Perspectives To Process Modeling - A Historical Overview
Perspectives To Process Modeling - A Historical Overview
Perspectives To Process Modeling - A Historical Overview
John Krogstie
1 Introduction
I. Bider et al. (Eds.): BPMDS 2012 and EMMSAD 2012, LNBIP 113, pp. 315–330, 2012.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
316 J. Krogstie
First we describe different reasons for doing process modeling. Then we describe
different perspectives to modeling, before we in section 4 provide a brief overview of
modeling languages used for process modeling following the different perspectives.
Since many of those languages being used in practice are developed a long time ago
[20] or are extensions of these, we provide also a partly historical overview. In the
conclusion we briefly summarize how modeling according to the different perspec-
tives is beneficial to achieve the various goals of modeling. Since the different goals
of modeling require different properties from the modeling language used, it is useful
to look more closely on the properties of different modeling perspectives to be able to
choose an appropriate modeling approach. Due to size limitation of this paper, this
overview will only be on a high level.
The state includes the existing processes, organization and computer systems.
These states are often modeled, and the state of the organization is perceived
(differently) by different persons through these models. Different usage areas of
conceptual models as described in [60, 73]:
1. Human sense-making: The descriptive model of the current state can be useful for
people to make sense of and learn about the current perceived situation.
2. Communication between people in the organization: Models can have an impor-
tant role in human communication. Thus, in addition to support the sense-making
process for the individual, a model can act as a common framework supporting
communication both relative to descriptive and prescriptive models.
3. Computer-assisted analysis: This is used to gain knowledge about the organiza-
tion through simulation [6] or deduction, often by comparing a model of the
current state and a model of a future, potentially better state.
4. Quality assurance, ensuring e.g. that the organization acts according to a certified
process developed for instance as part of an ISO-certification process.
5. Model deployment and activation: To integrate the model of the future state in an
information system directly, making the prescriptive model the descriptive model.
Models can be activated in three ways:
a. Through people, where the system offers no active support.
b. Automatically, where the system plays an active role, as in most automated
workflow systems.
c.Interactively, where the computer and the users co-operate [56].
6. To be a prescriptive model to be used in a traditional system development project,
without being directly activated.
3 Perspectives to Modeling
Modeling languages can be divided into classes according to the core phenomena classes
(concepts) that are represented and focused on in the language. This has been called the
perspective of the language [60, 62]. Languages in different perspectives might overlap
in what they express, but emphasize different concepts as described below. A classic
distinction regarding modeling perspectives is between the structural, functional, and
behavioral perspective [74]. Object-orientation analysis appeared as a particular way of
combining the structural and behavioral perspective in the late eighties.
Through other work, such as [19], [70], F3 [15], NATURE [51], [57] additional
perspectives have been identified, including goal, actor, communicational, and
topological. To provide a broad overview of the different perspectives conceptual
modeling approaches accommodate, we look on the following:
• State: A system is always in one of the states in the lawful state space for the
system. A state is defined by the set of transitions leading to that state, the set of
transitions leading out of that state and the set of values assigned to attributes of
the system while the system resides in that state.
• Event: An event is a message from the environment or from system itself to the
system. The system can react to a set of predefined events.
• Condition: A condition for reacting to an event.
• Transition: Receiving an event will cause a transition to a new state if the event is
defined for the current state, and if the condition assigned to the event evaluates to
• Action: The system can perform an action in response to an event.
It is generally acknowledged that a large complex system cannot be described in a flat
state-model, because of the unmanageable, exponentially growth of states.
Hierarchical abstraction mechanisms were added to traditional STDs in Statecharts
[43]. Statecharts are integrated with functional modeling (see below) in [44]. Later
extensions of Statecharts for object-oriented modeling were developed through the
nineties, and Statecharts are the basis for the state transitions diagrams in UML
(for the modeling of object-states) [14].
Petri-nets [79] are another well-known behavior-oriented modeling language.
