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Workday Interviews Q & A

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Workday Basics:

Workday Web Services?

Workday’s public API. Based on open standards, Workday Web Services (WWS) provide the core method for integration w

What are the different options available to test a document delivery configuration in Workday?
create a definitionand configure th reteantion policy and the adress to be delivered the dress a ndprototclas used to delve
distinguish itslef from other files.attach it in a business process->launch a integration->later test whteher it reached it desti
or using test document which gives the preview of the file on extrernal system.

What types of Workday HCM applications have you worked / used

HCM.i only worked on human capital managemant.

What is the Data source ?

A Data source defines a particular set of Business objects instance for reporting purpose.
A Data source is similar to Data Base view. But Data source is more flexible.
Data source can return hierarchical data.
We have 2 types of Data Sources :
1. Standard Data Sources
2. Indexed Data Sources
Data source Automatically structures.

Tell me about conversion and mapping data elements from/to Workday data sources.

What is Business object ?

Workday stores your data as business objects—organizations, workers, positions, and so on—which can be thought of as d
database table or worksheet has columns and rows, a Workday business object has fields and instances. A business object
a table or spreadsheet is composed of a set of related columns. Instances of a business object in Workday are like rows in
representing a unique occurrence of that type of object such as an organization or worker. A business object can have no i
automatically links related business objects together. For example, purchase order lines are linked to a purchase order hea
supplier, the supplier is linked to a company, and so on.

Tell me about the data types (PBOs / RBOs) that you have used most often, during your last project.

How do you process the Employee ID in Workday Studio

Complications faced during implementation and testing

What is process mapping

What is gap analysis

Explain the testing process ?

We build and carry out initial testing in Implementation environment, once approved we push it to Sandbox and carry full
How to troubleshoot ?

What is the process that you follow during conversion of a legacy system to workday system and how do you do it? expl

What is the difference in process between implementation, go live and production projects?

What are the tenants that we have?

What are the impact and results of the latest updates?

What are the different types of integrations you have handled in your previous projects?
Core connectors (ccw and pi), EIB.

Explain the Business needs and how you decide accordingly

After discussions with Business we would identify the order of priority and work accordingly, off course production issues a

Complications faced during implementation and testing

Soap UI – It is used to test Workday delivered web service

It is external tool which is used to test webservice

What are the part that the workday hcm have? or how is workday hcm divided? (talent, performance, hr, payroll, time t

What is get in workday?

How would you test the requirement and configure sandbox or direct?

How do you transfer to real tenant after testing in sandbox tenant? will you migrate or configure

How do you meet and talk with the business users?

How do u handle the prioritizations between demanding clients?

Are all the requirements gathered with business users?

How do you get requirements?

How will you communicate with the vendors and business users?

What are the different sectors that you have worked on?

Elaborate on some of the testing examples?

Procedures of gathering the requirements and discussing with the team?

What are the other things that the workday delivers?

How do you do testing? if you dont have the test scenarios, how do you prepare and test?

What are the risks you have seen in your project?

What are the toughest situations of your work?

Which part of workday are you weak?

What type of production issue you have seen.. how did you overcome?

What are the departments that we deal with?

Is there any scenario that you automated something?

What are the versions you have worked in workday?

What are the impact and results of the latest updates?

Discuss about the stage of project in which we are in?

What is WD Alerts

Workday enables you to generate configurable alerts based on a custom report. You can configure alerts to send relevant
condition for which you can create a report in Workday. The benefit of configurable alerts is that users who receive such a
run a report to obtain the related information; it simply appears in the their Inbox or Workfeed. Examples include:
Key metrics reached or milestones met.
Items overdue, like a project timesheet.
Exceptions, like credit card transactions with no expense reports.
Birthday and employment anniversary reminders to managers.
Time off reminders to your team.

List the number of Business Objects by Category

Name a few modules of the Workday Human Capital Management Suite:

Absence, Benefits, Compensation, Onboarding, Payroll, Recruiting Time Tracking.

Name some post-production and pre-production Workday Tenants:

Post-production: Production tenant and Sandbox tenant. Pre-production or implementation: Implementation tenant and G

What is Workday Architecture?









Workday Basics:
What is Business Process?
The set of tasks that need to be completed for an event to occur, the order in which they must be done, and who must do the
business processes for different purposes. You can edit the default definitions for your organization. You can also create differ
different organizations.

Explain the hire business process?

When do use Transaction Log ?

The Transaction log to monitor The Events for particular transaction type or Business process type in workday ,And fi
your workday Data within a particular Time period. We uses Transaction log after Lunching Integration.

If a hr team has a better idea than you are configuring for the business process how ?
would you get a better understanding and do it?

How do you add a condition for generating a particular step automatically every sept 1st in a business process?

What changes do you do in the business processes?

If there are some unions and they need to get some benefits or a different business process, what can you to make it work?

What are the business process you gonna do?

How can you edit a Business Process Definition? What will happen to the Business Process events that are already running i

Search for the Business Process name and do Business Process > Edit Definition of the related actions. Business Processes even
new definition, and only new events will pick up the changes.

What is the search prefix to limit a search to business processes?

Which task can help you test assigned steps in Business Process regardless if that step is assigned to yourself or to another p
that task? What are the environment limitations?
The task is called “start proxy.” Proxy policies are configured from the “Create Proxy Access Policy” task. Proxy cannot be exec

How can Organizations be tied to Business Processes? Give an example of why is this important.
Workday allows the configuration Business Processes per Organization. When executing a Business Process with multiple Orga
hierarchy check to select which definition to execute. An example could be multiple Hire Business Process Definitions depende
for Finance Department, Hire for HR Department, etc.

How can you modify who can do specific actions in a Business Process?
By editing the Business Process Security Policies.

What report can provide you all details of the actions available for a specific Business Process Type?
Business Process Configurations Options report

What type of conditions can be defined as Business Process steps?

Entry conditions, exit conditions, while running conditions, validation conditions.

What type of approvals can be configured in a review step in a Business Process?

Individual Approval, Approval Chain, Consolidated Approval, Consolidated Approval Chain, Mass Approval

What is a Business Process completion step? Why is it important? What happens if there are no steps marked as completion
The Business Process as marked as “complete” once the completion step finishes executing.

It is important because other actions could depend on the completion of a Business Process, but do not depend on all of the s
successful interview, and our organization wants to move ahead and hire the candidate, but his position needs to perform an
do not need to wait for all the information to come back from the Background Check Business Process, we can set the comple
Hire or Hire Business Processes to continue their execution, and may enter the Background Check Business Process before the

What actions can you do with a Business Process event if you want to alter its behavior once it is already running? What sea

You can cancel, reassign, delegate, correct. To search for events, you can use the prefix “event:.”




































































































































































































What is Custom Report?

Custom reports are designed and built by customers using the Workday Report Writer. They can be created new or as a copy o

What is Simple Report?

You can create 3 types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. A simple report provides straightforward design optio
create reports quickly and easily.

What is Primary Business Object (PBO)?

When defining a report, the primary business object is the business object returned by the data source.

What is Data Source?

A data source defines a particular set of business object instances for reporting purposes. A data source is similar to a databas
areas. First, a database view always returns a flattened out tabular data structure, whereas a data source can return hierarchic
requires that technical staff manually join related tables together, while a data source automatically allows reportable access t
data source.

What is Contextual Custom Report?

A contextual custom report is a custom report created by selecting Reporting > Create Custom Report from Here from the rela
simplifies the selection of data and fields by limiting choices to those related to the context of the object.

What is Related Business Object (RBO)?

When defining a report, fields that return objects related to the primary business object are said to contain related business o
own set of fields that can be included in the report as well.

What is sitemap?
Using the Sitemap, Report Writer category you can see all tasks and report related to Report Writer.

What is RAAS

What is difference between filter and sub filter

How to write the report name is there any separate format for this?

How many types of reports are there? What are they?

There are 8 types of reports are there
1. Simple Report
2. Advance Report
3. Matrix
4. nBox
5. Search
6. Transposed
7. Trending
8. Composite

What is the difference between Report & Custom Report?

Custom reports are designed and built by customers using the Workday Report Writer tool. They can be created new or as a c
Workday reports are actionable where you can drill down on items to obtain additional information and use related tasks to p
that report. As we will see, custom reports can be scheduled, translated, shared, and more features are available.

What is W:Drive?

The Workday drive (W: drive) is a virtual drive where you can store generated reports. There are several scenarios in which re
• If you schedule a report, the report output is stored on the My Reports tab of your W: drive.
• If you share a report, the report output is stored on the My Reports tab of the W: drive of all report recipients.
1. From the Home page, click the Menu icon and select W: Drive.
2. On the My Reports page, you can view a list of the reports you have access to.
When you open the W: drive, it displays 2 tabs:
• The My Reports tab contains the last ten reports and integration audits. Click View All My Reports to see all the files on your
progress of scheduled reports and other scheduled processes.

What is Subfilter? And how it is used in reports?

What is standard reports?

Standard reports are reports that come delivered with Workday. They are developed by Workday and are delivered to all Wor
requirements, standard reports may be defined using the Workday Report Writer or in XpressO (Workday's internal developm
designed using the Report Writer can be copied to create a custom report and then modified according to your requirements.

If we click on temporary what will happen and how many days reports will be available?

If we click on temporary report the report will be available for 7 days. Similarly, for advanced and matrix report types, you can
report, and by default the report will be deleted automatically after 7 days. You change the default deletion date on the Advan

What are prompts in Reports and how it is useful?

Report Writer report can be defined so that it prompts the user for filtering criteria when they run the report. Report prompts
How to change simple report to advance report?

You can create custom reports as an Advanced report type from the start, however, if you started with a Simple report type, t
simple to advanced. Using the related actions on your report definition, select Custom Report > Change to Advanced Report T

What do u mean by Web Services Enable? Why we have to click that?

We enable web service option in our report, it allows accessing that report anywhere using through Web services. We can use

What is Sort in the reports?

What is Subsorts in reports?

What is the difference between Sort & Subsorts?

What is the difference between filter and sub filter?

Filter is one of the option of the workday, it include ability to use comparison Types, and it filters value of given condition. The
the sub filter logic is executed first comparing to filter logic. Sub filter interact with PBO for given instances. It checks the cond
RBO. Filter is reference to RBO checks first then goes to the PBO.

What is the Filter Tab in reports?

When prompting the user for a value to filter instances of your custom report, you can use delivered prompt qualifiers for the

How many types of comparison types are there what are they? Explain it briefly?

What is the difference between simple and advance report?

What is Sorting?

What is Logical Sort Order?

What is filtering?

What are Filter Operators?

What are Class Report Fields?

Each Data Source has many Fields can be simple types Class Report Fields (CRFs). Each CRF is accompanied by a fi
their definitions are as follows.
When creating custom reports, depending on your security, you can display, sort, filter and create prompts for not only Workd
available Calculated Fields and/or Custom Fields.

How to create a Report?

In search bar type create custom report then u can see below type image. Then u can select all type fields. We have to give Re
select the Data Source.

How to improve performance of the Reports?

We are using filters, sub filters and prompts concepts in the reports for reducing the Data. Then it’s automatically performanc
load and managing all needed records easily.

What is the difference between reports and templates?

