Known Coordinate Setup: Known Backsight Mark Hannaford May 2016
Known Coordinate Setup: Known Backsight Mark Hannaford May 2016
Known Coordinate Setup: Known Backsight Mark Hannaford May 2016
This guide covers setting up a total station on a known coordinate and then sighting
another known coordinate as an orientating Backsight. This method has fallen from
favour amongst site engineers as resection has become increasingly popular. Resection is
a good way of setting the instrument up but is far less good at creating new control points.
The known coordinate method along with a traverse kit is still the best way to create new
stations. Surveyors would use no other method! The notes at the end might even look at
measuring the points in Face Left and Face Right!
I am assuming you have set up a job and have some station coordinates entered into it. I
am also assuming the total station is set over the station you wish to use!
With the job you are using central on the top row, tap Setup.
Tap the Setup method option box and select Known backsight from the list.
Then press F1 (OK).
I uploaded my station coordinates during a previous guide. This means that I need to set
the Setup point from line to Job.
Select the correct Job. The SD in brackets refers to where the particular job is stored.
The Point ID refers to the station point that the instrument is set up on.
I am going to working in 3D so I have measured the Instrument height from the top of the
station nail to the height of collimation mark indicated on the side of the instrument.
The Easting, Northing and Height of the point highlighted in the Point ID are then
displayed to allow you to visually check for errors.
Press F1 (OK).
On this Set Orientation screen, we must select the Backsight ID from the list of points
entered previously. This is the station the target is set up on.
As my backsight point is a retro target sticker, the 0.000m Target height is correct. If using
a prism target, you need to measure the height from the top of the station nail to middle
of the prism.
A Computed direction (Whole Circle Bearing) and a Computed horizontal distance are
displayed. These are mathematically calculated by the software and will be compared to
the actual measured distance when we press F2 (Distance).
Please note, I have scrolled down the page slightly before I recorded this screen grab. The
line of information missing from the top is the Backsight ID.
What has changed is shown towards the bottom of the page. The measured distance has
been compared with the Calculated horizontal distance to give us a Difference in
horizontal distance of 0.001m.
There is also a Difference in height calculated from the measured distance and vertical
If the Differences are acceptable, press F1 (Set).
(See Notes for explanation of the other pages.)
With the Setup now complete, you will be returned to the Home screen.
Whilst we are looking at this screen, look at the Target icons I have circled and compare
them to the icons displayed from Stage 2 onwards. Captivate will still allow you to
measure to different targets on the setup. Annoyingly, you now have to set the function
as a Hotkey. Here is the procedure…
…Tap Settings on the far left of the bottom line of the Home screen. Tap the
Customisation option and then select Hotkeys & favourites. Select one of the keys F7 to
F12 and tap the list box. From the list select TS – Measure & target. Set any other
Hotkeys you want and Press F1 (OK) to store. Use the function key to set your Measure
and Setup target options.
**The guide is complete. Only look at the rest if you want to use Face Left/Face Right.**
**You do not need to follow these next steps. For first order control points and
monitoring tasks, it will be useful.**
A Few Notes on Face Left and Face Right Measurements: On occasion, it is necessary to
chase as much accuracy as possible. Measuring in new First Order control is one such time
so I thought a few notes here might be a good idea. Obviously you probably wouldn’t be
using retro targets if true accuracy was your goal but, it is what I have and the procedure is
the same! You need to get the screen shown here.
Press the green Fn key or tap either of the Fn icons circled. Press F1 (Settings) which will
have appeared upon pressing Fn.
There are a lot of settings found here! You can for example on the Known backsight page
instruct Captivate to inform you if the setup does not reach your required level of
accuracy. You can set this level of accuracy on the Advanced page.
Back to what we are trying to achieve here! I have already ticked the relevant box on this
screen. It is of course, the Use two face measurements option.
With this box ticked, you will be expected to measure in both faces within the Setup
program. If you only ever set up using the 360° prism in robotic mode, do not follow this
part of the guide! Press F1 (OK) to exit.
The process is quite difficult to explain and show in pictures but, if you’re versed in theory
you already know what will happen. Press F2 to measure the Distance as in Stage 4.
When you go to store the shot, the above message will appear. The total station will turn
in both axes by 180° so that the slow motion tangent screws will end up on the other side
of the instrument. I have caught the instrument above in mid‐turn. I have circled the
angle display and you can see on the vertical angle especially, the instrument is well on the
way to Face Right.
Once the instrument has stopped moving, carefully sight the target again and press F2
(Distance). Once measured, press F1 (Set) and the details of the setup will be recorded
and the instrument will turn back to Face Left. The Setup is complete and you are ready to
This guide was written using V1.30 Firmware.
There were a few pages that we didn’t look at. If you look at the Stage 5 picture, you
will see Backsight point code, Setup, Camera and 3D viewer. I didn’t include them
because I am trying to keep the number of pages to a minimum! For the most part,
they confirm data we have already seen and set. The Camera option will only work if
you have an Imaging option in the TS16 and the 3D viewer will show a line between
our two points!
Rather than use the UK terms of Face Left and Face Right, Leica have gone for the
more international Face 1 and Face 2. Look at the images above and check the icon
of the total station on the top line. The little number (either a 1 or a 2) in the orange
circle refers to Face 1 or 2. For 99.9% of the time it needs to show Face 1 (Left).
The main advantages of this technique if you require extra accuracy are that you
firstly end up with two sets of angles and distances to average. Secondly, any small
errors in the horizontal and vertical circles are halved.
Face 1 and Face 2 on the setup is only worth doing if that is how you intend to
measure in any new points in the Measure program, mainly new stations or
monitoring points.