Here, places indicate a system state space, and a combination of tokens located in the
places determines the specific system state. State transitions are regulated by firing
rules: A transition is enabled if each of its input places contains a token. A transition
can fire at any time after it is enabled. The transition takes zero time. After the firing
of a transition, a token is removed from each of its input places and a token is pro-
duced in all output places. Control-flow aspects like precedence, concurrency, syn-
chronization, exclusiveness, and iteration can be modeled in a Petri-net. There exists
several dialects of the Petri net language (going back to [67]) where the transitions
are allowed to take time, and these approaches provide decomposition in a way not
very different from that of a data flow diagram. Timed Petri Nets [67] also provide
probability distributions that can be assigned to the time consumption of each transi-
tion and are particularly suited to performance modeling. Other variants are tokens
with named and typed variables (Colored Petri Nets), and nets where transitions have
pre- and post-conditions in some logic. Colored Petri nets are used in particular for
simulation and analysis [52]. anu2, 200
Another type of behavioral modeling is based on System dynamics. Systems think-
ing [85] regards causal relations as mutual, circular and non-linear, hence the
straightforward sequences in transformational process models is seen as an idealiza-
tion that hides important facts. This perspective is also reflected in mathematical
models of interaction [93]. System dynamics have been utilized for analysis of com-
plex relationships in cooperative work arrangements [7]. System dynamic process
models can be used for analysis and simulation, but not for model activation. A
challenge is that it can be difficult to find data to run simulations.
320 J. Krogstie
decomposition, and data flow, while organizational modeling and roles often are
integrated and given less emphasis. In approaches which integrate behavioral and
functional aspects, we see also a support for control flow. Aspects like timing and
quantification, products and communication, or commitments are better supported by
other perspectives. User-orientation is a major advantage of transformational lan-
guages, in particular the pure functional ones. Graphical input-process-output models
are comprehensible given some training, but you can also build models by simply
listing the tasks in plain text, or in a hierarchical work breakdown structure.
The structural perspective has traditionally been handled by languages for data mod-
eling, but also includes approaches from semantic networks and the semantic web. In
ER-modeling as described by [17], the basic components are:
• Entities. An entity is a phenomenon that can be distinctly identified. Entities can
be classified into entity classes
• Relationships. A relationship is an association among entities. Relationships can
be classified into relationship classes
• Attributes and data values. To give value to a property of an entity or relationship.
Values are grouped into value classes by their types.
Structural modeling is often perceived to be fundamentally different from functional
(process) modeling, since it focus on the static aspects, whereas process modeling
focus on dynamics. It is possible to look at processes as entities though (like one have
done in object-oriented process modeling discussed below, looking at the process
instances as the objects) it which case one can model the situation in a similar way as
when doing more traditional data-modeling.
One finds very few attempts on pure structural process modeling in practice,
although as we will discuss below, there are approaches to object-oriented process
In the workflow area, the use of rules for guiding the workflow is often termed
declarative workflow. Constraint based languages [27, 35] prescribe a course of
events, rather they capture the boundaries within which the process must be per-
formed, leaving the actors to control the internal details. Instead of telling people
what to do, these systems warn about rule violations and enforce constraints. Thus,
problems with over-serialization can be avoided [35].
A wide variety of declarative modeling approaches has been specified in business
process management, from the use of basic Event-condition-action (ECA)-rules [53]
to declarative process modeling languages such as DecSerFlow [4], BPCN [66] and
ConDec [78]. In [36] an overview of the most common declarative process modeling
languages can be found.
Several advantages have been experienced with a declarative, rule-based approach to
information systems modeling [59], but also a number of challenges. Languages
322 J. Krogstie
UML [14] has become both the official and de facto standard for object oriented
analysis and design. Consequently, people also apply UML to model business
processes. Object orientation offers a number of useful modeling mechanisms like
encapsulation, polymorphism, subtyping and inheritance [64, 71]. UML integrates
these capabilities with e.g. requirements capture in use case descriptions as described
above and behavior modeling in state, activity and sequence diagrams. On the other
hand, UML is designed for software developers, not for end users. A core challenge
thus remains in mapping system-oriented UML constructs to user- and process-
oriented concepts [47]. To this problem no general solution exists [64]. One
approach which is somewhat similar to how one can use structural modeling for
process modeling is PML [10]. Here one uses object oriented techniques based on
looking upon classes in a particular way. Whereas a class is defined by <class name,
attributes, methods>, in PML one define this as <process name, methods, resources>.