Reports are designed and built by customers or functional users using the Workday Report Writer tool. They can be created ne
custom report. Workday reports are actionable where you can drill down on items to obtain additional information and use re
items within that report. As we will see, custom reports can be scheduled, translated, shared, and more features are available
Templates have built-in features that extends functionality to end users of Workaday Hcm. It contains different services, Attrib
integration system. We have different types of templates are available in workaday, and have special features each of the tem
integration and it is more flexible. Great look and fell, user interface are different from reports.

What is the difference between Run and Test in reports?

Run is used to be executing all functionalities of the Data in Reports at a time to produces end of the output file.
Test is executing the limited files of Data in the reports for testing purpose and it displays the limited records of the output file

What is the difference between Column heading Overwrite and Column heading Overwrite XML Alias?
Colum Heading Override XML Alias (on Columns tab), verify the following headers. You will need to modify Last_Name and Fi
Column heading Overwrite to change the column names if you want them to be different than the field name. Configure a co
Name field to be just: Legal Name.

In Filter which fields will be use?

Specify the filter that should be used in the report for filtering data that I will be used fields are hire date, employee Type.

Describe in detail your experience with Field mapping and Workday Report designing and builder

Tell me about conversion and mapping data elements from/to Workday data sources

Tell me about the data types (PBOs / RBOs) that you have used most often, during your last project.
mostly i have used organization(recent poject),worker(often),rbo(division,country).
what are the Business object ?
Business object is One of The main part in Workday for retrieving fields Data.
- Work Day stores data as Business objects, Business object has Fields and Instances
- A Business objects is composed of set of related fields like Data Base Tables
- Fields acts as DB columns, Instances acts as DB Rows in workday
- Business Objects Automatically links Related Business objects(RBO’s) to access customer
need Fields.
-Business object are Organization , workers , Positions..etc..

Differences B/w Report and EIB?


Report tool Build Simple and Advanced reports in Workday

It doesn’t supports XML files

It doesn’t access the External system reports data

Reports are More securable because it runs on our local Machines and don’t share others as report wise
Reports are Don’t need of code, Functional guys are used simply

How do you create Report?

Report creation following simple steps, Initially you search for CREATE CUSTOM REPORT in search Box, then appea
asking report name , select the Data source and select report type ,you fill the all information after click OK ,next an
column, sort, filter, prompts, output, share and Advanced etc, then you choose column then select the Business Ob
Adding columns. After choose sort option for sorting Ascending or Descending the fields of data, then select Filterin
data .Prompts are used in Reports give Runtime parameters. Output options is used for displaying output format in
selected don’t share others for security. Advanced option ,you choose the web services enabled for retrieve data th
the report and then you can see the resulted output in Excel file.

Do you use change detection in reports?

Where is matrix reports used / what is the use of matrix report?

What is process mapping?

What is difference between filter and sub filter
Filter is used to provide filter condition for Primary Business Object and Sub-Filter is used to provide filter condition for Second

Can we use multiple data source in Report


What data will you gather while creating a report?

What is birt reporting?

BIRT is an open source technology platform used to create data visualizations and reports that can be embedded into rich clie

What is a team ? Who do you report to and who can be your manager? What is the position of your manager and the one yo

Some of the reports that actually need to be sent to benefit providers and their report fields and some of the reports for ad
different reports? reports?

Do you have any experience working with the unions?

How can we create dashboards for other users?

What is Matrix Report ?

Matrix reports are similar, but not identical to, pivot tables and crosstabs found in other systems. You group data in a row grou
the matrix cells display aggregate values scoped to the intersection of the row and column groups to which the cell belongs.

How do you compare the WD reporting with Relational DB:

Data Source - View

Object - Table
Related Object - Child Table
Class Report Field - (CRF) Column
Instance - Row

What report and task can you use to view and edit domains and business process types between the different Workday mo
Functional Areas report to view, Maintain Functional Areas task to edit.

What is WD Alerts:
Workday enables you to generate configurable alerts based on a custom report. You can configure alerts to send relevant bus
any condition for which you can create a report in Workday. The benefit of configurable alerts is that users who receive such a
information or run a report to obtain the related information; it simply appears in the their Inbox or Workfeed. Examples inclu
Key metrics reached or milestones met.
Items overdue, like a project timesheet.
Exceptions, like credit card transactions with no expense reports.
Birthday and employment anniversary reminders to managers.
Time off reminders to your team.

What is RAAS:
You may create custom reports and enable them as a web service to be used in an Outbound EIB (Enterprise Integration Build
then you must also define Column Heading Override and Group Column Heading values on the Columns tab, and provide Labe

What is Worklets?

A worklet is a report that can be displayed in a "tile" on the Workday "landing pages", which are: My Workday, All About Me, a
Worklets provide users quick access to frequently referenced data and tasks common to a specific functional area.
You can create your own worklets by using the Report Writer and specifying either the advanced or the matrix report type, an
Output tab. If you choose to share a worklet, it becomes available for authorized users to select when configuring their Workd

What is Trended Worker Data source?

Trended Worker Data source encompasses a number of fields that fall into 3 general categories:
Monthly worker snapshots. This type of data includes data about workers as of the last day of the month, including compensa
biographical information.
Staffing events. These include hires, terminations, transfers, promotions, changes in position, addition or deletion of additiona
Calculated metrics. These are calculations ,we can make based on the trended data, such as turnover rate and span of control
Workday automatically updates the Trended Workers data source at the end of each month. Data is collected for the last 36 m
months that are available in Workday, up to 36 months). Any data older than 36 months is automatically purged from the data
changes that have been made to a worker in the last 3 months are automatically incorporated into the trended data.

What is Trending report?

Using Trending Report, Workday enables to report on and analyze trends in worker data such as headcount and attrition throu
reports. We could create custom Trending report types that use trended data. By using either standard reports or custom repo
workforce directly in Workday, without the need for a third-party analytical tool.
At the core of all trending report types is the Trended Workers data source.

What is Indexed Data source?

Indexed data sources are a special type of data source optimized for performance, aggregation, and faceted filtering on large v

Can custom field be used in Report?

Name the service used to load custom object data into tenant through studio integration?
Rest API

Can we use Soap Web-service to retrieve custom object data from tenant through studio integration?

What is the use of Fop component in Studio?

The fop mediation step generates PDF documents, as well as several other supported formats, from an XML file using the Apa

What is the difference in using MVEL-strategy and all strategy in routers in Workday studio?
Mvel strategy : Allows an MVEL Boolean expression to be evaluated as part of a route. We could define multiple expressions,
route component.
All Strategy: This strategy routes the incoming message to each of the sub-routes configured within the component.

What is the use of Custom component in Workday Studio?

The Spring Bean configuration instructs the assembly runtime how to create instances of the Java classes

What is the programming language used to load custom object into tenant through studio integration?
Json Array

How to avoid extra paging and cutting of data for each record while creating the template using report designer?
By avoiding to fix the height for the main table or to any tables used inside the main table. Assigning Fixed Height may sometim
than assigned height or will leave empty space or pages if the data is less.

What is the security group assigned to the user to create Custom object in tenant?
Custom Object Management.

What are the different types of custom reports?

Simple, Advanced, Matrix, nBox, Search, Transposed, Trending.

What is the difference between Filter and Sub-Filter?

Filter is used to provide filter condition for Primary Business Object and Sub-Filter is used to provide filter condition for Second

How do you create Report?

Report creation following simple steps, Initially you search for CREATE CUSTOM REPORT in search Box, then appears a new w
select the Data source and select report type ,you fill the all information after click OK ,next another screen you can see optio
share and Advanced etc, then you choose column then select the Business Object ,and Field next click “ + ” button for Adding
sorting Ascending or Descending the fields of data, then select Filtering and sub filtering tab’s for filter the data .Prompts are u
Output options is used for displaying output format in the Report. In Share option default selected don’t share others for secu
services enabled for retrieve data this Reports data then click Save and Run the report and then you can see the resulted outp

Describe in detail your experience with Field mapping and Workday Report designing and builder
Where is matrix reports used / what is the use of matrix report

Can we use multiple data source in Report

What data will you gather while creating a report?

Some of the reports that actually need to be sent to benefit providers and their report fields and some of the reports for ad

If the data of 200 new hire or requisition is to be added to a system what would you do will you use only one template or di

How can we create dashboards for other users?

If there is a situation like a worker does not get his hours worked correctly , what will you check for the issue and how will y

How many Data Sources are there while creating Reports?

What are the differences between a basic & advanced report?

How to create & use Prompt?

How many Workday Standard Report Categories are present?

What is the most important function of Matrix Report?

By default, are Reports shared with all the users?

What is Report Scheduling? How?

Is there a possibility to change the owner of the Report? If so, how is it done?

What is the difference between choosing a Worker Business Object & Employee Business Object?

How many Report types can be created?

Will the Data Source change according to the Report type?

Under which circumstances we use “Group Column Heading”. When is it mandatory?

Different kind of business object we use Group Column Heading.it is not mandatory.

How to configure Reports as Worklets?

Using Edt Worklets we can add the Reports

How to hide Standard Workday Reports?

Using Hide standard report task.

How many types of Data Sources are there in Workday? What are they? (Standard & Indexed)

What is Contextual Reporting?

Proxy Access Report. Explain?

Explain Grouping & Outlining Report

what is the function for accessing standard reports

Workday Standard Reports

what is the alternate way of accessing delivered reports

Menu Navigation Slide out tab

can you edit a delivered report


how can you edit a report

copy first

what is the standard options on a reports that is viewed

desc, type, report is schedulable or not, domain control

what are the two types of delivered reports

xpressO and report writer

can report writer reports be copied and edited


how many ways to copy a report


what are the two ways you can copy a report

1. related action 2. in search use the function copy standard report to custom report task

can xpressO reports be copied


what do some xpressO reports contain


what do xpressO templates allow?

multiple versions of the report

Though XpressO reports cannot be customized, some include

configuration templates

how are reports govern

by security groups

when searching for reports how are the results displayed

separately under reports and tasks tabs

what is the business data tab for in reports

work with obj definitions

when a report is hidden what becomes disabled

search results, menus, as a related action and is no longer searchable

how do you hide a report

use the Hide Workday Delivered Reports task

what does report data source (RDS) equate to in a relational db


what does Primary Bus Obj (PBO) equate to in a relational db


what does Related Business Object (RBO) equate to in a relational db

Child Table

what does Class Report Field (CRF) equate to in a relational db


how is work data stored

as a bus obj

what does a bus obj contain

fields and instances

instances are unique occurrences


bus objects can have many instances, what are 3 types of instances
none, one or many

what type of fields can be selected for custom reports

1. Workday delivered fields 2. calculated Fields 3. Custom fields

what is the only thing you can delete

calculated fields

what is the req when deleting calc fields

they must not be currently being used

When working with Workday Custom Reports, you can select available fields depending on your security and these fields ca
workday delivered fields, other calc fields or available custom fields

can you report on external data


what is used to report external data


standard reports are search with what parameter

Workday Standard Reports

you cannot edit a delivered report, what do you do

copy a report

You can copy a Workday standard report to custom in 2 ways

find report via search or run a report and copy it that way using related action

The Business Data tab has what

object definitions

To hide a report, use

Hide Workday Delivered Reports task

Workday stores your data as

Business Objects

Instances of a business object in Workday are like

rows in a table or spreadsheet

A business object is composed of

a set of related fields

Does Workday automatically links related business objects together


XpressO New columns or fields cannot be added to the report, true or false?
new types of reports

XpressO - New rows added under the Name column will create?

