of the root
causes of overeating. We eat to compensate for
Until the middle of last century, there was a feelings of inadequacy and lack. We eat because of
scarcity of food, and that is still the case today in stress and anxiety. Sometimes we deliberately put
many parts of the world. With the invention of on weight because of childhood trauma. Craving
processed food, however, that scarcity was removed for food is one of the strongest desires. All these are
in the economically prosperous nations. But there addressed through this principle.
is a downside: Instead of nourishing us, food has
become one of our main causes of disease. Based I also want to touch upon the types of food we eat.
on data by the WHO, close to 40% of adults in the Many people have turned vegetarian or vegan after
world were overweight in 2016, and the percentage understanding how the type of food impacts our
of children was not far behind. Obesity has become health and well-being. Yogis also consider another
an epidemic, and three of the main causes are perspective here: Animals have a different level of
66 H eart f u l n es s
consciousness than plants, and this consciousness the meal? How are we assimilating the food? Don’t
is present in the energy field of the food. The yogic think that having offered prayer the job is over!
science of the three bodies of various forms of life Just as meditation in the morning is the beginning
– minerals, plants, animals and humans – helps us of assimilating the meditative state for the day, so
to understand why we eat lighter sattvik foods for eating a meal is the beginning of assimilating the
spiritual evolution. It is also easier to digest plant food given in that meal.
food than meat from an energetic perspective, and
meat has a heaviness associated with the samskaras So here is a simple suggestion: When you have
of the animal, so spiritual practitioners are generally finished your meal, close your eyes for half a minute
vegetarian in order to maintain the lightness of and connect with your Center. Truly be grateful
their system. from the bottom of your heart for the meal, and for
all those who served you. If you are in a restaurant
be thankful to the waiters. It is easy to give a
tip, but it is rare to give such blessings from the
Happiness is purity heart. It will touch them at some level. It is a very
powerful moment once you have finished eating in
As you read these pages, you may be wondering divine remembrance, grateful for everything that
whether this principle is about happiness, purity, has happened. With practice, you will soon see that
or our relationship with resources like food and Principle 8 is working at many levels.
money. Let me share with you how I see it: It is
our impurities and complexities that prevent us
from experiencing bliss and happiness. So if you
really want to experience happiness, this principle
will help you to download it, so as to purify your
entire system, which will in turn lead you to
the experience real happiness. Do you see the
Sept ember 2 02 0 67
It’s not about
disappearing into
the ocean,
but of becoming
the ocean.
Illu stra ti o ns by N AR END RA K IN I
—J.R.R. Tolkien
70 H eart f u l n es s
It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
—Kahlil Gibran
Sept ember 2 02 0 71
—Boney M.
72 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 73
74 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 75
Photos & recipe by SIMONNE HOLM
Zucchinis, also known as
courgettes, are delicious in many 2 medium zucchinis
dishes. They are easy to cook and 1 tsp olive oil.
they can be eaten in many ways – ½ tsp Himalayan or sea salt.
Illu stra ti o ns by AR ATI S H EDD E
raw, baked, stir fried and steamed. 1 pinch of dried mixed herbs.
76 H eart f u l n es s
Sept ember 2 02 0 77
Silently, smoothly love glides.
A sliver of interest here,
A spark of connection there,
A touch of wonder here,
A stroke of beauty there
A stir, a shake, creating radiant little pockets of love.
78 H eart f u l n es s
2020 - 2021
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Sept ember 2 02 0 79
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