The PML process class describes the process in a generic way. It allows one to define
all methods with assurances and resources needed for the process. The instantiation
of a process is a project. This means, the instance of a process defines the current
occurrence of resources, used data models etc. Regarding connections and dependen-
cies between single process classes, PML features the standard UML-mechanisms of
inheritance and associations.
Although with intriguing possibilities, it is safe to say that full-fledged OO
process modeling has yet to be taken into use in large scale in practice.
Perspectives to Process Modeling – A Historical Overview 323
The communication perspective, often termed the language action perspective was
brought into the workflow arena through the COORDINATOR prototype [97], later
succeeded by the Action Workflow system [69]. This perspective is informed by
speech act theory [82], which extends the notion that people use language to describe
the world with a focus on how people use language for coordinating action and nego-
tiating commitments. Habermas took Searle's theory as a starting point for his theory
of communicative action [41]. Central to Habermas is the distinction between strateg-
ic and communicative action. When involved in strategic action, the participants try
to achieve their own private goals. When they cooperate, they are only motivated
empirically to do so. When involved in communicative action, the participants are
oriented towards mutual agreement. The motivation for co-operation is thus rational.
Illocutionary logic [26, 84] is a logical formalization of the theory of Searle. The
main parts of illocutionary logic are the illocutionary act consisting of three parts,
illocutionary context, illocutionary force, and propositional context. The context of an
illocutionary act consists of five elements: Speaker, hearer, time, location, and
circumstances. The illocutionary force determines the reasons and the goal of the
communication. The central element of the illocutionary force is the illocutionary
point, and the other elements depend on this. Five illocutionary points are distin-
guished [83]: Assertives, Directives, Commissives, Declaratives, Expressives
Speech act theory is the basis for modeling of workflow as coordination among
people in Action Workflow [69]. The main strength of this approach is that it facili-
tates analysis of the communicative aspects of the process. It highlights that each
process is an interaction between a customer and a performer, represented as a cycle
with four phases: preparation, negotiation, performance and acceptance. The dual role
constellation is a basis for work breakdown, e.g. the performer can delegate parts of
the work to other people. This explicit representation of communication and negotia-
tion, and especially the structuring of the conversation into predefined speech act
steps, has also been criticized [16, 23, 88]. Minimal support for situated conversa-
tions, the danger that explication leads to increased external control of the work, and
a simplistic one-to-one mapping between utterances and actions are among the weak-
nesses pointed to. On the other hand, it has been reported that the Action Workflow
approach is useful when people act pragmatically and don't always follow the
encoded rules of behavior [23], i.e. when the communication models are interactively
Some approaches to workflow modeling combine aspects of both the functional
and communicative perspective. In WooRKS [8] functional modeling is used for
processes and language action modeling for exceptions. TeamWare Flow [89] on the
other hand can be said to be a hybrid approach. In addition to the approach to
workflow-modeling described above, several other approaches to conceptual model-
ing are inspired by the theories of Habermas and Searle such as SAMPO [11], and
ABC/DEMO [24, 25].
324 J. Krogstie
Role-centric process modeling languages have been applied for work-flow analysis
and implementation. Role Interaction Nets (RIN) [86] and Role Activity Diagrams
(RAD) [77] use roles as a main structuring concept. The activities performed by a role
are grouped together in the diagram, either in swimlanes (RIN), or inside boxes
(RAD). The use of roles as a structuring concept makes it very clear who is responsi-
ble for what. RAD has also been merged with speech acts for interaction between
roles [12]. A newer approach in this direction is S-BPM (subject-oriented business
process management [31]).