XpressO - new rows added under the configuration detail will?

modify these existing configurations

access to reports is governed by

security access to the domain

When searching for reports in the search box, delivered reports and Custom reports will always list separately under
Reports and Tasks Tab

Custom fields allow you to enter, maintain and report on additional data not managed in Workday, true or false

Data sources are

defined and delivered by Workday

To create a custom report you must

specify a data source

The data source is associated with a


what is PBO
Primary business Objec

what is the first and most important step in developing a custom report
the selection of the data source

True or False: The same primary business object may be represented by more than one data source depending on filtering a

The Primary Business Object is important because

it dictates the list of Related Business Objects that are available to include in that report

The Related Business Objects relationship to the Primary Business Object is what
a 1:1 or 1:M

There are two types of data sources

indexed and standard

The Standard Report called Data Sources lists

all data sources grouped by their primary business object

Every Data Source has a what?


when you report against a particular data source the output will yield what?
1 instance(row) of every instance of the PBO

with all reports you can download the results to what

excel or PDF

what is report writer

Workday's custom report writing tool

access to the RW is based on

user-based security group - Report Writer

can you copy report writer delivered reports


one can share custom reports with users or groups


when creating custom reports you use what task

create custom report

when creating custom reports you must select what in the first step
report type and report data source

what is a simple report

A simple report provides straightforward design options for the beginning or occasional user to create reports quickly and eas

what is an advance report

An advanced report provides all the features of a simple report, plus more

what is a matrix report

A matrix report forms the foundation for custom analytics

what is a search report

A search report displays search results based on values selected for facet filters on the report.

what is a transposed report

A transposed report interchanges the rows and corresponding columns on the report.

define a nBox report

An nBox report counts data and displays the results in a 2-dimensional matrix

what is a trending report

A trending report allows you to report and analyze trended worker data, like headcount and attrition, over time

Each Data Source has many


what does CRF stand for

class report fields

each CRF is accompanied by what

field type icon

CRF's can be what type of field

simple or object

how many types of CRF fields


what are the different field types

1. Primary Object 2. m:M 3. 1:m 4. currency 5. Boolean 6. date 7. numeric 8. Text

what is significant about the BO report

helps understand and navigate the Workday obj model

what is the report fields report showcase

all fields avail for use in the report writer

if no sort is established on a report what occurs

sorts on leftmost column assc with the BO and will not group or total

can you do more than one sort in a report


fields selected in the sort are not required to be on the report output, true or false

workday provides logical sorting? true or false


what is the task for moving a simple report to an advance report

change to advanced report type

how does one enable saving of prompt filter parameters

advanced tab -> view options -> enable save parameters

There are two types of fields that describe the relationship a related business object has to the primary business object, wh
single and multi instance fields

Single instance fields on the PBO have what type of relationship between the primary business object and the related busin
a one-to-one (1:1)

multi instance fields on the PBO have what type of relationship between the primary business object and the related busine
a one-to-many (1:M)

When working with Workday custom reports, you can access fields from the PBO and RBOs based on what two things
your data source and report field security

You cannot access fields from RBOs related to RBOs that are further levels deep, true or false

When configuring an Advanced report, you can include fields from the PBO and RBOs by specifying the Business Object and

true or false: You can access fields from RBOs related to RBOs that are further levels deep

Reports are always sorted by the 1st column in the report from which object business object
the primary business object

The related business objects are sorted by the what column added in the report within the context of their relationship to th

RBO fields to filter on should be defined under which tab


PBO fields filter on which tab


Contextual reporting options can be used to create and view related reports directly from where
the context of a given object

contextual reporting is done by selecting what related action


define: Business Object Details

This option displays the relationships that the selected business object has with other business objects in the system.

true or false - Report Fields and Values option does not display all the report fields and values related to the selected busine
allowed to view

REPORT MANAGEMENT - govern access to report writing administration and management features in Workday, true or fals

The Report Writer security group is a delivered is a what

user-based security group

REPORT OWNER - how many owners own a report

true or false: Report Owners (or those with access to manage reports centrally) can also Transfer Ownership of the report to
Writer if needed

Manage: All Custom Reports allows what

have central ability to access any custom report definition in the tenan

what is the default number of days for a temp report

true or false: Simple report types, once defined as temporary cannot be changed to permanent or vice versa

You can only share a report with users that have access to the report’s ?
data source

By default, a custom report is visible everyone true or false

false - it's only available to the owner

What are some ways to access a Workday Standard Delivered Report?

Browsing by Category in the Sitemap, running Workday Standard Reports or writing the name of a specific report in the search

Name two types of Workday Standard Reports and a difference between them.
Report Writer Reports and XpressO reports. Report Writer can be copied and customized, but you cannot copy XpressO repor

Which prefix limits a search to reports?


What are two ways to create a report in Workday?

Run the Create Custom Report task and
Copy a Workday Standard Report and modify it.

What are some of the Report Types in the Workday Report Writer?
Simple, Advanced, Composite, Search, Matrix, etc.

Name some differences between Simple and Advanced Reports.

Simple reports cannot access related Business Objects while Advanced Reports can.

Simple reports cannot be shared while Advanced Reports can be shared.

Simple reports cannot be RaaS enabled, Advanced Reports can be RaaS enabled.

Name some types of Class Report Fields

Currency, Boolean, Date, Numeric, Text, 1:1/1:M Object, Self referencing instance.

If you share a report with everyone within your organization, will anyone be able to see the same output when running the

No, the output will depend on the security access to the data source of the person who is running the report.

Which report can you use to view all security groups assigned to a user? Which report can return all items that can be acces
To view all security groups assigned per user: View Security Groups for User and
To view all you can access per security group: View Security Group.

What report can show you a security description of any item (task, report, web service, business process security policy) in W
most important security report tools.
View Security for Securable Item.
Comments / Results





EIB to Build secure and simple
Integrations in workday
It’s supports XML file and

EIB access the External System

reports Data using by Web
services and Transformations

EIB’s are more flexible compared

to Reports
It has little bit of code.





















Calculated fields:
Explain the functionality of Aggregate Related Instance Calculated Field?
The Aggregate Related Instances calculated field lists all the instances associated with a field in a child object and eliminates a
to apply a condition rule to filter the results based on criteria that you specify.

Explain the functionality of Arithmetic Calculation Calculated Field?

The Arithmetic Calculation Calculated Field performs simple Arithmetic operations like addition, Subtraction, Multiplication an

Explain the functionality of Build Date Calculated Field?

The Build Date calculated field enables you to create a new date field by mixing and matching date (or date-time) components

Explain the functionality of Concatenate Text Calculated Field?

The Concatenate Text function concatenates a series of text fields.

Explain the functionality of Convert Currency Calculated Field?

The Convert Currency calculated field determines the equivalent value of a field in a different currency and can vary from insta
area in which it is used. For example, you can record a one-time bonus amount in an employee's local currency which, in a glo
the Convert Currency calculated field, you can specify the source currency field and target currency, converting the one-time b

Explain the functionality of Convert Text to Number Calculated Field?

This calculated field enables you to convert a number that currently exists as a text field to a numeric data type. For example y
required to perform calculations on the year.

Explain the functionality of Count Related Instance Calculated Field?

The Count Related Instances calculated field dynamically counts instances of a related business object based on a test conditio
compute the span of control by counting the number of managers in an organization, or the cost-per-hire per location by coun

Explain the functionality of Date Constant Calculated Field?

This function creates a date, date/time, or date/time/time zone constant for use in other calculations.

Explain the functionality of Date Difference Calculated Field?

The Date Difference function computes the number of days, months, or years between two dates. The start date is subtracted

Explain the functionality of Evaluate Expression Calculated Field?

This calculated field groups and transforms data by evaluating a series of Boolean test conditions. Workday applies the default
condition defined. Once it finds a condition that is true, Workday returns the corresponding value and does not test any subse

Explain the functionality of Extract Multi Instance Calculated Field?

The Extract Multi-Instance calculated field returns a multi-instance field from a related business object. It enables you to extra
(either single instance or a multi-instance) and return the instances that satisfy the condition (zero, one, or multiple instances)

Explain the functionality of Extract Single Instance Calculated Field?

The Extract Single Instance calculated field returns a single instance field from a related business object. It enables you to extr
number of instances that satisfy the condition specified on the related business object, either zero or one instance will be retu

Explain the functionality of Format Date Calculated Field?

The Format Date function extracts the year, year-quarter, and year-month from a date and formats it as a text field.

Explain the functionality of Format Number Calculated Field?

The Format Number calculated field enables you to convert the data type of a numeric field to its text form, in the format you

Explain the functionality of Format Text Calculated Field?

The Format Text calculated field enables you to modify the case of either a text field or a single instance field to either upper,

Explain the functionality of Increment or Decrement Date Calculated Field?

The Increment or Decrement Date calculated field computes a date that is a specified number of days, months, or years befor
field, you can add or subtract a number of days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

Explain the functionality of Lookup Hierarchy Calculated Field?

The Lookup Hierarchy calculated field makes it easy to report on your hierarchical data in Workday, including custom hierarch
hierarchies, customer hierarchies, and so on, greatly expanding your ability to report on hierarchical information in Workday.

Explain the functionality of Lookup Hierarchy Rollup Calculated Field?

The Lookup Hierarchy Rollup calculated field works in conjunction with a matrix report definition. It supports any hierarchy typ
hierarchies. This feature respects the access that you have to an organization configured through Workday security. When you
automatically starts at the highest level in the hierarchy to which you have access. If there is data that you don't have access t

Explain the functionality of Lookup Organization Calculated Field?

Valid only for Worker and Employee business objects, the Lookup Organization calculated field enables you to determine a spe
hierarchy, based on the selected worker's organizational assignment. It returns only the organization levels or nodes that you

What are different types of calculated fields you have used?

1)boolean function to check wheteher the employee belong to a certian country.
2)convert currency:to convert currency from indian rupee to us currency
Some practical scenarios using custom reports and calculated fields
in eib during outbound retrevng data from web service or from any source must be under 31 hours and even inbound loading must b
--->in eib not greater than 2 hours is given for transforming data,and 2hrs during inbound for error report generation and attaching t
--->when transforming data using xslt it consumes multiple times more memory thn source data required and workday limit the data
workday studio integaration should be completed with in 2hrs for the best case scenario.
---use more than 1.5 gb of memory during processing. Integrations can use several times the amount of memory that the output file
-->genearte more than 3 gb file during integartion run.
-->generate any file larger thn 250 mb.
these above cases causes in both eib and studio integarations to supsend.
How would you describe your experience level with calculated fields? Tell me about a complex calculated field that you hav
What is calculated fields and can u name it some functions
Calculated field is a created entity whose data is derived from two or more fields based on requirement.
Evaluate expression
The Evaluate Expression function groups and transforms data. It evaluates a series of conditions and returns the value associa
applies the default value and then starts testing conditions starting with the first condition defined. If a condition is true, the r
subsequent conditions. Otherwise, it tests the second
condition, and if true, sets the corresponding return value, and so on.

This calculated field groups and transforms data by evaluating a series of Boolean test conditions. Workday applies the defaul
condition defined. Once it finds a condition that is true, Workday returns the corresponding value and does not test any subse

Substring function in calculated fields

The Substring Text function extracts the specified portion of the text within a field. You can use the Substring calculated field f
Substrings can be based on fixed positions or delimiters. You can also designate whether to search a string forward or backwa

Explain the term Field Overrides and Field attributes.

filed over rides:these are useful to override an existing coloumn with the required column name and values this also act as filt
Filed attributes:when we slect the serives we also select vast amount of data where un necessaruy data not required at presen
in the output.here we configure that.

