December 20 News
December 20 News
December 20 News
The weather is getting colder, and it is a good time to chat with your children about
proper outdoor clothing. Students will remain outside as much as possible for recess
and gym classes so please remind them that even if it is damp, cold or raining a bit,
they may continue to be outdoors. Proper clothing is imperative so that students can
still enjoy the outdoors and stay warm.
As we head into December, things will definitely look different as there can be no concert or Christmas
activities like we had in the past. Every individual teacher, however, will do their very best to keep
the spirit alive in their classrooms.
A reminder that there will be no school December 4th and December 11th due to the additional non-
instructional days. Staff will be in various planning sessions throughout those days to plan for second
term and the possible future Red Level restrictions.
As we creep up the levels of the provincial pandemic response, I want to thank everyone who is doing
their best to follow provincial regulations to keep our community safe. Remember the best way to
stay healthy and keep everyone safe is to:
Social distance (2M always the best)
Wash or sanitize hands regularly
Wear a mask indoors
Reduce your bubble
Happy December everyone! Stay safe, stay healthy!! Mme Lucille McGillivray, Principal