The role-based approach also has limitations, e.g. making it difficult to change the
organizational distribution of work. It primarily targets analysis of administrative
procedures, where formal roles are important. The use of swimlanes in BPMN and
UML Activity Diagrams described above might also have this effect. Some other
approaches worth discussing here are REA and e3Value.
The REA language was first described in McCarthy [68]. It has been developed
further in [34]. REA was originally intended as a basis for accounting information
systems and focuses on representing increases and decreases of value in an organiza-
tion. REA has later been extended to apply to enterprise architectures [49] and
e-commerce frameworks [91].
The core concepts in the REA language are resource, event and agent. The intui-
tion behind this language is that every business transaction can be described as an
event where two agents exchange resources. In order to acquire a resource from other
agents, an agent has to give up some of its own resource. It seldom happens that one
agent simply gives away a resource to another without expecting another resource
back as compensation. Basically, there are two types of events: exchange and conver-
sion [49]. An exchange occurs when an agent receives economic resources from
another agent and gives resource back to that agent. A conversion occurs when an
agent consumes resources to produce other resources. REA has influence the
electronic commerce standard ebXML.
E3Value [39] is an actor/role oriented modeling language for inter-organizational
modeling. The purpose of this modeling language is to represent how actors of a
system create, exchange and consume objects of economic value, only including
value-adding activities. The modeling language focuses on the key points of a busi-
ness model, to get an understanding of business operations and systems requirements
through scenario analysis and evaluation. The purpose of e3value is to determine
whether a business idea is profitable or not, that is to say by analyzing for each actor
involved in the system if the idea is profitable for them or not. E3value models give a
representation of actors, exchanges, value objects of a business system. Modeling at
the actor-level is one approach to address BPM-in-the-large [48].
The concept of place can be related to a process, given that a place focuses on the
typical behavior in a certain setting rather than where this is physically. Whereas
some processes are closely related to place (e.g. what can be done in a certain,
Perspectives to Process Modeling – A Historical Overview 325
specialized factory), more and more tasks can be done in more or less any setting due
to the mobile communication infrastructure, thus making it useful to be able to diffe-
rentiate geographic/topological from transformation-oriented modeling. In certain
representations, aspects of space and place is closely interlinked (e.g. in the represen-
tation of the agenda of a conference, also taking time into account). Some approaches
letting you take the place into account exists, e.g. work on extending UML activity
diagrams with place-oriented aspects [3]. An even more topologically oriented
approach is to group concepts at the same location [38].
Traditional representations of space such as a map have to a limited degree been
oriented towards representation of process knowledge. Some recent approaches do
take these aspects more consciously into account, as exemplified by [72], combining
conceptual, temporal, and geographic knowledge representation. Other approaches
use the topological perspective more as a metaphor [2].
5 Concluding Remarks
We have summarized this high-level overview of the field, looking upon approaches
according to different perspectives relative to the different usage areas for process
modeling presented in section 2, and also indicated the amount of actual use of the
approach in practice.
The legend indicates the applicability of the approach / actual use of the approach
(relative to the usage of modeling for this task), '+' indicates good applicability or
high use, 'o' is some applicability and use, whereas '-' indicate poor applicability and
limited use. E.g. o/- under the communicational perspective for sense-making and
communication indicates that it has some applicability for this use, but are very little
used in practice. Obviously different approaches according to the same perspective
can be more or less applicable, and different languages of a certain perspective would
score differently based on the concrete expressiveness and level of formality of the
326 J. Krogstie
language and modeling approach. Due to space limitations, it is not possible to pro-
vide the detailed concrete evaluations of all approaches that we mentioned in the pre-
vious section. From the table, we see that functional and combinations of functional
and behavioral approaches are used the most. All other perspectives have potential for
use for certain areas, although this often varies relative to concrete needs in the do-
main for representing particular aspects (such as topological aspects which in many
cases might not be relevant). In particular some of the less traditional approaches
appear to have large untapped potential for a richer more appropriate representation of
what we term processes and business processes. We work on a longer article includ-
ing examples to better illustrate the pros and cons of different approaches to process
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