How do you develop a calculated field to give a birth date of an employee?

How would you develop a calculated filed which generates a list of employee whoare above the age of 25

How would you describe your experience level with calculated fields? Tell me about a complex calculated field that you hav

What is your experience with calculated fields?

How do you develop a calculated field to give a birth date of an employee?

Workday delivered calculated fields?

Convert Calculated Fields task to convert Calculated fields from Report level to system or vice versa

Maintain calculated dates

Comments / Results


Fixed position examples:















Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB)?
An integration tool that enables you to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations with Workday. Alternately, an EIB
consists of an integration system, an integration data source, an integration transformation, and an integration transport prot

How many steps are involved in creation of an EIB?

Four Steps Define, Get Data, Transform ,Deliver

Can we create an EIB out of a matrix report?

No, because the reports need to be Web Service enabled for creating EIB and Matrix reports can’t be Web Service enabled.

When is an EIB preferred and when is a studio integration preferred?

What are the runtime limitations of EIBs and Studio integrations?

What are the building blocks of an EIB integration?

What are the building blocks of an EIB integration?

get data(from web services,sftp,workday attachment,custom report etc).

transformation:to desired output.(.csv,custo xslt,custom report).
-->(delivery)Transport Protocol(for sending data to external system using these.).

What are the limitations of EIB and Core connectors?

What is the difference between core connector, EIB and Studio?

Why you choose EIB and Studio?

EIB: Enter Interface Builder to Build The own Simple and Secure Integration based on your unique Business need with Work
EIB defined an Integration That has one Data source, one Transformation and one Delivery point and It allows XML files
presented output in Excel and CSV format. It’s Deliver the External system endpoint using SFTP, FTPS, HTTP, Email, Web dev a
creation is simple , flexible and No need of code to build the Integration, so mainly Prefer the EIB’s.

Workday Studio: It is power full Development tool enabling customers and partners to Build sophisticated and highly customi
preferred studio Integration little bit complex when compare to EIB integrations.

Scenario to use - EIB , Connector, Workday Studio

How do you decide which integration to use

What is Oxygen Editor/   Exchanger Xml

The Oxygen XML Editor (styled <oXygen/>) is a multi-platform XML editor, XSLT/XQuery debugger and profiler with Unicode su
and Linux. It also has a version that can run as an Eclipse plugin
The Editor facilitates easy editing, browsing, managing and conversion of XMLDocuments. The Exchanger XML Editor is a Java-
authoring and editing XML data and documents, at a compelling price point. ... Exchanger XML Editor now comes in two editio

What is the difference between I load and EIB

Different types of EIB Template: Request one-time payment, Change organization, assign pay group, Stock grant, personal In

A WSDL is an XML document that describes a web service. It actually stands for Web Services Description Language. SOAP is a
protocol (can be HTTP or SMTP, for example) between applications

Why do you use workday studio and EIB while iloads are very easy to load?

Workday provided tool called iLoad to bulk load data into the tenant. The iLoad tool uses XML based Excel spreadsheets that
headings for the object and the object value. The column headings are named such that the Workday web service will know w
The iLoad tool is very similar to the customer-provided inbound data loads tool called Enterprise Integration Builder or EIB. Bo

What is enabling as web service in workday?

Workday is a SaaS product which provides on the Cloud software solutions for Human Capital Management and Financial Man
integrate to and from Workday through its web service.

What is xpath
XPath is a syntax for defining parts of an XML document. XPath uses path expressions to navigate in XML documents. XPath co
XSLT and in XQuery. XPath is a W3C recommendation

when is eib prefered and studio ?

If you want report to bulit from scratch better to use report tool and to tranforom it eib,as we all know its tidy
process and require a lot of time but on other hand in studio we can built have same functionalities as eib but its an
extension when facing complex situations it better to use studio.

Scenario to use - EIB , Connector, Workday Studio

EIB and Core Connector are both template based models. However EIB is mostly used for Inbound templates and Core Connec
can use the templates otherwise we use Studio as Studio does not require any specific format.

What is Xml and Xslt

XML is a software- and hardware-independent tool for storing and transporting data
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) is a styling language for XML. XSLT stands for XSL Transformations. 

What are workday webservices api?

If the data of 200 new hire or requisition is to be added to a system what would you do will you use only one template or di

If a job profile of some 200 particular employees has to be changed how would you do with the eib ?
Comments / Results
Example:  iLoad
Spreadsheet to Assign
Compensation to a
Worker with Smart
Reference IDs

Cloud Connect
What is a core connector?
Core Connector is a pre-build Integration Template used to connect third party end point, which provide a method of integrati
only that data you want to expose.

Where do we specify eligibility criteria in connector?

In Configure Integration Field Override we have an option to specify Eligibility Criteria.

What are the output formats of a connector?


What are workday webservices api?

How would you test the requirement and configure sandbox or direct?

How do you transfer to real tenant after testing in sandbox tenant? will you migrate or configure?

A set of 1 or more integration templates that provide a framework for building integrations in a particular functional area. The
support a specific endpoint (example: Salesforce.com or Okta).

ETV\XTT ( Element Transformation and Validation \ XML to Text

Integration Service Attachment

























Integration Attribute:

An integration component that specifies the tenanted value of a data element in Workday. Example: Master Policy Number is

Integration Data Source:

Indicates the type of data that Workday receives from or exports to an external system and its location.

Integration Event:
The record of an integration process. Every integration—current or past, involving the import or export of data, successful or n
event contains all the information about the integration process, including its status.

Integration Map:

An integration component that specifies how values in Workday map to values in an external system. Example: Pay Rate Frequ

Integration Service:
A group of related integration attributes, maps, and XSLT that provides a framework to transform Workday data into the form

Integration System:
A tenanted definition of an integration between Workday and an external system based on a template that provides the meth

Integration Template:

A collection of integration services that enables communication between Workday and an external system. Workday provides
Financials, HCM, Payroll, Payroll Interface, Procurement, Recruiting, Security, and Settlement. Many of the delivered template
values for attributes and maps, to define the integration further.

Integration Transformation:
Converts data into a format that Workday or a receiving external system can understand. Workday provides some delivered tr

Integration Transport Protocol:

Controls how Workday exports data to an external endpoint or service or imports the data from an external endpoint or servic
including email, FTP and SFTP, HTTP/SSL, Workday attachments, and Workday Web Services.

Field Overrides:
A tool that lets you customize integration systems that are based on a connector template. Field overrides are managed throu
fields to supply values to an integration system. Example: member IDs in benefit provider integrations.

Reference ID:
A unique identifier used to look up data for integration purposes.

System User:
An account associated with and required to launch a Connector or Studio integration. Workday delivered integrations and cus
authentication and web service calls. A system user account is not associated with a person in Workday.
What are the different types of integrations you have handled in your previous projects?
connectors(ccw and pi),eib.

Describe the types of issues you deal with on a daily basis with different types of integrations and how did you implement t

What are the different options available to test a document delivery configuration in Workday?

create a definitionand configure th reteantion policy and the adress to be delivered the dress a ndprototclas used to delver it,g
distinguish itslef from other files.attach it in a business process->launch a integration->later test whteher it reached it destinati
or using test document which gives the preview of the file on extrernal system.

Have you developed and / supported Workday Integrations in the last 2-3 years?
yes,i was mainy on the supporting side also a very little on the implementation side.

Tell me about the types of integrations you did on your last job

Give me an example of an integration problem you had to solve

How did you migrate integrations between tenants?

Describe the types of issues you deal with the integrations during delivering / retrieving the files

Explain the terms Integration notifications, Integration Attachments. Integration services.

Integartion services:are those where data is cateograzied into data section where we sleect required service t be included in th
for example:change detection sericve is used to change the detection.
pi data section is used to get the data for the fields to show in output.
transaction log seive used to find last log activity in the objects.
there different serives where we can configure based on clients requirements to genarate the report.
integartion attachment:these play crucial role in transforming the data.where the attachment is conigures to particluar
intehartion using the integartion attahment.like xslt attachment,in bound attachmet etc.

How do you decide which integration to use?

We use EIB or Core Connector when vendors can use the templates otherwise we use Studio as Studio does not require any sp

what is implementation and integration ? What is the difference?

How will you convert data during integrations?

How does integrations really work in workday?

What requirements do you really gather for integrations?

Some examples of errors in integration?

What attributes and parameters are in an integration systems?

What is your role on creating integrations?

What are the main types of Workday Integrations?

Workday Studio Integration, Enterprise Information Builder (EIB) Integration, Cloud Connect Integration.

How do you go about managing access to integrations?

You should create an Integration System User and an Integration Security Group. Assign the Integration User to the Integration
security policy access

Name a prefix you can use to search for integrations:


Name some Integration ID types:

Workday ID, External ID, Reference ID

Name some input and output types for EIBs:

Input: SFTP/FTP, REST, or attachment
Output: SFTP/FTP, HTTP, Email, CSV, JSON, XML, etc

What do you use XSLT for in an integration?

You use XSLT to transform the input or output data going into an XML document.

What is a primary payroll integration?




















Core Connectors & Integration:
Difference between iload & EIB:

iLoad is a data conversion tool that is used for loading legacy data into and moving set-up data between implementation tena
both cases the data is input/extracted in a WD delivered Excel template that is attached to the tenant.
EIB, on the other hand, is an integration tool that similarly has the ability to get data into and out of the tenant (so is also there
provides facility to transform the data and retrieve/deliver the data from/to a specified endpoint.

What are the different types of integrations you have handled in your previous projects?
EIB, Core Connectors and Workday Studio

What are the different core connector based integrations you have used?
ccw,pi. Core Connector for Requisitions

Have you developed and / supported Workday Integrations in the last 2-3 years?

Tell me about the types of integrations you did on your last job
EIB, Core connectors and Workday Studio.

Describe the types of issues you deal with on a daily basis with different types of integrations and how did you implement t

Worker History, later implemented manager history too. Notifications did not received by user, worked outlook team whet

Give me an example of an integration problem you had to solve.

How did you migrate integrations between tenants?

Solution migrations and Object transporter

Describe the types of issues you deal with the integrations during delivering / retrieving the files.

File Retention Days, increased to 90 days. Connection failures due to password expire, reset the connections. File not found
or hang status. Warning in benefit integrations due to dependent data, or benefits data. Some times for inbound integration

What all web services have you used in your project?

Get requisitions, Get worker, Payment elections, Get organizaitons, stocks and grants, one time payments, job profile, upd

How do you convert the file format of a core connector and studio output, do they use same process or different process. D
In ccw and pi in tas same process where we sleect the serveices required for them and configure them in the integration attrib

Tell me about a core connector / EIB / Studio that you have created.

What are The Launch parameters in CCW ?

The Data parameters extract the records That What are the data needed current as of specified parameters in The Lunching a
in Workday ,
They are
1)As Of Entry Moment ,
2)Effective Date,
3)Last Successful As of Entry Moment,
4)Last successful Effective Date
As Of Entry Moment enables you to search for and retrieve future-dated data changes where the changes has been entered i
Effective Date defines the end of date range during which changes became effective. The integration extracts all changes with
Last Successful As of Entry Moment default to the last moment at which the Integration system was successfully lunched.
You can override this date and time in order to force the Integration to search for and retrieve data changes over a wider perio
Last Successful Effective Date defines the beginning of a date range during which changes became effective. The Integration e

How would you describe your experience level with XML, XSLT, X-Path and web services?

I would tell good.xslt is nothing but extrensive style sheet of xml thses it used for rendering the xml document.it has tow attrib
xml data to required out.
xpath as we all know workday is bject oreiented.it use xml.xml store data using two types of databaes foramts.one wa realtion
under aprent eemet child be present,in those databses ot extract data we use xpath to egt the data.
xml is a markup laanguage unlike html it doesnot present data rather it store the data in any it was represented.
webservices.there play cruical in integartions an dreport generations.services like get_worker,_payee help in retriving the
worker and payee details.some be inkoved automatcally some by manually.
Complications faced during implementation and integration

What is implementation and integration ? What is the difference?

Have worked on any external system. If yes than what are the external systems you have used

Life cycle of connector and payroll

Can u generate multiple file in Connector

Yes. For example if you need to create 3 file separately, then create 3 DT and separately write 3 xslt for each file and then each
you attach to Connector by business process.

How will you convert data during integrations?

Field over rides calculated fields, XSLT transformation.

How does integrations really work in workday?

Some examples of errors in integration?

What attributes and parameters are in an integration systems?

What is the concept of reference ID in Workday?

reference id plays a crucail role in workday integartions.it is divides in to type an value.we allocate reference id
to instance of business object.types can be same buut value should differenatite.for example lets consider busienss objet insta
which has type of language_id but value some thing else which differ for every instance.it is assinged by workday using sequnc
,but we can edit them and remeber not assing same id value to same business instance cause problems espacially in mappng w
with extrnal when both instnce have same id cause problems in mapping in ovrriding the value.

When do use Transaction Log ?

The Transaction log to monitor The Events for particular transaction type or Business process type in workday ,And find compa
within a particular Time period. We uses Transaction log after Lunching Integration.

What is the difference between core connector, EIB and Studio?

What are The Launch parameters in CCW ?

The Data parameters extract the records That What are the data needed current as of specified parameters in The L
The CCW has four launch parameters in Workday ,They are 1)As Of Entry Moment ,2)Effective Date,3)Last Successfu
As Of Entry Moment enables you to search for and retrieve future-dated data changes where the changes has been
passed yet.
Effective Date defines the end of date range during which changes became effective. The integration extracts al
Last Successful As of Entry Moment default to the last moment at which the Integration system was successfully lu
force the Integration to search for and retrieve data changes over a wider period.
Last Successful Effective Date defines the beginning of a date range during which changes became effective. The Int
this date

What is RAAS
Report as a service (RaaS), sometimes referred to as disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS), is a category of cloud computing u
human disaster or service disruption at one location by enabling a full recovery in the cloud.

Did you create the integration system for benefits connector or are you responsible in any part of that creation?

How do you use sql server if the data is in workday server during iloads situation?
What are the different core connector based integrations you have used?






What is a primary payroll integration?

Describe in detail your experience with Payroll Interface.

Examples of requirements with benefits?

Difference between global benefits and local benefits?

Where can i use I and where can i use WE situations like i worked with the benefit providers or different clients or teams at

How do you configure benefit plans?

Manual Payment
A record of a payment made outside of Workday Payroll used to maintain accurate payroll information.
Example: Payments for the exercise of stock options.

Off-Cycle Payment
A payment made outside the regularly scheduled payroll run. Manual, on-demand, reversals and history payments are classifie

On-Cycle Payment
A payment made in a scheduled payroll run.

On-Demand Payment
An off-cycle payment that replaces, or is issued in addition to, a worker's on-cycle pay.

Pay Component Group

A collection or combination of related earnings, deductions, or pay component related calculations combined to simplify payro

Pay Component Related Calculation (PCRC)

A related calculation that resolves automatically with earnings and deductions. Often used in the earning or deduction definiti

Pay Run Group

A set of pay groups that share a period schedule. Used to process multiple pay groups at the same time.

Payroll Effect
An option available in Workday Absence Management to stop paying workers while on leave. You can configure a run categor
Payroll Effect option is enabled for the leave type.
Related Calculation
A calculation that returns a value, such as hours, rate, or percent.

Run Category
Specifies which employees to process, and which pay components to calculate for each type of payroll run.














Academic Date Range
The period of time associated with a student recruiting cycle.

Academic Unit
A Workday organization type that represents a school, college, university, or other unit of your institution. These units can rec
programs of study or courses, or administer financial aid. Academic units are also used with academic appointments in Workd

Academic Unit Hierarchy

A hierarchical grouping of academic units primarily used for roll-up reporting.

Admissions Cohort
A grouping of applications for the same admitting level of an academic unit and the same anticipated start date. Cohorts can h
counselor assigned to each pool.

Applicant Pool
A subset of applications in an admissions cohort. Applicant pools enable you to control and adjust workload for application rev

Conversation Tag
A descriptor, such as Dietary Restrictions or Special Needs that you can assign to an engagement conversation to identify its to

Conversation Topic
A conversation tag or recruiting event name that you can associate with an engagement conversation to make conversations e

An attribute, such as Community Learning Partner, Honors, or STEM, that you can associate with educational institutions and e
report on.

Dynamic Period
A date that identifies the anticipated start date for a student of online education or other asynchronous learning.

Educational Taxonomy
A taxonomy scheme and set of codes you can assign to programs of study and their concentrations to meet state, local, or oth

Engagement Action Item

Defines a requirement that must be met for an application for admission to be considered complete. Example: Submit transcr

Engagement Item
An engagement email or printed engagement item. You can include engagement items in engagement plans and use them to

External Association
A nonprofit, community-based, or other noneducational organization that you can associate with student prospects or identify

External Engagement Item

Used to send and track third-party engagement items for recruiting events, communication plans, or ad hoc communications.

Fast Path
A streamlined approach to moving applications for admission from submission to matriculation as quickly as possible.

Match and Merge

A process that helps eliminate duplicate student prospect information in Workday.

Recipient Threshold
The maximum number of prospects to whom you can send an engagement item at the same time without requiring approval.

Recruiting Cycle
A recruiting period for 1 or more academic levels of an academic unit. You associate recruiting cycles with campaigns to measu

Student Recruiting Region

Workday term for recruiting territory. A recruiting region can represent a geographical area, 1 or more schools, or schools in s

A value, such as Lead, Inquirer, or Applicant, that identifies where a student prospect is in the recruitment or admissions proce

Student Prospect Profile

A worklet that displays information for a prospective student, including contact information and recruitment details.

Student Prospect Type

A value, such as First Year or Adult Returning, that you can assign to prospective students and use to match student prospects

Student Tags
An attribute, such as Veteran, Athlete, or Scholarship Recipient, that you can assign to student prospects. You can use tags to
prospects, and use as criteria for associating engagement plans with prospects.

What is birt reporting?







































WD Studio
Workday Studio?
An Eclipse-based development environment that enables you to build more complex integrations with Workday.

How to receive a file from FTP server using Workday Studio?

Document retrieval service is available in Start Here component.

How to deliver a file to FTP server using Workday Studio?

FTP sub Assembly component is available in Workday Studio which routes to appropriate FTP depending on the End Point pro

What is the difference between sync mediation and async mediation component?
Async mediation component only one way mediation component and Sync mediation is two way mediation component.

How do we use error handlers in Workday studio?

We have the components Custom-Error-Handlers (Handle error using a Custom Component), Log Error (Log error to a file), an
Component) component available in Workday Studio.

What are the encoding and decoding mechanisms available in Workday Studio?
PGP Encrypt/Decrypt, Base64 Encode/Decode, Zip/Unzip, Compress/Decompress.

What is the use of splitter and aggregator?

Splitter splits the message as per defined rules whereas aggregator aggregates the message as per defined rules.

What is the functionality of the Router?

Router routes the message as per defined rules.

What is alert and how you will configure the business process.

How to configure landing page in Dashboard.

What is the difference between Xpresso report and Workday standard report

What is Xpath.
XPath is a syntax for defining parts of an XML document. XPath uses path expressions to navigate in XML documents. XPath co

What is Name space

What is encryption and decryption.

How can avoid duplicate node in XSLT.

How can you iterate 10 node in Xslt – by using which loop

How do you create functional document or client provide.

How to trouble shoot in Picof integration if title name is missing from txt files.

Can matrix REPORT can be used in EIB.

AGGREATION function – what is the purpose.

Different component in workday studio and its web service

Different types of Data source. And can u send the rescind data in report

What is async mediation steps, sync mediation steps, splitter, aggregator.

What is tag.

What is new update in WD23.

How to develop business form layout.

What is new update is available in custom object .

Can we create custom web service.

What is domain security policy and can we provide security in custom report as field level.

What is ISU.
Different types of function like evaluate expression, single instance, multiple instance, date function and date masking etc.-

What is connector and DT.Can we add additional prompt in connector.

What are the various components of studio assembly?

Assembly components:
There are two types:
transport in(workday-in and local-in) and out:
transport in:these act as starting point of assembly.it defines the parameters,attributes,maps to the integration system.
these helps in getting message from the workday and local source.
out-transport work in sending message to external system using https and stp,fstp protocals etc.
these only work in request only and response modes.
2)common componenets:these are defined by workday which are subassembly components used in developing integration sy
3)mediation steps:predefined steps by workday that support operations like transformation,validation,logging,identity.you can
4)basic mediation components:these are useful to modify or transform a message.a medaition defines a sequential ordering o
that perform operation on meassgae as it pass through medaition definition.
it is of two types synchronous ans asynchronous where in asynchrounes no reponse to other components ans in later we ahve
5)advanced mediation steps:the basic mediation steps connects the procesing steps into chaining events.the advance try to dy
run time averse the chain process.
What is Xpath

What is Schema

Tell me about ISU and ISSG.

What is Workday studio

Workday Studio is a powerful development tool that enables customers and partners to build sophisticated integrations to an
are deployed and run on integration servers in Workday's data center.
Is workday studio a different tool?

How do you call a report in workday studio

How do you process the Employee ID in Workday Studio

How do you call a report in workday studio?

Have worked on any external system. If yes than what are the external systems you have used

Is workday studio a different tool?


Workday Studio is a unified Eclipse-based development environment that enables you to develop, deploy, debug, and support
Workday Cloud. This three-day virtual instructor-led course is intended for developers who understand Workday Studio Assem
and Steps. Additionally, in-depth knowledge of Workday Business Objects, Workday Business Processes, Workday Web Service
successfully complete this class. General experience developing using web services and XML technologies like XSLT and XSD is

Url: https://community.workday.com/node/393226

Why we should go for Workday Studio.

1.       Complex Integration
2.       Complex Validation
3.       Call Multiple custom report at same time
4.       Generate multiple file at same time
5.       When you need to developed any inbound integration which has to be schedule daily basis.
6.       You can incorporate java code in workday studio.

Workday studio.
Workday out Rest – it is a component which is used to call custom Report
Workday out Soap: it is a component which is used to call Workday deliver web service

This assembly creates a multi-record message, and then processes the message by:
Splitting it into individual records – splitter component is used
Aggregating the records together – Aggregator Component is used.

Typically in outbound integration, whenever you use splitter, you should also use aggregator. Because finally you have to colla
file you finally be sending to external system.

Typically in Inbound integration, whenever you use splitter, then aggregator is not needed. Because in case of inbound you wi
Route: This component is similar to if else condition. So whenever if you need if else kind of condition needs to be applied, a
route component is provided for branching and message fan-out within the processing chain. This allows alternative flows throu

Async Mediation: Flow of data/message in one direction.

Sync Mediation:Flow of data/message in bi direction (that is both directions).

Document Delivery Service: This component is used to send the data to external system (SFTP/FTP etc based on what client

Document Retrieval Service:: This component is used to retrieve or read the data from external system (SFTP/FTP etc based

What Workday Studio component you can use to translate a conditional if or a loop? What good practice you should add to
in your Studio integration?
The Route component can act both as a conditional if or a loop depending on the routi ng strategy. Error handlers type send-e
and send them to either t he integration event or another output method via the out-transport
. XPath is a major element in XSLT and in XQuery. XPath is a W3C recommendation











User gets an error trying to access an inbox item. What could cause that?
It is possible that you configured a user to perform a step in a business process, but after the process was initiated, someone c
process. Now the user does not have access permission and cannot respond to the inbox item.
Run the Security Exception Audit report and look for that business process.
The appropriate person should reassign the errant step and redefine the process to ensure that only valid security groups are

How do I add users to a user-based security group?

To add members to a user-based security group use the Assign User to User-Based Security Group task. To add a user to more
time, use the Assign User-Based Security Groups for Person task.

Where can I find out where and how securable items are secured?
To see how a report or a task is secured, run the View Security for Securable Item report.

Where can I see all the permissions granted to a security group?

Use the View Security Group report. This report has a Security Permissions tab for the domain security policies and a Business
process security policies. You navigate to any security policy and see the securable items to which access permission is granted

How can securable items end up with invalid access and how do I fix it?

The Security Exception Audit report identify any problem area. The problem and solution are explained for each exception. Ge
invalid security group from the policy or business process.
For business processes that are already started, reassign the step that is routed to an invalid user, or rescind the process. In ei
process definition for that organization to specify only valid security groups.

What if users cannot see an item to which they should have access?

Run the View Security for Securable Item report, specifying the name of the securable item. Select the security policy that con
security groups that have permission to access this securable item. Run the View Security Groups for User report and specify t
securable item. Compare the security groups for the worker with the security groups for the securable item. Determine wheth
security groups that has access to this item, or if a security group the worker is already in should be granted permission to acc

What if users can access an item to which they should not have access?

Run the Security Analysis for Action report, specifying the name of the user and the action. This report shows all the ways in w
even if the action appears in multiple domains.
Determine whether a security group needs to be removed from the security policy or the user needs to be removed from a se

What is the different between object security group and column security group?

What are workday delivered user based security groups?

Difference between userbased and rolebased security with examples?

What is start proxy?

Workday maintains a formal and comprehensive security program designed to ensure the security and integrity of customer d
breaches, and prevent unauthorized access to the data of its customers

How to setup Security for Reports?

Using Domain Security policy to setup security for reports

Name a few Workday assigned security groups:

All Users, All Employees, All Contingent Workers, All Terminees, All Retirees.

Name some Workday security group types.

User-based, Role-based, Job-based, Level-based, Integration System.

What groups do you need to be part of in order to modify security in Workday?

Security Configurator or Security Administrator.

What are the two types of security policies in Workday?

Domain policies and Business Process policies.

What can you control with Domain Security Policies?

You can modify which group can View or Modify items in a report/task, or GET or PUT transactions from an integration.

Are changes to security policies immediately applied? If not, then how do you apply them?
You need to run the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes to apply the security policy changes.

Say that you, the Security Administrator, inadvertently altered a security policy that revoked access to several key integ
fix the problem and restore the security quickly?
Run the “Activate Previous Security Timestamp” to revert to the previous time the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes w

ISU Integration System User: User Name and Password

Integration System Secuity Group: Create Security Group and Integration System Users to the Security Group.

Security Domains for Integration system data Access

View Security for Securable Item

Activate Security Pending Security Policy Changes

Integration access then domain or data access which user can extract from Workday



















































Explain about the Talent management:

Explain the major types of goals

Organization Goals
Employee Goals

Which task is used to maintain different names in the Tenant?

Maintain Custom Labels

Before creating any Goals, which is task is mandatory?

Maintain Goal Periods

Employee Goals: (From Workday Document)

How do the Cascade Goals and Manage Goals business processes work together?

The Cascade Goals business process automatically initiates 1 Manage Goals sub process for each employee you assign the goa
the Manage Goals business process, depending on their supervisory organization. After initiation, the Manage Goals process ru
has no workflow steps, then Manage Goals is automatically completed. If Manage Goals includes notifications, the employee r

Can the Manage Goals business process include different actions and notifications for different goal types?
Yes. You can create condition rules based on the Cascaded Goal and Contains only Editable Goals report fields to trigger workfl
Example: Build a condition rule that sends notifications only for cascaded goals, or include a review step only for cascaded goa

How do I configure a review step for employees who receive cascaded goals?
Add a Review Goal action step to the Manage Goals business process and route the step to the Employee as Self security grou
the Cascaded Goal report field to evaluate whether goals are cascaded before initiating the step.

How do I add goals to an employee review?

When you configure your review template, include a Goals section and configure it in one of these 3 ways:
Options Goals Section Configuration When you start the review.
Move goals over from a previous review Select either Carryover with Item Evaluation Content or Consolidate from the Load Co
from the previous review, along with the previous goal ratings and comments.
Pull in goals from the employee's individual goal Select the Load Relevant Goals check box. You can select individual goals from
Add goals at the time of the review Select the Allow User to Add Existing Goals Manually check box. You can add a new goal or

Does the total weight of ad hoc goals need to equal 100?

No, Workday does not require individual goal weighting to total 100. You can establish a weighting scale for ad hoc goals by cr
Cascade Goals business processes.
Weights are locked on non-editable cascaded goals, except when you pull goals into an employee review template that requir
modify the goal weighting. The My Goals and View Goals reports reflect the updated weighting when the review is completed

How do I delete an employee goal?

You can delete personal and cascaded goals that have not been part of any in-progress or completed employee reviews.
a. Access the My Goals, View Goals, or My Team's Goals report.
b. Click Edit in the section that contains the goal you want to remove.
c. However over the goal and click remove.

What are goal notes and how do I edit or delete a goal note?

You can use goal notes as a communication mechanism between a manager and an employee. You can create or update goal
them. You can only edit or delete goal notes that you created.
a. Access the My Goals, View Goals, or My Team's Goals report.
b. Drill down on the Notes for a particular goal.
c. Edit or Delete the goal note.
If you enabled goal note notifications in your Workday tenant, the manager and employee receive an email about the goal not

How do I print goals?

You can print goals from the My Goals or View Goals report by selecting Goal Details and clicking the print icon at the top right

Is it possible to upload employee skill and experience via social network? If from where?

Which task is used to add skills and experience to worker profile?

Configure Profile Group Or talent View skills and experience Add

Is it possible to remove skills and experience and competencies? If How?

It is possible to remove Skills and experience only, but competencies, we can’t remove.
Talent > View Skills and Experience Remove from appropriate tab

Which task is used to define organizations that issue degree/certifications?

Maintain Certification issuers

How to delete the certifications which is not is use?

To delete a certification that's not in use, access the Certifications report and select Certification > Delete as a related action o

What is the use of competency precedence?

Competency precedence allows you to rank the priority of the sources so Workday can determine which instance of the comp

If we don’t setup competency precedence, how workday will take the date?
If you do not set up a precedence list, Workday uses the most recent update of a competency.
Which task is used to define the types of Educational institutions we can track?
Task: Maintain school types

What will you do languages setup?

You can add language abilities to job profiles, worker profiles, and talent reviews. Create a library of the languages that you wa
specify the proficiency levels that you use to measure the language abilities.

Where we can add work experience details?

You can add work experiences to job profiles, worker profiles, and talent reviews. Define different types of work experiences a
work experiences for display on talent cards.

What are the actions we can perform in maintaining work experiences?

We can modify, Inactivate or Delete the work experiences.

Is it possible to delete work experience? If means what are the restrictions?

Delete a work experience or experience level by removing its row from the setup table. You can only delete items that are not

Explain about career preferences

Career preferences include different types of job responsibilities that represent career growth. Define different options that em
stay in their current job, step into a new role, or broaden their knowledge and experience.

Explain about Travel preferences

Travel preferences include willingness to travel and travel amounts. Define the travel amounts that employees can select whe
anything you choose, such as percentages, number of days or weeks, or specific days of the week.

Explain about Relocation preferences

Relocation preferences include willingness to relocate, either on a short-term or long-term basis, and desired relocation areas
are willing to relocate. Relocation areas can be anything you choose, such as business sites, regions, or countries.

Explain the steps to create Talent review rules:

a) Access the Create Talent Review Rule task.

b) Type a rule Description, such as Talent Review for U.S. Sales.
c) (Optional) Select a rule Category.
d) If you want to copy an existing condition, select a rule from the Copy Condition from Rule prompt.
e) In the Rule Conditions grid, build a condition rule that identifies employees who are eligible for a particular talent review.

Explain about talent card:

A talent card is a one-page summary of a worker's key talent information that you can use as a tool for discussions on successi
retention of top talent.

What are the details available in talent card?

a) Personal and Job Data.
b) Skills and Experiences.
c) Talent Summary.
d) Competencies and Career Interests.

What are the major areas in employee reviews?

a) Disciplinary Action.
b) Individual Development Plan.
c) Performance Improvement Plan.
d) Performance Review.

Feedback can obtain from whom?

a) Get feedback on yourself or other employees.
b) Give requested or unsolicited feedback.
c) Relate feedback to competencies and include this information in employee reviews.

How do I add a worker to a succession plan?

You can tag workers for membership in succession pools from worker preview cards or the Find Workers report. You can also
• Manage Succession Plan task.
• Succession Profile report.
• View Succession Pool report.

How do I delete a succession plan?

You can inactivate a succession plan but not delete it. Select the Inactive check box:
• In the Maintain Positions for Succession task for positions.
• in the Edit Succession Pool task.

Why can't I see a succession plan?

Access to a succession plan is based on security for the position associated with the succession plan. However, if you give man
- Any domain, they can view the names of succession plans that their employees are candidates on.
Access to succession pools requires that you have a role on the pool.

Why are terminated workers showing on succession plans?

Terminated workers are not automatically removed from a succession plan. To remove a terminated worker, access the Mana

What happens to a succession plan during a transfer?

If you are transferring a worker and their job or position to a new organization, then the succession plan stays with the job or
the job or position, then:
• The position in a headcount staffing model is closed and the succession plan is not active.
• The job in a job management staffing model is closed and the succession plan is not active.
• The position in a position management staffing model remains open and the succession plan is active.

Explain about Talent pools:

A talent pool enables you to create and take action on a group of employees, without regard to organizational boundaries. Th
whatever criteria you establish. For example, you could create a separate talent pool for each group of workers who share cer
• Potential for inclusion in a special project.
• Potential to contribute individually at a higher level than peers.
• Particularly strong management potential.
• Need to be placed on a development plan.
• Education, certification, or experience that could be applied to a new business venture.
• Specific training, work history, or skills that could make the workers valuable outside of their current supervisory organizatio
You can create as many talent pools as you need for any purpose you want, and any given member can belong to multiple poo
hierarchical structure, a talent pool defines a loose association of members that cuts across organizational lines.

How to manage Talent pools:

• Static: You manually maintain pool membership by tagging workers using the tag icon ().
• Dynamic: Workday determines pool membership dynamically based on the results of a saved search.

How to tag employees to the Talent pool?

Add a worker to an existing static talent pool by clicking the tag icon.
Advanced Questions in Talent review (From community)

Can both employees and contingent workers participate in talent reviews?

Yes, both types of workers can take part in talent reviews. Create a talent review rule that specifies which workers to include i
talent review template. Be sure to include theContingent Worker as Self security group in your configuration of the Talent Rev
Note that the Career Interests, Job Interests, Relocation Preferences, and Travel Preferences sections are not available to conti
talent review template.

Can I load historical talent reviews into Workday?

No, you cannot load completed talent review events from another system, but you can load historical talent data into Workda
the Enterprise Interface Builder.

How does information flow between talent reviews and worker profiles?

When you launch a talent review, Workday pulls completed skill and experience information from an employee's worker profi
completed and approved, the profile displays updated information from the talent review. If the worker removes a skill or exp
removes that information from the profile.
During a talent review, Workday locks talent information that has been edited in the talent review to prevent changes from st
Talent Review business process does not launch stand-alone skills and experience business processes.

Can talent review templates have different security permissions?

No, the same security permissions apply to all talent review templates. However, you can grant different permissions on each
edit access to individual sections.

Can I provide separate instructions for administrators on talent review templates?

Use the Managers and Others Instructions fields to give instructions to anyone other than employees. If you need to provide i
toolbar to differentiate each set of instructions.
How do I configure competencies?

First, use the Create Competency task to set up competencies in your Workday tenant. Then, add theCompetencies section to
competencies to include on the template. If you want to capture different competencies for different groups of workers, you n
each group. For example, executives might have Leadership and Strategic Vision as competencies, while sales teams would ha
See Steps: Set Up Skills and Experience.

Why is the selection list empty for job interests?

You need to identify which job profiles to make public for browsing and selection. Follow these steps to set up a public job cat
1. In the Create Job Profile or Edit Job Profile task, select the Public Job check box to identify a public job.
2. In the Domain Security Policies for Functional Area report, configure security for the Public Job: View andPublic Job Qualific
For detailed instructions, see Create Public Job Catalog.

Does Workday deliver a list of schools for the Education section?

Workday provides predefined school data that you can load into your tenant using the Enterprise Interface Builder, or you can
own. The Workday school data includes over 19,000 schools in more than 180 countries. For information about loading the W
the Workday Solution Catalog.
During talent reviews, workers can also add schools using free-form text fields in the Education section. Schools added manua
other users.

Can I change the character limit on the Talent Summary fields?

No, those fields have a 250-character limit to optimize display on talent cards. Add the Talent Summary Detailsfield to your tem
The text in this field does not appear on talent cards.

If my template has warnings about incomplete instructional text, can I still launch a talent review?
Yes, the warnings are just a reminder that instructions are missing and do not prevent you from starting a talent review. Howe
top of a talent review template before you can launch a review.

Can I change the layout of talent cards?

Yes, you can override the standard print layout with a custom layout that you create in Workday Studio. You can use the same
current talent cards and a different layout for event-based talent cards. See Create Custom Talent Card Layouts.
If you keep the standard print layout, you do have control over the content of talent cards from talent review events. The tale
configured on the talent review template.

Why are some talent card sections empty?

Sections on event-based talent cards are empty when a worker doesn't have information in those areas, even though the sec
cards reflect a worker's available talent information; in this case sections are empty if the security domains are enabled but th
In many cases, security permissions determine whether a section appears on a talent card at all. If the security domain has no
card does not have permission to view a section, then that section is left off the card.

How do talent cards sort information?

• Education is sorted by highest degree, based on the Order in the Maintain Degrees task. If a worker has two degrees with th
• Native language precedes other languages.
• Work experiences are sorted based on the Talent Card Sort Order in the Maintain Work Experiences task.
• Competencies are sorted alphabetically with a maximum of 8.
• On event-based talent cards, the competency rating from the talent review comes first, followed by the rating from the nex
display ratings from the two highest competency precedences.

What does the Internal Job Profile History section show?

This section displays a worker's job profile history, beginning with the current job profile and start date. All previous job profile

Why are some certifications missing from talent cards?

Talent cards exclude any expired certifications. However, expired certifications are available in the talent review itself so that e

Can I choose specific performance reviews to include on talent cards?

No, talent cards always reflect the most recent performance review.

Can I see a preview of my talent card?

Yes, click the print button in the Summary Editor to view a talent card with the information provided thus far in the talent revi

How do I add the Talent Cards tab to worker profiles?

You need to add the Career content group to the worker profile, then add the Talent Cards report to that group. Worker profil
Overview or Performance content group. SeeConfigure Profiles and Profile Groups.

Can everyone in the management level hierarchy access a worker's talent card?
No, only the worker's direct manager can access the talent card. Others in the management level hierarchy cannot view the w
chain to the security policy for talent cards.

Can I print talent cards in other languages?

Yes, both tenanted data and labels on talent cards are printed in the current user's language.

Can I turn off talent cards?

Yes. Disable the security policy on these domains:

• Self-Service: Talent Card.
• Worker Data: Talent Card.
Note: Keep in mind that talent cards are secured to the same domains as talent reviews.
To remove current talent cards from worker profiles, use the Configure Profile Group task.
To turn off talent reviews and event-based talent cards, disable the security policy on the Talent Review domain.
To remove talent card print tasks from menus and search, use the Hide Workday Delivered Report task.
Talent Reviews with Calibration.

Can I launch talent reviews with calibration?

Yes, you can launch talent reviews with calibration for an organization. When you select a calibration program on theStart Tale
selected calibration program at the same time.

Is the calibration for the same group of workers as for the talent reviews?
Yes. Workday uses the rules and dates defined in the talent review template, not the calibration program, to determine emplo

How do I set up talent reviews with calibration?

If you have talent reviews and calibration set up for your organization, there is no additional setup required for talent reviews

How does information flow between talent reviews and calibration?

After a talent review with calibration event completes, Workday pulls potential information from the talent review into the ca
configured to use the Potential - Talent Review with Calibrationreport field as the default value for potential). After calibration
the updated potential assessment from the calibration.

    What is talent module?


Compensation Basis:
A grouping of compensation components, such as salary, commission, and allowance plans, that define estimated earnings for

Compensation Component:
The umbrella term for compensation packages, grades, grade profiles, and plans that can be associated with compensation eli

Compensation Defaulting Rule:

A rule that establishes the criteria for how compensation components default to worker compensation during staffing transac

Compensation Element:
Compensation elements link Compensation to Payroll. When a compensation element is attached to a plan that is assigned to
earnings to use to pay the employee.

Compensation Package:
A grouping of compensation guidelines (grades, grade profiles, and their associated steps) and plans that you can assign to wo
eligible plans for a particular job or group of employees.

Compensation Rule:
Guidelines for determining which workers are eligible for which components of compensation.

Compensation Step:
A specific monetary amount within a grade or grade profile.

Compensation Target Rule:

A rule used to segment your employee population for assignment of compensation plans.

Compensation Target Rule:

Explain the term Compensation?

compensation:the element liknks to compensation and payroll.Compensation elements link compensation and payroll. Examp
Hourly Pay, Commission, Bonus,
and Car Allowance. The employer sets up plans that have a plan type and these plan types may or may not be derived from an
attached to a plan and the plan is
assigned to an employee, Workday can determine which earnings to use to pay the employee for his or her compensation usin

A compensation package consists one of one or more plans. For example, a package for Non-Management positions may be c
bonus plans.










Time Off:
The rules that apply to a specific type of time off, including eligibility rules, whether adjustments are allowed, and limits that d

Time Off Plan:

The rules for entering and tracking 1 or more related time offs. Identifies the unit of time, eligibility requirements, whether to
based or worker-based.

Time Period Schedule:

A time period schedule defines which dates are available for entry at a given time and defines which dates are paid in which p
or, in more complex scenarios, they can be paid on a lag.

Time Proration Rule:

A rule that prorates employees' target compensation in a bonus or merit increase compensation event according to time-base
since hire.

Time Shift:
A grouping of consecutive time blocks that you can use in standard overtime calculations, time block conditional calculations,

Time Entry Validation:

Errors or warnings that prevent users from entering invalid time. Critical validations prevent a user from submitting time. War
prevent the worker from submitting time.

Time Entry Template:

A template defines how a worker's time entry calendar is configured. Workers are matched to time entry templates through e

Time Entry Code:

A time entry code describes the type of time a worker enters, such as worked time or meal allowance. To use time entry code
except for the default time entry code assigned to a time entry template.

Time Entry Calendar:

A set of self-service pages that workers use to enter, edit, and submit time, when using calendar-based time entry. When usin
and submit time from the time entry calendar.

Time Code Group:

The primary use of a time code group is to determine which time entry codes a worker is eligible for. Time code groups are ass
eligibility rules.

Time Clock Event:

A time clock event describes a worker's actions, such as a check-in or check-out, on the web time clock or an external time clo
form time blocks, which workers can edit and submit.

Time Calculation Tag:

Workday applies calculation tags to time blocks during time calculations. The tags map to payroll earnings to drive how time b
and accrual calculations. You can also use them to display time and time off totals on the time entry calendar.

Time Calculation:
A set of rules to apply time calculation tags to calculated time blocks for Payroll or other purposes. Example: You could create
into overtime hours automatically if a worker works more than 40 hours in a week.

Time Block:
A set of rules to apply time calculation tags to calculated time blocks for Payroll or other purposes. Example: You could create
into overtime hours automatically if a worker works more than 40 hours in a week.

Termination Adjustment:
A time off adjustment that automatically sets the remaining balance of a worker's time off plan to zero upon the worker's term

Leave of Absence Rule:

A rule that defines worker eligibility for leaves of absence.

Leave Family:
A set of similar leave of absence types. Example: A company-specific family includes disability leave and bereavement leave, w
jury duty and family medical leave.

Linked Leave:
A leave type that shares an entitlement with other leave types or time offs. Eligibility rules, validation rules, and supporting da
associated leave types and time offs. Also known as coordinated leaves and time off.

Explain the term Absence Management.

If there is a situation like a worker does not get his hours worked correctly , what will you check for the issue and how will you

Does recruiting module has different tenant than the normal one?

What is onboarding?

How do you gather the requirements?

Does recruiting module has different tenant than the normal one?

Explain the hire BP ?







Base Pay Element:
The compensation components that are included in the calculation of base pay for the purposes of determining the compa-ra
Example: Include both base pay and bonuses in the base pay calculation for compa-ratio.

Benefit Defaulting Rule:

A rule that identifies the benefit plans, coverage targets, and coverage amounts that employees receive by default when they

Benefit Event Rules:

These rules specify coverage increase limits, EOI requirements, waiting periods, and other rules and conditions of enrollment f

Benefit Event Type:

Identifies the events that trigger benefit enrollment, such as open enrollment, new hires, or the birth of a child. It also identifie
employees for when an event of this type occurs.

Calculated Time:
Result of applying time calculations to a worker's reported time. Automates application of company or regulatory rules.

Calendar-Based Time Entry:

A time entry method that uses the time entry calendar as the focal point for entering, editing, and submitting time.

Time Entry Template:

A template defines how a worker's time entry calendar is configured. Workers are matched to time entry templates through e

Time Entry Code:

A time entry code describes the type of time a worker enters, such as worked time or meal allowance. To use time entry code
except for the default time entry code assigned to a time entry template.

Time Entry Calendar:

A set of self-service pages that workers use to enter, edit, and submit time, when using calendar-based time entry. When usin
submit time from the time entry calendar.

Time Code Group:

The primary use of a time code group is to determine which time entry codes a worker is eligible for. Time code groups are ass
eligibility rules.

Time Clock Event:

A time clock event describes a worker's actions, such as a check-in or check-out, on the web time clock or an external time clo
time blocks, which workers can edit and submit.

Time Calculation Tag:

Workday applies calculation tags to time blocks during time calculations. The tags map to payroll earnings to drive how time b
accrual calculations. You can also use them to display time and time off totals on the time entry calendar.

Time Calculation:
A set of rules to apply time calculation tags to calculated time blocks for Payroll or other purposes. Example: You could create
overtime hours automatically if a worker works more than 40 hours in a week.

Explain the term Benefits?

Benfits are thsoe which come under the direct checks cateogry where benfits depend on the role which we can also say based

Examples of requirements with benefits?

Difference between global benefits and local benefits?

Rough Data
What are the different types of integrations you have handled in your previous projects?

When is an EIB preferred and when is a studio integration preferred?

What is a primary payroll integration?

What are the different core connector based integrations you have used?

What are different types of calculated fields you have used?

Some practical scenarios using custom reports and calculated fields

What are the runtime limitations of EIBs and Studio integrations?

What are the various components of studio assembly?

What all web services have you used in your project?

What is the concept of reference ID in Workday?

What are the building blocks of an EIB integration?

What are the different options available to test a document delivery configuration in Workday?

Have you developed and / supported Workday Integrations in the last 2-3 years?

What types of Workday HCM applications have you worked / used.

Tell me about the types of integrations you did on your last job
Describe the types of issues you deal with on a daily basis with different types of integrations and how did you implement t

Give me an example of an integration problem you had to solve.

Tell me about a core connector / EIB / Studio that you have created.

What is the difference between core connector, EIB and Studio?

How do you convert the file format of a core connector and studio output, do they use same process or different process. D

Describe in detail your experience with Payroll Interface.

Describe in detail your experience with Field mapping and Workday Report designing and builder.

Tell me about conversion and mapping data elements from/to Workday data sources.

How did you migrate integrations between tenants?

How would you describe your experience level with calculated fields? Tell me about a complex calculated field that you hav

Describe the types of issues you deal with the integrations during delivering / retrieving the files.

How would you describe your experience level with XML, XSLT, X-Path and web services?

Tell me about the data types (PBOs / RBOs) that you have used most often, during your last project.

Tell me about ISU and ISSG.

Explain the terms Benefits, Compensation, Time tracking, Absence Management, Field overrides, Field attributes, Integratio
What are the limitations of EIB and Core connectors?

What are the different types of integrations you have handled in your previous projects?
connectors(ccw and pi),eib.

What are the different core connector based integrations you have used?
ans: ccw,pi.

when is eib prefered and studio?

ans:if you want report to bulit from scratch better to use report tool and to tranforom it eib.as we all know its tidy process and
have same functionalities as eib but its an extension when facing complex situations it btter to use studio.

What are different types of calculated fields you have used?

ans:1)boolean function to check wheteher the employee belong to a certian country. convert currency:to convert currency fro
custom reports and calculated fields

What are the runtime limitations of EIBs and Studio integrations?

ans:in eib during outbound retrevng data from web service or from any source must be under 31 hours and even inbound load
--->in eib not greater than 2 hours is given for transforming data,and 2hrs during inbound for error report generation and atta
--->when transforming data using xslt it consumes multiple times more memory thn source data required and workday limit th
workday studio integaration should be completed with in 2hrs for the best case scenario.
---use more than 1.5 gb of memory during processing. Integrations can use several times the amount of memory that the outp
-->genearte more than 3 gb file during integartion run.
-->generate any file larger thn 250 mb.
these above cases causes in both eib and studio integarations to supsend.

What are the various components of studio assembly?

assembly components:
there are two types:
transport in(workday-in and local-in) and out:
1) transport in:these act as starting point of assembly.it defines the parameters,attributes,maps to the integration system.
these helps in getting message from the workday and local source.
out-transport work in sending message to external system using https and stp,fstp protocals etc.
these only work in request only and response modes.
2)common componenets:these are defined by workday which are subassembly components used in developing integration sy
3)mediation steps:predefined steps by workday that support operations like transformation,validation,logging,identity.you can
4)basic mediation components:these are useful to modify or transform a message.a medaition defines a sequential ordering o
meassgae as it pass through medaition definition. it is of two types synchronous ans asynchronous where in asynchrounes no
for the repsonse.
5)advanced mediation steps:the basic mediation steps connects the procesing steps into chaining events.the advance try to dy
1)splitter , 2)aggreagtor and 3)route.
What is the concept of reference ID in Workday?

Reference id plays a crucail role in workday integartions.it is divides in to type an value.we allocate reference id to instance of
differenatite.for example lets consider busienss objet instance like french,englis etc
which has type of language_id but value some thing else which differ for every instance.it is assinged by workday using sequnc
id value to same business instance cause problems espacially in mappng when referencing the internal value with extrnal whe
ovrriding the value.

What are the building blocks of an EIB integration?

Get data(from web services,sftp,workday attachment,custom report etc).

transformation:to desired output.(.csv,custo xslt,custom report).
-->(delivery)Transport Protocol(for sending data to external system using these.).

What are the different options available to test a document delivery configuration in Workday?

ans:create a definitionand configure th reteantion policy and the adress to be delivered the dress a ndprototclas used to delve
in a business process->launch a integration->later test whteher it reached it destination by checking it on server,or using test d

Have you developed and / supported Workday Integrations in the last 2-3 years?
yes,i was mainy on the supporting side also a very little on the implementation side.

What types of Workday HCM applications have you worked / used?

HCM.i only worked on human capital managemant.

Tell me about the types of integrations you did on your last job

Give me an example of an integration problem you had to solve.

Tell me about a core connector / EIB / Studio that you have created.
created integration system using pi which we discussed in later document.
using ccw we
What is the difference between core connector, EIB and Studio?

How do you convert the file format of a core connector and studio output, do they use same process or different process. D
in ccw and pi in tas same process where we sleect the serveices required for them and configure them in the integration attrib

Describe in detail your experience with Payroll Interface.

Describe in detail your experience with Field mapping and Workday Report designing and builder.
Tell me about conversion and mapping data elements from/to Workday data sources.

How did you migrate integrations between tenants?

How would you describe your experience level with calculated fields? Tell me about a complex calculated field that you hav

Describe the types of issues you deal with the integrations during delivering / retrieving the files.

How would you describe your experience level with XML, XSLT, X-Path and web services?

would tell good.xslt is nothing but extrensive style sheet of xml thses it used for rendering the xml document.it has tow attribu
xml data to required out.
xpath as we all know workday is bject oreiented.it use xml.xml store data using two types of databaes foramts.one wa realtion
under aprent eemet child be present,in those databses ot extract data we use xpath to egt the data.
xml is a markup laanguage unlike html it doesnot present data rather it store the data in any it was represented.
webservices.there play cruical in integartions an dreport generations.services like get_worker,_payee help in retriving the
worker and payee details.some be inkoved automatcally some by manually.

Tell me about the data types (PBOs / RBOs) that you have used most often, during your last project.
mostly i have used organization(recent poject),worker(often),rbo(division,country).

Tell me about ISU and ISSG.

Explain the terms Benefits, Compensation, Time tracking, Absence Management, Field overrides, Field attributes, Integratio

benfits:are thsoe which come under the direct checks cateogry where benfits depend on the role which we can also say based
appies to all memeber in pay group.
compensation:the element liknks to compensation and payroll.Compensation elements link compensation and payroll. Examp
Commission, Bonus,
and Car Allowance. The employer sets up plans that have a plan type and these plan types may or may not be derived from an
and the plan is
assigned to an employee, Workday can determine which earnings to use to pay the employee for his or her compensation usin
Advanced vs Simple
Employee + Contractor Worker
Indexed data source for All active and Terminated workers
Indexed all workers, Workers HCM
Matrix report , aggregate values of, drillable details
Composite reports, more than one matrix reports

Calculated fields


True / False condition
Aggregate related instances

Validate mode and load mode

Sequence generators, File Names not generated, run time next file utility
Integration business process, service, delivered.
Future schedule

Core Connectors
run time parameters
Field over ride services, eligibilty criteria
Transaction logs, subscribe only HIRE
as of entry moment should not be future date
Full file, if transaction log service disabled
Document Transformation
Service Name

1) Integration Template
2 Integration Attribute
3 Integration Maps

4 Transactin logs
5 Worker eligibility

6 Integration Field Attributes

7 Integration Field Overrides
8 Submissions

9 Integration Process Event

10 Integratin Process Notifications
Description or exampble
Each integration template contains a set of integration services, comprised of integration attributes and
maps, that define specific connection points.
Version, Document retention, Coutry format like 2 char or 3 Char, Output filename, output file format type, Name type,
Mapping the values of Workday with external systems like Gender, Marital status, enthinicity, National Id type, Indentification

Edit subscriptions
The Core Connector: Worker integration uses a three-step process to detect and report changes:
1. When the Core Connector: Worker integration checks the transaction log, the integration
determines which workers have had changes which resulted in the generation of at least one of
the configured transaction events.
2. For each worker with a matching transactional change, the integration compares their report
fields for the time at which the integration was run and the time at which it was last successfully
run. It identifies which, if any, of the values of interest have been modified.
3. If the worker has any changes in field values or eligibility, Workday generates an appropriate
creation, change or deletion message.

Boolean value should return true for Workday to extract in the file, this field defined in Field overrides
Here to select which are data elements need to be in output file like selecting name data/ First Name, Name data/last name, A
To include tenanted data as report field, custom field and calculated fields and Worker eligiblity criteria also

Default Initiation and Fire service . Fire service execute the integration itself. Other Step type in Integration Process Event are
workday task), Integration, Service. In Service 3 Delivery Service, Retrieval Service and Fire Service








BIRT ( Report Designer in Workday )
What is BIRT ( Report Designer in Workday )
Custom layout to display the output of Custom report in PDF format. Like Promotion letter, New hire letter etc.. These layouts
Search Report Desinger in search box or Window -> Perspectie ->Other ->Report Desinger.

Layout can be build only for " Web Service enabled " Reports

First build Report project, Report file

Image - Static Image

Label - Static Text like Report header
Text - Dynamic Text like current date, Employee First Name
Properties window once change visual properties like bold, font size, font format, date format, number format , Text colour

Diploy the layout to Workday

Report layout and manage the layout

To force the report to downlaod as PDF, go to edit tenant setup system and click on the check box “Force printed PDFs to dow

xsd ( XML Schema Definition ) specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) docum
What actions can you do with a Business Process event if you want to alter its behavior once it is already running? What sea

You can cancel, reassign, delegate, correct. To search for events, you can use the prefix “event:.”

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